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Page 1: copter - City of Newport Beach

By IUJ\EN E. llEIN oc .. ...,........ •

What may be a youthfuJ drua nna operatrng amona students at TeWinkle Junior Hiah School in Costa Mesa 1s bei~ investigated by Costa Mesa Pohce Department nanx>tics officers who alJegc the mother of one Of the eighth1f8ders at the school supplied students with look-alike drugs and collected the

Coaat Five area high school students receive Bank of America Achievement Awards. /A5

A mllltary report released this week leaves Edison offlcfals wondering what sent 21 workers to the hospttatwrtti t>Cf mTrig syes andJhs:oats ln Feb­ruary ./A& •

C&llfomia The Olympic Arts Festival kicks off with the unveil­ing of the Coliseum 'a " Olympic Gateway."/ A3

A chemical splll In Rtver­slde forces thousands to evacuate./ A'S ·

·Nation Reagan receives a warm welcome upon arrival In Ireland./ A3

World •

Iran appears to be open to diplomacy as a means toward peace./ A3 ~:·:·:·>:·:-:«·=--=·:·:·:~:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:·:·:·:'!·:·:·:-:.:·:·:

Rellgt.on ' Pope John Paul II has

named $an Juan Capistrano's patron saint the patron saint of mlll­tary chaplalns./81

No one wants peace more • than the mllltary, say chaplaJneand llneof­flcers, describing the re­ligious paradoxes of a military career .I A8

Sporta The Angels and Dodgers each come out winners to stay In first place In their respective dlvlslons./81

Orange Coast College drops Its first game to Laney, but stays alive by

·beating San Bernardino In the state baseball tour-nament.181 '

Newport Christian High claims the CIF Small Schools baseball title with an 8-7 win over Crossroads./82

Entertainment · It's no easy task adapting the wor1d of Broadway to television for the Tony "&wards./ Al :v:~:'--:.:·:~·:·~!'!·:·:·:·:·»:--:·:->.~:,«->:-:·: Youth

prl>fit! from her .. Rushers." • trherevelation Ulat drugs may have

been freely bo~ and sold on the ~uiet, · mtddJe<ltss campus- has shaken parents, teachers and admin­istrators. who say they have nevoer known of drug activity on the TeWinkle campus.

That a student's mother may have been involved has cast an alarming shadow acrosS the campus is

Ju~ge files suit

in race fot·seat By JERRY 8IBSCB Of ... 0.., .........

A mean fight for Harbor Municipal Court judge became considerably

'• meaner Friday when Harbor Coun Judge Stephen Stowatt filed a $2.S

.million libel suit apinst l\is OPPo­nent, Orange County Deputy District Attorney Susanne Shaw.

Stewart said that upan the advice of · bis fawyer be filed the case in Orange

County Superior Court and that it is a "lcgi~te;• case- not a last-minute campaign ploy.

Shaw, who was unaware of the suit, said "be must feel desperate."

"Truth is the final defense and bis suit does not change the facts," she said. adding that sbe is not concerned by the lawsuit.

known for its ooncerned sWT, active PT A and strona involvement m tho recently formed anti-drua task force known as the Olemical People. · The Police iovestiption into the

incident was turned over to Deputy District Attorney Derek Johnson I.a.St week, accordina to Costa Mesa Pohtt S&1. Jim Watson.

Johnson said he will review the case and make a dete~1nat1on whether to file a criminal complaint against the JO.year-old mot!\er who allcaedly acted as a suppber to the students. She ha$ not been arrested.

If Johnson detertnincs that a crime

Deputy D~A. Saunne Sbaw

baa been committed and .that there ii enouah evidence ap.inst the woman to prosecute ber, be wilJ teek a warrant for her 11TC$l, he said Friday.

Police aJlegc the Costa Mesa • mother met younpten throuah her I 4-year-old son, supplied them with marijuana arid pills., which $he co­coura&td them to sell to friends at school ·

The eiahl tecn-•sen invol~ in the case told Police they &Uqedjy huna out at the woman's home, smoked marijuana with her a.od bouaht drugs frou, her, police said.

TeWinkle PrinCJpal Scott Paulsen

Jaqe Stephen Stewart , .

·Stewart's suit centers on Shaw's court~procedurc for the ~udges to sign charges th!lt he .falsified t>8yro.U the affidavits ahead of tune. statements Judges sign to"Ttce1ve..h1s "Our court bas done that for years. salary. · It was done so that ifajud&c was sick

U nder a state constitutionaJ ruJe or on vacation we woukl stiU ,et adopted in 1966. a judge may not be paid," said Stewart, who lives in paid if any case bas been awatting bis Newport Beach. decision for more than 90 day~ The court bas since challltid the

Stewart spent six months deciding practice and Stewart admitted it was a Nov. 11, 1983casc, General CapitaJ "sloppy." Resources versus Radiographic De- The state attorney genCT'll's office velopment Corp. During that time, he investigated the cbaraes and found no signtd six affidavits claiming bis evidence that Stewart bad perjured "caseload was caught up. himself b}' signing the documents.

While Shaw contends that Stewart But the office did refer the matter to perjured himself by sipina the state- the Commission on Judicial Per­ments. Stewart said it was standard formance.

Computer 'glitch' at San Onofre causes s~utdowl)i>f new reactor Equipment signaled faulty valve even though It wasn't Fnm staff ud"wlre reporU

A computer ''alitcb" which sianaJ· ed a fauJty vaJve at San Onofre nuclear power plant caused the new No. 3 reactor to shut down automat1-calJy Friday. but officials said nothin& was wrons with the valve.

" No nuclear reactor components were involved, and there was no threat of radioactive matcriaJ beina released,.. Sou them California

Edison spokesman Russ Hawkes said.

He attributed the problem to "ttttbina , troubles" at the seaside plant south of San Oemente.

"It's still quite a new power plant. and tesung still accounts for much that is done," Hawkes sa1d. Unit 3 began operating at full pawcron April I.

The faJse computer signal came dunng a 4 a.m. test of the steam turbine. which generates electricity.

" If the turbine stops. the reactor has to stop or otherwise you still wouJd be setting a1J that enel"J)' and have nowhere to put it... f.dison

spokesman Dave Barron explained. "There was nothina wrong with the

valve." Hawkes said. "The question 1s where in thecomputerd1d thealitch occur?"

While the plant 1s down. he said. workcn W111 take the oppartun1t) to make early repairs on " some smaJl drain vaJve lea.ks." He wd 1t may take a couple of days before 1t goes back. on line.

In add1tion. the computer that controls the turbine wall be checked out, Barron wd.

The plant has had several radio­active leaks rcccntJy, thouah all have been dctcnbed as minor .

. . .

said the Jtudents told him the woman also harbored runaway yoUtftt &Ad called in to the ecbOol's a«endancie omce 10 excuse absences for stUdeou who were truant. • '

To tbe u:en-~ the JO.year-old woman ..-as you111 and cool - lbe talbd ibeir ~. The eishth a:radCrs intcrvi~ Police said odS f're uently tbe home, where~ lives wi her ~J-ycar-old husband and her son from a previous maJTialt. • . .

Costa Mesa Police Offtcer Steve Labbitt described the woman as iypic.aJly wearioa Iona. pajs~cy-print

dtalCS • and p&ttiJll Mr ...... ..., doWo the middle.

But the wonulG ud dw T.willlllll tudeGts did more dlaa ~· II&. Y

police flndinp &ft vmid. • Tbt )'OUDI otJaaden alt• 1 •

pohcc that the home WM a -A~poiat. where ma.rij_ ... ~· of urc:otica .ae • 'I ' if bouabl and sold. ~ft'i ta.I scary to find °"' ~

thina like this was :IOinl • ,.... under our nOICS.." :.aid SUe f:n IP s, Te Winkle PT A praideaL

. • The allqcd youthful ::;&,.,empn (PleueeeeJU A9I

·4 die as copter falls in


Beaches invaded by crabs

Overheated inland residenu hOl>­ma-10 1ut * SUUd \OdaY will tiad they've been beaten to the punch b)i thousarid:s of tiny red crabs that bavc washed onto the Oranae Coast shores.

The tiny red tuna crabs, which resemble a miniature lobster or crayfish. have been brouaht nonh from Mexico by warming ocean currents and the linaerina EJ Nino effect. AJtbough harmless.. the ~bs

· arc fiJtcr-feedcrs and are not edible. Ufcgua.rds aJona the coast reported

the heaviest invasion of tun.a crabs aJona the sands in Newport Bcacb. Some have washed ashore in Hunt­ington Beach as well

" Last ~was the tint year we saw them this far north since the late 1950s," said Jack Baxter, an adminis­tralOr with the state Department of Fish and Game. " I doo ' t know what will happen this time, but last year they were seen as far nonh as Monterey."

Water temperatures on the coast in recent days have ranged from 64 to 68 depecs .

.. The only tune the crabs a problem is when they Ft swept way up on the beach. .. said Buddy Belsbe. a Newport tifquard capwn. "If that happens., it really starts to sunk."

.,,.. itaff iill wfi;li;-einnlil1~;~=

Foor Marinerwere kiUed fridlrJ whCn their bdico • li.fti.111 a tr1Xk from the deck ~r:e USS Denver d · a · · aercile. phmpt in~ OC:::'~'ISm Clemadc.

The four lDC'll. all llatioaed at die £1 Toro Marine Corps Air StatioD, were aboard a Cff. Sl bdicopler tbaa -liftina a five.ion c::lllO trid Off tbc ship lO carry it 10 nearby Su Ocmente Island.

The pilot of the craft WU idalti&d as Capt. Barry Micb8id Tbompeoa. 2&, a native of uw...-.... wbo lived in Anaheim with·~ aa:ordina 10 Ma.rUie Set. Rick OdermamL He wa

.. killed instantl)I alona wi1b ,. co-pilot and two tteW chiefs. officials said. ~ cr::aft's co-pilOt t st U:

Thomas Otto Schaefer, 2S, an Irvine resident and a native of Minnelota, Oderm.ann said. He also was married.

The two aew chiefs aboard tbe ~ foot urcraft were l.:.anc:t Cpl James MtrlyD Klos{. 24, a native of~ tota;andClJl.JC*ll. U~. 11 , a native of Obio. Both lh"Cd lll Tustin and were married.

The men. attadled to the Marine Heavy Helicoptd' Squadron 46S, were taking put in a Marine Amphibious Unit excrc:iJe when the ~P oocured. Odcnnan said.

The helicopter WU liftina the C&l10 truck off the_ ship to CUI).' it to San Oemente lsland. I J miles to the southwest, when it crashed into about I, 700 feet of water, to obscrven aboard the nearby USS New Orleans.

" Absolutely, that is a routine tra.inU\a exercise. .. said Marine CapL Anthony Rotbfort..

He said be bad no information that anybody on board the ship was injured in the 10:35 LDL accidenL

The ~use of the aa:ident is u.oder investigation, Rothfort said.

The helicopter, part of the Navy•s 3rd Acct exercise, weighs more t.ban • l 6'h tons empty and can carry 16 tom as 1t~ basic payload. The la.rlett and most Powerful chopper built ou1Side ·the Soviet Union. it can Oy at 170 knots. ·

Nine valedictorians have been named In the New· port-Mesa Untied SchQOI Dlatrfct./ A7-. !VO truce in 70th Assembly race as missiles fly INDEX

A10 A3

84-7 A10 C23 A11 C21 A3

A11·12 C1·24

A&-7 81-3 ... Al M-1

A2 A3 A7

·Hit pieces' land in constituents' mailboxes as candidates take offensive tn close race It'•• nasty little mis&ile that arrives

in the mailbox in the days before an electJod: It is called a .. hit piece."

A .. bit piece" ii the cQd oPPOJite of a positive campaip. IU IOte puJl)Ole is 101e1t down one c:indidate while buildina u Pothtt.

When races t::: bitter, the millilri ny and eowbeft &1 that more evident thit year than witb tbc Republic:iam Nnnina for the 70lh Aacmbly Diatrlct. • .

ii\a), sent bis wave ot da.nS out this week. •

Fcrauson'a piece. in the fo!"ft of a letter f'rOm four , con.terVat•ve as. semblymen iacludina Nolan friuelle of founiain Valley, ctw.a that ~o&er'a f to bis fa~ Dcftn earpcDtet. a cramenlO lobbYi&t.~tanwsi~ 1\ictof 1ntete1t.

The fcrauton piece and other let rs like it u:ar apen both Ca.rpenten. chulioa thc_)ounacr one II I .... and tM ddcr LS aot I loyal Republican. KC Cid

Gil Ferpton•s.ampellft. IOC: Cd tn what looks like a clOIC. three-way~ with Ken Cart>tnter and Ron Co~ dova (private cam~an poll lhow

·········--~"I four c:andida: trail·

ap1Mt PrcSident Ronald R. ·s tkct1on, •

I i

JERRY H11sc1


At one or t ia t c:andtda m ti 1 Newpon Hait'lor Ara

tja of O mtttt foN I\ the 8atboe Bay Oub Frid.ay, nm­camc out ••DJina. accu 101 ~ n and Cordova of unfair attacks .

.. What been tbe bl ·s of thas att.K on me? They ha~•cd m~

--~ - - -·--- ....L..--=-- ---'---- --

Page 2: copter - City of Newport Beach

A2 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 2. 1884

Laguna Beach to celebrate FOurth of July with a bang Ad hoccttlzens · committee ralses money to put on endangered fireworks dtspla_y ____ _ By DAVID BISHOP DtillJ ...... C.1 I J 11 fl I

The fireworks w111 Oy on the Fourth of July an l..Qauna Beach \bis year now that an ad hoc organization of local residents apparently has raised MW>trltt morfeyt<fput orrthe show.

'"The response to our call for help wa~ ovCJWhelmin&." saad City Clerk Verna Rollinger, who served as treasurer for the pnvate fund-raising

, group. She said a little more than S5.000 was turned an by Tuesday.

The group's goal was to ra1sc S6,000 to cover tbe cost of the fireworks display, which became something of an annual tradition an

·this coastal city after onl¥ two years. This year the show was JCO~rdized b> city budget.problems.

Rollinger said the group as confi­dent of raising the rtmatndcr of the

money needed and will probably get more Any extra funds wtll be reserved in a special accouot to ~ used for neitt year's firework!>. she said.

Two years ago the cit)' funded the entire display. Council mcm~rs banned pnvate fireworks displays in the city that year and decided to provide a public display to emphasize the new ordinance and discourage fircworks elsewhere.

City health and safct~ officials believe the show on Main Beach •~ effective in reducing the number of illegal pnvatc displays which were banned because of the threat of fire or injury.

City CouncaJ members also lauded the "community spint" generated by the Main Beach fireworks display the past two )Cars.

Firemen fly to the rescue

Last year the Eitchanae Oub of Laauru Be ch, a privalC etVlc or­pnizat1on, helped the city by con· tnbutina half the money needed for the fireworks.

But this year, to City Manager Ken Frank. the city's tight budget could not afford an expen­diture for fireworks. and Exchange Club members $8id they weren't able to raise the entire amollnt.

In early May,' a diverse aroup of c1v1c leaders, polillcal figure$ and business owners met i n an attempt to raise the money by June I . the final day for ordering the fireworks from a sup~her.

City Council members must stall officially approve the expenditure at their. next meeting,_ but the city is P.rocccding with plans forthe show as af the -council OK bas already been obtained. •

Rollinger said the fund dnvc is not over. however, and that anyone interested should contact her at City Hall, 505 Fo~t Avenue, 497-3311.

