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Distortions to Agricultural Incentives

in Malaysia

Prema-chandra Athukorala and Loke Wai-Heng

Australian National [email protected]

University of [email protected]

Agricultural Distortions Research Project Working Paper xx, October 2006

This is a product of a research project on Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, under the leadership of Kym Anderson of the World Bank’s Development Research Group. The authors are grateful for helpful comments from workshop participants and for funding from World Bank Trust Funds provided by the governments of Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands (BNPP) and the United Kingdom (DfID).

This Working Paper series is designed to promptly disseminate the findings of work in progress for comment before they are finalized. The views expressed are the authors’ alone and not necessarily those of the World Bank and its Executive Directors, nor the countries they represent, nor of the institutions providing funds for this research project.

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Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Malaysia

Prema-chandra Athukorala and Loke Wai-Heng

Introduction and summary

Malaysia is notable among developing countries for its long-standing commitment to

maintaining a relative open trade policy regime. Malaysia never relied heavily on

quantitative restrictions and other forms of non-tariff protection, and tariffs on both

domestic manufacturing and agriculture continued to remain low relative to other

developing countries. Although tariffs on some manufactured goods were substantially

increased and some were brought under QRs in the first half of 1980s as part of a state-

led heavy industrialization strategy and in the immediate aftermaths of the 1997-98

economic crisis to support some domestic industries in face of massive domestic

economic contraction, these measures were reversed and further tariff cuts were

undertake in the ensuing years.

Unlike its counterparts in many other countries, the Malaysian government

persistently eschewed direct procurement of agricultural output through government

marketing boards or directly influencing export prices in any other ways. Export duties

on the two major primary commodities, rubber and palm oil, continued to remain a major

source of government revenue of until the mid-1980s. However, export taxes were

periodically adjusted in line with world price trends in order to keep the producer prices

by and large stable over time and ploughed back a significant share of this revenue into

well-designed and efficiently implemented replanting schemes and productivity

enhancing research in these industries. Over the past two decades export duties on rubber

and palm oil have come down drastically, but these traditional export industries have


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been under persistent domestic cost pressure arising from rapid structural transformation

of the economy through successful global integration.

Production of paddy/ricethe staple food of the country and the principal

domestic food cropstands out as the single most assisted economic activity in the

country. In the immediate post-war years, assistance to this crop was introduced by the

colonial government on food-security grounds. After independence, and particularly

since embarking on the New Economic Policy (a sweeping affirmative action policy

package) in 1970, paddy has become an increasingly sensitive ‘political crop’. While

achieving food self sufficiency has continued to remain a ‘moving target’ in the

successive development plans, protecting paddy farmers (who are predominantly Malay

and concentrated in relatively economically backward states) remain by far the dominant

force behind continuing protection. Producers of subsidiary crops, horticultural products,

livestock and fishing have been operating under a virtually free trade regime throughout

with the exception of quantitative restrictions on the importation of round cabbages.

High-value (processed) food products have begum to emerge as an important dynamic

export line over the past two decades.

The purpose of this paper is two-fold, (a) to provide an analytical narrative of the

nature and evolution of trade and the related accompanying policies impacting on

domestic agriculture, with a focus on the underlying political economy, and (b) to

examine the degree and changing patterns of incentives to domestic agriculture

encompassing both direct (sector specific) incentives and indirect incentives emanating

from economy-wide policies. The analysis will be undertaken against the backdrop of

the on-going process of rapid structural transformation of the economy over the past three

decades. As an integral part of the analysis, an attempt will be made to delineate the

implications, over and above that of the policy-induced incentives, of the process of

structural transformation for the long-term viability of the traditional plantation crops and

new opportunities for agricultural output expansion in subsidiary food crop sector.

The study covers the period from 1965 (the earliest year after independence (in

1957) to 2004 with emphasis four major products natural rubber, pal oil and cocoa, and

paddy/rice. The first three are exportable while and fourth, the mail staple product of the

country is a pure importable. The four products together accounted for nearly 65% of


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total agricultural GDP over the past five years. Paucity of data does not permit further

expansion of the commodity coverage. But this is unlike to pose a problem in analysing

overall incentives to agricultural production because the policy almost of the other

agricultural products have been facing virtually free trade conditions throughout the

period under study. In addition to providing inputs to the global agricultural trade policy

analysis of the World Bank multi-country research project on Distortions to Agricultural

Incentives in Developing Countries, this study aims to inform the contemporary

Malaysian debate on the future direction of national development policy as it relates to

domestic agriculture.

The structure of the paper is as follows: The following section provides and

overview of growth and structural changes in the Malaysian economy during the post

independence era (since 1957), with emphasis on the relative importance of the

agricultural sector in the economy and trends and compositional shifts in agricultural

output and trade. This is followed by a surveys the evolution of agricultural trade policy

during the post-independence era (since 1957) against the backdrop of the overall

national development strategy and macroeconomic policy and paying attention to

political-economy considerations underpinning policy directions. The next section,

which forms the analytical core of the paper, proves an analysis of the extent and patterns

of direct and indirect distortions to incentives faced by domestic agriculture using a set of

incentive indicators specifically constructed for this study. The final section contains a

summary of the key findings and policy inferences.

Agriculture in the Malaysian Economy

Growth trends

At the time of independence in 1957, Malaysian was a classic example of an export

economy (a la’ Levin 1960), an economy in which the modern sector concentrated in

primary production for export dominated the entire organization of production. Natural


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rubber directly accounted for 25% of GDP with the second largest export, tin, and

accounting for 5% (Meernam 1979). In addition, a host of activities in the services

sector, embracing trade, transport and finance, were dependent on the export sector.

Production patterns exhibited only limited changes until about the mid 1970s. Structural

changes since then, in particulate from the late 1980s’, brought about by the expansion of

export-oriented manufacturing and related modern sector activities have been dramatic.

The share of agriculture in GDP declined to 19.1% by the late 1980s and then the

plummeted to 8.5% in 2005 (Table 1 and Figure 1).

In the early 1970s agriculture directly absorbed over a half of total labour

deployment in the country. This share had declined to 13.7% by 2005. The contraction

in the relative importance of agriculture in total labour absorption has been particularly

market over the past two decades (Table1, Figure 1). Despite this dramatic structural

transition, promoting employment opportunities in the rural economy (roughly equivalent

to the agricultural sector) has continued to remain an important focus of the successive

10-year development plans of the country particularly because of the related delicate

ethnic dimension. Over 90% of the agricultural labour force belonging to the politically

powerful and economically relatively weak Malay community. The incidence of poverty

in the rural economy is still high (11% in 2003) compared to 2.2% in the urban sector and

a national average of 6%. About 44% of the population is in the age groups of 55 years

or above (compared to a national average of 30%), while only 25% was in the age group

of 15% to 40% (national average 35%) (Government of Malaysia 2006a).

Over the past three decades or so, the agricultural sector has been under consistent

pressure from the ‘resource pull’ effects emanating from rapid structural changes in the

economy (Athukorala and Manning 1999, Barlow and Jayasuriya 1987). Widening urban-

rural wage differentials and the natural aversion of young to engage in agricultural

pursuits have propelled rural to urban labour migration, causing widespread labour

shortages in the rural economy and putting pressure on agricultural wages. The area

under traditional plantation crops has begun to shrink in semi-urban areas because of the

dispersal across the peninsula of industrial centres and the resultant increased demand for

land for residential and industrial expansion. In face of severe shortage of local labour

agricultural producers, firstly plantation companies, and more recently small-holder


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producers of cash crop as well as paddy, have begun to rely increasingly on foreign

workers. The estimated foreign labour force in Malaysia increased from about a half a

million in the mid-1980s to 1.8 million (23% of the total labour force) by 2003, and about

half of these workers were in the agricultural sector (Athukorala 2006a). The dependence

on foreign labour is particularly high in the rubber industry, given the relatively high

labour intensity of both cultivation and harvesting. However, the relatively more capital

intensive palm oil industry has also begun to depend increasingly on foreign workers

because fresh fruit bunch harvesting is still conducted manually. According to a recent

survey the Malayan Agricultural Producers Association of the total labour force in private

sector plantations in Peninsular Malaysia, 37% are foreign workers and this ration is as

high as 80% in East Malaysia (Khoo and Chandramohan, 2002).

