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The Trail The film opens with our protagonists (Mitch, DJ, Victor, and Maria) sitting around a table at a diner. They're talking about their plans for tonight, each one eager to start partying. We find out that it's midterm week and that none of them have been out much since Welcome Week. Mitch and DJ are both rushing at a frat, but Mitch is about to drop out. This is our chance to get to know each character. Mitch is an everyman, the audience will be able to easily associate with him. He's average height, a little on the skinny side. DJ is raucous, a natural klutz. He's the friend everyone knows who's always out to make sure everyone has a good time, even if the morning after isn't so fun. Victor is completely whipped by his girlfriend who he is in a long distance relationship in. He's easily shaken, a neurotic type. Maria is the straight man of the group, but she's apt to say non sequiturs. As they get up to leave, DJ throws a wrapper on the ground. Immediately, Victor freaks out and picks up the wrapper and puts in the trash. Maria rolls her eyes and Mitch laughs. The opening credits roll as we watch a montage of the characters getting ready for their parties. Mitch and DJ are heading to the same house, Victor and Maria are heading to separate places. We watch them celebrate. Mitch and DJ are at a typical frat party, Victor is talking to his girlfriend in between shots, and Maria is brushing off guys who are trying to hit on her. The montage soon turns to focus on Mitch as he hooks up with a girl and she takes pictures. The montage becomes nothing but the pictures the girl is taking of Mitch kissing her. The credits end with Mitch and DJ walking out of the house and high fiving. They approach a street corner and call up Maria and Victor. Soon, the group is reunited. They debate calling a cab, and the four of them all try to whip out their phones to see who can get through the cab company first. Mitch's can't find his. Maria and Victor's are dead. DJ laughs in victory, but as he pulls it up to his face he vomits on it. They decide to walk. Maria says it's a bad idea, but no one listens to her. Back at the frat house, the lead frat boy Chad, is going through Mitch's left over items, his pledge paddle and pledge jacket. In the pocket of the pledge jacket, he finds a camera, his girlfriend's camera. On the camera he finds pictures of Mitch and his girlfriend, of Mitch and his girlfriend kissing. He explodes with anger as we cut back to the gang walking home. They're lost. Somehow, they've ended up on the IU golf course. Victor runs to a payphone, to talk to his long distance girlfriend, drunkenly attempting to explain to her that even though he drank, he's not going to cheat on her. DJ suggests that the best way to find their way home would be to drink more. He pulls out a small handle of Kamchatka. Mitch sees two guys standing off in the distance and decides to ask them for direction. He runs over. It's cops. He tries to play it sober, but they look at him with suspicion. Unfortunately, DJ has just run over with the bottle of Kamchatka in his hand. DJ tries to play it cool by explaining that he has a Fake ID and he pulls it out. The ID belongs to a 50 year old overweight latino man. Immediately, the cops try to arrest Mitch and DJ. The two of them sprint away, past Maria and Victor, who look on

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dumbfounded until they see the cops follow. They jump and hide in the bushes, and their hands accidentally brush together. Victor's girlfriend immediately calls the payphone he was just at, and he has to rush over to explain that no, he did not just touch another girl. We cut back to Chad, who is rounding up all of his brothers for what he has deemed a mission in ass-kicking. He begins texting someone on his phone. We're then in the sorority of Chad's girlfriend, Sarah. She's just sent a text to Mitch, when suddenly she feels something vibrating in her pocket. She mutters aloud about how “that thing” could have ended up there, until she reaches down and pulls out Mitch's phone. She sighs, and gets dressed, hoping to return it to him. Mitch and DJ jump a fence to avoid the cops. They look up to see where they are, it's Bombay House on fourth street. DJ explains that he's scared, they're in Indian country. They decide to break into Bombay House, in a great moment of drunk logic, to restock for supplies. As they stumble around, DJ accidentally vomits again, this time in the curry. He notices it doesn't look any different. The commotion they raise as they search downstairs wakes up one of the Indians sleeping in the upstairs of the restaurant/house We cut back to Maria and Victor who are stumbling through Bloomington. They make it into a diner, where Victor pulls out a charger and plugs in his phone. He has 15 unread texts from his girlfriend. Mitch and DJ see the shadow of the person they've awoken, the scene is a straight homage to velociraptor scene from Jurassic Park. They hide until they're able to trap the owner in a freezer, just like Jurassic Park. As they escape Bombay House, the owner is quickly dialing numbers into his cell phone. Mitch and DJ are running when they suddenly pass Maria and Victor sitting in the diner. The group reunites and Maria suggests they wait for a bus, but the group doesn't listen to her. DJ feels something in a pocket and he sees that his phone has come back to life. He checks a text that he was sent. We see the frat boys marching down the street. They've changed clothes, from popped collars and khakis to strict military-esque uniforms. The group is walking to their dorm, through Dunn Meadow, when suddenly the frat boys encounter them. Immediately, Chad begins to chase after Mitch. The group runs, but stops when they encounter the Jordan River. They have no wagon to caulk, so they'll have to ford the river. DJ falls, but he tells them to go on without him. Maria gets her foot stuck in the mud, but Victor is able to free her, even though she loses a shoe. It's dawn as they approach the dorm. It's quiet, too quiet Mitch sees Sarah waiting at a bench. She sees him and runs and gives him a hug. Mitch goes to give her a kiss, but she pushes him away, laughing. She explains that it's only college, and that what happens at parties stays at parties. Victor hears these words and pushes ignore on his phone as his girlfriend calls him again. Suddenly, the frat boys appear. DJ is with them. Mitch is shocked, but DJ explains that rushing is more important to him than friendship. Mitch explains that he's an idiot, because they're roommates and as soon as he gets back he is going to rub his balls all over DJ's toothbrush. As the frat boys rush towards Mitch and the gang, the Indians

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appear. They claim that they have a vendetta with Mitch and DJ. The frat boys explain that nobody can touch DJ, he's one of them. To Mitch and Victor's surprise, the Indians and the frat boys begin to fight. That's when the IUPD appears. They've been on Mitch and DJ's trail all night. They break up the fight. Maria testifies to them that the frat boys started everything and that it was the frat boys who broke into the Indian restaurant. The cops believe her, as she's the only sober person around. Mitch and Victor are dumbfounded that Maria finally had a good idea. Victor tries to make a move on her, but she laughs him off. Sarah sees him and asks to see his room. Victor smiles and takes her inside. We watch each of the individual characters as they start to go to bed. Maria goes to her room, and lies underneath her sheets, when there's suddenly a knock at the door. It's another girl, she comes to bed with Maria and the camera cuts as they start to kiss. Victor lies wide awake, with Sarah draped over him. His girlfriend calls, but he simply picks up and explains to her that “It's college, chill out.” DJ shares a small twin bed with three other frat boys in a jail cell. They're all spooning. Mitch lies down in his bed, ready to fall asleep, when suddenly his alarm goes off. Last night was only a Tuesday. He's got to make it to his 8 am.

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Four characters, MITCH, DJ, VICTOR, and MARIA, are sitting in booths around a dining table, picking at the remainder of what was dinner while Victor is busy texting on his phone.

DJ Look, all I’m saying is that there’s a correlation between how much you like basketball and how much you like balls in your face. Either you like one, or the other.

MITCH Ha, watch it there, DJ. You’re stepping on some dangerous ground.

DJ No, no, no. I’m not being homophobic or anything. I joined the facebook group about prop 8. I listen to Elton John. I wore green for Iran.

MARIA What does that have to do with anything?

DJ I’m just sayin’, I’m an open-minded guy. But it’s a one or the other thing. Mitch, do you like basketball?

MITCH Yeah, I do.

DJ Exactly. And as a result, you don’t like balls. In your face.

MITCH Ha, guess I don’t.

MARIA I like basketball

DJ But you’re a girl. Irrelevant. Victor, do you like basketball?

VICTOR I’m a football guy.

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What? Come on, you go to Indie-fucking-ana University. We don’t have a football team, we’ve got a practice squad Ohio State uses to warm up for the Rose Bowl. Eh, what do you know? You’re from middle-of-nowhere Nebraska.

VICTOR Damn it, DJ, I’m from Chicago.

DJ Suburbs. Suburbs from Chicago. You know, back where you left your balls.

MITCH What’s it with you and balls today?

DJ I’m just sayin’ man...hey, you callin’ me gay?

MITCH Is that a bad thing?

DJ No, man. But I’m not, alright? I’m rushing, you and me, we’re rushing together.

MARIA I dunno, DJ. A bunch of dudes, living together with only other dudes... wearing nothing but togas...spanking each other. Sounds pretty gay to me.

MITCH Actually, I’m dropping. It just isn’t my thing.

DJ What, you don’t like endless girls and guaranteed parties?

MITCH It just isn’t my thing.

MARIA You guys ready to go?

DJ Yeah, let’s head out. I’ll pick up the check.

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The gang begins to pick up and head out. As they exit, Victor stoops down and picks up a piece of trash from the ground.

VICTOR Sorry, this kind of stuff drives me crazy.

He throws it away.

DJ Midterms are over. You guys ready for tonight?

MITCH Ha, you could say that, I guess.


THIS SCENE IS A MONTAGE OF EACH CHARACTER’S RESPECTIVE NIGHT The characters all prepare for their night out in their respective rooms. Mitch and DH head to a stereotypical frat party. Victor is at a quiet house party, seen texting. Maria is surrounded by a distinctively alternative crowd, brushing off multiple guys who try to hit on her. We see Mitch and DJ dancing with different girls, including one who is dancing way too close to Mitch. Eventually, the girl pulls Mitch away into a closet and begins kissing him. She pulls out her camera to take photographs of Mitch as she kisses him.


Mitch and DJ are walking up to the corner. DJ checks his watch.

DJ Hey, we were supposed to meet them here.

MITCH Do you know how to get back home from here?

DJ Eh, this was the closest middle ground between all of our parties.

MITCH Fuck, I hope they’re not late.

Maria walks up with Victor following closely behind her.

MARIA Sup fags?

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Hey, you callin’ me gay?

MITCH (SAME TIME) Ha, not anymore. Quit tonight.

VICTOR How do we get back?

DJ No fucking idea. Should we call a cab?

They all pull out their phones.

MARIA Phone’s dead.

VICTOR Oh, so is mine.

DJ Mine works!

He pulls it up, but unexpectedly begins to regurgitate. On his phone, ruining it.

DJ Shit.

MITCH Looks like we’re walking.

MARIA This is a bad idea.

DJ What? Is that a girl with an idea? Let’s walk.


The FRAT BOYS are all walking around the house cleaning up after the party, including a brother, CHAD.

FRAT BOY Hey, Chad, isn’t this Sarah’s camera?

FRAT BOY pulls a camera out of a pile left in the closet. The pile is Mitch’s pledge paddle and other frat items.

CHAD What’s it doing with that little bitch’s stuff?

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FRAT BOY I dunno, but you might want to check out these pictures on it...

Chad looks at the items on the camera. He does a slow burn as he forwards through the photographs. By the end, his face is bright red and veins are bulging out of his neck.


Mitch, DJ, Maria, and Victor are walking alongside a campus golf course towards a side-street plaza of which a phone-booth is visible at an intersection.

DJ I’m so drunk, I don’t even know where we are anymore!

MARIA Golf course. We’ve been going South, away from the frats, towards the dorms.

MITCH Moore and... Can you guys read that cross street?

DJ I’m so drunk, I don’t even want to know where we are!

VICTOR Is, that a phone booth? Where, Moore hits Lansing?

MITCH Hey look! There’s a couple of guys over by that car in front of the doughnut shop.

MARIA I have a bad feeling about this.

DJ I have a good feeling about this, Kamchatka! (Pulling a fifth of vodka from a back pocket)

MITCH (Edging away from the group) Oh man, put that away. I can smell it and I’m going to hurl.

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Guys, I gotta make a phone call real fast.

Maria rolls her eyes and strides with Victor towards the phone booth.

VICTOR Hello? Sweetheart? Yeah, just a little but -- No, you’re still the most important -- No I’m alone right --

MITCH (Inching towards the strangers) I wonder if they’d know which side of campus we’re on right now.

VICTOR Er, yes, that’s Mitch -- Well I’m with the guys. No no no. No girls.

DJ (After taking a swig)

I wonder if they’d know which side of campus has more vodka.

MITCH (Closer now, to the two men) Excuse me. Sirs! You guys know if either of these streets hit Maple?

OFFICER BROWN (Shining ON a flashlight, onto Victor) Yeah, Maple? A cross street two down of Moore if you keep following it the way y’all came. (Shines the flashlight onto Victor’s face. He is suddenly terrified, but gaining composure.)

