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Page 1: CV Vasily Alexandrov

Vasily Alexandrov


Date created:


Stores in Moscow:


Stores in Saint Petersburg:


Dealers in Russia:


Stores in Germany:





3 own brands

9 represented exclusively

Own composite pools facility with 8 pools a day productivity

Marketing management for Moscow and Regional sales teams, advertising

and analytics process development, implementation and control. CRM and

sales scripts development.

Key functions: advertising, marketing&sales analytics, dealers marketing

support, cross-functional processes implementation and improvement, sales


Consultive assistance for Saint Petersburg and Germany marketing teams,

assistance in implementing best Moscow


Support and development for dealers net-

work all over Russia

Brands my team and I had launched last


AllSeas Spas from Netherlands


Sport Spas from USA


WSM massage cushions from Germany (

And participated in Delfy Pools launch (


December 2011 – Present (1 year 8 months) Moscow, Russian Federation


[Head of Marketing]

Page 2: CV Vasily Alexandrov


Project started:

May 2012

Project approved by


July 2012

First brand manager



Average attestation

score in 2012:


Average attestation

score in 2013:


Managers hired/fired:


Total tasks done:


Total tickets solved:


Total products




Problem: Sales categories in luxury well-

ness business are quite complicated. You

have to know a lot of specifics to sell or

promote it. As brand managers were re-

quired to deal with all tasks related to a

category - they were to be experts. But

the industry is not old enough to provide

lots of experts, so the only way to man-

age the lack of competence was to hire

marketers and educate them the industry

peculiarities or to promote sales manag-

ers and educate them marketing.

Solution: After discussing alternatives

with sales executives we decided that the

best sales managers can combine roles

in sales and brand management. Due to

the product specific each of sales manag-

ers has a lot of spare time so we could

offer a second role for 20 work hours a

week. But as it was not a full-time posi-

tion, business processes had to be clear

and transparent to all participants. For

this purpose a new responsibility matrix

was developed. Besides,

the brand management

dept implementation includ-

ed a large program of mar-

keting education and attes-

tation - 12 courses total.

After all preparations were

finished, all processes and

workflow were setup in

CRM and Megaplan

(workflow management)

and the department started


Preparation took whole two months be-

cause we had to predict most problems

which were sure to appear. Hiring manag-

ers without a basic knowledge of market-

ing we wanted to be sure they will under-

stand their responsibilities and marketing

tools they can use to achieve KPIs. As a

result we had created a 52-pages docu-

ment which included responsibility matrix,

instructions for most common tasks and a

wide description of our marketing mix and

other tools that can be useful in their job.

Results: A clockwork team of 6 brand

managers with a 20-hour workweek each.

All work is divided into 2 parts - process-

es, which are predictable and perfectly

manageable, and projects which are the

key potential to category growth - are

planned and reviewed monthly. This

helps to use diverse mix of management

techniques and processes, motivation

and KPIs. And it allows each category to

be as fast and flexible as our mono-

category competitors. After a year the

branding team had changed managers

for 4 times, and they are still quite far

from being marketing stars, but they do

contribute to business development and

quality of their job is rising every month.

Besides, all brand managers already had

a full-time job, so we could offer fewer

compensation. The whole team of 6

brand managers costs as two full-time

marketers plus a bonus depending on

sales vs. previous year.


A half of branding team is from Saints-Petersburg so we skype a lot

«Sales managers are quite different from marketers —and it takes a lot of time to help them perform in market-ing. But when it’s over the system supports itself».

Current branding categories.

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Problem: After implementing a CRM in

May 2012 we started to gather lots of leads

and sales data, but its decision-support role

was quite poor because any analysis took

hours of data extraction and preparation.

On the other hand, my team used this data

quite often and we already had a pure vi-

sion of our data capabilities.

The project was not planned in the year

budget, so I decided to do something for

nothing and move the project further when

some results are ready and could be easily

presented to CEO, CTO and CFO who ap-

prove all BI implementations.

Solution: I had to develop a sophisticated

solution able to deal all limitations. That

made system scheme a critical success

factor for the whole implementation.