Structural changes: plantation (cash) crops

Rubber was the preferred crop of the foreign-owned estate sector throughout the colonial

period from the 1890s (Barlow 1978). Oil palm was first commercially planted in 1917,

but remained a relatively minor crop until mid-1950s. During the ensuing three decades

palm oil has proved to be profitable in comparison to rubber and expanded in the

plantation sector at the expense of the latter. The government policy relating to the

plantation sector dramatically shifted the emphasis from rubber to palm oil and supported

its expansion by allowing the use of rubber replanting grants for replanting rubber land

with oil palm. Moreover, the government itself played a vigorous role in the expansion

of oil palm by embarking on a large resettlement effort (especially though the Federal

Land Development Authority, FELDA) in which oil palm came to be the ‘crop of choice’

(Plectcher 1991).1 Malaysia's success in promoting palm oil exports was further aided by

inappropriate agricultural and economy-wide policies of traditional palm oil exporting

countries in Africa (MacBean 1989, Athukorala 1991). Cocoa began a gain importance as a

alternative crop in the plantation sector from about the early 1970s. However, from about

1 By 1984, FELDA accounted for 28.4% of the 1.3 million ha under oil palm. The annual rate of growth of FELDA’s oil pal hectares was 35% during 1861-84 and 76% during 1961-70, a rate six times that of the estate sector over the same period (, p 625). .


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the mid-1980s the area under cultivation of cocoa began to contract sharply because of

protracted low world prices of cocoa beans.

As already noted, from about the late 1980s the plantation sector has been under

severe strain arising from the resource pull effects emanating from rapid structural

changes in the economy. The resource pull effect fell more severely on rubber and cocoa

industries whose cultivation and harvesting processes are more labour intensive

compared to oil palm. To make matters worse world prices for these two products also

continued to remain unfavourable compared red to palm oil. At the end of the crop cycle

many plantation companies as well as small-holders partly replanted rubber land with less

labour intensive crops, in particular oil palm, utilizing other land for housing and for

industry. Many Malaysian rubber estate companies first tried to face labour shortages by

employed foreign workers and then used their technology and managerial know-how to

invests in other neighbouring countries (in particular) Indonesia and the Philippines)

where wages and cost of land war relatively lower. Smallholders too went on tapping

rubber with hired migrants, although their higher price elasticity of supply meant outputs

declined greatly during the low output prices of the early 1990s (Barlow 1997, p 599).

Despite the natural cushion provided by the relative capital intensity of production and

also relatively favourable price trend, palm oil sector also soon began to feel the pinch of

resource full effects in recent years and many large plantation companies have begun to

shift investment to the neighbouring land and labour abundant countries.

Table 2 summarises data on the area under cultivation, production and the yield

per Ha of the three main plantation crops. The area under cultivation of rubber which

increased from 1664 thousand hectares during 1960-64 to 1577 during 1975-79, declined

persistently since then reaching 1319 in 2000-04. Rubber output has closely followed

this trend. In the case of palm oil, the area under cultivation has increased continuously

from a mere 66 hectares during 1960-64 to 3759 during 2000-04, but the rate of

expansion has declined persistently from the early 1990s. In both industries, the

expansion of output has been faster than that of area under cultivation, reflecting the

widespread use of new high-yielding varieties and improved cultivation practices. From

the late 1990s, rubber and palm oil industries have begun to benefit from increased world

demand, particularly from China, and the resultant favourable price trends. Palm oil


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industry has also benefited in recent years from the tight world supply of edible oils and

facts, which pushed up palm oil prices. These favourable demand-side factors have been

reflected notable increase in the production of both rubber and palm oil. 2 In the case of

rubber the supply response to favourable prices has taken the form of increased cropping

intensity; in a context of persistent decline in the area under cultivation. By contrast, in

the case of palm oil, the area under cultivation too has shown some mild positive

response. Both production and the area under cultivation of cocoa has declined

persistently since the early 1990s. Yield per hectare in palm oil has increased

persistently throughout. In rubber the yield increased notably in the 1960s and 1970s,

followed by a virtual stagnation since then. In fact, the stability of rubber yield during

the latter period has largely come from contraction in the area under cultivation (implying

abandoning of marginal plantations with poor yield) in face of persistent decline in the

total output. Over the years, the small-holder share of total rubber land has increased

persistently from 50% in 1960 to 93% in 2004.

The relatively more capital intensive oil palm industry is dominated by large

plantations, notwithstanding some increase in the share of small holding over time (Table

3). It is important to note that the bulk of land areas classified as small-holding in this

data tabulation are in fact owned by farmers who participate in large government-run

plantation schemes. Smallholders who did not participate in these schemes accounted for

around 8% of the planted hectare. In fact, the estate dominance is a unique feature of the

palm oil industry in Malaysia (and in Indonesia); in other parts of the world, smallholder

production of palm oil is important in many parts of the world (Pletcher 1991)

Structural changes: food crops

Rice farming, nearly all of it wet paddy, is the major source of income for rural

households in the states of the north and east in the peninsula Malaysia and some parts of

East Malaysia. At the time of independence, about three-fourths of the native peasant

producers (predominantly rice growers and fishermen) were Malays, about 90% of rice

growers were Malays, and about one-third of the economically active Malay mail 2 Production of rubber and crude palm oil increased at average annual rates of 3.9% and 6.7% during 2000-5 Government of Malaysia 2006b, pp. 50-51).


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population were in this peasant sector (Meerman 1979). This ethnic dimension of rice

farming had persisted during the ensuing years, making paddy a highly sensitive political


Nearly half of the peasant cultivators grow some rice. The area under cultivation

of paddy increased from 493 thousand hectares in 1960-64 to 749 in 1970-74 and

remained around 700 thousand hectares since then. Paddy production increased

persistently from the early 1960s to up to about the mid 1990s, due mostly to increase in

the area under cultivate until the early 1970s and subsequently increase in the yield per

hectare. Paddy producers were significantly aided by government sponsored irrigation

schemes which permitted double cropping, and the introduction of high-yielding

varieties and consolidation of padi smallholdings through group farming concept in the

eight granary areas, and direct assistant to farmers in the form of price support and price,

credit and fertiliser subsidies (See below). By 2005 (the end of the 8th Malaysia Plan

period), almost all farming operations in the major padi growing areas were fully

mechanized. As a result, the labour input per hectare declined from 47 worker days in

1995 to 15 worker day in 2000 (Government of Malaysia 2001, p 214). At the time of

independence (in 1957) about 45% of all rice consumed in Malaysia was imported. By

from about the mid 1970s, around 90% of the rice consumed locally has been produced


From about the mid 1990s, rice production has stagnated followed by a mild, but

persistent decline in more recent years. The area under cultivation has persistently

declined. The yield per hectare recorded a continuous increase, but this has come largely

from the decline in the area under cultivation in face of stagnating or total declining

output. As in the case of the plantation crops, paddy farming has been under pressure

because of labour shortages resulting from rural to urban labour migration and the ageing

of the farming community (Ahmad and Tawang 1999). It seems that continuing massive

government support has been of little avail in supporting paddy farming in a context of

massive concretionary pressure emanating from ongoing structural adjustment in the

economy at large.

A noteworthy development over the past one-and-a-half decades in non-

plantation agriculture has been the rapid growth of the subsidiary food crops – fruits,


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vegetables, fish and livestock at a faster rate than paddy ( Government of Malaysia

2006a, p 51). While there has been some increase in export of these ‘high value’ food

products, the production expansion so far has been predominantly domestic demand

derived. With rapid income growth in the modern sector of the economy and the high

income elasticity of demand high value food products compared to rice the relative

importance of the subsidiary food sector is bound to increase rapidly in years to come.

Table 4 provides data on the composition of agricultural production (value added)

in the Malaysian economy. The data are plotted in Figure 2. The dominance of the

plantation crop sector in Malaysian agriculture has eroded persistently from 73% in the

early 1970s to 53.2% during 2000-05. Within this sector there has been a palpable shift

in output composition away from rubber and towards palm oil. Cocoa accounted for

around 10% of total agricultural GDP from the mid-1970s to early 1990, but had declined

precipitously since then reaching negligible levels by the turn of the 20th Century. The

combined share of food crops, which remained around 28% in the 1960s and 1970s,

increased sharply during the ensuing years reaching 46.8% in 2000-05. Within this

sector, the relative importance of paddy has declined sharply over the past two decades,

reflecting a palpable compositional shift towards livestock, fisheries and other subsidiary

food crops (mainly fruits and vegetable).

