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Page 1: Developing Social Media Strategies

Developing Social Media StrategiesThe Power of Community


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Let’s add a little context to this conversation…

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What is Social Media?

How people discover, read and share news, information and contentMixture of sociology and technology Shift from content readers into publishersUser Generated Content Consumer Generated Media (CGM)

Source: adapted from Wikipedia

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Your Audiences are Surrounded by Noise

Confronted with clutter, consumers gravitate to messages from trusted sources. That trust comes from their relationships. Leveraging the right relationships is the key to delivering messagesthey want to receive.

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Navigating the New Multilogue

Communication has shifted from a monologue, past a simple dialogue, and into an emerging multilogue -multiple conversations and participants, shifting in various directions, creating communities. This digital discourse has increased impact on brands and consumers alike.

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Platforms & Proof of Adoption

67 percent of Internet users engage with Social Media (comScore)

Facebook had 87.3 million unique visitors in June ’09 (Nielson); 250 million active users

72.8 percent of Internet users read blogs and globally, one new blog is created every second of every day; (comScore)

Twitter grew 1,928 percent in the US from June ’08 – June ’09; estimated at 21 million monthly unique visitors (Nielson)

LinkedIn gains 1 new user per second (ZDnet)

51% of journalists read blogs for story ideas (Juniper research)

28% of top search engine results are social media sites (Juniper)

Platforms Proof of Adoption

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The Big Question: Why Leverage Social Media ?

The answer is any one or more of these three things:

1.Share of Voice(fusing your POV into the conversation)

2.Engagement(multilogue, listening, testing, etc)

3.Activation(moving people to do something)

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Now that we have that out of the way, what next?

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Don’t Start With Technology

While there IS an app for that, don’t think that way.

Think strategy first; technology and platforms later, much later.

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Developing a Social Media Strategy: Start with the Four D’s

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Building Social Media Strategies: Discover

Begin with discovery and answer:Who is your audience?What are their perceptions of your brand?Where can you enter the conversation?What do we have to say that’s of value?What does success look like?

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Building Social Media Strategies: Define

Take your findings and define key insights:Audience demographics and habitsPerception of brand against competitive setPotential hurdles and crisis situationsKey messages, content and a call to action

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Building Social Media Strategies: Develop

Develop and activate on several fronts:Select platforms best suited for your target audienceOn-board teams (technical/creative, management, editorial)Finalize key message points and process for content deliveryRefine and hone key influencer list for relationship building

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Building Social Media Strategies: Deliver

Upon delivering content and engaging in the conversation:Ask questions and continue to listen and learnExtend your contacts, drive intellectual property and sell products or services Continually measure, analyze and encourage community feedback

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Social media is about conversations and relationships

Customers are in control, but not total control because you CAN participate

People do not want to be marketed to; they want to be heard and can relate more to another human than a banner ad

It’s not just about great content, it’s about relationships

Chances are there is a conversation going on online about your products or services, or even the business itself. Are you going to participate, or let someone else?


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