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DP &

God, Jesus&

True Parents

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• Christianity claim that Jesus is God

• And Trinity is God as Father - Son - Holy Ghost

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Divine Principle sais…


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When Philip asked Jesus to show him God, Jesus said to him,"He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father?' Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?" (John 14:9-10).

Again the Bible says, "He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not." (John 1:10).

Further, it is written, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:58). 


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On the grounds of all these Biblical verses, many Christians have hitherto believed that Jesus is God Himself, the Creator.

As demonstrated above, Jesus, as a man having fulfilled the purpose of creation, is one body with God. 

So, in light of his deity, he may well be called God. Nevertheless, he can by no means be God Himself. 


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The relationship between God and Jesus can be compared to that between the mind and body.

The body, as the substantial object which resembles the mind, is one body with the mind, so it may be called a second mind (image of the mind), but the body can by no means be the mind itself. 


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In like manner, Jesus, being one body with God, may be called a second God (image of God), but he can by no means be God Himself.

It is true that he who has seen Jesus has seen God (John 14:9-10); but Jesus did not say this to indicate that he was God Himself.


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It is written (John 1:14) that Jesus is the Word made flesh. 

This means that Jesus is the substantiation of the Word; that is, the incarnation of the Word.

Then, it is written (John 1:3) that all things were made through the Word, and again (John 1:10), that the world was made through Jesus; naturally, Jesus may be called the Creator. 


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According to the principle of creation, the world of creation is the substantial development of the character and form of a man of perfected individuality.

So, a man who has fulfilled the purpose of creation is the substantial encapsulation of the entire cosmos, and the center of harmony in the whole creation. 


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In that sense, it may also be said that the world was created by a man of perfection. God intended to have man, after his perfection through the fulfillment of his own portion of responsibility, stand in the position of the creator over all things, by giving him even His own creative nature.


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Seen from this perspective, we can understand that the Bible (John 1:10) only clarifies the fact that Jesus was a man who had perfected the purpose of creation, and does not signify that he was the Creator Himself.

Jesus was a descendant of Abraham; but since he came as the human ancestor giving rebirth to all mankind, he would become the forefather of Abraham, in light of the providence of restoration. 


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This is why Jesus said (John 8:58), "...before Abraham was, I am."

We must understand that this also does not signify that Jesus was God Himself.

Jesus, on earth, was a man no different from us except for the fact that he was without original sin. 


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Even in the spirit world after his resurrection,he lives as a spirit man with his disciples.

The only difference between them is that Jesus abides as a spirit man of the divine spirit stage, emitting brilliant light, while his disciples are the objects who reflect this light.


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Meanwhile, Jesus has been interceding for us before God even in the spirit world after his resurrection (Rom. 8:34), just as he did on earth. If Jesus is God Himself, how could he intercede for us before Himself? 

Comment: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" 1 Tim. 2:5

Mediator is between 2 parties.Like Jesus mediates for man between God and satan.You can not mediate if you are God.That´s like being both defender and Judge in the court


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Moreover, we see that Jesus also called upon "God" or "Father" for help, which is good evidence that he is not God Himself  (Matt. 27:46, John 17:1)

If Jesus was God Himself, how could God have been tempted by Satan, and finally crucified by the evil force? 

Furthermore, when we find that Jesus said on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" it becomes clear that Jesus is not God Himself.


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According to the Principle of Creation, God's purpose of creation can be realized only through the four position foundation which is established by forming the three objective purposes through origin-division-union action.


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Four Position FoundationThe Three Objects Purpose







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Accordingly, in order to fulfill the purpose of creation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit must establish the four position foundation centered on God, be becoming one body in unity through the action of give and take, each as the object of God, substantially divided from His dual essentialities.

In this manner, Jesus and the Holy Spirit become one body centered on God; this is called "Trinity".


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Originally, God's purpose of creating Adam and Eve was to form a trinity by uniting them into one body in love as the True Parents of mankind, thus establishing the four position foundation centered on God.

If they had perfected themselves without the fall, forming a trinity as the True Parents centered on God, and had multiplied children of goodness, all their descendants would have grown to become married couples of goodness centered on God, each pair forming a trinity with God.


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Naturally, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth would have been realized centering on the first human couple, in accordance with the realization of God's three great blessings to them.

However, due to the fall, Adam and Eve established the four position foundation centered on Satan, thus resulting in a trinity centered on Satan.

Therefore, their descendants have also formed trinities centered on Satan, and have brought about a human society of corruption.


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Therefore, God must work to have all fallen men born anew through the True Parents of mankind, Jesus and the Holy Spirit--one as the second Adam and the other as the second Eve--and then having all form respectively a trinity centered on God.

But because of the undue death of Jesus, he and the Holy Spirit have fulfilled only the mission of spiritual True Parents, by forming the spiritual Trinity centered on God.


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Since Jesus and the Holy Spirit have undertaken the mission of spiritual rebirth only, the saints still remain in the position of their spiritual children, having been restored through the spiritual Trinity only.


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Christ must come again in flesh in order that he may become the True Parent both spiritually and physically, by forming the substantial Trinity centered on God.

He will then, by giving them rebirth both spiritually and physically, have all fallen men form (by couples) substantial trinities centered on God, after having liquidated the original sin.


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When fallen men have established the four position foundation in the original form centered on God,

then the Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be restored through the realization of God's three great blessings to man.

• be fruitful, • multiply and • fill the earth, and to subdue it and have dominion (Gen. 1:28).


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Jesus & Sun Myung Moon1935

Jesus said: “Lets go to the Blessing”

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To attain the position of the Parents, Jesus, as the bridegroom, had to have His bride. Jesus and his bride, as the ancestors who have nothing to do with the Fall, should have been the True Parents of humanity.

Jesus was in the position of the True Father. Yet in order for him to stand as the True Father ofhumanity on earth, he needed someone in the position of the True Mother.

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Jesus completed his mission as a son, but he could not find a bride who could become the True Mother. That is why he left the earth,remaining only a spiritual Parent.

The resurrected Jesus, as the bridegroom, represents heaven. The Holy Spirit, as his bride, represents the earth. In this way, Jesus and the Holy Spirit established the standard of the spiritual parents. SMM/1963.05.15

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The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary.

The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.

 Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints. 

This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.

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 This is the end of an age, and the battle that is raging is really Armageddon. It's a battle between the selfish, brutal men who do not think in terms of God or things which are associated with that word - against those peoples who will be the harbingers of the New Age.

You are now in the new Age - and old things are being destroyed - and new things - which are eternal but which are new only because mankind has now reached the point where it is able to recognize them and use them.

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 'From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. /Mathew 11:12

 The revelators seldom live to see their revelations widely accepted. But they do always draw to them – and leave behind them – a group who continue the revelation.

 But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because it needs education and it will take time. Nobody can give away perfection. Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to loose that perfection, and she must now choose to return to it. 

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  But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful.

That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go. 

And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965

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We might ask why, since Jesus is God's beloved eldest Son, he would say he would be in paradise rather than in the kingdom of heaven.People don't know the answer.

The kingdom of heaven, both on earth and in heaven, can be built only based on True Parents being established and on the foundation of their love.Even after they go to the spirit world, the True Parents, not anyone else, are the central people for bringing unity to the kingdom.Jesus could not become the True Parent; that is why he is in paradise.


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What are True Parents!

Quote Sontag interview of SMM: ” Our concept of True Parents refers tothe rebirth of an individual.

The true you is spiritual. Our real selves are invisible, yet that is what was corrupted.”

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What are True Parents!

• Understand DP Fall of Man• the Fall of Man gave mankind false Spiritual parents = Satan + Fallen Eve Fallen Adam & Evea fallen Lineage and Humanity

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What are True Parents!

• our new root with spiritual parents

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What are True Parents!

• our new root with spiritual parents• purity is different

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What are True Parents!

• our new root with spiritual parents• purity is different• divine blood lineage

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What are True Parents!

• our new root with spiritual parents• Spir. purity is different and absolute• divine blood lineage• engrafts us or our parents (1st Gen) through the Blessing

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Comparison Jesus Life & Death andThe Life & Death of Sun Myung Moon

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• Jesus Death and Ressurection

• True Fathers 7 Close Deaths and Ressurections

As a Messiah, to accomplish resurrection is an extremely meaningful accomplishment.

We were created by God but then, because of the Fall, we fell away from God. So for us, returning back to God's direct dominionthat is resurrection.

