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Page 1: Does Jesus Have a Health Plan?
Page 2: Does Jesus Have a Health Plan?

The ALS “ice bucket” challenge has come under some

severe scrutiny. The idea is that people shouldn’t be dumping clean water

on their heads when people in some parts of the world

struggle to get clean water.

On a rather personal and selfish note: I heard the diagnosis of ALS in 2009.

Obviously, that was a misdiagnosis, but it was a stressful time.

In no way do I mean to imply that I know what ALS families


My disorder is very similar to ALS; often called a “cousin” of ALS.

Finding better treatments for ALS will benefit me.

Page 3: Does Jesus Have a Health Plan?

Asa was the great-grandson of Solomon. His reign began in a very good way (2 Chr 14:2-5).

However, near the end of his reign, he relied on the King of

Syria, Ben-Hadad, when Israel (King Baasha) made war

against him (2 Chr 16:1-10). When a prophet rebuked him, Asa threw the prophet in prison (2

Chr 16:7-10).

There is also the matter of his feet.

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“In the thirty-ninth year of his

reign, Asa became diseased in

his feet, and his malady was

severe; yet in his disease he

did not seek the LORD, but the

physicians” (2 Chron 16:12).

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We need to understand a few things:

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One: There is clearly a connection in the Old Testament

between illness and sin. 2 Chron 21:16-20.

2 Chron 26:16-23.

The fact that the LORD would strike people with illness: Strongly indicates that Asa’s illness may have been the work of

the LORD.

Does not say that all suffering (even in the Old Testament) was a

direct result of God’s intervention.


The man born blind (Jn 9:1-3).

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Two: There was in the Old Testament a connection

between healing and the favor of God. 2 Chron 7:14

2 Chron 30:20.

2 Ki 20:1-6.

I think we could also add women whose wombs were

opened to this list (e.g., Sarah and Hannah). Obviously that does not mean that every recovery from illness

during the Mosaic period meant divine favor.

When God gives instructions for the healing of leprosy, there is

no indication that the healing would be divine (Lev 14).

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Three: The doctors whom Asa trusted would have likely

shown complete disregard for God. At best, this would have been physicians who used herbal

remedies. I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with that, in and of itself.

At worst, these doctors would have been using magic

rituals. Deut 18:9-12.

2 Ki 17:17-18.

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“In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became

diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in

his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the

physicians” (2 Chron 16:12). There have been different attempts to diagnose Asa.

It doesn’t seem to me that even the best trained physician could

diagnose Asa; we have such limited knowledge.


Some folks believe this was gout.

Gout was extremely rare during this period of history.

Some believe it was gangrene due to an obstruction of the

blood flow to the king’s feet.

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“His malady was severe.” This could certainly mean that the king’s illness was


He sought physicians instead of seeking the LORD. What does the author mean by seeking physicians?

What are some ways that Asa might have sought physicians?

What does the author mean by not seeking the LORD? What are some ways that Asa might have sought the LORD?

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Is it wrong to seek help from a physician? I ask that question because some people use 2 Chronicles

16:12 to say that one cannot seek medical care.

Some Scriptures: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who

are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to

repentance” (Mk 2:17).

“Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you” (Col 4:14).

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What can we learn from this text? Trust needs to be in the Lord, not in medical professionals.

Medical professionals make mistakes; God never does.

Medical professionals do not have all power; God does.

He created this world.

He raised His Son from the dead.

Medical professionals cannot answer every question; God

answers every prayer (although not necessarily how we would


“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask

what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (Jn 15:7).

James 5:15-18.

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We can learn from this text to trust God’s strength as

we suffer. 2 Cor 1:8-11.

2 Cor 12:1-10.

What are some practical things we can do to trust God? Pray.

Ask others to pray.

Spend time in Scripture.

Set an example of perseverance.

Look at other folks and how they’ve handled it.

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It sounds to me as thought God sent this ailment upon

Asa in order to humble him and to get him to trust God. “Yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the


Why are times of struggle the perfect opportunity for us to

lean on God?

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Asa only suffered with his issue for two years. He died in the forty-first year of his reign.

We can’t be exactly certain, but it sounds as though Asa

died as a result of his ailment. “So Asa rested with his fathers; he died in the forty-first year of

his reign.”

Obviously some physical issue will result in death for all of us

(unless Jesus comes first).

If we’re all going to die, what is the point of trusting God?

How can we trust God in face of certain death?

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