After a long phase of considering alterna-

tives the final solution consisted of open-

source but yet powerful RapidMiner 5 which

did all data transformation and analytical

work and IBM Cognos Insights to create a

multidimensional database for fascinating

drag and drop reports.

The whole system was fed a raw data from

SugarCRM which is processed through

several preparation processes to make it

useful for intelligence purposes.

Features and reports:

1. Deals at risk.

This report runs every week and shows the

top 50 deals with the highest confidence of

closing lost prediction. Script consists of

two stages—first it takes historical data to

train a model that will predict if a deal is

going to close lost or won, and after that a

trained model is validated and applied to all

the deals created last week.

The main reason it works is that in fact

sales managers’ competence varies

through different product categories and

lead source (loyal, advertising, exhibition).

After the report is ran the results are used

by the brand managers to keep an eye on

these deals and guide the sales process. It

results a 20% better conversion than was


2. Shop-manager best matches

The same model training as in the previous

process but with a training data set of the

last 6 months is used in this process with

simple statistics of brand structure in differ-

ent shops.

Model calculates confidences of closing a

deal won for every intersection of manager

and product category. After that it takes all

shops with their unique product structure

and calculates best set of shop-manager

matches with a limitation that a single man-

ager can’t be at several shops at a time and

a shop should have a manager.

Though we faced some limitations during

applying phase— not all managers could

switch a shop because of location accessi-

bility, we managed to follow 70% of the

model recommendations. After several

months almost all managers agreed with

our decision, and sales from shops rised by


3. Easy reporting

Unlike previous solutions, this one doesn’t

have a stable using pattern—it’s designed

to make searching data for insights easier.

For this purpose I use IBM Cognos Insights

that reads relational data and converts it

into multidimensional with predefined struc-

ture. After conversion is over any querying

and reporting can be done in several clicks

and easy drag and drop. A query which

takes a minute in a relational database is

done in a few seconds in multidimensional


4. Price monitoring

All prices of our competitors are now auto-

matically grabbed from their websites and

stored in a database. All we need is to run

the script every week.


RapidMiner 5

Data mining tool with

neural network capa-


IBM Cognos Insights

Powerful multidimen-

sional database soft-


ARIS Express

IT & business pro-

cess architect utility


As the source of raw

data for all analysis

Deal result predictions

Key success factors model tree view

Match ‘em smart!

Multidimensional reporting at a glance

Page 4: CV Vasily Alexandrov

«To perform as a digital marketing agency you have to combine data-perverts who can feel the taste and color of figures with creative freaks in one team».


[Digital Marketing Group Leader]

@BTBG Group

April 2011 – December 2011 (9 months) Moscow, Russian Federation

Honey Box start up project executive. Key responsibility - building a strong

team with a clear business process, marketing&sales tactics and strategy.

Marketing strategy development, executing Honey Box department (internet

marketing agency), marketing support for other departments, CRM

implemention and delevopment, sales&service processes improvement,

context advertising automatization.



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The key tragedy of the whole

online advertising industry is a

great lack of specialists. When a

specialist gains high competence

he shortly becomes a manager

with a few subordinates, educates

them till they get competent

enough to perform, and so on.

That makes building a competent

team difficult and expensive.

But luckily many of web advertising

processes can be automated.

When I started building the team

we made our best to find every operation that can be made by our servers without

losses in quality. After several months of this process we could focus all our time to

nonconventional operations and rise our overall performance.

Our market focus was targeted to high-profit clients only, so we refused a lot if the

client’s budget did not fit our standards. But for the ones who fit we could make a

great service. During a month every client received:

Full-time personal

manager who did

all adjustments

and corrections,

viewed statistics

and made chang-

es in case of devi-

ations 3 times a

day (2 times a day

on weekends).

10 hours of senior

analytic work time

15 hours of usability engineer work time

20 hours of content manager work time

1 planning and results overview meeting or report (I took part in most of them)

10 ads text experiments

3 conversion experiments

Up to 15 hours of programmers work if any scripts are necessary

And we still got profit and loyal clients.