MITCH Oh. Well. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you officer. Officers. Thank you officers.

DJ (Shouting) Mitchman! You think that they have a cigarette? (DJ begins to approach Mitch).

MITCH No. No no, I don’t. I don’t think these two gentlemen smoke. Do you officers smoke?

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DJ Hey, you guys have one I can bum?


(Shining the light up DJ now) Sorry. Gave it up when my wife died. What’s that?

DJ Oh this? It’s cool man! I remembered my fake! (Procuring an identity card from his wallet and handing it to Officer Brown)

OFFICER BROWN (Sarcastically, eyeing down DJ) Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday, Senor Jose Ramirez.

MITCH Crap man, book it!

VICTOR (Rushed, after witnessing Mitch’s encounter) Oh, darling, baby. I have to let you go, I’ll call you back. Yeah, in a bit. Soon. Real soon. Two secs. No, really just --

MARIA (Doing that weird whisper-shout thing at the same time) Would you just!

She grabs his phone-hand and slams it onto the cradle. The two gaze awkwardly into each other’s eyes for a second, mouths agape. A few seconds pass by and the payphone begins to ring.

VICTOR (Consolatory tone)

Hello? No, she didn’t. Uh, no, we didn’t -- I didn’t touch another girl. No, not even a graze.


Chad exits his room and begins walking through the main bedroom hall of his frat, knocking on each door as he passes, to gather his brothers.

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Brothers! Rise up! The time has come! Someone has tampered with that which is ours! That which belongs to Delta Beta Gamma!

PASSING BROTHER Yo, what is it?

CHAD As you may know, our birthrights, babes and booze, sacred to our order, we have sworn to protect! United, brethren, we stand against any who chooses to interfere with our way of living, our peace, our serenity!


Someone puke on your shorts again, Chad?

CHAD Brothers! Join me! For tonight, we will be avenged! I have witnessed the evidence, of a green, eyed, freshmen, with my girl.

(He reaches the end of the hall, and turns to face his collected brothers) And tonight, brothers, o’ brothers of mine, we will have our revenge! We will go out! On a mission! A mission of ass-kickin’!


Sarah walks into her room of her sorority, sets down her purse and flops onto her bed. She grabs her phone and begins scrolling through texts from the night. Giggling, she decides send Mitch a text. Something vibrates from within her off-side pocket.

SARAH (Chuckling)

Oops, that thing couldn’t have gone out with me.

Sarah pulls Mitch’s phone from her pocket. She scoffs and rereads the message that she had just sent him. She sighs, stands back up off of her bed, picks her purse back up, and grabs a jacket off the door before heading back out into the night.

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Mitch and DJ come sprinting down the street and decide to hop the shoddy wooden fence guarding the bushes from overflowing into the street in order to escape the police. The fence belongs to a poorly-painted brown and yellow two-story house painted orange by streetlights. Similar streetlights and shoddy houses line the street.

MITCH DJ! DJ! DJ! Jump into that bush with me!


What! Okay! (The two hop the fence, DJ diving. Momentarily the two officers run past.)

MITCH Oh man, what a terrible night to meet the fuzz.

DJ Hey look man, the doors unlocked!

MITCH What the! DJ, you can’t just!

DJ Hush man, I’m shaking in my boots, this is Indian Country! I bet they have some sweet Indian booze! It’s Bombay House! (Pointing at a dimly lit nearby sign painted ‘BOMBAY HOUSE’)

MITCH Don’t do this man.

DJ Relax! It’s a cakewalk. Get the booze, get more drunk! C’mon!

MITCH Ugh! Alright, but hurry! Get the door closed!

DJ Restockin’ our supplies. Hah, look around man!

DJ swings his arms wide in the near pitch black room and accidently knocks a pot onto the ground. It clanks loudly.

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DJ Shit son.

In turning to pick it up, he stumbles, and has to catch his weight on his arms, but his stomach shifts too, and he is forced to release it, unfortunately into the pot. Unable to see the difference, he lifts it back onto a nearby countertop.

MITCH Did you..? Are you alright DJ? Where are you?

DJ I’m fine man, about lost my cap from that jog.

MITCH Can you see anything?

In the opposite corner of the front door, a light is toggled, now making visible the staircase from which it emanates. Slowly a shadow silhouette of a figure is seen painting the wall. The two boys, finally able to see each other exchange the same expression: Somber terror.


Victor and Maria are wandering the streets of town.

VICTOR It’s really okay. I know it seems like she’s angry, but I know in my heart that she’s not, because I haven’t done anything wrong all night, don’t you agree?

MARIA (rolls eyes) Victor, it seems like she’s pissed. Actually, I know she’s pissed. But, you could possibly be right, that is, if only pigs could fly. (bursts out in laughter)

VICTOR I don’t even care -- Okay, I do care, but I only care because -

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MARIA (interrupting) Victor, I don’t care and I don’t want to hear about it. There’s nothing you can do about it right now, we have to get somewhere before we see more damn cops, and, where the hell are Mitch and DJ? This night is all a horrible mess.

VICTOR (Yelling, looking into sky with agony)

Oh my goodness, Mitch and DJ, I forgot about them!

MARIA Victor, can you shut up!? Stop being so neurotic all the time.

VICTOR Oh, so now I’m ‘neurotic?’ (mocking) Look at me, I am Maria and I am a psychologist, and Victor is ‘neurotic!’

MARIA Whatever. And can you walk like you’re not currently incapable of walking since you’re drunk past legal intoxication levels, and our other friends were just running from the cops because of their intoxication.

VICTOR Okay, first of all, I am walking perfectly fine. Why don’t you - (attempting to walk in a straight line) open your eyes a little more, huh? (stumbles) I told you.

Maria is silent. Victor does not notice.

VICTOR What if this is the end of the world?

MARIA Well, it’s not.

VICTOR You don’t know that.

MARIA Yes I do.

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MARIA Because we are going to go to Denny’s, which is open twenty-four hours, so everything will be fine. Come on.

Maria grabs Victor’s hand as she pulls him, they begin jogging.


Inside the diner, Victor plugs in his phone and sees that he has 15 unread texts from his girlfriend.


Mitch and DJ, inside the downstairs of Bombay House, see light emanating from the top of a staircase opposite the front door, and a figure’s shadow slowly filling out. They realize that it is probably the owner (Sanjesh).

MITCH (whispering) Oh shit, get down!

DJ What the hell are we going to do?


DJ Besides that? (ducking)

MITCH We’ve really done it this time. (looking around)

SANJESH Who is here!? (awkward silence) If anyone is here, come out now before I call the police!

MITCH Put him in the freezer.

DJ What are you -

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MITCH (emphasizing) In the freezer! Put him in the freezer!

SANJESH I hear you! Come out now! I will bomb this whole building up with you all inside of it!

Mitch and DJ come out of hiding. Sanjesh yelps like a woman and charges at DJ while swinging a giant wooden spoon. DJ stands awkwardly, while Mitch charges the Bombay House Owner.

MITCH (Yelling) In the freezer!

SANJESH (Shrieking) Get your damn hands off me! You idiots will pay for this, I have cameras everywhere in this store!

DJ We’ve got to get the hell out of here!

MITCH Hell yeah we do.

SANJESH I am calling the police, you all better not go anywhere!

DJ and Mitch sprint out of Bombay House.

DJ Bro, good call, you really had my back, back there.

MITCH (laughing) Wow, we had to get out of there somehow.

DJ I can’t wait to tell Victor and Maria about this.

MITCH Oh gosh, where are Maria and Victor!?

DJ What if they are dead?

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MITCH Can you stop? They are definitely alive. You know Victor’s girlfriend would have called by now if Victor were dead. She would be the first to know.

DJ and Mitch both laugh in hesitation.

DJ She’s psycho.

MITCH Is that Maria, over there in Denny’s?

DJ No way, that’s definitely her.

MITCH I wonder why she’s alone.


Mitch and DJ walk into Denny’s and see Maria, and across from her is Victor who is laying down texting with tears in his eyes.

MARIA (shocked) Mitch, DJ, Oh thank god! Where the hell have you guys been? Victor has been crying for an hour because he thinks his girlfriend left him, but all he wants to do is see that slut he was kissing.

DJ Yeah well, we’ve been stuck in a stink hole, putting men in freezers.

MITCH Long story. Victor, are you okay?

(Victor nods)

MARIA We need to take a bus and go back to the dorms.


DJ, Maria, Mitch, and Victor stand on the sidewalk looking into an empty, foggy Dunn Meadow. The street behind them is empty of cars. All else is dark and quiet. Victor is in the middle, checking his phone, the screen illuminating the group. DJ sways as he leans on the sidewalk chain railing. Maria and Mitch are keeping watch.

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VICTOR (texting) I think she’s finally asleep. Maybe.

MARIA (pointing) We should go that way then cut across...

MITCH What? No way. Let’s take the shortcut. Ah! (Hops over rail, slides down grassy slope)

DJ Haha! Mr. Cool. (leans over rail)

MITCH (Italian accent with a thumb up ~ Mario) That’sa me!

DJ (spits) Uhh, not again. (flips over rail onto back, gurgles when he lands, and stares up at stars)

MITCH (laughing) Oh man. (doubles over) Nice one.

DJ Ow. Man down. (chews, spits, clears throat) I thik I swallowed some. Yum. (spits)

VICTOR Yeah, she’s probably dreaming about me right now.


(scoffs) Oh come on. (walks around rail to help DJ up)

VICTOR (putting phone away) What? I dream about her...

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DJ (Taking Maria’s hand) Hmmm, you know from here, Maria, you look pretty hot. (head hits ground as Maria lets go) Ouch! (sits up, rubbing head)

MARIA (Shouting) Hey Mitch!

Frat boys appear again, entering Dunn Meadow from the top of the sidewalk steps and climbing over a stone wall. Chad leads them, pointing at Mitch and clapping his brothers on the back.

MITCH (slow motion) What the...

Frat boys let out a battle cry and charge the field.

MARIA (roaring and grabbing Victor) Go!

VICTOR (panicked, trying to grab DJ) DJ!

DJ (still sitting) Leave me! Go! Go!

Victor sprints ahead of Maria. Mitch stops at the edge of the Jordan River, and catches Victor. The two look back to Maria.

MITCH Come on! Hurry!

MARIA (growling) Men.

Frat boys are closing the distance. Maria looks back, then sprints at full tilt, cursing.

VICTOR (sarcastic) Thanks Mitch. (starts to cross the stream)

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MARIA (passing Mitch) Thanks Mitch! (leaps into stream and trudges on)

MITCH (crossing stream) You’re welcome.

CHAD (shrieking, outrunning brothers) Mitch!

MARIA (lurches to a stop) Flaming monkey shit balls! I’m stuck! (awkwardly tries to balance while pulling free from knee-deep mud) Mitch!

Mitch, after making it across, turns to look while catching his breath. Victor is almost across then turns back to help Maria. Both cursing and grunting, they get her mud-clumped leg free and finish fording the River Jordan

MITCH Why does Chad have to be such a dick?

MARIA If I recall, what caused all this was your... Damn! I lost a shoe! (stomps)

VICTOR (consolatory grin) Sorry. We should get going.

MARIA (grumble) You owe me a shoe now too, Mitch. Hear me. (hobbles along at a quick pace with Victor)

MITCH Yeah yeah.

Frat boys run up to and stop at the stream, colliding like a train wreck. Chad with some mud in his hair is knocked into the stream. He stands up, soaked, and screams toward the sky. Maria, Mitch, and Victor are nowhere in sight.

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CHAD (Climbing out of stream) Inconceivable! You morons! (punches nearest brother)


Quiet dim light gradually increases, shifting hues. Sarah is sitting on a bench talking on phone, waves to Mitch.

MITCH Sarah? What are you doing still up? (sitting down next to her)

SARAH (to phone) Oh, yeah, um, uh, yeah, okay, sure (smiles at Mitch) Hey look I gotta go. Why? Well... because my new boyfriend is here. No? What? No! I do not!

VICTOR (quietly) Hey Mitch, we should uh...

SARAH (chippy) Love you! Bye! (hangs up turning to Mitch) Hey!

MITCH (Trying to be suave, putting an arm around her and leaning in) Hey you. So you miss me already, or are you having trouble sleeping without me?


(grumbling, pulling Victor away) Ugh, gag. Idiot. (sits impatiently)

SARAH (Leaning closer) Friends of yours? (Sighs, grabbing Mitch’s hand)

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MITCH (leaning closer) Don’t worry about them. They’re over there, they’re nobodies. (Maria clears her throat, audibly) While you and I have this bench all to ourselves.

