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Page 1: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

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Divisions-. The Jewish Hospital, Jewish Medical Social Service Bureau, Jewish Sanatorium, Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation Hospital.

VOL. 4—No. / January 1956


Mr. Richard K. Weil, President of the Board of Directors, and Dr. David Littauer, Executive Director, presenting service pins to employees having completed 10 years of service. From left. Dr. Littauer, Leatha McCarroll, Housekeeping; Margaret Peteler, Heart Station; Wilda Ulrey, Clinical Laboratory; Ether Rodgers, Laundry; Catherine Clayborne, Housekeeping; Thomas Bourne, Nursing School; Vessie Kirkpatrick, Housekeeping; Anna Thomas, Dietary, and Mr. Weil. Margaret Henson, Telephone Switchboard, who also received a service pin, was not present.


A new inpatient child psychiatric service ^t the Jewish Hospital is to be developed .and its operation underwritten by grants "Received from Mrs. Ellen S. Berkman and the Steinberg Charitable Trust, which was created by the late Mark C. Steinberg. The joint contribution of $600,000 is to defray jin annual operating deficit of up to $75,000

year for a period of eight years. Trustees for the estate are Richard K. Weil and Elliot Stein.

Mrs. Berkman, daughter of Mrs. Mark C.

Steinberg, originated the program because of a concern for the lack of child psychi- atric facilities in this area, and contributed an additional $75,000 for construction and equipment of the unit, which will be lo- cated in the main hospital building.

There is a great unmet need for expanding psychiatric services for children, as part of a long-range mental health program in the community. At the present time, St. Louis has no hospital with bed facilities designed especially for disturbed children needing psychiatric care. These children, if hos- pitalized, are placed in the adult division of a hospital, are sent to one of the few avail- able facilities in the country—at community

or personal expense—or are neglected alto- gether. The child psychiatry unit—a pioneer program in this area—is seen as one link in a chain of community resources for the disturbed child, and will require functional working relationships on the professional level with child guidance centers, children's homes, and other agencies working with children.

Seriously disturbed children with severe neuroses, extreme character and behavior disorders, extreme malnutrition caused by emotional factors, etc.—but who are con- sidered to be amenable to treatment—will be accepted for inpatient service. Out- patient service is also planned to provide follow-up treatment for children who are discharged and for those referred on an outpatient basis. Although training of per- sonnel and research are, quite naturally, integral parts of a program such as this, the emphasis will be on treatment.

The program is to be under the direction of a full-time child psychiatrist of outstand- ing reputation, and will be staffed by a variety of specialized personnel, such as psychiatric residents or fellows, occupa- tional and group therapists, psychiatric nurses, psychiatric social workers, counsel- ors and teachers.

The child psychiatric service is to be large enough for a minimum of 15 children and a maximum of 20, and will be located on a floor separate from general patients. In addition to sleeping rooms, the unit will contain occupational therapy and play therapy areas, classrooms, an outdoor play area, and offices for the psychiatrist and other professional and clerical staff.

It is expected that the program will get underway early in 1957, when alterations have been completed and a qualified staff has been engaged.

The estimated cost of the program will average $10,000 a year per bed, which would mean that a 15-bed program would require a budget of $150,000 per year. It is antici- pated that the operating budget of $75,000 a year over that underwritten by the con- tribution will be met by income derived from patients on a full- or part-pay basis, and possibly from voluntary agencies or state funds.

Page 2: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

MefowiJi ■Jffi.i/uff,/<,f fff. SBouii

216 South Kinsghighway St. Louis 10, Missouri

Published in the interest of the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, 216 South Kingshighway

Beneficiary of the United Fund and Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Member, Social Plan- ning Council and Group Hospital Service.

January 1956


DAVID LITTAUER, M.D. Executive Director

ROBERT STONE Public Relations Director


MRS. LEONARD S. FRIEDMAN Women's Auxiliary Editor

Recent Grants For Equipment and Research

$10,000 has been received from Morton J. May, life member of the Board of Di- rectors of the Hospital, for research in the detection of cancer being conducted by Dr. Herman T. Blumenthal, Pathologist and Director of the Division of Laboratories.

$6,000 has been received from the Chil- dren's Research Foundation, a local philan- thropic organization that sponsors research activities in the diseases of children, for research in prenatal development being conducted by Dr. Blumenthal. It is hoped that this work will contribute to the knowl- edge of stillborn infants, the top cause of death of babies.

$5,000 has been received from the Na- tional Drug Company of Philadelphia for research in chymotrypsin, an enzyme de- rived from the pancreas and which, when injected into test animals, has been shown to accelerate the rate of disappearance of clots in blood vessels. Research, under the direction of Dr. Sol Sherry, Director of the Division of Medical Services and the Medi- cal Research Laboratory, will explore the usefulness of chymotrypsin in the treatment of patients with blood clot disorders.

$3,000 has been received from Mrs. Clara K. London to be applied to the fund set up in 1939 in memory of her late husband, Louis M. Monheimer. Scientific research on glandular function in problems of aging is being supported by this Fund under the direction of Dr. Blumenthal.

$930 has been received from the St. Louis Heart Association for research in connec- tion with the City Hospital Artery Bank, a community project which collects and prepares artery grafts used in newly de-




19 Operations

veloped surgical operations designed to replace portions of diseased vessels with grafts of normal vessels. The project, under the direction of Dr. Morton D. Pareira, Director of the Division of Surgical Services and the Surgical Research Laboratory, is concerned with changes in the graft arteries produced by the various methods of pres- ervation. It is hoped that the investigations will indicate the most desirable method of preservation.

United Fund Goal Reached The United Fund campaign, recently

held at the Hospital, reached its goal of $3,000. This represents an increase of al- most $500 over that given to the Com- munity Chest in 1954. The drive was conducted by Chairman George Home, Chief Pharmacist, and Vice Chairman Imo- gene Laswell, Personnel Director.

This year, the Hospital also conducted the campaign for members of the medical staff, which netted almost $11,000. This drive was ably handled by Shirley Stoving, Secretary to the Executive Director.

