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Page 1: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

Discrete Mathematics

Recursion and Sequences

Page 2: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

Recursion Recursion is a powerful computer programming

technique in which a procedure (e.g. a subroutine) is defined so that it calls itself.

Note that recursion is not available in all computer languages

To introduce recursion, look at sequences of numbers.

Page 3: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

DefinitionsSequence: is just an infinite list of numbers in a

particular orderLike a set, but:

Elements can be duplicated Elements are ordered

A sequence is a function from a subset of Z to a set S

an is a term in the sequence{an} means the entire sequence

The same notation as sets!

Page 4: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

Sequence examples an = 3n

The terms in the sequence are a1, a2, a3, …

The sequence {an} is { 3, 6, 9, 12, … }

Arithmetic Progression a, a+d, a+2d, …, a+nd, … an = a + (n-1) d

bn = 2n

The terms in the sequence are b1, b2, b3, …

The sequence {bn} is { 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, … }

Geometric Progression a, ar, ar2, ar3, …, arn-1, … an = arn-1

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Determining the sequence formula Given values in a sequence, how do you determine

the formula?

Steps to consider: Is it an arithmetic progression (each term a constant

amount from the last)? Is it a geometric progression (each term a factor of the

previous term)? Does the sequence it repeat (or cycle)? Does the sequence combine previous terms? Are there runs of the same value?

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Determining the sequence formula 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, …

The sequence alternates 1’s and 0’s, increasing the number of 1’s and 0’s each time

1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, … This sequence increases by one, but repeats all even

numbers once 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 16, 0, …

The non-0 numbers are a geometric sequence (2n) interspersed with zeros

3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, … Each term is twice the previous: geometric

progression an = 3*2n-1

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Non-Recursive Definition of a Sequence 15, 8, 1, -6, -13, -20, -27, …

Each term is 7 less than the previous term an = 22 - 7n

3, 5, 8, 12, 17, 23, 30, 38, 47, … The difference between successive terms increases by one each

time a1 = 3, an = an-1 + n an = n(n+1)/2 + 2

2, 16, 54, 128, 250, 432, 686, … Each term is twice the cube of n an = 2*n3

2, 3, 7, 25, 121, 721, 5041, 40321 Each successive term is about n times the previous an = n! + 1

When a sequence is defined by a rule (may be arithmetic or geometric progression) in this way, we say the definition is non-recursive.

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What is an algorithm?An algorithm is “a finite set of precise

instructions for performing a computation or for solving a problem”A program is one type of algorithm

Directions to somebody’s house is an algorithmA recipe for cooking a cake is an algorithmThe steps to compute the cosine of 90° is an


Page 9: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

Some algorithms are harder than others

Some algorithms are easyFinding the largest (or smallest) value in a listFinding a specific value in a list

Some algorithms are a bit harderSorting a list

Some algorithms are very hardFinding the shortest path between Edirne and


Some algorithms are essentially impossibleFactoring large composite numbers

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Algorithms to Generate Sequences A non-recursive definition can be used in algorithm to obtain the first m

terms of a sequence. The algorithm that generates the first m terms of the sequence

15, 8, 1, -6, -13, -20, -27, …

1. Input m2. For n = 1 to m do 2.1 t:=22-7n 2.2 output t

This algorithm uses the non-recursive definition an = 22 - 7n

Note that the algortihm is written in pseudocode, a form of structured English which can be easily converted to code in the chosen programming language.

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Algorithms to Generate Sequences A different algorithm to generate first m terms of

15, 8, 1, -6, -13, -20, -27, …1. Input m2. t:=153. Output t4. For n = 2 to m do 4.1. t:=t – 7 4.2. Output t

A trace of this algorithm for m = 5 shows that it does, indeed, output the first 5 terms of the sequence.

Recursive definition of this sequence is: a1 = 15 (base)

an = an-1 – 7 (n > 1)

It is recursive, because the formula an contains the previous term an, so the formula calls itself.

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More Examples Find the recursive and non-recursive definitions for the sequence

1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, … The non-recursive formula is more difficult to find than the recursive formula, but

it is easier to use once it has been found – this is fairly typical.

Non-recursive formula: an = 2 n - 1 Recursive formula a1 = 1, an = 2an-1 + 1 (n > 1) This algorithm produces the above sequence. It is not a recursive algorithm.

Instead it is an iterative algorithm.1. Input m2. t:=13. Output t4. For n = 1 to m do 4.1 t:= 2t + 1 4.2 Output t

The word “iterative” means to do something repeatedly, as in a For-do loop

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Fibonacci Sequence This sequence was posed

by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano in 1202.

A man put a pair of newborn rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits will be present at later times if it is supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair which from the second month on becomes productive?

