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Page 1: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Developing Identity(Introduction to Assignment 2)

Mark Jenkins

Page 2: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

1. Autobiography

Page 3: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

The Family The term ‘family’ may mean different things in

different contexts ‘Families’ take different forms. What is often represented as ‘the norm’, for

example in children’s books, does not represent most people’s lived experience.

Within families, we have our first experiences of a complex network of relationships within which we begin to establish our identities.

Every family has its own set of beliefs and practices – a micro culture with which the child identifies or against which s/he reacts.

Our position within the family affects how we respond to these complexities.

Page 4: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Autobiographical SketchesWorking in groups of 3 Listen to the autobiographical sketches of the

other 2 Together, consider your early experiences. How

were they similar and in what ways were they different?

Can you deduce from each other’s experiences as a child the relative values held by different families?

Feed back what you have learnt – remember that an autobiography is a constructed story; it reflects what the writer wants us to notice

Page 5: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

The Value of Autobiography

Autobiography is an established way of writing and is seen as an essential element of the curriculum. It is central to the national literacy strategy and you will be required to teach it.

What advantages does this approach have for the primary school teacher?

What does the teacher need to be aware of?

Page 6: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Life Changing Experiences Often points of transition require us to re-establish

ourselves in new identities

Think about how the big change in your life, coming to Winchester University, has changed the expectations on you from people both inside and outside the university.

How has this changed the way you think about yourself?

How is your identity different from life at sixth-form or your previous working identity?

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Future Identity

How do you wish your professional self to be perceived by others?

Fill in the sheet as reflectively as you can

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Assignment 2Assignment 2 (Essay): Exploring an Aspect of

Child DevelopmentDiscuss the importance of one of the following

aspects of child development:- Social Emotional LanguageRefer to the literature in the field and your own

experiences both as a child and with children. Explore the implications of your findings for people working with children in the Primary School.

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Assignment 2 Detail

Guide to length: 2000 words

Due date for submission: Tuesday 22nd November (Week 9)

Return date: Friday 16th December (Week12)

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Marking CriteriaIn addition to the generic criteria in the course

handbook, this assignment should provide evidence that you:

have understood the key points of the chosen aspect of development;

can draw on a range of reading and other research to support your discussion

can reflect on experience and demonstrate the beginnings of analytical thinking.

can organise your ideas logically and coherently using written English appropriately

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Marking Criteria Assignment 2

Marking criteria 1st 2i 2ii 3 F

understood the key points of the chosen aspect of child development

A comprehensive discussion showing a full awareness of the key factors

Clear summary showing a broad understanding of the key features

An adequate understanding of the key factors but with some limitations

A generalised understanding with only a limited awareness of key issues

Little or no evidence of understanding of key issues

draw on a range of research, reports and reading to support your discussion

Good range of sources used to discuss these key points

Sound range of sources used to discuss these key points

Some other sources used in discussing article

Few other sources used.

Little source material adduced.

reflect on experience and demonstrate the beginnings of analytical thinking

Analytical thinking demonstrated. Synthesised use of observations and experience

Analysis evident. Sound use of both observation and experience.

More descriptive than analytical. Some relation to own evidence.

Descriptive only. Use of own evidence weak.

Offers opinion rather than evidence. Little or no relation to own evidence and experience

Essay structure Very good Good Sound Needs clearer structure

Muddled structure

can use written English appropriately

Very good structure to writing. Clear use of English. No major errors.

Good structure to writing. Clear use of English. Minor errors only.

Sound structure to writing. Some errors in written English*.

Structure muddled or unclear. A number of errors in written English*.

Structure significantly weak. Serious errors in written English*.

Page 12: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

The Bookshop

A substantial number of books have been ordered for the bookshop.

Should they run out David Simpkin [man in bookshop] is able to order them for arrival within 48 hours, let him know what you require.

This applies to all books on the book list.

Page 13: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

The Library

There are never enough books in the library to deal with 240 student needs.

Some texts are on short term loan or can be viewed without being removed from the library

Other texts are more expensive to buy and students might want to work in groups, sharing purchased texts for mutual benefit

Remember you are not in competition with each other, you are trying to pass the course

Refer to the booklist at the back of the handbook for a list of supportive texts

The reading pack contains relevant articles, use it.