Agricultural trade

Dramatic shifts in the domestic production structure has closely mirrored in export patterns.

The combined share of agricultural products in total merchandise exports declined from

57.5% (39% when timber/wood exports are excluded) in 1970-74 to 9.6% (8%) by 2000-04

(Table 5). Among agricultural products (excluding timer/wood), the share of rubber

declined persistently from 62.4% in 1970-74 to 9.7% in 2000-04. This was mirrored in an

increase in the share of palm oil from 23.9% to 41.6%.

Malaysia’s share in total world exports of natural rubber declined from 42% in the

late 1970s to around 20% by 2004, by which time it was the third largest exporter in the

world after loosing its to Thailand and Indonesia in the late 1980s (Figure 3). In world

crude palm oil exports, Malaysia remained the largest exporter accounting for a share in


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total world exports of 65% to 80% from the mid-1970s to late 1990s. Over the past five

years Indonesia has been the world’s largest of crude palm oil exporter (accounting for

over 50% of total world exports) thanks to massive investment relocation their by

Malaysian plantation companies in face of mounting domestic cost pressure.

A noteworthy development in the export structure of Malaysia over the past two

decades has been the emergence of processed food as a dynamic export line in the export

structures of Indonesia. The average annual growth rate of processed food exports from

Malaysia increased from 5% in 1985-99 to 19% during 2000-04. The share of processed

food in total agricultural exports from Malaysia increased from 8.7% in 1970-74 to

15.6% in 1985-89 and then to 31.6% in 2000-04 (Table 5). Rapid expansion of processed

food compared with the traditional food products (coffee, tea, sugar, cocoa and so on) has

been a universal phenomenon in world trade over the past two decades (Athukorala and

Jayasuriya 2003).3 Malaysia’s recently relative performance in this lucrative growth area,

while impressive by its own past performance, has lagged behind that of many other

counties (in particular Thailand) with similar agricultural resource endowments

(Athukorala 2006b). An interesting issue, which deserves deeper analysis, is whether

Malaysia’s highly interventionist paddy-sector support policy has constrained shift in

agricultural resources into these new dynamic product lines.

2. Policy Context

3 Powerful forces on both demand and supply sides have underpinned this structural shift. On the demand side, ‘internationalisation of food habits’ - the increased importance of imported processed items in consumption patterns in developed countries as well as among large sections of the populace in many developing countries - appeared to have played a key role. Factors such as international migration, the communications revolution and international tourism have contributed to this phenomenon. This significant demand-side impetus seems to have been supported by important supply-side developments such as improvements in food technology, refrigeration facilities and transportation that have made various processed food products, which are generally highly perishable, internationally tradable. Indonesia is well placed to benefit from this structural shift in world food trade is given its rich agricultural resource base, and ample availability of labour (because food processing/packaging for exports is a highly labour intensive).


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Key policy trends

The prognoses of development prospects for Malaysia (then the Federation of Malaya)4 at

the time of transition to independence in 1957 were at best mixed. On the positive side,

Malaysia's per capita income was on a par with Hong Kong and Taiwan and higher than

other countries in East Asia save Japan. Although the rate of population increase was

already rapid, the highly favourable ratio of land and other natural resources to total

population offered great potential to raise income per head. The colonial inheritance

included well-developed infrastructure, an efficient administrative mechanism and a

thriving primary export sector with considerable potential for expansion.

The mobilisation of this developmental potential for building the new independent

Malaysian economy had to be done under conflicting challenges posed by a plural society

inherited from the colonial past. At the time, the native Malays, who accounted for 52

percent of the population, dominated politics, but were relatively poor, and were involved

mostly in low-productive agricultural activities. The ethnic Chinese (37 percent of the

population) enjoyed greater economic power and dominated most of the modern-sector

activities, but they did not match the ethnic solidarity or political power of the Malay. 5

While ethnic divisions weakened the national fabric, the machinery of government was

fragile and the democratic political leadership remained untested. In this context, there

was little room for optimism regarding the development policies that might be expected

from the newly elected government (World Bank 1955). All in all, challenges of

development for Malaysia were generally considered more problematic compared to a

number of other countries newly emerged from the colonial era - in particular India,

Pakistan, Ghana, Kenya, and Burma.6

4 The Federation of Malaya, comprising 11 states in the Malay Peninsula secured independence from Britain on 31 August 1957. Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined Malaya to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963. Singapore left the federation in August 1965. 5 The emergence of these three identifiable and mutually exclusive ethnic groups as distinct, self conscious groups stemmed in substantial part from the exigencies and priorities of the British colonial policies (Gnguli 1997, p. 235).

6 In the famous Rosentein-Rodan (1961) growth trajectory up to 1976 for sixty-six of to-days developing countries Malaysia was classified ( together with South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia) in the 'low-growth' category.


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The early years of independence up to the mid 1960s, Malaysian national

development policy was much in line with the traditional liberal notions of the limited

state. Public command of economic resources in these early years was low, and the

prevailing economic policies conservative. The policy thrust was basically to continue

with the colonial open-door policy stance relating to trade and industry, while attempting

to redress ethnic and regional economic imbalances through rural development schemes

and the provision of social and physical infrastructure (Snodgrass 1980).

As in many other developing countries, industrialisation through import

substitution was a key emphasis of the Malaysian development strategy during this

period. However, Malaysian policy makers, unlike their counterparts in other countries,

Malaysia eschewed ‘forced’ industrialisation through direct import restrictions and the

establishment of state-owned industrial enterprises (Lim 1992).7 Moderate tariff

protection was by and large the key instrument used in encouraging new investment in

manufacturing. The average tariff rate in 1965 was estimated at a mere 13 per cent and

very few industries enjoyed nominal tariffs of more than 30 per cent and non-tariff

barriers were almost non-existent (Powel 1971, Lin 1984).

The racial riots in Kuala Lumpur in 1969 brought about a dramatic shift in

development policy along ethnic lines. The leadership of the ruling National Front

concluded that the striking discrepancies in wealth must be rapidly eliminated, in part

though public activity, if Malaysia were to evolve into an integrated community. Its two

basic goals were (1) the eradication of poverty by raising income levels and increasing

opportunities for all Malaysians, irrespective of race, and (2) the rapid reordering of the

society to correct economic imbalances, so as to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the

identification of race with economic function (Government of Malaysia, 1971, p. 1). In

the language of NEP, an increasing share of GNP to Malays was not however to be at the

cost of other citizens belonging to the other ethnic groups. Given the delicate ethnic

composition of the ruling coalition, economic equality was to be fostered primarily

through increasing employment and devising a mechanism to ensure that a greater share

7 In a recent comprehensive study of the patterns and chronology of trade policy reforms during the postwar era, Sachs and Warner (1995, Table 1) identify Malaysia as one of the eight developing countries whose trade regimes remained open throughout the post-Second World War period.


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of newly created assets accrues to the Malay. Redistribution of existing assets was

anathema. Neither expropriation, foreign or local, nor nationalization, nor land reform

was considered in the NEP (Ness 1967, Snodgrass 1980, Ganguli 2003).

Given the crucial role played by foreign-owned companies in the production and

marketing of plantation crops, the Malaysian government took care to pursue a

favourable and unambiguous policy stance toward direct foreign investment. Transferring

a progressively large share of these companies to the nationals was a declared policy. But

the government always made it clear that the transfer of ownership would be through

formal share trading rather than through arbitrary expropriation (Mynt 1984, Fletcher


There was a heavy emphasis on the promotion of heavy industries through direct

government involvement in the first half of 1980s, as part of the ‘look East’ policy of Dr

Mahathir who became Prime Minister in 1981. The symbol of the selective industrial

policy was the Proton (the Malaysian national car) project, a joint venture of HICOM and

the Mitsubishi Corporation in Japan. By 1987, there were 867 corporate public

enterprises in Malaysia, more than a third of which were in manufacturing. Tariffs on a

wide range of manufactured goods were substantially increased in the first half of 1980s

as part of the heavy-industrialisation move. Nevertheless, there was no significant

reliance of quantitative import restrictions (Athukorala and Menon 1999).

The economic crisis during 1985-87, which originated in a combination of budget

deficits caused by the heavy industrialisation move and adverse trends in prices of

Malaysia's major export products, put an end to the state-led heavy industrialisation push.

The crisis management policy package placed greater emphasis on the role of the private

sector and strengthening the conditions for export-oriented industrialisation through

greater participation of FDI. The structural adjustment reform package introduced in

response to the crisis involved a gradual process of privatisation and restructuring of

state-owned enterprises. By the early 1990s state-ownership in manufacturing was

limited only to some politically sensitive ventures in automobile manufacturing (the

Proton project), petrochemical, iron and steel and cement industries. Reforms in the later

1980s also involved significant tariff reductions and removal of quantitative import

restrictions. Some of the tariff increases introduced in the first half of the 1980s were


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reversed and further tariff cuts were introduced as part of market-oriented reforms in the

late 1980s.

Malaysia’s policy response to the recent (1997-98) financial crisis involved some

notable departure from persistent trade liberalisation over the previous decade

(Athukorala 2003). The 1998 Budget speech announced increase in import duties on

automobiles, vans and motorcycles from 30-200 per cent to 40-300 per cent for CBU

(completely built-up) and 4-42 per cent to 30-80 per cent for CKD (completely knocked

down) motor cars and for construction equipment from 0-35 per cent to 5-50 per cent. In

addition, a number of heavy and construction equipment, hot and cold rolled flat products

of iron or non-alloy steel, ephedrine and its salts, chemical products, certain electrical

household goods were brought under non-automatic import licensing. The declared

purpose of these measures was to bring down the current account deficit, but cushioning

local producers (including the national car producer, Proton) against domestic demand

contraction was obviously a key motivating factor. There was, however, no notable

retreat from the country’s long-standing commitment to a highly open trade regime.

The average applied import duty rate (total duty collection as a percentage of total

merchandise exports) is plotted in Figure 4. Despite recent tariff increases the average

effective rate has declined persistently. The underlying tariff structure is far from

uniform, however. The domestic automobile market is heavily protected through both

tariff and non-tariff measures. At Chapter (2-digit) level of the Harmonized System (HS)

of tariff, the average nominal tariff on automobile is 30.2 per cent while all the other tariff

rates are around or below 20 per cent.8 The overall tariff structure in Malaysia is heavily

cascading ‘cascading’ in nature; tariffs are generally higher on final goods than on

production inputs (intermediate and capital goods (Athukorala 2005).

Malaysia has bound only 65% of its tariff lines as part of its WTO commitments.

Moreover, the bound rates are much higher than the applied MFN rates (WTO 2002)9.

Both these features of the tariff structure have provides the government with scope to

8 Tariff rates reported in this paper unless otherwise stated are from Malaysia’s latest (2003) tariff schedule available in the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Secretariat online database. 9 In 2002, the simple averages bound, unbound, and applied tariff rates were 19%, 35% and 9.2% respectively. All agricultural tariff lenes were bound, but on average at much higher levels compared to manufacturing tariffs.


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raise applied tariffs (as was done in 1998), imparting a degree of uncertainty to applied

tariffs. There are no import quotas in Malaysia and the existing import prohibitions are

limited only to those implemented for national security reasons. By the mid-1990s, only

a 4.5 per cent of all tariff lines had non-ad-valorem tariffs, and this declined further to 0.7

per cent by 2002 because of the further rationalisation of the tariff structure following the

singeing of the WTO Agreement in 1995. There are no tariff quotas or variable import

levies (Athukorala 2002). By 2000 the coverage ration on non-tariff barriers in import

trade (unweighted percentage)10 amounted to 2.3%, down from 3.7% in the mid-1990s.

Despite recent tariff increases, Malaysia’s average tariff rate is relatively low (both in

terms of the simple average and import-weighted average) by the regional standards.

However, the degree of dispersion of tariff in Malaysia (measured by the coefficient of

variation) is relatively high because of high tariff peaks relating to a few product lines,

motor vehicles in particular (Athukorala 2005).

Agricultural trade policy: plantation crops

Duties on the two major primary export commodities, rubber and palm oil, were a major

source of government revenue until the mid-1980s. But, duty rates were adjusted in line

with world price trends in order to keep the producer prices stable over time. Export

duties were sharply reduced from about the mid-1980s in a context where the viability of

these industries were under persistent, severe strain because of labour shortages and

rising wages propelled by dramatic structural changes in the economy under export-ed

industrialisation (Ariff and Semudram 1990; Chunanuntathum et al. 1990). Reduction of

export duties was aided by tax buoyancy in a rapidly growing economy and increasing

government revenue from petroleum exports.

The import duty rates on rubber and palm oil, which increased persistently in the

1960s and 1970s, have declined persistently over the past two decades (Table 6). During

2000-04 the average annual duty rate was 4.7% on rubber and 1.1% on palm only. The

higher duty rate on rubber compared to palm oil was because of the additional duty (cess)

still levied in order finance rubber replanting scheme. Duties (in the range of 5% to 10%)

10 Calculated as percentage of import value of HS6 tariff lines affected by NTBs in total imports


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are levied on specific grades of crude palm oil with a view to promoting further domestic

processing. By the dawn of the New Millennium, only a few other primary products,

(such as some forest products and crude oil) were subject to export duties. By the dawn

of the New Millennium, only a few products (some forest products and crude oil) were

subject to export duties. Total export duty contributed to mere 2% total government

revenue (Government of Malaysia 2006b).

As the structural changes in the economy begun to severely impede the long-term

viability of the palpation crops, the conventional trade policy and direct government

support in the form of funding research and replanting schemes have by and large lost

their relevance in supporting the plantation sector. Consequently, in recent years policy

attentions has been shifting towards new issues such as forging linkages of the

agricultural sectors with the rapidly gowning manufacturing, improvement in

productivity and efficiency, and assisting plantation companies to relocate in other

countries where factor market conditions still enable profitable production. Relaxing

restrictions on labour importations, both formally and informally (that is by turning blind

eye on illicit it migration) has also become an important short-tem measure to assist

reducing labour market pressure (Athukorala 2006a)

Agricultural trade policy: food crops

Production of paddy/rice has remained the single most assisted crop in Malaysia ever

since the guaranteed price scheme was introduced by colonial government in 1949

(Meerman 1979, Ness 1967, Rudnr 1994, Fletcher 1989, Zubaidi, 1992). The emphasis

on assisting farmers gained added impetus following the independence, and in particular

as part of the NEP.

The government has been persistently assisting rice producers with an all-

encompassing guaranteed minimum price scheme (GMP), a price subsidy scheme, and a

fertilizer subsidy. In 1998 (the latest year for which data are available) total government

expenditure on the three schemes amounted to RM 547 million (US$ 150) or about 3% of

total value added of this crop. The GMP scheme was first introduced in 1949 and the

minimum price was subsequently adjusted in 1973, 1994, 1979, 1980, 1984 and 1997.


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Under this scheme BERNAS (a state-trading company) undertakes to buy paddy from

farmers at no less than the guaranteed minimum price (since 2000 RM 5.49per KG).

BERNAS procures paddy from farmers and mill rice as a business operation. It competes

with other private millers in the procurement of paddy and marketing of its milled rice.

BERNAS purchases about 45% of the marketable surplus paddy available. Only

BERNAS is permitted to import rice (at zero duty) into the country. It undertakes to

import rice and implement the rice price subsidy program under a long-term contract with

the government. The volume of import is determined by BERNAS as equivalent to the

shortfall of production over consumption. Rice millers are required to produce 30% of

their output at standard and premium quality. As they are free to determine prices for

superior quality rice, profits realised on this quality rice is used to cross-subsidise the

minimum production required for standard and medium quality.

A cash subsidy for every tonne of paddy sold was introduced in 1980 and further .

further increased in 1984 and 1990. Under this scheme the government makes a fixed

payment (currently RM 2.48 per KG) to farmers for paddy sold by them to any

commercial rice mill. The subsidy is in addition to the GMP received by farmers. The

fertilizer subsidy scheme has been operation since 1985 (to add details). There was also a

subsidies credit scheme for paddy farmers from. This was terminated in 1996. In 2004

the total government outlay on the price subsidy and fertiliser subsidy amounted to RM

477 million about (2% of paddy sector value added). In addition to these direct

subsidies, the government assist paddy farmer through the provision of drainage and

irrigation facilities, and management and extensive services. Total outlay on these

support measures to gather accounted for around 1.5% of total paddy sector value added

in 2004 (WTO 2007).

