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Page 1: DAY 09


Meredith Meredith

Page 2: DAY 09


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.


Page 3: DAY 09


Page 4: DAY 09

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Gidday, how are you today? Shall we continue?

You can’t destroy energy, this is a fundamental law of

science. The first law of thermodynamics states ‘that energy is

always conserved; it cannot be created or destroyed.’ The angelic

you is “energy” that is why we are eternal. The truth is people

don’t die they re-suit (reborn) and start again. The phenomena is

so well researched in academic institutions and so well

documented in religious books that is now virtually a no brainer.

I could layout thousands of proofs of this system over ten

days but what is the point if we shut our eyes. I learnt a long time

ago that once a person believes something “by faith”, the

evidence against is firmly set aside. To me it really does not

matter what we believe because what we believe does not

change what happens and what happened. What I do find rather

interesting is that our cultures and traditions are replete with

legends, chants, sayings, traditions and customs of human gods

who accomplished amazing feats.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Have you ever thought of the source? Let me show you

anyway. We came with these stories from the stars; from an era

when legends were born from the great heroic feats angels had

accomplished. We have not forgotten our distant past, it keeps

on revisiting us through our legends, chants, sayings, traditions

and customs. Now many of them are now Hollywood and

Bollywood epics.

We are not here as an experiment, we were put here against

our will, to learn what is means to love unconditionally, to value

others better than ourselves, to share our blessings, to forgive

and not remember, to lead without laws, to trust others, to learn

our responsibilities, to learn our obligations, to acquire the

virtues and values of life and many other such good things. All of

which can be summarized in FEEL.

We have become so use to this earth that we think that this

is our home. You have got to be serious, this place is starting to

get awfully small and crowded and not to mention polluted with

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more than just litter and smog. We all know we have to leave

here someday and I hope soon.

Why do you think there is such a drive in humanity almost

insane to colonize the stars? No single endeavour in human

history has had more funds and resources allocated to it than

space exploration. When Governments run out of money there is

no shortage of private individuals to take up the slack.

We have been looking up and beyond ever since we were

sent here. Who of us does not wonder about the heavens and

what the stars contain? The Hubble space telescope and our

deep space probes has only intensified our wonder, imagination,

and desire a thousand fold. The call to space is like a broken

record that is permanently stuck on the words, “Ground control

to Major Tom” from the song Space Oddity.

Well you know from an earlier Day that it is virtually

impossible to get out there in our human confinement because

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of the radiation belt, yet we must try. Why do I want or even need

to travel the stars?

I started off writing this book without a title and still at this

stage. It is kind of strange to have a title-less book. Yet I am

intrigued by the idea. So everything you read is unplanned and

unchartered territory.

It is kind of like my life at the moment, I am here today and

out the next day. I can’t seem to stay put too long. Then I realized

why I am like this. No it has got nothing to do with my star sign

although it does say that I like to travel but who doesn’t. It has

to do with the angel in me who hates to be confined or reclined

in other words born to be free!

You see you were not sent here to roll out a mat under a

coconut tree (like where I am) and watch the ocean sway in and

out while the sun slowly sets behind the clouds in the west. Yep

it is a delight but trust me it gets boring after a while and you

want some city adventure with a few late nights with the mates.

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Angels are created with a body that has this permanent “itch”

(longingness) to travel - to be free. At the beginning you have no

idea how complex an issue it was to find a solution this problem.

How do you confine a being that is supposed to be free in the

Universe and at the same time teach them to feel? The answer is

“to mature” them rather than come out of “an egg” as an adult

with no idea of human life.

Angels needed to experience birth and pass through a

maturity process- the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescences,

adulthood and old age. In this way the “itch” to be free can be

smoothed out over time or what we would find is that an angel

would rather opt to die if the mode was “an egg”.

Can you imagine the overload of waking up from the

freedom of travelling the Universe then find yourself confined to

a body that lets you travel at 6 miles an hour and as far as where

the sun will take you. Then couple that with the experience of

hunger and thirst and not understand how to eat and drink.

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The other challenge this solution fixed is the enormous

collection memories of our past life on earth and our history from

the cosmos that we needed to maintain but not access while

undergoing reformation.

The memories of our former existence is retained in the

angelic you and is in-accessible to the brain. As the brain matures

it constructs a new identity - the adamic you. This person no

longer remembers and this ‘temporary” you assumes your being

while you are trained by your senses.

However, the brain being a fallible machine, now and then it

accesses information from the “angelic reservoir” and we get

glimpses of our former lives and cosmic experiences. Many

people remember again but not completely or your brain will

suffer a complete overload - a “melt down”.

Information that is in your angelic self is only accessible to

the unconscious you – the angelic you. Recall our five spiritual

senses that has access to this information.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


I am sensing an awakening of consciousness around the

planet as people everywhere realise that thinking is not the way

to our freedom but that feeling is “narrow road” that leads to

eternal life (our restored angel status).

Before I finish the day, why is regaining our angelic freedom


Consequently any regime and political system (including

capitalism) and religion that removes freedoms is anti-angel.

The unassailable truth is; angels as are humans were created

to be FREE. This process of life and death is actually anti-angel

and is not normal for an angel. It is the life ordained of an animal

and not an angel. What it is, is probation and is going to end

soon. The reason why it has to end is because the human in us is

starting to access “the reservoir” through feeling.

Enlightenment is at the door of humanity and it is our final

step to ultimate freedom. God wants us to understand and make

the final step. Let’s continue this the next day.

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Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.

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BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith