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  • 7/22/2019 DNV KEMA - Innovations in Energy 2013



    Innovations in Energy 2013

  • 7/22/2019 DNV KEMA - Innovations in Energy 2013



  • 7/22/2019 DNV KEMA - Innovations in Energy 2013


    KEMA Nederland B.V., Arnhem, the Netherlands, 2013. All rights reserved.Registered Arnhem 09080262

    This document contains confidential information that shall not be transmitted to any third party without priorwritten consent of KEMA Nederland B.V. The same applies to file copying (including but not limited to electroniccopies), wholly or partially.

    It is prohibited to change any and all versions of this document in any matter whatsoever, including but not limit-ed to dividing it into parts. In case of a conflict between an electronic version (e.g. PDF file) and the original paperversion provided by DNV KEMA, the latter will prevail.

    KEMA Nederland B.V. and/or its associated companies disclaim liability for any direct, indirect, consequential orincidental damages that may result from the use of the information or date, or from the inability to sue theinformation or data contained in this document.


    04 Ingress

    Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction06 Paradise Valley - a sustainable vision08 ICT for energy positive and proactive neighb10 Benchmarking tool for CO

    2capture technolo

    12 Improved measuring system for performanc

    Wind Energy16 Floating wind design standard18 Improving wind turbine support structures20 Wind turbines in extreme weather condition22 Modelling wind project cost and availability24 Meteorological monitoring wind farms durin25 Impact low level jet on wind turbine loads26 Addressing wind project performance28 Offshore wind turbine certification30 Feasibility of onshore and offshore wind31 Onshore and offshore wind turbine testing i32 Electrical installation in wind turbines34 Subsea cable risks in offshore windfarms36 Grid connection and power systems for offs38 Impact of reserves in long-term transmission39 Wind turbine advanced controller

    Solar Energy42 Capacity and power quality testing of PV po

    44 Solar technology electric and thermal energy46 Sustainable off-grid power station for rural 48 New flexible solar cell manufacturing techno50 Floating solar field52 Solar action plan for the Netherlands

    Smart Grids56 Smart grid networks audit58 Smart energy market forecasting and planni60 Investment requirements for ICT in smart gr62 Cyber security basis for smart grids64 Smart grids - distributed generation, EV and66 Smart grid: returns for all - solar prosumer in

    ABOUT DNV KEMA ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITYDNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, with more than 2,300 experts in over 30 countries around the world, iscommitted to driving the global transition toward a safe, reliable, efficient, and clean energy future. With aheritage of nearly 150 years , we specialize in providing world-class, innovative solutions in the field ofbusiness and technical consultancy, testing, inspections & cert ification, risk management, and verification.As an objective and impartial knowledge-based company, we advise and support all organizations alongthe energy value chain, producers, suppliers and end-users of energy, equipment manufacturers, as well asgovernment bodies, corporations and non-governmental organizations. DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainabilityis part of DNV, a global provider of services for managing risk with more than 10,000 employees in over 100countries.






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    Serving the needs of the current generation withoutcompromising the needs of the future is often used as adefinition of sustainability. Access to affordable energy isa fundamental need for the well-being of the worldspopulation as well as for economic development.

    With a growing world population expecting a more equaldistribution of wealth and access to energy, particularlyelectricity, there is a need to find solutions that enable: More efficient and smarter use of energy Use of electrical power for transportation purposes Production of affordable renewables into the grid

    without compromising reliability of supply Transportation of large amounts of energy over longer distances Changing the mix of fossil energy from coal based to gas

    These require innovations not only in technology, but alsowithin regulatory and market frameworks. The new

    technical solutions need to take into account issues suchas safety, cyber security, reliability, and use of rare earthmaterials and other natural resources. The regulatory andmarket frameworks must give incentives based on a holistic

    view of the effects of various energy forms and consump-tion patterns.In this complex setting, innovation is a key enabler to thesolution!

    INNOVATION IN DNV KEMAInnovation can be explained as the successful intro-duction of a new idea meaning that it must function

    well and at the same time be economically viable. In somecases, innovation requires years of research and trial and

    error before the right solution is found. In other cases, anew innovation is created simply by combining two existingsolutions in a new way.

    DNV as well as KEMA have a long history of innovation.By combining the best of the two companies in aninnovation model that includes Internal funding for strategic programmesJoint Industry Projects together with custo mers and other stakeholders Long term relationships with academic institutions Participation in national and international innovation programmes

    We firmly believe that we are creating the basis for beingcompetitive and relevant to the enery future!

    Elisabeth Harstad

    Chief Innovation & Business Line OfficerDNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability

    INGRESSAs the worlds population grows, the global demand for energy is surging. Currently, and in the decadesto come, carbon-based energy will stay play an important part of the energy mix, with further releases ofthe greenhouse gas CO

    2as a consequence. However, global warming and resultant climate change are

    currently one of the most pressing global environmental issues, forcing societies to take a refreshed lookat their energy use and energy mix. In this demanding landscap, innovations in energy are moreimportant than ever.




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    PARADISE VALLEYA sustainable vision

    The new town of Paradise Valley has been plannedto be self-sustaining and multi-generational,

    committed to a close relationship with nature,people, and the land. The community will fostersustainable lifestyles through proper design andeducation.

    Paradise Valley is a newly planned community, built onthe principles of social, economic, and environmentalsustainability. Surrounded by thousands of acres of openspace in the Coachella Valley, California, the design anddevelopment for this new town will embrace the conceptsof smart growth.

    Paradise Valley fulfills Riverside Countys General Planvision and policies for a sustainable new town develop-ment in the eastern county. Located 20 minutes east ofPalm Desert on Interstate 10, the project is close to

    Joshua Tree National Park in the Mecca Hills Wil derness,beside the unique geological formations of the PaintedCanyon.

    Paradise Valley comprises more than 7,500 new dwellingunits that provide a diverse range of options and afforda-bility to accommodate young families, active adults, andretirees, as well as housing for seniors.

    A balanced housing mix will produce a blendedcommunity population base that is fiscally sustainable:the town must financially support its own services.

    All of Paradise Valleys homes and non-residential buil dingsover 5,000 square feet are committed to exceed theCalifornia State Building Energy Efficiency Standards by aminimum of 15 percent.

    The community is planned to create a living envthat promotes exercise and health. A walk-ability

    will be utilized as a guide to design.

    The mission of Paradise Valley is to tread lightiland. Thousands of acres are designated as peropen space.

    The project will also incorporate the following:

    New urbanism design and sustainability goals Renewable energy sources: solar, fuel cell, and efficient building design Strategies to limit the need for freeway travel s providing onsite services, entertainment, and opportunitiesWater conservation practices in landscape des irrigation Dark night sky preservation Habitat preservation through compliance with Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Eco-transitA focus on aSense of Placethrough architect and friendly town center environmentPROJECT

    DNV KEMA is providing technical assistance thrSouthern California Gas Companys SustainableCommunities Program to help the project team even greater goals such as net zero energy design

    We are providing design assistance for general subility guidance, energy efficiency or sustainable drecommendations, energy modeling support, plaspecification reviews, and feature cost assessmenrating system documentation support.

    OBJECTIVESWe became involved early in the design process mize opportunities for energy efficiency and susfeatures. Working closely with the developer, we

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    A common factor in urban planning to ols is the lack ofconsideration of energy optimisation as a key driver fordecision-making.

    Greenhouse gas emissions are assessed in the majority ofurban planning tools and methodologies as a key aspect,

    but the energy aspect is crucial as it can also make a majorcontribution contribute to emission reduction.

    Currently there are various state-of-the-art ICT solutions inthe market that cover part of the functionalities of energymanagement at district level. There is a lack of integrated

    This project is born by the union of relevant industrial actors coming from the ICT, energy and constructionsectors, working together to tackle a major challenge: the management, control and optimisation of energyat neighbourhood level.

    solutions that can completely cover the differentlevels that need to be addressed.

    PROJECTThis project aims to develop, implement and dea new energy management operation and busin

    based on ICTs, capable of increasing energy effineighbourhood level.