Winter Wonderland The annual holiday party for the em-

ployees on December 21 was a huge success. Theme of the occasion was Winter Won- derland— and it was just that — with the gymnasium in the School of Nursing Build- ing beautifully decorated by the student nurses and many others under the creative and ingenious guidance of Wilhelmina

5 Deliveries

81 X-Ray Examinations and Treatments

423 Laboratory Tests

76 Chronic Disease Patients

260 Acute Patients

19 Rehabilitation Patients

51 Social Service Interviews

31 Patients Admitted

70 Outpatient Visits

-129,000 Pounds of Steam

3,939 Pounds of Laundry 2,290 Meals Served

10 Home Care Visits

Beard, Social Director for the student nurses. Continuous entertainment consisted of

Jack Field and his Strolling Musicians, the Student Nurse Choral Group, under the direction of Alvin Burmeister of Purchasing, student nurse Sue Sarkisian in a peppy "rock'n' roll" number, the Arthur Murray dance team, student nurses Helga and In- grid Magnus in an enchanting "Wooden Shoes" dance, and the clowning antics of Donn Sparks, Assistant Supervisor of Cen- tral Supply Station and Washington Uni- versity drama student. Guests entered into the spirit of the occasion with group singing and dancing . . . and a delightful climax was the Women's Auxiliary rendition of their "Calendar Song," performed by Mrs. Allan Budd Lewin, Mrs. Walter Hamburg, Mrs. M. D. Marcus and Mrs. Melvin Gold- man, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Nathan Kauffman. Members of the Wo- men's Auxiliary served eggnogg, punch and cookies. Many beautiful attendance prizes were won by lucky employees.

Mr. Richard K. Weil, President of the Board of Directors, was on hand to present 10-year service awards to nine employeesf Credit for the success of this delightful party goes to the Committee: Imogene Las^ well, Chairman; Wilhelmina Beard, Georgfl Home, Lillian Schwartz, Anne J. Vestal, Margaret Biasi, Hazel Hall, Emma Garbee, Laura Jasper, Mrs. Melvin Kirstein—and to many of the folks in Housekeeping, Dietary/ Laundry, Purchasing and Engineering, with™ out whose help it would not have been possible. We thank you all . . . and we had a WONDERFUL TIME!


Page 3: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

DIVISIONAL PATTER Communications Section . . .

Mrs. Dorothy T. Rigdon, formerly secre- tary to the Division of Surgical Services, has been appointed Communications Super- visor, effective January 1. The Communica-

itions Section is a new service which will bring together the activities of the informa- tion desk, telephone switchboard room, mail room, duplicating room, message center and messenger service. Mrs. Rigdon will also

| act as office manager for the executive offices. At present, the Communications Section office is located on the ground floor adjacent to the mail room. When alterations are completed in the new structure, the office will be located on the first floor.

Social Service Department . . . Mrs. Sally Gottlieb, a graduate of the

George Warren Brown School of Social Work, has returned to the staff as a case- worker after an absence of several years.

Mrs. Lillian Zemmelman, caseworker for the Jewish Sanatorium and the Hospital, has left to join the Family and Children's Service of St. Louis.

The Women's Auxiliary . . . A BOUQUET TO THE WOMEN'S

AUXILIARY —the Holiday Harvest Fair was a SMASH HIT! — they went over the top to the tune of $17,500. This means that the student nurses will be assured of lovely, new decor and furnishings in their living quarters. Chairmen of the Fair, Mrs. M. M. Sachar, Mrs. M. C. Jackman and Mrs. Sydney Shoenberg, Jr.,. report that 1,500 guests attended . . . and 600 members of the Women's Auxiliary contributed their time and talents over a period of several months. It was truly a festive bazaar . . . with booths and tables overflowing with appealing items—handmade and homemade . . . and many, many other handsome gifts.


Dr. David Littauer, Executive Director, serving hamburgers at the Fair.

A Baby Alumni has been formed for all rabies born at Jewish Hospital since it was first opened. New babies, whose parents wish to enroll them, will have their names inscribed in handsome albums . . . and an

January 1956

attractive certificate will be issued for Mother to keep in baby's book. Each year, until the age of 10, baby will receive a birthday card, and will be asked to con- tribute $1.00 to the Baby Alumni fund. These contributions will be used for much- needed equipment in the Pediatric Outpa- tient Clinic, such as scales, examining tables, and other medical equipment. All babies born before the Alumni was formed may enroll by sending $1.00 to the Chairman of the Baby Alumni.

Division of Laboratories . . . Martha Pregge, M.T. (ASCP), has re-

cently received'certification from the Regis- try of Medical Technologists of the Ameri- can Society of Clinical Pathologists, after having completed training in the School of Medical Technology here at the Hospital. Two other medical technologists, Verna Romike, M.T. (ASCP), and Jean Cineas, M.T. (ASCP), have also been certified in the past year.

Dr. Herman T. Blumenthal, Director of the Division of Laboratories, has been asked to contribute to a volume on the "Physiology of Aging," being prepared by the National Academy of Sciences of the National Research Council. His contribu- tion will deal with what happens to various chemicals in the blood as an individual ages, and also with the changes that take place in the various physiological functions, such as vision, hearing, oxygen needs, effi- ciency of the muscles, etc.

Miriam Rehabilitation Division . . . Dr. John W. Deyton, Medical Director,

gave a talk illustrated with lantern slides on the Hospital's rehabilitation program, of cases either completed in treatment or still in progress, to members of the Rotary Club of Webster Groves, Missouri, on December 2.

Helen Tolin, Chief Physical Therapist, is taking a one-month postgraduate course in physical therapy at the Institute for Physi- cal Medicine and Rehabilitation in New York City. Expenses for this trip are being sponsored by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the Miriam Lodge of the United Order of True Sisters.

Lucille Cook of Coffeyville, Kansas, has recently joined the staff of the Occupational Therapy Department . . . and lots of happi- ness, Lucille, on your recent marriage.

A gala holiday party for patients of the Rehabilitation Division was held on Decem- ber 23 ... it was a most enjoyable occasion.

Four students of the Physical Therapy Department of Washington University School of Medicine will spend a one-month clinical training period at Mariam . . . Patricia Bailey, Jo Ann Browning, Dolores Stroman and James Barbero. Welcome to our staff!

Home Care Department . . . A panel discussion on "Do Noninstitu-

tionalized Tuberculosis Patients Need Rehabilitation Services?" was held in con- nection with the annual meeting of the National Rehabilitation Association in St. Louis on November 16-18. Members of the Jewish Hospital Home Care Department who took part in the discussion were: Dr. I. J. Fiance, Director of the Home Care

Program, and Associate on the teaching staff in the Hospital's Department of In- ternal Medicine; Mary McKeever, Director, Social Service Department; Mrs. Marcella Cohen, Director, Visiting Nurse Association, and Sue Barnes, Director, Rehabilitation Center of Greater St. Louis. The panel also included: Sol L. Warren, Ph.D., Coordinator of Internship Training, New York Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and A. Ryrie Koch, Director, Rehabilitation Division, Na- tional Tuberculosis Association, who acted as moderator.

Dr. Sidney Jick, staff physician, has joined the Home Care group on a part-time basis.

Student nurses with some of the nurse dolls they dressed for the Holiday Harvest Fair. Over 100 dolls were dressed, and they give evidence of the craftsmanship, patience and effort which went into the project, under the guidance of Wilhelmina Beard, Social Director for the student nurses.

A Harvest Festival Square Dance was held for the student nurses and their beaus in November at the Jewish Hospital School of Nursing Building, sponsored by the Wo- men's Auxiliary Nursing Projects Entertain- ment Committee. About 200 young people had an evening of fun in a gay harvest atmosphere of pumpkins, cornstalks and banners . . . with doughnuts, cheeseballs, root beer and cider for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sellinger added a lively touch by calling the dances. Mrs. Julius Lesser is Chairman of the Committee.

Monthly informal teas are to be given for the student nurses by the Hospitality Com- mittee of the Women's Auxiliary. Chairman of the Committee is Mrs. Harry Agress.

A fashion show, first in a series, was giver for student nurses last month under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary. Models were twins Carol and Ann Hardin, Juniors of Mary Institute. Theme of the show was "The Right and Wrong Way to Wear Clothes." Co-Chairmen of the project are Mrs^ Sanford Jacobs and Mrs. Willard Levy; commentator for the show, and chairman of the program, was Mrs. Fred Levis—all are members of the Women's Auxiliary.

Medical Staff . . . Dr. Jack R. Eidelman, Assistant Neuro-

psychiatrist, spoke on "The New Drugs in Psychiatry and Their Practical Application" at the Veterans Hospital in Muskogee, Oklahoma, November 17.

Dr. Alfred Goldman, Senior Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine, was elected President of the Chest Division of

Continued on Page 8

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Therapeutic tank and pool for the new hydrotherapy section of the Rehabilitation Division being constructed in the Hospital. This is one of several pieces of equipment donated by Nat and Sol Koplar and Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Probstein, in memory of the late Harry Koplar, for the new hydrotherapy section.

Officers of the Ben A'Kiba Aid Society presenting Dr. Littauer with check in part-payment of a $10,000 contribution for the construction of I a play therapy unit in the Department of Psychology of the Hospital. I The area will consist of an examining room, a psychologist's office and I a play therapy room. In addition, the Society has pledged a minimum I of $1,500 annually for the maintenance of this unit. Left to right, | Dr. Littauer; Mrs. Max Nissenbaum, Chairman of the Projects Coordinat- ing Committee; Mrs. Morris Kweskin, President, and Mrs. Dave Gold- stein, Co-Chairman of the Committee.


Contributions received are used for research, appliances for clinic patients, new equipment, and other worthy under- takings sponsored by The Jewish Hospital Medical Center Auxiliary.

Donations made in any given month will be published in the following month's issue of "216."

The following are contributions received during the period October 1 to December 1;

(Contributions to this Fund may be made by sending checks, payable to THE JEWISH HOSPITAL TRIBUTE FUND, to Mrs. Henry H. Stern, 6310 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis 5, or Mrs. Clarence T. Eckert, 410 North Newstead, St. Louis 8)

DONOR Mrs. George Potlitzer Mrs. Esther C. Baron Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bry Mr. & Mrs. Julian Schwander Mrs. Lester Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Edison Mr. & Mrs. Ralph

Lowenbaum, Jr. Mrs. A. Tuholske Mr. & Mrs. Arthur

Scharff, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. P. D. Stahl Pauline, Alex and Ruth Freund Mrs. Ray Eder Mr. & Mrs. Sydnev

Shoenberg, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. H. R. Senturia Mr. & Mrs. Hanford Sher Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Worth Miss Dorothee Block Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Boguslaw Mrs. Benjamin L. Slosberg Mr. & Mrs. A. Yavitz Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mr. & Mrs. Nat Lurie Mr. & Mrs. Julian Schwander Mr. & Mrs. M. Handelsman Ann Ohsman Morris Ohsman Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pass Mr. & Mrs. Wolf Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Dawidoff Mrs. Ophelia Elson Mrs. Joe Fagin

Mrs. Doreen Broudy Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pass Mr. & Mrs. A. Yavitz Zelma Fcldman Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Weisels Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Freed

IN MEMORY OF Birdie Apple Mollie M. Baron

Cecile S. Benjamin

Ida Benjamin Harry Berman Meta P. Bettman

A. J. Bitker

Julius M. Block Clara L. Boguslaw Mr. & Mrs. A. Bohn Sam Carafiol David Charak

Albert Citerman Leopold Cohen Ethel Coney Morris David

Max Denby Simon Eisenberg J. Lester Eisner Father of

Mrs. Joe Fagin Hyman H. Faier

Louis & Pearl Feldman Sol Fiance Dr. Victor Frankenstein Rose Freedheim


Mr. & Mrs. Harry Edison Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mr. & Mrs Julian Schwander Mr. & Mrs. Elias Molloff

Mr. & Mrs. James Singer Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lesser Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stern Mrs. Arthur Lieber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Boguslaw

Mr. Bernard Greensfelder Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greensfelder Mr. & Mrs. Percy Tucker Mr. Richard B. Cronheim Mr. & Mrs. Major B. Einstein Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Langsdorf m Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Levis Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Willard Levy Mr. & Mrs. Louis G.

Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Samuels Dr. & Mrs. Ben Senturia Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tenenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Millard A. Waldheim Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Weil Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mr. & Mrs. Max R. Davidson Mrs. Barney Grosberg Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman Mrs. Josephine Herzfeld Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Berger, II Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Edison Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Mr. & Mrs. Edwin

Meissner, Jr. Sol Roos Mr. & Mrs. Louis

Rothschild Mr, & Mrs. Sam Levin Mrs. L. C. Weinrobe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flotken

Mr. & Mrs. H. Jac Lehman Mrs. Harry Sandperl Dr. Arthur E. Strauss Miss Carolyn Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnett Dr. & Mrs. Leon Foster Dr. & Mrs. Harold Freedman


Goldie B. Freund

Harvey J. Frohlichstein

Yahrzeit for Doris Gershenson

Carey Gilden Dr. Samuel Goldberg

Louis Goldblatt Daughter of

Paul Gorenstein Martha K. Greensfelder

Anna Gross B'en Harris, Jr.

Elsa Heydon

Richard Hilton

Celia Hirsch

Hattie Hirshland Betti B"rodheim Isserman

Max Jacobs Mother of Mrs. S. Jacobs Mother and Father of

Mrs. & Mrs. Sidney Jacobs

Caroline Kahn

Jennie Y. Kessler


Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hamburg Miss Mary E. Holliway Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Marx Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Michael Karl Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bry The Yavitz Family Mrs. Helen W. Platt Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Buell Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Isadore J. Gale Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Trepp Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bry Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Arnstein Mrs. Harold M. Baer Dr. & Mrs. William Berman Dr. & Mrs. Arnold S. Block Dr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Bortnick Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brand Dr. & Mrs. Louis Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Julian B. Cohn Dr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Eckert Dr. & Mrs. Leon Foster Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Jr. Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Sr. Mrs. Simon M. Frank Dr. & Mrs. Max S. Franklin Dr. & Mrs. Harold Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Ernst Freund Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Freund Mr. & Mrs. Walter Funk, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gitt Dr. & Mrs. Max M.

Goldenberg Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Leon H. Goldman Pearl Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Gerhard E.

Gruenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hirsch Jewish Hospital School of

Nursing Student Council Dr. & Mrs. Harold J. Joseph Dr. Daniel D. Klaff Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Lassar Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B.

Meissner, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Milton Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Orenstein Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pass Dr. & Mrs. Harry Rosenbaum Dr. Leo A. Sachar Dr. & Mrs. Llewellyn Sale, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Harold Scheff Dr. & Mrs. Gunter Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Schoen Mrs. Meyer Schoen


Jennie Y. Kessler

Oscar Kornblatt Carrie L an decker Lillian Lending Sister of Joseph Lese Abraham Levin

Adele H. Levis Julianne J. Lowenstein


Page 5: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...


iPediatric Staff Nurse Gwendolyn Arce prepares a table for the exam- ination of a baby. This suite of examining room equipment, designed lespecially for the children's service, was purchased with funds donated Ito the Hospital's C. H. Foster Fund for Pediatric Equipment.

These specially designed carts are used to facilitate the work of the nurses in preparing and dispensing medications. They may be presented as memorial gifts to the Hospital at a cost of approximately $195.00 each. Anyone interested in such a donation may call David A. Gee for further information at FOrest 7-8080.


| & Mrs. Alfred S. Schwartz . & Mrs. Irving Schwartz , & Mrs. Ben Senturia I & Mrs. H. R. Senturia

lia Seibert 1 & Mrs. Samuel Soule

[ & Mrs. Franz U. Steinberg . & Mrs. Jacob Stolar , Arthur E. Strauss . & Mrs. Leonard Strauss

|. & Mrs. Charles Tober . & Mrs. Harold Tober

| & Mrs. Helman C. Wasserman

|\ & Mrs. Richard K. Weil . S. B. Westlake s. Harold M. Baer

|r. & Mrs. Harry D. Schneider | Yavitz

. & Mrs. Sidney Landau , & Mrs. Eli P. Schwartz s. Fannie Dunie

|r. & Mrs. Harry D. Schneider |r. & Mrs. Raymond Freed jr. & Mrs. Al Frager trs. Herbert B. Simon hlian Simon fr. & Mrs. Harry Steiner, Jr. bbert C. Gordon [r. & Mrs. Theodore R.

Samuels . & Mrs. I. C. Middleman

Irs. Greta and Marvin Camel p\ & Mrs. M. Rubenstein

. & Mrs. David Grosberg |r. & Mrs. Maury Reichman |r. & Mrs. Melvin Friedman

. & Mrs. Sigmond S. Langsam

. & Mrs. Meyer Loomstein |r. & Mrs. Edward Schapiro

;_& Mrs. Sam Feldman iMrs. Perry Mehlman

. Press and Children TMrs. Morris B. Klibansky

. & Mrs. Ben Adler [.Mrs. I. C. Middleman |Mrs. Allan Stepansky

Mrs. Leon Foster "& Mrs. Mayo Gottliebson . & Mrs. Tobias Lewin . & Mrs. Fred Baxnet . & Mrs. Sam Eastman

L Irl B. Rosenblum kMrs. Samuel D. Soule lidney Weissman [Mrs. I. C. Middleman

. & Mrs. Alvin A. Abramson |rs. Harry Abraham

. & Mrs. Paul Berwald |r. & Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Jr. |rs. Simon M. Frank

January 1956


Julianne J. Lowentein

Bertha Lowman Rose Margulis Max Marsh Rose H. Mendle Wilton Meyerson Louis Morrison Nathan Paskal Dave Paul Jacob & Bessie Polinsky Herman Popper

Sol Richman Phillip Rittenberg

Blanche Robbins Dr. Robert Rochman

Bab a Ross Bertha Ross Mrs. Maurice Ross

Joseph Roth

Littman Routman Arlene Rudman

Julius Rudman

J. W. Sanger Pauline Sap-in

D. Schendelman Edwin A. Schmid Eleanor G. Schwartz


Mrs. Robert Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Glaser, Jr. Mrs. Julius Glaser Mrs. Sanford Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Mrs. Ruth R. Robi Sol Roos Mr. & Mrs. Irving Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schweizer Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Trepp Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Agatstein Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Fiance Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lesser Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman Dr. & Mrs. H. R. Senturia Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drohlich Jack Dubinsky & Sons Jerome J. & Maurice E. Seidel Mr. & Mrs. Lester Tober Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Baer, II Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kline Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. Moch, Jr. Mrs. J. Sydney Salkey Mr. Frederick M. Simon Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tenenbaum Mrs. Ray Eder Mr. & Mrs. Jack Garden Mr. & Mrs. Lewis T. Apple Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Agatstein Dr. & Mrs. Harry Agress American Legion Engineers

Post 314 Mrs. Harold M. Baer Mr. Erwin R. Breihan Miss Arlen Chaleff Mr. & Mrs. Saul A. Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Major B\ Einstein Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Flexner Mrs. Simon M. Frank Mrs. Cora Stix Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Stix Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Myron Glassberg Melvin H. Glick & Company Mr. & Mrs. Alvin D. Goldman Mrs. Blanche Y. Greensfelder Hardesty-Johns on Builders, Inc. Judge & Mrs. David R. Hensley Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Heyman Mrs. Sanford Jacobs Mr. Stifel W. Jens Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kaufman Girls of Kaufman-Wise

