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Page 1: DAY 16


Meredith Meredith

Page 2: DAY 16


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.


Page 3: DAY 16


Page 4: DAY 16

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi, it is good to see you again,

Let’s continue aye from where we left off. One of the most

common scenes in cinematography is the actor standing by the

ocean or by a lake and gazing out into an expanse of water.

Movie makers want to convey the feeling of greatness, majesty,

peace and tranquillity which water naturally conveys.

I have been brought up next to the Pacific Ocean and I have

spent a lot of my life in and around water. I am a very capable

swimmer and diver. Thus, I am well acquainted with the power

and moods of this gentle giant. I respect water and treat it with

care and kindness because like my body it is a priceless thing.

Water is a living substance. Water exhibits all the properties

of life. It sleeps, it awakes, it changes, it grows and it dies and is

reborn again (the hydrologic cycle). Water at the subatomic level

is energy. It is vibrant with movement and I would venture to say

that it has the ability to receive a mind – a Divine Mind.

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Every time I consume water or recreate in water, I feel alive

and refreshed from its touch and that my friend is not an accident

of Nature. Water is designed to refurbish, restore and regenerate.

When you connect with water on the outside, the water inside

you receives the divine essence of the bigger source.

Further, just as water cleans on the outside, it also cleans on

the inside. And it clears out a lot more than just the impurities in

our physical entities, it also removes the “gunk” piled up in your

feeling connections. This practice is commonly called baptism.

Immersion in water (baptism) is an ancient tradition that

goes back to the Garden of Eden. Most all religions require the

practice. In fact many religion have built immersion pools into

their worship edifices because of its symbolic meaning.

However, little is understood of its real secret. The purpose

of baptism to restore or rather refresh your feeling ability and it

has nothing to do with religious symbolism.

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I cannot stress enough the value of undertaking daily

immersion. I am aware that the majority of us do not have a

heated swimming pool or the luxury of a Malibu beach house

but most of us have access to a bath tub or a shower. Personally

I don’t have tub as it is not a common thing where I am from but

I do have a shower and twice a day I immerse myself.

This is how I do it? When I have finished removing the sweat

and dirt from my toned out body I take a few minutes longer

and immerse myself in the flow until I feel my feeling connection

has been refreshed. Of course if you have a pool or access to the

ocean or a lake on a daily basis, that is ideal.

You know it just occurred to me that standing in a shower is

another common scene in cinematography and have you noticed

that it is always after the villain has killed someone or someone

had the experience of sex. Obviously this idea of water being

a cleansing agent is the perceived message. But I want to tell you

something that may ‘rock your boat.’

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Water cannot wash away stains on the soul. Water records

or stores information as I had shown in the last “Day”. Water acts

as the database of our life’s festive journey. So contrary to what

Hollywood conveys, water has the opposite effect. It makes you

remember clearer.

There is only one way to permanently remove the “stain” of

a wrong we have committed and that is to correct it. Religion

calls it repentance or contrition, I prefer to call it “humbling

myself.” I am sorry, I wish there was another way to avoid the

pain or shame of facing the person you have hurt or to return

what was taken or restore what was damaged. And please

understand, you cannot run from or shortcut the process.

If you do not come around to fixing it, it will not go away in

this life and in the next. You will still have to face the wrong you

did and possibly in a worse situation if you don’t deal with it now.

I realise you will have some questions, so let me ask them for you

and hopefully I will cover the main ones.

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What if the person I wronged is deceased or has since

disappeared? Find where they are buried or the last place where

they lived and make your peace there and as often as you think

necessary. Apologise “as if” the person where there and do it with

a sincere heart. The act once performed is recorded in the “water

archives” of your memory as corrected and completed.

Interestingly it was only a month ago that I visited my

parent’s grave. I shed a few tears speaking to them of my

disappointments. I know they are not there but one day when

this “Earth phase” is completed, they will enjoy watching my

memory archives and seeing my “penance” over a cup of tea and

I their life’s record in my generation. I chuckle at the thought of

knowing what my father felt the day when I was born and what

my mother thought when she first saw me.

Another common question people ask or rather angels ask.

Why do I still remember what I did when I have apologised?

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The memory of the wrong cannot be extinguished by the

“humbling yourself” experience. Actually it is vital that you retain

the record of it. What occurs after you have sincerely apologised

is that the “venom or poison” of the act that was unleased in the

water molecules in your body is neutralised. In other words the

“sting or bite” has lost its power and you will feel it.

The freedom and release from the guilt and shame will flood

your being but a record of the deed itself is retained for wisdom

purposes in what I call “The Bank of Wisdom”. Every one of us

have made numerous deposits in its vault and humanity is its

collective shareholder. Do you realise that this deposit is the only

real and lasting commodity we possess, and the more deposits

we make the bigger your investment in the future angelic you.

This is no excuse to perpetuate wrong doing because if you

repeat the same mistake, it is no longer wisdom but a curse. A

curse being a corrective measure “Karma” exerts upon one to

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bring a person back into line (a corrective measure) but it is not

to punish one. Understand “Karma” is very patient and will wait

for you to come to your senses. Make no mistake about this.

One more common question before I finish. What happens if

the person does not accept my apology? The victim is not

obligated to forgive you but they are responsible to hear your

apology. If the victim chooses not to forgive you, then a log is

written on their memory bank called “unforgiveness” which can

become like a painful “piece of glass” embedded in the

conscience. To carry unforgiveness for more than 24 hours, only

hurts you. That is why religions teach that it is not wise ‘to let the

sun set on your anger.’ We must forgive but never forget!

To conclude the topic, if you are the offender - after you

have apologised or if you are the victim - after you have forgiven,

take a long shower or a dip in the pool and just let go. The water

will remove the sting, I know it. Next I will speak about Light.

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Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.

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BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith