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Page 1: Craft kids

Craft Kids

Page 2: Craft kids

‘Knitting, embroidery and crochet have never been so cool – Craft Kids have learnt their skills from grandparents and friends. Once a pastime assigned to pre-schoolers or geeks, craft is now seen as fun and progressive.’

The Craft Kids are a type of sub-group from the tribe ‘Indie Scenesters’.

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Rita Hayworth

Martha Wainwright

Vivienne Westwood

Arcade Fire

Ed Sheeran

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These are the type of brands that applies to this specific group.

This is a chart of media consumption from our target audience, the ‘craft kids’.

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Key quotes about the Craft Kids

* ‘Your house could happily be in the 1950s’

* ‘You prefer to wear clothes you’ve made yourself, or at least customised’

* ‘Floral print dresses are de rigeur’* ‘Your iTunes is full of post-war

crooners’* ‘Your idol is Rita Hayworth’

* ‘You’d love to be studying History of Art at Central St Martins’

* ‘You own a vintage Singer sewing machine’

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The unavoidable media furore surrounding cheap third world labour means that some people don’t want to shop on the cheap and be left with a guilty conscience. Craft is also seen as an antidote to capitalism, which in the current economic climate is regarded as a dirty word. Craft Kids are proud and pleased to be part of the new ‘green’ members of society – contributing by skilfully recycling old items and fashioning them into new ones. Members of this tribe are more likely to be female – though male crafters are certainly on the rise – and generally come from middle class backgrounds.


• Greenpeace• NSPCC• RSPCA

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