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Page 1: Custom idoc

ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC

By SachinDabhade

Aim: Transfer the data from one system to another using user customized IDOC.

Sender System: 


Client: 200

Data from Z table: zsach1 



Client: 800

Data from Z table: zsach1 

Data is fetched from Z table on the sender system and inserted it in the Z table of Receiver system using ALE/IDOC. 

Settings on the Sender End 

Table Creation T – Code SE11. The table contains data that is to be sent to Receiver. 

ALE Configuration 

T-Code – SALE 


Defining Logical System 

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200 is our sender

800 is our receiver 

Assigning Client to Logical System 


200 is our sender

800 is our receiver 

Defining Target System for RFC Calls (Tcode – SM59)

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Click on R/3 Connections and then Create TAB 

Step 1 


Step 2 

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Save and test the connection. 

Defining Port 

The sender system is connected to the receiver system through this Port.


ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC


Defining Partner Profiles 

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The partner for client 200(Sender) is the client 800 (Receiver) 

Since this is a sender we have to define only Outbound Parameters in this case.

Here you can see the Message type is Z message type.  

2.   Maintaining Distribution Model ( TCode BD64 ) 

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Create new Distribution Model 

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Add Message Type 


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Now Distribute this Model View  


Distribute it from Edit  Model View  Distribute


ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC

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Defining the Z Segment type

Tcode – WE31 

Defining the Basic Type

T Code WE30 


Click on New 

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This will take you to next screen as follows 


Here you have connected the basic type to the segment type.

 Enter again and this will take you to screen as follows  

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This shows the relation between the basic and the segment types. 

Next you need to make the entry of the segment in the system table.

Tcode : WE81 


Next is the following entry which is required. 


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Here you are specifying the message type and the basic type and the release version. 

This is all about the configuration you need to do on the sender side.

Now on the sender side you also need a program that will fetch the required data, couple it in the IDOC format and post it. 

Here is a small piece of code that could be useful.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&Report ZSACH_CUST_IDOC **& **&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& **& **&---------------------------------------------------------------------*report zsach_cust_idoc .parameters :p_logsys like :gen_segment like edidd-segnam value 'ZSACH'.data :control_dat like edidc,gen_data like z1hdr .tables begin of inttab occurs 0,lname type z1hdr-lname,fname type z1hdr-fname,end of :int_edidd like edidd occurs 0 with header line,int_edidc like edidc occurs 0 with header * from zsach1 into corresponding fields of table inttab.ifsy-subrc ne 0.message 'no data' type 'I'.exit.endif.control_dat-mestyp = 'ZSACH'.control_dat-idoctp = 'ZSACH'.control_dat-rcvprt = 'LS'.control_dat-rcvprn = p_logsys.

loop at inttab.gen_data-lname = inttab-lname.gen_data-fname = inttab-fname.* GEN_DATA-SSN = INTTAB-SSN.* GEN_DATA-DOB = INTTAB-DOB.int_edidd-segnam = gen_segment.int_edidd-sdata = function 'MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE'exportingmaster_idoc_control = control_dat* OBJ_TYPE = ''* CHNUM = ''tables

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communication_idoc_control = int_edidcmaster_idoc_data = int_ediddexceptionserror_in_idoc_control = 1error_writing_idoc_status = 2error_in_idoc_data = 3sending_logical_system_unknown = 4others = 5 .ifsy-subrc<> 0.message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno.else.loop at int_edidc.write :/ 'IDOC GENERATED',int_edidc-docnum.endloop.commit work.endif.


ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC


Settings on the receiver side. 

The ALE configuration is same as we did it on the sender side. Please refer to earlier pages. 

The receiver specific differences are mentioned below. 

T-Code – SALE 

200 is our sender

800 is our receiver 


Defining Logical System (Same as sender)

Assigning Client to Logical System (Same as sender)

Defining Target System for RFC Calls (Tcode – SM59) (Same as sender)

Defining Port(Same as sender) 

Defining Partner Profiles – Here we are accepting the data from Sender system. Hence we need to configure it as Inbound. 

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Click on the    sign above to go to next screen. 

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Here the message type is to be created again as it was created on the sender side.

The following steps are repeated, as done on the sender side, on the receiver end 

Tcode WE30

Tcode WE31

Tcode WE82

Tcode WE81

Here on the receiver end, we need to specify a process code at the time of defining the partner profile.

Process code is something that has the logic defined about what to be done after receiving the IDOC. 

In our case, on receipt of the IDOC, we are updating the Z Table. i.e Inserting the data from the IDOC into the Z Table. 

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Creating a Process Code

Tcode – WE42  


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The logic associated is coded in the Function Module which is specified in the Identification Field above. 

Also the processing type is selected as Processing by Function Module as above. 

The function Module is specified in the following


To have your function Module in the above drop down list, the entry is to be made using the following transaction 

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TCode – BD51 


Once the entry is done here, the function module appears in the drop down list in the previous stage.


ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC


Also it is important to make the following entry

Tcode WE57 


Function Module will look something as below: 

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Source Codefunctionz_idoc_input_sach .*"----------------------------------------------------------------------*"*"Local interface:*" IMPORTING*" VALUE(INPUT_METHOD) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-INPUTMETHD*" VALUE(MASS_PROCESSING) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-MASS_PROC*" VALUE(NO_APPLICATION_LOG) LIKE SY-DATAR OPTIONAL

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*" VALUE(MASSSAVEINFOS) LIKE MASSSAVINF STRUCTURE MASSSAVINF*" OPTIONAL*" EXPORTING*" VALUE(WORKFLOW_RESULT) LIKE BDWF_PARAM-RESULT*" VALUE(APPLICATION_VARIABLE) LIKE BDWF_PARAM-APPL_VAR*" VALUE(IN_UPDATE_TASK) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-UPDATETASK*" VALUE(CALL_TRANSACTION_DONE) LIKE BDWFAP_PAR-CALLTRANS*" TABLES*" IDOC_CONTRL STRUCTURE EDIDC*" IDOC_DATA STRUCTURE EDIDD*" IDOC_STATUS STRUCTURE BDIDOCSTAT*" RETURN_VARIABLES STRUCTURE BDWFRETVAR*" SERIALIZATION_INFO STRUCTURE BDI_SER*" EXCEPTIONS*" WRONG_FUNCTION_CALLED*" :it_emp_data like zsach1 occurs 0 with header :gen_data like zsach1 .workflow_result = : counter type count( * ) from zsach1 into counter.counter = counter + 1.loop at idoc_contrl.ifidoc_contrl-mestyp ne 'ZSACH'.raisewrong_function_called.endif.cleargen_data.refreshit_emp_data.loop at idoc_data where docnumeqidoc_contrl-docnum.ifidoc_data-segnam = 'ZSACH'.gen_data = idoc_data-sdata.it_emp_data-mandt = counter.it_emp_data-lname = gen_data-lname.it_emp_data-fname = gen_data-fname.counter = counter + 1.appendit_emp_data.else.message 'ERROR' type 'I'.endif.endloop.endloop.insert zsach1 from table it_emp_data.*****call function 'EDI_DOCUMENT_OPEN_FOR_EDIT'exportingdocument_number = idoc_data-docnumimportingidoc_control = idoc_contrltablesidoc_data = idoc_dataexceptionsdocument_foreign_lock = 1document_not_exist = 2document_not_open = 3status_is_unable_for_changing = 4

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others = function 'EDI_CHANGE_DATA_SEGMENTS'tablesidoc_changed_data_range = idoc_dataexceptionsidoc_not_open = 1data_record_not_exist = 2others = t_itab_edids40 like edi_ds40 occurs 0 with header line.clear t_itab_edids40.t_itab_edids40-docnum = idoc_data-docnum.t_itab_edids40-status = '51'.t_itab_edids40-repid = sy-repid.t_itab_edids40-tabnam = 'EDI_DS'.t_itab_edids40-mandt = sy-mandt.t_itab_edids40-stamqu = 'SAP'.t_itab_edids40-stamid = 'B1'.t_itab_edids40-stamno = '999'.t_itab_edids40-stapa1 = 'Sold to changed to '.*t_itab_edids40-stapa2 = t_new_kunnr.t_itab_edids40-logdat = sy-datum.t_itab_edids40-logtim = sy-uzeit.append function 'EDI_DOCUMENT_CLOSE_EDIT'exportingdocument_number =idoc_data-docnumdo_commit = 'X'do_update = 'X'write_all_status = 'X'tablesstatus_records = t_itab_edids40exceptionsidoc_not_open = 1db_error = 2others = 3.endfunction.



ALE-IDOC Scenario using Custom IDOC


Running the Application 

Sender system

Execute the program we created earlier 

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Checking the IDOC 

T Code WE02 


Checking the data on the Receiver end 

Tcode: WE02 

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The IDOC has arrived here 

Checking the Data  

Double click on the IDOC  

Checking the Database 

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This way, the data has come to the receiver end successfully.