Insurance Agency S. H. Kernan Mr. & Mrs. Harry Koenigsberg Mr. Jerome D. Korach


Eleanor G. Schwartz

Mr. I. N. Schwartz

Alex Segelbohm

Abraham K. Selz

Dr. Ben D. Senturia Mrs. Isadore Sherman Pauline R. Schields Hymen Shifrin

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Mr. & Mrs. H. Jac Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Levis Mrs. Dorothy W. Levy Mr. & Mrs. L^awton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Alan Budd Lewin Miss Elsie Loeb Members of McKnight Sewer District

Mr. F. P. Boswell Mr. Benedict Farrar Mr. Alvan Goodbar Mr. Douglas V. Martin, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B\ Meissner, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Meissner, Sr.

Mr. L. M. Michleson Miss Sara Nussbaum Mr. Henry M. Reitz Mr. & Mrs. John Roos Mr. Sol Roos Dr. & Mrs. A. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruwitch Mrs. Leon J. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Schweich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Henry

Schweich Mr. & Mrs. Ben L. Shifrin Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shifrin Mr. & Mrs. Moses E. Shire Mr. & Mrs. Samuel I. Sievers Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Silber Mr. & Mrs. Walter Skrainka Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Stern Mrs. Hattye R. Tavan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tiger Mr. Joseph E. Vollmar Mr. & Mrs. Meyer K. Weil Mrs. H. W. Wertheimer Students of Wydown School Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yalem Mr. & Mrs. Jules Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Gans Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Marx Mr. & Mrs. Alan Budd Lewin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Holden Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Elbert Pauline, Alex & Ruth Freund Mr. & Mrs. Otis J. Garland Mr. & Mrs. Nat M. Glick Mr. & Mrs. Burton Karney Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ruprecht Mrs. Sarah Sacks Dr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Schwartz Mrs. Ruby Weiss Mr. & Mrs. A. Yavitz Mr. & Mrs. Edward B.

Greensfelder (Continued on page 6)

IN MEMORY OF Hymen Shifrin

Rebecca R. Shmookler

Sam Silverblatt Sophia V. Silverblatt

Harry A. Silvey

Page 6: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

OOOOH! What Time Is It? If you've ever been a patient in our

Hospital—or if you plan to be—then read and rejoice! No more early breakfasts . . , early lunches . . . early suppers! For the patient who looked forward to catching up on rest and relaxation during his stay in the Hospital, this has been a traditional sore spot . . . and we don't mean this as a pun! The development of a schedule much closer to that which a patient might expect at home has been accomplished by the Nursing and Dietary Departments. Break- fast' is at 8:00 instead of 7:00, lunch at 12:00 instead of 11:30, and supper at 5:30 instead of 4:30. The new schedule, which went into effect in November, has proved to be a popular one.

Gertrude Charities Society CONGRATULATIONS! to the Gertrude

Charities Society, which is celebrating its Fiftieth Anniversary this month. For a number of years, the Society has given financial support to the Hospital for cancer research, furniture and equipment for the Outpatient Clinic, and has sponsored a student nurse scholarship. Every Tuesday, a group of members of the Society report to the Hospital to do much-needed sewing of about 70 different items, some of which are covers for hot water bottles, hemming of towels, abdominal binders . . . and they have turned out a tremendous amount of work. The Society has a membership of over 400 and is affiliated with the Board of Religious Organizations.

Group Nursing Group Nursing, a new share-the-nurse

service, was put into operation at the Jewish Hospital last month. This new service fills a need for patients who require more than the regular care provided by the staff nurses in the Hospital, but who do not require constant attention of a private-duty nurse.

At the present time, two Group Nursing units are in operation at the north end of the seventh floor, including both private (single-bed) and semiprivate (two-bed) rooms. Each unit cares for three patients, and is staffed by three nurses—one for each eight hour shift in the day. Thus, each nurse has only three patients assigned to her. In addition, the Group Nursing serv- ice has the assistance of an aide to perform the lighter nursing tasks. All the nurses assigned to Group Nursing are regular mem- bers of the Nursing Department.

Recommendation for admission to Group Nursing must be made by the patient's physician. All patients are eligible for this individualized nursing service with the ex- ception of pediatric, maternity, psychiatric or contagious patients.

The saving in dollars to the patient is considerable. For 24 hours of care, the cost is only $18.00, as compared to $42.00 for individual private-duty nursing care for the same period. This service is not covered by Blue Cross.

Group Nursing has been adopted by sev- eral hospitals throughout the country over the past 10 years, and has been found to be

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Alvin A. Abramson Mrs. Reuben R. Katz Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Stolar Mrs. Sarah Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Sparks Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Weinrobe Mrs. Esther C. Baron Mr. & Mrs. Lewis T. Apple Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Arnstein Mrs. E. L. B'arkhouse Mrs. Sidney Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Bettman Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bry Mr. & Mrs. Irving Edison Mr. Leo C. Fuller Mrs. Harry A. Gleick Mr. Leo Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Irvin S. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Willard Levy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lieber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Putzel Mrs. Henry Rice Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Ruwitch Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Samuels Dr. & Mrs. Harold Sqheff Dr. & Mrs. Gunter Schmidt Mrs. Willy Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Sydney

Shoenberg, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel I. Sievers Mr. & Mrs. Millard A.

Waldheim Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Weil Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Bry Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A.

Arnstein Mr. & Mrs. Bert F. Baer Dr. & Mrs. Louis Cohen

and Margie Mr. & Mrs. Felix Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Saul Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Major Einstein Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Freund Mr. & Mrs. Sam, Golman Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hellman Mrs. Sanford Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. I. M. Kay Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kling Mr. & Mrs. Sam Langsdorf Mr. & Mrs. Ben Loeb Mr. & Mrs. Ralph

Lowenbaum, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mr. & Mrs. Harry Milton Mr. & Mrs. Louis Putzel Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schweizer Dr. & Mrs. P. D. Stahl Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stem Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tiger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watel Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Weil Mr. & Mrs. Terome M. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buell Mr. S. E. Freund Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Ben Jacobs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kline Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Miss Frances Levis Mrs. Aaron Levy Mr. & Mrs. Alan Budd Lewin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Prager Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Rashbaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenheim Mrs. J. Sydney Salkey Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.

Shoninger Dr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Soule Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ullman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Shelton C. Voges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolfheim Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gitt Dr. & Mrs. Max Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Nat M. Glick Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Handelsman Mr. & Mrs. S. Intrater Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kling Mr. & Mrs. Nat Lurie Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pass Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rosenberg Tulian Simon Mr. & Mrs. Barney Wides Mr. & Mrs. A. Yavitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Bettman Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fleishman Mrs. Harry Freund Mr. S. E. Freund Mr. & Mrs. Julian P.

Schwander Drs. Greta & Marvin Camel Mr. & Mrs. Max R. Davidson Mrs. Frances Greenfield

IN MEMORY OF Dr. Carroll Smith Sarah K. Solomon

Joseph Sparks

Mrs. Stallings David Stillman Ernest W. Stix

Harry Tucker

Lena H. Tucker

Helene B. Tuholske

Walter Ulrich Mary Wasserkrug

Samuel Wilier

Sam Wolff

Dr. Bernard Wolfson Jay Allan Wolfson Rosetta F. Ziegler

successful in providing individualized care to patients requiring it at the cost within their reach.

DONOR Dr. & Mrs. Norman W. Drey

Mrs. Harry L. Franc, Sr. Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Glaser, Jr. Mrs. Frances Greenfield Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greensfelder Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Jacobson Mrs. Hattie M. Loble Mr. & Mrs. Ralph

Lowenbaum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis G.

Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Samuels Mrs. Leon J. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tenenbaum Miss F. R. Bauman

Greenfield Employees Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lentin Mrs. Max A. Goldstein

Dr. & Mrs. Gerhard E. Gruenfeld

Mrs. Leon J. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Levis

Mrs. J. Sydney Salkey Mr. & Mrs. Sydney

Shoenberg, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Quicksilver Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau

Dr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Eckert

Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Schweich Mr. & Mrs. Julius S. Schweich Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stern

Mr. & Mrs. Irvin S. Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lentin

Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Weisels Mr. & Mrs. Harry Quicksilver

Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Weisels

Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Putzel

Mr. George S. Levis

Dr. & Mrs. Norman Drey

Dr. & Mrs. Milton H. Meyerhardt

Mrs. I. E. Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Landau

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rosenkranz

Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Burack

Dr. & Mrs. Melvin B. Kirstem Dr. & Mrs. David Littauer Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman Mr. & Mrs. Kal R. Plessner Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Quicksilver Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rosenkranz Mrs. Helen W. Platt

IN HONOR OF 80th Birthday of

Mrs. Louis P. Aloe

80th Birthday of W. Scott Greenfield

80th Birthday of Mrs. Henry Ittleson

75th Birthday of Mrs. Arthur Lieber

70th Birthday of Mr. Herbert N. Arnstein

70th Birthday of Dr. Richard Weiss

60th Birthday of Mr. S. B. Singer

50th Birthday of Joseph H. Schweich, Jr.

Special Birthdays of Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Berger

Birthday of Dr. Alfred Goldman

Birthday of Milton Greenfield

Birthday of Mrs. Bernard Littmann

Birthday of Mrs. Harry Myers

Birthday of Mrs. John Roos

Birthday of Dr. Llewellyn Sale, Sr.

Birthday of Mrs. Albert Schield

Birthday of Walter Sears

45th Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Handelman

40th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Edison

25th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cohen

25th Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. & Mrs. Alan Budd Lewin

Dr. & Mrs. Max S. Franklin

Dr. & Mrs. I. C. Middleman

Mr. & Mrs. Ellis C. Littman

Mr. & Mrs. Sander Zwick Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Chasnoff

Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Myron Glassberg

Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stern

Dr. & Mrs. P. D. Stahl

Dr. & Mrs. Max S. Franklin

Mr. & Mrs. Wilton H. Waldman Mrs. Harry Meyers

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Honigberg

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Wallas

Mr. & Mrs. David Grosberg

Mrs. Ray Eder

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Friedman

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zemliak Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Stern Marvyn Yavitz

Mr. & Mrs. John Levy

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolfheim Tatie Seidel

(Continued on

25th Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. & Mrs. Millard A. Waldheim

20th Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. & Mrs. Sy Bramoweth

20th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pollak

15th Annivers ary of Dr. & Mrs. Harold Scheff

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mintz

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seldin

Anniversary of Dr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Soule

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Steiner

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weisels

Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. A. J.( Alport

Marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Leo Andrew Epstein

Marriage of Son Joel to Carol Schultz

Birth of Douglas Norman ' Blau

First Grandchild of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hochman

Birth of Rosemary Routman

Birth of Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Routman

New Grandson Recovery of Albert Aloe Recovery of Mr. Milton

Bialock Recovery of Mr. Adolph '


Recovery of Sara Fremder page 7)


Page 7: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marmor

Grandpa Seidel and Tatie

Frenzel Family

Ir. & Mrs. Charles E. Kohn rMrs. Lewis Levin

^M ]■•.. Nat Lurie

^r. & Mrs. Harry H. Spitzer

Mrs. Hymen Shifrin

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pass

lr. & Mrs. A. Yavitz 4r. & Mrs. Harry Milton

Mr. &Mrs. Carl Pass

Mrs. Morris Changor

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marmor Mr. & Mrs. Joe Savan Mr. & Mrs. Joe Savan Mr. & Mrs. Leo Epstein Mrs. Martha Haas Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Heyman Dr. & Mrs. Milton H.

Meyerhardt Mrs. Fritz Marx

Mrs. Golden Drew Mrs. Morris Changor

Mims Marx

BN HONOR OF Recovery of Mr. Dave

Garland Recovery of Mr. William

H. Goldman Recovery of Mrs. A.

Grossblatt Recovery of Mrs. Julius

Kravitz Recovery of

Mr. Sam Levin Recovery of Mrs. Gertrude

Menczer Recovery of Mrs. Leah

Rosenberg Recovery of Mr. Louis

Shifrin Recovery of Mrs. Jack

Silk Recovery of Harry Spitzer Recovery of Mrs. Milton

Tucker Recovery of Mrs. Jack

Tzinberg Recovery of Manuel


Elise Lauren Srenco Judith Michelle Schneider Harold Dubinsky

Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Haverstick

Mrs. Anna Wierciak Return from Europe of

Jerry Schneider Luncheon for Joyce Lewin

Miscellaneous Donations Mr. & Mrs. Avery Carp Mr. & Mrs. Ely Glazer Mr. Emil Sakowski