    The new control system (E+) will be prepared toand control energy sources, stationary storage dstreet lighting, electric vehicle charging infrastrubuilding loads, and both electrical and thermal geothermal) energy sources and consumption aconsidered.

    Two demonstration sites are committed to E+: Msouthern Spain and Mons in Belgium. The resulconclusions resulting from the demonstration a

    will provide the basis f or the elaboration of recotions for energy positive neighbourhood urban p


    The final industrial goal is to develop a new soluto operate, in a holistic and integrated way, all thelements (thermal and electrical) located in Eur

    neighbourhoods: renewable energy sources, statstorage devices, electric vehicle charging infrastrdistrict heating networks and building loads.

    The final aim of the E+ control system is to reduenergy consumption and CO

    2emissions at neigh

    hood level, while paving the way for a high sharedistributed renewable energy and the massive deof electric vehicles.

    The new proposed solution addresses a new marwhich has not yet been developed. New businesswill therefore be defined in order to facil itate an

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    The performance of capture technology largely mines the feasibility of Carbon Capture and Storin both a technical and an economic sense, as a part of the total cost of CCS is determined by thconsumption of the capture unit.

    When comparing capture technologies, t wo factan important role: Choice of the reference, i.e. what is the base ca Comparison on an equal basis, i.e. how to com

    inherently different technologies?

    PROJECTTechnical (heat) integration, including power pfications, forms the basis for comparison and is part of the technical assessment. A detailed analtechnical interface between the power plant andcapture unit is performed.This analysis includes low pressure steam extrac

    the power plant to supply the reboiler of the regsteam condensate return, piping and heat lossesadditional heat exchange and all additional hea

    The method uses a validated thermodynamic flotool for robust energy modelling that was develoDNV KEMA. This is flexible with regard to the rtechnology (e.g. PC, NGCC, IGCC and other vareferences).

    Performance of different post combustion CO2

    processes can be compared with our simulation This has been done for existing USC600 and fut

    BENCHMARKICAPTURE TECDNV KEMA has been assessing the influencthe energy performance of combined powbenchmarking methodology, applied in ind

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    Success depends on the condition of your equipment, theknowledge and experience of your personnel and the qua-lity of your monitoring tools. To get the most out of yourplant, the first thing you need is a detailed picture of howeach component and the plant as a whole are performing.Such information is the starting point for improved controland refinement of your processes, ultimately leading tolower operating costs, increased reliability and enhancedperformance.


    DNV KEMA offers measuring and consultancy servicesworldwide using temporary (calibrated) t estinginstrumentation if required.

    Our clients include Independent Power Producers, EPCcontractors, the process industry as well as governmentaland municipal authorities.

    Operating a power plant is a delicate art. To maximise efficiency and minimise the number of unscheduledoutages, it is important that every component performs at its peak.

    For the reliable and accurate determination of hand efficiency, a measuring system developed inused. After many years of reliable service, this msystem is being upgraded and replaced.

    We have developed a new measuring system baseproven standards Foundation Fieldbus and OP

    communication technology.


    The Foundation Fieldbus configuration requires mum amount of cables to be installed in the fieldThis digital two-way communication over the wirepower up the test instruments. OPC is a standardmunication technology commonly available in totributed control systems (DCS). These proven tecallow a shorter preparation time and require lessinstalling. The components and cabling are all colightweight and robust, making it safe to work witnew instrumentation will comply with the latest instandards, meeting the requirements for accuracydown by the applicable test codes (e.g. ISO and APTC) and can be deployed in hazardous areas. Nthey robust and have a high stability, they are also

    with a very advanced self-diagnosis system. By usiself-diagnosis functions, warning signals and alarmgenerated at a very early stage, thus preventing m

    and/or misreading.The power supply is prepared for redundancy to loss of measurement data in the event of a power


    The upgraded performance test measurement syresult in the following benefits: Lighter configuration of new performance tes

    ment, resulting in reduced cost for transporta test equipment to and from the site Less time required for mounting and dismant performance test instruments Minimal delay in scheduled test programme in

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    Trude Refsahl, Statoil

    Many densely populated coastal areas around thare not suitable for traditional bottom-fixed offsturbines. In other areas the shallow water coast developed or under development for such produ

    The market for floating wind turbines is expectegrow fast as plans for developing wind farms in

    waters evolve. Several companies and re search inworldwide are already engaged in deve loping reprograms, pilot projects and even planning for ccial development of floating wind farms.


    A barrier for this industr y to continue to grow anis the lack of design standards for floating wind structures.

    The developed DNV Guideline for Offshore FloWind Turbine Structures (2009), which is a lessdocument than a full-fledged DNV standard, ad

    some key issues for design of floating wind turbistructures and forms a first step towards a standdesign ofsuch structures.

    We have initiated a Joint Industry Pro ject (JIP) wparticipation from seven of the worlds leading pthe industry. The task is to develop a design stanfloating wind turbine structures.

    The existing standard DNV-OS-J101 Design of OWind Turbine Structures does not fully addre ss wind turbine structures as t hese represent a novdevelopment within the offshore wind industry.

    FLOATING WINSTANDARDMany future wind resource developments istructures form an attractive solution for th

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    As the diameters and technical knowledg e increstandards have to be updated now and then. Espsettlements in the grouted connections have chathe industry to come up with new solutions and the offshore winds leading industry standard.

    As wind energy is a fast developi ng industry, weensure the widely used standard for the design o

    wind turbine structures - D NV-OS-J101 - is basedmost recent technical knowledge, methodology,experience and test results. An unintended forcthrough the temporary supports as a result of sein some grouted connections has led to concernfatigue cracking in the structures which would lerepair needs. A grouted connection is used to cotransition piece to the monopile.

    During a thorough review of the standard in 200discovered that some scale effects were not propaccounted for either in this standard or in other

    for similar types of connections. The existing depractices did not properly describe the physical of the grouted connections.

    PROJECTDNV and industry players initiated a joint IndusThe Joint Industry Project has concluded that a shaped design of grouted connections without sor additional support arrangements for axial loarecommended for large diameter grouted connThe JIP partners have come up with an improve

    There are two solutions for new designs. In 2011industry project launched a recommended desig

    IMPROVING WSUPPORT STRUMonopiles are currently the most common features connections with conical-shaped c

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    Current design standards for wind turbines take intoaccount short term extreme wind events but mention

    that prolonged wind conditions experienced intropical storms are not covered. Therefore guidelinesfor wind turbines in extreme conditions aredeveloped.

    The fact that design standards do not cover extremeweather conditions, such as hurricanes, cyclones andtyphoons, provides complications for designers and windturbine manufacturers whom are building wind projects intropical cyclone-prone areas.

    Therefore, we are developing guidance on how to accessthe wind condition and wind turbine and safety relatedaspects when exposed to conditions experienced duringsuch extreme weather.


    Continuing the work from an initial 2011 innovation pro-ject, this years effort f ocused on the content and st ructureof the guidelines for wind turbines in extreme conditions.

    The project consists of: Developing the methodology of analyzing tropical cyclones Develop the Recommended Practice (RP) structure for

    wind turbines in extreme conditions Gap analysis of missing sections in the Recommended Practice (RP) Refining the probabilistic wind analysis methodology

    which uses historical hurricane track data in order to calculate the probability that a hurricane of a certain category would affect the site

    A comparison between current design load caseIEC standard is also reviewed, to identify if it is ato the wind conditions experienced in a tropicaevent.

    This project develops the framework and contenRP. A good understanding on the gap in presen

    and standards is required.Further research is required to develop this intorecommended practice that would allow developowners to evaluate the risk of having the projecttropical cyclone-prone region.

    Manufacturers and designers would also be ableinto consideration such extreme wind conditiondesigning a wind farm located in the vicinity of events.

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    The upgraded model draws on comprehensive edata and from a variety of wind power projects ring different turbine types, turbine ages and geolocations.

    The model considers typical costs associated withoperations, including scheduled maintenance, uuled repairs, inspection services, maintenance, sagement and support personnel.

    The base O&M model is an Excel spreadsheet usadd-in to handle probabilistic functionality.

    The work includes: Updating the model structure to ensure the c

    elements are consistent with typical industry pAdding a capability to estimate availabilityAdding probabilistic functionalit y for select p Updating the model inputs to improve usabil

    Plan to include analysis of our internal US da substantial interaction with industry partners the model is reflective of the industry

    The operational & maintenance cost outputs fromodel are segregated into the broad categories and turbine costs.

    Facility costs: Operations and administration Site maintenance Equipment and supplies Substation

    MODELLING WCOST AND AVUncertainty in future operations and maintaccessing the value of operating projects anforecast these costs. This project is a compr

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    At a time when the wind industry has developed areputation for producing energy below predictedlevels, the planning and implementation of operations-phase met data should become an integral part of aprojects planning and development phase.


    We have a long history in evaluating wind project operatio-nal and meteorological data, and in specifying wind measure-

    ment equipment, both tower-mounted and remote sensingapplications.

    We have drawn on this experience to develop a recom-mended best practices guideline for the collection of metdata during the operational phase of a wind project.

    This project demonstrates our commitment to understand-ing project performance and provides a common-senseapproach to an identified lack of guidance in the windindustry.


    To develop a recommended best practices guideline for the collection of met data during the operational phase

    of a wind project To raise awareness of the need for accurate, consistent,

    and long-term measurements To provide practical recommendations for equipment

    specification and data collection

    BENEFITS Maximize the usefulness of meteorological measurements during operations Increase the wind project owners ability to make

    informed operational decisions


    PROJECT DETAILS Guideline released: June 2012

    Wind project owners freque ntly are either unsure of whatmeasurements are appropriate for certain tasks or in somecases are collecting data that are simply not helpful for thedesired purpose.

    IMPACT LOW LWIND TURBINLow level jets have largely been neglected inveer and shear patterns and coherent turbu

    Attention: resolution image too Use other image?

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    The current draft standard for wind turbine power perfor-mance testing includes provisions for testing using remotesensing for wind measurements. When clients use remotesensing for testing, only a small temporary met mast isrequired which is less expensive and easier to install andremove. The cost savings and mobility of the remotesensing system will allow clients to test more turbines andon a shorter time scale. They improve their knowledgeof their operating assets for leverage when discussingmaintenance and performance with wind turbine

    manufacturers. Additionally, remote sensing systems canbe used to measure wind speed across the entire rotor ofa wind turbine. By better characterising inflow conditionsthat may affect turbine performance and proposingmitigation strategies, overall project and financialperformance can be improved.

    This task included performing a full wind turbine powerperformance test with new lidar (light detection andranging) technology in accordance with the requirementsof the new draft testing standard and the development ofassociated analysis tools.

    This project involved three tasks related to utility-scale wind project performance: wind turbine powerperformance testing using remote sensing technology, improving assessments of project performance andtools for enhancing pre-construction energy assessments by using time series analysis methods.

    Before the test, templates for test documentationthe analysis of the results were prepared. These evaluated and improved, based on the results ofand implementation of the test set-up.

    These tests will provide clients with more cost-efmethods to confirm the performance of their asand ensure the revenue that they expect.TASK 2 > ASSESSING WIND PROJECT PERFORM

    Over-estimation of future energy generation of wprojects is an issue that has become an industry-concern. We have worked to uncover errors andin prediction methods. A large proportion of prunderperformance occurs due to unexpected turesponse to specific rotor atmospheric conditionunexpected variation of conditions across the roThe analysis also provides insight into wake conand wake recovery mechanisms.

    The project used remote sensing data gathered ting US wind projects. Upwind of operating turbrotor-level inflow atmospheric conditions were mto determine their effect on energy production.Downwind of operating projects, wakes effects wmeasured to evaluate their extent and impact onprojects. Within and downwind of projects, rotoand above-rotor atmospheric conditions were mto evaluate factors affecting wind speeds within w

    wake recovery.

    This project enables industry participants to havrealistic expectation of energy production and rand to lower anticipated risks. Improving projecmance assessments reduces uncertainty among lof anticipated energy production and improves terms.

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    The Asian market is expected to account for onof the offshore wind turbines that will be broughthrough 2016. China is predicted to become themarket for offshore wind by 2021.

    Major Asian manufacturers such as Mitsubishi HIndustries (Japan), Samsung Heavy Industries anHyundai Heavy Industries (Korea), Goldwind ScTechnology and Sinovel (China) are developing

    wind turbines for both do mestic Asian markets aoverseas export.

    OFFSHORE WICERTIFICATIOTop-tier wind turbine manufacturers in Chifor offshore markets in the size range of 2.growing.

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    In 2012, South Koreas new Renewable PortfolioStandard came into effect, replacing the old feed-intariff system. This is accelerating the development ofboth onshore and offshore wind projects.

    The South Korea government released a roadmap foroffshore wind development in 2010 with a top prioritybeing a 2.5 GW offshore wind farm project.On January 1, 2012, South Koreas new Renewable PortfolioStandard (RPS) came into effect. The RPS is scheduled toincrease from 2 percent in 2012 to 10 percent by 2022.This RPS system is accelerating the development of bothonshore and offshore wind projects.

    PROJECTIn 2012, an onshore feasibility study was conducted byDNV KEMA for potential wind farm projects ranging from100 MW to 400 MW. Elements of the study included:Assessment of wind resource based on measurements from multiple meteorological (met)towers Calculation of terrain effects, long-term wind speed corrections, and possible typhoon events Evaluation of candidate turbine types Transportation and construction logistics, grid

    interconnection Economic feasibility analyses, calculated return on investment

    CLIENT Major Korean private power producer


    PROJECT DETAILS Duration: 2012

    ONSHORE ANDTURBINE TESTTesting is critical for the verification of safetyassessment of wind and wave environments

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    With the significant increase in t he nominal powwind turbines, designers are switching f rom tradlow-voltage geared power train electrical systemsgenerators based on permanent magnet technoldirect drive applications and to medium-voltage

    On the one hand, this significantly reduces poweand installation costs, but it also requires advancsophisticated technology to be included in the esystem.


    There are many standards dedicated to the partelectrical components of wind turbine generatorgenerators, cables, transformers) which include detailed requirements. However, based on experand feedback from the industry, it is not clear e

    which standards are appropriate, and to what e xthe whole wind turbine electrical system. The aiRecommended Practice is to provide a consistencoherent set of requirements and acceptance crthe electrical design of the wind turbine electric

    With more than 250 wind turbi nes certified sincDNV KEMA is the leading certification body forenergy applications.

    We have developed its Recommended Practi ces Electrical Installation in Wind Turbines in orderprovide a supporting document both for design


    ELECTRICAL ININ WIND TURBToday all the most important wind turbine next generation of wind turbine generatorscontrolled and transformed safely and in a

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    Offshore wind farms use inter-array cables to connect theturbines within the wind farm, commonly at voltage levelsof 20 to 33 kV. When the wind farm is large in size and/or located far from shore, an offshore substation is used totransform the power up to an export voltage, e.g. 132 or150 kV. Where AC cables are not feasible anymore, high-

    voltage DC (HVDC) may be required.

    Only a relatively small number of offshore wind farms havebeen installed as of 2010, but many of them have struggled

    with subsea cable issues.

    Examples of cable issues include in-field cable, anchordamage of export cable, export cable replacement, cablelaying vessel substitution, cable laying barge evacuation.

    To significantly decrease the risks associated with subsea power cabling in offshore wind farms and otherenergy related projects DNV KEMA took the initiative for the Joint Industry Project (JIP) CableRISK.



    DNV KEMA together with industry stakeholdersa Joint Industry Project (JIP) in order to gain a understanding of the direct and root causes of scable issues related to offshore wind farms and ta guidance document to effectively manage the

    The project will potentially look at related subsecable applications such as long-distance, HVDC transmission (such as proposed for the North SeGrid and the Mediterranean Desertec projectselectrification of offshore oil & gas infrastructur


    The scope of the JIP is discussed with the variousholders and covers, amongst others, the following Detailed capturing of project experience to d Identification of the key risks and possible mi measures Natural hazards (e.g. shifting seabeds, sand w Man-made hazards (e.g. fishing, dredging, an Planning and consenting Understanding site conditions with focus on Northern Europe Planning and execution of geotechnical inves along the cable route Specific design recommendations (or minimu

    requirements) Cable design and manufacturing for site-spec conditions Transport and installation process specificatio Cable protection Specific installation recommendations Staff competence requirements Cost/benefit analyses


    The project will produce two main documents, areport (available to participating parties) and a

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    Thanks to the fast development of offshore windin Europe and the United States, in the next yeaenergy will meet a substantial share in the electrdemand.

    Therefore, national grid and transmission systemoperators are extending the connection requirein terms of power regulation and fault ride throcapability, also to wind generators that in the paexempt from complying with grid code requirem

    Reliable static and dynamic models of the wind are needed, and often required by national gridoperators, in order to investigate and prove thecompliance of the wind farm with the national gconnection requirements.

    In order to provide a supporting document descthe service portfolio that can be provided and inin the Project Certification framework, DNV KE

    developed a new Offshore Service Specification.


    The new Offshore Service Specification VerificaGrid Connection and Power System Analysis for

    Wind Farms describes our compet ence and exprelated to grid connection, electrical power systeanalysis and verification of offshore wind power

    OBJECTIVESThis Offshore Service Specification will be adopt

    verification of the steady state and dynamic behathe wind power plant with respect to the correct

    GRID CONNECSYSTEMS FORThe key challenge that wind energy is facinpower can be integrated efficiently and eco

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    IMPACT OF RESERVES IN LONG-TERM TRANSMISSION PLANNINGThis project developed an analysis framework the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) could use todetermine if their long term transmission plans were adequate when considering the location of generatorsused to provide load following and regulation. The end goal is to integrate wind energy more cost-efficiently.

    ERCOT, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, has seena significant rise in the amount of wind energy produced

    within their boundaries and has worked with the USDepartment of Energy to adapt their transmissionplanning process to account for the marked change inenergy production. A significant concern with largepenetrations of variable renewable energy like wind poweris how it will affect the operation and deployment ofancillary services used to keep the grid stable and reliable.


    For this project, we calibrated and refined our renewableenergy market integration tool KERMIT to simulatecontrolling frequency within ERCOT. This provided theCouncil with an analysis framework for that they could useto quickly and efficiently assess the viability of proposedtransmission builds with respect to ancillary services.This includes the ability to examine: Congestion due to load following and regulation Reserve requirements for each scenario New market products to alleviate congestion or

    integrate wind or solar energy more efficiently

    CLIENT Electric Reliability Council of Texas, United States


    PROJECT DETAILS 6 months

    The pressure on the wind industry to produce mowhile constraining project costs has resulted in a towards increasing utilisation of the turbine struccapacity. A turbine that might otherwise only be su

    a site with low annual wind speeds or turbulence lebe used on a higher wind or turbulence site if actitaken to reduce the loading impact of these more conditions. The trend in the industry is to use moradvanced control algorithms and designs to achiev

    PROJECTAs demands on wind turbine controls increase anmore complex, the requirements for verification, tation and certification also require greater detail rigour. The current standards for certification of wturbines have not kept pace with developments atequipment manufacturers (OEMs), creating cons

    WIND TURBINCONTROLLERThe trend towards increasing utilisation of thturbine model that is only suitable for given

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    There is a need for additional guidance for the testing and power quality testing of photovoltaicpower plants. The capacity testing evaluates the of the plant to convert fuel (sunlight) into electrCapacity testing results are used as a proxy for epower performance (energy production).

    The power quality testing evaluates the electricacharacteristics of a power plant, including the afand interaction with the power grid. This projecof the development of two Recommended Practrelated to the testing of PV power plants: Recommended Practice for the Capacity Testi

    Photovoltaic Power Plants (Capacity RP) Recommended Practice for the Power Quality

    of Photovoltaic Power Plants (Power Quality R

    The Capacity RP is a guidance document for the tation of ASTM International E2848-11, which p

    testing methodologies for evaluating the performPV power plants. The Power Quality RP is a uniqprocedure.


    The primary objective of this project is to develoCapacity RP and a Power Quality RP that will be by industry participants.The secondary objectives and motivation for devthe RP include: Reduction in the uncertain and variability test

    procedures and results Increase in the awareness of PV power plant

    CAPACITY ANTESTING OF PAs the size of PV power plants increases, inpower quality of the plants. Accepted testinare required to address this increased scrut

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    In the future, energy supply and demand for eleand thermal energy will become more entangleddistributed energy generation, not only will elecproduced, heat will also play a major role.

    In this technical project, DNV KEMA and partnelead on this transition by developing solar technthermal and electrical applications.

    PROJECTThe innovative challenge is the development of of tandem cell photovoltaic technology in whichshaped nano structures are applied. In addition,combination with thermal heat extraction is invefor optimal cell performance and energy captur

    The resulting innovation will be a system which used as roofing material, with a good balance beelectrical and heat utilisation. After the developmthe new product, the knowledge will be used to

    a continuous production process for flexible amsilicon PV cells with a high 15 percent efficiency


    This project focuses on the use of nanostructurefor thin film amorphous PV cells. A novel designtandem cells will be developed, including nanostpyramid shape surface textures. Preliminary resulab have shown that the average efficiency can ri8 percent to 12-15 percent.

    This large increase in efficiency must result in a

    SOLAR TECHNAND THERMAThe performance of Photovoltaic (PV) modare cooled by capturing the solar heat. Bo

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    PV Solar Wind

    Power converter,energy management


    Remote controlVillage (power demand)

    Diesel genset

    Roughly a quarter of the worlds population has electricity. These people, mainly in isolated areabenefit from economic development that comeselectrification.


    The SOPRA project is developing a modular, susoff-grid power station for rural applications. Thesystem consists of renewable energy sources (winhydropower), electricity storage (batteries or othback-up diesel power. Together, they will provideto the consumers connected to the power stationa remote village. The core of the SOPRA systemmulti-source hybrid inverter (MHI) that connecsources together, enables them all to run in theioperational state and defines the micro-grid of tThe project is about the design and developmenMHI, demonstration of the system in three locatthe Netherlands, development of a SOPRA optimtool and business development for a cooperativeexploitation of the SOPRA system.

    OBJECTIVESThe aim of the project is to develop a cost effectimodular, off-grid power station with the right coof renewable energy sources, electricity storage aback-up diesel power. The second objective is ulthave an optimisation tool for the most cost effectcombination of the SOPRA components, given alocation and power demand profile. This optimi

    will be used to translate customer needs into theSOPRA system.


    With a SOPRA system, customers in remot e area

    SUSTAINABLESTATION FOR Because grid connection is too expensive foprojects, a stand-alone power plant using r

    O O S G

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    With millions of square metres of available flat roofsurfaces with photovoltaic (PV) conversion potential, PVroofing membranes have huge potential for massdeployment. However, major issues still hinder thisdeployment as adhesives or barrier encapsulations of theexisting flexible PV roofs do not yet provide the samereliability as standard construction materials.

    PROJECTThe PV-GUM project aims at developing new manufactur-ing technologies and equipment which will produce alow cost, highly efficient, flexible building integrated PV(BIPV) solar cell on a bituminous roofing membrane.The PV-GUM membrane should be very close to thenormal bituminous roofing membrane in terms of size,

    Solar photovoltaic (PV) roofing membranes have huge potential. A project has been launched to developnew manufacturing technologies and equipment to produce a low cost, highly efficient, flexible buildingintegrated PV (BIPV) solar cell.


    installation process and quality to significantlythe penetration power of PV-GUM in the builmarket.

    It will be based on the Derbibrite white-coatednous membrane technology of Imperbel, and th(VHF-technologies) flexible PV modules techno

    The full integration of the flexible PV modules imembrane will be performed at the manufacturby a new standardised roll-to-roll encapsulation to produce PV laminates followed by roll-to-roll impregnation of the PV-laminates.

