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The 3Cs of Effective Deacons Ministry

Serving by ContributingFirst Baptist Church Bonny IslandJerry Akinsola,[email protected]+2348033804982

The Equipping Christian Ministry

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Mark 10:35-37 (ESV) 35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you. 37 And they said to him, Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Mark 10:42-43 (ESV) 42 And Jesus called them to him and said to them, You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 43 But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Mark 10:44-45 (ESV) 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Four Leadership Lessons from Jesus

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Perspectives of leadership:Some people see leadership as platform to get. while God wants us to use it to give. Some people see leadership as platform to dominate. while God wants us to use it lift others.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Perspectives of leadership:Some people see leadership as platform to make others serve you. while God wants us to use it serve others.. Some people see leadership as platform to consume . while God wants us to use it to contribute.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Good Thinking Good Product.As Deacons we cannot be good bridges if our view of leadership is wrong.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Deacons were appointed to solve problem. They are ordained to connect gaps, care for people and contribute towards making the church healthy.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

What is Contributing?

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Contributing IncludesGiving materials, Sharing resources, Sacrificing comfort andSupporting a cause so as to achieve a desired goal.

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What you should contribute

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In what ways can you contribute?

The Equipping Christian Ministry

You help the church get results through your

The Equipping Christian Ministry

What are some goals of contribution

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Your contribution should result in

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Remember thatDeacons are expected to use their knowledge, skills, influence to contribute to the wellbeing and growth of the church.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Becoming Effective Contributors

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To be an effective contributing support leader you need the right

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The Equipping Christian Ministry

Mention some things that superiors would not do for their subordinates in your community?

The Equipping Christian Ministry

The Contributors MindsetLessons from the Towel, Water and Basin.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Contributors are those who are willing to Do menial things. They are not scrambling for lime light ministries. Move out of their comfort zone. Proffer Solution to challenges.Make others fit and fulfilled.10/5/16TEEC: Jerry Akinsola24

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Those who think they are too big to do little things, are actually too little to be asked to do big things.

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To be an effective deacon you need to cultivate the attitude of a (1 Cor 4:1)

The Equipping Christian Ministry

What do effective Deacons do?

The Equipping Christian Ministry

SERVE:Practices of Effective Contributors

The Equipping Christian Ministry

SERVE: Effective Contributors Submit- to God absolutely. To contribute well you must give up pursuing personal agenda. You must live like a surrendered person.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

SERVE: Effective Contributors Evaluate Contributors seek to understand purpose, people, task and context.It pays to understand the: World (times), Obstacles, Resources, and your distance or deviation from the Destination (purpose).

The Equipping Christian Ministry

SERVE: Effective Contributors Respond They go beyond just talking, thinking, planning to action.

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SERVE: Effective Contributors Value people They give high regards to the views and suggestions of other people regardless of their age or class. Value teamwork.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

SERVE: Effective Contributors Encourage others: You need to work intentionally to create a warm, accepting and caring environment.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

True greatness is not measured by the number of those who serve you, but by the number of those you serve.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

To Serve well You need to collaborate

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Organize for Service: Structure and Roles

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Meetings of the Fellowship Of Deacons should include

The Equipping Christian Ministry

Meetings of the Fellowship Of Deacons should include

The Equipping Christian Ministry

To collaborate or network effectively you need to Remember that you are just a part of a whole.Always seek to complement rather than competeRecognise the significance of others.

The Equipping Christian Ministry

In Conclusion .

The Equipping Christian Ministry

As the Church prepares to ordain youStart with the end in mind

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What would you want others to remember you for?

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Acts 9:36 (NIV) In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which, when translated, is Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor.

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Remember that Great churches are the product of faith in God, obedience to divine mandate and great personal sacrifices.10/5/16TEEC: Jerry Akinsola44

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Dont Forget thatWhat we now have others contributed. We also need to make contributions now for the sake of those coming after. 10/5/16TEEC: Jerry Akinsola45

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ConclusionTo receive the applause of Heaven and make a lasting impact on lives and ministries as a Deacon, you need to be a connecting, caring and contributing support leader.

The Equipping Christian Ministry


Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them! John 13:17

The Equipping Christian Ministry

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