Tom Tryon, 12, and h1a 14-year-old brother Bua (riC'ht) accept Engllab para­keet from Orange County ffreflChtera. They purcbued the bird to replace one killed tn a fire that charred the Tryon'•

Irnne home lut Wednaday momiq. The family pet wu the only cuualty fn the blue. Shown ln reai from left are firemen Ruben Hummel, Jim Kye and Mike Rob­ert., an enatneer.

~1§~5U~Ui~f 1~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

JUNIOR DRUG RING PROBED.:. From Al-fell apart nearly two weeks ago. when TcWankJe Principal Paulsen, acting

·on a tip from a student not involved an the drug selling, discovered three students an a restroom on the campus. The students allegedly were selling double-scored. cross-top~ white pills known as "mim-bcnnics ...

The pills, analyzed after they were confiscated at the school, turned out to contaan a stimulant known as cphednnc sulfate. The pills arc not controlled substances, but non­prescripuon, caffeine-based sumu­lants similar to ovcr-the<auntcr pep pills, accordfog to SgL Watson.

The "mani-bennies" are so-called 'look-ahlce" drugs. pllls that re­semble amphetamines and arc sold as such

The woman told police she ordered the ~lls from a catalog in the back of '" High Tames" magazin~. ~ pubh· cation aimed at recreational drug users that features ads for dru~ paraphernalia a nd "look-alike' drugs.

" buzz." Taking handfuls of the pills would be " like 00-ing on coffee," he said.

Selling counterfeit pills by claiming they arc actua ll l controlled substances as allcg.a , Watson ex­plaaned.

He said police art seeking felony charges against the woman for selling the pills in heu of co,ntrolled substances, contributing to the delin­quency of minors and selling non­prcscnpt1on drugs to minors.

At\cr short stays in Orange County Juvenile Hall, all three of the Te Winkle students who were arrested in the restroom on May 21 have been released to their parents.

Cnmanal charges against them. including two suspected of possessang look-alike drugs and one suspected of selling look-alike drugs. have been filed .

Paulsen said five of the teens involved have been suspended from school.

"Two wtll not return," he said, at least not for this year.

mother of two had threatened him that if he got caught or told on her ~~e would have ham hun or do somcthmg to his family.

Paulsen said all of the parents of the kids involved wett contacted and counseling has been initiated in some of the cases. He also went to the combined California Elementary and TeWinkle Junior High school PTAs and explaaned the drug arrests to them.

The arrests have made l>arcnts more aware of what is going on around them, Paulsen said. " It has alerted them to two bad areas they should be aware of," be added.

The students involved told him they could get "just about any (dru~) they wanted" at the Harbor Shopping Center or the Newport Pier, he said. "And those arc places we don't usually mand 1f our kids go."

Paulsen said be hopes the drug arrests wtll not reflect negativelt on othcrTeWinkJc~tudcnts. "Out o 850 students here, eight of them were involved. The rest of the kids arc just


Some clouds, ·but fair: overetJ~ r ~ 7t 10



Temperatures ... Le

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Moon Nit loday a1 '1'.31 p 111 and n..~ete:leLlll

am 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3

Best-looking fi:ferilen to compete The best-looking firemen in Or- Doublctree Ion in Orange staning at Department Ladies Auxiliary and the a~ C.Q.unty will ~se <Mlay. irl l~~.m. - bum association. . - •

c fiiit e.v~isc ~ ~ ~_well is tb.e q>unt)'' fiJ'e - ....TKk.cts -for ...aM- .,...nt-are.S IS. Pageant, to be stag; at the dcpanmcnt will send four re~nta· Cilcndars featuring the winnina Fire

lives to the beauty contest m which Foxes will be available in Septem~r · the candidates will compete in for $7.9S. To order a calendar, cilU

Harbor Will swimwear and aport dress categories. SS7-7863. Judgingwillbedonebymcmbenof Liz Fulton of K:HS radio, who has

b I d C the Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders been named the Firefi&hten of Or­e C QSe 1Qr and nurses and pbyaicians .fh?m the a~geCounty'sOfficiaUloscH~dler, · Oranie County Bum AsSOCtallon. will welcome gucsu. Laura Diaz of

CM Parade The beauty pageant, to benefit the the Eyewitness tclcvisiop news on UCI Medical Center bum center, is Channel 7 wiU be mistress of oer-sponsored by Orange County Fire cmonics.

Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa will be closed from 9:30a.m. to I p.m . today because of the Lion's O ub Fish Fry Parade. •

The I S3~ntry parade. which has South Coast Plaza developer Henry Scgcrstrom as ils grand marshal, is expected to last more than two houn.

Costa Mesa police said beach traffic will be diverted at Harbor and Fair Drive east on Fair to Fairview Road and south on Fairview to Newport Boulevard.

The parade will step off at 10:30 a.m. at Harbor and Wilson Street, proceed south to i 9\h Street, tum west \0 Anaheim and aoutb to Lion's Parle, at 18th Street and Newpon Boulevard.

The parade is part of a weekend of activities of the 39th Annual Lion's O ub Fish Fry anCs Carnival at held Lion's Park in Costa Mesa.

The festivities bc&an Friday eve­ning when a. record 1 S,000 people showed up for the annual serving of fish dinners, musicial entenainmcnt and carnival rides and games. More than 2,000 fish dinners were served.

For 'the record An editorial·fo Friday's edition of

the Daily Pilot incorrectly identified Dennis Carpenter as a former stalC assemblyman. Carpenter, the father o f assembly candidate Ken Carpenter, is a former state senator.

Just Call 642-6086

Garden Grove bank fails; Downey bank takes ov~r

The single-branch Garden Grove Community Bank was seized Friday by state tianking officials, who said the bank's loan losses had reduced its available cash io an unsafe level.

The bank is the sixth in the state lo be taken over by reaulators this year.

A radio station that leaked out word of the closure Friday afternoon caused a stampede on the bank, which remained open until 7 p.m . to serve worried customers.

Louis Carter, the state's bank superintendent, said the closure ac­tion was taken to protect the bank's

4.800 depositors. All deposits at the bank were

transferred Friday eveni~ to Down­ey-based Capital Bank. which had bid successfully to . take over the failed Garden Grove bank. Capital has five branches includina offices in Yorba Linda and La Palma.

Capital, founded in 1926, was granted a_pproval to acquire Garden Grove Community Bank on an emergency basis to allow resumption of normal bankina Monday. All customers will be able to conunuing u~ing their checking accounts over the weekend.

CM molester gets 27 years A 41-year-old Costa Mesa man

convicted of 12 felony counts of child molestation, was sentenced in Orange County Superior Coun Friday to 27 years in state ~rison.

Harry David Buckler was found guilty April 30 of sexually assaulting four boys between the ages of ei&)lt and 15 in bis ramsbackte Costa Mesa

trailer. The maximum sentenoe for that conviction is 40 yean in state prison.

J udgc David Carter handed down Buckler's sentence after scoldinJ him for perjuring himself on the witnca stand during the trial. Buckler ad· milted only to one act of child molestation.

Wbat do yoa like about tbe Dally Pllot' What don't you like? Call lite number at left and your me11a1e wlll be recorded, transcribed anctdellvered to \be appropriate editor.

Tbe same U -boar answerio1 service may be used to record letten to tbe editor on any topic. Contributors to our LeUers column must include &Jtelr name aad telephone number for verification. No circulatloo calls, please.

Tell us what's on your mind. Officer Labbitt said one or two of the palls. acung on the students· }Outhful metabolisms, gave the klds a

One of the boys submitted a wntten statement to police claamang the

too super to be hurt by this," he said. p--llliiimlliiiiiiiiiiililiiillliiiiiiiiiiiii~iii•im••••iiiiiiii••••iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "They've worked too hard."