Maria and Victor get up. Mitch tries to pull Sarah closer while puckering his lips. In the distance a bell chimes out the hour. Sarah’s smile changes and she pushes Mitch away.

MITCH (falling off bench) Huh? I thought...

SARAH (laughs) It’s only college. Grow up.

Victor’s phone begins to ring. He pulls it out and hits ignore.

MARIA Mitch? You wrapped up at this juncture? Right?

SARAH Um, yeah, you all might want to go now.

Mitch mumbles, walking away. He stops as the frat boys appear again.

CHAD Long time no see ladies. Ready to get your…


MITCH DJ?… DJ! Whatever you did to DJ you’re gonna pay.

CHAD Your friend is…

DJ (steps forward)

Hey guys

MITCH You ok?

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DJ Relax I’m fine

MITCH what are you doing?

VICTOR & MARIA (behind Mitch)


CHAD He’s one of--

MITCH You’re an idiot

DJ Why? ‘Cause I’ve made the right choice. Sorry Mitch but you don’t understand how important rushing is. You’re the dumb one.

MITCH No you’re an idiot because we’re roommates and your toothbrush has a date with my balls.

DJ What! Oh well then I guess I’m keeping your--

CHAD Oh to hell with this! You girls take forever to break up

(wide swing/haymaker at Mitch)

MARIA Mitch!

(Pulls Mitch back with one hand, steps and catches Chad’s wrist with other hand, sadistic grin while twisting arm. Chad in pain)

SANJESH Oh no’s what is this going on here?

Indians appear armed w/ various utensils. Maria lets go Why are you picking on the missus? And you! You like to throw poor Sanjesh in the fridge for fun no? And you! Why do you ruin Babaji’s beautiful Baingan Bharta?

(points at DJ)

CHAD Whoa. Apu back it up. DJ’s one of us now, so if--

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SANJESH Oh is that so? Yes? Then I will make well to crack your noggin first!

CHAD We can take ‘em boys. We’ll get the threesome afterwards. Let’s send these natives back to their casinos! I want my scalps!


SANJESH Pardon me, we are most of us Indians, <1Mexican>

CHAD Whatever! You<terrorists/towelheads>all the same! (Chaos! battle cries India! Kali! Jesus, fuck, punk, Bro- lets go

Maria helps Mitch sneak away, Victor runs into Sara and helps her get out of the chaos. They two pairs appear some distance apart, Mitch waves to Victor before being pulled away. Flashing lights approach


Victor is showing Sara his room, surprisingly swank, answers cell phone

VICTOR (To phone)

Relax its college, chill out. (tosses phone)

DJ, Chad, and frats are huddled around each other in the drunk tank among vagrants. Chad and Sanjesh are leaning their heads on each other, asleep.

Maria steps into her room her girlfriend has fallen asleep playing video game. Maria turns everything off, wakes girlfriend up with kiss, gets pulled down.

GIRLFRIEND Ehh, where were you? Not babysitting again?


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Mitch stumbles into his room, kicking off shoes struggling with cloths drops onto to bed, grabs pillow, starts to snore, alarm goes off, rolls off bed

MITCH Who assigns class at 8 am...


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Scene Shot Description Elements 1 10 [MS]: Pan around group SETTING: Diner

CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch ACTION: Dialogue

1 20 [FL] See all characters on screen 1 30 [CU] CHAR: Maria

ACTION: Dialogue 1 40 [MS]: Pan around group CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch

ACTION: Dialogue 1 50 [LS]: Voyeur-esque from inside the restaurant CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch

ACTION: Dialogue 1 60 MS CHAR: Victor

ACTION: Dialogue 1 70 [MS to CU (strong focus on DJ)] CHAR: DJ

ACTION: Dialogue 1 80 [FL] CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch

ACTION: Leave Restaurant 1 90 [MS]: Pan down to ground and then focus on trash

bin in background CHAR: Victor ACTION: Picks up trash and throws it

away PROPS: Litter

2 10 [CU] SETTING: Dorm Room A CHAR: Mitch PROPS: Average dorm room

accessories 2 20 [CU] SETTING: Dorm Bathroom

CHAR: DJ PROPS: Hair-gel, AXE Body-spray,

small bottle of concealer for acne 2 30 [CU] SETTING: Dorm Room B

CHAR: Maria PROPS: Average messy dorm room

accessories 2 40 [CU] SETTING: Dorm Room C

CHAR: Victor PROPS: Impeccably clean room, no

props necessary 2 50 ½ Shot SETTING: Frat House

CHAR: DJ & Mitch, Extras PROPS: Red plastic cups

2 60 ½ shot SETTING: House Party CHAR: Maria, Extras PROPS: Red plastic cups

2 70 ½ shot SETTING: Bathroom at a party CHAR: Victor PROPS: Cell phone, sharpies to coat

the walls in obscene writing 2 80 ½ shot SETTING: Frat House

CHAR: Mitch and Sarah, Extras 2 90 ½ shot SETTING: Frat House

CHAR: DJ, Frat Bros 2 100 ½ shot SETTING: House Party

CHAR: Maria, Extras PROPS: Red plastic cups

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2 110 ½ shot SETTING: Closet CHAR: Mitch, Sarah

2 120 Dutch Angle SETTING: Closet CHAR: Mitch, Sarah ACTION: Make out

2 130 [CU] SETTING: Closet CHAR: Mitch, Sarah PROP: Camera

3 10 [FL] SETTING: Suburban Bloomington CHAR: Mitch, DJ

3 20 [CU] CHAR: DJ 3 30 [FL] CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch 3 40 [CU] CHAR: DJ

PROP: Cell Phone 3 50 ½ shot CHAR:DJ

PROP: Vomit 3 60 [CU] CHAR: Maria, Victor, Mitch

ACTION: Disgust! 3 70 [MS]; follow as they walk CHAR: DJ, Maria, Victor, Mitch 3 80 [CU] CHAR: Maria

ACTION: Dialogue 3 90 [CU] CHAR: DJ

ACTION: Dialogue 3 100 ½ shot CHAR: DJ, Maria, Mitch

ACTION: Leave 3 110 [FL] CHAR: Victor


4 10 [FL] SETTING: Frat House CHAR: Frat Brothers, Chad ACTION: Cleaning

4 20 ½ shot CHAR: Brother ACTION: Going through stuff PROP: Mitch’s pile of stuff

4 30 [CU] CHAR: Brother ACTION: Calls to Chad PROP: Mitch’s pile of stuff, Camera

4 40 [FL] CHAR: Chad, Brother ACTION: Hand Camera PROP: Camera

4 50 [CU] CHAR: Chad ACTION: Look at Camera PROP: Camera

4 60 Italian Shot CHAR: Chad ACTION: RAGEEE!