The resulting sequence is

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, …

Time No of non-prod. pairs

No of Prod. pairs

Total No of Pairs

Initial 1 0 1

1 month 0 1 1

2 month 1 1 2

3 month 1 2 3

4 month 2 3 5

5 month 3 5 8

6 month 5 8 13

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Fibonacci Sequence This is known as the Fibonacci sequence which was

the second name for Leonardo. The recursive definition of this sequence is

a1 = 1, a2 = 1,

an = an-1 + an-2 (n>2) It’s not straight forward to obtain a non-recursive

definition of the Fibonacci sequence In fact, the formula is


na 2






Page 15: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

The Collatz Sequence Let a1 = any chosen positive integer, and for n>1, define an by

an = 3an-1 +1 if an-1 is odd

an = 0.5an-1 if an-1 is even

This is called the Collatz sequence (after Lothar Collatz (1910-90), a German mathematician)

It is also known as the 3X + 1 sequence e.g. İf we choose a1 = 3, then the sequence is

3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, … In fact for any starting number, if the sequence ever reaches

1, it will cycle through 1, 4 and 2. İf we choose a1 = 13, then the sequence is

13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, … In all examples, the Collatz sequence eventually reached the

value of 1.

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

A simple example of a recursively defined function is the factorial function:

n! = 1· 2· 3· 4 ···(n –2)·(n –1)·n i.e., the product of the first n positive numbers (by

convention, the product of nothing is 1, so that 0! = 1). Q: Find a recursive definition for n!

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! =

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! = 5.4!

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! = 5.4! = 5.4.3!

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! = 5.4! = 5.4.3! =!

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! = 5.4! = 5.4.3! =! =!

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Recursive FunctionsFactorial

Initialization: 0!= 1 Recursion: n != n · (n -1)! To compute the value of a recursive function, e.g. 5!, one

plugs into the recursive definition obtaining expressions involving lower and lower values of the function, until arriving at the base case.

EG: 5! = 5.4! = 5.4.3! =! =! =!

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An Iterative Algorithm for n! 1. Input n

2. t:=13. For i = 1 to n do

3.1 t:=i x t4. Output tThis is an iterative algorithm because of the For-do loop,but it is not recursive (the algorithm does not call itself)

Function factorial (n)1. t:=12. For i = 1 to n do

2.1 t:= i x t3. factorial:=t

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A Recursive Algorithm for n! The function algorithm for n! İs an iterative algorithm, based

on the recursive definition0!= 1n != n · (n -1)! (n>0)

Function factorial (n)1. If n = 0 then

1.1. factorial:=1else1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

This is now a genuine recursive algorithm, because it contains a call to itself.

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How does the Algorithm work? Function factorial (n)

1. If n = 0 then1.1. factorial:=1else1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

Compute 5!

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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?

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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?



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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?




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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?





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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?






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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?







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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?






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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?





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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?




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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?



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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?


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Function factorial (n) 1. If n = 0 then 1.1. factorial:=1 else 1.2. factorial:= n x factorial(n-1)

How does the Algorithm work?

Return 5! = 120

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Another Recursive Algorithm Example: The sequence 2, 4, 9, 23, 64, 186, … can be defined

recursively by: a1 = 2

an = 3an-1 – n (n>1)

Write a recursive algorithm for this sequence. Solution:

Function t(n)1. If n = 1 then 1.1. t:=2 else 1.2. t:= 3t(n-1) - n

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To Output the First m terms A way to output the 1st m terms of this sequence is to use an

algorithm that calls the function:1. Input m2. For n = 1 to m do 2.1 x:= t(n) 2.2 Output x

Although this works, it is not very efficiente.g. If m = 4, t(1) would be calculated four times, t(2) three times, and so on.This is because our algorithm don’t provide a means storing results that can be used in subsequent passes through the For-do loop.

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An Efficient Approach Using the algorithm we already have, output the first m-1

terms, omit this step if m = 1 Evaluate t(m), the mth term of the sequence Output the value of t(m)

output_sequence (m)1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

Output the first 5 terms

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t


1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t


1.2 os(2)


1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t


1.2 os(1)


1.2 os(2)


1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t




1.2 os(1)


1.2 os(2)


1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t






1.2 os(2)


1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

Page 48: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

2 4





1.2 os(3)


1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

2 4 9





1.2 os(4)

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How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

2 4 9 23




Page 51: Discrete Mathematics Recursion and Sequences

How does the Algorithm work? output_sequence (m)

1. If m = 1 then 1.1 t:= 2 else 1.2 output_sequence(m-1) 1.3 t:= 3t – m2. Output t

2 4 9 23 64

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