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  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    I thought Id kick off our month of boy with a tutorial for these extracute dragon slippers.

    Elliot is really into monsters and dragons lately. When he asks me to tell him a story at

    night, the usual request is for the kind I make up about Prince Elliot and his friend Drew

    the Dragon. Nothing special, just a boy and a dragon and their silly adventures, but he

    loves it. For awhile Id even catch him occasionally talking to an imaginary Drew. *cute*


    A whole month of BOY starts next Tuesday!

    Guest post: A boy fabric roundup by see kate sew!

    Tutorial by Rae: Dragon SlipperspostedFEBRUARY 15, 2011

  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    So I thought these little dragon (monster? lizard? dinosaur?) slippers would be perfect to

    keep those little toes warm on our hardwood floors.

    The little black button eyes are key to making them look like creatures:

    and the little tongues are pretty hilarious.


    Now Available!

    Coming Soon!

  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    Elliot got really excited about the first green pair I made him and wore them all over the

    house right away. They were a little snug so I made the blue pair a little bigger, and now

    Clementine has started wearing the first pair. Even though theyre way too big for her,

    they stay on pretty well with the elastic around the ankle. So now Ive got two kids

    walking around in these!

    Although I designed this slipper especially for Celebrate the Boy Month, I think youll

    find that other members of your family might want a pair as well. The good news is that

    the pattern for these slippers is made by tracing the wearers foot, so this might actually

    work for any size boy (or girl!)

    This blog is proudly sponsored by
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    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    This tutorial is the intellectual property of Rae Hoekstra. You are more than welcome to use the images

    above (giving clear and proper photo credit of course), but please do not copy images or text from the

    tutorial below. Thanks!

    Part 1: Make your pattern pieces

    Step 1 (left):Trace both feet of the wearer carefully. If you have to let the wearer play

    Mario Kart or Angry Birds to make this happen, no one here is going to hold that against


    Step 2 (right): Using a piece of tracing paper or a dryer sheet, superimpose both foot

    outlines with the heels overlapping. Smooth out any bumps as you trace.


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  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    Step 3 (left):Trace an extra 3/8!to 1/2!around the entire pair of outlines (shown in

    red marker), clearing both toes and adding a little length in the front if you want some

    room to grow. You can see where I did this at the top of the toes. Note: adding 3/8!

    willproduce an exact-fitting slipper, so I recommend adding some extra for growing


    Step 4 (right):Now cut this shape out of paper (this will be your final pattern piece for

    the sole; we dont want all those lines on the final pattern) and trace a line 1/4!from the

    outside edge to mark your seam line.

    Step 5 (left):Measure around your seam line carefully with a measuring tape or string.

    Elliots slipper seam line measured 44 cm.

    Step 6 (right):Now take half of the seam measurement and write that number down.

    We will call this number X and we need it to make the upper pattern piece for the

    slipper (see next step). So for Elliot, X=22 cm


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    Step 7 (above):Draw your pattern piece for the upper part of the slipper upper using

    the template provided below. The pattern piece will consist of a line across the bottom

    that is X long, a vertical line on the right side that is 0.75X, a line across the top that is

    0.7X, and a line down the center that is 0.35X. Then draw a small line up from the

    bottom left that is 3/8!or 1 cm tall, and connect it to the center line with a diagonal line.

    Remember that those little boxes in the corners indicate right angles. [Little math

    reminder: To get "0.75X" you'll have to take X and multiply it by 0.75 to get the number

    you need]

    Note: You can also go ahead and round the corners adjacent to the diagonal line a little if

    you like.

    click to enlarge image


    lose a little bit of fabric on the upper slipper seams, fleece stretches easily and I think

    youll find that the difference doesnt really matter unless you are making a very small

    slipper, for a baby for example. In this case, you may want to add 1/4!around the


    Step 8: Make a pattern piece for the tongue by drawing a shape like the one in the

    template provided. I find it easiest to make a 1.25!by 1.5!inch rectangle and then trim

    two of the corners off with curved edges towards the center.

    Part 2: Assembling the Slippers

    Youll need the following materials for your slippers:
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    stretchy fleece for the slipper upper(shown at top, in one or two colors, depending

    on whether you want a contrasting inside or not)

    sherpa-lined fleece for the sole (shown at right, available in the home dec section at

    most craft sewing superstores. Decent alternatives might include: an old felted sweater, a

    piece of thick fleece, or even two layers of fleece basted together)

    scraps of red fleece or felt for tongue

    jumbo ric-rac

    1/2!wide elastic+ safety pin

    4 small black buttons+ needle and thread

    Also recommended: a stretch needle for your sewing machine

    Step 1 (left):For each slipper, youll need to cut out four upper pieces, two tongue

    pieces and one sole. So for each pairof slippers, cut 8 upper pieces, four tongue pieces,

    and two soles. The instructions here will be for ONE slipper, so youll have to repeat each

    step to get a pair.

    Hint: Cut the fleece for the upper parts of the slippers with the stretchiest direction of the

    fleece running parallel to the bottom of the foot. If you look carefully at the diagram

    above, youll also see that I curved the front edge of the slipper when I cut the pieces out.

    Step 2 (right):Sew ric-rac along the front edge of a slipper upper piece, with the edge

    of the ricrac lined up with the front edge of the fleece. Try to stitch along the middle of

    the ricrac as close to the front edge of the ric-rac as possible without going off the ricrac

    at all, if that makes sense. If that doesnt make sense to you, just stitch down the center of
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    the ric-rac.

    Step 3 (left):Pin another slipper upper to the one you just stitched the ric-rac to, and

    stitch along your ric rac stitch line to sew together with a 1/4!seam.

    Step 4 (right): Sew the back side of the slipper; repeat steps 3 and 4 for the lining of

    the slipper.

    Step 5 (left):Turn lining inside out and place outside of slipper over it (so their right

    sides are facing). Sew together around the top edge with a 1/4!seam.

    Step 6 (right):Turn both right side out. Now push the lining back inside slipper (not


    Steps 7-9 are optional but HIGHLY recommended for babies/toddlers.

    Also note: I did sew the tongue to the top part of the slipper at this point

    when I made the green slippers, but Id recommend waiting until Step 11


    Step 7 (left):Sew two lines around the outside of the slipper for the elastic casing, one

    roughly halfway up the slipper, and the next about 3/4!above that. I usually try to line

    up the stitching with valleys in the ric rac, and I backstitch before and after the ric rac
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    instead of sewing over it, which can flatten it.

    (right)Remember to leave a hole in the lower line of stitching to allow for the elastic to

    go in.

    Step 8 (left):Cut elastic roughly the length of the slipper and put a safety pin at the

    end. I find I actually need about an inch less than this, but its always good to have a little


    Step 9 (right): Thread elastic through casing. Pin ends and try on your child if possible,

    adjust elastic length if necessary, then zigzag stitch back and forth through both layers of

    elastic to secure.

    Step 10 (left): Sew two of the tongue pieces together with a 1/4!seam along the curved


    Step 11 (right):Attach tongue to the center front of the outside of the sole by sewing

    across the short side of the tongue.

    (left) The upper part of your slipper should now look something like this photo, minus

    the tongue. Now turn it inside out (not shown).

    Step 11 (right): Take a look at the front center seam of your slipper. If its a little bit
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    pointy, trim it slightly at the center seam so that its a more curved. This step is optional

    but I find it makes it easier to sew the upper part of the slipper to the sole. I did this with

    the blue slippers (but not the green ones because I had curved their pieces a little more

    when I cut them out) and found it helps make a nicer looking slipper.

    Step 12 (left): Pin center front and center back of slipper to sole with outsides facing

    (the inside of the sole and the inside of the upper part of the slipper should be facing

    out). Pin around entire slipper, carefully lining up all three edges as you pin. You may

    need to stretch the fleece a little to fit around the sole, thats just fine.

    Step 13 (right above and left below):Sew together using a stretch needle and a 1/4!

    seam allowance.

    Step 14 (right):Zigzag stitch along seam allowance to finish inner edge.

    Step 15 (above): Turn slipper right-side out. You can see that the blue slippers dont

    have the elastic; but they get tighter at the ankle when folded over though. Full

    disclosure: they dont stay on as well as the green ones!
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    Step 16:Sew buttons on either side of ric rac to resemble eyes. Safety reminder:

    please embroider the eyes using just thread rather than using buttons for very young

    children or babies!

    Try slippers on toddler and watch as excitement unfold!

    If you make a pair of these slippers, please put your pictures in the Celebrate the Boy

    photo pool so we can all enjoy them! And as is often the case, I havent tried scaling this

    pattern down/up for babies or adults, but if you try it, let us know how it works!


    This entire month of THE BOY is a collaboration between myself and Dana of MADE.

    Danas kicking off our Boy Month with a fantastic tutorial/pattern for Kids Pants today!

