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Minutes – June 24, 2015 NJ Council for Young Children (NJCYC) – Infant-Child Health Committee (ICHC)

o NJ Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems/Help Me Grow (ECCS/HMG) o Project Launch Statewide Meeting

Agenda Topics Discussion Action Person(s) Responsible

Welcome and Introductions

Overview of EC Infrastructure

Presentation of the results of the Infant & Early

Childhood Workforce Survey

Presentation of Meaningful

Shared Leadership with Parents/Caregivers Training

Overview of the 21 County Councils

Participants introduced themselves -- name, job title and agency represented, if applicable. There were a total of 54 participants at the ICHC Meeting. We had 17 first time attendees and 4 new partners attend this meeting. There was no conference line available at this meeting. Ericka Williams provided a quick re-cap/overview of the purpose of the ICHC.

Attendees were reminded how the ICHC fits into the NJ State-Level EC Infrastructure: o The Early Learning Commission (4 Commissioners: DCF, DOE, DHS, DOH) o Interdepartmental Planning Group (IPG) (Managers consider feasibility of proposed plan) o NJ Council for Young Children (NJCYC): (Standing committees & ad hoc workgroups, complete

designated tasks, provide input and make recommendations.) o Infant Child Health Committee (1 of the 5 committees of the NJCYC): Purpose is to support

the alignment of health and wellness systems for pregnant, young children and their families.

The ICHC meets quarterly with Early Childhood (EC) stakeholders from state and local agencies, across sectors, to support the needs of pregnant women, children birth to age 8 and their families. The ICHC provides stakeholders with information updates regarding the array of programs and services across the state that support perinatal and child health and wellness. The ICHC sets strategic priorities, identifies gaps/barriers in services, and provides recommendations on how to improve systems linkages and services to support the needs of young children and their families.

Montclair State University (MSU) CREEHS shared the results of the Infant and Early Childhood Workforce Survey for all counties. The survey was funded through Project Launch funds. The purpose was to get a snapshot of the early childhood workforce in NJ. There were 925 participants that encompassed the majority of Early Childhood organizations across the state.

Diana Autin, SPAN and Kathy Roe, PA co-presented the Meaningful Shared Leadership with Parents/Caregivers within the local and state level systems training. The focus of the training was to encourage organizations to truly have Parents as Partners in their organization. Recommended each organization truly review their policies and do an action plan in there organization for sharing leadership with parents. Areas addressed: o Practices of Exemplary Leadership o Ten Steps to Success o Barriers to Shared Leadership o Action Planning for Shared Leadership/Making it Real

Deborah Johnson provided an overview of the County Councils that are operating in all 21 counties as of 7/2015. The county councils were established to bring together parents, caregivers, as well as health, education and social service professionals at the local level so they can be active partners to enhance communication, identify the needs and concerns, aspirations and successes regarding issues that affect the health, education and well-being of their children from pregnancy to age eight in their community.

Opportunities to network prior to start of meeting, during break and following the meeting! Information items Refer to the PowerPoint Presentation Meeting notes, PowerPoint’s and important information will be posted on: Contact information, evaluation results and PowerPoint will be posted. Possibly set up the training for the County Councils and Strengthening Families initiatives CC operating in all 21 counties! Meetings of County Councils and grantee list will be posted

Ericka Williams ECCS/HMG Coordinator Ericka Williams ECCS/HMG Coordinator Eden Kryse Dr. Jennifer Prichard Rebecca Swann Montclair State University - CREEHS Diana Autin SPAN Kathy Roe Parents Anonymous Deborah Johnson Regional Program Officer

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Recap ICHC Priorities, Strategic Goals – Review of

ICHC Identified Barriers/Gaps – Next Steps

Updates on ASQ Policy, Guidance, and Physician Letter

Process to Approach IDEA


Sunday referenced the ICHC strategic plan and the 3 priority areas: Health & Wellness, Infant Mental Health, and Children with Special Needs. There was a discussion about the 4 Goals and whether there is a need to have new work groups for all 4 goals since the work is already being done throughout the state. Goal 1: Share information to strengthen coordination of direct service that improve pregnancy

outcomes and promote healthy infant child growth and development. General Strategy: Information Sharing and Messaging The biggest gaps are seen here and a workgroup is definitely needs to be established.

Goal 2: Continue to build state and local partnerships to strengthen integration, and align related early childhood priorities. General Strategy: Systems Infrastructure/Service Integration

Goal 3: Improve access to information regarding child health/wellness education and resources for parents, families, pregnant women and children. General Strategy: Access to Care

Goal 4: Strengthen education and training related to health and wellness for EC professionals General Strategy: Education and Training (Workforce Development)

o The other three goals are already being accomplished by the work that is being done across the state throughout all the organizations in the ICHC committee. Reiterated the need for all organizations to get connected with partners to share what each of us is doing.

o Identified Barriers/Gaps and Strategies document was referenced and input was requested o It was reiterated that the ICHC Strategic Plan is a working document where additional items of

concern can be added. Next Steps:

o ICHC will establish an Information Sharing workgroup (or align with existing efforts) to prioritize and address key tasks. This would be time and task limited whereby participants would help with research, provide input, and make recommendations; and move on to a next set of tasks, as applicable.

o Partners were encouraged to let parents know about the opportunity for input at the County Council for Young Children in their county. (CCYC) would provide an opportunity for parent/caregiver input on the ICHC.

Physician/Providers Group and the Linking Protocol Workgroup are nearly finished with a statewide policy for linking HV programs to physicians/medical home for developmental screening results and needed follow-up. A template letter was created to communicate results. Modifications are underway to the policy in order to add the ASQ:SE in terms of the procedure and administration schedules which are different from the ASQ. A separate letter will produce for the ASQ:SE.

HV CoIIN – the Family Connections PAT program is participating in the HV CoIIN. They are working on implementing the physician letter in their current PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Cycles (dating back to February and beyond) to test the process before it is rolled out statewide for all 3 HV models under the MIECHV.

The Linking Protocol Workgroup will further develop the IDEA Guidance regarding routine care, family and working with Part C providers in child care settings included on that workgroup are Sandy Sheard/Maps to Inclusive Care, SPAN, child care centers, Head Start, EI System Coordinators, an independent national consultant, and other partners. The workgroup will meet 7/14/15.

New Workgroups -Information Sharing – Meeting will be set up in early September

-Systems Integration/CI – Central phone line for CI will be decided no later than early fall Possibly consider a cross organizational newsletter Email Identified Barriers/Gaps document for additional comments and input Meeting will be set up early September Informational item. Informational item.

Sunday Gustin Administrator-OECS-DCF Sunday Gustin Administrator-OECS-DCF Ericka Williams ECCS/HMG Coordinator

Ericka Williams ECCS/HMG Coordinator

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Project LAUNCH

Next Meeting Date

Information was shared regarding the NJ Statewide Network for Cultural Competence 2015 Annual Conference on November 9, 2015. Improving Trauma-Informed Care and Services for Diverse Populations: Best and Promising Practices. Visit for more information.

Project LAUNCH is continuing to promote the Keeping Babies and Children in Mind training. This 7-part training, which is conducted through Montclair State University with Sandy-related funding, is a foundational training on child social-emotional development and well-being, and is being offered in 10 counties including Essex County. From May 2014 to February 2015, there were 1,303 unduplicated attendees statewide, and 245 unduplicated attendees in Essex. The trainings will continue throughout the summer. LAUNCH continues to promote the Infant/Child Mental Health Endorsement and the Pyramid Model. And the Master Cadre trainings will be completed in June 2015.

Project LAUNCH is partnering with the NJ Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics on an initiative entitled Educating Physician in the Community (EPIC). Project LAUNCH is working with 5 pediatric practices in the Newark area. Goals: to increase the rate of developmental screenings, appropriate referrals for EI or other community supports (EPPC), and improve awareness of community services and resources.

September 16, 2015 from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Save the Date!

Andrea O’Neal Project LAUNCH Coordinator

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County Council for Young Children

Sharon D. Budka, MSW

Strengthening Families Project Manager

CCYC Project Director

Office #: (609) 888-7385

Fax #: (609) 292-1306

[email protected]

Deborah Johnson Brenda Tift Kate DiMemmo

Regional Early Childhood Specialist Regional Early Childhood Specialist Regional Early Childhood Specialist

Office #: (609) 888-7662 Office #: (609) 888-7660 Office #: (609) 888-7619

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Northeast Regional CCYCs Northwest Regional CCYCs Southern Regional CCYCs

NJ Department of Children & Families

Division of Family & Community Partnerships

Office of Early Childhood Services, P.O. Box 717, CN # 200

Trenton, NJ 08625-0717

DCF’s charge is to serve and safeguard the most vulnerable children and families in the State and to

ensure that service delivery is directed towards their safety, protection, permanency and well-being.

June 22, 2015

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County Council for Young Children

Program Overview:

• New Jersey was awarded $1.5 million through the Race to the Top Early Learning

Challenge Grant by the U.S. Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services to

improve program quality and services coordination for infants, young children and their

families and to maximize children’s learning and development.

• The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) is one of four core New Jersey

state departments that are working collaboratively to align and strengthen services for

pregnant women, parents/families, infants and young children, which is a core component

of the RTT-ELC Grant.

• The New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) is the lead administrative agency. DCF’s

Division of Family and Community Partnerships (FCP) is responsible for overseeing the

implementation of the core components of the grants.


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County Council for Young Children

Key Aspects of NJ’s Early Childhood Infrastructure Include:

• New Jersey Early Learning Commission and the associated Interdepartmental Planning

Group actively working across departments—DOE, DHS, DOH and DCF—to ensure

integration and coordination of state-funded services across sectors.

• New Jersey Council for Young Children (NJCYC) which brings together public and private

partners to provide input and make recommendations with a focus on pregnant women

and young children through age eight.

Program Overview:

• RTT-ELC funds were designated to establish a statewide network of local County Councils

for Young Children (CCYC) in 20 counties ($75,000 per county annually). The funding

period for this program is October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2017. Cumberland County was

the initial CCYC and served as a pilot.

• The work of the County Councils will be linked to New Jersey’s state-level early childhood



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County Council for Young Children

New Jersey’ Expectation:

• The CCYCs will help us reach our ultimate goal of ensuring that children are ready for

school and will sustain their developmental and educational gains.


• To create an environment where parents/families come together at the local level with

providers and other community stakeholders as active partners to identify/discuss the

needs, concerns, aspirations and successes regarding issues that affect the health,

education and well-being of their children.

• To form strong partnerships and work together to develop mutually-established goals and

implement creative strategies that reflect the views/priorities of families.

• To devise a long-range plan for sustainability of the operation of the councils.


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County Council for Young Children

CCYC Priorities:

• To establish a CCYC that builds working relationships between families with children (prenatal to age 8), child care, preschool, health, home visiting, Head Start, family support, early intervention, and other community service providers, businesses, and local stakeholders.

• Implements a shared leadership model that supports parents in leadership roles and brings parents and providers together as partners.

• Recruits parents to promote their active participation as a voice for change at the family, community, and state level.

• Includes ongoing outreach to engage and retain hard-to-reach parents/caregivers (e.g. fathers, grandparents, immigrants, migrant workers, military service members, etc.).

• Provides parents with an orientation, ongoing mentoring, and leadership training opportunities

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County Council for Young Children

CCYC Priorities Con’t.:

• Provide concrete supports to enable parent/family participation (e.g. childcare,

transportation, light meal, and/or other incentives.

• Promote growing parent/family participation over the three-plus years of the project that

reflects the cultural diversity of the community

• Recognize, support and encourage parents as decision makers and leaders and create an

engaging and respectful environment that welcomes their presence and input.

• Inform/impact/develop local (and state) policies, services, and/or practices to become more

responsive to the needs of families in the county (and NJ).

• Contribute to the development and implementation of high quality early childhood

services, including the development of NJ’s Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS),

Grow NJ Kids.


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County Council for Young Children

CCYC Priorities Con’t.:

• Identify professional development training needs for the local workforce that best supports

the proposed policies, priorities, services and/or practices that were developed by the


CCYC Services to be Funded:

• To provide administrative oversight, local coordination and ongoing support to facilitate

the development, planning and operation of the CCYC, including the organizational

structure of a Steering Committee, and other committees or workgroups that may be

needed to support the work of the CCYC.

• Appoint a project coordinator(s) to work collaboratively with local stakeholders—parents,

families and community organizations—and will oversee the day-to-day work of the CCYC.


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County Council for Young Children

Core Elements:

• CCYC must be committed to cultural competency and diversity. The CCYC should be

mindful to be sensitive and responsive to the cultural needs of the community and

encourage networking with cultural/diverse entities in the community.

• Parent Participation - Identify parent-centered activities in your organization

1. Parent Consumers – Parents receive services from your agency (e.g. home visiting

services, food bank, child care, etc.)

2. Parent Involvement - Parents attend agency-sponsored program events and support the

priorities of the program/organization (e.g. parents attend a monthly parent meeting).

3. Parent Engagement - Parents routinely provide input/feedback (e.g. parents actively

participate in meetings/board in an advisory capacity) and advise on set program and/or

organizational priorities


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County Council for Young Children

Core Elements Con’t.:

4. Parent Organizing - Parents are equal partners with agency organizers and help to set

priorities with the broader community

• Maintain shared leadership with parents and families with stakeholders with a goal of a

51% parent-driven council. Identify parent leaders to spearhead parent-lead activities such

as steering committee, sub-committees, and work groups to address needs and concerns

identified by parents/families and the council.

• Facilitate parent cafes and community cafes to open lines of communication.

• Provide Incentive for and recognition of parent participation in the CCYC.

• Community Environmental Scan and Needs Assessment – Identify existing resources and

the gaps in services from feedback from your parents and families as well as from your

organization’s perspective. Key priorities could be identified for the work of the CCYC as it

relates to health, child welfare, child care, special needs, education, family

strengthening/family support, family asset-building, etc.


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County Council for Young Children

• The five protective factors are:

1. Nurturing and Attachment / Social-Emotional Well Being of Children

2. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

3. Parental Resilience

4. Social Connections

5. Concrete Supports in Times of Need

CCYC Statewide Contact Information and Meetings and Activities



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SHARED LEADERSHIP: Parents as Partners

Kathleen Roe, Executive Director Parents Anonymous of NJ Inc.

Diana Autin Co-Director Statewide Parent Advocacy Network © Statewide Parent Advocacy Network/Parents Anonymous of NJ 2015


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Reflection: "The system you have is perfectly designed to produce the results you are getting."

-W. Edwards Deming

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Experiences with Parent Leadership

• What experiences have you had in identifying, developing, supporting, & working with diverse parent leaders?

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Who is a parent leader?

• Committed to making positive changes in his/her family, community, &/or system

• Represents a parent voice, not a staff role

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Shared leadership is important because:

• Multiple perspectives & diverse strengths and talents are combined to achieve goals

• Families know how systems really work “on the ground”

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We learn leadership in many ways

• Learn from others who serve as role models

• Learn from formal training

• “Just do it”

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Characteristics of Leadership

• Write down your thoughts on the characteristics of leaders & leadership

• Briefly discuss

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Practices of Exemplary Leadership

I. Challenging the process

II. Inspiring a shared vision

III. Enabling others to act

IV. Modeling the Way

V. Encouraging the heart

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Pathways to Parent Leadership

• Critical supports: – Contact with other

parents in leadership roles

– Opportunities to take on leadership roles, however small, & safe settings to practice them

– Relationship with respected & trusted person who provides feedback & support

– Sense of belonging

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Ten Steps to Success

1. Commitment leading to participation, growth & change

2. A sense of belonging 3. Exposure to other parents who

demonstrate leadership behaviors & are acknowledged as leaders

4. Recognition of the need to take action 5. Encouragement from others who view the

parent as a leader

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Ten Steps to Success

6. Taking action 7. Receiving positive feedback & support

from trusted others who “mirror back” the strengths & leadership skills displayed in earlier actions

8. Continuing to take action & receive supportive feedback

9. Growing stronger & more confident as a leader

10. Becoming a role model for other parents

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Barriers to Shared Leadership

• Identify three barriers to shared leadership. Consider:

– Family participation in identification of needs

– Family participation in identification and development of services

– Family participation in evaluation of program services and activities

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Practice with Families

• Strengths-based goal setting in partnership with families: Program uses strength-based language throughout, places an emphasis on building strengths, and goals are developed in partnership with the participant, to the extent feasible under ethical and programmatic guidelines.

• Cultural responsiveness/reciprocity: Staff demonstrates awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to impact of culture - theirs’ and that of the family - on the working relationship, engagement of families in services and assumptions about the process/ goals of services. Organizations tailor services, materials & staffing to facilitate

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Practice with Communities

• Participatory planning development: Program is designed collaboratively with the intended participants

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Administrative Standards

• Long-range & ongoing planning: The organization engages in a comprehensive, on- going cycle of assessment, planning, intentional decision- making, implementation, and evaluation of the organization in all its aspects. This is shared with staff and community/ family partners.

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Administrative Standards

• Parent & Community leadership: Program participants and community leaders are on governing and/or advisory boards and are developed and given meaningful opportunities to engage in program activities.

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Planning for Shared Leadership

• Do I really want to work in a shared leadership model?

• Will my supervisor support me?

• What policies and practices will be a problem?

• What are the resources & help that I need?

• Do I have access to the resources & help I need?

• How does this fit my approach to working with parents now?

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Action Planning for Shared Leadership

• Steps of Action Planning

– Reaching out to parents to participate in the Action Planning process

– Conduct the organizational self assessment with parent participation

– Prioritize areas of needed improvement

– Develop a plan, in partnership with families, to address prioritized needs

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Making It Real

• Identify a potential parent leader

• How are they currently involved?

• What leadership characteristics do they have?

• What is one new leadership role to which you could immediately introduce this parent?

• What development or support will they need?

• What’s the first step you will take - & when?

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A Snapshot of New Jersey’s Infant and Early Childhood Workforce Statewide Results

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Evaluation Training and

Professional Development

Program Design

Proposal Design


Data Analysis

Data Collection Evaluation Design

Instrument Development

Needs Assessment

• Data collection • Community audits

• Program plans • Logic models

• Grant writing • Grant management

• Evaluation plans • SMART objectives

• Surveys • Interviews and focus groups

• Document reviews • Program monitoring • Data management

• Quantitative • Qualitative

• User-focused reports • Data visualizations

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Purpose • 1) Provide a snapshot of the variety and cross-

sector nature of the early childhood workforce (pregnancy to age eight) in the state

• 2) Identify and learn about the individuals who provide mental health services to infants and young children

• 3) Create a directory and geographic map of service providers in this field across the state

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Questionnaire Items • Years of experience

• Target population

• Highest level of education

• Area of study or specialization

• Work experience

• Settings (e.g., Head Start, government agency, community-based organization);

• Licenses, credentials, certifications received

• Counties served

• Languages spoken

• Number of individuals served by target population

• Types of services/therapies offered

• Clinical mental health/behavioral health services/therapies provided

• Number of individuals receiving clinical services in the past 12 months by target population

• Therapy setting

• Most frequent diagnoses made by providers by target population

• Referral source

• Interest in pursuing a future credentials, receiving information about the New Jersey Pyramid Model, being added to a distribution list to announce upcoming infant/early childhood mental health training opportunities

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• A web-based questionnaire, issued in June 2014, collected information about the early childhood workforce in New Jersey.

• The questionnaire provided a statewide snapshot of individuals across sectors that work with the early childhood population.

• 925 complete responses to the questionnaire representing all 21 counties in the state.

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Target Population

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Population Served in Last 12 Months

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Licensures and Certifications

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Types of Work

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County Served

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Population Served by Clinicians in Last 12 Months

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Clinician Case Load

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Clinical Settings

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Clinical Services and Therapies

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Clinical Referral Source

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Interest in Clinical Credential

Q31. Are you interested in pursuing a clinical credential in the NJ Association for Infant Mental Health Competency Guidelines and Endorsement System (Levels 3 or 4)?

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Interest in Pyramid Model Q32. Are you interested in receiving more information about the NJ Pyramid Model?

[VALUE] (42)

[VALUE] (27)

[VALUE] (19)

[VALUE] (2)

Clinicians (n=90)

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Data Visualization – Who?

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Data Visualization – What, Where, How?

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Clinician Data Visualization – What?

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Clinician Data Visualization – Where?

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Center for Research and Evaluation on Education and Human Services

Dr. Eden Kyse

Rebecca Swann-Jackson, MEd

Dr. Jennifer Prichard

Montclair State University [email protected]

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