Accompanying policies

Despite some instances of policy slippage, by and large Malaysia’s macroeconomic

policy has been sound throughout, supporting growth and structural transition in the real

sectors. Budget deficits were generally kept within prudent limits while minimising the

use of borrowed funds. The government continued to strictly adhere to the colonial policy


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of eschewing borrowing from the central bank for budgetary purposes. When the overall

deficits arose occasionally, they were financed from non-inflationary domestic sources, in

particular private savings accumulated in the Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF).

Moreover, broadening of the tax base in a booming economy, coupled with greater

efficiency in tax collection, brought about rapid increase in government revenue. The

Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) has maintained an impressive track

record by the developing country standards in maintaining domestic price stability and a

realistic exchange rate (Corden 1996, Athukorala 2001, Athukorala and Warr 2002).

(This section is to be expanded based on the RER estimates plotted in Figure 5.

A key point to emerge from the discussion is that the RER for the export crop sector

(RER-AG) has been behaving quite differently from the overall RER (denoted RER-TP)

reflecting ongoing structural transformation of the economy. Notwithstanding some

periodic depreciation triggered by increases in world prices, the RER for the plantation

sector has appreciated persistently over the past two-and-a-half decade)

Trends and patterns of agricultural incentives

This section provides an analysis of the changing extent and patterns of direct and

indirect distortions to incentives faced by domestic agriculture in Malaysia using the

methodology developed by Anderson et al. (2006). The analysis is based on 6 main

indicators of incentives:

Nominal rate of assistance for the five products under study (NTA)

Average rate of assistance for the five products (NTAT)

Direct rate of assistance to total domestic agriculture (DRA)

Total rate of assistance to agriculture (TRA)

Agricultural bias in policies affecting tradable production (ABT)

The nominal rate of assistance (NRA) – the most commonly used measure of in

incentives – is simply the difference between the domestic price and international price

expressed as a ratio of the latter. NRAT is the weighted average of NRA of individual


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products, where the weights are the share of each product in their combined value added

of the five products. DRA is obtained by multiplying NRA-T by the combined share of

the five products in total agricultural GDP. In other words, DRA is simply the weighted-

average NRA estimated by assumption11, zero protection to all agricultural products not

covered in NRA estimation, where the weights are the share of each product in total

agricultural value added. Total rate of assistance to agricultural (TRA) is calculated as

DRA net of direct rate of assistance to non-agricultural traded goods (DRA). The latter is

estimated by multiplying the implicit duty rate on non-agricultural products (total tariff

revenue from non-agricultural imports divided by the value of non-agricultural imports)

by the non-agricultural share of tradable GDP. In estimating tradable GDP we follow

Goldstein and Officer (1979) and treat considered construction, utilities and all services

in national accounts (at the two digit level) as non-tradables.

The detailed estimates of incentives are reported in Tables A-1 and A-2 in the

Statistical Appendix. They are summarised in the form of five-year averages in Table 7.

DRA, TRA, and ABT series are plotted in Figure 6. The estimated NRA series for each

of the five products, together with the related domestic and border price series are

depicted in Figure 7.

Before turning to analysing the estimates, it is important to bear in mid two

important limitations of the estimates which we were not able to avoid because of data

unavailability. First, in the case of the three plantation crops, we have ignored potential

differences between border (reference) prices and domestic prices arising from qualify

differences. This would have possibly infused an underestimation bias into our

calculations. Secondly, in all cases we have assumed complete pass-trough of changes in

producer (wholesale) prices into farm-gate prices, potentially resulting in an upward bias

in estimates. These limitations are however important only in comparing the level on

incentives among products or across countries at a given point in time. They are unlikely

to distort inferences based on inter-temporal comparison (changes in incentives over

time) because the magnitude of the bias is unlikely to be time variant. It is also important

to note that the TRA estimates, by the very nature of the estimation method, do not fully

11 This is not an unrealistic assumption; there is no evidence of significant government interventions/policy distortions impacting on any of the products not covered by our estimates.


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capture distortions to agricultural incentives arising from changes in tariffs on tradable

inputs. Given the cascading nature of Malaysia’s tariff structure, this is a potentially

important source of downward bias in TRA estimates (Athukorala 2006c).

To consider first the estimate for the enture agricultural sector, total rate of

assiatant (TRA) continued to remain negative during 1960-82, but its magnitude was

declining persistently over the years (Figure 6, Table 7). The annual average TRA

during 1980-84 was -3.25 compared to -12.86 in 1960-64. From then on TRA remained

positive, but the magnitude declined persistely becoming near zero (0.68) by 2000-04.

These chnages are clealry rflected in the overall agricultural bias in policies affecting

tradables agriculture (ABT). BTA increased from 88.0% during 1960-64 to 96.9% in

1980-84 and further to 100.7% in 2000-04. In sum, the overall incentive structure

impacting on Malaysia agriculture has persistently moved towards neutrality during the

priod under study. The overall incentive bias had vertunally disappeared by the dawn of

the New Millenium. (However, as we will see below this agrregate picture conceils

excessively high assistant provided to to paddy farmrs).

This move toward neutrality has come from chneges in both both the direct rate of

assitant to agriculture (DRA) and the direct rate of assistant to non-agricultural tradables

(DRN). DRA continued to decline upto the mid 1970s reflecting increase in export

duties on the plantation crops which overwhelmed significant positive assistance to the

paddy sector. Since then persistent decline in the export tax rate was powerful enough to

generate a persistelt decline, notwithstanding high nonimal protection accorded to the

paddy sector. Interestingly this transformation occurred in a context of a faster deline in

the share of the three export crops in agricultural GDP relative to that of paddy. DRN,

which recorded a mild decine for 7.5% in 1960-64 to 5.2 in 6.5% in 1975-79, plummeted

from then on reaching 0.92% in 2000-04. Both direct tariff cuts and rapid expansion of

the export-orineted manufacturing which enjoy dury free status for all imported inputs

unded in the production process contributed to this decline. Disaggregate data (not

reported here for brevety) show that the latter continued to act as a much more powerful

force compared to the former. Of the total change in TRA between 1960-64 and 2004-

04, nearly 80% came from decline in DRA. However, as the export deties had already

come down to rather low levels, from about the mid 1980s decline in DRN has acted as


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the relatively more powerful force behind the move towards neutrality of agricultural

incentives; of the change in TRA between 1985-89 and 2000-04, over 70% came from

the decline is DRN.

NRA estimates for the individual commodities point to broadly similar patterns in

changes in incentives faced by the two major plantaion products- rubber and oil palm

(Table 7 and Figure 7). In both cases, NRA was negative throughout but the absulte

magnitude has been declining sharply over the pt two decades reflecting cuts in export

dutis. However, with the exception of some years in the 1970s, the degee of negative

incentive to palm oil industry was much lower in magnitude compared to that for

rubbber. For the entire period of 1960-2004, the annual average NRA for palm oil was

-7.5 compred to -11.5 for rubber. NRA for palm oil increased from -15.0 % in the

second half on 19970s to -3.19 in 1985-89 and then to -1.1% during 2000-04. The

corresponding change in NRA for rubber was from -22.5% to -8.7% and to -4.7%.

Given the fact that fortunes of both products have been predominently determined by

domestic resorce-full effects arising from reapid structural adjustment in the wider

economy, the remainly relatively high negative assistance to rubber compared to palm oil

remains a puzzeling feature of the structure of incentives in Malaysia. Cocoa was never

taxed heavilly as it was always considered a minor export crop. NRA for this product

varied between 1.2% to 2.3% from the mid-1960s to mid-1990s and has become zero

from then.