Up to 12 000 keywords per a client

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[Marketing manager]

@Surrey legal consulting

August 2009 – April 2011 (1 year 9 months) Moscow, Russian Federation

Developing marketing strategy, increasing efficiency of

marketing investment, improving client inflow, increasing

average deal, marketing&sales materials creation, KPI for

marketing dept development, integrated indication system

for internet-marketing implementation.

Surrey LC specializes in corporate bankruptcy and liquida-

tion. When

legal rating started at

2010 we were only

at 87th position. At

this point we had a

strategy we truly be-

lieved in and only a

bit of authority in the

industry. There was

a huge gap between

our current position

and what we needed

to match our pricing


Most of the projects described here were done between

2010 and 2011 ratings. And we did a lot I didn’t mention.

At 2011 we were finally rewarded - we moved to 28th po-

sition. It was awesome! And just fine for the pricing policy. You can view the full

rating at .


«How can you tell a good lawyer from an excellent? Most non-lawyers can’t. That becomes a question about being and appearing—and that’s a real oppor-tunity because appearing is the weakest side of most brilliant lawyers. So, you don’t have to be a le-gal star for others to believe you are.».

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The main problem with legal con-

sulting is a non-obviousness to the

end user. Most believe they can do

all the work themself , but after some

research they understand that they

will need legal consulting. That shift is

a key to a large audience—if you

manage to be the one who helps

them understand the process with-

out forcing to sales, but at the same

time highlighting that many services

are impossible to be done by client’s

own resources. Leading to sales in

that case becomes extremely gentle.

Due to that paradigm we had several

“educating” campaigns on the web

and a lot of content on the websites.

This campaigns leaded thousands

visitors to our websites but conver-

sion was quite low. On the other

hand trying to force this visitors to

sale gave only negative feedback.

With a lot of those visitors my key

function was to keep the cost of a

lead as low as possible yet with an

optimal amount of leads.

During three months I adjusted cam-

paigns to cover a wide and still rele-

vant audience. Final version had 6

campaigns, 126 ads and 793 key-

words. And all these campaigns were

duplicated into three most popular

search engines advertising systems:

At this point it worked great, but

adjusting these ads manually began

to take too much time. That was the

main reason for developing a new

process for leadflow management.


Problem: After strategy retargeting pricing increased to industry's top. It made

all marketing activities less efficient by amount of leads, but each deal created

much more income, so the whole efficiency grew, but the old advertising man-

agement methods became inappropriate.

Solution: New leadflow management tools were developed to take control in a

very granular view at all of our leads. It was really necessary to examine effi-

ciency of every marketing tool and sales channel. For each we collected data of

how much leads and deals they generated, calculated lead and deal price (for

each tool and sales cannel).

It was easy for all offline tools, but I

faced lots of troubles trying to make it

possible defining which online tool

generated a lead, but after several

attempts I found a suitable analytical

configuration for the web. Final version

used unique id for each visitor of our

websites and all we had to do with it -

just ask to read or send it to sales

manager. It made all managers ask additional questions before sales, but it

was worth it.

This system allowed us to see where we perform best, which tools need our

attention and which aren't worth using.

Results: During two months after implementation I managed to increase leads

by 35% with only a 10% growth of expenses. It became possible because the

system highlighted which tools I shall stop using and which of them have poten-

tial to bring more leads. After that I didn't stop adjusting our leadflow and

achieved significant

results in marketing

efficiency by planning

our activities on a

data-driven bias.

After several months

we also had a fine

view at our sales fun-

nels with addition of

their differences

through client seg-

ments. That gave us a good start for developing new sales scripts for each of

our key segments. 7

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Valeriya Lushchikova

PR manager

Vladimir Kornev

Managing partner, CEO

Dmitriy Igumnov

Managing partner, CFO

Branding agency


Paradigm: Most mediocre legal agen-

cies have a very poor and strict visual

identity. Something like this one

And lots of photostock glance lawyers

But it’s never able to cheat clients. Eve-

ryone understands that this kind of iden-

tity has nothing to cover but mediocrity.

That’s why we required to be different. It

was an absolute must.

Solution: After some research and

benchmarking European legal compa-

nies we decided to create a sever and

provoking unique identity. It had to catch

attention and say that this company can’t

be average—it’s different and special.