Page 14: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Search in the Library online

1. Put your search term (such as child development or a book title) into the main catalogue search

2. Search for an individual book through Dawsonera

3. Search for a journal article using the database (electronic journals service)

Your tutor will take you through these approaches to accessing the reading

Page 15: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Which Journals Might Be Of Use?

Child Development Early Child Development and Care British Journal of Developmental Psychology Developmental Psychology International Journal of Early Childhood Journal of Early Childhood Research International Journal of Early Years Education Education 3-13

There are others, the list is not conclusive.

Page 16: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Keeping it Analytical Too much description is a common weakness

in this type of assignment. Avoid describing exactly what the books say,

or the minute detail of what you have observed with children.

Compare and contrast different perspectives on child development as exemplified through your reading.

Synthesise these together, along with evidence from your observations with children, as in the following example

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Be Realistic Remember you only have 2000 words to do

the analysis– you need to be succinct in your approach

Structure your writing to give evidence of both your reading and understanding of the main texts and your experience with children

The following guidelines may be of help

Page 18: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

A Structural Approach1. Read without rushing, making notes on the key

points as you go2. Read a range of other texts, use the contents and

index here, you do not have to read them in entirety

3. Make sure you note down relevant quotations and ideas from these texts, including page references

4. Plan the structure of the assignment5. Write the assignment6. Leave for a day then go back and improve, check

the quality of written English, phraseology etc7. Have somebody proof read it for you to avoid

unnecessary error

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Presentation of the Assignment

The assignment should be in a soft plastic file securely bound (do not place every page in a plastic wallet]

White A4 Paper only – word processed A front cover sheet should be attached – this is available from

the LN Word Count is 2000 words, hit this exactly, you will be penalised

for too little or too much Ensure you include a bibliography which is correctly referenced Only references referred to in the text should be included in the

bibliography The bibliography should be in alphabetical order based on the

surname of the author Refer to the guidance in the GUIDELINES FOR WRITTEN

ASSIGNMENTS available on the learning network There are severe penalties for plagiarism

Page 20: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Text Layout Single Sided In 12 point Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing Have left and right margins of approximately 3.5 to

allow for marking tutors to annotate Pages should be numbered bottom right Include a footer to show student name, number,

module code and assignment number Re-state the assignment question at the beginning

of the assignment (this is not part of the word count)

Include a word count at the end of the text

Page 21: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Marking Grades

1st 70% +2.1 60 – 69%2.2 50 – 59%3rd 40 - 49%

Fail Under 40%

A median average score for a cohort is usually around the 57% mark

The grade mark stands, unless you fail there is no second attempt

Page 22: Developing Identity (Introduction to Assignment 2) Mark Jenkins.

Students Who Fail Last year each group had at least one student who failed the

written assignment It is not the end of the world, at this stage it is merely a

learning process Students have the chance to redeem this mark before the end

of semester 1 Failed students need to see their seminar tutor for advice on

improving the assignment (compulsory!!!) Many students may also be asked to see student services (Main

Building) for help and advice on aspects of essay writing. Many of our students visit student services, there is no loss of face in doing so, help yourself early to avoid problems later on.

The maximum mark for a redeemed assignment is 40% Students who double fail an assignment may be required to

leave the course

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Tutorial Support

Seminar tutors are available to give help and advice on any aspect of the module

They can be contacted by e-mail or appointments can be made by signing up outside their office

Pdts and Student services are also available for consultation although they will not, necessarily, have specific knowledge of this module

Tutors will not Pre-read or pre-mark student assignments – the

assignment submission is the submission Contact you, it is your responsibility to contact them

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Previous Assignments

Examine the essay (A) you have been given.

Consider the layout and quality of the writing.

What grade would you give it?Do the same for assignment BConsider the differences and the

quality, examine the structure of the academic writing

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Assignment Forums As a Self Help Guide an assignment forum will

be placed on the learning network for each of the three possible assignment topics

Students can use these to raise and answer questions about the chosen topic

Join only the one related to your chosen essay, this will aid subject focus

Seminar leaders will also make occasional visits to the site to answer any major queries

All general questions should now be raised in this way

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