Among the four products under study, paddy/rice is notable for persistently high

assistance. The NRA for paddy/rice which in the 1960s and 1970s remained arround an

average level of 8.5% with high degree of annual flutuations, reached 39.2 in 1975-79

following an unward adjustment in the guaranteed minuimum pric (GMP). It then

reached a peak of 158 following the introduction of the price subsidy (over and above

the GMP). Over the past two-and-a-half decades, NRA for paddy has varied in the range

of 50% to 135%. The average annual NRA during 2000-04 was 71.0%, up from 57.4%

during 1995-99. The disaggregated data show that the farm-gate price of paddy continued

to remain high with only periodic upward shifts resulting from increases in GMP and the

price subsidy (Figure 7d). In this context, year-to-year variations in NRA has

prodominently come from changes in the reference (border) price (Figure 7b). For


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instance, the dramatic decline in NRA from 127.2% in 1990-94 to 57.4% during 1995-99

was brought about by sharp decline in world rice prices between these two sub-period.

The NRA then increased to 71.0 reflecting some recovery in world prices.

Finally, a comparison of the weighted-average NRA for the three exportables

(rubber, palm oil and cocoa) with that for the importable (which in this case is solely

represented by paddy) points to a persistent bias in agricultural incentives in favor of

import-competing, as against export-oriented, production, although the bias has declined

significantly over the years thanks to sharp reductions of export duties (Table 7 ). Based

on similar estimates for the period 1960-1982, Jenkins and Lai (1991) inferred that

excessive protection accorerd to paddy farmers had a negative effect on the expansion of

export agriculture. This infrence does not seems valid for the period from about the late

1980s; continus deterioration in profitability of export-oriented agriculture as well as

paddy production are predomeinetly rooted in the oigoing process of strutural

transformation of the wider economy. However, as already noted, heavy assistance to

paddy producers is presumably a major source of distortion within the food-crop sector

which constraint resource reallocation from th strutually-weak paddy sector to high-value

food production, for both the domestic and export markets.

Concluding remarks

Malaysia stands out among developing countries for its long-standing commitment to

maintaining a relatively open trade and investment policy regime. Malaysia has

persistently eschewed heavily on quantitative restrictions and other forms of non-tariff

protection. Tariffs on both domestic manufacturing and agriculture continued to remain

low relative to other developing countries. The export taxes, which were an important

source government revenue unto about the mid 1980s, reduced over the years since then

as the plantation sector begun to experience severe cost pressure emanating from rapid

growth and structural change under export-led industrialisation. The average level of

import tariffs also has come down significantly over the years, notwithstanding periodic


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upward adjustment of some tariffs and the especial cases of continuing excessive

protection of the automotive industry. This record of persistent commitment to openness

is particularly remarkable it entirely reflects unilateral and voluntary policy choices, not a

result of influence by a major trading partner (as in the case of Taiwan, for example),

conditionally imposed donor agencies multilateral negotiations under the auspices of the


However, there are notable anomalies in the incentive structure that encourage

channelling of resources into unproductive activity. In particular, the tariff structure is

characterised by a dualistic pattern in which export-oriented production takes place under

virtual free trade regime side by side with a predominantly domestic market oriented

production, both in manufacturing and agriculture, assisted by tariff protection. It is also

characterised by a high degree of dispersion of tariff rates because of high tariff peaks

relating to a few product lines, increased reliance on non-automatic import licensing to

regulate imports of a significant number of products which directly compete with

domestic production by public sector enterprises. This significant departure from

neutrality implies ample room for policy discretion, rather than pure economic

considerations, in influencing resource allocation in the economy.

Excessive assistance given to paddy farmers remains a major distortion in

agricultural incentives in Malaysia. In addition to the obvious welfare implications, this

anomaly presumably hinders the diversification of domestic agriculture into new dynamic

product line. Give the ongoing process of dramatic structural transformation of the

economy which has ushered in an era of massive urban-t-rural labour migration and cost

pressure on traditional agriculture, the case for protecting paddy farmers on self-

sufficiency grounds has lost its relevance. However, outright dismantling of assistance

remains virtually a non-option because of the obvious political-economy considerations.

But, there is a strong case for replacing the existing complicated and costly incentives

with outright income support to the farmers. The fiscal burden involved is unlikely to be

very high because the agricultural labour force has been rapidly depleting and the

incidence of rural poverty, though relatively high by the national standard, has been

declining. This is an issue which certainly deserves for further systematic analysis.


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Table 1: Agriculture in the Malaysian EconomyGDP growth Agri.

GrowthAgri. Share in GDP

Agri. Share in employment

1970-74 2.3 3.4 25.5 50.91975-79 7.3. 5.2 23.3 46.41980-84 6.6 3.4 20.4 39.51985-89 4.8 4.3 19.1 32.41990-94 9.3 0.2 15.3 26.91995-99 5.2 0.1 10.1 17.92000-04 5.2 3.8 8.7 15

2005 5.3 2.1 8.5 13.7Source: Ministry of Finance, Economic Report, Kuala Lumpur (various issues)

Table 2: Area under Cultivation, Production and Yield of Major Agricultural Crops, 1960-2004 (five-year averages)

1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04

RubberCrop are, 000 Ha 1664 1797 1999 1995 1994 1867 1759 1576 1319Production, ‘000 tons 821 1120 1430 1577 1522 1497 1138 865 1010Yield per Ha 494 601 695 784 754 661 657 591 675

Palm oilCrop are, 000 Ha 66 205 484 863 1186 1812 2310 3056 3759Production, '000 tons 109 296 885 1910 1871 5255 6990 9434 13201Yield per Ha 1649 1475 1706 2077 1600 2290 3008 3059 3390

CocoaCrop are, 000 Ha --- --- --- --- 234 383 308 121 45Production, '000 tons --- --- --- --- 75 210 192 94 41Yield per Ha --- --- --- --- 305 490 621 751 905

Paddy/riceCrop are, 000 Ha 493 644 749 699 668 665 684 688 674Production, '000 tons 1057 1428 1945 1906 1791 1734 2062 2094 1747Yield per Ha 2188 2163 2544 2684 2716 2584 2934 3062 3211

Source: Department of Statistics, Yearbook of Statistics 2002, Kuala Lumpur and

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, May 2005, Kuala Lumpur.


Page 30: Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: ri Lanka · Web viewDistortions to Agricultural Incentives in Malaysia Prema-chandra

Table 3: Malaysia: Small holder share1 in total cultivated area of Rubber and Oil Palm

  Rubber Palm oil

1960 50 17

1970 67 16

1980 75 35

1990 82 40

2004 93 40

Source: Department of Statistics, Yearbook of Statistics 2002, Kuala Lumpur and Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, May 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

Table 4: Malaysia: Composition of Agricultural GDP

1965-69 1970-74 1975-80 1980-84 1985-99 1990-94 1995-99 2000-5Plantation crops 71.3 72.9 71.2 68.7 64.8 60.8 54.8 53.2 Rubber 57.2 53.5 37.3 32.8 27.8 19.1 14.2 12.1 Oil palm 10.9 15.2 21.4 24.5 26.8 31.4 35.1 40.1 Cocoa 3.2 4.2 12.3 10.1 10.5 10.3 5.5 1.0Food crops 28.7 27.1 28.8 31.3 35.2 39.2 45.2 46.8 Paddy 14.4 13.3 14.1 12.0 9.2 5.7 3.9 3.6 Livestock 2.3 2.5 3 4.4 5.3 6.9 8.5 10.5 Fisheries 5.5 5.7 5.9 8.3 11.6 14.5 15.6 14.5 Other 6.5 5.6 5.8 8.6 12.5 15.3 17.1 18.3

Source: Compiled from various published planning documents (Ten Year Plans and Mid-term Reviews) published by the Economic Planning Agency, Kuala Lumpur.


