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  • 1. Increasing Marketing ROI Through Data Enhancement & CRM Integration Karim Iskandar, VP International, OneSource Information Services Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address]

2. Agenda

  • The Impact of Bad Data on Your Bottom Line
  • Where Does Data Go Bad?
  • Strategies for Addressing Data Quality
  • Enhancing Your CRM for Improved ROI
  • Data Management Strategies within Your Organisation
  • Strategies for Increasing ROI

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 3. Instantly Become a Genius! BEFORE AFTER 4. Instantly Become a Database Marketing Genius! BEFORE AFTER 5. Poor Data Quality Directly Affects Bottom-Line Performance HINDERING NEW BUSINESS GENERATION According to QAS (an Experian company): - 75% of companies admit that potential revenue is lost through missed opportunities from not profiling customer and prospect databases as well as they could due to data quality issues According to Sirius Decisions: -Organisations with an early-phase data strategy can expect a ~25% lift in conversion rates (inquiry to marketing qualified lead)Research Shows Significant, MeasurableImpactsIn Both Direct and OpportunityCosts Associated with Failure to ActivelyManage Data QualityIMPACTING CUSTOMER RETENTION & BRAND REPUTATION poor-quality customer data leads to significant costs such as higher customer turnover, excessive expenses from customer contact processes like mail-outs, and missed sales opportunities.Gartner Research Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 6. Where Does the Data Go Bad? At What Points in the Lifecycle Does Data Go Bad?How Can You Improve ROI by Addressing These Problems? Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 7. Strategies for Addressing Data Quality at Each Stage

  • Balance Conversion With Quality
        • Ask enough questions to help you evaluate & prioritise leads
        • Gather sufficient information toenable your reps to have a productive conversation with prospect)
        • Build a profile over time
        • Standardise information gathering (country names, titles, etc.)
  • Increase Conversions, Sales Engagement
        • Add critical data to incoming leads
        • Provide view into corporate family by appending info
        • Minimise sales research time by providing infoincrease time spent selling

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 8. Strategies for Addressing Data Quality at Each Stage

  • Integrate clean data; avoid propagating errors
        • Minimise manual inputs
        • Identify who has ownership for getting data into the system
        • Invest time in back-end processes that route, tag and classify leads
        • Integration of enhanced data adds value to sales
        • Increase Conversions through Improved Targeting
        • Enhance ability to segment/message effectively
        • Timing offers more appropriately

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 9. Strategies for Addressing Data Quality at Each Stage

  • Bad data has direct and indirect costs
  • In a typical year a minimum 20% of records go bad
  • In turbulent economic times, this rate can double
  • Time spent chasing bad data costs money
  • What does it cost to clean & maintain data?
  • First Pass cleansing can be a more extensive problem
  • Regular maintenance is critical to keep costs down
  • Outsourcing vs. internal resources: calculate costs, timelines

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 10. Enhancing Your CRM Data To Drive Sales And Marketing Performance

  • Many organisations struggle with data quality, especially within the CRM
      • CRM projects fail for many reasons, but bad data is a major contributor
      • The adage garbage in, garbage out holds as true as ever
      • Forrester Research reported CRM failure rates of 47% in 2009

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 11. Critical Questions to Consider to Improve ROI on Your Sales/Marketing Databases

  • How Does Your OrganisationManageData?
  • Does Your OrganisationInvestin Data Management/Quality?
  • Who isResponsiblefor Data Quality?
  • Has Data Quality Been Identified as anIssuethat Impacts the Business?
  • Do You Feel Your Organisation Could GenerateMore RevenueFrom Customer & Prospect Data?
  • Do You Know How MuchWastageis Inherent in Your Current Campaigns?
  • Can Your Sales and Marketing Teams Rely on theAccuracyandIntegrityof the Data in Your CRM?
  • Are You Able to AdequatelySegmentYour Data Pre-Campaign?
  • Can You Conduct Insightful Post-CampaignAnalysisto Drive ROI?
  • Have You Calculated the ROI from Your Marketing Database(s)?
  • Could you do better? What is the potential upside?

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 12. Strategies for Increasing Sales and Marketing ROI

  • Good quality, comprehensive data enables sales and marketing to:
  • Be confident they are concentrating on their sweet spots
  • Make lower cost sales first and increase your ROI!
  • Look for trends in the length of customer relationships
  • Improve retention rates
  • Reduce marketing costs and increase marketing success rates
  • Deliver the right message to the right people with the right offer at the right time
  • Dirty data could cost you your credibility and reputation
  • Accurate data benefits you and your clients.

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 13. Strategies for Increasing Sales and Marketing ROI

  • Acquisition
  • Retention
  • Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Develop a data strategy and tune your sales & marketing database or CRMto help your company acquire and retain the right types of customers.

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 14. Success Story

  • Global law firm with 21 offices and around 2000 employees globally
  • Essential that staff have access to consistent, accurate information to understand the firms clients and prospective business and industries
  • Implemented a new CRM system, Interaction: supplemented with OneSource external business information
  • The intelligence we are able to gain from our OneSource-enhanced CRM system gives us a competitive advantage and helps us to improve significantly the level of service we provide to our clients. It is helping us to improve retention, client service and win extra business.David Fitch, Director of Knowledge Management

Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address] 15. Compiled Data Data assembled from directories and proprietary databases including Infogroups best-in-class databases and data licensed from third-party content providers.Editorial Content Content developed by editors tapping into news feeds and research reports to review and enrich information.Web Mining Information automatically mined from corporate websites, blogs and other publicly accessible sources of Internet content.Social Media Content contributed by users through social networking sites, user contributed data exchanges and self-publication. LiveContent fuses data from multiple sources, removes duplicates, and synthesizes the information down to the data-element level. For example, it can pull a bio from one data source, a job title from another, and an email address from a third source, combining these into one consolidated contact.OneSources Approach to Ensuring Data Quality: The LiveContent Platform.The LiveContent Platform blends together the best content from more than 50 data suppliers and thousands of information sources across the full spectrum of business information: compiled data, editorial content, information mined from web sites and social and new media data. Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 [email protected] 16. Just for Attendees Contact Us: +44 (0) 207 382 8800[email_address]

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