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Page 1: curso inglês


Curso de Inglês

Page 2: curso inglês



Dizer quem é e que idade tem.

Dizer onde nasceu, de onde vem e qual a sua nacionalidade.

Dar a morada e número de telefone.

Descrever a família e informar sobre relações de parentesco.

Dizer a profissão.

Descrever pessoas.

Descrever objectos e lugares.

Pedir, dar e recusar permissão.

Dar ordens e exprimir desejos.

Descrever vivências do quotidiano.

Falar do que gosta e do que não gosta.

Pedir e compreender informações similares de outros.

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O que deve ser capaz de fazer?

Sobre os objectivos supramencionados, no final deste curso deve ser capaz de…

Quando ouve:

Reconhecer palavras e expressões simples de uso corrente relativas a si próprio, à

sua família e aos contextos em que está inserido.

Entender perguntas e instruções que lhe sejam dadas de forma clara e pausada e

seguir orientações simples e curtas.

Quando fala:

Utilizar expressões e frases simples para se descrever a si próprio, o que faz, o

local onde vive e pessoas que conhece.

Comunicar de forma simples, perguntar e responder a perguntas simples sobre

assuntos conhecidos ou relativos a áreas de necessidade imediata.

Quando lê:

Compreender nomes conhecidos, palavras e frases muito simples, por exemplo em

avisos, cartazes ou folhetos, mensagens electrónicas e postais.

Relacionar palavras com figuras.

Seguir orientações escritas curtas e simples.

Quando escreves:

Copiar palavras e frases correctamente e sem erros.

Etiquetar figuras, usando palavras conhecidas.

Preencher uma ficha com dados pessoais, por exemplo num hotel, com nome,

idade, morada, naturalidade e nacionalidade.

Escrever expressões e frases simples sobre si próprio e de pessoas imaginárias –

onde vivem e o que fazem.

Escrever um postal simples e curto, por exemplo, na altura de férias.

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O que já sou capaz de fazer

Quando tiver percorrido todas as tarefas das páginas seguintes, verifique se aprendeu o

que estava previsto: assinalar no quadro o que considera que já é capaz de fazer e

classifique a sua pronúncia.

What I can do in:


I can recognize some words and sentences concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings.

I can understand questions and instructions and follow short simple directions.


I can make myself understood by using some gestures and some words

I can answer simple questions using single words

I can give names of some people, places and objects

I can use simple phrases and sentences about myself and people I know

I can take part in a short conversation on very similar topics


I can copy single words, phrases and sentences correctly and without making mistakes.

I can label pictures using words I know

I can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, age, birthplace, nationality and address on a hotel registration

I can write simple phrases and sentences about myself and people I know

I can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings

My pronunciation is:

Quite Good Very good I need to improve my pronunciation

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Hotel registration

Está na recepção de um hotel. James é o responsável por um grupo de jovens de que faz

parte. Inscreveram-se todos numa vista de estudo e alguns encontraram-se pela primeira


Vai preencher a sua ficha de registo e ajudar James a preencher as restantes, obtendo a

informação necessária.

1. Fill in your registration form.

Registration Form

Name: _______________________________________________

Age: _________________________________________________

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2. Complete the questions and answers. Choose from:

They are (…) Who are (…) How old are they? She is (…)

Useful information

Pronomes pessoais

I - eu

You - tu

He/She/It – Ele/ Ela/ Isto

We - Nós

You - Vós

They – Eles

Verbo to be, conjugado no presente do indicativo (present simple).

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I am … Am I … ? I am not ...

You are … Are you… ? You aren’t …

He is … Is he … ? He isn’t …

She is … Is she … ? She isn’t … It is … Is it … ? It isn’t …

We are … Are we … ? We aren’t …

You are … Are you … ? You aren’t …

They are … Are they … ? They aren’t …

Como fazer perguntas

Para saber quem é alguém, inicia a pergunta com…


Para saber a idade de alguém, utiliza…

How old…

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Numerais Cardinais

1 – one 11 – Eleven

2 – two 12 – Twelve

3 – three 13 – Thirteen

4 – Four 14 – Fourteen

5 – Five 15 – Fifteen

6 – Six 16 – Sixteen

7 – Seven 17 – Seventeen

8 – Eight 18 – Eighteen

9 – Nine 19 – Nineteen

10 - Ten 20 – Twenty

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Veja como Louise e James dizem de onde são e qual a sua nacionalidade e como falam do

mesmo assunto, em relação a Juan.

