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Cultivating My Garden Essay

Mikayla Stotler

March 17, 2015

Mr. Gibbs

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Quotes Page

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”

-Rafiki, The Lion King

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Thank you to the following for influencing me throughout the journey of my life:

1. My Mom

2. My Dad

3. Breanna

4. KT Schneider

5. Sarah Craft

6. My Dog Izzy

7. Anna Taugher

8. Gabby Quitevis

9. Maddy Kieth

10. All of My Aunts and Uncles

11. All My Past and Present Teachers

12. My Softball Coaches

13. My Soccer Coaches

14. My Band Family

15. YouTubers

16. Cousin Anna

17. Aislynn

18. Antonia

19. Grandma Bundesen

20. Grandpa Bundesen

21. Grandma Morris

22. Grandpa Morris

23. Pop Pops

24. Grammie

25. Cousin Bobby

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Table of Contents

Quotes ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

Thank you’s .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 11

Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Table of Figures

Figure 1-Your Stomach ................................................................................................................................. 5

Figure 2-Friends ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Figure 3-Eiffel Tower ................................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 4-Stress .............................................................................................................................................. 9

Figure 5-Art ................................................................................................................................................ 12

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High School College Gastroenteologist


So far, my life has involved doing what’s necessary to have a bright future, as well

as having fun in the process. Such as Girl Scouts, band, Sierra Service Project, etc.

However, when thinking about the future I get scared. Scared of what cause and effect the

world has in store for me, if there is a future, or if I’ll even do anything worth being proud

of. This essay involves what my goals are and how I hope to achieve the goals I set for my


Chapter 1


Ever since I was little it has been

my dream to become a gastroenterologist

(a stomach doctor). Everyone thought I

was odd; you would too if you heard a

nine to ten year old pronounce a word you

never even heard before, but the only

reason I knew the word was because I had

stomach problems. I would have stomach

pains that would ach twenty-four-seven.

There was no break. My doctor could

never figure out the problem with me so I

have always dreamed of helping others

with similar problems and seeing if I

could try and figure out what was wrong

with me. I know that becoming a

gastroenterologist will not come easily,

but hopefully I will make it easier and

more obtainable by planning ahead.

First, let’s talk salary. In the article

from, it states that, as of 2015,

the median annual salary for a

gastroenterologist is $343,680. Using this

information, it tells me that if I make the

right decisions with money, my finances

will not be an issue. This will give my

children and family a little support if they

ever are in need. Also, gastroenterologists

(depending on if they work for a hospital

or provide it for others, according to the

website, advances of becoming a doctor)

get benefits. Sometimes they even get

hospital benefits for their whole family.

Even though being a

gastroenterologist has been my dream ever

since I was little, it doesn’t mean that I

will get it automatically. That means I

have to work really hard starting as soon

as possible to get myself ready for the

long journey. To start, this summer, I will

need to go to the library and read as many

books as I can, like


Physiology: The

Mosby Physiology

Monograph Series by

Leonard R. Johnson PhD or The Little GI

book: An Easily Digestible Guide to

Understanding Gastroenterology by

Figure 1-Your


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Douglas Adler MD. Both these books

teach people about the gastrointestinal

tract and other information to help people

understand what gastroenterology is.

Other than reading books I’ll have

to take internships and prepare

myself with skills I’ll need to

be successful in the

gastroenterology practice. To

get an internship I’ll will

research gastroenterologists

nearby and get into contact with

them to see if any are interested

in having an intern. The

internship will help me follow

the doctor and learn the skills I

saw while I was on Cypress,

such as how they talk, listen, and

handle their patients in a professional

way. However, I do have some existing

talents such as being able to understand

someone quickly enough before

frustration occurs. Being able to

understand quickly will help me better

understand what my patients need help


Another thing I need to

think about is school. In

high school I need to

balance my schedule

with some honors

classes and some regular

classes plus a full

schedule to show

commitment, that no hour

has gone to waste. Some

honors/AP classes I want

to take to prep me are

Chemistry Honors, Algebra

2 and Trigonometry Honors, and

Literature 2 Honors. Those classes are the

ones I am striving to take next school

year. They will help me be ready for the

fast pace college level. For college I will

need to go a school for medicine plus my

regular college to get a doctorate and my

license. I have two colleges I really want

to go to that have gastroenterology

divisions; Stanford and UC Davis.

However, since both those schools are

difficult to get into it would be

illogical to not put applications in

for other great schools with great

gastroenterology programs that

will benefit me on my path

towards my dream career, such as

UC San Diego.

Lastly, my backup plan.

Since gastroenterology has a

high pay and can interest many

people or I find out it is not the

career I am destined to have, there

needs to be a cushion I can fall back

on. That pillow-y fall back plan for right

now is becoming a pediatrician. Working

to help people, especially children, was

the main reason I chose to want to become

a gastroenterologist, so if I were to

become a pediatrician I would still help

people (children) just not solely with the

digestive/stomach regions. Even though I

will not be getting the same

money as I would if I were to

become a gastroenterologist,

the average amount for

pediatricians hourly is $77.60

equaling about $161,000

annually (according to

pediatrician salary), will still

be a good support for my

family to live a good life.

The career I am striving for

will take me on a long journey

throughout school and life, but I

still have to remember the little girl

playing with her Barbie’s and dressing up

as Cinderella who dreamed to become a

doctor on stomachs and not lose my way


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Chapter 2

Family and Friends

When I think of a family and friends for

the future I think of going to family for

the holidays and keeping my friends for

long term friendships. With these

relationships, I’ll have someone to turn to

in my time of need or in times of joy.

Family has been one of the most

important things to me ever since I was

little. To me, my family will hopefully

consists of 2 kids, a husband, and

however many dogs we can

handle. Families take a lot of

work, especially marriages.

According to, the

average length of time for couples

to stay married is 8.7 years. Since

it would be better for my children

if their parents live together

happily and not have to have a

divorce, I will need to make sure

my husband is “the one”, by

hopefully dating him for a while

before making a commitment.

That way my children will have the best

possible outcome for their futures.

Especially since says

that if parents get a divorce, their children

are more likely to put themselves into

harm’s way.


love cannot be

determined by what

I hope and wish for,

because of this I

will not be certain if

the one that is

supposed to be with

me forever will ever

come until later in

my life. If I do not

have a husband by

at least 35 I will

start to think of adoption. I think adoption

is a good choice for people not in a

position to have kids because it helps

children whose parent(s) were not capable

of taking care of them at their time of

birth not go into foster care. I would be

honored to adopt a child even though I

have always wanted the experience of

having my own child, but to me the only

difference between adopting and

having my own child is the way

you have your child. There is no

difference in the way you should

treat or even love your kid.

Since we live in an age with

so many different ways of keeping

in contact with people, it will not

be super difficult to keep in touch

with my friends from high school

and the new friends I will make

throughout my life. With

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Pinterest and Tumblr, keeping in

contact with people that I grow close to in

the future will be easier than say ten to

fifteen years ago. This way those lasting

friendships created will be able to last

longer than hoped. This will help me

always have someone there for me in

times of trouble as well as

good times.

Friends and family

helps give you the support

and love you need to get

through difficult times. They

show you that you do have

someone as a resource at any

time, even when you don’t

think you could go to


Figure 2-Friends

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Chapter 3

Traveling the World

I have always dreamed about

traveling the world to see and learn

interesting new things about different

places. Some things I would like to go to

do is eat croissants under the Eiffel

Tower, eat Cecina while looking at the

Leaning Tower of Pisa, and see the

pyramids in Egypt. When I grow up, I

would be honored and grateful if the

opportunity came where I am financially

capable to travel because then I would be

able to see all the sites, eat all the

different foods, see what it’s like to be in

the different cultures of the world, and

more. To do this, however, will take a lot

of planning ahead

of time.

According to, they

say that a round

trip around the

world would cost

anywhere between

$20,000 to

$30,000 for one

person. If I do

well throughout

my career this

price will

hopefully not be a

problem. This way

I will be able to

see all the sites I have always wanted to

see like the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning

Tower of Pisa or even see if 42 Wallaby

Way, Sydney, Australia really exists for


However, to be able to save that

much money and not be in any debt, I

need to watch what I am spending and not

take for granted the finer things in life. To

watch what I am spending I could either

hire an accountant (according to main

street practitioner it would

cost about $68 to

around $157 an hour) or

take some classes in

college, or even high

school to learn about

money. Hopefully doing one

of those, plus maybe having a

husband that knows

a few things about

money, my plans for

traveling aren’t going to be too farfetched.

I also need to think about my kids.

To me, traveling around the world would

not be best for them. I feel that they need

one (or two if it comes to that) stable

home(s) for them to have the best chance

at happiness.

So, traveling

while they're

still living at

home is not

going to

happen. That

only leaves two possible times for my

dream of traveling to come true; before I

have kids or when I am retired and the

kids are out the house.

Most people never even have the chance

to think about traveling to the next state

over let alone a whole new country, so I

am going to try my hardest to plan sooner

than later so that this dream of mine can

become reality .

Figure 3-Eiffel Tower

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Chapter 4

Living a Healthy Life

In classes that we take on health

throughout our lives, we learn a few

things on what being healthy really

means. Most people think health only

requires you to eat good food and

exercise, but that’s not completely true.

To be fully healthy you need to think

happy thoughts as well as keeping

yourself physically healthy.

However, most people my age

struggle with that especially around big

tests, like finals.

The eating portion of health for me

has always been a struggle. I struggle to

eat lunch regularly, I don't drink water,

and when I eat snacks they are very

unhealthy to the point where it’s a

wonder why I am the size I am. I

recently have been trying to

decrease my unhealthy eating habits by

drinking water and bringing lunches when

I have a packed salad at home (most

days). When I do bring lunches I feel

obligated to eat them. According to it says that to solve eating

problems you need to catch them ahead

and deal with them patiently. So I'll take it

slow but be as effective as possible by

trying to eat and drink at

least the recommended

amount for my age.

However, this initiative

should not stop when I grow

up and have kids of my own.

I have also struggled

with exercise. I

tend to be a bit lazy

when it comes to

either television and eating

or running and choose being

a couch potato. However, I

have been trying to do sit ups

and core exercises to keep

myself a little more

healthy when it comes to

the physical exercise portion of health, but

I would like to do more. So that's why this

summer I plan on running every morning

to keep up my physical health.

Figure 4-Stress

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Lastly, for my health, I have

always struggled with stress ever since I

was little. Stress has been the hardest

thing for me to deal with. For me, stress is

caused by anything. From the littlest

things like how people are going to like

what I’m


each day all

the way to

what will

happen to

me the next

day. It’s

what keeps

me up at

night and


can lead to

cause me to minor-ly be depressed. No

one deserves to feel the way that my stress

makes me feel. It’s my worst enemy and it

feels as if it will never go away. It causes

me to not be open about my feelings and

make everyone think I’m fine when I

actually feel like I’m dying inside.

However, there are some ways that I can

limit the amount of stress I have. These

include deep breathing and talking. Some

activities that help are swimming and

playing my saxophone.

Living a healthy life doesn't just

involve my health it involves my family’s

as well. So I can keep my husband and

kids healthy, I will try to cook healthy,

nutritious meals each night and try to

schedule times where we go on hikes or

walks as a family. Doing this will help my

family get into a healthy routine so when

they grow up and have children of their

own they will have good healthy habits.



would be



in sports,

looking at

labels on

food and

drinks so


know what

we are


into our

bodies, or

even just

eating more fruits and vegetables than

McDonald's takeout.

Since stress has affected my life so

much, I will try to make it so that my

children will not be put into the position

of stress as a young child. Even though

stress is inevitable throughout school

careers I will try my hardest to make their

home atmosphere as stress free as

possible. With a stress free home

environment and healthy physical bodies I

hope to provide my children with healthy


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Chapter 5 Hobbies

Hobbies help people take their

mind off of a difficult day, or just to have

fun doing something they love. Some of

the hobbies I would like have would be

paragliding, knitting, drawing, swimming

in the




continuing with my music.

Paragliding has always interested

me. Seeing those people jump off the hills

and gliding down the hillside feeling like

you're flying. That's what I want, even if

it's just for a couple minutes or even

hours, to feel like a bird for as long as I

possibly can. However, I do know that

things could go wrong and something

tragic could occur.

That's why I'll have to

do research before I go

out a do a jump. For

example, that while

paragliding it is only as

safe as you make it

(according to

I had an interest

in knitting ever since I

was little and tried it out

for a little bit. I have always wanted to

make something substantial, maybe even a

work of art. Most people think of knitting

and think of little old ladies talking about

their cats or whatever has caught their eye

recently, but I want to make it fun for

everyone. Maybe make a little knitting

circle for all ages or something along

those lines. I could learn how to make

little figurines, sweaters, socks, mittens,

booties, or even traditional scarves.

I have wanted to be able to draw for a

while now. I am able to draw whatever I

am shown how to draw. However, I would

like to be able to just

draw whatever comes

to mind,



taught. I


myself sitting

on rocks drawing the

ocean with people and

their pets running around in

the water, having the time of their


I love the ocean. It has

always made me happy to

swim or even boogie boarding

on the white water. Any water

activities interest me and

make me super happy. The

ocean is a center for me. It

helps me take my mind off of

the crazy world just by

walking along it with my feet

in the cold salt water. It helps

me think of my problems or even how to

solve them.

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Music has been a place to get away

ever since I was 9. Music helps me calm

down, especially when I am stressed out

about something that happened or going to

happen. Some people that I talk to say it is

calming because you have to take big

breaths that help calm you down, but to

me it's the beauty of playing something

and listening to how the

song goes or will go calms

me. Music has a way of

controlling people. It can

make people sad,

exhilarated, happy, or

even angry. When it

comes to music, playing

my sax or even singing, it

makes me happy to see the

effect it can have on


Hobbies for me

will make my life more

calm, cool, and collected.

They will help me get my stress out in

good, healthy ways. This way I will not

ruin some of the good relationships I have

with people because I got a little too

stressed and got snappy at the wrong

person. Hobbies will help me be a better,

healthier version of me.

Figure 5-Art

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