    Here, DNV KEMA is closely involved in the qualprocedures of the manufacturing of the membrathe modules as well as developing guidelines focertification. Parallel to the module-bitumen lama new standardised PECVD reactor and process implemented to increase the efficiency of the FlPV cells to at least 8 percent and achieve technosuperiority over competitive technologies.


    Reducing the overall production costs of the newroofing bituminous membrane with an increasedof integration of PV modules, increased PV modefficiency, high quality and full recyclability.


    The PV-GUM project targets a PV-laminates prodcapacity of 20 MW. The high degree of integratithe PV modules and the roll-to-roll lamination aprocess automation will significantly reduce the per Watt/peak. Associated benefits of PV-GUM isustainability, quality procedures and monitorincompliance to BIPV standards, as well as full recof the whole product.


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    Population growth is tending to concentrate in coastalmegacities with some 50 percent of the worlds popula-tion already living within 100 km of the coast, taxing landand fresh water resources in these areas.

    Nowadays, PV systems are typically be found on residentialand commercial roof tops and ground-mounts in utilityscale plants. In congested coastal cities theres littleopportunity for rooftop solar power, and land surroundingurban areas commands premium prices pushing large-scale ground mounted solar production to remote areas,far away from where the power is needed. This results inlong transmission lines, issues with public acceptance,

    wildlife, and cost.

    PROJECTGiven the densely populated coastal line, it make sense tolook at visionary offshore possibilities. One of the cutting

    edge technology concepts is SUNdy a 50+ MW dynamicfloating offshore solar field concept.

    The core of SUNdy is a 2 MW hexagonal array whichfloats on the sea surface. The scalable design can bedeployed independently or linked together with others,providing electricity that can grow with societal needs.

    The SUNdy concept is made possible using thin-film560 W solar panels. Thin-film solar panels are cheaperand gaining market share, with efficiencies approachingthose of crystalline silicone. These thin-film panels areflexible and lighter than the traditional rigid glass-basedmodules, allowing them to undulate with the oceanssurface.

    The thin-film solar panels are mounted onto a pliablefloatation mat, housing a three-phase micro inverter,

    Tap solar as a truly sustainable resource, demands a fresh solution. The SUNdy concept for a large-scalefloating offshore solar field concept, brings this vision a step closer to reality.

    converting Direct Current (DC) to Alternate Cu(AC), to create a simple plug-and-play module umarine grade connectors.

    An array of SUNdy floating modules would b e mured as a pre-wired unit, significantly reducing thber of electrical connections while also minimisi

    need for offshore assembly. A collection of thesetotaling 4,200 solar panels, forms an expansive sthe size of a large football stadium, capable of g2 MW of power. Multiple islands connected togeconstitute a solar field of 50 MW or more, produenough electricity for 30,000 people.


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    In European countries like Germany, Belgium aincentive schemes have stimulated the growth oPV capacity such that up to 1 GWp per year is inin Germany, or example. In the Netherlands, reand machinery development for PV have flourisachieve global renown. To promote a significantof installed PV power in the Netherlands, DNV Ktaking the lead for a National Action Plan.


    In 2011, DNV KEMA observed that several impostakeholders in the Dutch PV market shared thethat broad collaboration between stakeholders wsary for a desired increase in installed PV capaciNetherlands.

    From that point, DNV KEMA took the lead in gastakeholders into one group of market actors witgoal: growth of the Dutch PV capacity up to 4,002020. The focus of this project is the large rollou

    the Netherlands, rather than technology developthe export of solar products and related equipm

    OBJECTIVESThe main question answered by this project is: wactions should be taken to overcome the barrierinstalling 4 GWp in the Netherlands in 2020? Indo so, a vision document was drawn up using inpstake-holders. Based on the vision document, anplan was constructed and each action was verifiesupport with the relevant market actors. This rethe National Action Plan Solar Power.

    SOLAR ACTIOFOR THE NETHWith about 100 MWp installed photovoltaicontribution to PV generated electricity is liresult of a scattered market, among others

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    Typical smart grid networks communicate with devices suchas electricity meters, gas meters, heat meters, and watermeters, using low-speed wireless MESH or a low-speedpower line communication (PLC), which measure, collect,analyze, and optimize electricity, heat or water usage.

    Consequently, smart grid networks are often left practicallyunmanaged, when utilities monitor only one basic networkperformance indicator Rate of Successful Meter Reads that provides very little understanding of actual networkperformance and capabilities.

    Recently Cisco Systems and other vendors released somenew technologies, which are enabling a new approach insmart grid network monitoring and management.

    Contrary to traditional network monitoring, which isbased on monitoring of all network elements (difficultor impossible in a low-speed smart grid network withmillions of network elements), new technologies enablecomprehensive network monitoring out of a single networkelement that sits on the path between main traffic sourcesand destinations.

    Smart grid networks represent challenges for utilities as they require management of millions of networkelements in an environment where traditional network monitoring technologies designed for high-speednetworks cannot be used.

    The new monitoring approach is based on a deeinspection combined with improved data flows ccalled Flexible NetFlow, and at present has beenfully implemented for monitoring network servilevel for voice, video and data traffic, and detectcyber attacks and other undesirable network eveIts now possible to use similar approach for mo

    smart grid networks.

    DNV KEMA was selected by Baltimore Gas and Econduct a smart grid network audit and assist in the following questions: Is our smart grid network deployed and opera

    compliance to common industry standards an practices?What appplications are currently in use and w

    their impact on the smart grid? What is the efficiency and utilization of smart network resources? Where are our smart grid network anomalies inefficiencies? Does our smart grid network have enough cap reliability to support our selection of smart gr

    applications? What would be the impact on our network if w a new set of smart grid business programs and

    grid applications?

    PROJECTDNV KEMA is developing a suite of smart grid nequality metrics to define common industry standbest practices for a smart grid networks reliabilitymance, capacity and security.

    Verification of specific smart-grid network complcommon quality standards will be provided as a audit service, and will be conducted as a non-intnetwork monitoring utilizing deep-packet inspectFlexible NetFlow.


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    The consumption of electricity is expected to increasesharply over the coming decades as a result of electrictransportation and space heating using heat pumps.

    At the same time a gr eat deal of power wil l be generatedusing (intermittent) sustainable energy sources that areoften installed at decentralised sites.

    The current distribution network has not been designedfor the large-scale variable supply of electric power and theincrease in demand. Technological innovations, combined

    with new services, must ke ep our future energy suppl y

    affordable and reliable, and must facilitate the transitionto sustainable energy. This requires interaction with theenergy consumer (end user) and management of the two-

    way traffic in energy networks.

    Intelligent networks are being investigated and demon-strated in actual practice. Combinations of services andtechniques are being developed and offered to five usergroups: industry (small and medium-sized enterprises),offices, an all-electric residential district, a residential dis-trict with a gas and electric infrastructure and a residential

    A fundamentally new distributed marketing regulation mechanism is required to unify the interests of allstakeholders in a smart energy system in a transparent and balanced way. This regulation mechanism mustoptimise the dispatch of millions of assets.

    district with a district heating system. With thesestration projects the Smart Energy Collective parstriving to gain insight as to how smart energy sybe designed in a generic way such that after thesite projects are completed, intelligent energy sycan be rolled out on a large-scale basis. This is wgeneric design is one of the most important end

    The design will establish the specifications, standguidelines for such systems.

    PROJECTSeven essential services are required for the opersuch smart energy systems. One of these essentiaan integrated market control mechanism that canthe demand and supply of energy, as well as netw

    with the costs for all functions remaining transpa

    To achieve the desired multi-goal and multi-stakeoptimisation, the system must be capable of optimdeployment of all assets within the energy systemof capacity, price and time. The system must therapplication-independent; a single mechanism mucapable of integrating and optimising the deploydifferent types of assets such as electric vehicles, hpumps, micro CHP plants, wind and solar PV.


