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Page 1: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 Ruben Smeets 29/09/2015 – 30/09/2015

Page 2: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Workshop Timeline

•  14h00 – 14h20 à Introduction & Quick Start •  14h20 – 14h40 à Familiarization with tools •  14h40 – 15h30 à Basic track part 1 •  15h30 – 15h40 à Short break •  15h40 – 17h00 à Basic track part 2 •  17h00 – 17h20 à Short break (with lunch) •  17h20 – 18h00 à Extended track

Page 3: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction The Problem

Native app development •  SDK’s are platform-specific •  Each OS comes with its

own tools and GUI toolkit

Apple iOS Android Windows Phone

Languages Objective-C, C, C++ Java (C, C++ NDK) C#, VB.NET and more

Tools Xcode Android SDK Android Studio

Visual Studio, Windows Phone dev. tools

Packaging format .ipa (.app) .apk .xap

App stores Apple App Store Google Play store Windows Phone Marketplace

Time consuming Expensive

Page 4: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction The Solution à Cross-platform App development??

Source-code translators

Runtime (VM approach)

Web-to-native wrapper

Javascript Frameworks / web-app toolkits

App Factories


•  Good UX and performance

•  Full device access

•  Good UX and performance

•  Full device access

•  Good Portability

•  Same as web app •  More device

access than web-app

•  Easily updated(*)

•  Multiplatform support

•  Low development cost

•  Easily updated

•  No programming skills required

•  Development in the cloud

Disadvantages •  High complexity •  Consistancy


•  Interpretation latency

•  Poorer UX compared to native

•  Limited device access

•  Shallow UX

•  Limited UI •  Low platform


Often used in combination Often used in combination

Page 5: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

A cross-platform mobile web application framework based on HTML5 and JavaScript for creating universal mobile apps

Sencha Touch ?

Introduction Sencha Touch

Latest release of Sencha Touch à Merged in ExtJS 6

Page 6: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction Sencha Touch

Web Apps

Hybrid Apps

Page 7: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction Examples – Android

myUConn - the official app of the University of Connecticut

Page 8: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction Examples - iOS

Chase Mobile – Banking app optimized for iPad. You can manage your accounts, make deposits, find ATMs and more.

Page 9: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Introduction Examples – Both

MEC_QATAR – The application of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in Qatar, contains many of the services provided by the ministry for the investor and the consumer.

Page 10: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Sencha Basics •  MVC

o  Data Package o  Components

•  Containers •  Layouts

o  Controllers •  Multi-controller application •  PhoneGap/Cordova Packaging

Quick Start

Page 11: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

•  Models, Stores and Proxies o  Associations o  Validation o  Sorting & filters o  Local & server storage

•  Easily consume web services o  JSON/P o  XML

Quick Start MVC – Data Package

Page 12: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Ext.define('User', { ! extend: '’,!

config: { !

fields: [ !

{name: 'name', type: 'string'}, !

{name: 'age', type: 'int'}, !

{name: 'phone', type: 'string'}, ! {name: 'alive', type: 'boolean', !

defaultValue: true} ! ] !

}, !

changeName: function() { ! var oldName = this.get('name'), ! newName = oldName + " The Barbarian”;!

this.set('name', newName); ! } !

}); !

Quick Start MVC – Model Example

var user = Ext.create('User', { ! name : 'Conan', !

age : 24, !

phone: '555-555-5555' !

}); !


user.changeName(); !user.get('name'); // returns "Conan The Barbarian" !

Definition of a Model Instance of a Model

Page 13: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Components

•  Components o  Lists

•  Nested, Grouped, Sortable o  Carousel o  Picker o  Overlay o  Slider o  Forms & Fields o  Toolbars & Buttons o  …

Page 14: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Component Hierarchy

Page 15: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Creating a Component

!Ext.create('Ext.List', { ! fullscreen: true, ! itemTpl: '<div class="contact”> !

{firstName} {lastName} </div>', !

store: store, ! grouped: true!}); !

Instantiate an object

!Ext.create('Ext.Container', { ! fullscreen: true, ! items: { ! xtype: 'button', ! text: 'My Button' ! } !}); !