Special Funds

DONOR Nat Koplar Sol Koplar Dr. & Mrs. J, G. Probstein John Cain

Building Fund IN MEMORY OF

Harry Koplar

Julius Rudman

Aetna Finance Company Lewis T. Apple George Oliver Carpenter, Jr. Herman Glick Dr. M. D. Pareira Thomas Rosen Gertrude Rosenberg Samuel & Sarah Brand Charitable Foundation

Cancer Research Fund

DONOR IN MEMORY OF Mildred Feldman Ida Bean

Diabetes Research Fund

DONOR IN MEMORY OF Orley & Leo Bauman Blanche Renard Greenwald Henry & Helen Putzel Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Putzel Mrs. Paul Treuman

Florence G. and David May Research Fund DONOR IN HONOR OF

Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein Mr. Fred Z. Salomon

Heart Fund

DONOR IN HONOR OF Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Kendis Evelyn Mainzer

Jackie Sue Margulis DONOR

Mrs. Ben Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Margulis Mrs. Ben Cohen Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman Mrs. Ben Cohen

Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman Mrs. Ben Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goldstein Mrs. Ben Cohen Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman Mrs. Ben Cohen

.Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman [Mrs. Ben Cohen Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman Mrs. Ben Cohen Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman

LMrs. Ben Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fishgall Mrs. Ben Cohen Mrs. Bertha Zwibelman

Peter Federbusch

Liver Research Fund IN MEMORY OF

Ida Geller Anna Kaiser Jackie Sue Margulis Sarah Mathes

Morris Roufa Isadore Saischman

Rachel Sale Sam Scissors

Wilbur Winer

Anna Wolkind Abe Zwibelman

Samuel Gross

Herbert Lewis

Samuel Margulis Sol Serkes

Max Sigoloff

Louis M. Monheimer Memorial Fund

DONOR I Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Aronberg Mr. & Mrs. Jack London Dr. & Mrs. Larry Aronberg Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ettman Mr. & Mrs. Jack London Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein Mrs. Clara K. London

January 1956

IN MEMORY OF Albert A. Ahner Mr. Harris Mrs. Paul Lowenstein Ally Rindskopf Ernest Stix Fred Z. Salomon

Medical Research Fund DONOR

Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Schwartzman

Mrs. N. Golde Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Haimann Dr. & Mrs. Bernard


Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Glick Mrs. N. Golde Mr. Joseph A. Glynn, Jr.

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Ben L. Shifrin

Fred Medart Company

IN MEMORY OF Clarence Bick

Mother Gale Ludwig Gerson Mrs. Paul Lowenstein

Mrs. M. Mendle Arlene Rudman Mrs. Sophia Silverblatt Sophia Sincoff Sam Wilier

IN HONOR OF Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Werner

Miriam Hospital Special Fund (For the period March through October)

DONOR IN MEMORY OF Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Sidney S. Cohen & Mrs. Louis Gutman L. T. Arnold & Mrs. Sidney D. Cohen & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky & Mrs. Harry Edison & Mrs. Bernard Kornblum & Mrs. Herman Seldin & Mrs. Charles Yahlem & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. & Mrs. Hubert Moog & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky & Mrs. Melvin Feist & Mrs. Joseph Grand & Mrs. Louis Gutman & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. & Mrs. Stanley Richman Richard Turner & Mrs. Louis Gutman

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seldin Mr. & Mrs. Eli Strassner Mr. L. T. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Leon Eagle Mr. & Mrs. Leo Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Ray Epstein Mr. Bernie Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Nathanson Mr. & Mrs. Julius Schweich Mr. & Mrs. Eli Strassner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yahlem Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grand Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Feist Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman Miss Tess Haas Mr. & Mrs. Sidney I. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Moog Mr. Gordon Scherck, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seldin Mr. Nat Koplar

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. Mr. L. T. Arnold Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. Sidney Frager (Harry Koplar Brace Fund)

Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Katz Mr. & Mrs Sidney Katz Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein

Mr & Mrs. Louis V. Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. John Roos Mr. & Mrs. Eli Strassner Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman

Mr. L. T. Arnold The Levi Family Mr. & Mrs. George K. Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Harry Franc, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tenenbaum Mr. & Mrs. E. Silverman Mrs. A. A. Katz

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. The Levi Family Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Eli Strassner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yahlem Mr. & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Eli Strassner Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman Mr. & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Richman Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Moog Mr. Norman Probstein

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Feist Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky

Isaac Agatstein

Freda Arnold Mrs. David Baron

Mrs. I. Bettman Paston Catlin David Charak

Mrs. George Cohn

Julius Cronheim Mrs. Gilbert Davidson Phoebe Eberson Mrs. Newton Freund

Helene Friedman Harvey Frolichstein

Joseph Gordon Wm. Gray Albert Greensfelder

Nettie Harris

Mrs. Isador Heidenrich Celia Hirsch

Wm. C. Hoppe

Mary J. Isaacs Rose Jacks Jacob Joseph

Rebecca Karp

Herman Kissell

Bessie Lenk I. Levinson Mrs. Milton Mendle

Dave Paul Mrs. Sam Robbins Carrie Romansky Fanny Rosenfeld Dr. Jerman J. Rosenfeld Samuel Schendelman Mrs. Julius Schmookler

Alex Schukar Mrs. B. Sherman

(Mother's Day) Mrs. John Starr

Sam Stein

Harry Tucker

Mrs. Harry Tucker

Helene Tuholske

Joe Weile J. W. Whetsler

Sam Wilier Isadore Wise

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Feist Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. John Isaacs, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marshall Mrs. I. May Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seldin Mrs. Morris Wolff Mr. Louis Bauman

Mr. & Mrs. Lawton Levy Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman

Dr. S. Weintraub Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein

(Harry Koplar Brace Fund)

Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Feiner Dr. & Mrs. Leon Foster Dr. & Mrs. Max Franklin Mr. & Mrs. F. Z. Salomon

& Fred, Jr, Mrs. Flora Freund Mr. S. E. Freund Miss Kay McGinnis Mr. & Mrs, Herman Husch Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Koplar

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman

Mrs. Harry Freund

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz (Harry Koplar Brace Fund)

(Edith S. Feiner Fund)

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz Dr. & Mrs. J. G. Probstein Mr. Norman Probstein

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Katz (Harry Koplar Brace Fund)

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gutman

IN MEMORY OF Isadore Wise

IN HONOR OF 80th Birthday of

Edith Aloe

Birthday of Scott Greenfield

Birthday of Mrs. A. Gutman

Birthday of Sam Koplar Birthday of

Mrs. Herman Strauss 35th Anniversary of Dr.