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Table 5: Agricultural Exports from Malaysia: Share in Total Merchandise Exports, Composition of Agricultural exports, and World Market Share

1970-74 1975-79 1985-89 1995-99 2000-04Agri. share in exports 57.5 53.8 35.8 13.4 9.6(excluding timer/ wood) 39.0 37.6 24.0 10.7 8.1

Composition of agri. Exports1 100 100 100 100 100 Rubber 62.4 52.9 33.7 12.9 9.7 Palm Oil 23.9 27.5 31.9 44.1 41.6 Cocoa 2.1 2.3 6.4 2.5 2.6 Spices 2.2 2.1 1.5 1.1 0.8 Processed food 8.7 8.5 15.6 26.2 31.6

Malaysia’s world market share Rubber 62.1 56.8 36.7 19.9 19.3 Palm oil 70.3 77 74.5 64.3 54.5 Cocoa 3.1 3.3 11.4 4 4.3

1 Excluding timer/ woodSource: Ministry of Finance, Economic Report and Bank Negara Malaysia, Monthly

Bulletin of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur (various issues)

Table 6: Malaysia: Duty Rates on Rubber and Palm Oil Export, 1960-2004 (%)(five-year averages)

1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04Rubber 8.4 6.7 9.0 23.2 17.3 7.3 6.1 4.7 4.7Palm oil 7.7 7.8 11.6 15.9 4.7 1.7 1.1 0.8 1.1

Source: Ministry of Finance, Economic Survey and Bank Negara Malaysia, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Kula Lumpur (various issues)


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Table 7: Malaysia: Indicators of Agricultural Incentives, 1960-2005 (five-year averages) (%)

1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04NRAExportable -11.86 -9.98 -14.76 -19.29 -12.28 -6.27 -6.02 -4.25 -1.58 Rubber -12.08 -9.49 -12.83 -22.48 -18.26 -8.67 -8.08 -6.82 -4.69 Palm oil -11.39 -10.54 -15.23 -14.97 -5.82 -3.19 -3.14 -2.98 -1.12 Cocoa --- -1.23 -2.82 -1.71 -1.50 -1.44 -2.26 -2.09 0.00Importable 19.07 -1.89 3.08 39.24 93.78 158.02 127.20 57.40 71.03 Paddy/rice 19.07 -1.89 3.08 39.24 93.78 158.02 127.20 57.40 71.03

Weighted average NRA -6.31 -8.01 -9.97 -7.95 2.62 14.10 7.14 0.10 2.83DRA Agriculture -5.40 -6.88 -8.54 -6.52 1.90 10.33 4.83 0.09 1.60DRA Non-agric 7.46 7.03 7.08 6.51 5.16 3.92 2.86 1.99 0.92TRA Agriculture -12.86 -13.91 -15.62 -13.03 -3.25 6.41 1.97 -1.91 0.68BTA Agriculture 88.02 87 85.38 87.78 96.9 106.16 101.92 98.14 100.66


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Figure 1: Malaysia: Percentage Contribution of Agriculture1 to GDP and Employment



























i. sh


in G





ent (


Agri. share in GDP (%)

Agri. share in employment%

1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing.Source: Based on data compiled from Ministry of Finance, Economic Report, Kuala Lumpur (various issues)

Figure 2: Malaysia: Percentage Composition of Agricultural GDP, 1965-2004 (five-year averages)1












1965-69 1970-74 1975-80 1980-84 1985-99 1990-94 1995-99 2000-05



n sh




Palm oil





1. Excluding forestry and forestry products.

Source: Based on data compiled from various published planning documents (Ten Year Plans and Mid-term Reviews) published by the Economic Planning Agency, Kuala Lumpur.


Page 34: Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: ri Lanka · Web viewDistortions to Agricultural Incentives in Malaysia Prema-chandra

Figure 3: Malaysia’s World Export Share of Natural Rubber, Cocoa and Crude Palm Oil Exports, 1978-2004


























ld m


t sha

re (%


RubberCocoaPalm oil

Source: Based on data compiled from Department of Statistics, Statistical Yearbook 2002 and Bank Negara Malaysia, Monthly Statistical Bulletin database.

Figure 4: Malaysia: Effective Import Duty Rate Rate1 (%)




























rt du

ty ra

te (%


1 Total duty collection as a percentage of total merchandise imports (excluding re-exports)Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Kuala Lumpur (various issues)


Page 35: Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: ri Lanka · Web viewDistortions to Agricultural Incentives in Malaysia Prema-chandra

Figure 5: Malaysia: Real Exchange Rate, 1980-2005 (1990 = 100)

















0 =





at th

e m



Note: 1. Normalized at the mean.Legend: RER-TP Real exchange rate for tradable; RER-PE Real exchange rate for

traditional agricultural exports (rubber, palm oil and cocoa)

Source: Appendix Table A-3

Figure 6: Incentives to Agriculture in Malaysia: Indices of Direct Rate of Assistance (DRA), Total Rate of Assistance (TRA) (left scale) and Agricultural Bias in Incentives to Trabadble production (ABT) (right scale), 1965-2004 ( percent)
























R a

nd T











T (%



Source: Appendix Table A-2


Page 36: Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: ri Lanka · Web viewDistortions to Agricultural Incentives in Malaysia Prema-chandra

Figure 7: Malaysia: Prices and NRAs for primary products, 1960 to 20051

(a) Rubber




















e, R

M p

er M












Domestic price Border price NRP

(b) Palm Oil


























e, R

M p

er M











Domestic price Border price NTA


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(c ) Cocoa


















e RM












Domestic price Border price NTA

(d) Paddy/rice

























e, M

R pe

r MT











Domestic price Border price NRA

Source: Appendix Table A-1


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Statistical Appendix

Table A1: Malaysia: Prices and NRAs for primary products, 1960 to 2005Rubber Crude Palm Oil Cocoa Paddy/riceDP BP NRA DP BP NRA DP BP NRA DP BP NRA

1960 2,089 2440 -0.144 573 646 -0.113 --- --- 0.000 265 206 0.2861961 1,630 1863 -0.125 596 672 -0.113 --- --- 0.000 265 219 0.2091962 1,562 1718 -0.091 560 615 -0.089 --- --- 0.000 265 239 0.1071963 1,484 1632 -0.091 545 603 -0.096 --- --- 0.000 265 232 0.1411964 1,397 1649 -0.153 593 705 -0.158 --- --- 0.000 265 219 0.210

1965 1,399 1548 -0.097 691 766 -0.098 --- --- 0.000 265 212 0.2491966 1,358 1524 -0.109 600 681 -0.119 --- --- 0.000 265 239 0.1071967 1,151 1267 -0.092 566 637 -0.111 1270 1280 -0.008 265 295 -0.1011968 1,086 1170 -0.072 401 441 -0.091 1464 1511 -0.031 265 326 -0.1861969 1,388 1551 -0.105 395 443 -0.109 2134 2183 -0.022 265 317 -0.163

1970 1,097 1209 -0.092 607 676 -0.102 1799 1813 -0.008 265 258 0.0251971 1,008 1193 -0.155 613 741 -0.173 1429 1447 -0.013 265 221 0.2011972 873 958 -0.090 471 534 -0.118 1252 1270 -0.014 265 222 0.1921973 1,360 1530 -0.111 519 585 -0.113 1764 1888 -0.066 381 395 -0.0341974 1,561 1935 -0.193 945 1269 -0.255 2840 2961 -0.041 464 603 -0.230

1975 1,195 1410 -0.153 887 1137 -0.220 3020 2988 0.011 464 561 -0.1731976 1,521 1858 -0.181 780 884 -0.117 3220 3250 -0.009 464 267 0.7391977 1,591 2084 -0.237 1,019 1302 -0.218 3000 3037 -0.012 464 254 0.8271978 1,637 2214 -0.261 1,094 1226 -0.108 3100 3284 -0.056 464 365 0.2711979 1,896 2680 -0.292 1,172 1281 -0.086 3200 3260 -0.018 530 408 0.298

1980 2,164 3027 -0.285 1,071 1153 -0.071 3250 3308 -0.018 530 412 0.2881981 1,963 2507 -0.217 1,064 1139 -0.066 4061 4101 -0.010 698 524 0.3311982 1,698 1955 -0.131 938 987 -0.050 3439 3476 -0.011 698 385 0.8111983 2,018 2361 -0.145 993 1023 -0.030 3992 4023 -0.008 698 269 1.5951984 2,054 2373 -0.134 1,451 1567 -0.074 5112 5267 -0.029 663 249 1.665

1985 1,769 1846 -0.041 1,189 1180 0.007 5026 4844 0.037 663 227 1.9181986 1,952 2128 -0.083 684 706 -0.031 4676 4743 -0.014 663 245 1.7051987 2,253 2587 -0.129 789 859 -0.081 4342 4645 -0.065 663 188 2.5291988 3,006 3406 -0.118 1,078 1138 -0.052 3740 3899 -0.041 663 313 1.1211989 2,467 2632 -0.062 933 936 -0.004 3073 3040 0.011 663 407 0.628