Child to a container as JSON with an xtype

Page 16: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Container Components

•  A Container Component can render multiple child-Components

•  Containers can specify a layout that determines how its children are rendered o  Fit o  Card o  vbox o  hbox

•  Example of a container: Ext.Panel

Page 17: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Container Layout Types

Fit Card

hbox vbox

Page 18: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Container Layout Example

Ext.create('Ext.Container', { ! fullscreen: true, ! layout: 'hbox', ! items: [ ! { ! xtype: 'panel', ! html: 'message list', ! flex: 1 ! }, ! { ! xtype: 'panel', ! html: 'message preview', ! flex: 2 ! } ! ] !}); !


Container configuration

Child component configuration

Page 19: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start MVC – Controller

•  Controller is the glue of the application

•  Controller subscribes to events from the view

•  Controller updates the Model

•  Model drives the view

Page 20: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start Multi-controller Application

•  Create separate Controller for each view or Container o  Scalable o  Maintainable o  Faster BUG solving

Page 21: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Quick Start PhoneGap/Cordova Packaging •  Package Sencha WebApp for native deployment •  App runs inside WebView

o  (Single Page Hybrid App) •  Creates JavaScript access to native API’s

o  Camera, Sensors, file, etc…

Page 22: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Workshop Timeline

•  14h00 – 14h20 à Introduction & Quick Start •  14h20 – 14h40 à Familiarization with tools •  14h40 – 15h30 à Basic track part 1 •  15h30 – 15h40 à Short break •  15h40 – 17h00 à Basic track part 2 •  17h00 – 17h20 à Short break (with lunch) •  17h20 – 18h00 à Extended track

Page 23: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Familiarization with tools Secure – Deploy – Analyze





Sencha Space

Prototype – Design

Combined in Ext JS 6

Ext JS Touch GXT


Inspector (Beta)

Sencha CMD Architect

Architect Stencils

Page 24: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –





Sencha CMD

Sencha products we will be using:

Additional tools we will be using:


Web Browser IDE Native Packager

Android SDK Tools

Familiarization with tools Workshop Tools

Page 25: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

•  Project scaffolding and code generation •  JS-to-JS compiler •  Integrated Web server •  Workspaces •  Package Management (create and maintain components) •  Build options

o  Production build (minimal code size) o  Test build (debugging)

•  Native packaging o  Phonegap local o  Cordova local o  Phonegap Build (Cloud build)

•  Full list available at:

Familiarization with tools Sencha CMD

Page 26: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

•  Project scaffolding and code generation •  JS-to-JS compiler •  Integrated Web server •  Workspaces •  Package Management (create and maintain components) •  Build options

o  Production build (minimal code size) o  Test build (debugging)

•  Native packaging o  Phonegap local o  Cordova local o  Phonegap Build (Cloud build)

•  Full list available at:

Familiarization with tools Sencha CMD

Page 27: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Familiarization with tools API Documentation!/example/kitchen-sink

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Familiarization with tools Other

Page 29: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Familiarization with tools Other – continued

Page 30: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Familiarization with tools Other – continued

Page 31: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Workshop Timeline

•  14h00 – 14h20 à Introduction & Quick Start •  14h20 – 14h40 à Familiarization with tools •  14h40 – 15h30 à Basic track part 1 •  15h30 – 15h40 à Short break •  15h40 – 17h00 à Basic track part 2 •  17h00 – 17h20 à Short break (with lunch) •  17h20 – 18h00 à Extended track

Page 32: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

What will we do? Basic Track •  Extend a Sencha Touch 2 app

o  Generate & build an app with Sencha command o  Create & navigate to an “About” page o  Search the current location with the geolocation sensor

Extended Track •  Extend a Sencha Touch 2 app

o  Store recent searches in local storage

Page 33: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –
Page 34: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

The PropertyCrossBasic App

Searching UK property listings

Page 35: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Basic Track Part 1 Exercise 1 Recap: Running the application 1.  Generate a default application

sencha –sdk path/to/sdk generate app PropertyCrossWorkshopApp . \PropertyCrossWorkshopApp

2.  Copy and replace the “app/”, “resources/” and other files inside the basic app folder o  Contains the MVC source files of the workshop app

3.  Build and run the PropertyCrossWorkshopApp application sencha app watch

4.  Navigate to “localhost:1841/” in your browser

5.  Debug your application using Chrome developer tools

Page 36: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

•  .sencha/ •  touch/ •  app

o  controller/ o  model/ o  profile/ o  store/ o  view/

•  app.js •  bootstrap.js •  bootstrap.json •  index.html •  app.json •  build.xml •  packager.json •  resources/

MVC folder structure

config/meta files & Ant scripts Sencha SDK folder -- DO NOT TOUCH!

Starting point of your application

Used during development

Settings & instructions for building or distributing

Entry point that loads the application

Contains CSS, SASS, icons, etc..

Basic Track Part 1 Exercise 1 Recap: Running the application

Page 37: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Basic Track Part 1 Exercise 2: Adding the ‘About’ page

•  GOAL: Adding UI to the application

•  What you’ll learn: o  How to add a new view to the application o  How to navigate to your new view using a button o  How to listen to events from your button inside a controller o  How to position components inside the view using layouts

Page 38: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Basic Track Part 1 Exercise 2 Recap: Adding the ‘About’ page

1.  Adding the about button (info icon)

2.  Add a the button event listener inside the application controller

3.  Navigate to the About page (that doesn’t exist yet!)

4.  Create the About page

5.  Add components to the About page

6.  Style your components inside the About page

7.  Use the Sencha layout system to position the components

Page 39: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Workshop Timeline

•  14h00 – 14h20 à Introduction & Quick Start •  14h20 – 14h40 à Familiarization with tools •  14h40 – 15h30 à Basic track part 1 •  15h30 – 15h40 à Short break •  15h40 – 17h00 à Basic track part 2 •  17h00 – 17h20 à Short break (with lunch) •  17h20 – 18h00 à Extended track

Page 40: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Basic Track Part 2 Exercise 3: Add geolocation functionality to the app

•  GOAL: Using a device sensor, calling Internet service

•  What you’ll learn: o  How to use the geolocation sensor (GPS) o  How to load information based on the attained location o  How to show the response to the user

Page 41: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Basic Track Part 2 Exercise 3 Recap: Add geolocation functionality to the app

1.  Adding the ‘My Location’ button

2.  Using the geolocation API from Sencha 3.  Formatting the geolocation results

4.  Requesting property listings through the Nestoria API using our location

5.  Handling the ERROR state

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Workshop Timeline

•  14h00 – 14h20 à Introduction & Quick Start •  14h20 – 14h40 à Familiarization with tools •  14h40 – 15h30 à Basic track part 1 •  15h30 – 15h40 à Short break •  15h40 – 17h00 à Basic track part 2 •  17h00 – 17h20 à Short break (with lunch) •  17h20 – 18h00 à Extended track

Page 43: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Extended Track Exercise 4: Remember previous searches

•  GOAL: Using HTML5 local storage to save previous searches, dynamically change UI based on content inside local storage

•  What you’ll learn: o  How to configure the HTML5 local storage Proxy from Sencha o  How to save and load content from the local storage Proxy o  How to dynamically update a UI component with local storage


Page 44: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Extended Track Exercise 4 Recap: Remember previous searches

1.  Defining the data model for local storage

2.  Defining a Sencha Store to hold a list of records (model instances)

3.  Add a local storage Proxy to the Searches Store

4.  Adding records into the Searches store and syncing it with local storage

5.  Add the previous searches list component to the home.js view

6.  Hiding/showing the previous searches

7.  Performing a property search when selecting a previous search item

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References •  Sencha book

o  Hands-On Sencha Touch 2: A Real World Approach – Lee Boonstra (Book)

•  Sencha developer blogs o

in-sencha-touch/ o o o o

•  PropertyCross Website o

Page 46: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

References •  Sencha Best Practices

o (XTemplate part 1) o (XTemplate part 2) o (common best practices) o (Best Practices for Improving your

Sencha Apps) o




Page 47: Crossmos Workshop Sencha Touch 2 -€¦ · Workshop Timeline • 14h00 – 14h20 !Introduction & Quick Start • 14h20 – 14h40 !Familiarization with tools • 14h40 –

Thank you for participating! Don’t forget the evaluation form…

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