    Head on over to check it out:

    Well also have our first boy giveaway here on Made By Rae tomorrow, as well as a

    fantastic guest post. Dont miss it!

    Categories:CELEBRATE THE BOY 2011, clothes for boys, tutorial


    75 Responses to tutorial by rae: dragon slippers

    Florence (at Flossie Teacakes)says:February 15, 2011 at 8:46 am

    Rae, these are utterly adorable! Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial. x


    Karensays:February 15, 2011 at 9:07 am

    Free! Rae's Basic

    Newborn Pant Sewing


    Super seams! Tutorial by Rae: Make

    baby tights

    Snowblossom Hat

    Tutorial by Rae

    You may also like -
  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


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    I cannot believe how adorable these are! Definitely making some for the little

    dinosaur-lover around here.


    Gottfredsensays:February 15, 2011 at 9:09 am

    Ok my boys are really into "how to train your dragon" so these are perfect forthem. Thanks so much for sharing. Can not wait to make these.


    Bethsays:February 15, 2011 at 9:11 am

    So cute!


    Judysays:February 15, 2011 at 9:26 am

    Those turned out adorable! I recently made monster slippersfor my son, but

    love how high your slippers comethey look so warm and cozy


    The Cottage Mamasays:February 15, 2011 at 9:28 am

    Cute, cute, cute!! LOVE these!!



    Sharonsays:February 15, 2011 at 9:29 am

    very cute! MY sons' will love these!



    February 15, 2011 at 9:30 am



    venussays:February 15, 2011 at 9:49 am

    Holy cow! This. is. the. cutest. ever!!!


    by nightsays:February 15, 2011 at 9:54 am

    These are so so cute! thank you for the tutorial!


    Martasays:February 15, 2011 at 9:58 am

    NICE !!! Maybe my kids we'll like them as much as I do,


    Max Californiasays:February 15, 2011 at 10:00 am
  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


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    Super cute Rae! I actually call Vince my Little Monster! He has a dinosaur

    head & mittens he dresses up in but NO SHOES UNTIL NOW!

    Going to make some in the morning for him!

    And also for his dad

    And for me


    Mary on Lake Pulaskisays:February 15, 2011 at 10:07 am

    This is just a great tutorial Rae! Thank you. Even though you are concentrating

    on boys, I might girl them up for my granddaughter!


    Sharonsays:February 15, 2011 at 10:19 am

    Those are so cute! Thanks Rae!


    Erinsays:February 15, 2011 at 10:31 am

    Thanks for the free tutorial. So cute! I'll have to make these for my boys.


    Chrissays:February 15, 2011 at 10:31 am

    Adorable! Way to kick things off.


    Elsasays:February 15, 2011 at 11:04 am

    these are brilliant! love the idea and I'm going to have to make them for a littleboy I know! thanks so much for the tutorial.


    Kristysays:February 15, 2011 at 11:31 am

    Ferociously precious!!! Thanks for sharing! Sure to be some dragon

    stompers around here soon too!

    Love the "Celebrate The Boy" fun too, always inspiring!


    growinglaufeysays:February 15, 2011 at 11:34 am

    These are wonderful, my son (okay, his parents) have an obsession withmonsters and dragons he'll (we'll) love these!


    annesays:February 15, 2011 at 11:36 am

    Oh, love it! I squee'ed when I opened my reader and saw the picture of these.

    Would it to be too much to make a pair for every member of my family?


    Home's Jewelssays:February 15, 2011 at 11:37 am
  • 8/10/2019 Dragon Slippers


    7/31/14, 9:utorial by Rae: Dragon Slippers

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    These are so cute. I've added it to your growing collection of patterns at (linking back to your site). Thank you so much for



    Two Dollarssays:February 15, 2011 at 11:55 am

    "first boy giveaway" ugh, last thing I need is another boy!-Stefanie


    Katiesays:February 15, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    I'm SO excited that you guys are hosting this series again!! The slippers aregreat. So fun! I posted about CTB on my blog and included a pic of the


    Thanks again for all the work that goes into putting this together. Really

    looking forward to the rest of the month!



    February 15, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    Definitely want to make some! Some of the pics don't show up tho!


    Northern-Peekaboosays:February 15, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    This is perfect!!!! both of my boys would love these! Thank you for taking the

    time and making the tutorial.


    Gingham Skiessays:February 15, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    Crazy cute!! Now I'm going to have to make a foot eating baby proof (aka nobuttons) pair for my Rockstar. Yay for Celebrate the Boy!! Can't wait to see

    what else you have in store for us.


