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The Caterpillar Who Refused To Change Into a Beautiful Butterfly?

The Caterpillar Who Refused To Change Into a Beautiful Butterfly?

Joseph, Renah and Annimae Chaddock

0929.843.1671 Email [email protected]

Wiggly Waggly Wiggly WoO is the story about The Caterpillar who Refused to Change into a Beautiful BUTTERFLY? This is the first book written by Annimae and Joseph Chaddock. It will be available in bookstores fall of 2014. Annimae is the daughter of Joseph and Renah Chaddock. She is four years old. Many similarities have been made between how caterpillars change (transform) into beautiful butterflies, and how we too as human beings are born again into new creatures. But before we get into the story, here's a thought which comes from eminent biologist, Bernd Heinrich. As a Scientist, he's thinking about butterflies, and how they radically change shape as they grow, from little wormy, caterpillar critters into spectacular airborne beauties.Bernd Heinrich says: "In effect, the animal is a chimera, an amalgam of two, where the first one lives and dies ... and then the other emerges. The adult forms of these insects (butterflies) are actually new organisms."What he's saying is, while a butterfly appears to be one animal, with a wormy start and a flying finish, is actually two animals two in one! The baby caterpillar lives a full life and then dies and dissolves. There's a pause. Then a new animal, the butterfly, springs to life from the same cells, called metamorphosis.This pause phase, as Heinrich puts it is, "a deathlike intermission." Lying dormant inside their chrysalis, the caterpillar shrinks, sheds their skin and their organs dissolve. Their insides turn to mush. Most of their cells die. But lurking in all the goo are a few cells (the so-called adult or "imaginal" cells) that at the precise moment jump into action, reorganizing all the free-floating proteins and other nutrients to turn what was once caterpillar into a beautifully transformed butterfly! What has happened says Heinrich, is that the caterpillar section of the DNA has been turned off, and the butterfly instructions for creating a new creature have been turned on. The butterfly is not only a symbol of a sinner born again and becoming a new creature by Gods Holy Spirit, but is also the symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life (Rom 6:4). It not only pictures the new creature that is miraculously created by the Holy Spirit inwardly, but also pictures the new, glorified body that we receive in afterlife. We are transformed inwardly, but we shall also be transformed outwardly. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Cor 5:17). What metamorphosis does by changing the caterpillars nature allowing it to become a beautiful butterfly? The Holy Spirit does for our own nature allowing us to be born again into the image of Jesus, the Christ. Jesus told Nicodemus that he could not enter Heaven unless he was born again. Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Jn (3:4-6) The difference between Nicodemus and the rest of the crowd is he had Faith to believe, and he was blessed because he was not offended with Jesus' "rude" sayings. Nicodemus also had ears to hear what the Spirit was saying, while his companions only heard offensive words. Those same challenging words of Jesus, Ye must be born again have become the stumbling block of man for over 2,000 years. But Jesus also said: Blessed is he, whosoever shall NOT be offended in me. Luke 7:23DID YOU KNOW?That before a Caterpillar forms its chrysalis it submits to a change of nature and hangs upside down in the form of a J. I call this the JESUS mode!

Then 18 days later out come a beautiful brand new creature.

Basically Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo is the story about the Caterpillar who refused to change from its old nature as a caterpillar, and submit to its new nature in order to become a beautiful butterfly. But like many of us in life, Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo is having far too much fun for him to change. ENJOY READING THE STORY!

Copyright 2014 Scribd Publishing. All rights reserved.

One upon a time there was a stubborn Caterpillar who refused to change into a beautiful butterfly. He said, Why should I change? I was born with this nature, and this way will I stay. His name is Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo. But most just knew him as Wiggly WOO.

One day Wiggly Woo saw several colored flying creatures chasing after him, saying, You must be changed. Some of the creatures were red and some were blue. Some were yellow and purple too. Some were green and even looked like monsters. Wiggly Woo became so afraid that he ran far, far away.

Wiggly Woo did not believe that caterpillars needed to be transformed into beautiful butterflies. But because others kept telling him he needed to be changed, he wandered around offended. One day his offense caused him to become so angry that he ate and destroyed all the crops of the other creatures that were living in the land.

Feeling sorry for his actions and very confused, Wiggly Woo began to ask some of the others creatures about what is the meaning of life. Is my nature really so bad that others insist I must be changed? he wondered.

Finding a Guru grasshopper who was meditating, he asks: GURU, DO GRASSHOPPERS NEED TO CHANGE? Only slightly do we change, said the Guru. Life has only three stages. Basically once we are BORN we are nymphs, who eat and drink and live that very same way until we die? SIMPLE, right?Wiggly Woo said, I TOO MUST BE BORN THAT WAY. FOR THIS MUST BE THE MEANING OF LIFE?