All identity was based on a minimalistic

aggressive design and managing part-

ners photos—new identity started a wide

personal promotion of them.

We also made several viral elements in

texts and illustrations. They were widely

shared between lawyer community what

made a large profit for our SEO—

because of lots of links, text and pictures



Brochures and books were made in oppositely positive

style to make a bit of tension in visual identity

«Design matters, and it matters even more when the industry lacks it. It makes your company unforgetable».

[Market analyst]

@Jackpot Moscow

February 2008 – July 2009 (1 year 6 months) Moscow, Russian Federation

Competitors monitoring, market-ing research, statistics acquisi-tion, statistic research, regular reports&analytics, customer satisfaction researches Was in charge of customer sta-tistics at Игровой Мешок™ gambling clubs .

When I joined Jackpot

marketing team it has already

became the best in the industry. In fact, that was one of the main reasons I choosed this

job. Jackpot managed to build the biggest gambling clubs network in Russia with

thousands extremnely loyal players.

Their key to success was in

direct following to the strategy

and fact-driven decision making

processes. Not a single decision

was made without exploring the

topic through statistical reports or

reviewing field analysis reports.

As a junior member of analytical

team I diligently inherited their

style, tools, habits and mindsets.

I always wondered how obvious

and at the same time unpopular

these methods are. In fact, the

team did nothing extraordinary.

All decisions and actions were

just consequences of a pure fact-driven logic. But only a bit of marketers I know can main-

tain the same patterns in their job.

I worked in the company till it was closed on the 1st of July 2009 when gambling was pro-

hibited all over Russia. And this experience contributed to my subsequent career and


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Event scheduling and optimiza-

tion—by statistical reports and

visiting competitor’s events I

collected new trends and ideas.

Service mix optimization—by

benchmarking competitors,

during deep interviews and

industry overviews.

Marketing analysis—mostly by

collecting tons of raw data in the

field which covered such as-

pects as players amount in dif-

ferent clubs, day of week, time,

their gaming patterns like aver-

age bets and preferred games,

service usage and personnel

competence. This data was

collected for all significant com-

petitors and our own clubs, so

we could easily compare the

key success factors.

Service quality—by interviewing

key players and getting insights

about our current position and

opportunities to perform in addi-

tional services.

[Market analyst]

@Jackpot Moscow

February 2008 – July 2009 (1 year 6 months) Moscow, Russian Federation

Competitors monitoring, market-ing research, statistics acquisi-tion, statistic research, regular reports&analytics, customer satisfaction researches Was in charge of customer sta-tistics at Игровой Мешок™ gambling clubs .

When I joined Jackpot

marketing team it has already

became the best in the industry. In fact, that was one of the main reasons I choosed this

job. Jackpot managed to build the biggest gambling clubs network in Russia with

thousands extremnely loyal players.

Their key to success was in

direct following to the strategy

and fact-driven decision making

processes. Not a single decision

was made without exploring the

topic through statistical reports or

reviewing field analysis reports.

As a junior member of analytical

team I diligently inherited their

style, tools, habits and mindsets.

I always wondered how obvious

and at the same time unpopular

these methods are. In fact, the

team did nothing extraordinary.

All decisions and actions were

just consequences of a pure fact-driven logic. But only a bit of marketers I know can main-

tain the same patterns in their job.

I worked in the company till it was closed on the 1st of July 2009 when gambling was pro-

hibited all over Russia. And this experience contributed to my subsequent career and


Page 10: CV Vasily Alexandrov

Date birth:


Civil marriage

No children


+7 926 605 56 80

[email protected]




English—Professional working proficiency

German—Limited working proficiency



Russian University of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov

Bachelor of Science (BS), Corporate Lifecycles Man-agement

2005 – 2010

Participated RUE students' self-administration, ran

workshop projects with invited business celebrities: Igor Mann, Gleb Arkhangelskiy,

360d studio team, RBS corporation specs.

Additional Coursework

Accounting with 1C: basic course

CRM architect workshop&casestudy

SKILLS (from Linkedin 8/23/2013)


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