    With the introduction of a market mechanism ofwe introduce a partially new method for optimisielectricity system. In the current system markets ato align the demand and supply for energy.

    Aligning the demand and supply of medium-sizevolume users, is entirely new, however. In this newmillions of suppliers and buyers will become activmarket all at once and trade will not only involveenergy itself, but also the available transport anddistribution capacity.


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    Smart grids are viewed as an important part of fenergy supply. Information and communicationlogy (ICT) plays an essential role in this context

    Distribution network operators (DSOs)will be chby an increasingly volatile energy feed of renewaplants, such as photovoltaic or wind, over the nedecades. This will not only lead to further enforconventional grids but also to investments in ICto enhance the energy grid and enable coordinademand and supply. We have created a comprehstudy for the Association of Municipal Utilities (

    which estimates the adjustment and invest ment ments of ICT for Germany by 2030, with a focus market role of DSOs.


    The current ICT structures of DSOs were descrianalysed and existing cost structures were collecempirically. Furthermore, energy-economic scen

    smart grid developments until 2030 were develostudy, on which the necessary adjustments for Dfinally estimated. The energy-economic scenariobased closely on the goals of the Federal Govern

    were used, in particular, to estimate t he developrenewable energies and cogeneration plants at dnetwork level. The Smart Grid scenarios were deaccording to current research projects (E-Energavailable technologies.


    This study concentrated on the evaluation of thenecessary adaptation and investment needs with

    INVESTMENT FOR ICT IN SMIn order to build up and operate smart grid7 billion Euros up until 2030. This was onethe German Association of Municipal Utilit


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    Smart grids are future technologies designed to the power grid. Such technologies are required the higher unpredictability of solar cells and winin comparison to coal and gas powered plants. I

    sensors and computers into the network improvability to respond to changes in the demand andelectricity. The best known examples are the smmeters that network operators are installing at cpremises.


    The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCestablished in July 2012 by a number of Dutch pimprove the digital security of smart grids throuledge sharing, collaboration and research. Researequired because the smart grid security domainstill uncultivated.

    CYBER SECURSMART GRIDSThe integration of computers into the powcyber-attacks. An attack of this nature can


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    ABRADEE the Association of Distrib ution Utilitiassigned the task of researching distributed geneelectric vehicles, and energy storage to DNV KE


    The project had 12 deliverables. We began with a report, which described the current state of thtechnologies used in the utilities and the technoneeded to enable a smart grid. Subsequent delivaddressed penetration levels for various smart grtechnologies, their impacts, and the policies neesupport the expected levels.

    We developed them specifically for the Brazilianusing local regional data and knowledge. We evapenetration levels for distributed generation tecsuch as wind, solar, biomass, electric vehicles and

    Then, we studied these results at the macro-econto see what effect they would have on the nationportfolio. Based on the projected market penetrteam conducted a socio-economic and environmimpact analysis. Last, we examined the supportininfrastructure and policies that would need to b

    which included the industry supply chain, local additional energy efficiency measures.

    OBJECTIVESThrough our investigation, we developed modelcast the expected long-term (20122030) penetrlevels of distributed generation, electric vehiclesstorage under a range of potential growth scenarconservative, moderate, and aggressive.

    SMART GRIDSGENERATION,Combining the resources of leading Brazilianumber of key topics related to smart gridsdistribution automation, governance, distri


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    SMART GRID: RETURNS FOR ALLSolar prosumer in the lead

    In the coming years, consumers will be faced with higherprices for electricity and fuel. They will probably be givenother contracts with more flexible tariffs and they maybecome prosumers (electricity producing consumers) on alarge-scale.

    In a smart grid, new concepts and services can bedeveloped to help consumers find their optimal positionin this new situation. These services can help them managetheir own energy production and consumption.

    Grouped together, they may make a difference in theelectricity market, especially when tariffs become timeflexible. And particularly when these consumers have theirown electricity production, for example solar panels.

    In Utrecht, three schools are already covered with solarpanels while in Amersfoort over 500 houses have hadsolar panels for ten years. Both test locations have a highpenetration of prosumers. With this capacity, future usecan be tested for these prosumers and small businesses.

    The project Smart Grid: Returns for everyone! creates new business models and financial concepts toachieve a large-scale rollout of smart grid services. This will be tested in two pilots at 200 prosumers withhome energy management systems and behavioural studies.


    In Utrecht, the pilot is testing optimal use of locaenergy facilities together with the use of electric and electric storage. In Amersfoort, another pilofocusing on prosumers with better awareness of relectricity production and use, combined with smof domestic incentives will be simulated to challe

    A repeated behavioural study among pro sumerstheir experiences, wishes and demands will prinsights for the large-scale rollout. The changingthe network operator in these pilots may be a drthe new business models, which may also apply fing laws and taxes for renewable energy.


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    As the patterns of power generation and distriburapidly changing in Europe towards a highly dispand volatile system, Distribution System Operatoneed to completely change traditional grid operCurrently developed solutions to increase the inof medium- and low-voltage grids to cope with thoften highly specialised, non-replicable and thercost-effective.

    PROJECTIn this project, the optimal level of intelligence distribution network is assessed and the replicablogical options are determined that will allow a ceffective and reliable enhancement of observabicontrollability of future distribution networks inDISCERN will build on five demonstration projeoperated by major European DSOs. The demonsites involved unite a variety of technological apaddressing different challenges. In addition, DIS

    will liaise with other EEGI smart grid innovation

    in Europe in a series of workshops and apply thThe project will therefore become part of the EEof projects. Based on comparative assessment, guset of Key Performance Indicators, technologicasolutions and operational processes, the project recommendations for replicable solutions. MoreDISCERN will demonstrate innovative solutions tests and simulations.


    The main objective is the enhancement of Europdistribution grids with technical and organisation

    COST-EFFECTIDISTRIBUTIONSmart distribution grids will become the bageneration and consumption in Europe. A functionalities and technologies are necessa


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    Trends in the industry toward lowering carbon e

    and increasing energy sustainability are driving penetration of renewable energy sources both consumer (low-voltage) level and at the mediumlevel in the network.

    In addition, higher levels of penetration of comtions technologies are opening increasing opporto monitor and control distribution networks.

    Utilities are therefore looking at both far greaterments of localized automation and greatly increof centralized decision support systems to optim

    DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEMAustralian distribution network owners andnetworks have been traditionally operated i


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    The emergence of smart grids represents a step right direction. However, there are a number of tainties and corresponding risks associated with development of smart grids.

    Firstly, it is not yet clear which technologies, proand services are going to be successful. Secondlyclear how the costs and benefits in a smart grid distributed among the involved parties: power gand suppliers, network operators, consumers anproviders. Thirdly, it is uncertain when the largerollout of smart grids will occur and how respon

    will be distributed among the various market pa

    PROJECTThe Cellular Smart Grids Platform (CSGriP) Proresearches and develops a grid concept in whichat the distribution level, largely operate in a self-ting and self-regulating way in the local, decentrgeneration and local consumption of energy, usirelatively small energy storage facility and new smtechnologies.

    OBJECTIVEThe sub-grids are linked together via a backbonmedium-voltage grid) for the purpose of being aexchange power on a temporary basis as the neearises.

    The objective of this concept is to achieve maximalignment between demand and supply and maxintegration of decentralised sustainable energy, solar PV, micro CHP plants and wind turbines.

    CELLULAR SMPLATFORMOne of the most important problems in theconcerns the integration of generated powdistribution network is modernised and use


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    For the large-scale variable supply of electric powthe increase in demand, intelligent networks areinvestigated and demonstrated in actual practice


    In this project a smart energy open framework wiloped. The design of the smart energy open frambe implemented using the following 9 steps:

    Collect the requirements of all involved stakeh Define and elaborate the generic services and tions that form part of the smart energy open Design the ICT and energy infrastructure Define a market model Determine the standards required for this Develop guidelines for aspects such as privacy security Establish guidelines that will be applied to gua the stability of the network when these service fact offered

    Develop guidelines for approaching consume offering smart grid services so as to be able to large-scale introduction Update the smart energy open framework on

    of the lessons learned from the trial sites


    The objective is to develop a smart energy openwork so that after t he large-scale demonstration developed systems and services, it is suited for fuupscaling. This way, products and services are dethat collectively facilitate the realisation of large

    SMART ENERGFRAMEWORKFor the large-scale introduction of intelligenrequired to apply new services on a large scdeveloped.