& Mrs. J. G. Probstein

25th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Morris Glaser

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Degan

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lewin

Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. F. Z. Salomon

Anniversary of Dr. & Mrs. Sam Wolff

Mrs. A. L. Cassett

Mrs. Hulda Gutman (Mother's Day)

Dr. Virgil Loeb

The Scott Greenfield Fund

IN HONOR OF 80th Birthday of

Scott Greenfield

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Harry Franc, Jr.

Mrs. Harry Franc, Sr. Ruth & Maxine Freund Mrs. Julius Glazer Milton, Hilda &

Minnie Greenfield Blanche Ittleson Mr. & Mrs. Louis Putzel Katherine Shank Evelyn Treuman

Sidney I. Rothschild Medical Library Fund

DONOR IN HONOR OF Dorothea & Louis Rothschild Sidney I. Rothschild

Surgical Research Fund

DONOR Paul Pollack

Dr. & Mrs. Carl Heifetz Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Carl J. Heifetz Dr. & Mrs. M. D. Pareira M. A. Teitilbaum Marian & Myron Cook Dr. & Mrs. Carl J. Heifetz

DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Ben L. Shifrin

Paul Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Frances Greenfield Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lentin Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Lesser

Sherman E. Starks

IN MEMORY OF Daughter of Mr. & Mrs.

W. G. Dickman Julius Jossem Mrs. Julianne Lowenstein

Eleanor Schwartz J. M. Schwartz A. Seltz

IN HONOR OF 30th Wedding Anniver-

sary of Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seldin

Recovery of Joy Wolf son Scott Greenfield

Virginia E. Ford Memorial Fund

DONOR Mrs. Blanche C. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rea A van ell e Boyce Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Charnas Alice Gresham Mildred Hawn Jewish Hospital Nurses*

Alumnae Association Rose McCIellan Mr. & Mrs, Emil Reisinger Mr. & Mrs. A. Robnak Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vagnino Melba Duckels Wood Sarah Fischman Jewish Hospital Nurses'

Alumnae Association Flora Kober

DONOR Mrs. F. Z. Salomon

IN MEMORY OF Emma Haberstroh Mrs. Reeby Kelly Mrs. Julianna Lowenstein

Mrs. Rose Mendel Mary Ellen Randolph

Mrs. Romansky

IN HONOR OF Birthday of

Mrs. J. Probstein

Page 8: Divisions-. Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation ...

MEDICAL STAFF—Continued the Southern Medical Association at its annual meeting in Houston, Texas, on No- vember 14. Also, Dr. Goldman gave a talk on "Pulmonary Hemoptysis" at the semi- annual meeting of the American Medical Association in Boston, Massachusetts, No- vember 28.

Dr. Jerome S. Grosby, Director of the Department of Dentistry, and Dr. Joseph H. Lesser, Associate in the Division of Surgical Services, spoke on "Early Diagnosis of Cancerous and Precancerous Lesions of the Oral Cavity" at the Midcontinent Dental Congress held here on November 30.

Dr. Paul S. Lowenstein, Senior Surgeon, Division of Surgical Services, was nominated as Vice President of the American College of Angiology, an organization devoted to the study of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Dr. Lowenstein and Dr. Morton D. Pareira, Director of the Division of Sur- gical Services, are charter members of ACA, which was formed about a year ago. Dr. Melvin Goldman of the Division of Medical Services, has also been elected to member- ship. The first scientific session of ACA was held in Atlantic City last June, and a paper on "Intestinal Obstruction Secondary to Peri-arteritis Nodosa" was presented by Dr. Lowenstein and Dr. Max Heeb, second- year Resident in Surgery.

Dr. Milton M. Voda has resumed his service at ' .sistant on the teaching staff of

fthe Department of Dentistry after an ab- sence of two years of military duty at Port Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, and the U. S. Army Hospital at Camp ChafFee, Fort Smith, Arkansas.

The Kiddies Are Happy, Now! Attractive "small fry" silverware, dishes

and trays are now in use in the Pediatrics Department . . . made possible by funds from the Women's Auxiliary of the Hos- pital. Along with this, the Dietary Depart- ment has gone overboard to serve food "just like Mom would fix at home," to make it more appealing and attractive to the chil- dren. In addition to the highly nutritious foods served, some of the changes, which have gone over with a bang, are boxed cereals instead of cooked, hamburgers in- stead of some of the usual meat dishes, peanut butter and jelly and sandwiches made of salads or other entrees planned for the general menu of the day. When deviled eggs are served, a little sail, fashioned out of a toothpick and a piece of cloth, is hoisted atop the egg to turn it into a sailboat. A variety of cookies and animal crackers, jello, ice cream and chocolate milk are always on hand. Toothpick favors of animal characters, which the tots may keep, adorn many of the foods served. "Oh, Mother, I'm so happy with my tray to- night!" is a familiar cry.


s %/%. %/W ^DtTW-rK.

Student nurses cut 35tJi Anniversary cake of the St. Louis Jewish Scholarship Foundation at a tea given on the occasion of the anniversary at the Jewish Hospital School of Nursing Building. Mrs. Henry Freund and Mrs. Malcolm Steiner, officers of the Foundation, poured at the tea. To date, the Foundation has awarded 29 scholarships to student nurses of the Hospital, and of this number, 15 are still students.

For Men Only A memorable gift for your mother . . .

wife . . . daughter—a life membership in the Jewish Hospital Auxiliary ... for a minimum of $100. What better way could you honor your ladies! Checks may be made payable to LIFE MEMBERSHIP, and sent to Mrs. Major Einstein, 320 North Union, St. Louis 8, Missouri.

Jewish Hospital Nurses' Alumnae Association

The Jewish Hospital Nurses' Alumnae Association reported that its annual card party held in October was a huge success. From the proceeds of $1,377, $1,000 has been applied to the Virginia E. Ford Me-

morial Scholarship Fund for preclinical stu- dent scholarships. The Association also made a gift of 10 card tables to the student nurses, and two recipients of scholarships were given subscriptions to the American Journal of Nursing.


megeteii/t ."JCei/uM of ST/. Xcuh

216 South Kingshighway Boulevard St. Louis 10, Missouri