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Page 1: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

Core Metadata for

CMA polar satellite

ZHAO LichengNational Meteorological Information Center, CMA

2013.3.11-15, GENEVE

Page 2: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

Schematic overview of the space-based GOS

Page 3: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

The Core Metadata comprises of 8 parts.

Part 1. Metadata entity information

Part 2. Data resource description


Part 3. Data quality information

Part 4. Reference system information

Part 5. Coverage information

Part 6. Archiving information

Part 7. Delivery information

Part8. Complemental information

A Metadata standard for FENGYUN polar satellite data has been drafted.

it is for procedure of data collecting, process, archiving, dissemination.

Page 4: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.





1 MD_元数据 MD_Metadata Metadata

2 标识符 File Identifier mdFileID

3 语种 Language mdLang

4 字符集 Character Set mdChar

5 创建日期Metadata Created Date


6 元数据标准名称Metadata Standard




7 元数据标准版本Metadata Standard


Part 1. Metadata entity information

General information

Page 5: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.




on8 MD_标识 MD_Identification Ident9 主题 Dataset Topic dsTopic

10 子题 Dataset Cross headdsCrosshead

11 摘要 Abstract idAbs12 状态 Status idStatus13 名称 Title Name idTitleName14 卫星 Satellite Name satName15 描述 Satellite Description satDesc16 仪器 (传感器 ) Instrument ( Sensor) sensor17 通道 channel channel18 覆盖范围 extent dataExtent19 轨道参数 Orbit Parameter orbParm

20 空间表示类型 Spatial Representation Type


21 空间分辨率 Spatial Resolution dataScal22 处理方法 Data Process Method proMethod

23 生产时间 Data Create TimedataCreTime

24 数据来源说明 Data Source Description sourceDesc25 数据量 Data Size dataSize

Part 2. Data resource information (1/2)

Page 6: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.


NameName Abbreviation

26 语种 Language dataLang27 字符集 Character Set dataChar28 关键词 Keywords Desc-Keys29 数据资源限制 Data Constraints resConst30 数据资源格式 Data Format resFormat31 数据集负责方 Contact point IdPoC32 MD_轨道参数 MD_orbit elements orbEles33 历元时间 Epoch epoch34 半长轴 Semi Major Aaxis semiAxis35 偏心率 Eccentricity Eccentricity36 倾角 Inclination inclination

37 平近点角 Mean Anomalymean-Anomaly

38 升交点赤经 Ascension ascension39 近地点幅角 Perigee perigee40 周期 Period period

41 星下点纬度 Latitude of SubPointSubsatLatitude

42 星下点经度 Longitude of SubPoint subsatLongitude

43 卫星高度 Altitude sateAltitud44 轨道编号 Orbit Number orbNum

Part 2. Data resource information (2/2)

Page 7: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.


.名称 Name Abbreviation

45 DQ_数据质量DQ_data


46 描述 statement dqStatement

47 数据质量等级 grade dqGrade

48 异常事件 abnormal dqabnormal

49 数据源 source dqSource

Part 3. Data quality information

Page 8: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.







50 MD_参照系 MD_reference System refSystem

51 参照系标识符Reference System



MD Coordinate Reference


53 投影 Projection projection

54 椭球体 ellipsoid ellipsoid

55 RS_参照系 RS_Reference System RefSys

Part 4. Reference system information

Data process information

Page 9: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

No. Chinese Name NameAbbreviatio


56 EX_覆盖范围 EX_Extent Extent

57 描述 Description exDesc

58 地理覆盖范围 Geographic Element geoEle

59 时间覆盖范围 Temporal Element tempEle

60 垂向覆盖范围 Vertical Element vertEle

61 EX_地理覆盖范围 EX-Geographic Extent geoExtent

62 描述 Geographic Description geoDesc

63 边界矩形Geographic Bounding


64 西边经度 West Bound Longitude westBL

65 东边经度 East Bound Longitude eastBL

66 南边纬度 South Bound Latitude southBL

67 北边纬度 North Bound Latitude northBL

Part 5. Coverage information (1/2)

Page 10: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

No. Chinese Name NameAbbreviatio


68 EX-时间覆盖范围 Extend -Temporal Extent TempExtent

69 起始时间 Begin Date and Time begin

70 终止时间 End Date and Time End

71 数据频次 Data Frequency dataFreq

72 EX-垂向覆盖范围 Extent -Vertical Extent VertExtent

73 最大值 Maximum Value vertMaxVal

74 最小值 Minimum Value vertMinVal

75 度量单位 Unit Of Measure vertUoM

Part 5. Coverage information (2/2)

Page 11: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.





76 MD_存档信息Data Archives


77 存档时间 Archive Time arcTime

78 存档状态 Archive Status arcStatus

79 保存时限 Archive Temporal LimitarcTempLimi


80 存档位置 Archive Position arcPosition

81 存档系统名称 Archive System Name arcSysName

82 设备名称 Device name device

83 介质名称 Media name media

84 卷号 Volume Number VolNo

85 卷上位置 Volume Position VolPos

86 转储记录Archive Transition


87 翻新记录 Archive Refresh Record arcRefRec

Part 6. Archiving information

Page 12: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

No. Chinese Name Name Abbreviation

88 MD_分发 MD_distributionInfo distribInfo

89 分发格式 Distribution Format distribFormat

90 格式名称 Format Name distForName

91 数据版本 Data Version distForVer

92 解压缩方法 Decompression




93 分发方 Distributor distributor

94 分发订购程序 Order Process distorOrdPrc

95 分发单元 Units Of Distribution units-ODist

96 分发容量 Size of Distribution Size-ODIST

Part 7. Delivery information

Which format to delivery the data to user?

Page 13: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

No. SatID Instrument name Abbreviation Specification1 FY-1 Multi-channel Visible & Infrared Radiometer MVIRS Band,

Wavelength ,Precision,

Quantity, etc 2 FY-1 Space Environment Monitor SEM …3 FY-3 Earth Radiation meter ERM …4 FY-3 Green Gas Monitor GGM …5 FY-3 Global Radio Occultation sounding GRO …6 FY-3 Ionosphere photometer IPM …7 FY-3 Infrared Hyper spectrum atmosphere sounder IHSAS …8 FY-3 Infrared Atmosphere sounder IRAS …9 FY-3 Moderate Resolution Spectrum Imager MERSI …

10 FY-3 Microwave Humidity Sounder MWHS …11 FY-3 Microwave imager MWRI …12 FY-3 Microwave temperature sounder MWTS …13 FY-3 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder SBUS …14 FY-3 Space Environment monitor SEM …15 FY-3 Solar Irradiation Monitor SIM …16 FY-3 Total Ozone Unit TOU …17 FY-3 Wind Radar WindRAD …18 FY-3 Visible and Infrared Radiometer VIRR …

Part 8. Complemental information (1/2) -- Technique specification of instrument (sensor). How the data observated?

Page 14: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

No. Chinese Name Name1 1954年北京坐标系 Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System-1954

2 1980年西安坐标系 Xi’an Geodetic Coordinate System -1980

3 独立坐标系 Independent Coordinate System

4 全球参考系 World Reference System

5 IAG1979年大地参照系 Geodetic Reference System-1980

6 世界大地坐标系 World Geodesy System-1984

Part 8. Complemental information (2/2) -- Geodetic coordinate system.

Page 15: Core Metadata for CMA polar satellite ZHAO Licheng National Meteorological Information Center, CMA 2013.3.11-15, GENEVE.

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