5 10 [LS]: Establishing Shot. Overhead shot of protagonists walking towards camera, away from barren, ill-lit golf course.

CHAR: Mitch, DJ, Maria, Victor. SET: golf hole: flag, hole, different

coloured grass. LIGHT: Orange streetlights.

5 20 [FL]: following from behind: SET: Street sign “Moore” CHAR: Mitch, DJ, Maria

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5 30 [CU]: Street sign “Moore”, cross street illegible SET: Street sign “Moore” + something.

5 40 [MCU]: DJ swaggering, pan to Victor, pointing to something outside of frame

CHAR: DJ, Victor

5 50 [LS]: Phonebooth in distance, on corner of cross streets. “Moore” street sign visible in shot. A plaza of buildings in the background

SET: Phonebooth, “Moore” street sign; Background: Plaza of buildings.

5 60 [lowered MCU panning left->right slowly so that each character comes into frame as they speak]

PROP: Kamchatka bottle; CHAR: DJ, Mitch, Maria, Victor,

5 70 [FL sideshot of group, pedestalling up and away from the group]: Mitch recoiling away from DJ as DJ swigs the vodka, Victor turning inwards toward group and backing away (towards offscreen phonebooth)

PROP: Kamchatka bottle; CHAR: DJ, Mitch, Maria, Victor


80 [MCU]: Mitch and DJ shrug at each other as Maria (from behind them) separates from them to follow Victor

CHAR: Mitch, DJ, Maria

5 90 [CU, profile shot]: Victor, head bowed in booth, hugging phone to face.

SET: Phone booth CHAR: Victor

5 100 [FL, overhead, tilt towards distant cars in plaza]: DJ inching towards the phone booth (towards Victor and Maria), Mitch edging towards cars in plaza

BG: Plaza (Strip mall, enclosed) CHAR: Mitch, DJ, Maria, Victor LIGHT: harsh -- conceal cop car. SET: Phone booth, two cars --

headlights on, other scattered cars. 5 110 [CU, Profile shot]: Victor, still on phone, turns to

Maria, grins apologetically. She is not amused. CHAR: Victor, Maria SET: phone booth

5 120 [MCU, following DJ]: Mitch is far ahead, speaking to himself audidibly. DJ swigs the Kamchatka.

BG: Plaza CHAR: DJ, MITCH PROP: Kamchatka handle

5 130 [Facing Mitch FL track to MCU, then rotate to following]: Mitch approaches the two figures at their car

BG: Phone booth, then plaza CHAR: Mitch, DJ (bg), Victor

(bg),Maria (bg), Two officers SET: cop car

5 140 [FL (of Mitch) -- Beside cop, tilting up Mitch to follow flashlight; Pan to fit DJ in frame]: Officer Brown turns on flashlight and shines it onto Mitch’s core, then slowly raises it as he speaks until it hits Mitch’s face. Mitch is terrified. DJ comes from behind Mitch, wielding handle of vodka.

CHAR: Mitch, Officer Brown, DJ PROP: Kamchatka handle, flashlight

5 150 [FL (beside DJ, who is facing the officers against their car)]: Officer Brown uses flashlight to inspect DJ.

CHAR: DJ, Mitch, Officer Brown, other Officer

PROP: flashlight

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5 160 [MCU (facing DJ)]: DJ tries to act cool as he whips out his fake from his wallet.


5 170 [Profile MCU (DJ & Officer Brown)]: DJ hands over his ID.

CHAR: DJ, Officer Brown, Mitch, other officer

PROP: ID card

5 180 [POV (Officer brown)]: Officer Brown inspects ID card -- 50 year old Latino man; looks back up at DJ. Mitch begins to book it, officers pursue.

CHAR: Officer Brown, DJ, Mitch, other Officer

PROP: ID card

5 190 [LS (overhead)]: DJ and Mitch running from officers; Nearby, Maria and Victor in the phone booth

CHAR: Mitch, DJ, Victor, Maria, Officer Brown, other Officer

SET: phone booth

5 200 [CU (Victor)]: Victor hanging up -- Maria slamming phone onto cradle. Two awkwardly gaze into each other’s eyes. Phone rings, Victor answers.

CHAR: Victor, Maria SET: Phone booth

6 10 [MCU]: Chad’s bedroom door opens and he steps through (out of his room). The camera lifts and begins to follow closely behind him, retaining an MCU status as he knocks on doors and passes brothers in the hallway. The shot climaxes when Chad reaches the end of the hallway and spins to face the camera (indirectly, speaking collected brothers).

SET: bedroom door, wooden, nice, hallway

CHAR: Various brothers, Chad.

7 10 [FL panning]: Sarah’s bedroom door opens and she steps through (into her room), sets down her purse, and flops onto her bed.

CHAR: Sarah PROP: purse

7 20 [CU]: Sarah whips out her phone and begins to send Mitch a text.

CHAR: Sarah PROP: cell phone SET: Bed

7 30 [FL]: A vibration is heard and she looks around until she pin-points it from within a pocket: It is mitch’s cell phone.

CHAR: Sarah PROP: 2x cell phones SET: Bed

7 40 [CU (phone)]: Sarah rereads the text she just sent Mitch, scoffs, and shuts phone.

CHAR: Sarah PROP: cell phone

7 50 [FL]: Sarah puts Mitch’s phone back into her pocket, picks her purse back up, and slams the door shut on the way out.

CHAR: Sarah PROP: cell phone, purse

8 10 [Panning LS]: Focus on gents as they book it down street

SET: Street lamps, sidewalk, fencing, dark storefronts,

CHAR: DJ & Mitch

8 20 [MCU tracking backward in front of Mitch]: DJ running behind Mitch, same direction


8 30 [Stationary FS]: focus on bush beyond fencing, Mitch jumps in, then DJ jumps in.

