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  • 7/31/2019 Curso de Pali


    Nrada Thera


  • 7/31/2019 Curso de Pali


    PREFACE TO SECOND EDITIONThe word Pi means "the Text", though it has now come to be the name of a language.

    Mgadhi was the original name for Pi. It was the language current in the land of

    Magadha during the time of the Buddha (6th century B.C.).SuddhaMgadh, the pure form of the provincial dialect, was what the Buddha used as

    His medium of instruction.

    The elements of Pi can be mastered in a few months, Pi opens one's ears to theDhamma and the music of the Buddha's speech. It is also a lingua franca in Buddhistcountries, and therefore worth acquiring.

    This slender volume is intended to serve as an elementary guide for beginners. With itsaid one may be able to get an introduction to the Pi language within a short period.

    I have to express my deep indebtedness to my Venerable Teacher, Pelene Siri Vajirana Mah Nyaka Therapda, who introduced me to this sacred language. Words cannotindicate how much I owe to his unfailing care and sympathy.

    My thanks are due to the Venerable Nynatiloka Thera, for his valued assistance.

    NRADAOctober, 1952.

    If you have problems in your Pli lessons then join our E-mail Pli classes at[[email protected]]

    Computerised by Bhikkhu Saghasobhana.This work is provided as Public domain under terms of GNU


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    AbbreviationsAdj. - AdjectiveInd., Indec.- Indeclinables

    Ind. p.p. - indeclinable Past Participlesf. - Femininem. - Masculinen. - Neuterp.p. - Past ParticiplesPre. - PrefixPres. p. - Present ParticiplesPres. - PresentPro. - Pronoun


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    A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Nom. & Acc. CasesB. Conj. of Verbs - Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 3rd personA. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Instr. & Dat. CasesB. Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 2nd personA. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Abl. &. Gen. CasesB. Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 1st personA. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Loc. & Voc. CasesB. Full Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense Act. VoiceFull Decl. of Nouns ending in " a "

    A. Nouns ending in " "

    B. InfinitiveAorist (Ajjatan) Act. VoicePossessive PronounsA. Nouns ending in " i "B. Indeclinable Past ParticiplesA. Feminine Nouns ending in " i "B. Future Tense (Bhavissanti)A. Nouns ending in " "B. The Formation of FemininesA. Decl. of Nouns ending in " u " & " "B. Verbs- Imperative & Benedictive Mood (Pacam)A. Personal PronounsB. Conditional Mood (Sattam)Relative PronounsThe Interrogative PronounParticiples

    A. Demonstrative PronounsB. AdjectivesNumeralsOrdinalsA. Some Irregular Nouns ending in " a "B. ConjugationsA. Declension of " Satthu "B. Causal Forms (Krita)A. Decl. of " go "B. Perfect Tense (Hyattan)vCompounds (Samsa)

    Indeclinables (Avyaya)

    Taddhita- Nominal Derivatives

    Kitaka- Verbal Derivatives

    Rules ofSandhi (Combinations)

    Uses of the Cases

    Passive Voice


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  • 7/31/2019 Curso de Pali



    INTRODUCTIONNamo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samm-Sam-Buddhassa !

    Pi was the language spoken by the Buddha and employed by Him to expound HisDoctrine of Deliverance.

    Mgadhis its real name, it being the dialect of the people ofMagadha -a district inCentral India.

    Pi, lit. "line" or "text", is, strictly speaking, the name for the Buddhist Canon.Nowadays the term Pi is often applied to the language in which the Buddhist texts orscriptures were written.

    The Pi language must have had characters of its own, but at present they are



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    ALPHABETThe Pi Alphabet consists of forty-one letters, -eight vowels and thirty-three


    8 Vowels (Sara)

    a, , i, , u, , e, o.

    33 Consonants (Vyajana)

    Gutturals k, kh, g, gh, . ka groupPalatals c, ch, j, jh, . ca groupCerebrals , h, , h, . a groupDentals t, th, d, dh, n. ta groupLabials p, ph, b, bh, m. pa group*Palatal y.

    *Cerebral r.*Dental l.*Dental and Labial v.Dental (sibilant) s.Aspirate h.Cerebral .Niggahita .



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    PRONUNCIATION OF LETTERSPi is a phonetic language. As such each letter has its own characteristic sound.

    a is pronounced


    u in but

    is pronouncedlike

    a in art

    i is pronouncedlike

    i in pin

    is pronouncedlike

    i in machine

    u is pronouncedlike

    u in put

    is pronouncedlike

    u in rule

    e is pronouncedlike

    e in ten

    is pronounced


    a in fate

    o is pronouncedlike

    o in hot

    is pronouncedlike

    o in note

    k is pronouncedlike

    k in key

    g is pronouncedlike

    g in get

    is pronouncedlike

    ng in ring

    c is pronouncedlike

    ch in rich

    j is pronounced


    j in jug

    is pronouncedlike

    gn in signor

    is pronouncedlike

    t in not

    is pronouncedlike

    d in hid

    is pronouncedlike

    n in hint

    p is pronouncedlike

    p in lip

    b is pronouncedlike

    b in rib


    is pronounced


    m in him

    y is pronouncedlike

    y in yard

    r is pronouncedlike

    r in rat

    l is pronouncedlike

    l in sell

    v is pronouncedlike

    v in vile

    s is pronouncedlike

    s in sit

    h is pronouncedlike

    h in hut

    is pronounced


    l in felt

    is pronouncedlike

    ng in sing


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    The vowels " e " and " o " are always long, except when followed by a doubleconsonant; e.g., ettha, oha.

    The fifth consonant of each group is called a "nasal".

    There is no difference between the pronunciation of " " and " ". The former neverstands at the end, but is always followed by a consonant of its group.

    The dentals " t " and " d " are pronounced with the tip of the tongue Placed against thefront upper teeth.

    The aspirates " kh ", " gh ", " h ", " h ", " th ", " dh ", " ph ", " bh ", are pronouncedwith " h " sound immediately following; e.g., in blockhead, pighead, cat-head, log-head,etc., where the " h " in each is combined with the preceding consonant in pronunciation.


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    Lesson I

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " a "Nara*, m**. man


    Nominative naro*** nara man, or the man men, or the men

    Accusative nara narea man, or the man men, or the men


    SINGULAR PLURALNominative o

    Accusative e

    * In Pi nouns are declined according to the terminated endings a, , i, , u, , and o.There are no nouns ending in " e ". All nouns ending in " a " are either in the masculine or inthe neuter gender.

    ** There are three, genders in Pi. As a rule males and those things possessing malecharacteristics are in the masculinegender, e.g., nara, man; suriya, sun; gma, village.Females and those things possessing female characteristics are in the femininegender,e.g., itthi, woman; gang, river. Neutral nouns and most inanimate things are in the neutergender, e.g.,phala, fruit; citta, mind. It is not so easy to distinguish the gender in Pi asin English.

    *** Nara + o = naro. Nara + = nar. When two vowels come together either thepreceding or the following vowel is dropped. In this case the preceding vowel is dropped.

    Masculine Substantives :

    Buddha The Enlightened OneDraka childDhamma Doctrine, Truth, LawGma villageGhaa pot, jarJanaka father

    Odana rice, cooked ricePutta sonSda cookYcaka beggar

    B. Conjugation of Verbs


    3rd person terminations

    SING ti PLU anti

    paca = to cook


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    SING. So pacati* he cooks, he is cookingS pacati she cooks, she is cooking

    PLU. Te pacanti, they cook, they are cooking

    * The verbs are often used alone without the corresponding pronouns since the pronoun isimplied by the termination.

    Verbs :

    Dhvati* (dhva) runsDhovati (dhova) washesVadati (vada) speaks, declaresVandati (vanda) salutesRakkhati (rakkha) protects

    * As there are seven conjugations in Pi which differ according to the conjugational signs,the present tense third person singulars of verbs are given. The roots are given in brackets.


    1. Sdo pacatiThe cook is cooking

    2. Sd pacantiThe cooks are cooking

    3. Sdo odana pacatiThe cook rice is cooking

    4. Sd ghae dhovatiThe cooks pots are washing

    * In Pi sentences, in plain language, the subject is placed first, the verb last, and theobject before the verb.

    Exercise i



    1. Buddho vadati.2. Dhammo rakkhati.3. S dhovati.4. Ycako dhvati.5. Sd pacanti.6. Janak vadanti.7. Te vandanti.8. Nar rakkhanti.9. Putt dhvanti.10. Drako vandati.11. Buddho dhamma rakkhati.12. Drak Buddha vandanti.13. Sdo ghae dhovati.14. Nar gma. rakkhanti.15. S odana pacati.16. Buddh dhamma vadanti.17. Putt janake vandanti.18. Ycak. ghae dhovanti.19. Te gme rakkhanti.20. Janako Buddha vandati.


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    1. He protects.2. The man salutes.3. The child is washing.

    4. The son speaks.5. The beggar is cooking.6. They are running.7. The children are speaking.8. The fathers are protecting.9. The sons are saluting.10. The cooks are washing.11. The men are saluting the Buddha.12. Fathers protect men.13. The cook is washing rice.14. The truth protects men.15. She is saluting the father.16. The Enlightened One is declaring the Doctrine.17. The boys are washing the pots.

    18. The men are protecting the villages.19. The beggars are cooking rice.20. The cook is washing the pot.


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    Lesson II

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " a "(contd.)



    Instrumental narena narebhi, narehiby or with a man by or with men

    Dative narya,*narassa narnato or for a man to or for men

    TerminationsSINGULAR PLURAL

    Instrumental ena** ebhi,** ehi**

    Dative ya, ssa na***

    * This form is not frequently used.

    ** The Instrumental case is also used to express the Auxiliary case (Tatiy).

    *** The vowel preceding " na " is always long.

    Masculine Substantives :

    dara esteem, care, affectionhra foodDaa stickDsa slave, servantGilna sick personHattha handOsadha medicineRatha cart, chariotSamaa holy man, asceticSunakha dogVejja Doctor, physician

    B. Conjugation of Verbs


    2nd person terminations


    si tha

    2nd person SING. Tva pacasi, you cook, you are cooking*2nd person PLU. Tumhe pacatha, you cook, you are cooking

    * "Thou cookest, or thou art cooking." In translation, unless specially used for archaic orpoetic reasons, it is more usual to use the plural forms of modern English.


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    Verbs :

    Deseti (disa) preachesDeti (d) givesHarati (hara) carries

    harati (hara with *) brings

    Nharati (hara with n*) removesPaharati (hara withpa*) strikesGacchati (gamu) goesgacchati (gamu with ) comesLabhati (labha) gest, receivesPeseti (pesa) sends

    * , n, pa, etc. are Prefixes (upasagga) which when attached to nouns and verbs, modifytheir original sense.


    1. Dsena (instr. s.) gacchatiwith the slave he goes

    2. Vejjebhi (instr pl.) labhasiby means of doctors you obtain

    3. Sunakhassa (dat. s.) desito the dog you give

    4. Samana (dat. pl.) pesethato the ascetics you send

    Exercise ii


    21. Tva rathena gacchasi.22. Tva darena Dhamma desesi.23. Tva gilnassa osadha desi.24. Tva. daena sunakha paharasi.25. Tva vejjna rathe pesesi.26. Tumhe darena gilnna hra detha.27. Tumhe dsehi gma* gacchatha.28. Tumhe samanna dhamma desetha.29. Tumhe hattehi osadha labhatha.30. Tumhe sunakhassa hra hratha.31. Drak sunakhehi gma gacchanti.32. Sd hatthehi ghae dhovanti.33. Tumhe gilne vejjassa pesetha.34. Dso janakassa hra harati.35. Sama darena dhamma desenti.36. Tumhe daehi sunakhe paharatha.37. Vejjo rathena gma gacchati.38. Drak darena ycakna hra denti.39. Tva samaehi Buddha vandasi.40. Tumhe hatthehi osadha nharatha.

    * Verbs implying motion take the Accusative.


    21. You are coming with the dog.

    22. You are giving medicine to the ascetic.23. You are sending a chariot to the sick person.24. You are striking the dogs with sticks.


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    25. You are preaching the Doctrine to the ascetics.26. You give food to the servants with care.27. You are going to the village with the ascetics.28. You are bringing a chariot for the doctor.29. The sick are going with the servants.30. The dogs are running with the children.31. The Enlightened One is preaching the Doctrine to the sick.

    32. The servants are giving food to the beggars.33. The father is going with the children to the village.34. You are going in a chariot with the servants.35. You are carrying medicine for the father.36. You get medicine through* the doctor.

    * Use the Instrumental case.


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    Lesson III

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " a "(contd)



    Ablative nar, naramh, narasm narebhi, narehifrom a man from men

    Genitive narassa narnaof a man of men

    TerminationsSINGULAR PLURAL

    Ablative , mh, sm ebhi, ehiGenitive ssa na

    Masculine Substantives :

    cariya teacherAmba mangopaa shop, marketrma temple, garden, parkAssa horseMtula uncleOvda advice, exhortationPabbata rock, mountainPakra reward, giftRukkha treeSissa pupilTaka pond, pool, lake

    B. Conjugation of Verbs



    1st person terminations


    mi* ma*

    SING. Aha pacmi I cook, I am cooking.PLU. Maya pacma We cook, we are cooking.

    * The vowel preceding " mi " and " ma " is always lengthened.


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    Verbs :

    Gahti* (gaha) takes, receives, seizes Sagahti (gaha with sa) Treats, compiles Uggahti (gaha with u) learnsKiti (ki) buys

    Vikkiti (ki with vi) sellsNikkhamati (kamu with ni) departs, goes awayPatati (pata) fallsRuhati (ruha) growsruhati (ruha with ) ascends, climbsOruhati (ruha with ava**) descends

    Sunti (su) hears

    * Plural - gahanti. So are sagahanti, uggahanti, kianti and suanti.** "Ava " is often changed into " o "

    Illustrations :

    1. ambrukkhasm (abl. s.)patantimangoes from the tree fall

    2. rukkhehi (abl. pl.) patmafrom trees we fall

    3. paehi (abl. pl.) kimifrom the markets I buy

    4. pa (abl. s.) paa (acc. s.)from market to market

    5. mtulassa (gen. s.) rmoUncle's garden

    6.cariyna (gen. pl.) sissof the teachers pupils

    Exercise iii


    41. Aha cariyasm Dhamma sumi.42. Aha mtulasm pakra gahmi.43. Aha assasm patmi.44. Aha mtulassa rmasm nikkhammi.45. Aha paasm ambe kimi.46. Maya pabbatasm oruhma.47. Maya cariyehi uggahma.48. Mayam cariyassa ovda labhma.49. Maya cariyna putte saganhma.50. Mayam assna hra paehi kima.51. Siss samana rmehi nikkhamanti.52. cariyo mtulassa assa ruhati.53. Maya rathehi gm gma gacchma.54. Tumhe cariyehi pakre gahtha.55. Nar sissna dsna ambe vikkianti.56. Maya samana ovda suma.57. Rukkh pabbatasm patanti.58. Aha suakhehi taka oruhmi.59. Maya rmasm rma gacchma.60. Putt darena janakna ovda gahanti.


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    37. I receive a gift from the teacher.38. I depart from the shop.39. I treat the uncle's teacher.40. I take the advice of the teachers.41. I am descending from the mountain.

    42. We buy mangoes from the markets.43. We hear the doctrine of the Buddha from the teacher.44. We are coming out of the pond.45. We are mounting the uncle's horse.46. We fall from the mountain.47. We treat the father's pupil with affection.48. Pupils get gifts from the teachers.49. You are selling a horse to the father's physician.50. We go from mountain to mountain with the horses.51. Teachers give advice to the fathers of the pupils.52. We are learning from the ascetics.


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    Lesson IV

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " a "(contd.)



    Locative nare, naramhi, narasmi naresuin or upon a man in or upon men

    Vocative nara, nar narO man ! O men !

    TerminationsSINGULAR PLURAL

    Locative e, mhi, smi esuVocative a,

    Masculine Substantives :

    ksa skyMaca bedCanda moonSakua birdKassaka farmerSamudda sea, oceanMaccha fishSuriya sunMagga way, roadVija merchantMaggika travellerLoka world, mankind

    B. Conjugation of Verbs


    paca, to cook

    SING. PLU.pacati pacantipacasi pacathapacmi pacma

    su, to hear

    SING. PLU.suti suantisusi sutha

    sumi suma


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    disa, to preach

    SING. PLU.deseti desentidesesi desethadesemi desema

    Verbs :

    Kati (ka) playsUppajjati (pada with u) is bornPassati* (disa) seesVasati (vasa) dwellsSupati (supa) sleepsVicarati (cara with vi) wanders, goes about

    * " Passa " is a substitute for " disa "

    Some Indeclinables :

    Ajja to-dayma yesApi also, tooCa also, andIdni nowIdha hereKad whenKasm whyKuhi whereKuto whenceNa no, notPuna again

    Sabbad every daySad alwaysSaddhi* with

    * " Saddhi " is used with the "Instrumental" and is placed after the noun; as Narenasaddhi - with a man.

    Illustrations :

    1. Mace (loc. s.) supation the bed he sleeps

    2. Nar gmesu (loc. pl) vasantiMen in the villages live

    3. Draka (voc. s.) kuhi tva gacchasi?child, where are you going?

    4. Janaka, aha na gacchmi.father, I am not going.

    Exercise iv


    61. Saku rukkesu vasanti.62. Kassako mace supati.63. Maya magge na kma.64. Nar loke uppajjanti.65. Maggika, kuhi tva gacchasi?


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    66. ma sad te na uggahanti.67. Macch take kanti.68. Kuto tva gacchasi? Janaka aha idni rmasm gacchmi.69. Kassak sabbad gmesu na vasanti.70. Kasm tumhe macesu na supatha?71. Maya samaehi saddhi rme vasma.72. Macch takesu ca samuddesu ca uppajjanti.

    73. Aha kse suriya passmi, na ca canda.74. Ajja vijo pae vasati.75. Kasm tumhe drakehi saddhi magge katha?76. ma, idni so* 'pi gacchati, aham** 'pi gacchmi.77. Maggik maggesu vicaranti.78. Kassk, kad tumhe puna idha gacchatha?79. cariya, sabbad maya Buddha vandma.80. Vij maggikehi saddhi rathehi gmesu vicaranti.

    * So + api = so 'pi.

    **The vowel following a Niggahita is often dropped, and the Niggahita is changed into thenasal of the group consonant that immediately follows; e.g.,

    Aha + api = aham 'pi.


    53. He is playing on the road.54. The farmers live in the villages.55. I do not see birds in the sky.56. The Buddhas are not born in the world everyday.57. Travellers, from where are you coming now?58. We see fishes in the ponds.59. O farmers, when do you come here again?60. The travellers are wondering in the world,61. We do not see the sun and the moon in the sky now.

    62. Why do not ascetics live always in the mountains?63. Yes, father, we are not playing in the garden today.64. Why do not the sick sleep on beds?65. O merchants, where are you always wandering?66. Children, you are always playing with the dogs in the tank.67. Teachers and pupils are living in the monastery now.68. Yes, they are also going.


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    Lesson V

    Full Declension of Nouns ending in " a "Nara, m. man


    Nom. naro nara man men

    Voc. nara, nar narO man ! O men !

    Acc. nara narea man men

    Instr. narena narebhi, narehiby or with a man by or with men

    Abl. nar, naramh, narasm narebhi, narehifrom a man from men

    Dat. narya, narassa narnato or for a man to or for men

    Gen. narassa narnaof a man of men

    Loc. nare, naramhi, narasmi naresuin or upon a man in or upon men

    Neuter Gender

    Phala, fruit


    Nom. phala phal, phalniVoc. phala, phal phal, phalniAcc. phala phale, phalni

    (The rest like the masculine)


    Paham (1st) Nominativelapana VocativeDutiy (2nd) AccusativeTatiy (3rd) Auxiliary*Karaa Instrumental*Catutthi (4th) DativePacam (5th) AblativeChahi (6th) GenitiveSattam (7th) Locative

    * As Tatiy (Auxiliary) and Karaa (Instrumental) have the same terminations, only theInstrumental case is given in the declensions.



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    m. n. m. n.Nom. o , niVoc. --, , niAcc. e e, ni

    Aux. ena ebhi, ehiInstr. ena ebhi, ehiDat. ya, ssa naAbl. , mh, sm ebhi, ehiGen. ssa naLoc. e, mhi, smi esu

    The vowels preceding- ni, bhi, hi, na and su are always long.

    Neuter Substantives :

    Bja seed, germBhada goods, article

    Ghara home, houseKhetta fieldLekhana letterMitta (m. n.) friendMukha face, mouthNagara cityPda (m.n.) footPha chair, benchPotthaka bookPuppha flowerUdaka waterVattha cloth, raiment

    Verbs :

    Bhujati (bhuja) eats, partakesKhdati (khda) eats, chewsLikhati (likha) writesNisdati (sada with ni) sitsPjeti (pja) offersVapati (vapa) sows

    Exercise v


    81. Saku phalni khdanti.82. Maya phesu nisdma, macesu supma.83. Nar paehi bhadni kianti84. Phalni rukkhehi patanti.85. Kassak khettesu b jni vapanti.86. Sabbad maya udakena pde ca mukha* ca dhovma.87. Siss cariyna lekhanni likhanti.88. Idni aha mittehi saddhi ghare vasmi.89. Dso takasmi vatthni dhovati.90. So pupphehi Buddha pjeti.91. Kasm tva hra na bhujasi?92. Ajja siss cariyehi potthakni uggahanti.

    93. Maggik mittehi saddhi nagar nagara vicaranti.94. Aha sabbad rmasm pupphni harmi.95. Maya nagare gharni passma.


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    96. Kassak nagare takasm udaka haranti.97. Drak janakassa phasmi na nisdanti.98. Mitta cariyassa potthaka pjeti.99. Tumhe narna vatthni ca bhadni ca vikkitha.100. cariyassa rme sama darena narna Buddhassa Dhamma desenti.

    *Mukha + ca = mukha ca


    69. I am writing a letter to (my) friend.70. We eat fruits.71. We offer flowers to the Buddha everyday.72. He is not going home now.73. You are sowing seeds in the field to-day.74. The sons are washing the father's feet with water.75. They are partaking food with the friends in the house.76. Children's friends are sitting on the benches.77. Are you writing letters to the teachers to-day?

    78. I am sending books home through the servant.79. I see fruits on the trees in the garden.80. The birds eat the seeds in the field.81. Friends are not going away from the city to-day.82. We are coming from home on foot*.83. From where do you buy goods now?84. Men in the city are giving clothes and medicine to the sick.

    * Use the Instrumental.


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    Lesson VI

    A. Nouns ending in " "Ka, f. maiden, virgin


    Nom. Ka, Ka, KayoVoc. Kae Ka, KayoAcc. Kaa Ka, KayoInstr., Abl. Kaya Kabhi, KhiDat., Gen. Kaya KanaLoc. Kaya, Kaya Kasu



    Nom. -- --, yoVoc. e --, yoAcc. a --, yoInstr., Abl ya bhi, hiDat., Gen. ya naLoc. ya, ya su

    All nouns ending in " " are in the feminine with the exception of " s ", m. dog.

    Feminine Substantives :

    Bhariy wifeBhs languageDrik girlDhammasl preaching-hallGang Ganges, riverNv ship, boatOsadhasl dispensaryPibhs Pi languagePa wisdomPhasl schoolSaddh faith, devotion, confidenceSal hallGilnasl hospitalVisikh street

    B. Infinitive

    The Infinitives are formed by adding the suffix " tu " to the root. If the ending of theroot is " a ", it is often changed into " i ".

    Examples : -

    paca + tu =pacitu to cook

    rakkha + tu = rakkhitu to protectd + tu = dtu to give


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    Generally the above suffix is added to the forms the roots assume before the thirdperson plural termination of the present tense*

    Examples : -

    desenti desetukianti kiitu

    bhujanti bhujitusuanti suitu, sotupesenti pesetu

    * This same principle applies to the Indeclinable Past Participles and Present Participleswhich will be treated later.


    Root Meaning 3rd per. pres. pl. Infinitive Ind. Past Part.*

    disa to preach desenti desetu desetvdisa to see passanti passitu disv, passitvgaha to take gahanti gahitu gahitv,

    gahetvgamu to go gacchanti gantu gantvgamu with to come gacchanti gantu gantv,

    gammah to be honti hotu hutvisu to wish icchanti icchitu icchitvkara to do karonti ktu katvlapa with sa to converse sallapanti sallapitu sallapitv

    (jna) to know jnanti tu,jnitu

    atv, jnitv

    nah to bathe nahyanti nahyitu nahyitv,nahtv

    p to drink pibanti, pivanti ptu, pibitu ptv, pibitvruha with to ascend ruhanti ruhitu ruhitv,

    ruyhah to stand tihanti htu hatv

    * These Indeclinable Past Participles will be treated in lesson VIII.

    Illustrations :

    1. Bhariy drikna dtu odana pacati.The wife to the girls to give rice cooks.

    2. Drikyo uggahitu phasla gacchanti.The girls to learn to school go.

    3. Te gagya kitu icchanti.They in the river to play wish.

    4. Kayo hra bhujitu slya nisdanti.The maidens food to eat in the hall sit.

    Exercise vi


    101. Kayo gagya nahyitu gacchanti.102. Aha phasla gantu icchmi.103. Maya Dhamma sotu slya nisdma.104. Kuhi tva bhariyya saddhi gacchasi?105. Drikyo saddhya Buddha vandanti.

    106. Siss idni Pibhsya lekhanni likhitu jnanti.107. Nar paa labhitu bhsyo uggahanti.


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    108. Kae, kuhi tva pupphni haritu icchasi?109. Kayo drikhi saddhi gilne phalehi sagahitu vejjasla gacchanti.110. Ass udaka pibitu gaga oruhanti.111. S cariyassa bhariy hoti.112. Gilne saganhitu visikhya osadhasl na hoti.113. Nar bhariyna dtu paehi vatthni kianti.114. Drik ghara gantu magga na jnti.

    115. Drak ca drikyo ca phaslya phesu nisditu na icchanti.116. Giln gharni gantu osadhaslya nikkhamanti.117. Maya cariyehi saddhi pibhsya sallapma.118. Bhariye, kuhi tva gantu icchasi?119. Maya gagya nvyo passitu gacchma.120. Paa ca saddha ca labhitu maya Dhamma suma.


    85. O maidens, do you wish to go to the temple to-day?86. I am coming to take medicine from the dispensary.87. There are no dispensaries in the street here

    88. Father, I know to speak in Pi now.89. We see no ships on the river.90. She wishes to go with the maidens to see the school.91. With faith the girl goes to offer flowers to the Buddha.92. You are sitting in the preaching hall to hear the Doctrine.93. Boys and girls wish to bathe in rivers.94. There are no patients in the hospital.95. We study languages to obtain wisdom.96. I do not wish to go in ships.97. With faith they sit in the hall to learn the Doctrine.98. I do not know the language of the letter.99. O girls, do you know the way to go home?100.He is bringing a book to give to the wife.


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    Lesson VII

    Aorist (Ajjatan) - Active voiceTerminations


    3rd u2nd o ttha1st i mha

    paca, to cookSINGULAR

    3rd apac, pac

    apaci, paci he cooked2nd apaco, paco you cooked1st apaci, paci I cooked


    3rd apacu, pacuapacisu, pacisu they cooked

    2nd apacittha pacittha you cooked1st apacimh, pacimh we cooked

    gamu, to go

    SING. PLU.

    3rd agam, gam agamu, gamuagami, gami agamisu, gamisu

    2nd agamo, gamo agamittha, gamittha1st agami, gami agamimh, gamimh

    su, to hear

    SING. PLU.

    3rd asu, su asuisuasui, sui suisu

    2nd asuo, suo asuittha, suittha1st asui, sui asuimh, suimh

    In the past tense the augment " a " is optionally used before the root*. The third person" " is sometimes shortened, and the third person plural " u " is often changed into " isu". The vowel preceding " ttha " and " mh " is changed into " i ". The second person " o " ismostly changed into " i ".

    Whenever the root or stem ends in a vowel e or the s Aorist is used i.e., s is addedbefore the suffix.

    Examples : -



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    si su, susi sitthasi simh

    d, to give disa, to preach

    SING. d + s + i = adsi disa + s + i = desesiPLU. d +su = adasu desisu

    h, to stand

    SING. h + s + i = ahsiPLU. +su = ahasu

    * This " a " should not be mistaken for the negative prefix " a ".

    Possessive Pronouns

    3rd m. n. tassa, his m. n. tesa, theirf. tass, her f. tsa, their

    2nd m. f. n. tava, tuyha your or thine m. f. n.tumhka, your

    1st m. f. n. mama, mayha, my m. f. n. amhka, our

    These are the Genitive cases of the Personal Pronouns.

    Words : -

    Aparaha m. afternoonCira indec. long, for a long timeEva indec. just, quite, even, only (used as an emphatic

    affirmative)Hyo indec. yesterdayPto indec. early in the morningPtarsa m. morning mealPubbaham. forenoonPurato indec. in the presence ofSyamsa m. evening meal, dinnerViya indec. like

    Exercise vii


    121. Buddho loke uppajji.122. Hyo samao dhamma desesi.123. Drako pto'va*tassa phasla agam.124. Acariy tesa sissna pubbahe ovda adasu.125. Cira te amhka ghara na agamisu.126. Drik tsa janakassa purato ahasu.127. Tva tass hatthe mayha pottaka passo.128. Tva gagya nahyitu pto'va agamo.129. Tva ajja ptarsa na bhujo.130. Kuhi tumhe tumhka mittehi saddhi aparahe agamittha?131. Kasm tumhe'yeva** mama cariyassa lekhanni na likhittha?132. Tumhe cira mayha putte na passittha.133. Aha tuyha pakre hyo na alabhi.

    134. Aham'eva*** gilnna ajja osadha adsi.135. Aha asse passitu visikhya asi.136. Maya tuyha cariyassa siss ahosimh.


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    137. Maya ajja pubbahe na uggahimh.138. Sama viya mayam'pi **** saddhya dhamma suimh.

    *Pto + eva =pto'va. Here the following vowel is dropped.**Tumhe + eva = Tumheyeva. Sometimes "y" is augmented between vowels.***Aha + eva = aham'eva. When a niggahita is followed by a vowel it is sometimeschanged into "m".

    ****Maya + api = mayam'pi. Here the following vowel is dropped and niggahita ischanged into "m"


    101.I slept on my bed.102.I stood in their garden in the evening.103.I sat on a bench in the hall to write a letter to his friend.104.We bathed in the river in the early morning.*105.We ourselves** treated the sick yesterday.106.For a long time we lived in our uncle's house in the city.107.Child, why did you stand in front of your teacher?

    108.Wife, you cooked rice in the morning.109.Son, where did you go yesterday?110.You obtained wisdom through your teachers.111.Why did you not hear the Doctrine like your father?112.Where did you take your dinner yesterday?113.She was standing in her garden for a long time.114.He himself*** washed the feet of his father.115.For a long time my friend did not buy goods from his shop.116.The doctors did not come to the hospital in the afternoon.117.The boys and girls did not bring their books to school yesterday.118.I myself gave medicine to the sick last**** morning.

    * Use Pto'va.** Use mayam'eva

    *** Use so eva**** Use hyo.


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    Lesson VIII

    A. Nouns ending in " "Muni, m. sage


    Nom., Voc. muni mun, munayoAcc. muni mun, munayoInstr. munin munbhi, munhiAbl. munin, munimh, munbhi, munhi

    munismDat., Gen. munino, munissa munnaLoc. munimhi, munismi munsu



    Nom., Voc. -- , ayoAcc. , ayoInstr. n bhi, hiAbl. n, mh, sm bhi, hiDat., Gen. no, ssa naLoc. mhi, smi su

    Ahi, n. bone


    Nom., Voc. ahi ah, aniAcc. ahi ah, ani



    Nom., Voc. -- , niAcc. , ni

    The rest like masculine, with the exception of the Loc. plural which has two forms - ahisu,ahsu.

    Words :

    Adhipati m. chief, masterAggi m. fireAsi m. swordAtithi m. guestGahapati m. house-holderKapi m. monkeyKavi m. poetMai m. jewelNarapati m. Kingti m. relativePati m. husband, lordVhi m. paddy


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    Indeclinable Past Participles*

    These are generally formed by adding the suffix " tva " to the root. If the ending of theroot is " a ", it is often changed into " i ". Sometimes " tvna " and " tna " are also addedto the roots.

    Examples :-

    paca + tv =pacitv, having cookedkhipa + tv = khipitv, having thrownsu + tv = sutv, having heard; also sutvna, sotnakara** + tv = katv, having done; also katvna, ktna

    * See note and the table in lesson VII - B** In this case the final " ra " is dropped.

    Illustrations :

    1. nisditv bhujihaving sat he ate, or he sat and ate

    2. Buddha vanditv dhamma sotu agam

    the Buddha having saluted the Doctrine to hear hewent

    or- He saluted the Buddha and went to hear the Doctrine.

    3. He stood and spokeSo hatv vadi

    4. After playing he went to batheSo kitv nahyitu agami

    Exercise viii


    139. Muni narapati Dhammena sagahitv agami.140. Kapayo rukkha ruhitv phalni khdisu.141. Kad tumhe kavimh potthakni alabhittha?142. Aha tesa rme adhipati ahosi.143. Maya gahapathi saddhi gagya udaka haritv aggimhi khipimh.144. Narapati hatthena asi gahetv assa ruhi.145. Tva tuyha pati darena sagaho.146. Gahapatayo narapatino purato hatv vadisu.147. Atith amhka ghara gantv hra bhujisu.148. Saku khettesu vhi disv khdisu.149. Narapati gahapatimh mai labhitv kavino adsi.150. Adhipati atithhi saddhi hra bhujitv muni passitu agmi.

    151. Aha mayha tino ghare cira vasi.152. Sunakh ahhi gahetv magge dhvisu.153. Dhamma sutv gahapatna Buddhe saddha uppajji.


    119.The father of the sage was a king.120.O house-holders, why did you not advise your children to go to school?121.We saw the king and came.122.I went and spoke to the poet.123.The chief of the temple sat on a chair and preached the Doctrine to the householders.124.Only yesterday I wrote a letter and sent to my master.125.The poet compiled a book and gave to the king.126.Our relatives lived in the guest's house for a long time and left only (this) morning.127.The householders bought paddy from the farmers and sowed in their fields.


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    128.We sat on the benches and listened to the advice of the sage.129.The king built a temple and offered to the sage.130.After partaking* my morning meal with the guests I went to see my relatives.131.I bought fruits from the market and gave to the monkey.132.Why did you stand in front of the fire and play with the monkey?133.Faith arose in the king after hearing the Doctrine from the sage.

    *Use "bhujitv"


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    Lesson IX

    A. Feminine Nouns ending in " i"Bhmi f. ground


    Nom., Voc. bhmi bhm, bhmiyoAcc. bhmi bhm, bhmiyoInstr. Abl. bhmiy bhmbhi, bhmhiDat., Gen. bhmiy bhmnaLoc. bhmiy, bhmiya bhmsu


    SINGULAR PLURALNom., Voc. -- , iyoAcc. , iyoInstr. Abl. y bhi, hiDat., Gen. y naLoc. y, ya su

    Words :

    Agui f. fingerAavi f. forestBhaya n. fearMutti f. deliverancePti f. joyRati f. attachmentKhanti f. patienceRatti f. nightKuddla m.,n. spadeSoka m. grief Kpa m. wellSuve, Sve adv. tomorrow

    B. FUTURE TENSE (Bhavissanti) - ACTIVE VOICE



    3rd ssati ssanti2nd ssasi ssatha1st ssmi ssma

    paca, to cook


    3rd pacissati pacissanti

    he will cook they will cook


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    2nd pacissasi pacissathayou will cook you will cook

    1st pacissmi pacissmaI will cook we will cook

    In the future tense the vowel preceding the terminations is changed into " i ".*Note that, the future tense terminations are formed by adding "ssa" to the present tenseterminations.

    Verbs :

    Bhavati (bh) becomes (be)Khaati (khaa) digsJyati (jana) arises, is bornPputi (apa withpa) arrivesPavisati (visa withpa) entersTarati (tara) crosses

    Exercise ix


    154. Gahapati kuddlena bhmiya kpa khaissati.155. Khantiy p ti uppajjissati.156. Narapati sve aavi pavisitv muni passissati.157. Gahapatayo bhmiya nisditv dhamma suissanti.158. Rattiya te aavsu na vasissanti.159. Narapatino putt aaviya nagara karissanti.160. Narapati, tva mutti labhitv Buddho bhavissasi.161. Kad tva aaviy nikkhamitv nagara ppuissasi?162. Kuhi tva sve gamissasi?

    163. Tumhe rattiya visikhsu na vicarissatha.164. Rattiya tumhe canda passissatha.165. Aha assamh bhmiya na patissmi.166. Aha mayha agul hi mani gahissmi.167. Maya gaga taritv sve aavi ppuissma.168. Sve maya dhammasla gantv bhmiya nisditv mutti labhitu ptiy

    dhamma sunissma.169. " Ratiy jyati soko - ratiy jyati bhaya. "


    134.The monkey will eat fruits with his fingers.

    135.He will cross the forest tomorrow.136.Sorrow will arise through attachment.137.Child, you will fall on the ground.138.You will see the moon in the sky at night.139.O sages, when you obtain deliverance and preach the Doctrine to the world?140.O farmers, where will you dig a well to obtain water for your fields?141.Why will you not bring a spade to dig the ground?142.I will go to live in a forest after receiving* instructions from the sage.143.I will be a poet.144.I will not stand in the presence of the king.145.Through patience we will obtain deliverance.146.Why shall we wander in the forests with fear?147.We ourselves shall treat the sick with joy.

    *Use gahetv


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    Lesson X

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " "Sm m. lord, husband


    Nom. sm sm, sminoVoc. sm sm, sminoAcc. smi sm, sminoInstr. smin smbhi, smhiAbl. smin smbhi, smhi

    smimh, smismDat., Gen. smino, smissa smnaLoc. smini, smimhi smsu

    smismiThe Loc. sing. has an additional " ni "



    Nom. -- --, noVoc. i --, noAcc. --, no

    The rest like " i " terminations

    Da, n. one who has a stick



    Nom., Voc. dai da, daini i,,ni

    Acc. dai ,, ,, , ni

    The rest like the masculine

    Nr, f. woman

    SINGULAR PLURALNom. nr nr, nriyoVoc. nri nr, nriyoAcc. nri nr, nriyoInstr., Abl. nriy nrbhi, nrhiDat., Gen. nriy nrnaLoc. nriy, nriya nrsu



    Nom. -- --, iyo

    Voc. i --, iyoAcc. --, iyo


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    The rest like " i " terminations.

    Words :

    Appamda m. earnestness, heedfulnessBhagin f. sisterBrahmacr m. celibateDhammacr m. he who acts righteouslyDhana n. wealthDuggati f. evil stateHave indec. indeed, certainlyIva indec. likeJanan f. motherMahes f. queenMedhv m. wise manppa n. evilPpakr m. evil-doerPua n. merit, goodPuakr m. well-doerSeha adj. excellent, chiefSugati f. good or happy state

    B. The Formation of Feminines

    Some feminines are formed by adding " " and " " to the masculines ending in " a ".

    Examples :-

    Aja goat Aj she-goatAssa horse Ass mareUpsaka male devotee Upsik female devotee

    Draka boy Darik girl(If the noun ends in " ka ", the preceding vowel is often changed into " i ".)

    Deva god Dev goddessDsa servant Ds maid-servantNara man Nr woman

    Some are formed by adding " ni " or " ini " to the masculines ending in " a ", " i "" ",and " u ".

    Examples :-

    Rja king Rjin queenHatthi elephant Hatthin she-elephantMedhv wise man Medhvin wise womanBhikkhu monk Bhikkhun nun

    But :Mtula, uncle becomes mtuln, aunt andGahapati, male house-holder - gahapatn, female house-holder.

    Exercise x


    170. " Dhammo have rakkhati Dhammacr. "171. " Na duggati gacchati dhammacr. "172. Nar ca nriyo ca pua katv sugatsu uppajjissanti.

    173. Bhagin tassa smin saddi janani passitu sve gamissati.174. Ppakr , tumhe ppa katv duggatsu uppajjissatha.175. Idni maya brahmacrino homa.


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    176. Mahesiyo nr na pua ktu dhana denti.177. Hatthino ca hatthiniyo ca aavsu ca pabbatesu ca vasanti.178. Mayha smino janan bhikkhunna* ca upsikna ca sagahi.179. Mahesi narapatin saddhi sve nagara ppuissati.180. Medhvino ca medhviniyo ca appamdena Dhamma uggahitv mutti

    labhissanti.181. Puakrino brahmacrhi saddhi vasitu icchanti.

    182. Nriyo mahesi passitu nagara agamisu.183. Bhikkhuniyo gahapatnna ovda adasu.184. "Appamda ca medhvi - dhana seha'va** rakkhati."

    * Niggahita () when followed by a group consonant is changed into the nasal of thatparticular group, e.g.,

    sa + gaho = sagahosa + hna = sahnaaha + pi = aham'piaha + ca = aha cata + dhana = tandhana

    **Seha + iva.


    148.Those who act righteously will not do evil and be born in evil states.149.The well-doers will obtain their deliverance.150.My husband mounted the elephant and fell on the ground.151.She went to school with her sister.152.The queen's mother is certainly a wise lady.153.Boys and girls are studying with diligence to get presents from their mothers and

    fathers.154.Men and women go with flowers in their hands to the temple everyday.155.My sister is protecting her mother as an excellent treasure.156.Mother, I shall go to see my uncle and aunt tomorrow.157.Amongst celebates* there are wise men.158.Having seen the elephant, the she-goats ran away through fear.159.The king, accompanied by** the queen, arrived in the city yesterday.

    * Use the Locative.** Use "Saddhi"


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    Lesson XI

    A. Declension of Nouns ending in " u " and " "Bhikkhu, m. mendicant


    Nom. bhikkhu bhikkh, bhikkhavoVoc. bhikkhu bhikkh, bhikkhavo, bhikkhaveAcc. bhikkhu bhikkh, bhikkhavoInstr. bhikkhun bhikkhbhi, bhikkhhiAbl. bhikkhun bhikkhbhi, bhikkhhi


    Dat., Gen. bhikkhuno, bhikkhussa bhikkhna

    Loc. bhikkhumhi, bhikkhsubhikkhusmi

    yu, n. age.

    SING. PLU.

    Nom., Voc. yu y, yuniAcc. yu y, yuni

    The rest like the masculine



    m. n. m. n.Nom. -- -- , avo , niVoc. -- -- , avo, ave , niAcc. , avo , ni

    The rest like the " i " terminations

    Dhenu, f. cow


    Nom., Voc dhenu, dhen, dhenuyoAcc. dhenu dhen, dhenuyoInstr., Abl. dhenuy dhenbhi, dhenhiDat., Gen. dhenuy dhennaLoc. dhenuy, dhenuya dhensu



    Nom., Voc -- , yoAcc. , yo

    The rest like " i " terminations

    Abhibh, m. conqueror


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    Nom., Voc abhibh abhibh, abhibhuvoAcc. abhibhu abhibh, abhibhuvo

    The rest like bhikkhu

    Sabba, m. All-knowing One


    Nom., Voc sabba sabba, sabbaunoAcc. sabbau sabba, sabbauno

    The rest like bhikkhu

    Gotrabh, n. The Sanctified One


    Nom., Voc gotrabh gotrabh, gotrabhni

    The rest like bhikkhu

    Vadh, f. young wife


    Nom., Voc vadh vadh, vadhuyo

    The rest like dhenu

    Words :

    vuso indec. friend, brother

    Bhante indec. Lord, Rev. SirCakkhu n. eyeDru n. wood, fire-woodDpa n. light, lampKata m. grateful personKhra n. milkKujara m. elephantMaccu m. deathMadhu m. honeyPaha m. questionSdhuka indec. wellSen f. army

    Tia n. grassYgu m. rice-gruelYva indec. till*Tva indec. until*

    *Correlatives as long as-so long


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    B Verbs : Imperative and Benedictive Mood (Pacam)



    3rd tu antu2nd hi tha1st mi ma

    paca, to cook


    3rd pacatu may he cook pacantu may theycook2nd paca, pachi may you cook pacatha

    may you cook

    1st pacmi may I cook pacma may wecook

    This mood is used to express a command or wish, and it corresponds to the Imperativeand Benedictive moods.

    The vowel preceding " hi ", " mi ", and " ma " is always lengthened. In the secondperson there is an additional termination " a ".

    Illustrations :


    Idhagaccha, come here.Tva gharasm nikkhamhi, you go away from the house.Tumhe idha tihatha, you stand here.


    Aha Buddho bhavmi, may I become a Buddha.Buddho dhamma desetu, let the Buddha preach the Doctrine.

    The prohibitive particle " m " is sometimes used with this mood,* e.g.,

    m gaccha do not go.

    * This particle is mostly used with the Aorist 3rd person; e.g.,

    magamsi, do not go.mahsi, do not stand.mbhuji, do not eat.

    Verbs :

    Bujjhati (budha) understandsDhunti (dhu) destroysKujjhati (kudha) gets angryJvati (jva) livesPucchati (puccha) asks


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    Exercise xi


    185. Sabba bhikkhna dhamma desetu!

    186. Dhenu tia khdatu!187. vuso, aaviy dru haritv aggi karohi.188. Gahapatayo, bhikkhsu m kujjhatha.189. Bhikkhave, aha dhamma desessmi, sdhuka sutha.190. " Dhuntha maccuno sena - nagra'va kujaro. "191. Yv'ha gacchmi tva idha tihatha.192. Bhikkh paha sdhuka bujjhantu!193. Siss, sad kata hotha.194. Katauno, tumhe yu labhitv cira j vatha!195. "Dhamma pibatha, bhikkhavo. "196. Mayha cakkhhi ppa na passmi, Bhante.197. Dhenuy kh ra gahetv madhun saddhi pibma.198. vuso, bhikkna purato m tihatha.199. Bhante, bhikkhumh maya paha pucchma.

    200. Nar ca nriyo ca bhikkhhi dhamma sdhuka sutv pua katv sugatsuuppajjantu!


    160.Let him salute the mendicants!161.May you live long, O All-knowing One!162.Do not give grass to the cows in the afternoon.163.Friend, do not go till I come.164.Rev. Sirs, may you see no evil with your eyes!165.Let us sit on the ground and listen to the advice of the Bhikkhus.166.May you be grateful persons!167.Let them stay here till we bring firewood from the forest.

    168.O young wives, do not get angry with your husbands.169.May I destroy the army of death!170.May I drink rice-gruel with honey!171.May we know your age, O bhikkhu!172.Do not stand in front of the elephant.173.O house-holders, treat your mothers and fathers well.174.Friends, do not offer rice-gruel to the Bhikkhus till we come.175.Do not drink honey, child.


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    Lesson XII

    A. Personal PronounsAmha, I


    Nom. aha maya, amhe, (no)Acc. ma, mama amhka, amhe, (no)Instr. may (me) amhebhi, amhehi, (no)Abl. may amhebhi, amhehiDat., Gen mama, mayha, amhka, amhe, (no)

    amha, mama, (me)Loc. mayi amhesu

    Tumha, you


    Nom. tva, tuva tumhe , (vo)Acc. ta, tava, tva, tuva tumhka, tumhe, (vo)Instr. tvay, tay, (te) tumhebhi, tumhehi, (vo)Abl. tvay, tay tumhebhi, tumhehiDat., Gen tava, tuyha, tumha, tumhka,(vo)

    tumha, (te)Loc. tvayi, tayi tumhesu

    " te ", "me ", " vo ", and " no ", are not used in the beginning of a sentence.

    B. Conditional Mood (sattam)



    3rd eyya eyyu2nd eyysi eyytha1st eyymi eyyma

    paca, to cookSINGULAR PLURAL

    3rd pace, paceyya he should cook paceyyuthey should cook

    2nd paceyysi you should cook paceyytha you should cook1st paceyymi I should cook paceyyma we should cook

    The third person singular " eyya " is sometimes changed into " e ".

    This mood is also used to express wish, command, prayer, etc. When it is used in aconditional sense, the sentence often begins with " sace ", " ce " or "yadi " -if.


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    Words: -

    Alikavd m. he who speaks liesroceti (ruca with ) informs, tells, announcesAsdhu m. bad man; adj. bad, wickedBhajati (bhaja) associates

    Bhaati (bhaa) speaks, recitesDna n. alms, giving, giftEva indec. thusJinti (ji) conquersKadariya m. miser, avaricious personKodha m. angerKhippa indec. quickly, immediatelyPaita m. wise manPpaka adj. evilSdhu m. good man; adj. goodVyamati (yamu with vi and a) strives, triesVaa m. appearance, colour, praise, qualitySacca n. truthYad indec. when*Tad indec. then*

    * Correlatives

    Exercise xii


    201. " Gma no gaccheyyma."202. " Buddho'pi Buddhassa bhaeyya vaa. "203. " Na bhaje ppake mitte. "204. " Sacca bhae, na kujjheyya. "

    205. " Dhamma vo desessmi. "206. Sace aha saccni bujjheyymi te roceyymi.207. Yadi tva vymeyysi khippa paito bhaveyysi.208. Yva tumhe ma passeyytha tva idha tiheyytha.209. Sace bhikkh dhamma deseyyu maya sdhuka sueyyma.210. Sdhu bhante, eva no kareyyma.211. Yadi tva may saddhi gantu iccheyysi tava janani rocetv

    gaccheyysi.212. Amhesu ca tumhesu ca gahapatayo na khujjheyyu.213. Sace dhamma sutv mayi saddh tava uppajjeyya aha tva adhipati

    kareyymi.214. Yva tumhe mutti labheyytha tva appamdena vyameyytha.215. " Akkodhena jine kodha - asdhu sdhun jine

    Jine kadariya dnena - saccena alikavdina ".

    216. " Khippa vyama; paito bhava. "


    176.You should not go with him.177.Children, you should always speak the truth.178.Rev. Sir. I should like to ask a question from you.179.Well, you should not be angry with me thus.180.I shall not go to see your friend until I receive a letter from you.181.You should endeavour to overcome your anger by patience.182.If you would listen to my advice, I would certainly go with you.183.You should tell me if he were to send a book to you.184.We should like to hear the doctrine from you, Rev. Sir.

    185.By giving we should conquer the misers.186.We should not be born in evil state until we should understand the truths.


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    187.Would you go immediately and bring the letter to me?188.If a good person were to associate with a wicked person, he may also become a wicked

    person.189.Should wicked persons associate with the wise, they would soon become good men.190.If you should hear me well, faith should arise in you.


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    Lesson XIII

    Relative PronounsYa, who, which, that


    m. n. f.

    Nom. yo ya yAcc. ya yaInstr. yena yyaAbl. yamh, yasm yyaDat., Gen yassa yassa, yyaLoc. yamhi, yasmi yassa, yya


    m. n. f.

    Nom. ye ye, yni y, yyoAcc ye ye, yni y, yyoInstr., Abl yebhi, yehi ybhi, yhiDat., Gen yesa, yesna ysa, ysnaLoc. yesu ysu

    Ta, who, he

    SINGULARm. n. f.

    Nom. so na, ta sAcc. na, ta na, taInstr. nena, tena nya, tyaAbl. namh, tamh nya, tya

    nasm, tasmDat., Gen nassa, tassa tissya, tiss

    tass, tyaLoc. namhi, tamhi tissa, tassa, tya

    nasmi, tasmi


    m. n. f.

    Nom. ne, te ne,te, nni, tni n, nyo, t, tyoAcc. ne, te ne,te, nni, tni n, nyo, t, tyoInstr., Abl nebhi, nehi, tebhi, tehi nbhi, nhi,tbhi, thiDat., Gen nesa, nesna, tesa, tesnatsa,tsnaLoc. nesu, tesu tsu

    The forms beginning with " t " are more commonly used.

    The pronouns "ya " and " ta " are frequently used together. They are treated asCorrelatives.


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    Examples :-

    " Yo Dhamma passati so Buddha passati "He who sees the Dhamma sees the Buddha

    " Ya hoti ta hotu " -be it as it may

    ya icchasi ta vadehi -Say what you wish" Yo gilna upahti so ma upahti "He who serves the sick serves me

    Eta, that (yonder)


    m. n. f. m. n. f.

    Nom. eso eta es ete ete, etni et,etyoAcc. eta eta eta ete ete, etni et,

    etyoThe rest like " ta ", with the exception of forms beginning with " n ".

    The Interrogative Pronoun :

    Ka, who, which?


    m. n. f.

    Nom. ko ka, ki kAcc. ka, ka, ki kInstr. kena, kya,Abl. kamh, kasm kyaDat., Gen kassa, kissa kya, kassLoc. kamhi, kasmi kya, kya

    kimhi, kismi

    The rest like "ya "

    " ci " is suffixed to all the cases of " ka " in all the genders to form Indefinite Pronouns ;e.g., koci, kci, any, etc.

    The following adjectives are declined like "ya " :-

    Aa anotherAatara certainApara other, subsequent, WesternDhakkhia SouthEka one, certain, someItara different, the remainingKatara what? which? (generally of the two)Katama what? which? (generally of many)Pacchima WestPara other, differentPubba first, foremost, Eastern, earlierPuratthima EastSabba all

    Uttara higher, superior, Northern


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    Aa, aatara, itara, eka are sometimes declined in the Dative and Genitive femininesingular as: aiss, aatariss, itariss and ekiss respectively; in the Locativefeminine singular as: aissa, aatarissa, itarissa and ekissa respectively.

    Pubba, para, apara are sometimes declined in the Ablative masculine singular, as:pubb,par, and apar respectively; in the locative masculine singular, as:pubbe,pare,and apare respectively.

    Words :

    dya indec. p. p. (d with ) having taken.Dis f. quarter, direction.Ki indec. Why? what? prayNma n. name; mind

    indec. by name, indeed,(Sometimes used without a meaning.)

    Nu lndec. pray, I wonder!(Sometimes used in asking a question.)

    Payojana indec. use, need

    V indec. either, or

    Exercise xiii


    217. Ko nma tva?218. Ko nma eso?219. Ko nma te cariyo?220. Idni eso ki karissati?221. Ki tva eta pucchasi?222. Es nr te ki hoti?223. Sve kim'ete karissanti?224. Kassa bhikkhussa ta potthaka pesessma?225. Tesa dhanena me ki payojana?226. Ko jnti 'ki'eso karissat'ti?'227. Kissa phala nma eta?228. Kya disya tass janan idni vasati?229. Kassa dhamma sotu ete icchanti?230. " Yo Dhamma passati so Buddham passati, yo Buddha passati so Dhamma

    pasati ".231. Ya tva icchasi ta etassa arocehi.232. Ya te karonti tam* eva gahetv para loka gacchanti.233. Yassa disya so vasati tassa disya ete'pi vasitu icchanti.234. Eso naro eka vadati, es nr aa vadati.235. Paresa bhani maya na gahma.236. Etni phalni m tassa sakuassa detha.237. Idni sbbe'pi te Bhikkh uttarya disya aatarasmi rme vasanti.238. Etasmi nagare sabbe nar apara nagara agamisu.239. Kici'pi ktu so na jnti.240. Katama disa tumhe gantu iccheyytha -puratthima v dakkhia v

    pacchima v uttara v?241. Katarya disya tva suriya passasi -pubya v aparya v?

    * When a niggahita () is followed by a vowel, it is sometimes changed into " m ".See note in Exercise 10 - A


    191.Who is she?

    192.What is his name?193.In which direction did he go?194.Is he a relative of yours?


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    195.What is the name of that fruit?196.From whom did you buy those books?197.With whom shall we go to-day?198.In whose garden are those boys and girls playing?199.In which direction do you see the sun in the morning?200.Of what use is that to him or to her?201.To whom did he give those presents?

    202.What is the use of your wealth, millionaire? You are not going to take all that with youto the other world. Therefore* eat well. Have no attachment to your wealth. Griefresults thereby.** Do merit with that wealth of yours. Erect hospitals for the sickschools for children, temples for monks and nuns. It is those good actions you takewith you when you go to the other world.

    203.Those who do good deeds are sure to be born in good states.204.Let him say what he likes.205.We did not write all those letters.206.You should not tell others all that you see with your eyes.207.We like to live in cities in which wise men live.

    * Use " tasm ".** Use " tena ".


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    Lesson XIV

    ParticiplesIn P there are six kinds of Participles -viz :

    (i) Present Active participles,(ii) Present Passive Participles,(iii) Past Indeclinable Participles,*(iv) Past Active Participles,(v) Past Passive Participles, and(vi) Potential Participles

    * These have been already dealt with in lesson VIII - B. See Table in lesson VI - B

    i. The Present Active Participles are formed by adding " anta " and " mna " to the root;

    e.g:,paca + anta =pacanta;paca + mna =pacamna, cooking.

    ii. The Present Passive Participles are formed by adding the Passive suffix "ya " betweenthe root and the suffix " mna ". If the ending of the root is " a " or " ", it is changedinto " i " , e.g.,

    paca +ya + mna =pacyamna, being cooked;s +ya + mna = syamna, being heard.

    Generally these suffixes are added to the forms the roots assume before the thirdperson plural terminations of the present tense.

    These participles are inflectional and agree with the noun or pronoun they qualify, ingender, number and case. They are also used when contemporaneity of action is to beindicated. The sense of the English words 'as, since, while, whilst' may be expressed bythem.

    Declension ofpacanta in the masculine


    Nom. paca, pacanto pacanto, pacantVoc. paca, paca, pac pacanto, pacantAcc. pacanta pacanteInstr. pacat, pacantena pacantebhi, pacantehiAbl. pacat, pacantamh pacantebhi, pacantehi

    pacantasmDat., Gen pacato, pacantassa pacata, pacantnaLoc. pacati, pacante, pacantesu



    The feminine is formed by adding the suffix " ", aspacanta + =pacant, and is declined like feminine nouns ending in " " (See lesson X.)



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    Nom., Voc paca, pacant, pacantniAcc. pacanta pacante, pacantni

    The rest like the masculine.

    The Present Participles ending in " mna " are declined like " nara ", " ka " and "

    phala "; aspacamno (m.)pacamn (f.) andpacamna (n.)

    Illustrations :

    gacchantopuriso, going man, or the man who is going.gacchantassapurisassa, to the man who is going.paccant(or)pacamnitth, the woman who is cooking.sovadamnogacchati, he goes speaking.patamnaphala, the falling fruit.rakkhyamnanagara, the city that is being protected.Aha magge gacchanto ta purisa passi, I saw that man while I wasgoing on the way.

    (iv), (v) The Past Active and Passive participles are formed by adding the suffix " ta ", or "na " after " d " etc. to the root or stem. If the ending of the root is " a ", it is often changedinto " i ".

    Examples :-

    + ta =ta, knownsu + ta = suta, heardpaca + ta =pacita, cookedrakkha + ta = rakkhita, protectedchidi +na = chinna, cutbhidi + na = bhinna, broken

    These are also inflectional and agree with the noun or pronoun they qualify in gender,number and case. They are frequently used to supply the place of verbs, sometimes inconjunction with the auxiliaries " asa " and " hu " to be.

    Illustrations :

    Sogato, he went or he is gone. (Here hoti is under-stood.)hitonaro, the man who stood.hitassanarassa, to the man who stood or to the manstanding.hityanriy, to the woman who stood.Buddhenadesitodhammo, the Doctrine preached by the Buddha.Sissehipucchitassapahassa, to the question asked by the pupils.

    (vi) The Potential Participles are formed by adding the suffix " tabba " to the root or stemwith or without. If the ending of the root is " a ", it is often changed into " i ".

    Examples :-

    D + tabba = dtabba, should or must begiven. + tabba =tabba, should be known.paca + tabba =pacitabba, should be cooked.

    These participles too agree with the noun or pronoun they qualify in gender, number

    and case. The agent is put in the Instrumental.


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    Illustrations :

    Janakovanditabbo, the father should be saluted.Jananrakkhitabb, the mother should be protected.Cittarakkhitabba, the mind should be guarded.Taygantabba, you should go.

    Svakehidhammosotabbo, the Doctrine should be heard by thedisciples.

    Examples :-

    Root present Act. Participle Present Pass.Part.


    Potential Part.

    d denta dyamana dinna dtabbadisa* desenta, desamna desyamna desita desetabba

    passanta, passamna passiyamna diha passitabbabhuja bhujanta, bhu

    jamnabhujyamna bhutta bhujitabba

    gamu gacchanta,gacchamna

    gacchyamna gata gantabba

    gaha gahanta, gahamna gayhamna gahita gahetabba

    kara karonta, kurumna kayiramna, kar yamna kata kattabba,ktabbap pibanta, pivanta pyamna pta ptabba

    pibamna, pivamnasu suanta, suamna syamna suta sotabba,


    *disa, (i) to preach; (ii) to see. Desenta, preaching; Passanta, seeing

    Words :

    Atthi v. is, there isAvihehayanta p. part. a + vi + heha, not hurtingBhta n. being

    Carati v. (cara) wandersKhaggavisakappa m. like a rhinocerosNidhya ind. p. p. ni + dh, having left asidePema m. attachment, loveSahya m. friendTah f. cravingUpasakamati v. (kamu with upa + sa) approaches

    Exercise xiv


    242. " Eva me suta. "243. Mayi gate* so gato.244. Ki tena kata?245. So tassa vaa bhaamno ma upasakami.246. Aha magge gacchanto tasmi rukkhe nisinna sakua passi.247. Bhikkhhi lokassa dhammo desetabbo.248. Pua kattabba, ppa na ktabba.249. Ajja etena maggena may gantabba.250. Sabb itthiyo dhamma sunantiyo etya slya nisdisu.251. Pait ya ya desa bhajanti tattha tatth'eva pjit honti.252. Buddhena bujjhitni saccni may'pi bujjhitabbni.253. Para loka gacchante tay kata pua v ppa v tay saddhi gacchati.254. hito v nisinno v gacchanto v sayanto (or sayno) v aha sabbesu

    sattesu metta karomi.

    255. Vejjaslya vasantna gilnna pure osadha dtabba, pacchaparesa dtabba.256. Ki nu kattabban'ti ajnant te mama purato ahasu.


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    257. " Pemato** jyati soko - pemato jyati bhaya;Pemato vippamuttassa - n'atthi soko kuto bhaya. "

    258. " Tahya jyati soko - tahya jyati bhaya;Tahya vippamuttassa - n'atthi soko kuto bhaya. "

    259. Ekasmi samaye aataro devo rattiya Buddha upasakamitv saddhyavanditv bhmiya ahsi. hito so devo Buddha eka paha pucchi.Pucchantassa devassa Buddho eva dhamma desesi.

    260. Te gagya nahyante maya passimh.261. " Sabbesu bhtesu nidhya daa

    Avihehaya aataram'pi tesaNa puttam'iccheyya kuto sahyaEko care Khaggavisakappo. "

    * This is the Locative absolute.** " To " is another suffix for forming the ablative.


    208.This wad done by you.209.The branch was cut by him.210.I saw a man going in the street.211.She stood saluting the sage.212.I came home when he had gone to school.213.The monkeys ate the fallen fruits.214.They saw her sitting in the hall.215.You should not bathe in the river.216.Let him do what should be done.217.Thus should it be understood by you.218.The books written by me should not be given to them.219.My friends saw the jewel that was thrown into the fire.220.I sat on the ground listening to the doctrine preached by the monks.221.The virtuous should do much merit.

    222.The people saw the sick persons drinking medicine given by the physician.


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    Lesson XV

    A. Demonstrative PronounsIma, this


    m. n. f.

    Nom. aya ida, ima ayaAcc. ima ida, ima imaInstr. imin, anena imyaAbl. imamh, imasm imya

    asmDat., Gen. imassa, assa imiss, imya,

    ass, assyaLoc. imamhi, imasmi imissa, imya,asmi assa


    m. n. f.

    Nom., Acc ime ime, imni im, imyoInstr., Abl imebhi, imehi, ebhi, ehi imbhi, imhiDat., Gen. imesa, imesna, imsa, imsna

    esa, esnaLoc. imesu, esu imsu

    Amu, this, that, such


    m. n. f.

    Nom. asu, amuko adu asu, amuAcc. amu adu amuInstr. amun amuyAbl. amumh, amusm amuyDat., Gen. amuno, amussa, amuss, amuyLoc. amumhi, amusmi amussa, amuya,


    m. n. f.

    Nom., Acc am amuyo am, amniInstr., Abl ambhi, amhiDat., Gen. amsa, amsnaLoc. amsu


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    B. Adjectives

    In Pi Adjectives are inflectional and they agree with the substantives they qualify ingender number and case. Generally they are placed before the noun.

    Adjectives ending in " a " are declined in the masculine feminine, and neuter like nara,phala, and ka respectively. Sometimes in the feminine they are declined like nr.

    Some adjectives may be formed by adding " vantu " to nouns ending in " a ", " " and" mantu " to nouns ending in " i " and " u ".

    Examples : -

    bala + vantu = balavantu, powerfulbandhu + mantu = bandhumantu, having relativesdhiti + mantu = dhitimantu, courageousgua + vantu = guavantu, virtuous

    These adjectives are declined like "pacanta " with the exception of the Nominativesingular;

    e.g., :-SING. PLU.

    bandhum bandhumanto, bandhumantdhitim dhitimanto, dhitimantguav guavanto, guavant


    Antima, adj, lastsana, n. seatArahanta, p.p. araha (used as noun & adjective) exalted, worthy,

    sanctifiedBhagavantu, adj. blessed -(used as an epithet of the Buddha, theBlessed One.)Dgha, adj. longKaha, adj. blackKhuddaka, adj. smallMajjhima, adj. middleMahanta, adj. bigNamo, indec. honour, homage, praise, salutationNca, adj. mean, lowNla, adj. bluePaipad, f. course, path, practice, conduct

    Pta, adj. yellowRatta, adj. redSamm-sambuddha, m. Fully Enlightened OneSeta, adj. whiteSta, adj. cold, coolSukhita, adj. happy, healthyTarua, adj. youngUcca, adj. highUha, adj. hot


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    Exercise xv


    262. Kim'ida?263. Kassa imni?264. Imin te ki payojana?265. Ida mayha hotu.266. Ko nma aya puriso?267. Aya me mtuln hoti.268. Ida may kattabba.269. Sabba ida asukena kata.270. Aya smi cao na hoti.271. Aya me antim jti.272. Aya seto asso khippa na dhvati.273. Guavantehi ime giln sagahitabb.274. " Yath ida tath eta - yath eta tath ida. "275. " Ida vo tna hotu - sukhit hontu tayo! "276. " Tva etasmi pabbate vasa, aha imasmi pabbate vasissmi. "277. " Namo tassa Bhagavato, arahato smm-sambuddhassa. "278. Asmi loke ca paramhi ca guavant sukhena vasanti.279. Asukya nma visikhya asukasmi ghare aya taruo vejjo vasati.280. Imehi pupphehi Buddha pjetha.281. Maya imasmi rme mahantni rukkhni passma.282. Imassa gilnassa uha udaka dtabba.283. Janako ucce sane nisdi, putto nce sane nisdi.284. Imesu pupphesu setni ca rattni ca p tni ca pupphni gahetv gacchhi.285. Imni khuddakni phalni maya na kima.286. Imin dghena maggena ete gamissanti.


    223.Who is this boy?

    224.This is my book.225.Who are these men?226.He is living in this house.227.This was done by me.228.There is such a young doctor in this street.229.Cold water should not be drunk by the sick.230.He is the last boy in the school.231.Did you see him sitting on this high seat?232.Take these long sticks and throw into the fire.233.May all these beings be happy!234.I like to mount this white horse.235.Bring those small books and give to these boys.236.You should wash your face with this hot water.237.These Exalted Ones understood the middle Path of the Buddha.

    238.This Doctrine was preached by the Blessed One.239.We shall go by this long way.240.There are tall, big trees in this forest.241.I shall take these white flowers; you may take those red flowers.242.These are small ships.243.Young men and women should always associate with the virtuous.244.This city is protected by a powerful king.245.The courageous do not run away through fear.246.Little children are playing with these little dogs.247.May the Blessed One preach the Doctrine to these monks and nuns!


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    Lesson XVI

    Numerals1. eka2. dvi3. ti4. catu5.paca6. cha7. satta8. aha9. nava10. dasa11. ekdasa12. dvdasa, brasa13. terasa, teasa14. cuddasa, catuddasa15.pacadasa, paarasa16. soasa, sorasa17. sattadasa, sattrasa18. ahadasa, ahrasa19. ek'na-vsati (lit. one less twenty)20. vsati, vsa21. eka-vsati22. dve-vsati, dv-vsati23. te-vsati

    24. catu-vsati25.paca-vsati26. chabbsati27. satta-vsati28. aha-vsati29. ek'na-tisati30. tisati, tis31. ekatisati, ekatis32. dvattisati, dvattis33. tettisati, tettis34. catuttisati, catuttis35.paca-tisati, paca-tis

    36. chattisati, chattis37. satta-tisati, satta-tis38. aha-tisati, aha-tis39. ek'na cattsati40. cattsati, cattsa, catts49. ek'na pasa50.pasa, pas60. sahi70. sattati79. ek'nsti80. asti90. navuti

    99. ek'na-sata100. sata


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    200. dvisata1,000. sahassa10,000. dasa-sahassa, nahuta100,000. sata-sahassa, lakkha10,000,000. koi100,000,000. dasa-koi

    1,000,000,000. sata-koi

    " Eka ", " ti " and " catu " are declinable in the three genders. When " eka " is used inthe sense of 'some, certain, incomparable', it is declinable in the three genders and in bothnumbers. Otherwise it is declined only in the singular.

    Numerals from " dvi " to "ahrasa " are declined only in the plural. With theexception of " ti " and " catu " all the other numerals are common to all genders.

    These numerals agree with the noun they qualify in number and case. Eka, ti, and catuagree in gender also. Generally they are placed before the noun.

    Declension of " dvi"

    Nom., Acc dve, duveInstr., Abl dvbhi, dvhiDat., Gen. dvinna

    Loc. dvsu

    " ti "

    m. n. f.

    Nom., Acc tayo tni tissoInstr., Abl tbhi, thiDat., Gen. tia tianna tissannaLoc. tsu

    " catu "

    m. n. f.

    Nom., Acc cattro, caturo cattri catassoInstr., Abl catbhi, cathiDat., Gen. catunna catussannaLoc. catusu, catsu

    "paca "

    Nom., Acc paca

    Instr., Abl pacabhi, pacahiDat., Gen. pacannaLoc. pacasu

    Numerals from " ek'navsati " to " aha-navuti " and " koi "are treated as femininesand are declined only in the singular like feminine " i " (see bhmi). Tis , catts,andpas are declined like feminine " " (see ka).

    Numerals from " ek'nasata " to " lakkha " are declined only in the singular like theneuter " a " (seephala). When, however, numerals from " vsati " and upwards are usedcollectively they take the plural; e.g.,

    dve vsatiyo, two twentiesti satni, three hundreds


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    1.pahama (first)2. Dutiya (second)3. Tatiya (third)4. Catuttha (fourth)

    5. Pacama (fifth)6. Chaha (sixth)

    The rest are formed by suffixing " ma ", as sattama (seventh), ahama (eighth), etc.

    The ordinals also agree with the noun they qualify in gender, number and case. In themasculine and neuter they are declined like " nara " and "phala " respectively. In thefeminine "pahama ", " dutiya ", and " tatiya " are declined like " ka ". The ordinalsfrom " catuttha " to " dasama " assume the feminine suffix " " and are declined like " nr"; e.g., catuttha + = catutth, sattama + i = sattam, etc.

    The feminines of other ordinals are formed by adding " "directly to the numerals, asekdasa + " " = ekdas.


    Divasa m., n. dayIto indec. hence, ago, from now, from hereMsa m., n. monthPana indec. but, however, further (sometimes used without ameaning)Pariccheda m. limit, extent, chapterSaraa n. refugeSla n. morality, precept, virtueVassa m., n. year, rain

    Exercise xvi


    287. Cattr'imni, bhikkhave, saccni.288. " Eka nma ki? "289. Tsu lokesu satt uppajjanti.290. Ekasmi hatthe paca aguliyo honti.291. Ito sattame divase aha gamissmi.292. Maya t i vassni imasmi gme vasimh.293. Aya pana imasmi potthake soasamo paricchedo hoti.294. " Buddha saraa gacchmi. Dutiyam'pi Buddha saraa gacchmi. Tatiyam'pi

    Buddha saraa gacchmi' "295. So tassa tia puttna cattri cattri katv dvdasa phalni adsi.

    296. Etasmi ghare catasso itthiyo vasanti.297. Yo pahama gaccheyya so pakra labheyya.298. Imasmi ghare aya tatiy bhmi.299. Antimena paricchedena gahapathi paca slni rakkhitabbni.300. Guavanto sad paca s lni ca ahamiya ctuddasiya pacadasiya ca

    aha slni rakkhanti.301. Bhikkh pan'eva dvisata sttavsati sikkhpadni rakkhanti.302. Tassa sehino catupasakoi dhana atthi.303. Ekasmi mse tisa divas honti. Ekasm vasse pana tisata pacasahi divas

    honti.304. Imya phaslya pacasatni siss uggahanti.


    248.I gave him four books.


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    249.He lived three days in our house.250.We have two eyes, but only one mouth.251.There are thirty days in one month, and twelve months in one year.252.They are now studying the twelfth chapter of the book.253.Which of these two presents would you take?254.The child bought three mangoes, ate one and took two home.255.He will come on the 28th day of this month.

    256.They took the Three Refuges and the five precepts to-day.257.There were two hundred patients in the hospital yesterday.258.Seven days hence my father will come to see me.259.Some householders observe the ten precepts on the fifteenth day.260.If you do evil, you will be born in the four evil states.261.If you do good, you will be born in the seven states of happiness.262.He gave five hundred and received thousand.263.She brought three presents for her three little sisters.264.My age is eighteen years.265.In his 29th year he left home, and endeavouring for six years he understood the Four

    Truths and became a fully Enlightened One in his thirty-fifth year. After becoming aBuddha He preached the Doctrine for forty-five years.


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    Lesson XVII

    A. Some Irregular Nouns ending in " a "Atta*, m. soul, self


    Nom. att attnoVoc. atta, att attnoAcc. attna, atta attnoInstr. attena, attan attanebhi, attanehiAbl. attan, attamh, attasm attanebhi, attanehiDat., Gen. attano attnaLoc. attani attanesu

    * This noun is sometimes used in the sense of a reflexive pronoun.

    Rja, m. king


    Nom. rj rjnoVoc. rja, rj rjnoAcc. rjna, rja rjnoInstr. ra, rjena rjbhi, rjhi

    rjebhi, rjehiAbl. ra, rjamh, rjbhi, rjhi

    rjasm rjebhi, rjehiDat., Gen. rao, rjino raa, rjna, rjnaLoc. rae, rjini rjusu, rjsu, rjesu

    rjamhi, rjasmi

    B. Conjugations

    In Pi there are seven conjugations. They differ according to their respectiveconjugational signs (Vikaraa) which are added on to the roots before the terminations.

    There is no definite rule to indicate to which class of conjugation the roots belong.

    The conjugations are as follows :-

    Class Conj. sign Pres. 3rd

    1stpaca -to cook a pac + a + ti = pacatibh + a + ti = bhav+ a + ti =bhavati

    2nd rudhi -to hinder ......a

    (In this conjugation too the conjugational sign is " a ", but " " is argumented beforethe final consonant of the root and is afterwards changed into the nasal of the group-consonant that follows.

    This rule applies only to the active voice.)

    ru--dh + a + ti = rundhatibhuja -to eat bhu--ja + a + ti = bhujati


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    3rddivu -to shine ya div+ ya + ti = divyati= dibyati = dibbati

    h -to abandon h + ya + ti = hyati

    4thsu -to hear u, , u su + + ti = suti

    also - su + u + ti = suotipa + apa -to arrive pa + apa + u + ti =pputi

    5thji -to conquer n* ji + n + ti =jinti

    6thtanu -to spread o, yira tanu + o + ti = tanotikara + o + ti = karoti + yira + ti = kayirati

    7thcura -to steal e, aya cura + e + ti = coreticura + aya + ti = corayati

    * In the conjugation of the root ki, to buy, which belongs to this class n is changed into; e.g. ki + + ti = kiti.

    The initial vowel in this class, not followed by a double consonant, undergoes vuddhisubstitute, i.e., a, i and u become , e, o respectively.


    Amacca m. ministerAttha m. matter, good, welfare, meaningHi indec. indeedNtha m. lord, refugePsda m. palace

    Raha n. country, kingdom, realmSakiissati (kilisa with sa) is defiledSiy 3rd pers. singular subjunctive ofasa, to beTi indec. thus. This particle is used in quoting

    the words of others, at the end of sentences, etc.Vihaati (hana with vi) perishesVisujjhati (sudha with vi) is purified

    Exercise xvii


    305. " Aya me attano attho. "306. " Na me so att. "307. " Bhagavato eta* attha roceyyma. "308. " Dhamma cara rja!. "309. " Att hi attano ntho - Ko hi ntho paro siy. "310. " Attna rakkhanto para rakkhati. Para rakkhanto attna rakkhati. "311. Atte pana amhka rahe guav rj ahosi.312. Ra likhita* ida lekhana amacc passantu!313. Ppakehi amaccehi rao ko attho?314. Amhka rjna passitu puratthimya disya dve rjno gat.315. Rj attano mahesiy saddhi psde vasati.316. Cathi dishi cattro rjno gantv Bhagavanta vanditv etam'attha

    pucchisu.317. " Putt m'atthi dhana m'atthi - Iti blo vihaati

    Att hi attano n'atthi - Kuto putt kuto dhana. "318. " Attan'va kata ppa - attan sakilissatiAttan akata ppa - attan'va visujjhati. "


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    * is changed into m.


    266.l am my own master.267.He advised himself.268.These presents were sent by the king.269.Good or evil is done by oneself.270.The ministers taking their own sons went to the palace to see the king.271.It is not good for kings to get angry with the people.272.Virtuous kings are always respected by all.273.He does not know his own good.274.Righteous kings do not wish to associate with wicked kings.275.By wisdom is one purified.276.Ministers obtain wealth by means of kings.277.He for his own good associates with kings and ministers.278.Some kings perish on account of their greediness towards the countries of others.279.The ministers told that matter to the king.

    280.He does not shine like a king.


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    Lesson XVIII

    A. Declension ofSatthu, m. TeacherSINGULAR PLURAL

    Nom. satth satthroVoc. sattha, satth satthroAcc. satthra satthro, satthreInstr., Abl. satthr satthrebhi, satthrehiDat., Gen. satthu, satthuno satthrna, satthna

    satthussaLoc. satthari satthresu, satthusu

    bhattu, husband

    dtu, giverjetu, conquerorkattu, doernattu, nephewtu, knowernetu, leadersotu, hearervattu, talker

    etc. are declined like " satthu ".

    Pitu, m. father

    SINGULAR PLURALNom. pit pitaroVoc. pita, pit pitaroAcc. pitara pitaro, pitareInstr., Abl pitar, pitun pitbhi, pithi

    pitarebhi, pitarehiDat., Gen pitu, pituno pitarna, pitna

    pitussa pitunna, pitnaLoc. pitari pitaresu, pitusu

    bhtu, brother is declined like "pitu ".

    mtu, mother is also declined like "pitu " with the exception of the following:

    SINGULAR Inst., Abl. mtar, mtuyDat., Gen. mtu, mtuy

    Dhtu, duhitu - daughter, are declined like " mtu ".

    B. Causal Forms (Krita)

    Causals are formed by adding " e ", " aya " to roots ending in " u " and " ", " pe ", "paya " to roots ending in " " and all the four or two to the other roots. The terminationsare added afterwards. All tenses, moods and participles have their own causal forms. Theinitial vowel, not followed by a double consonant, often undergoes vuddhi substitute.

    Sometimes the vuddhi substitutes " e " and " o " are changed into " aya " and " ava "respectively.


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    paca + e + ti = pceti - causes to cookpaca + aya + ti = pcayatipaca + pe + ti = pcpetipaca + paya + ti = pcpayati

    pcesi, pcay, pcpesi, pcpay, he caused to cookpcessati, pcayissati, pcpessati, pcpayissati, he will cause tocook

    d + pe = dpeti -causes to gived + paya = dpayati -causes to givechidi + e + ti = chindeti -causes to cutchidi + pe + ti = chindpeti -causes to cutni + pe + ti = naypeti -causes to leadgamu + e + ti = gameti -causes to gosu + e + ti = sveti -causes to hearbh + e + ti = bhveti -develops -lit. causes to become

    Intransitive verbs become transitive, and ordinary transitive verbs take two objectswhen they assume causal forms.

    Examples :-

    Rukkho patati. The tree falls.So rukkha pteti. He makes the tree fall.Dso odana pacati. The servant is cooking rice.So dsa odana pceti. He makes the servant cook rice.

    Sometimes the agent of the causal verb or, in other words the indirect object is put inthe Instrumental case e.g.,

    So dsena odana pceti.

    In some cases the causal forms modify the original meaning of the verb; e.g.,

    vaca -to speak, vceti -readsbh -to be, bhveti -develops, cultivates

    Exercise xviii


    319. " Nam'atthu* satthuno ".320. " Tay suta dhamma amhe'pi svehi ".321. Satth svake dhamma despeti (or svakehi).322. Pit putta gma gameti.

    323. Mt attano dh tara nahpetv phasla pesesi.324. Bhatt attano bhariyya atithayo sagahpesi.325. Dhtaro, dsehi drni harpetv aggi dpetha.326. Dh thi mtaro ca pitaro ca rakkhitabb, mthi ca pithi ca dhtaro

    rakkhitabb.327. Mt dhtare satthra vandpeti.328. Aha mtuy ca pitar ca saddhi rma gantv te dhamma svessmi.329. Mtula, maya pana tava nattro homa. Tasm no sdhuka uggahpehi.330. Satth sotre saccni bodhento gm gma nagar nagara vicarati.331. Tesa rahe dhitimante netre na passma.332. Mtari ca pitari ca darena mayha bhatt attano dhanena mahanta ghara

    krpetv te tattha vaspesi.

    *Namo + atthu = nam'atthu

    atthu -Benedictive mood 3rd person singular ofasa -to be.


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    281.Talkers are not always doers.282.The leaders are not always conquerors.283.My father taught my brother well and made him a leader of the country.284.I made my mother give alms to the disciples of the Teacher.285.My nephew is reading the letter sent by his father.

    286.Virtuous daughters cause their husbands to treat their mothers and fathers well.287.Daily my father and mother cultivate good-will towards all beings and advise us also todo likewise.

    288.Of my two brothers one is a talker and the other is a doer.289.I do not cause my servants to give food to my husband.290.Let the Teacher cause the monks to preach the Doctrine. There will be knowers. They

    will understand the Truth and make others realise their Deliverance.291.Our father made our brothers cut the trees in the garden.292.The conquerors caused the people to erect a large hall in the kingdom.293.Daughters, you should not do evil, nor cause others to do evil.294.The monks should neither dig the ground nor cause others to dig the ground.


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    Lesson XIX

    A. Declension of " go "go, m. bull


    Nom. Voc. go gvo, gavoAcc. gvu, gava, gva gvo, gavoInstr. gvena, gavena gobhi, gohiAbl. gv, gav, gvamh, gobhi, gohi

    gavamh, gvasm,gavasm

    Dat., Gen. gvassa, gavassa gava, gunna, gonaLoc. gve, gave, gvamhi, gosu

    gavamhi, gvasmi,gavasmi

    mana, n. mind


    Nom. mana man, manniVoc. mana, man manniAcc. mana mane, manniInstr. mans, manena manebhi, manehiAbl. manas, man, manebhi, manehi

    manamh, manasmDat., Gen. manaso, manassa mannaLoc. manasi, mane, manesu

    manamhi, manasmi

    The following nouns are declined like " mana ":aha, dayaya, ironceta, mindchanda, wish, consent, metreoja, essencepya, water, milk

    raja, dustsara, lakesira, headtama, darknesstapa, asceticism, controlteja, majestyura, shouldervaca, wordvaya, ageyasa, glory

    B. Perfect Tense (Hyattan)Terminations


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    3rd 2nd o ttha1st a mh


    3rd apac apac2nd apaco apacattha1st apaca, apaca apacamh

    In this tense, as in the first past tense (ajjatan), " a " is prefixed to the root. Sometimesan additional " " is found in the 1st person.

    As a rule theAjjatanis more commonly used than the Hyattanto express the past. Itwill be safer for the students to adopt the former.*

    * See lesson VII

    Exercise xix


    333. " Etad* avoca satth. "334. " Bhagav etam'ha. "335. " Idam'avoca Bhagav ".336. " cariy evam'ha."337. " Attha hi ntho saraa avoca. "338. " Satth ta itthi ha -'etiss tava putta deh'ti. "339. Eko go tamasi khetta agam.340. Vayas aha paca vsati vassni.341. " Manas savaro sdhu. "

    342. " Ta sdhuka suhi, manasi karohi. "343. Amhka sattuno pde maya siras avandamh.344. Tava vacas v manas v m ki ci ppaka kamma karohi.345. Aya nv ayas kat.346. Satta ahni maya kici'pi hra na abhujamh.347. Mayha bht gona tia ad

    *Eta + avoca = Etadavoca.


    295.There is no dust in this street.

    296.The consent of the sick monks should be taken.297.Fathers carry their sons on their shoulders.298.My father is 45 years of age.299.The World was in darkness for four, days.300.We should purify our own mind.301.A fruit from the tree fell on my head.302.The farmers caused their sons to give grass to the cattle and went to the city.303.People reverence him on account of his asceticism.304.In glory may you shine like the moon.305.The king by his majesty conquered all the people.306.They have no anger in their minds.307.The cattle do not, drink the water of this lake.308.There is no essence in this milk.


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    Lesson XX

    Compounds (samsa)A Samsa is a compound which is composed of two or more simple words.

    As a rule only the final member of the compound takes the case terminations. Thepreceding members, with a few exceptions, drop their case endings and assume their bases.

    The component parts of the compound are combined, wherever necessary, according tothe rules ofSandhi.

    In Pali there are five classes of compounds, viz:-

    1. AdjectivalCompounds (Kammadhraya),2. CaseCompounds (Tappurissa),3. CopulativeCompounds (Dvanda),

    4. AttributiveCompounds(Bahubbhi) and5. AdverbialCompounds (Avyaybhva).

    1. An AdjectivalCompound (Kammadhraya) is that which is formed by combining asubstantive with an adjective, or a noun in apposition, or an indeclinable used in anadjectival sense, as its prior member.

    In some instances the qualifying adjective follows the noun.

    Examples : -

    Taruo-puriso taruapuriso (m) young manTaru-ka taruaka (f) young maidenTarua-phala taruaphala (n) young fruit

    Sumedho-paito sumedhapaito Sumedha the wise or wiseSumedhaMukham'eva cando mukhacando moon-faceSlam'eva dhana sladhana wealth of virtueSu-jano sujano good manNa-kusala akusala immoral or non-moralNa-asso anasso non-horse (mule)Na-manusso amanuusso non-man (a spirit)

    "Na" followed by a consonant is changed into "a", and into "an" when followed by avowel.

    Those Adjectival Compounds that have a numeral as their first member are in Piknown as DiguSamsa (Numerical Compounds).

    They generally take the neuter singular when they imply an aggregate.

    Examples : -

    Dve-aguliyo dvagula two-fingerTayo-lok tiloka three-fold worldCatasso-dis catuddisa four-fold directionCattri-saccnicatusacca four-fold truthSatta-ahni sattha week

    They do not take the neuter singular when they do not imply an aggregate.

    Examples :-

    Eko-putto ekaputto one son

    Tayo-bhav tibhav three existencesCattasso-dis catuddis four directions


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    2. A CaseCompound* (Tappurisa) is that which is formed by combining a substantive withanother substantive belonging to anyone of the oblique cases, by dropping its caseendings.

    In some exceptional cases the preceding members retain their case endings.

    These compounds take the gender of the final member and are declinedaccordingly.

    With the exception of the Nominative and Vocative cases all the other oblique casesgo to form these compounds.

    * According to Saskrit grammarians this class of compounds is known as DeterminativeCompound.

    Examples :-

    1. Dutiy-Acc