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Page 1: DIGITALE PLATTFORMER HVA SIER FORSKNINGEN? · •Digital platforms as markets that disrupt traditional markets and facilitate efficient ... TRANSFORMING DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES THROUGH


Marius Mikalsen, PhD

Seniorforsker SINTEF, Post Doc NTNU

Page 2: DIGITALE PLATTFORMER HVA SIER FORSKNINGEN? · •Digital platforms as markets that disrupt traditional markets and facilitate efficient ... TRANSFORMING DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES THROUGH

Hva bør digitale plattformer støtte?

• Modularisering

• Eksperimentering

• Verdinettverk


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Hva bør digitale plattformer støtte?

• Modularisering

• Eksperimentering

• Verdinettverk



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VUCA: hvorfor det er så vanskelig å planlegge

• Volatility (Flyktig)

• Uncertainty (Usikkert)

• Complexity (Komplekst)

• Ambiguity (Tvetydig)


Nathan Bennet and G. James Lemoine, HBR

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Kompleksitet utfordrer planlegging

“Setting oneself on a predetermined course in unknown waters

is the perfect way to sail straight into an iceberg.”Henry Mintzberg (The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning)


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Helse: sosioteknologisk kompleksitet


Teknisk: 5700 IT systemer i Helse Sør Øst Organisasjon/praksis:

Kristoffer Fossum, UiO

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Utfordringer med store OG små systemer

• Små systemer ønskelig, men vanskelig:

• Hvorfor små: Lokalt utviklet/skreddersøm = tilpasset (brukertilpasset... Involvering...Smidig...)

• Men; snevert, «Plague of pilots», refoktorisering av arkitektur vanskelig.

• Store systemer ønskelig, men vanskelig:

• Hvorfor store: «Impact» – reell endring, koordinering, organisering og samarbeid på tvers av ulike


• Men; vanskelig å tilpasse, NHS, vil ikke bli for lokal, avstand utvikler-bruker, lukkete systemer,


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Digitale Plattformer – en mulig løsning?

• Mike Jones (Gartner):

«Gartner has seen platforms take off in many sectors, and we think the

same needs to happen in health…There is a huge opportunity for the

NHS to create open networked platforms.»


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Hvorfor er digitale plattformer så populært?


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3 perspektiver på Digitale Plattformer (Rolland et al 2018)

• Ingeniørfaglig:

• “Digital platforms as technical artifacts with a modular architecture consisting of a stable

core component and many changing peripheral components”

• Økonomisk

• “Digital platforms as markets that disrupt traditional markets and facilitate efficient

interactions between consumers and producers”

• Organisatorisk

• “Digital platforms as innovation practices in which actors organize and coordinate

innovation enabled by technical mechanisms and social arrangements”


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Perspektiver på Digitale Plattformer (Rolland et al 2018)

• Ingeniørfaglig:

• Digital platforms as technical artifacts with a modular architecture consisting of a stable

core component and many changing peripheral components

• Økonomisk

• Digital platforms as markets that disrupt traditional markets and facilitate efficient

interactions between consumers and producers

• Organisatorisk

• Digital platforms as innovation practices in which actors organize and coordinate

innovation enabled by technical mechanisms and social arrangements


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Definisjoner i organisatorisk perspektiv• Arms length: • “the software tools and regulations that serve as the interface for the arm’s-length relationship

between the platform owner and the application developer.” (Ghazawneh and Henfridsson 2013).

• Core-periphery: • “evolving organizations or meta-organizations that: (1) federate and coordinate constitutive

agents who can innovate and compete […] (3) entail a modular technological architecture composed of a core and a periphery.” (Gawer 2014)

• “Boundary resources: • “platform-related boundary resources evolve through the actions of heterogeneous and

distributed actors in the platform ecosystem” (Eaton et al. 2015)

• Platform openness:• “The extent to which platform boundary resources support complements.” (de Reuver 2019)

• Value-creating: • “a set of digital resources— including services and content—that enable value-creating

interactions between external producers and consumers” (Constantinides et al. 2018)12

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Boundary resources model (Ghazawnehand Henfridsson 2013)


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Digitale plattformer - oppsummert

• Modularisering

• Stabil kjerne (core) – tilpasningsdyktige apps (perifiri)

• En tredje komponent: «Boundary resources» (API, SDK...)

• «Openness» - forhandles om

• Eksperimentering

• «Boundary resources» automatiserer - muliggjør eksperimentering

• «arms length» forhold – stadig endring

• Verdinettverk

• Koble ulike aktører (f.eks. Kjøpere-selgere, utviklere-brukere, utviklere-utviklere)

• «Evolving» - er ikke gitt!


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En måte å gjøre det på: Bezo´s API Manifesto fra 2002

• All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces.

• Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces.

• There will be no other form of inter-process communication allowed: no direct linking, no

direct reads of another team’s data store, no shared-memory model, no back-doors

whatsoever. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network.

• It doesn’t matter what technology you use.

• All service interfaces, without exception, must be designed from the ground up to be

externalize-able. That is to say, the team must plan and design to be able to expose the

interface to developers in the outside world. No exceptions.

• Anyone who doesn’t do this will be fired. Thank you; have a nice day!


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«Boundary resources» i Helse Sør-Øst


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Eksempel: Kontekstsynkronisering IMATIS/DIPS

IMATIS Web applikasjon Åpner DIPS tykk klient med pasient M74 år i kontekst

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EPIC?• Tradisjonelt betraktet som et «extreme

example of standardisation, by leaving all

integration to the vendor” (Bygstad et al.,

2015) - Men det var også SAP…

• Leverandører i endring…


Bjørn Villa, IT sjef TK

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Eksperimenter med kjerne og periferisamtidig


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Rigge for fart i utvikling (tar lang tid å fjerne monolitten..)

• Fase 1 (2006-2011) : Høy fleksibilitet – lav stabilitet

• → eskalerende feil, mye nedetid

• Fase 2 (2012-2016): Høy stabilitet – lav fleksibilitet

• →Mindre feil, men måndeder fra implementering til


• Fase 3 (2017 - pågående): Høy stabilitet – høy


• → Raskere utvikling = mer eksperimentering


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Uber – sjåførene slår tilbake


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Skape verdinettverk- mulig selv i formelle systemer


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«Arms length» - Apple´s iOS (Eaton et al. 2015)

• «boundary resources» brukes til å kontrollere andre menneskers


• Evolusjon av «boundary resources»

• 2007 - iPhone native apps Apple only – Jailbreaking, Cydia (2009)

• Content – unclear policy – «Kama Sutra» – blogs – Apple publish policies

• 2009 – Google voice pulled («cannibalism») – changes in 2010

• Forhandlinger, initiativer, motstand – nettverk utvikles stadig


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28Gunnar Ellingsen

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• Modularisering

• Tenk over hvor man drar grensene mellom kjerne og periferi

• «boundary resources» - essensielt

• Hva er de? Hvem vedlikeholder dem? Hvem kontrollerer? Hvor åpne er de?

• Eksperimentering

• Automatiserer vi kontroll, standarder +++? Nødvendig for fart.

• Eksperimenter så mye som mulig, med kjerne og periferi samtidig (ingen vet hva som

kommer til å fungere)

• Vær forberedt på at det tar lang tid, forhandlinger, initiativer og motstand

• Verdinettverk

• Verdifullt for alle aktører – verdi kan være så mangt

• Bring aktører tettere sammen

• Er rom for å bygge verdinettverk selv i «plandrevne» prosjekter 29

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Teknologi for et bedre samfunn

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Referanser• Aanestad, M., Grisot, M., Hanseth, O., & Vassilakopoulou, P. (2017). Information Infrastructures within European

Health Care. Working with the Installed Base. Springer.Bygstad & Hanseth 2018


• Constantinides, P., Henfridsson, O., & Parker, G. G. (2018). Introduction—Platforms and infrastructures in the digital age. Information Systems Research 29 (2), 381-400

• De Reuver et al 2019 The digital platform: a research agenda

• Eaton, B., Elaluf-Calderwood, S., Sorensen, C., & Yoo, Y. (2015). Distributed tuning of boundary resources: the case of Apple's iOS service system. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 39(1), 217-243.

• Fossum, Kristoffer (2017)

• Gawer, A., & Cusumano, M. A. (2014). Industry platforms and ecosystem innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(3), 417-433.

• Ghazawneh, A., & Henfridsson, O. (2013). Balancing platform control and external contribution in third‐party development: the boundary resources model. Information systems journal, 23(2), 173-192.

• de Reuver, M., Sørensen, C., & Basole, R. C. (2018). The digital platform: a research agenda. Journal of Information Technology, 33(2), 124-135.

• Rolland, K. H., Mathiassen, L., & Rai, A. (2018). Managing digital platforms in user organizations: the interactions between digital options and digital debt. Information Systems Research, 29(2), 419-443.31

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