Tendo em atenção as informações que lhe são fornecidas em Useful Information,

complete agora a sua ficha de registo do hotel, a de James e o diálogo sobre a naturalidade

e a nacionalidade dos participantes na visita de estudo de que faz parte. Utilize as

seguintes expressões para o diálogo:

He is; I am not/I’m not; yes, I am/No, I’m not; they are from/they’re from; they are/ they’re;

where is he from? /what nationality; are they

1. Fill in your registration form and James’s

2. Ask and answer about where people are from and their nationality.

Juan: Are you English?

Paola: No, ………………….., I’m Italian.

……………………. is James?

Juan: ……………………. English.

Paola: …………………….?

Juan: He is from Brighton.

Paola: Look! Martin and Celie are coming!

…….……. from London or from New York?

Juan: ………………… New York. …………………. American.

Paola: You are from Portugal, aren’t you?

Registration Form

Name: ________________________

Age: __________________________

Birthplace: _____________________

Nationality: ____________________

Registration Form

Name: James

Age: __________________________

Birthplace: _____________________

Nationality: ____________________

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Useful Information

Como fazer perguntas

Para formular perguntas sobre a naturalidade e a nacionalidade utilizes:


What nationality…?

São Wh questions

Ex: Where are you from? What nationality are you?

Mas podes usar outro tipo de perguntas.

Yes/No Questions

Ex: Are you from Lisbon? (Yes, I am.) Are you Italian? (No, I’m not) Alternative questions Ex: Are you Portuguese or Italian? (I’m Portuguese.) Tag questions Ex: You are Portuguese, aren’t you? (Yes I am.) Países e Nacionalidades

Country Nationality

Argentina Argentinian Brazil Brazilian Canada Canadian Mexico Mexican America American Germany German Italy Italian China Chinese Japan Japanese Portugal Portuguese England English Britain British Spain Spanish France French Greece Greek

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Peter joined the group

Louise: What’s your surname?

Peter: Panicop. I’m Peter Panicop.

James: Louise is French but she’s living in Brigton. Her address is 32, Western Road.

Louise: Look! My friend is coming! I must go, now.

Peter: Wait! What’s your phone number?

Louise: My phone number is 812094392.

Peter: I’ll call you soon! Bye!

Help Paola!

Agora, Peter junta-se ao grupo. Cabe a Paola completar o preenchimento dos

registos e cabe-lhe a si ajudá-la.

Como ainda não foram apresentados, terá de o fazer.


Primeiro, lê o diálogo acima entre James, Louise e Peter, para obteres a informação


Depois, apresenta-te a Paola, responde às suas perguntas e faz as que necessitas,

de acordo com as respostas que encontras na página seguinte.

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1. Read the dialogue on the left to get the information you need.

2. Introduce yourself to Paola. Then, ask and answer Paola about people’s name, address

and telephone number.

You: Hi! I’m __________ .

Paola: Hi! Nice to meet you.

You: ____________, _____.

Paola: Can you help me filling in these forms?

You: Yes, of course. I’ll do my best.

Paola: What’s your surname?

You: ___________________ .

Paola: What’s Peter’s full name?

You: Er… I don’t know.

Look, Peter, ___________.


Peter: Peter Panicop!

Take this card for further information. I must leave, now. Bye!

You. ________ !

Paola: What’s his address, then?

You: __________ 25, Church Street.

Paola: The girl beside Peter is Boivon, isn’t she?

Useful Information

Determinantes possessivos

Já conhece os pronomes pessoais apresentados entre parênteses. Para exprimir posse, é

necessário que conheça também os determinantes possessivos:

Pronomes pessoais Determinantes possessivos

I My

You Your

He Her

She His

It Its

We Our

You Your

They Their

Como fazer perguntas

Para formular perguntas sobre o nome, a morada e o número de telefone, utilizas o

pronome interrogativo what (em Wh questions)


What’s your full name?

What’s your first name?

What’s your surname?

What’s your address? (It’s 32, Western Rd. / My address is 32, Western Rd.)

What’s your phone number? (It’s 2094392/ My phone number is 2094392)

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Jame’s family

Aqui tens a árvore genealógica de James. Encontra a sua posição e desenha um círculo à

volta do seu nome. À medida que vais lendo o texto, vai identificando na árvore os vários

elementos da família.

Jame’s parents are ALbert and Mary Layzell. His grand-parents’ first names are Charles and

Hilda. Diana is Mary’s sister and Jame’s aunt. Her children are Peter and Tim. They are Jame’s

cousins. Tim and Peter’s father is John Panicop. Jame’s brother and sisters are David, Stella

and Laura. So, James and David are Stella and Laura’s brothers.

Talking about family!

Com base no que aprendeu e nas informações que te são fornecidas em Useful

information, já será capaz de completar a árvore de James com a relação de parentesco em

falta, identificar as relações familiares de Peter e escrevê-las na sua árvore genealógica,

além de descrever a sua própria família.

1- Complete Jame’s family tree. Write the missing word.

2- Complete Peter’s family tree.

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3- Describe your own family

My parents are ______________ and ________________ . My

grandparents’ first name are __________ and

____________. My aunt is ______________. My uncle is

_______________. She/he is my _______. His/her name


Useful Information

Membros da família

Grandparents: grandfather and grandmother;

Parents: father and mother;

Children: son and daughter;

Grandchildren: grandson and granddaughter;

Husband and wife;

Brother and sister;

Uncle and aunt;

Cousin (male or female).

Flexão dos nomes

Tal como em português, para formar o plural dos nomes, acrescenta-se-lhes um –s.


Brother – Brothers

Sister – Sisters

Cousin - Cousins

No entanto, algumas palavras formam o plural em –en. Veja como se forma o plural de



Child – Children

O caso possessivo (o uso do genitivo)

Se reparares no texto sobre a família de James, verificas que as relações familiares se

exprimem utilizando o caso possessivo:

Jame’s parents are Albert and Mary Layzell.

Mas ‘s não é a unica forma que o caso possessive pode tomar. As várias formas são as


Com nomes no singular, acrescentado –s ao possuidor

Mary is Hilda’s daughter

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Com nomes no plural, não terminados em –s, acrescentando –‘s:

The children’s father is Albert.

Com nomes no plural, terminados em –s, acrescentando apenas o apóstrofo:

The brothers’ sister is Stella.

Quando o possuidor é representado por uma série de palavras, a terminação

possessiva usa-se na última:

Tim and Peter’s father is John Panicop.

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Let me guess! What’s her job?

James gravou a conversa que teve com Paola e Peter quando lhes mostrou as fotografias,

no bar do hotel, mas a gravação ficou incompleta.

É capaz de identificar as profissões e fazer as perguntas em falta?

Recorra à secção Useful Information.

1. Complete de dialogue. Ask and answer the questions about jobs.

Peter: What about Louise’s father? What’s his job?

James: Louise father is ________________ of French.

Peter: Hello Paola! We are talking about jobs.

James: Look! This is my sister Laura. ________________________ ?

Paola: _________________________________ nurse.

James: This is Neil, Martin’s grandfather.

Peter: ___________________ astronaut.

James: Lola is Juan’s mother. Guess her job…

Peter: Is she an actress?

James: No, she isn’t. try again!

Peter: __________________________ hairdresser?

James: Yes, of course, she is. By the way, Paola what are your parents’ jobs?

Paola: My father is ________________ doctor and ___________________ receptionist.

James: Well, my father is always travelling! Can you guess his job?

Paola: Salesman!

James: Right.

Peter: Look, this is my father!

Paola: Let me guess… You are from Manchester, aren’t you?

Peter: Yes, I am.

Paola: Bingo. My father is a football player!

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Useful Information

Artigo indefinido: a ou an

Nota que, no singular, se usa sempre o artigo antes do nome da profissão: a antes de

consoante; an antes de vogal.

Ex: an actor; a teacher

O artigo indefinido nunca é usado no plural.

Ex: They are actors.

Como fazer perguntas

Para formular perguntas sobre emprego usa-se, em “Wh” questions”, o pronome interrogativo “What?” como nos exemplos:

What’s your Job?

What’s John Job?

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Depois de instalados, os participantes do grupo foram passear em Hyde Park. À hora

marcada para o regresso, James e Louise não compareceram no ponto de encontro

combinado. Paola procura ajuda junto de um polícia.

Identifique, no diálogo a descrição de James e sublinhe as frases correspondentes. Em

seguida, descreva Louise.

1. Underline the sentences describing James

Police officer: Can I help you?

Paola: Yes, please! Our friends got lost in the Park!

Police officer: Who got lost?

Paola: Two of our friends… James Layzell and Louise Boivin.

Police officer: Can you describe them? What’s James like?

Paola: He’s handsome. He is twelve years old. He’s tall and thin.

Police officer: Has he got dark or fair hair?

Paola: He’s got short curly red hair.

Police officer: What colour are his eyes?

Paola: Blue! He’s got blue eyes.

2. Describe Louise

What’s Louise like?

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Useful Information

Verbo auxiliary to have (to have got)

Na descrição de pessoas, além do verbo to be (que já conhece) é, essencialmente, utilizado

o verbo auxiliar to have (to have got), conjugado, no presente do indicativo (present

simple), como mostra o quadro seguinte:

Verb to have (to have got)

Affirmative Interrogative Negative I have got Have I got I haven’t got You have got Have you got You haven’t got He has got Has he got He hasn’t got She has got Has she got She hasn’t got It has got Has it got It hasn’t got We have got Have we got We haven’t got You have got Have you got You haven’t got They have got Have they got They haven’t got

Como fazer perguntas

Aparência física Cor (dos olhos, do cabelo…) (Wh questions) (Wh questions) What’s (he/she) like? What colour…? What are (we/you/they) like?

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Paola ouviu as vozes de James e Louise e telefonou à polícia para informar que os tinha

encontrado. Descubra de que falam.

A telefonista que a atendeu pediu que se identificasse se descrevesse para informar o


Has he got a beard? And he’s good fun, too. No. My uncle has got glasses, a blue jacket and grey trousers. Oh, that one! What a handsome man! Look at those men over there. The tall one is my uncle.

1. Write the speeches in each balloon.

2. Repeat Paola’s description using the words:

Tall, brunet, thin, wavy, brown, long, white, yellow, t-shirt, blue, tennis shoes, I am/I’m, have

got/’ve got

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What am I like?!

I _________________________

I _________________________



hair and ____________ eyes.

I’m wearing tight _________ jeans, a _________ ____________ and __________ ___________ ______________.

Useful Information


Jacket jeans trousers skirt sweater dress

belt boots top shoes t-shirt pullover cardigan


Sweatshirt trainers

Style of clothes

Baggy, tight, long-sleeved, short-sleeved

Psychological features

Smart, intelligent, clever dumb, silly

Buzy lazy

Happy sad

O adjectivo

Quando descreves alguém, atribuis-lhe qualidades (físicas ou de personalidade). A palavra

usada para esse efeito é o adjectivo.

Colocação na frase

A colocação do adjectivo na frase depende da função que desempenha.

He’s a tall man. The man is tall.

Flexão (número e género)

O adjectivo é invariável quer se trate do singular ou do plural, do feminino ou do


He is an intelligent man. She is an intelligent girl. They are intelligent girls.

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Back home!

House Furniture and other objects

1. Garage a. Bedside table

2. Hall b. Bed

3. Living-room c. Mirror

4. Dining-room d. Cupboard

5. Kitchen e. Plant

6. Bedrooms f. Bench

7. Bathroom g. Table

h. Lamp

Where is it? What’s like?

Observa a casa de Louise e localiza alguns objectos e compartimentos para que, depois,

sejas capaz de descrever.

1. Say where the following objects and rooms are.

a) The bed …………………………… (between)

b) The mirror ……………………………. (on)

c) The cupboard …………………………. (in)

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d) The plant ……………………… (behind)

e) The table …………………………. (in the middle of)

f) The kitchen ……………………….. (downstairs)

g) The bedrooms …………………….. (upstairs)

2. Complete the description of Louise’s house.

The living-room is ___________, ___________ the hall and the dining-room. _______________ the living-room there’s a bench on the left. The lamp is _________ the bench.

The kitchen is _______________, _______________ the dining-room.

The cupboard is ____________ the dining-room, on the left. There’s a carpet _____________ the table. The table is ________________the room.

The bedrooms and the bathroom are ______________ .

Useful Information

Artigo definido

O artigo definido the usa-se antes dos nomes, no singular ou no plural. É invariável, tanto

quanto ao género como quanto ao número:

The lamp is above the table. The bench is in front of the hoover.

The lamps are above the tables. The benches are in front of the hoovers.

