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Microsoft Word - 4 JEASE20171207-02Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 8 (2018) 39-49 doi: 10.17265/2159-581X/2018.01.004
Different Approaches on the Investigation of Ground
Cássio Stein Moura1, Roberto Heemann1, Moisés Razeira2, Daniela Govoni Sotelo1, Gabriela Borges Soares1,
Giovanna Ramos Garcez1, Júlio César Gall Pires1, Vanessa da Conceição Osório1 and Heldiane Souza dos Santos1
1. Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre 90619-900, Brazil
2. Federal University of the Pampa, Caçapava do Sul 96570-000, Av. Ipiranga, 6681, Prédio 96 J, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Abstract: In this paper we discuss ways to obtain information about the quality of ground water and their availability. We classify the different approaches in two categories: geophysical methods, e.g., electroresistivity sounding, seismic survey, gravimetry, MT (magnetotelluric) method, and geochemical methods. The former ones are able to provide information on the geological structure, meaning depth, range, amount of water and possible connections among different exploration areas or regions at risk due to contamination. On the other hand, the last ones provide information about the quality of water and the possible of use for agriculture, industry or human consumption. As a case study we aim at the Guarani Aquifer, more specifically at its recharge zone on the southern rim. Key words: Drought, ground water, geophysics, geochemistry.
1. Introduction
Drought used to be a problem of some specific
regions in Brazil but over the past few years it has
become a problem on regions where water was
historically abundant. The possible reasons range from
the occurrence of the La Ninã and El Niño—Southern
Oscillation climate pattern to human actions on the
atmosphere. Brazilian economy is strongly dependent
on the rain regime for some important economic
pillars are agriculture and cattle raising. The industrial
sector linked to the primary sector is very dependent
on water resources for food processing. Due to the
strong fluctuation on the rain regime and the spreading
of drought over the country, one possible solution to
overcome the lack of meteoric water is the exploration
of ground water.
It is well known that in the southern region of
Brazil is located an enormous groundwater reservoir
called Guarani Aquifer that has been partially studied
Corresponding author: Cássio Stein Moura, Dr., prof.,
research fields: underground water, inversion methods, molecular dynamics, nanostructures, experimental physics.
and there is still a huge lack of knowledge about it. Its
groundwater could be used for the drought mitigation
problem. The United Nations [1] computed that for
producing 1 kg of grain requires approximately 1,500
liters of water while 1 kg of beef requires 15,000 liters.
Brazilian government is concerned about economic
losses and social problems caused by natural disasters.
Since 2015, the project Subsurface Mapping of the
Guarani Aquifer has been supported by Science,
Technology and Telecommunication Ministry.
basins on the state. The information about the Guarani
Aquifer shows in a preliminary way that: there is a
large compartmentalization of the system which
means percolation through adjacent areas is opposed
by the presence of geological barriers; that the
reservoir depth varies from region to region; and that
the salinity level varies along the geographical
distances. The determination of these properties is
fundamental to compute the water extraction cost and
the possible uses, e.g., human or animal consumption,
agriculture or industry.
availability. However, according to the National Water
Agency [3], the country has uneven distribution of
water resources. Examples are: the Amazon
Hydrographic Region which has the less populated
region of Brazil, with about 80% of water availability;
Northeast which has low water availability and is a
highly populated region; South Region which has a
high demand for irrigation water; South and Southeast
Regions together which have high demand besides
having large amount of ionic substances launched in
the rivers, compromising the quality of the waters [4].
There are regions where it is not possible to supply
the population with surface water because of pollution
or overexploitation. Therefore, groundwater will tend
to be increasingly studied. Knowledge about
groundwater is considered to be much lower than the
knowledge about surface water. When it comes to
groundwater there is a lag in data such as the quality,
quantity and physicochemical characteristics of these
waters [5].
The state of Rio Grande do Sul has a significant
share one of the largest aquifers in the world. The
Guarani Aquifer is the third largest in the world in
terms of volume, behind only to the Nubian Sandstone
and North Sahara aquifers, both located in Africa [6].