The two police officers run past bush, along sidewalk

SET: Bush, fencing CHAR: DJ, Mitch, police officers, BG: Bombay House

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8 40 [MCU]: Mitch peering over fence from around the bush: Focus out Mitch in FG, focus in DJ in BG opening Bombay House door.

SET: Fence, bush, Bombay House, sign “Bombay House”

CHAR: Mitch, DJ,

8 50 [SWISH to CU]: Bombay House Sign SET: “Bombay House” sign

8 60 [FS (inside of Bombay House) facing open doorway]: DJ wanders inside (open arms), moments later, Mitch walks in, closes door

LIGHT: Harsh SET: Building interior; Tablery,

countertops along sides, chairs on tables,

8 70 [MCU]: DJ swinging around with arms extended, knocks open pot onto ground, curry spills out.

LIGHT: Harsh CHAR: DJ SET: countertop (range?) PROP: pot

8 80 [Tilted down CU]: DJ’s legs, pot falling and clanking on ground, [Pedestal up DJ’s body, then tilting down to follow DJ’s arms and hands and he reaches to pick up the pot] DJ buckling as he places his hands on the pot, then vomiting some silhouetted liquid into the pot, from the darkness.


8 90 [Tilting CU/MCU]: DJ shrugging, lifting pot, LIGHT: Harsh CHAR: DJ PROP: Pot,

8 100 [MCU of Mitch, behind shoulder]: Mitch facing DJ as DJ lifts pot onto rangetop, staircase in far corner illuminates, making staircase visible.

LIGHT: Harsh SET: Silhouettes of tables, chairs,

staircase CHAR: DJ, Mitch

8 110 [FL of Staircase]: Shadow creeps in front of light, casting his silhouette down staircase.

LIGHT: Sanjesh’s shadow against staircase. Strong light from behind him.



13 10 [FS]: Group BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: DJ

13 20 [MS]: Victor in the middle of group, checking phone BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: DJ

13 30 [CS/Victor’s POV]: Victor types a text message BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victors hands

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13 40 [M/CS]: DJ Swaying BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: DJ

13 50 [MS]: Maria and Mitch debate about directions BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: DJ

13 60 [FS/MS Tracking]: Mitch hops over rail and slides down hill

BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: DJ

13 70 [CS]: DJ nauseous BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: DJ

13 80 [MS]: Mitch in thumbs up pose BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Mitch

13 90 [FS]: DJ spits starts to flip over BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: DJ

13 100 [FS/DJ’s POV]: 360 vertical rotation, Victor typing and Maria watching from sidewalk, Mitch in meadow

BG: Dunn Meadow /sidewalk/ sky CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria

13 110 [FS/MS]: Mitch laughing BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Mitch

13 120 [CS] Tracking out: DJ stunned, sick BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: DJ

13 130 [MS]: Victor with phone dreaming, Maria walks around railing

BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Maria

13 140 [CS]: Victor follows BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk CHAR1: Victor

13 150 [FS to MS]: Maria helping DJ, DJ hits head then sits up

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: DJ

13 160 [FS Horizontal pan]: Maria calls to Mitch, walks over. Camera pans ahead of her to Mitch

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Mitch CHAR2: Maria

13 170 [FS]: Chad and Frat brothers clambering over stairs and wall

BG: Dunn Meadow sidewalk wall CHAR1:Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

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13 180 [CS]: Slow motion, Mitch panic BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Mitch

13 190 [FS Mitch’s POV]: Slow, Horizontal pan from Chad and brothers to DJ, Maria and Victor, Slightly faster pan back to Chad and brothers

BG: Dunn Meadow /sidewalk CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Maria CHAR3: DJ CHAR4: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

13 200 [CS Dolly off angle arc to FS]: Chad and brothers battle cry then charge field

BG: Dunn Meadow /sidewalk CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

13 210 [CS]: Maria roars BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria

13 210 [CU]: Maria roars BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria

13 220 [MS/FL]: Maria grabs Victor, victor reaches for DJ, DJ remains seated, Maria pulls Victor away

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Victor CHAR3: DJ

13 230 [FL High Angle]: DJ urging them on BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: DJ

13 240 [MCU/LS]: Tracking in, over Victors shoulder, Victor runs past Maria, Mitch catches victor

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Victor CHAR3: Mitch

13 250 [FL]: Mitch and Victor yelling and gesturing at Maria

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Mitch CHAR2: Victor

13 260 [MCU/FL]: Tracking out, Maria cursing, Maria running with Frat mob behind her

BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Chad EEXTRAS: Brothers

13 270 [MCU]: Victor thanks Mitch, starts to cross stream BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1:Victor CHAR2: Mitch

13 280 [FL]: Maria runs past Mitch, thanking him, jumps BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Mitch CHAR2: Maria

13 290 [MCU]: Mitch welcomes BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Mitch

13 300 [MCU/MS]: Chad shrieks running ahead of mob BG: Dunn Meadow CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

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13 310 [FL]: Zoom out track in, Maria gets stuck BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Maria

13 320 [LS]: Mitch across stream looks back, Victor turns back reaching for Maria, Maria struggles

BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Victor CHAR3: Mitch

13 330 [CU High Angle]: Maria’s foot pulls free from shoe BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Maria

13 340 [MS]: Mitch, Maria, and Victor, across stream, Maria berates Mitch before hobbling along with Victor, Mitch follows

BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Victor CHAR3: Mitch

13 350 [FL/MCU]: Chad reaches stream, brothers collide, zoom/pan in to Chad in stream screaming

BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

13 360 [LS/ POV] of Chad: looking around for Mitch, not in sight

BG: Dunn Meadow EXTRAS: Brothers

13 370 [FL High Angle]: Chad climbs out of stream, punches Frat brother

BG: Dunn Meadow, stream CHAR1:Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 10 [MCU]: Sarah sitting on bench waves BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Sarah

14 20 [MS]: Mitch walks up to Sarah, sits next to her BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch

14 30 [MS/FL]: Over shoulder/between Mitch and Sarah, Victor and Maria approaching, Victor speaks

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Victor CHAR4: Maria

14 40 [MCU]: Sarah turns to Mitch, Mitch leans in BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch

14 50 [MS]: Pan, Maria pulls Victor to another bench they sit

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Maria

14 60 [MS]: Sarah grabs Mitch’s hand BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch

14 70 [FL]: Maria and Victor get up BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Maria