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Jesus came in order to recreate mankind back into the state of being in God's direct dominion.

But Jesus was not able to accomplish that completely because he went the way of the cross.

He did manage to accomplish the spiritual resurrection but the physical body remained in the realm of Satan.

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So Jesus died once, was resurrected once, spiritually.

And forty days after, he reappeared to mankind and was able to establish a very huge Christian church foundation based on that one resurrection.

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True Parents have faced death seven times and been resurrected seven times, not only spiritually, but spiritually and physically.

This means that True Parents have an extremely huge gift to give to mankind because of the victory of those resurrections.

That's the grace of the seven deaths and resurrections.

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True Parents have also discussed that we need to go through eight stages of horizontal [resurrection]. We have to accomplish victories at the individual, family, tribal, race, nation, world, cosmic levels.

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1. The first resurrection was in the prison at Gyeonggi do. Father was imprisoned in October 1944.

He was imprisoned for about 4 months until February 1945. 

2. The second death and resurrection was at the Jeongju police station in North Korea. He was imprisoned for about a week during October of 1945.

3. The third time Father was imprisoned was by the internal security forces in 1946.

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4. Hungnam death camp 1948-1950 Father was able to witness and gain 12 disciples,

12 people who devoted themselves to Father at the risk of their own lives. /WonPihlKimKorean War 1950-53, to Liberate True Father.

5. After Hungnam, Father was imprisoned again in Seodaemun prison in 1955. 

6. The sixth resurrection was when Father was held in Danbury from July 20, 1984 until July 4 1985. 

7. The seventh resurrection was 2008the “helicopter accident”.

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If we compare Jesus' resurrection and Father's resurrection, True Parents were substantially resurrected. Jesus shed blood on the cross.

True Parents were resurrected without shedding blood. Jesus died alone and had to go and re-gather his disciples when he was in spiritual form.

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True Parents were not alone. They had their followers with them in the helicopter and their followers saved them. Jesus had to witness to himself as the Messiah after his resurrection. But there were many, many people to witness to True Parents as the Messiah. They did not have to do it themselves.

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Imagine now, True Parents have been resurrected seven times, physically and spiritually.

So at this time, we need to believe in True Parents and lead a clean and holy life.

We need to become one with True Parents. We need to live for others.

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We have to throw away all our old habits and become a model family following True Parents.

We are the people who should be following those eight stages of resurrection.

We need to clean ourselves internally and join with True Parents.

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We are the people who should be following those seven stages of resurrection. We need to clean ourselves internally and join with True Parents.

Source: Seven Deaths and Resurrections Jin Hung Yong December 19, 2009 Headquarters Church, Seoul Korea

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Sun Myung Moon True Father1920-2012


Sun = God, giver of Light “Truth”Myung = Light

Moon = Reflecting the “Truth”Light = Truth for Christians & Mankind

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Hak Ja HanTrue Mother

1943 -


Hak = Crain

Ja = Girl, childHan = Korea

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1960: True Mother a 20 year younger girl,had to be restored by TF into new 2:nd sinless Eve.

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19601960Blessing Church LevelBlessing Church Level

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Marriage of Jesus


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The Biblical Marriage of the Lamb!


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20032003Blessing National LevelBlessing National Level

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Holy Wedding2003

On their birthday, February 6, 2003, the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents of humankind, will celebrate the “Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth” 

and the “Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families” at the Training Center of Heaven and Earth at Cheong Pyeong, South Korea.

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Physical Fall


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Feb Feb 2013 Korea2013 KoreaBlessingBlessing

Cosmic Level _ Cheon Il GukCosmic Level _ Cheon Il Guk

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Spiritual Fall


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Changes in the Title of True ParentsIn accordance with

the Progress of the Providence

1945 Beginning of the Course of the Messiah1960 Beginning of the Course of True Parents1997 Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth2003 Enthronement as King and Queen of Bl. Families2006 Declaration of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind2009 Coronation Ceremony of the King of Kings2010 Establishment of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind2013 CheonlIGuk “Two becoming one”

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Divine Principle Cheon Seong Gyeong v.2006, v.2014 Book One - God Book Two - True Parents

More Lecture slides:

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Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us!Have a great Blessed week.Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th... Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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