The Guarani Aquifer is a heterogeneous system of
sedimentary layers from several origins which have
different porosities and permeabilities. These layers
were deposited over a period of more than 100 million
years and their characteristics influence the aquifer
potentiality [7]. It occupies an area of approximately
1.2 million km², in which about two thirds of this area
is disposed in Brazilian territory. The state of Rio
Grande do Sul has 157,600 km² of the aquifer’s area [8]
The Guarani Aquifer is a hydrostratigraphic unit
associated to a set of rocks formed by sediments
originating from the mechanical accumulation of
dendritic particles (produced by the decomposition of
rocks and silicates: gravel, sand, silt and clay) from the
Paraná Basin (Brazil and Paraguay), the
Chacoparanaense Basin (Argentina) and the North
Basin (Uruguay) [7, 9].
35,000 years. The outcrop area in the State of Rio
Grande do Sul is located in the State Central
Depression, ranging from the cities of Santo Antônio
da Patrulha to Santana do Livramento. The confined
area is present in the northern part of the state and is
confined by the volcanic rocks of the Serra Geral
Formation from the western border to the coastal
region of the state [10].
One cannot ignore the human effects on the quality
of the water stored in the subsurface. Several kinds of
industries discard their toxic waste on the land surface
which can lixiviate down to the water table. Urban
waste if not well conditioned may contaminate ground
water. Industrial scale agriculture uses large amounts
of chemical fertilizers and agrotoxics that can easily
reach the water table. In recent years the oil and gas
industry has made use or rock fracturing in order to
exploit shale gas. During this process some chemicals
are introduced into the ground and may endanger the
water quality. Therefore, besides knowing the quantity
and localization of ground water it is important to
prevent its pollution caused by anthropic influences.
Several geophysical and geochemical techniques
can be used to investigate and characterize a ground
water reservoir. In this paper we present and discuss
some of them having as case study the Guarani
For a full monitoring of the wells located in the
Guarani Aquifer region, the GIGA (Interdisciplinary
Group for Applied Geophysics), founded in 2008 at
PUCRS, suggests the electrical resistivity method to
determine the depth and the quality of underground
water reservoirs. Special attention was given to the
recharge zones, where cities, farms and industrial
plants are located requiring large amounts of water for
their use and, at the same time, presenting a large
Different Approaches on the Investigation of Ground Water
methods were originated in the 18th century, when
rock resistivity and soil conductivity were discovered.
In the early 20th century, works with mineral
prospection were carried out as the first application.
Researchers such as Conrad Schlumberger and Frank
Wenner had a great value in the development of the
electrical resistivity method [11]. Electrical methods
are currently applied in 55% of groundwater
geophysical studies, according to geophysical journals
in the last 22 years, which included works carried out
around the world [12].
geophysical method to determine the electrical
resistivity of soils and rocks, and then to identify them
lithologically. This avoids excavations which require
lots of time and huge costs. Among the main
applications are geological mapping, mining, civil
engineering, environment and groundwater
within an extensive range. Igneous rocks, for example,
present high resistivity values, sedimentary rocks are
more conductive and metamorphic rocks present
intermediate resistivity values.
Ohm’s laws. Physically, electrical resistance
represents the difficulty of establishing an electric
current in a given conductor. In geology, the
classification of the types of conductivity is given
from the mechanisms of propagation of electric
current. The electronic conductivity occurs due to the
transport of electrons in the rock matrix. The ionic
conductivity is related to the displacement of ions
existing in fluid that fill the pores, sediments or
fissures of the rocks, and this is the type of mechanism
of greater relevance in the studies applied to
hydrogeology [11]. The electrical resistivity method is
based on the study of the electric potential in the
natural electric fields, as well as on the electric
potential of the artificially induced fields.
The usual configuration is formed by a set of four
electrodes, called A, B, M and N. The pair of
electrodes AB is used to inject the electric current in
the subsoil whilst the pair MN is used to measure the
electrical potential difference generated as a result of
the current flow. Several arrays can be employed,
depending on the complexity and purpose of the
survey. These procedures are related with the position
of the electrodes on field and offer great versatility to
the method. The main arrays applied are:
dipole-dipole, Wenner and Schlumberger.
been applied around the world in the groundwater
exploration, geoelectric and hydrogeological
underground water contamination.
hydrological characterization of the recharge area has
been performed. Information about the flow, depth
and different lithologies was obtained [13]. At Bacia
do Alto Rio Curaçá, BA, a hydrogeological model of
water storage and transmission was proposed in order
to explain salinization mechanisms [14]. In Minas
Gerais, a study of the water flow in the recharge area
of an aquifer was performed. The electrical resistivity
method was efficient for assessing the recharge
process, even when dealing with subtle differences in
water content [15].
in highly industrialized areas, due to contamination of
the soil and shallow water table by effluents [16]. In
Rio Claro, SP, monitoring of the contamination plume
was performed, in 1999 and 2008. Two flow
directions were found and the plume showed to
become bigger and deeper during this time span [17].
In a region close to Rio Claro, SP, a study about
natural vulnerability of aquifers was carried out,
relating hydraulic accessibility and attenuation
capacity [18]. In Canoas, RS, a study performed by
Petrobras identified more and less protected zones,
defined by the presence of a clayey layer above the
Different Approaches on the Investigation of Ground Water
studied [19].
structures with potential water storage is to drill wells
in the region of interest. However, this technique,
besides being economically unfavorable, can facilitate
the entry of contaminants once the confining layers
are broken.
common to use some seismic refraction geophysical
technique which allows indirect quantification of
acoustic properties from seismic waves [20]. This
study addresses the behavior of the seismic primary
wave with which it is possible to determine the
propagation velocity of the wave in the geological
environment and, after that estimate, the composition
and the depth of different layers [21]. This
information can contribute to ascertaining the
vulnerability of underground water reserves. It is
important to have information on the wells depth in
order to calibrate the mechanical wave velocity
through the different rock layers [22].
The seismic waves are mechanic vibrations, which
are propagated in the geologic layers and may be
natural or artificial. The propagation of the seismic
waves follows the Snell-Descartes’ law. According to
this law, when a seismic wave finds an interface
which separates two layers with different acoustic
impedances, reflected and refracted waves are
generated. The acoustic impedance is defined as the
product of the rock density by the wave propagation
velocity in the layer. A wave passing from a medium
with a lower velocity to one with a higher velocity
will be reflected back in the same angle as the incident
wave and a refracted wave will be transmitted
following Snell’s law. When the incident wave
reaches the surface at a critical angle, refraction
occurs at 90º and the seismic wave propagation occurs
along the separation interface between the two layers.
Since density increases with depth, propagation
velocities are greater at deeper layers, as it is found in
most geological situations. Therefore, full refraction is
favored in the geological environment.
We have used seismic sounding to investigate
shallow water resources in the Guarani Aquifer
recharge region. The seismic pulse is produced
through mechanical percussion, where, for small
arrangements (up to 60 m) it is sufficient to use an 8
kg hammer. The method used has the purpose of
mapping refractors in subsurface and it becomes
fundamental to choose the geometry and the
dimensions of the arrangements. This procedure
ensures that the same segment of the spread (set of
geophones and connecting cable) detects the arrivals
of refracted wave fronts. The seismograph used is a
multi-channel Seistronix device with a maximum
spread of 120 m and 12 geophones.
After data collection, comes the step of seismogram
analysis that is a graphical representation of the
distance of the receivers by the signal travel time of
the mechanical wave back to the surface [23].
In such a graph, straight lines are drawn
representing the travel time of the wave. We use the
reciprocal ABC method whose processing depends on
5 shooting points, where three of them are located
inside the spread and two outside the seismic line with
a distance of at least half the length of the spread.
They are known as direct shot and reverse shot. Fig.
1 shows a representation of the method applied in our
experiments. The arrangement of the shooting points
allows sweeping the refractor entirely, making
possible the use of the Phantom Arrival method [24]
which is based on the delay time of the wave,
providing a more accurate strategy specifically with
respect to the depths of the layers. With such method
we are able to identify geological structures near the
surface that play important roles on the aquifer
Fig. 1 Representation of shooting points and travel time graphs for the ABC seismic method. In (a) spacing between geophones, (b) length of the arrangement and (c) spacing of the distant shots.
4. Gravimetry
the variation of the Earth’s gravity field. In other
words, gravimetry consists of a set of techniques
whose purpose is to measure the intensity of gravity
on a determined region. The fundamental law of the
gravimetric method is Newton’s Law given by the
where, F is the force of attraction between the masses
m1 and m2, r is the distance between the masses,
considering them being of negligible size, and G is the
universal gravitation constant whose value in SI units
is 6.67 × 10-11 m3/(kg·s2). The data obtained in
gravimetric measurements are the acceleration of
gravity usually expressed in m/s2, or, more commonly,
mGal which equals 0.001 cm/s2.