14 80 [MS/FL]: Sarah pushes Mitch off bench BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch

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14 90 [CU]: Sarah laughs BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Sarah

14 100 [MCU]: Victor checks phone BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Victor

14 110 [FL/MCU]: Maria questions, Sarah warns, Mitch walking away camera tracking in, Mitch suddenly stops

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sarah CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: Victor

14 120 [MS]: Chad and brothers BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 130 [CU]: Sarah “DJ?!” BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sarah

14 140 [MCU]: Mitch “DJ? ...” BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Mitch

14 150 [MS]: Chad speaks, interrupted by DJ’s voice BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 160 [MS]: DJ steps out from brothers BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Chad CHAR2: DJ EXTRAS: Brothers

14 170 [MS]: Mitch and DJ catch up BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: DJ CHAR2: Mitch

14 180 [MCU]: Maria and Victor behind Mitch BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Mitch CHAR2: Maria CHAR3: Victor

14 190 [MS]: Chad speaks, interrupted by Mitch’s voice BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 200 [MS/MCU]: Tracking in, DJ and Mitch argue BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: DJ CHAR2: Mitch

14 210 [MS Low angle]: Chad swings at Mitch BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad CHAR2: Mitch

14 220 [MCU]: Maria pulls Mitch backwards catches Chad’s arm

BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Chad

14 230 [CU]: Maria grinning BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Maria

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14 240 [CU]: Chad in pain BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad

14 250 [MCU/MS]: Tracking out, Maria twisting Chad’s arm BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad CHAR2: Maria

14 260 [FL Low angle]: Sanjesh appears followed by group of Indians

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sanjesh EXTRAS: Indians

14 270 [MS High angle]: Maria lets go of Chad BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad CHAR2: Maria

14 280 [MS/FL/CU]: Sanjesh interrogates ,tracking out, and points, pan, to DJ, tracking in

BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Sanjesh CHAR2: DJ EXTRAS: Indians, Brothers

14 290 [CU]: Chad speaks, interrupted by Sanjesh’s voice BG: Outside dorms CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 300 [MCU]: Pan back and forth, Sanjesh and Chad squaring off

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sanjesh CHAR2: Chad

14 310 [CU/FL]: tracking out, Chad quotes movie, everyone else is confused

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: DJ CHAR2: Mitch CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: Victor CHAR5: Chad CHAR6: Sanjesh EXTRAS: Indians, Brothers

14 320 [MCU]: Sanjesh corrects Chad BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sanjesh EXTRAS: Indians

14 330 [MS high angle]: Chad and Brothers battle cry BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Chad EXTRAS: Brothers

14 340 [MS/L low angle]: tracking out Brothers and Indians begin fighting, Maria and Mitch emerge together, Victor and Sarah escape together, pan between groups as flashing lights appear

BG: Outside dorm CHAR1: Sanjesh CHAR2: Chad CHAR3: Maria CHAR4: Victor CHAR5: Mitch CHAR6: Sarah EXTRAS: Indians, Brothers

15 10 [MS]: Victor shows Maria his room BG: Victor’s room CHAR1: Victor CHAR2: Sarah

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15 20 [MCU]: Victor on phone BG: Victor’s room CHAR1: Victor

16 10 [MCU/FL High angle]: zoom out, dolly around, group of brawlers huddled together, surrounded by vagrants, Chad and Sanjesh leaning together

BG: Jail/ Drunk tank CHAR1: DJ CHAR2: Chad CHAR3: Sanjesh EXTRAS: Brothers, Indians, Vagrants

17 10 [MCU/MS]: Maria enters her room, pan to Girlfriend asleep in front of tv, while Maria turns things off

BG: Maria’s Room CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Maria’s Girlfriend

17 20 [MS/CU]: Maria wakes Girlfriend up BG: Maria’s Room CHAR1: Maria CHAR2: Maria’s Girlfriend

18 10 [MS/MCU/FL low to high angle]: tilt, Mitch stumble in, pan, struggles into bed, grabs pillow, zoom in, snores, zoom out

BG: Mitche’s room CHAR1: Mitch

19 20 [FL/CU high angle]: alarm goes off, zoom in as Mitch falls out of bed

BG: Mitch’s room CHAR1: Mitch

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Costume Design description: The first outfit is for the character Victor.

This character is very timid, antsy, picky, and neat, and on top of that he has a girlfriend. So the khaki shorts, the polo, with the polo hat and the Sperry’s show a very clean male who cares about his image, but is still in college. The cap and the khaki’s were supposed to give off the “college vibe.”

The second outfit is for the character Maria.

This character Maria is a much laid back type of girl. She does not care too much about what people think, yet she is still very presentable. The dark jeans, with the dark top, sandals and watch; really match her personality. Overall, her outfit is very simple, with darker colors. Yet, her sandals are quite appealing, and her top though it is black, is slightly seductive, and her simple necklace is dashing as well and adds more appeal.

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5 Scouted Locations

Location 1 – Indian Restaurant (Stand in for Bombay House)

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Location 2 – Frat House (Stand in for Delta Beta Gamma)

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Location 3 – Dunn Meadow

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Location 4 – Late Night Diner (Scene of Opening Conversation and Victor/Maria dialogue)

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Location 5 – Dormitory (site of ending battle)

NOTE: I chose this site because of how the path’s coalesce, symbolic of all of the subplots coming together in this scene.

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5 Songs For the Soundtrack

1. Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling Context: The opening montage. The song has a good expression of being prepared to go out and is an apt fit for a collection of scenes about people getting ready to party. Link:

2. Jurassic Park ST – Raptor Attack Context: The scene in the kitchen. This scene was intended to be a parody of the raptor scene in the first Jurassic Park, so it makes sense to use the same music. It’s incredibly eerie, atmospheric music that would fit the scene quite well. Link:

3. Beck – Chemtrails Context: The closing chase. We’d use the 2nd half of this song, using the quiet part during the scene right before the massive end chase and then using the 90 second loud breakdown at the end for the large chase and fight scene. Link:

4. Ennio Morricone – The Mission Context: Closing montage. This song is meant to be played with a bit of irony. It’s an incredibly beautiful piece of music and it will be set against ravaged bodies of young, partied-out college freshman.

5. Oregon Trail II – Oregon Trail Theme Context: Closing credits. A reference back to the game that inspired this movie. Link: