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WHAT IS DEPRESSION?• Depression is a mood disorder marked by overwhelming feelings of sadness, fear, and anger.

• Depression patients are often at risk of suicide, more than 10% succeed.

• Everyone feels sad at times, but clinical depression is characterized by long term emotional impairment that inhibits one’s ability to live normally.

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• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness.

• Lack of focus.

• Recurring thoughts about dying and killing oneself.

• Significant change In weight.

• Insomnia.

This guy deserves to feel worthless.

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Some say depression can make you stronger. However no one knows who these ‘some’ are.

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WHO IS AFFECTED BY DEPRESSION?• People of all ages, race, gender, economic status are vulnerable to depression.

• Children and teenagers can have depression, and can distort the way they view their own lives.

The death of a teddy bear can have a serious impact on a child’s emotional health.

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WHAT CAUSES DEPRESSION?• Both heredity and environmental events are believed to be factors in the onset of depression.

• Certain types of Depression recurs in multiple family members.

• People with family members without any history of depression can develop it.

• Examples of factors include: Alcohol, emotional events such as death/separation, sleeping problems, stress, and chemical imbalances in the brain.

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Break-ups and sudden changes in life can cause depression.

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• 1. Major: Characterized by a person’s inability to function normally due to depressive symptoms.

• 2. Chronic: Also known as dysthymia, is characterized by two or more years of depressive symptoms. People who have dysthymia experience more than one depressive episode in their lifetimes.

• 3. Atypical: People who have atypical depression overeat, oversleep, are extremely fatigued, and very sensitive.

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Sleep loss can cause depression.People with atypical depression are always fatigued.

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Major Depression can harm social life.

People suffering from chronic depression may have multiple episodes in their lifetime.

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HOW DO YOU TREAT DEPRESSION?• Medication such as SSRIs, which stand for selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, which

works by blocking the uptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, can help patients with depression. SNRI’s, or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are often used also.

• Talk therapy, with professional psychiatrists and therapists, can help. People tend to do better when they are told the psychological reasons for their behavior.

• Taking medications carefully and correctly, while learning how to manage side effects, can be very effective.

• Talking to trusted friends or lovers can be beneficial to the patient.

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Medication is effective in treating depression.

Friendship is invaluable in eliminating some of the symptoms of depression.

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WHO ARE SOME OF THE FAMOUS PEOPLE WITH DEPRESSION• Boris Yeltsin, the first Russian president, suffered from depression.

• Diana, Princess of Wales, suffered from depression.

• Harrison Ford, known for playing Han Solo and Indiana Jones in Star Wars and the Indiana Jones series, suffers from depression.

• J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, revealed that she used to be suicidally depressed.

• Jim Carrey, also known as God, suffers from depression.

• Joker, Batman’s archenemy, suffers from depression.

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• As the examples show, depression affects people of all classes, rich and poor, royal and common, man and woman, actor, writer, and princess, etc.

Boris Yeltsin

Princess Diana

Harrison Ford

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Jim Carrey is also known by the name God.

Joker hides his seriousness with a fake smile, but he’s still depressed.

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WHAT ARE SOME MOVIES ABOUT DEPRESSION?• Wristcutters: A Love Story, a film about a strange station for people

who committed suicide, deals with issues regarding depression.

• The movie was released in 2006, and stars Patrick Fugit.

• The movie has relatively positive reviews.

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I HAVE DEPRESSION. DO I HAVE HOPE OF BEING NORMAL?• YES! People who get treated for depression tend to get better and stay that way.

• People who suffer from depression can lead long, satisfying lives. They can perform normally, with controlled treatment and help.

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• Showing an emotion (that may not represent your true feelings) can help you feel that way.

• Smiling when under stress can help you feel happier!

• If worst comes to worst, you can cut be like Joker and “put a smile on that face” (with a knife of course).

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WORKS CITED• Psychology, 8th Edition by David Myers





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