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    PROJECTDNV KEMA, Dutch distribution network operator Liander,TenneT TSO and property owner TCN have joined forcesto build the smart grid inspiration and demonstrationcentre Watt connects.

    This centre supports the development of smart grids bysimulating and demonstrating the implementation of smartgrids on a small scale and thus with limited investment costsand risks. New technologies, services and applications willbe demonstrated and visitors can use simulation tools.

    Visitors then can experience the operation and value ofsmart grids. Watt connects organises workshops, presen-tations and meetings for networking.

    Watt connects bundles and strengthens t he knowledgeand innovations of their founding partners and otherprofessionals working on smart grid projects. The targetgroup consists of policy makers, utilities experts, the builtenvironment, product and service providers and academicsincluding students. Watt connects serves as a network forthese professionals and as a breeding ground for start-ups.

    Smart grid is the enabler of a sustainable energy supply in which renewables will be applied on a largescale. The smart grid inspiration and demonstration centre Watt connects provides practical knowledgeand lets professionals experience smart grids.


    Watt connects will offer companies, governmentacademics an interactive introduction to smart gconnect these parties in an inspiring environme

    This should result in a good understanding of smand their practical value, as well as new ideas fortive products and services for our future energy


    Watt connects opened at the e nd of 2012. The mresult so far is the development of a special demtable in which many scenarios of energy supplyenergy balance can be simulated at local and nalevel, including electricity, gas and heat grids. Reflow models are the basis for this table; hardwarnew devices can be connected and ten persons cexperience the impact and the value of a smart To that end, the table consists of ten touch scree


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    In view of future challenges, RWE Metering aims tonewly develop its processes and functions. To fulfillthis objective, RWE Metering has drafted a compre-hensive project in which a metering data manage-ment system is tested and smart meter processes aredeveloped.


    The project, which is a preparation for the rollout ofsmart meters, includes: Definition of necessary upgrade measures for existing IT systems Detailing of the processes necessary for setting up a smart metering service provider, and derivation of the

    functional requirements for the IT target landscapebased on the processes

    Timely provision of a targeted, cost-efficient ITlandscape that corresponds to the process requirements


    The ultimate aim is to develop a flexible and scalable ITtarget landscape which can cover various scenarios andoffer high performance. Furthermore, the desired process

    and functional landscape for a metering company must bedetermined so that services can be provided efficiently.

    With regard to the meter data management system, RWEMetering has accepted that the current system is notdesigned to handle the expected amount of data.

    Some of the actual systems must therefore be adjusted orreplaced. To do this, the existing core systems will initially betested for their suitability. The scalability and future securityof the system, the system stability and the comparison ofhardware are the main focus.

    The performance parameters establish the variathe tests and are developed through various scen

    Scenario 1 > Minimum scenario (for exampla month reading of 1 million meters, no firmwupdates, low download volume)

    Scenario 2 > Medium scenario (for example:reading of 2 million meters, frequent tariff cha

    switching, higher download volumes) Scenario 3 > High-end scenario (for example

    a reading of 3 million meters every quarter ho regular firmware updates)


    The test cases developed on the basis of the scenpresent the foundation for the scaling tests. If thsurements show that a reduction of the data volube expected in the future, this reduction is assescritical or acceptable and, if necessary, relevant measures are suggested. These measures genera

    Concept of the future smart metering target landscape


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    PowerMatching City has been awarded a positioSustania Top 100 of the most sustainable project

    worldwide. In the first phase (2007-2011), the pdeveloped, built and demonstrated an integrategrid solution in Hoogkerk near the city of Gron

    In this phase, 25 households were equipped withdecentralised energy resources (PV-solar and mihybrid heat pumps smart appliances, smart meteelectric transport.

    Wind energy was included via a wind park. Stabiand optimisation of the network was achieved byenergy on a local market based on a real-time pusing the PowerMatcher concept. The technicalof the concept was successfully proven in the fir

    OBJECTIVESThe second phase, PowerMatching City 2, focusedevelopment and demonstration of business monew energy service offerings.

    New propositions are developed for the end useon real-time pricing and energy communities.

    The market model of PowerMatching City will bintegrated into the regular energy market proceas allocation and reconciliation and billing.Capacity management and control of a distributstation will be demonstrated by scaling up the livenvironment to 40-50 households and extendingnumber of electric vehicles with smart charging

    POWERMATCHA living lab sPowerMatching City is internationally recogThe second phase of this project focuses onew energy service offerings.


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    Intelligent energy systems, also known as smart grids, areessential for creating an affordable and reliable sustainableenergy supply. The Smart Energy Collective is one of thelargest sector-transcending initiatives in Europe for theactual development of smart grids and services. At the same

    time, the Smart Energy Collective wants to make an impor-tant contribution to the standardisation that this new fieldrequires. The partners range from TSOs, DSOs, energysuppliers and trading companies to service and technologyproviders, contractors and energy consultancy firms.

    The Smart Energy Collective (SEC) is an open innovation initiative, with 26 industry partners along the entire

    energy value chain, aimed at accelerating innovations in smart energy. As part of this initiative, five large-scale smart grid demonstration projects were launched in the Netherlands.


    The project involves the development of five larsmart grid demonstration projects in the Netheran industrial site at Haarlemmermeer, in the offi

    ABB, Eneco and Philips and in residential dist rithe Dutch cities of Gorinchem, HeerhugowaardGoes.

    OBJECTIVES To develop, design and build five field trials w thousand energy consumers at various locatio Netherlands To apply different combinations of innovative

    and interoperable smart grid technologies, prand services

    To demonstrate and test these technologies foof at least two years under real-life conditions

    various types of energy consumers To validate the business case for smart energy

    data acquired from these field trials To present results to the industry, the public, makers and others interested in smart grids To develop a common market for smart energ with sufficient volume to make this an attracti

    business for all partners


    The SEC was founded at the end of 2010. The fi

    relating to the establishment of the SEC was com2011. The key result was a plan of action and a vhow to design five coherent field trials in the Nethat could help develop a consistent view of fullyintegrated smart energy solutions.

    These field trials will cover all relevant energy uranging from industry to offices and residential in various energy infrastructures (all-electric, gaselectricity, district heating).


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    Smart metering systems and the increasing penetration ofIntelligent Electrical Devices provide the capability to havenear real-time data feeds from anywhere in a network andoffer the ability to operate networks in more efficient waysplus opportunities to optimize the use of embeddedrenewable power sources.

    PROJECTUtilities throughout Australia are investigating and trialingthe use of many different smart grid technologies tounderstand the challenges and opportunities that theyprovide.

    DNV KEMA has been working with a major distributionutility to assist with a smart grid strategy to enhanceefficiency of network operation, to improve networkreliability and to enhance efficiency of network investment.


    Development of a vision for a future operating para-digm incorporating elements of smart grid technology

    Development of a smart grid strategy and road map Development of a detailed business case to examine the costs and benefits of deploying smart grid technology

    Smart grid concepts have developed as technology development provides the potential for ubiquitous datacommunications throughout the electric power network. A smart grid strategy can enhance efficiency andreliability.

    CLIENT Major transmission and distribution network operator,



    Security Workforce mobility

    Network Automation & Self-Healing

    Remote Control & Monitoring (SCADA - Trans/Dist)

    Distributed Energy Resources

    Pervasive Wide-BandwidthDigital Communications Capability

    Enterprise Data ManagementSystems

    Dynamic Load Management

    Analytics that TransformData into Intelligence

    Smart Sensors

    Smart Customer Meters

    Cohesive Network Management Systems(DMS, CMS)

    Smart Appliances

    User-orientedPresentation Portals


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    The share of sustainably generated electricity is An interesting and probably cost- effective solutioboth the matching of supply & demand and the for additional transmission capacity is the conveelectricity surpluses into gaseous energy carriershydrogen or methane and accommodation in thgas infrastructure.


    This Power to Gas (P2G) concept is of specific for the North Sea area, which is subject to ambitfor the deployment of large-scale wind power proIn order to boost the exploration of the value of to-Gas concept for the North Sea area, DNV KEMthe lead in setting up the North Sea Power to Ga

    NORTH SEA PPLATFORMThe intermittent character of wind and solasystem, in order to match supply and demastore it in the natural gas infrastructure.


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    The integration of renewable energy sources reqimproved flexibility of the electrical network duintermittent nature. Electricity storage is one of assets as it can balance the intermittent electriciproduction and demand.

    Today Lithium-ion battery systems are widely apin consumer electronics because of the high enedensity of this technology. The Li-ion batteries apreferred for large-scale application in electric vFurthermore, battery and system suppliers are pMW-range battery systems for stationary applicat

    However, the market penetration of such systemdepend on their safety and reliability, as the sizeenergy content of stationary battery systems exceof batteries for household applications and even



    The STALLION project develops and validates a

    framework for large-scale, stationary, grid-conneLithium-ion battery systems during all stages of tcycle. Risks are identified for all levels of the battsystem. Protection measures are defined and test

    with the major risks. The validated safety measurdescribed in a Handbook for grid-connected stosystems.


    The STALLION project explores the risks relatedeployment of Li-ion batteries in the electricity g

    SAFETY TESTILITHIUM-ION Electricity storage is one of the key assets fto the deployment of Li-ion batteries in the


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    Looking ahead, we may expect decentralised poration to play a greater role and the volume of s

    wind and solar energy to increase. Seve ral technlocal, small-scale storage are currently available development. Conventional battery systems haveshort discharging time of about two hours.For storing renewable energy overnight, flow basystems such as zinc-air flow batteries are suitablcan store relatively large amounts of energy andself-discharge rates.


    The projects overall aim is to create a low cost mand environmentally sustainable electrical energsystem with high energy density and fast respons

    To achieve these aims, the project will radically eperformance of zinc-air batteries from small-scaprimary cells to rechargeable redox flow battery

    which at production scale can be stacked to give20 kW to MWs with several hours of storage.

    In tandem with the battery system, a novel distripower converter will be developed to enable pluplay scale up and hot swapping of battery modu(i.e. disconnection, replacement and reconnectia single battery can be performed without interthe performance of the energy storage system).

    The electronics will also selectively load the battmodules to allow proactive balancing of the batta string during charge/discharge cycling and prany string from being significantly limited by a s

    weak battery, as is the case with exi sting systems.


    Electricity storage systems could be central renewable sources is hard to match with thquality of electricity networks. Storage can


  • 7/22/2019 DNV KEMA - Innovations in Energy 2013


    FAST ACTING RESOURCES FORREGULATIONThis project determined the operational benefits of increased penetration of fast acting resources in regulationmarkets. As a result, new market designs beneficial to the development of storage assets were formed.

    FERC Order 755 required Independent System Operators(ISOs) and Regional Transmission Owners (RTOs) that

    operate markets to change the way they compensate assetsthat provide regulation. Storage devices such as batteriesand flywheels can respond faster than conventional fossilfuel plants to Automatic Generation Control signals sentby ISOs and RTOs to keep their grids stable on a second bysecond basis.The result is that fast acting resources do more work inregulation markets yet were only paid for the amount ofcapacity and net energy they provided. FERC Order 755required ISOs and RTOs to include the amount of work aresource did in providing regulation in the method theyused to compensate regulation assets.


    Our renewable energy market integration Tool Kermit wasused to examine the benefits an ISO or RTO wouldobserve as the penetration of fast acting resourcesproviding regulation increased. The operational benefitsobserved were reduced regulation capacity needed for agiven day which led to a new design for PJMs regulation

    market that included a benefits factor for fast actingresources.

    CLIENT PJM, United States


    PROJECT DETAILS Duration: 6 months


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    Due to their significance for the auto industry, bothGerman federal states and several companies have a vitalinterest in ensuring that the goals of the National Platformof Electromobility are achieved. DREWAG StadtwerkeDresden and ENSO NETZ also want to increase the appealof electric mobility to a user group that is difficult to tapinto: urban and rural regions, commuters, local businessand freight traffic. At the same time they want to contrib-ute to the success of the nationwide introduction of electric

    mobility in Germany.

    With the ENMOVER project, the concept ual design andrealisation of the main objective will be pursued in theareas of: Urban mobility > electric mobility in densely settled

    areas Rural mobility > coverage of the mobility demand in

    rural regions

    With the common goal of showcasing electric mobility, Saxony and Bavaria wish to make a significantcontribution toward achieving the goals of Germanys National Platform of Electromobility for the develop-ment of leading providers and the market in Germany.


    The basic idea is to make electric vehicles availausers from inner city and rural areas according special requirements of city and traffic planningtopography.

    Consequently, the vehicles should be made avaithe interface between public and private transpo

    Ensuring the multiple usage of the vehicles demand innovative concepts that must be explored adeveloped within the context of the ENMOVER

    Particular importance in the project is placed onnecting the already established systems on the mincluding public transport systems with their accpayment systems as well as future electric mobiliconcepts.

    In this respect, the systems especially require a nconceptual design and adjustment. These changparticularly occur at the system interfaces, withinbusiness processes and also within the IT-supporprocesses.

    Preparation for the realisation occurs through eand development.


    The conceptual design and development of thesemobility products are expected to offer customerfollowing benefits: Exploration of the new usage scenarios with e vehicles, charging stations and systems in com with established systems Development of new business models and pro the coordinated connection of energy and moA plan for the improved usage of the capital a


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    The introduction of electric vehicles causes strong growthin electricity demand. With charging spots and stationsbeing installed and connected to the existing grid, theelectricity for these electric vehicles has to be generatedand transported by the existing electricity infrastructure.

    Where this is not possib le, high investments are needed.It is therefore important to study the impact on the power

    grid and evaluate possible solutions like demand response.As the implementation of electric vehicles is just in thestarting phase, several parameters (like the number ofelectric vehicles on the road or the type of chargingstations) are uncertain and the final impact on the grid isthus still unknown. Models are therefore needed to studythe impact in the longer term, when many electric vehicles

    will be on the road.

    The widespread introduction of electric vehicles is expected to have a profound impact on the operation ofall levels of the electricity network, whilst providing both challenges and opportunities in the field of energytrading.


    The NEMO project aims at developing a simulatoptimisation tool suite on the impact of a high velectric vehicles on the power grid. The tool suion existing simulation tools of three of the conspartners (DNV KEMA, Fraunhofer ISE, EMD).

    These three tools will be further extended for grof electric vehicles and a framework developed tgrate these tools in a cooperative suite for impacon all grid voltage levels (low-, medium- and hig

    and local, regional, national and European scale


    The consortium members possess unique modellcapabilities to evaluate the grid impact of electricspanning the entire electricity grid from low to h

    voltage. The points of view of these capabilities adifferent; some models are market-oriented whilemainly focus on finding solutions to technical prthe electricity infrastructure. The widespread introf electric vehicles is expected to have a profoun


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    Other image?

    The development of electrical vehicles (EV) has

    key challenge in the worldwide automotive induThe most important technological breakthroughcome from the development of new generation batteries.


    While a new generation of batteries is emergingABattReLife consortium propose s to gather autoindustry players along with strong academic instto assess the technological barriers for a better blifecycle as well as the most appropriate technoloensure re-use of the batteries at the end of the olifecycle.

    OBJECTIVESThe main objective of the project is the developmimplementation of a knowledge base on high-votraction battery deterioration; a safe managementure for EV battery recycling; strategies and techfor battery re-use and recycling.

    ABattReLife gathers stakeholders from France, Gand the Netherlands to: develop a technology for optimised materials tion from battery waste create a new management structure for re-usin

    recycling electric vehicles set boundary conditions for the use of batterie f

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