NO TRUCE AS MISSILES FLY •.• From Al Ferguson. one as a Republican and the other IS a L1~rtanan. Both nave 101ned Fe11uson on one of the nght­wing political oru'nizations an 1hc state. Cirtifomtan? for Environment. Employment. Economy and De­velopment. a group that includes c;ome of the most conservative busi­nessmen an the area.

And Cordova's piece: Should New­port residents sell their homes 1f Carpenter wins?

It as true the senior Carpenter receives $100 a month as a retamer for Texas Air - but he has not worked on anythina for them an several years and when he did lobby for them, it was on a statewide business issue Flight allocations arc controlled by the Federal A vi1t1on

Oellr Piiot o.tlvery

I• Ouarenteed U(wto1tr ~ H f°" 00 C1 ....... f'NI t>IP9' l1'f

'> r " ca•"-'<"• 1 p m .,., f().J< WOY .... tie

ott-.o G••v<·:i.1 •nO Surldlty II )IOU .,.,, nol •K ..... 'ffNI

Adm1nistrat1on . not the state As· sembly.

The person who these candidates are trying '" to replace - As­semblywoman Marian .Bergeson - is d1shtartencd by the tone the cam­paign has taken.

" l am very upset about what as go10g on. This distnct 1s becoming a battleground for outside interests,·· said Bergeson, who is runni~ unop­posed for the Republican nomanat1on to the 31th State Senate distnct.

The same assemblymen supporting Ferguson have poured nearly $100,000 anto bis campaign.

They have been battling less con­scrvattvc Republicans hke As· scmblyman Robert Naylor, R-San MatcoJor control of the Assembly's


Daily Pilat H. L. Schwartz Ill


C"l'Y ti\' 7 • "' "' be!Qrt I 0 t m ..-0 yovr COl1'f ... _.,

Circulation Tel•phonff

Choy Dowatlby Editor and Assistant

t.o the PubUSher

RoMmary Churchmen Controller

RepubRcan caucus. Naylor and state Sen. William

Campbell, R-lndustry, have poured tens of thousands of dollars into Carpenter's race.

Bergeson purposely did not en­dorse because she wanted "the people of this distnct to be able to select their representative on the basis of qualifi­cation and cxpenenoe."

But on Fridayshe was wondering if she did the naht thin1- An early endorsement by the popular as­semblywoman would have created an heir-apparent who would have had a m~or advantage.

· I do care about the distnct and I have built ura Jot ofintcrcst in it over the years. don' t like to. see . this bap~nina."

Clrculatlon 714/842..aa:I Clatalfled edvertlalng 71'1M2.a71 AU other depertmeat1 142-4121 MAIN OfFIC! J)O lfte.1 Sey~ Colla ..._ CA Malac!Or- 8o111MIO C:0.11 M9M CA·~


Unfortunately for the general public, there are a lot of people lnstattlng carpeting who s!l<>uldn't be. · Unbelievably, many carpet "contractors" are working unlawfully without Insurance and state licenses.

FOR YOUR PROTECTION you should Insist that the people who Install your carpeting work for a contractor who Is INSURED and ST ATE LICENSED. (He Is required by state law to be both.) State licensed cont1actora have to post a bond for your protection, and the very accompllahment of llcenalng Indicates a degree of competency.

The biggest problem In dealing with an unllcen!_ed contractor Is that he might be out of business tomorrow. Don't take a chance - call Alden's for rellablllty, and the best Installation aroundl

Live the fife of MD

' '

M.O. Deller by 8utllngton lsl '.

Mon.-Frl. 9-5!30 Sat. 9:30-4:00 Sun., Closed




Page 3: copter - City of Newport Beach


---- -- --.

Rese.archers llnlt smokl~g, heredity

Thousands evacuated in toziC s .


