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Lindsey SantillanesCultural Anthropology Mini-Conference Presentation

Kinship is the study of relations based onSex and genderMarriageFamilyInheritance and successionExtended family and larger groupsRules of descent

What is Kinship?

So what exactly does kinship mean?

In anthropology, kinship is a system of rules based on relationships, government, inheritance, marriage, relations and residence.

In many societies, the concept of kinship extends beyond family ties2

Bilateral: One recognizes kin through both sexes equally (top)

Unilineal: One recognizes kin through the male line only or the female line only

Patrilineal: The male line only (lower left)

Matrilineal: The female line only (lower right)Principals of Decent : Two Major types

There are two major types of descent practiced.

The first is Bilateral descent.

Bilateral systems are traced through both sexes. The male and female are seen equally in these societies

The next major system is Unilineal Descent.

Unilineal groups have a prominent figure in the family which is either the male (patrilineal ties) or the female (which are matrilineal ties).


Definition: Kin is recognized through both male and female equallyTerm: bi means two; lateral means sideEmphasis is based on closeness or distance of kin laterally

Decent Rules: Bilateral

Unilineal descent of ancestry is linked through one sex onlyPatrilineal: Line of kin that comprises of the males onlyMatrilineal: Line of kin that comprises of the females onlyThe line of kin only follows with one side of the family or the other (male or females family)Descent Rules: Unilineal

Bilateral Descent allows for flexibility of kin reckoningUnilineal Descent entails automatic inclusion and exclusionBoth form the basis of economic rights and obligationsPolitical affiliationEven ancestral worshipImportance of Descent

Bilateral systems are a much more loose form of practice and are defined by their relationships and family instead of by their groups or communities

Unlineal groups tend to be more powerful organizations than bilateral clans.

Unilineal spocieties act as a communal group and support each other as a whole

When it comes to bilateral societies, people tend to be singled out based on importance. Where you stand in the family is based off of what you can do to help6

I have really enjoyed taking this anthropology course and feel it has taught me allot about cultureGOOD LUCK WITH THE REST OF THE SEMESTER AND FINISHING YOUR PROJECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!

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