1990 2,141 2305 -0.071 767 782 -0.018 2758 2784 -0.009 744 334 1.2301991 2,230 2406 -0.073 897 918 -0.023 2744 2778 -0.012 744 373 0.9951992 2,131 2409 -0.115 964 1030 -0.064 2507 2655 -0.056 744 301 1.4721993 2,128 2311 -0.079 976 1001 -0.026 2468 2514 -0.018 744 280 1.6541994 2,732 2923 -0.066 1,253 1287 -0.026 3167 3224 -0.018 744 370 1.009

1995 3,838 4040 -0.050 1,513 1555 -0.027 3274 3315 -0.012 744 343 1.1681996 3,434 3625 -0.053 1,287 1312 -0.019 3236 3266 -0.009 744 399 0.863


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1997 2,771 3185 -0.130 1,414 1556 -0.091 3686 4020 -0.083 798 751 0.0621998 2,720 2860 -0.049 2,355 2367 -0.005 5846 5846 0.000 798 633 0.2611999 2,242 2382 -0.059 1,603 1615 -0.007 4394 4394 0.000 798 526 0.516

2000 2,488 2629 -0.054 1,111 1122 -0.010 2879 2879 0.000 798 517 0.5432001 2,154 2294 -0.061 929 944 -0.016 3494 3494 0.000 798 423 0.8862002 2,545 2685 -0.052 1,352 1367 -0.011 5222 5222 0.000 798 438 0.8212003 3,647 3788 -0.037 1,602 1617 -0.009 6313 6313 0.000 798 484 0.6502004 4,563 4704 -0.030 1,691 1706 -0.009 5575 5575 0.000 798 483 0.652

2005  --- ---  ---   --- ---  ---  5434 5434 0.000 798 476 0.675

Notes: DP Domestic price (RM per MT) BP Border price (RM per MT) NRA = (DP-BP)/BP = nominal rate of assistance

--- No data available

Source: Authors’ spreadsheet using methodology from Anderson et al. (2006)


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Table A2: Malaysia: Direct and Total Rates of Agricultural Assistance, 1960 to 2005NRA-T DRA DRN TRA BAT

1960 -0.062 -0.053 0.079 -0.133 0.8771961 -0.063 -0.054 0.081 -0.135 0.8751962 -0.054 -0.047 0.075 -0.122 0.8871963 -0.049 -0.042 0.072 -0.114 0.8931964 -0.087 -0.074 0.065 -0.140 0.869

1965 -0.035 -0.030 0.061 -0.091 0.9141966 -0.070 -0.060 0.060 -0.121 0.8861967 -0.092 -0.079 0.077 -0.156 0.8551968 -0.092 -0.079 0.078 -0.157 0.8541969 -0.111 -0.095 0.075 -0.171 0.841

1970 -0.072 -0.062 0.067 -0.129 0.8791971 -0.093 -0.080 0.071 -0.151 0.8591972 -0.044 -0.038 0.089 -0.127 0.8841973 -0.094 -0.081 0.083 -0.164 0.8481974 -0.195 -0.166 0.044 -0.210 0.799

1975 -0.149 -0.127 0.061 -0.188 0.8231976 0.008 0.006 0.064 -0.058 0.9461977 -0.035 -0.028 0.066 -0.095 0.9111978 -0.110 -0.089 0.064 -0.153 0.8561979 -0.111 -0.088 0.070 -0.158 0.853

1980 -0.106 -0.083 0.056 -0.139 0.8681981 -0.068 -0.053 0.050 -0.103 0.9021982 0.037 0.028 0.051 -0.023 0.9781983 0.139 0.105 0.053 0.053 1.0501984 0.129 0.097 0.048 0.050 1.047

1985 0.229 0.170 0.041 0.129 1.1241986 0.161 0.118 0.043 0.075 1.0721987 0.208 0.151 0.045 0.106 1.1021988 0.059 0.043 0.036 0.007 1.0071989 0.048 0.034 0.031 0.003 1.003

1990 0.098 0.069 0.029 0.040 1.0381991 0.063 0.043 0.028 0.015 1.0141992 0.060 0.040 0.030 0.010 1.0101993 0.097 0.064 0.028 0.036 1.0351994 0.040 0.026 0.027 -0.001 0.999

1995 0.045 0.028 0.022 0.006 1.0061996 0.031 0.019 0.025 -0.006 0.9941997 -0.090 -0.054 0.024 -0.077 0.9251998 0.003 0.002 0.014 -0.012 0.9881999 0.017 0.009 0.015 -0.006 0.994


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2000 0.019 0.011 0.010 0.001 1.0012001 0.035 0.020 0.009 0.010 1.0102002 0.034 0.019 0.010 0.010 1.0092003 0.026 0.015 0.009 0.006 1.0062004 0.027 0.015 0.008 0.007 1.007

2005 0.039 0.023 0.007 0.016 1.016


NRA-T Weighted-average Nominal rate of assistance to the five agricultural products covered in the estimation

DRA Direct rate of assistance to agriculture (estimated by assuming zero NRA for the products not covered in the estimation)

DRN Direct rate of assistance to non-agricultural productionTRA Total rate of assistance to agriculture (= DRA – DRN)ABT Agricultural bias in policies affecting tradables (= (1+DRA)/(1+DRN)

Source: Authors’ spreadsheet using methodology from Anderson et al. (2006)














































re in




GDP growth (left scale)

Agri. Growth (left scale)

Agri. Share in GDP (right scale)

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Table A3: Malaysia: Exchange Rates (RM/US$)Official rate Black market rate Real exchange rate (RER)


1960 3.06 3.12 --- ---1961 3.05 3.11 --- ---1962 3.06 3.08 --- ---1963 3.06 3.09 --- ---1964 3.07 3.21 --- ---

1965 3.06 3.09 --- ---1966 3.08 3.15 --- ---1967 3.07 3.13 --- ---1968 3.08 3.10 --- ---1969 3.09 3.14 --- ---

1970 3.08 3.12 46.63 240.21971 3.02 3.19 43.32 215.11972 2.81 2.85 35.55 179.51973 2.45 2.45 48.19 233.81974 2.41 2.48 102.75 273.1

1975 2.40 2.40 94.77 225.81976 2.54 2.49 107.72 230.51977 2.46 2.47 117.10 251.11978 2.32 2.31 108.99 235.01979 2.19 2.17 123.87 242.0

1980 2.18 2.18 143.06 220.51981 2.30 2.31 120.91 187.21982 2.34 2.36 96.38 143.51983 2.32 2.33 83.10 156.41984 2.34 2.38 80.66 180.5

1985 2.48 2.43 67.95 147.41986 2.58 2.60 64.40 118.31987 2.52 2.62 80.96 133.21988 2.62 2.68 91.70 173.11989 2.71 2.69 93.89 130.9

1990 2.70 2.71 100 100.01991 2.75 2.77 99.6 105.01992 2.47 2.55 90.4 104.51993 2.57 2.60 88.5 99.21994 2.62 2.65 89.9 121.7

1995 2.51 2.53 87.3 147.21996 2.52 2.53 82.2 119.51997 3.89 4.03 85.8 118.21998 3.80 3.80 108.7 165.01999 3.80 3.80 104.8 115.1


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2000 3.80 3.80 104.7 82.72001 3.80 3.80 101.1 69.62002 3.80 3.80 98.7 94.72003 3.80 3.80 102.1 110.12004 3.80 3.80 105.9 115.0

2005 3.78 3.78 104.6 113.5

Note1. RER-TP Real exchange rate for tradable

= [NER*WPI]/DPIWhere, NER and WPI are respectively trade-weighted nominal exchange rate (domestic-currency price of foreign currency) and trade-weighted wholesale price indices for the ten major trading partner countries, and DPI is the Vietnamese GDP deflator. Trade weight used in compiling NER and WPI relate to the year 2000. By construct, an increase in RER reflects real depreciation.

2. RER-TAE Real exchange rate for traditional agricultural exports (rubber, palm oil and cocoa)

= [NER*EP]/DPIWhere, EP is export price index for rubber, palm oil and cocoa estimates as weighted-average of FOD price of each product (export value shares are used as variable weights) and the other variables are as defined in Note 1.

--- Data not available.

Source: Official rate: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (IFS) database. Black-market rate: International Currency Yearbook (various issues)RER: estimated using data extracted from IFS database and Bank Negara Malaysia, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (for export data for traditional agricultural exports)


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