Preposições e locuções prepositivas

As palavras sublinhadas determinam a posição dos objectos. Chamam-se preposições ou

locuções prepositivas e estabelecem uma relação de lugar entre dois nomes:

The mirror is on the wall. The table is in the middle of the dining-room.

As preposições mais frequentemente usadas ba descrição de objectos e lugares são:

Above, across, along, among, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, from, in, near, on,

over, under

E as locuções prepositivas (constituídas por mais do que uma palavra) mais usadas:

At the back (top, bottom) of, at the begining of, at the end of, far from, in front of, in the

middle of

Advérbios de lugar

O uso dos advérbios é também frequente na descrição de lugares. Eis alguns dos advérbios

de lugar mais frequentes:

Here, there, downstairs, upstairs, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere

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What shape is the picture? Where is it?

Com base na figura e na informação que te é fornecida em Useful information, vai sugerir

a ideia de posição face ao emissor, completando uma frase e reescrevendo-a no plural;

dizer qual é a forma de alguns objectos que conheces; e, em seguida, fazer corresponder

perguntas e respostas sobre a forma e a localização de objectos.

1. Complete the sentence and rewrite it in the plural.

a) ………….. ball is yellow but ………………… ball is blue.

b) ………………………………………………………………

2. Answer the questions using the shapes you know.

a) What shapes is the picture on the wall? It’s ……………………………………

b) What shape is a rugby ball? ……………………………………………………..

c) What shape is a sheet of paper? …………………………………………………

d) What shape is a ball? …………………………………………………………….

3. Match the questions and the answers about Louise’s house.

a) Is Louise’s bedrrom upstairs? 1. What shape are the towels?

b) Where is the kitchen? 2. Is the hall upstairs?

c) No it isn’t. It’s downstairs. 3. Yes, it is.

d) It’s round. 4. It’s oval.

e) What shape is the mirror? 5. What shape is the lamp?

f) They are rectangular. 6. It’s downstairs

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Useful Information


Determinantes/pronomes demonstrativos

Como verifica na figura anterior, o quadro quadrado está perto do emissor, enquanto que

o rectangular está longe. Para designar o que está próximo, o emissor utiliza a palavra this;

para designar o que está distante, utiliza that. Estas palavras são determinantes

demonstrativos (pronomes demonstrativos quando usados sem nome):

Perto de quem fala

(near the speaker)

Longe de quem fala

(distant from the speaker)

Singular This That

Plural These Those

Como fazer perguntas

Forma dos objectos Lugar dos objectos

(Wh questions) (Wh questions)

What shape is a ball? Where is the picture?

It’s round. It’s on the wall.

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So many dresses!

Brigitte e Louise procuram o vestido novo de Louise. Há muitos vestidos por toda a casa,

mas Brigitte só gosta de um.

Analise a BD com cuidado para poder cumprir a sequência de tarefas que lhe propomos na

página 27.

Vai começar por contar os vestidos existentes em toda a casa, num tempo determinado,

passando depois a cada compartimento.

Em seguida, vai completar a BD copiando as falas que a seguir lhe são fornecidas para os

respectivos balões.

Por fim, vai dizer onde se encontra o vestido que Brigitte Procura.

Aqui tem as falas das personagens:

Can i put your new dress on for this party?

Yes, of course you can.

Where is it? It’s not in this closet.

How many dresses are there in the closet?

There are many, but I don’t like these.

Try the laundry.

It’s not here! There are some dresses here, but nor that one. Try Mummy’s bedroom,


This room is a mess! There are clothes everywhere!

Are they any dress on the chair?

No, there aren’t any. I found it! It’s uinder the bed.

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Look at the pictures and follow these instructions.

1. You have four minutes to count the dresses all over the house.

How many minutes did you take?

a) _________ minutes.

b) How many dresses are there all over the house?

There are _____________ dresses.

2. Write many sentences as you can, explaining how many dresses there are in each

room and where they are, as in the example:

There is one dress under the bed in their mother’s bedroom.

3. Connect the speeches in page 25 to the balloons in the pictures and write them in

the right place.

4. Where’s Louise’s new dress?

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Useful Information

Verbo there to be

Além do verbo to have (got) que já conhece, também se usa o verbo there to be para pedir

e dar informações sobre quantidades.

No presente do indicativo (present simple), só tem as formas que lhe mostra o quadro


Verb to there to be

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

Is Is Is

There (…). There (…)




are Are Are

No inglês falado ou na escrita informal usam-se formas contraídas do verbo:

There is = There’s there is not = there isn’t

there are not = there aren’t

Some and Any

Repare nas seguintes frases do diálogo entre Louise e Brigitte:

There are some dresses here.

Are there any dresses on the chair?

No, there aren’t any.


Ainda para exprimir quantidade, é frequente o uso do determinante quantitativo many,

com nomes contáveis, no plural:

How many dresses are there in the closet?

There are many.

Como pedir informação

Para pedir informações sobre quantidade, usa-se o advérbio de interrogação how, seguido do determinante quantitativo many (how many):

Repare num exemplo de uma “WH question”:

How many bathrooms are there?

There’s only one.

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Numerais cardinais

21 – twenty-one

22 –twenty-two

23 – twenty-three

24 – twenty-four

25 – twenty-five

26 – twenty-six

27 – twenty-seven

28 – twenty-eight

29 – twenty-nine

30 – thirty

31 – thirty-one


40 - fourty

50 - fifty

60 - sixty

70 - seventy

80 - eighty

90 – ninety

100 – a hundred

101 – a hundred and one

200 – two hundred

1 000 – a thousand

1 000 000 - a million

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Can I…? May I…?

James: Can I have orange juice instead?

Mother: Yes of course you can. Eat some

bread, too! You’ve got strawberry jam in the


James: Can I have buttered toasts?

Mother: Yes, sure, but don’t put too much

butter on them!

James: Can I go to the swimming pool

after school?

Mother: No, I’m sorry. I must go to the

dentist and you’ll have to prepare lunch

for the twins.

James: Can I go to school on foot,


Mother: No I’m afraid you can’t. it’s

too late.

James: Well… Can I go to the movies with

Peter this afternoon?

Mother: Of course not. You must look after

Stella and David. Take these notes to tell

them what they may and may not do.

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De regresso a casa, James tem de tomar conta dos irmãos. De acordo com as notas que a

mãe lhe forneceu, autorizou-os, ou não, a fazerem determinadas coisas.

Identifique, no diálogo, o que James está, ou não, autorizado a fazer.

Ajude os gémeos a formular os pedidos de autorização e reconstitui as respostas de James,

tomando por base as expressões a negrito no texto.

1. Write down what James may and may not do.

Permitted Not permitted

James may have orange juice. He may not go to the swimming pool.

______________________________ ________________________________

2. Take the notes and write Stella and David’s requests and Jame’s answers. For James’s

answers take his mother’s as examples.

a) _______________________________? __________________________________(No)

b) _______________________________?__________________________________(Yes)

c) _______________________________?__________________________________(No)

d) _______________________________?__________________________________(Yes)

Useful Information

Como pedir, dar e recusar autorização

Para pedir, dar ou recusar autorização, usa-se o verbo auxiliar modal may and can. Em

situações mais formais, utiliza-se may. Can substitui may, no inglês coloquial.

Asking for permission Giving Permission Refusing permission

Can I…? May I…? Yes, you can/may… No, you can’t (cannot) may not

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Enjoy your meal!

James também tem de fazer almoço, mas a Stella e o David ajudam-no.

Enquanto prepara o almoço e durante a refeição ele tem de lhes dar ordens, formular

desejos e seguir instrucções.

Complete as ordens e os desejos de James e formule as instruções da receita de omeleta de

queijo que ele quer fazer.

1. Complete His orders and desires.

Use these verbs:

Have cut pour put close enjoy go make invite

Orders to do something.

________ the bread!

__________ the water into the jar!

_____________ the fork on the left!

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Desires Orders not to do something

__________ your meal! ________________ noise!

_________ a nice day! ________________ out!

______________ your friends!

2. Choose the verbs and then complete the instructions in the recipe:

Season beat break put fold cook

heat pour

Useful Information

Modo imperativo

Open the door! Don’t open the door!

Lay the table! Don’t lay the table!

Enjoy your meal

As frases acima transcritas exprimem ordens, com excepção da última que exprime um

desejo. Ambos se formulam utilizando o verbo no modo imperativo.

Na segunda pessoa do singular e do plural, o modo imperativo tem a mesma forma que o

infinito sem to.

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Na negativa e igualmente na segunda pessoa do singular e do plural, as ordens ou

instruções são dadas com o auxílio do verbo do e da palavra not (Do not = Don’t).

Verifica a semelhança entre a forma do imperativo e do infinitivo:

Imperativo Infinitivo

Have tour milk, first! (to) have

Eat some toasts, too! (to) eat

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Talking about routines

James lives in a quiet street in Brighton. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock because he’s got

classes but at the weekends he doesn’t get up early.

He goes to the swimming pool because swimming is his favourite sport. Then he drinks an

orange juice. At lunch he often goes to Macdonald’s and has a big hamburger and a cake.

Louise never goes there. She doesn’t like fast food. She prefers a good grilled steak. Once a

week she goes to a French restaurant with her parents.

At the weekend she usually stays at home. She gets up late; she has a shower and listen to

music all day long.

Acaba de ler sobre a rotina de James e de Louise.

1. Try to understand what James and Louise usually do. Then match the questions and

the answers:

1. What does James have for lunch at the weekend?

a) A hamburguer and a coke.

2. Why does Louise never go to Macdonald’s?

b) No she doesn’t.

3. Does she get up early at the weekends? c) All the week long.

4. When do Louise and James get up early?

d) Because she doesn’t like fast food.

2. Write about what james and Louise usually do. Connect the sentences with but.

David/have/a big hamburger Louise/prefer/steaks

David/ swim Louise/listen to music

David goes to the Macdonald’s but Louise never goes there.

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3. This is what Brigitte does everyday. Look at the pictures and tell us what you and do

not do.

When I get up _______________________________________________________________________________________













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A week in Peter’s life

As you know, Peter is Jame’s cousin. He is a basketball player. Life is not easy for him. He’s

always busy!

Have a look at his timetable and then tell about a week in Peter’s life… Say how often

things happen.

1. Use at, on and in and choose from the following groups of words expressing








four times



(…) times

three times

Peter ………gets up early, but he……… goes to bed ……….. a quarter to ten p.m.

………. school days, he ….…… plays computer games ………….the afternoon but he

………misses sport training ………. the morning.

………. the weekends he……..has lunch with his family at home because basketball matches

………..start ………… a quarter past three p.m.

In the morning he ………… has lessons at school but ……….. lunch time he ……….. stays

there. ………. Thursday he has lunch with the team.

How often does he meet James for lunch?

Only ………… a week.

How often does he have lunch at school?


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Let’s talk about the sports we like and dislike!

Maria: I’m so happy you could come!

James: I wouldn’t miss my holidays here! I like Portuguese weather very much.

Peter: I love the food and the beaches. I swim every day.

Paola: What do you do when you stay at home?

Peter: I also swim in the morning, twice a week at least.

Paola: What! In the sea?

Peter: No. The water is too cold! I go to the swimming pool with my brother. It’s near

home, so we go on foot.

James: We also play tennis and do athletics. In winter people also like playing ice hockey

and skiing.

Maria: I prefer dancing to skiing. I attend dance lessons every day. My father drives me

there when he goes to work. After lessons, I walk back home because I like keeping fit.

Paola: I don’t like dancing. I hate sports! I like going to the cinema by car or by bus or any

by other public transport. I hate walking!

Peter: How do you keep fit Paola?

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Paola, James e Peter passam férias em Portugal, a convite de Maria.

A propósito do que gostam em Portugal (o tempo, a comida e as praias), falam dos

desportos de que gostam e não gostam.

Para ser capaz de falar sobre os gostos e preferências, vais começar por identificar os

desportos a que se referem no diálogo e preencher a etiqueta da ilustração


Em seguida, vais escrever frases exprimindo os gostos de várias personagens e a razões


1. Label the pictures according to the sports mentioned in the dialogue.

2. Lets talk about other people’s likes, dislikes and preferences!

Use the dialogue as a basis and the following key and prompts.

3. There’s a reason why Peter goes to the swimming pool on foot. And there’s a reason

why Paola goes to the cinema by car. Why is it?

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a) Paola doesn’t like walking./She goes to the cinema by car.



b) Maria likes walking back home./She wants to keep fit.



c) James wouldn’t miss his holidays in Portugal./He like Portuguese weather very




4. What about you? Write three sentences saying what you like, what you don’t like and

what you prefer.

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Communication Pages

To greet:

(Como cumprimentar alguém)

Hi! * Good morning! Hello! * Nice to meet you!

To introduce yourself:


I’m (I am) My name’s (My name is…)

To ask about names:

(Perguntar os nomes)

What’s your name?

To talk about addresses:

(Falar de moradas)

What’s your adress? My adress is…

To talk about telephone numbers:

(Falar de numeros de telefone)

What’s your telephone number? It’s 452 3578 It’s 918 273 645

To talk about age:

(Falar de idades)

How old are you? * Are you 16? I’m 12 years old. * No, I’m 14.

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To talk about your likes and dislikes:

(Falar de preferências)

I like… My favourite…. Is….. I don’t like…. I dislike… I hate unfriendly people.

To talk about your physical features:

(falar do aspecto físico)

My hair is brown and curly. My eyes are green. I’ve got freckles. She’s got straight hair.

To talk about personality:

(Falar de personalidades, feitio)

I’m shy I’m talkative. I’m friendly. I’m cheerful.

To talk about taste:

(Falar de gosto)

I like mangos. I like chop-suey and moon cake. I don’t like vegetables. I hate fish.

To talk about your family:

(Falar sobre a família)

There are four of us at home. We aren’t very big family. My father is a… My mothers in/at a… My grandfather lives in… My aunt is 35. I’ve got two brothers. They’re 7 and 12. I’m an only child.

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To ask and answer about tastes/likes and dislikes:

(Perguntar/responder sobre preferências)

Do you like Excesso? No, I don’t

Do you like pizzas?

Yes, I do.

Do you like Benfica? Well, yes, but I prefer Sporting.

Are you a football supporter?

Yes, I am.

Do you enjoy watching Baywatch? No, I prefer the TV series Friends.

To talk about daily routine:

(Falar sobre a rotina diária)

What time do you get up? I get up at….

Do you…?

Sometimes I have breakfast before I get dressed.

How do you go to school? I walk to school.

Who takes you to school? My father does.

What do you do at school? At school I learn new things.

What do you do during the break? I talk to my friends and I play during the break.

When do you….? I go home at 1:15.

Do you like…? I like big breakfast/Sunday lunches

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How to describe your house:

Como descrever a sua casa

There is one bathroom.

There is a kitchen.

There are four bedrooms.

My house has got three bedrooms.

It hasn’t got a balcony.

How to ask for information about the house:

Como pedir informações sobre a casa

Is there a balcony?

Has it got a garage?

How many bedrooms are there?

How many bathrooms has it got?

How to ask where things are: Como perguntar onde estão as coisas

Where are my Sun-glasses?

Where is the pen?

How to say where things are: Como dizer onde estão as coisas

It’s under the table.

It’s between the bed and the chair.

It’s in the bag.

How to ask about countable things: Como perguntar sobre coisas contáveis

How many eggs are there?

Are there any eggs?

How to ask about uncountable things: Como perguntar sobre coisas incontáveis

How much milk is there?

Is there any milk?

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How to answer about uncountable things: Como responder sobre coisas incontáveis


There is milk

a lot of

There isn’t any milk.

How to ask about what is happening Como perguntar sobre o que está a acontecer

What are you doing?

Are you sleeping?

Are they playing in the garden?

How to describe what is happening Como descrever o que está a acontecer

I’m reading a book.

She is sleeping.

They are playing football.

How to give instructions Como dar instruções

Be careful!

Close your books.

Write it in your notebooks.

How to give orders Como dar ordens

Shut up!

Get out!

Don’t do that!

How to ask and give permission

Como pedir e dar autorização

Sit here? Yes, you can. Can I Go out? No, you can’t.

May I Drink a coke? Yes, you may.

Go out? No you may not.

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How to say what people are wearing Como descrever o que se veste

I’m wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

They are wearing boots and hats.

How to ask about the time and frequency of actions Como perguntar sobre a frequência das acções

When do you play the guitar?

How often do you practice the violin?

Do you usually play football at weekends?

How to answer about the time and frequency of actions Como responder sobre a frequência das acções

I go cycling on Monday.

I practice the violin every day.

I play the guitar twice a week.

No, I never play football at weekends.

How to justify your preferences Como justificar as preferências

I prefer the beach because I like to swim.

I prefer the mountain because it is very beautiful.

How to ask and answer about birthdays

Como perguntar e responder sobre aniversários

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on 17th of August.

Is your birthday on the 12th of January?

No, it isn’t. It is on the 11th.

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