Field missions carrying a gravimetrer are able to
perform local measurements at predetermined points.
Such missions require using dedicated human
resources, personnel dispatching and logistic expenses.
An option to such procedures is the use of open
available satellite data. The GRACE (Gravity
Recovery and Climate Experiment) consists of two
identical artificial satellites that were placed in the
same polar orbit at approximately 500 km of altitude
and separated by 220 km from each other. They use a
K-band resonant microwave system that gauges the
speeds and distances between the two satellites due to
Earth’s gravitational field changes that are correlated
to changes in mass (topography) and irregularities in
mass density distributions. These satellite path
variations allow the determination of tiny gravitational
alterations. The two satellites are capable of sensing a
change in their separation equivalent to one micron
[25]. The GRACE products are obtained, processed
and archived by the SDS (Science Data System) and
distributed by JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory),
UTCSR (University of Texas Center Space Research)
and GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam). SDS
releases the gravity field models of the Earth and
distributes them via the PODAAC (Physical
Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center)
and/or ISDC (Information System end Data Center)
after the validation of the mathematical models.
Thus, using GRACE data, one can estimate the
variation of the water mass in an underground
reservoir such as the Guarani Aquifer. During the
seasonal recharging period the amount of water within
the geologic formation increases and tends to be
depleted in the dry period due to its exploration. This
variation causes changes of gravity due to alterations
F= G m1m2
of masses in a thin layer of the Earth’s surface.
Moreover, a plastic deformation of the crust takes
place and can be observed through calculation of the
Stokes coefficients provided by GRACE mission [26].
Therefore, it is possible to foresee the future of the
aquifer based on the balance between recharging and
of the terrestrial EM (electromagnetic) field as a signal
source to estimate the electrical conductivities in
subsurface in the frequency domain. It is assumed
that the incidence of the EM field on Earth is a flat
EM wave that moves vertically to Earth. The
diffusion of the magnetic field within the Earth
induces electric currents called telluric currents. They
generate new secondary magnetic fields that are
measured by the MT sensor. The intensity of the
current is small for it is a natural source, thus a small
source of noise may cause interference in the
measurement. These interferences can be derived from
human action or natural sources of EM fields, such as
antennas, electric fences, lightning, solar explosions,
among others [27]. The laws of physics, which control
these EM induction processes are represented by the
Maxwell’s equations. The method output is an
impedance tensor which is interpreted in terms of
resistivity as a function of position and depth by
means of mathematical models. These models need
some initial hints to start from and can be 1D
(one-dimensional), 2D (two-dimensional) or 3D
(three-dimensional) [27, 28].
countries around the world due to the unique capacity
of exploration at shallow and great depths without the
use of an artificial source. Possible uses encompass
prospection of water, oil and gas. The method is well
suited to the case of the Guarani Aquifer for in several
regions the water reservoir is located underneath a
deep basalt structure reaching more than 1 km of
depth. An advantage of the method is the ability to
provide data with little or no environmental impact
[28]. Another advantage of this method is the
characterization of regions with local electrical
heterogeneities, usually associated with fault
structures, and the recognition of areas with large
sedimentary thicknesses. In addition, there is the low
cost of fieldwork compared to other geophysical
methods, such as seismic sounding. Therefore, the MT
method turns to be an adequate way to map the
Guarani Aquifer.
It is well known that, in many cases, the ground
prospection with geophysical techniques is a kind of
problem known as inverse problem [29].
When the equations that describe the system, the
boundary and initial conditions are known, the
problem is said mathematically well posed and thus
solvable. Otherwise, the problem is said ill-posed and
is of an inverse type.
The inverse problem has no single solution. That is,
it is ambiguous. Thus the geophysical prospection
presents ambiguities in the determination of
geological structures in the ground.
A technique that minimizes these ambiguities
requires the use of multiple geophysical methods, like
the ones described in the present article. Once the data
are collected they are integrated (processed
simultaneously) to produce an approximation to the
solution in order to determine the properties and
geological structures of the system being studied, e.g.,
the Guarani Aquifer.
multiple geophysical data…

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