    Jennysays:February 15, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Thanks for sharing Rae! Having done your tutorials before, I know these willbe fun to do. I can't wait to make my own version!


    aniliasays:February 15, 2011 at 1:58 pm



    The Trappett collectivesays:February 15, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    If the next baby is a boy ( due July) I am so making these, I will know next


    Thanks for doing BOY month it is a great idea!!!

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    Ericasays:February 15, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    These are adorable! So excited about Celebrate teh Boy!


    Jo @ a life in listssays:February 15, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    I want some for me! That's acceptable, right? I suppose I might have to make

    the Boy Child some as well


    Lisasays:February 15, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    oh! I love love love these!!! Can't wait until I have a second to make a couple

    pairs for my boys!!


    jojoebisays:February 15, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    we watched How to tame a Dragon yesterday so all my boy has talked aboutsince is dragons, I am sure he would love a pair of these.


    Patty B.says:February 15, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    Loving this month of boy! It's so hard to find good patterns and fabrics.

    Although, am I allowed to make a girl dragon pair for myself!?! Just linkedover to this from so everyone can share the boy



    angiesays:February 15, 2011 at 7:44 pm

    Love these. How cute. I bet I could even make some my daughter would love.

    She loves dragons! Thanks for the tute!


    ricebabiessays:February 15, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    that's some serious cuteness. \my son would love if I made him those.


    CraftCravesays:February 15, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on

    CraftCravetoday [16 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria


    Christie @ A Lemon Squeezy Homesays:February 15, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    How adorable these are, Rae! I'm so excited for this month!


    Carolynsays:February 15, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    Very very cute and thanks for including the instructions to fit the actual foot!
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    feelincraftysays:February 15, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    Love the slippers! My son loves dragons!! I have a tutorial for dragon wings

    that I'll have to add to the flickr pool. I'm really excited about CTB!


    Jody Herbertsays:February 16, 2011 at 1:49 am

    Love them! Thankyou so much for sharing this tutorial!


    Planet Pennysays:February 16, 2011 at 2:54 am

    Oh, my boys are a bit big now and they are SOO cute! Great tutorial.


    NYC Hotelssays:February 16, 2011 at 4:10 am

    I love these tutorial. its wonderful,These are adorable! I will be coming back in a bit, thanks for the great blog.


    Kerisays:February 16, 2011 at 4:16 am

    I Love this tutotial plus the exciting promise of a whole month of boy things. Ihave a little girl but always strugle finding gifts for boys. I've added your site

    onto my list of inspiring blogs on my first ever blog as a crafting mummy fromthe UK


    elliesuesays:February 16, 2011 at 4:28 am

    How many boys are you giving away, I'll have one please. (he he he)

    But seriously, I do love these Dragon Slippers and thank you for the tutorial.Elaine


    carolinesays:February 16, 2011 at 4:38 am

    Even though it the middle of a very hot summer here in Perth, Australia I

    made my 2 year old son his very own pair. I used pleated jumbo ribbon instead

    of ric rac and as soon as he saw them he said "Dino-raa shoes". You've madeour day with your fantastic tutorial!


    Lizsays:February 16, 2011 at 8:35 am

    These are too cute! I HAVE to make these for my 2-1/2 year old nephew, they

    will go perfectly with his favorite PJs which are covered in "dino-horses" as hecalls them.


    Kianasays:February 16, 2011 at 8:46 am

    Love these! Thank you so much for sharing!
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    Adeline Violassays:February 16, 2011 at 8:53 am

    You're awesome and inspiring

    and I love what you do!Thanks so much for sharing it too!


    casserolesays:February 16, 2011 at 9:25 am

    The are SOOOOO cute!! I am loving the little ric rac dragon spikes!! I linked toyour tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:



    Laurel {Make and Takes}says:February 16, 2011 at 9:58 am

    These are just adorable! Ahhh, I love them! We are featuring fabric crafts over

    at the M&T Spotlight this week and would love for you to submit this (and anyof your other favorite projects!)


    Leesays:February 17, 2011 at 10:02 am

    The cutest I have ever seen! My nephews are getting some of these thanks for

    the tutorial!


    Robinsays:February 17, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    These are awesome! Your directions look great as well. I love that you help usto get a custom fit (so that maybe after I make some for my boys, I can make

    some for me!). Thanks for the tutorial!


    Sharon Ssays:February 17, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    I made my grandson a dragon bag & these will go perfect with it! Thank you!


