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Page 1: Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel Represent Rome

Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Represent Rome?Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Represent Rome?Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Represent Rome?Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Represent Rome?

rophecy is not given to enable us to prophesy, and no one who has worthily pursued the study will fail to feel misgivings at venturing out upon the tempting field of forecasting "things to come." By patient contemplation we may clearly discern the main outlines of the landscape of the future; but "until the day dawn," our apprehension of distances and details must be inadequate, if not wholly false. The great facts of the future, so plainly revealed in Scripture, have been touched on in preceding pages. For what follows here no

deference is claimed save what may be accorded to a "pious opinion" based on earnest and careful inquiry. In the 7th Chapter of Daniel, Prophet Daniel sees four unusual beasts that are clearly symbolic of four kingdoms in world history. The first beast was a like a lion that had the wings of an eagle, while the second beast was a bear described as having "three ribs in the mouth of it." The third beast was a leopard with 4 heads, and the fourth beast was described as "...dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth...and it had ten horns." There is no doubt that the vision describes four world kingdoms as an angel specifically tells Daniel that "these great beasts which are four are four kings which shall rise out of the earth." The problem we had with this chapter is the identification of the four kingdoms with the traditionally interpreted four past universal kingdoms. Practically every scholar and prophecy commentator has routinely identified these 4 kingdoms of Daniel 7 as simply a reiteration of the four kingdoms described earlier in Daniel chapter two. When we recall Daniel chapter two, it has the description of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the great statue. In this classic prophecy the king sees a great statue with a head of Gold, arms of Silver, thighs of Brass, and legs of Iron. The description of the legs is further described as including two feet with ten toes. There really isn't much doubt about the identities in this dream for Daniel specifically tells the king of Babylon that he, Nebuchadnezzar, is the head of gold. Daniel's interpretation continues as he describes three kingdoms that will succeed the Babylonian empire, we have already given a detailed exposition on this prophecy and have also highlighted what major changes should be made regarding the two iron legs and clay mixed feet of the metallic statue, that the two legs of iron do not represent Rome instead the Ottoman Turkish Empire. The traditional interpretation of these four kingdoms is represented by the silver arms, the brass thighs and the iron legs. Since secular history clearly establishes the fact that the Babylonian empire was followed by the Persian Union (the arms of silver), the Grecian empire (the thighs of brass) and the Roman Empire (the legs of iron) and a divided kingdom at the end of the days represented by the ten toes of the great statue. We lay emphasis on the fact here, that the Grecian empire was not only succeeded by Rome, also by the Ottoman Turks, Rome occupied the territories previously occupied by Csaander and Lysimacus i.e the provinces of western Rome. The Turks occupied the territories of eastern Rome where Ptolmey and Selucus reigned the Egypt, and the northern costal region of Africa, the southern part of Turkey, Syria, Assyira and Babylon. Rome never occupied the regions of Mesopotamia where the Seleucid dynasty was ruling. The Ottomon Turks later subdued both the Byzantine Empire also known as eastern Rome as well as the Seleucid Empire. Hence Rome does not include in Daniel’ scope of prophecy.


Page 2: Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel Represent Rome

But are the four world empires of the statue in Daniel chapter two necessarily synonymous with the four beast kingdoms of Daniel chapter seven? We are convinced they are different kingdoms from different regions of the earth, and the fact that this interpretation of Daniel's four beast kingdoms has been distorted has masked the fulfilment of Bible prophecy in our time. In other words, there's a reason for the misinterpreted system being propagated. It is designed to mislead and deceive the believer in Jesus Christ into a deadly misunderstanding and false identification of the key components of last day’s prophetic fulfilment. Before we offer a reasonable interpretation of the four beasts, we need to outline the reasons why the conventional synchronized interpretation is usually followed. There are many similarities between the two vision/dreams and that may account for the broad acceptance of the synonymous/concurrent interpretation of the two vision/dreams. For example, in Daniel chapter two, the head of gold is described as superior to the kingdoms of silver, brass, and iron. The commentators commonly connect the regal aspect of the Babylonian kingdom (the head of gold) with the royal imagery associated with the lion of chapter seven's vision. There is very little to identify the second beast (the bear) with the second "statue" empire of Daniel chapter 2 (the Medo-Persian) so interpreters usually focus on the third kingdom as it provides a more credible argument. The third kingdom of the statue dream (brass thighs) was Alexander the Great's Grecian empire and it is routinely compared to the third kingdom of the beast vision, the leopard. Because the leopard is noted for speed, it is commonly identified with Alexander's meteoric military acquisition of territory. Another apparent connection between the third kingdoms is found in yet another chapter of the book of Daniel. In that passage (found in Daniel chapter eight), Alexander is symbolized as a "rough goat" with a large horn. In that vision, the large horn is broken, and replaced by four horns; and once again, an angel is there to interpret the vision. The angel tells Daniel that "the great horn is...the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation” This passage validates once again prophetic accuracy as history records that after Alexander's death, his kingdom was divided between four of his generals. The fact that the Grecian empire (the third "statue" empire) was divided four ways helped to identify the four heads of the Leopard (the third "beast" vision) with Alexander and his four generals. Just to keep the confusion to a minimum with all these 'fours,' we need to point out that these four horns that succeed Alexander's Grecian kingdom in the "goat" vision of chapter eight are entirely separate from the four "statue" kingdoms of chapter two and the four "beast" kingdoms of chapter seven. It's not hard to see why there's confusion on this, but bear with us, for we're closing in on the true identification of all of these kingdoms. The final factor that is usually used to connect the four "statue" kingdoms with the four "beast" kingdoms is the fact that both fourth kingdoms incorporate the number ten. In the statue dream, the ten toes on the feet of the iron legs (the fourth and final kingdom of chapter two) are

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specifically highlighted. In the beast vision, the fourth and final beast has ten horns. Because the ten toes are interpreted with the Roman Empire, it is commonly believed that the ten horns on the fourth beast somehow represent a 'revived' Roman empire. In history we see no such ten divisions have occurred in the Roman Empire, in fact it was divided by two but not ten. The western Rome fell to the barbaric invading tribes in 476A.D and the eastern Rome also known as Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 A.D, never in the past, it is recorded that Rome had ten kingdoms and never Rome will have ten revived kingdoms in future!1

The Four Beasts of Daniel 7th Chapter

The four beasts, which are kingdoms, could not represent ancient Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome, as is commonly believed by Bible scholars from several centuries. We are constrained to own that this case is less complete than it appears to be, and that grave difficulties arise in connection with it; and the following observations are put forward tentatively to promote inquiry in the matter:--

1st . In the history of Babylonia there is nothing to correspond with the predicted course of the first Beast, for it is scarcely legitimate to suppose that the vision was a prophecy of the career of Nebuchadnezzar, whose death had taken place upwards of twenty years before the vision was given. Moreover, the transition from the lion with eagle's wings to the human condition, though it may betoken decline in power, plainly typifies a signal rise morally and intellectually. But with Nebuchadnezzar’s experience this prophecy is utterly impossible to corroborate, instead of changing from beast to human, he was made quite opposite; he became a beast from human, he was given heart of beast! (Dan 4:16) 2nd . Neither is there in the history of Persia anything answering to the bear-like beast with that precision and fullness which prophecy demands. The language of the English version suggests a reference to Persia and Media; but the true rendering appears to be: "It made for itself one dominion,"2 instead of" It raised up itself on one side." 3rd . While the symbolism of the sixth verse seems at first sight to point definitely to the Grecian Empire, it will appear upon a closer examination that at its advent the leopard had four wings and four head. This was its primary and normal condition, and it was in this condition that "dominion was given to it." This surely is very different from what Daniel 8:8 describes, and what the history of Alexander's Empire realized, viz., the rise of a single power, which in its decadence continued to exist in a divided state. 4th. Each of the three first empires of the second chapter (Babylon, Persia, and Greece) was in turn destroyed and engulfed by its successor; but the kingdoms of the seventh chapter all continued together upon the scene, though "the dominion," was with the fourth (Daniel 7:12), the first was given a human heart but not a dominion, the second was commanded to devour much flesh (Dan 7:3-6). Verse 3 seems to imply that the four beasts came up together, and at all events there is nothing to suggest a series of empires, each destroying its predecessor, though the symbolism of the vision was (in contrast with

1 For a detailed information on this topic please refer our treatise “The Papal System is not the Antichrist” 2 Tregelles, Daniel, p. 34.

Page 4: Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel Represent Rome

that of chap. 2.) admirably adapted to represent this. Compare the language of the next vision (Daniel 8:3-6). 5th.All three beasts were alive and their dominion were taken away at the time of the consummation of the fourth beast (Dan 7: 11by the wise heads and hearts that, the fourth beast devoured, broke in pieces, stamped the rest of the beast under its feet! (Dan 7:7) it must be owned that there was nothing in the history of ancient Rome to correspond with the main characteristic of this beast unless the symbolism used is to be very loosely interpreted. To "devour the earth," "tread it down and break it in pieces," is fairly descriptive of other empires, but Ancient Rome was precisely the one power which added government to conquest, and instead of treading down and breaking in pieces the nations it subdued, sought rather to mould them to its own civilization and polity 6th . The fourth beast, as per the judgement decreed by the heavenly jury was thrown into the fire and destroyed (Dan 7:10jury; it fell to the invading barbaric tribes a 7th. At the time of the destruction of this fourth beast the son of man appeared on the clouds and the kingdom and the dominion was given to him (Dan 7:13, 14), by any means of honest interpretation cannot prove that Rome ever metwas being destroyed and subsequently after Rome the kingdom and the dominion were transferred to Jesus Christ. Six centuries have been past after the complete overthrow of the Roman Empire, yet the son of man has not appeared on the clouds! 8th. It is understood by the Scriptural Evidence that after the fourth beast the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven will be established. (Dan 7:22; 2627) After the decline of Rome the Ottoman Empire ruled the Middle East, contemporaneously the British Empire was ruling the other parts of the earth, presently democracy is ruling the earth and even yet, the kingdom of God has not established on this earth. 9th. In order for these beasts, the lion, the bear, the leopard and the great and terrible beast to be Babylonia,

Media-Persia, Greece and Rome, respectively, each of these empires should have been represented by historical allegory, which they Empire was represented by the Persians were represented by the Greeks under the rule of Alexander were represented by the Sun disk or by a horse, not the leopard. And Rome was represented by the eagle, not as the great and terrible beast.

that of chap. 2.) admirably adapted to represent this. Compare the language of the next

sts were alive and their dominion were taken away at the time of the consummation of the fourth beast (Dan 7: 11-12). A point of interest has been ignored by the wise heads and hearts that, the fourth beast devoured, broke in pieces, stamped

e beast under its feet! (Dan 7:7) it must be owned that there was nothing in the history of ancient Rome to correspond with the main characteristic of this beast unless the symbolism used is to be very loosely interpreted. To "devour the earth," "tread

down and break it in pieces," is fairly descriptive of other empires, but Ancient Rome was precisely the one power which added government to conquest, and instead of treading down and breaking in pieces the nations it subdued, sought rather to mould

o its own civilization and polity.

. The fourth beast, as per the judgement decreed by the heavenly jury was thrown into the fire and destroyed (Dan 7:10-11). But Rome was never destroyed by the heavenly jury; it fell to the invading barbaric tribes and to the Muslim Turks.

. At the time of the destruction of this fourth beast the son of man appeared on the clouds and the kingdom and the dominion was given to him (Dan 7:13, 14), by any means of honest interpretation cannot prove that Rome ever met the son of man while it was being destroyed and subsequently after Rome the kingdom and the dominion were transferred to Jesus Christ. Six centuries have been past after the complete overthrow of the Roman Empire, yet the son of man

e clouds!

. It is understood by the Scriptural Evidence that after the fourth beast the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven will be established. (Dan 7:22; 26-

Rome the Ottoman Empire ruled the Middle East, contemporaneously the British Empire was ruling the other parts of the earth, presently democracy is ruling the earth and even yet, the kingdom of God has not established on this earth.

n order for these beasts, the lion, the bear, the leopard and the great and terrible beast to be Babylonia,

Persia, Greece and Rome, respectively, each of these empires should have been represented by these animals in historical allegory, which they weren't. The Babylonian Empire was represented by the bull, not the lion. The Persians were represented by the lion, not the bear. The Greeks under the rule of Alexander were represented by the

, not the leopard. And Rome was , not as the great and terrible beast.

3Winged Lion of Persia

Figure 1: Winged Bull of Babylon

2Symbol of Macedonia

that of chap. 2.) admirably adapted to represent this. Compare the language of the next

sts were alive and their dominion were taken away at the time of the 12). A point of interest has been ignored

by the wise heads and hearts that, the fourth beast devoured, broke in pieces, stamped e beast under its feet! (Dan 7:7) it must be owned that there was nothing in

the history of ancient Rome to correspond with the main characteristic of this beast unless the symbolism used is to be very loosely interpreted. To "devour the earth," "tread

down and break it in pieces," is fairly descriptive of other empires, but Ancient Rome was precisely the one power which added government to conquest, and instead of treading down and breaking in pieces the nations it subdued, sought rather to mould

. The fourth beast, as per the judgement decreed by the heavenly jury was thrown into 11). But Rome was never destroyed by the heavenly

. At the time of the destruction of this fourth beast the son of man appeared on the clouds and the kingdom and the dominion was given to him (Dan 7:13, 14), by any

the son of man while it

Winged Lion of Persia

: Winged Bull of Babylon

Symbol of Macedonia

Page 5: Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel Represent Rome

All this – and more might be addedseventh chapter may have a future reference

The Fourth Beast – Dreadful and Terrible

The fourth beast has been described by Daniel as follows: “and, behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in piecfrom all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." 24. We can identify this beast by the characteristics referred by the prophet, he says the fourth beast was dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingbrass(Dan 7:19) devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the others with its feet. Reasons for why the fourth beast is not Rome

1. The fourth beast was alive at the time of our because it fell to ottoman Turks long before to Our Lord’s advent

2. The fourth beast was cast into the fire by the heavenly jury. However, Rome was not cast in fire; instead, it was subdued by the ottoman Tu

3. The kingdom of God succeeded the fourth beast (Dan 7:24Empire declined in 476 A.D and eventually the eastern Roman Empire declined in 1453 A.D, we are yet waiting the kingdom of God to be established on this earth.

4. The fourth beast will be the last and final universal empire which will precede the kingdom of God (Dan 7:24-empires succeeded it; even today we see democracy is ruling the world, still we are waiting for the kingdom of God to be setup on this earth.

5. The little horn of the fourth beast persecuted the saints for a time, times and a half time i.e. three and a half years, now this three and a half years period is a direct reference to Antichrist (Rev 12, 13, Dan7). Thof the 70th week. Hence, there is indeed a gap between 69 and the 70week certainly refers to the time of the end, so, the little horn of the fourth beast must be also raise at the time of the end. Rome never fulfilled this prophecy to come true.

6. The little horn of the fourth beast will make war with the saints and prevail and persecuted over them until the advent and kingdom of Christ (Dan 7:21little horn out of Rome is persecuting the Christians nor prevailing over them to make war.

Under the above fact full reasoning, we conclude that the fourth beast DO NOT REPRESENT ROME; instead, it represent the kingdom of ANTICHRIST which is yet to appear in this world.We have also identified an UPCOMING SYSTEM presently creating waves in the Middle East, its ideologies is one and the same as the ideologies of the Antichrist system. Both have hidden agenda to hate, banish and persecute the Jews and Christians. Both wantone religious banner. Both want to replace the word of God. The to, meets all the characteristics to be stamped as the forth beast of Daniel 7system is dread full terrible and exceedingly strong

and more might be added suggests that the entire vision of the have a future reference to the time of End.

Dreadful and Terrible

The fourth beast has been described by Daniel as follows: “After this I saw in the night visions, and, behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the residue with its feet; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." 24.

We can identify this beast by the characteristics referred by the prophet, he says the fourth beast strong exceeding it not only had the teeth of iron but also had nails of

brass(Dan 7:19) devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the others with its feet.

Reasons for why the fourth beast is not Rome

The fourth beast was alive at the time of our Lord’s second advent, Rome was not because it fell to ottoman Turks long before to Our Lord’s advent – Dan 7:11The fourth beast was cast into the fire by the heavenly jury. However, Rome was not cast in fire; instead, it was subdued by the ottoman Turks. The kingdom of God succeeded the fourth beast (Dan 7:24-27). The Western Roman Empire declined in 476 A.D and eventually the eastern Roman Empire declined in 1453 A.D, we are yet waiting the kingdom of God to be established on this earth.

east will be the last and final universal empire which will precede the -27). But Rome was not the final empire, moreover other

empires succeeded it; even today we see democracy is ruling the world, still we are dom of God to be setup on this earth.

The little horn of the fourth beast persecuted the saints for a time, times and a half time i.e. three and a half years, now this three and a half years period is a direct reference to Antichrist (Rev 12, 13, Dan7). This three and a half year period is certainly the latter part

week. Hence, there is indeed a gap between 69 and the 70th week, the 70week certainly refers to the time of the end, so, the little horn of the fourth beast must be

the time of the end. Rome never fulfilled this prophecy to come true.The little horn of the fourth beast will make war with the saints and prevail and

the advent and kingdom of Christ (Dan 7:21-22). Presently of Rome is persecuting the Christians nor prevailing over them to make war.

Under the above fact full reasoning, we conclude that the fourth beast DO NOT REPRESENT ROME; instead, it represent the kingdom of ANTICHRIST which is yet to appear in this world.We have also identified an UPCOMING SYSTEM presently creating waves in the Middle East,

as the ideologies of the Antichrist system. Both have hidden agenda to hate, banish and persecute the Jews and Christians. Both want to rule the world under one religious banner. Both want to replace the word of God. The system which we are referring to, meets all the characteristics to be stamped as the forth beast of Daniel 7th chapter. This

exceedingly strong indeed it has wealth, man power above all Satan is

After this I saw in the night visions, and, behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron

es and stamped the residue with its feet; and it was diverse

We can identify this beast by the characteristics referred by the prophet, he says the fourth beast it not only had the teeth of iron but also had nails of

brass(Dan 7:19) devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the others with its feet.

Lord’s second advent, Rome was not Dan 7:11-14

The fourth beast was cast into the fire by the heavenly jury. However, Rome was not cast

27). The Western Roman Empire declined in 476 A.D and eventually the eastern Roman Empire declined in 1453 A.D, we are yet waiting the kingdom of God to be established on this earth.

east will be the last and final universal empire which will precede the 27). But Rome was not the final empire, moreover other

empires succeeded it; even today we see democracy is ruling the world, still we are

The little horn of the fourth beast persecuted the saints for a time, times and a half time i.e. three and a half years, now this three and a half years period is a direct reference to

is three and a half year period is certainly the latter part week, the 70th

week certainly refers to the time of the end, so, the little horn of the fourth beast must be the time of the end. Rome never fulfilled this prophecy to come true.

The little horn of the fourth beast will make war with the saints and prevail and 22). Presently no

of Rome is persecuting the Christians nor prevailing over them to make war.

Under the above fact full reasoning, we conclude that the fourth beast DO NOT REPRESENT ROME; instead, it represent the kingdom of ANTICHRIST which is yet to appear in this world. We have also identified an UPCOMING SYSTEM presently creating waves in the Middle East,

as the ideologies of the Antichrist system. Both have hidden to rule the world under

which we are referring chapter. This

it has wealth, man power above all Satan is

Page 6: Does the Fourth Beast of Daniel Represent Rome

the pillar and backbone of this system, we strongly believe that through this system the said imposter will come to power and rule the earth, persecute Jews and Christians, implement the preconceived schemes of Satan. Thus we strongly assert that the fourth beast DO NOT REPRESENT THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

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