Grasshoppers have Three Stages of Life Incomplete Metamorphosis




And WIGGLY WOO did not change!

Later Wiggly Woo meets a fly who was playing fly football, and he asks. DO FLYS NEED TO CHANGE? O my, Yes! Replied the fly; Flies change into new creatures. For unless we are changed then we die as worms. We begin life as an egg, that become larvae, that turns into pupae, which changes us into Flies. What kind of creature are you? Im a Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo. But I dont want to change into a fly.


Flies have Four Stages of Life Complete Metamorphosis





AND WIGGLY WOO did not change!

Wiggly Woo meets a frog who begins to chase the fly that he had just spoken to and he asks, Sir, excuse me DO FROGS CHANGE? Oh YES, replied the frog But first let me catch my dinner.

And then he ate the fly. GULP! Do you want to eat me, too? Said Wiggly Woo.

Oh no, said the frog. You see Wiggly Woo, only a few select species of all Creation change from one life form to become a totally different creature. For instance, like frogs and butterflies. Frogs go from eggs, to an embryo, to a tadpole, and then we are changed into frogs. Wiggly Woo, you are not merely a slimy little caterpillar. Your Change is the most unique of all creatures. You are transformed into a beautiful and radiant flying butterfly. For only then will you ever know what the true meaning of life really is?

Frogs have Four Stages of Life Complete Metamorphosis




Wiggly Woo said, I only just want to be me? AND HE DID NOT CHANGE!

Wiggly Woo turned around and stared back at the FROG and then wondered about his own life. He thought, One tells me to be changed this way. And another tells me to be change that way. Surely I must be made for something greater than just crawling around on the ground? BUT WHAT AM I REALLY CREATED FOR? Do I really need to be changed? O Bother BUT HOW?

Still, he did not change!

Finally Wiggly Woo meets the Wise Owl J, who intercedes for all of Gods Creation? My dear Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo, said the Wise Owl J Have you not heard, You must be born again? You must be Born Again to see the kingdom of Heaven. And you must be Born Again to enter into the kingdom of Heaven?

Wiggly Woo, you must be changed. For unless you change, you surely will die!

But before you can BE CHANGED, first you must repent for your stubborn wrong ways. Oh yes, said Wiggly Woo, I truly am sorry that I got angry and destroyed all the crops of the field.Well, um no not only that, said Wise Owl J. Repentance is also telling our Creator who made all things that we are sorry to Him. For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death (2 Cor 7:10). When you truly are sorry ask Him to forgive you.Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo asks: Creator of all life, please forgive me, I am sorry for not believing in You. Change me from my nature into YOUR nature. If you really are there, I will follow you. I invite you to come inside my life. CHANGE ME, PLEASE.The Wise Owl J said: Inside of you right now Wiggly Woo shall flow rivers of living water. For the old has passed away and behold ALL THINGS BECOME NEW. Wiggly Woo shouts, Confession is good for the soul.

Instantly Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woos face changed, and he rejoiced greatly. He said, Now I know that I was created for much more than just being a caterpillar Finally my TRUE NATURE is revealed. And for the very first time he begins to sing...

Im a Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo, I wiggle for me, I wiggle for YOU. I wiggle over here, I wiggle over there Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo.THANK YOU, MY CREATOR THANK YOU!

Wiggly Woo then climbs into his favorite tree and does what only comes natural to all caterpillars. And for the very first time in his life he submits himself by hanging upside down in the form of the letter J. Metamorphosis NOW BEGINS.

A Caterpillar will undergo FOUR distinct and unique cycles during its transformation.


Cycles ONE and TWO are from Birth to Death4

Cycles THREE and FOUR are from Death unto ReBIRTH



18 days later, Wiggly Woo emerges Changed into a beautiful brand-new creature. Finally becoming what he was always born to be.

Many of us too, are living life just like Wiggly Waggly Wiggly Woo. BUT, ARE YOU BORN AGAIN?

Jesus said: Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh (cycles One and Two). And that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (cycles Three and Four). Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. The Spirit breathes where He desires, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes, and where He goes; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. Jn 3:3-8 Emphasis mine. Of all the questions asked by Jesus, probably none is more significant than: WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Mat 16:13-17

BUT WHO DO YOU SAY THAT JESUS IS? Many today believe that Jesus was just a prophet or even a good teacher? But if He is Lord and Savior of your life, then you will have eternal life. No one can say that Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. BUT WHAT THAT ACTUALLY MEANS IS THAT NO ONE CAN MAKE JESUS THEIR LORD, EXCEPT IT IS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. For by that same power it too will be revealed to you that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. THIS BOOK IS STILL BEING FINALIZED and YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thank you,

Copyright 2014 Scribd Publishing. All rights reserved.Joseph P. Chaddock

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