    Mermaid's Pursesays:February 18, 2011 at 6:44 am

    They're wonderful! Just need to "find" somebody to make them for now



    marysays:February 19, 2011 at 7:44 am

    I am inspired.. think these will be the first things I dare make am very basicsewing skills but I get the instructions and my boy would love them. Thanks


    Erikasays:April 2, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    I know they are "for boys" but my daughter is begging me for a pair of these. I
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    can't wait to get started on them!


    Victoriasays:September 15, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    I made these for all three of my kids (minus the dragon), they love them!!

    Thanks so much! I linked this up on my blog today too:


    Erinsays:October 7, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    These are so cute! I linked to your tutorial on my blog:

    I made mine as wolves instead of dragons (I didnt have any ric rac on hand!)


    Maxsays:October 13, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    I just finished making Vince a racy red pair Rae! They are beyond cute! I took

    some pics and will blog about them later today but it was hard to make himstand still! He wanted to dance and tap and jump and leap over things in them.



    Stacysays:December 15, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    I made an adult-sized pair for my sister-in-law for Christmas they are SOCUTE. The only difference I did was make the toe height clearance 3/4 instead

    of 3/8; they are fabulous, Im going to have to make myself a pair now!


    Stacysays:December 15, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    Thank you so much for the pattern and idea!


    Raesays:February 10, 2012 at 3:40 pm

    Wanted to share back successful Yule gifting


    Riosays:March 5, 2012 at 3:07 am

    i think there is a need for my 13 year old self to have a pair of these (altered to

    monkey of course) great tute THANKS!


    Rebeccasays:March 9, 2012 at 3:09 am

    Love these! Thanks for posting them. Im making a pair for my three-year-old

    and another for my friends one-year-old but I have a question: what kind ofstitch should I use? Straight or zigzag, and should I stretch the fabric slightly

    as I go?


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    March 11, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Hi Rebecca,

    I usually use a straight stitch for sewing these fleece isnt as stretchy as

    other knits, so I find it doesnt usually give me a problem. I also dontstretch the fabric while I sew, just sew it as normally as you can. Hope

    that helps!-Rae


    Nataliesays:January 8, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    Thank you for the great tutorial! I needed to make my daughter a pair of

    slippers using supplies I had on hand (which did not include ric-rac) so Icreated a bunny pattern using this tutorial

    ( and made it fit your slipper

    pattern with fleece. They turned out super cute!


    Fayesays:January 23, 2013 at 12:05 am

    My grandsons home has hardwood floors, as are the winding stairs so planto use some suede on the outside soles .. to prevent any accidental slips.

    This Nanny intends to make herself a pair as well . LOL


    Pamsays:February 7, 2013 at 12:54 pm

    Just wanted to thank you. We just came back to make a second pair. The pair

    we made a year ago got too small and my little guy requested these again.Thanks for the pattern! I found some non-skid dot fabric at JoAnns and

    bought a 1/4th of a yard-oodles for these slippers and some footie pjs as well.


    Raesays:February 14, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    Thanks for stopping by to tell me that Pam! You are too sweet.


    Nicole Umemotosays:February 14, 2013 at 5:40 am

    What a fantastic pair of slippers! I just made 2 pairs purple ones for my girl,red for my boy as secret Valentine presents. They loved them! Didnt have

    any non-skid fabric on hand so just used felt.


    Cathysays:March 15, 2013 at 6:46 pm

    Your dragon slippers are very cute. My son used to love fighting dragons whenhe was little. Now he draws and illustrates them. You can see his work at He likes to draw about living in yourimagination. I hope you enjoy it..

    Now I am off to make some slippers. ) thanks for sharing them.


    Gerryl-ann Mason-vanGelderensays:March 16, 2013 at 8:38 am

    I love you Dragon Boots! cant wait to make them!
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    CAROLsays:April 17, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    Thank you thank you.cant wait to get started making this for my grandson.

    Can this be Pinned to pinterest?


    Heather - Chickabugsays:October 9, 2013 at 11:39 am

    These are so cute! Every kid should have a pair of these. Thank you for the

    tutorial! : )


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    Big Butt Baby Pants Sellers List

    Bonsai Bag Sellers List

    Buttercup Bag Sellers List

    Charlie Tunic Sellers List

    Itty Bitty Baby Dress Sellers List

    Lickety Split Bag Sellers List

    Peekaboo Bonnet Sellers List

    Pierrot Tunic Sellers List

    Showoff Bag Sellers List

    Toddler Backpack Sellers List

    Please support the sellers listed here!

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