No injuries, but officials close nearby freeway for four hours

BOULQER, C-Olo. - Two meatehcn say tenetic JUVERSJDE(AP)-rtrefiabtersevacuatcd .. tevera.l studies o~ •~aest that smoktn ue born. not made, lboutand" people Friday, includina pu~ls from four and some<tp a 11mpJe test may be deviled to find out > tc:booll, after tcSAic hydrochloric acid spilled at a wattr ~er ,cllildren have a predisposition to become booked PiocelllJll plaot. • . . on DtpOllne when they arow up. Allan Collins and Michael • . . 1. '... Mar£1oftheUnivennyofColoradobavedctenninedthat No nuunn were ~rted, but officl¥fs closed the some breeds of mice become dependent on nicotine faster nearby Interstate 21 S-li•abway freeway for about four lban!>then. Tbeydon'tknowwby.buttbeythinkithuto hours u . a precaution. The California Hiabway Pa~J do with menial makeup. The nuoe that act most excited repottcd rt was ~pened by 3:20 p.m., and fiR6&htm •id have the least tolerance to nicotine are affected most •tronaly by it and apparently are lbe moat easily addicted.

Two ac.pea recaptured ·WARRENTON, N.C. -Two of sh escaped death

row inmates were captured in a laundromat latt Friday afternoon as authonties from two ttatel used blood­hounds and belicopten to track lbem down. Tb~y were identified u Derick Lynn Peterson, 2; and Earl Clanton Jr., 30. There wu no word on lbe otner fou.r escapees. Clanton was convicted in lbe 1981 strangulation murder of a Petersburg librarian. Peterson was convicted fbr the robbery and shooting death of a Hampton lfoocry store manager.

"61Jter crulJa; pUot eject. . HILLAJR FORCE BASE, Utah-AnAirForceF-SF

fighter aircraft from Nellis Air Force 8a$C in Nevada crashed Friday afternoon during a training exercise in the western U desert, but not before the pilot ejected safely. The pilot, Capt. Stephen T. Grace, 29, a. native of Ft. WorJ,h, Texas, was fn good condition at the base hospital, where he was being held overnight for observatiOI\ after being ferried there by helicopter.

.RaJdlai. f161Jtjet tnlnlal RENO - Churchill County residents arc continuina

to try for a court injunction blocking the Fallon Naval Air Stanon from establishing a supersonic jet traini.n& area. The four residents' first was ttjected by federal Judge Bruce Thompson, but he allowed the plaintiffs to file anolber complaint if they could show he has jurisdiction in tl\e matter. A<'COrding to the complaint. supersonieairoombat ~trat NeVada"WOUld ..cau• nerY~~ ~aar~.-~ to hca.rina, and continwty startle humans and an:



f'lre. blacken •tate LOS ANGELES-A fire in the Aguanga area of the

Oeveland National Forest jumped fiie lines Thursday and spread to S,800 acres. burning one mobile bome and forcing evacuation of l 0 residences, Forest Service spokesman Bruce Bundick said Friday. The forest fire was one of more than 120 fires, most caused by lightning, that· spread over 14,400 acres in ei&bt counties Friday, threatening a historic Death Valley landmark and dcstroyina a home. Firefigbten quickly surrounded the nonhcm part of the fire in theOcveland National Forest. where the homes were located, while on the southein cd&c, the tire burned toward tl)e Mount Palomar Observatory, operated by Cal Tech astronomers.

Courtroom omen• 110• OK SAN FRANCISCO - The st.ttt Judicial Council

Friday voted to establish a pennanent rule allowina radio reporters and television or other news pl}ot.ograpben to rc<:ord proceedings in California courtrooms. Cameras and recording devices have been allowed in California courts only on experimental basis since July l , 1980. The new rule, effective July l, allows courtroom photography and rccordin'- subject to the consent of the judge, who could refuse, 'limit or terminate film or electronic media coverage ... -

Iran: Taking softer stand?

MANAMA, Bahrain (AP)-After 44 moo lbs of war with·~· the speaker oftbe frania.n parliament save the first indianion Friday that his ,overnment woutd be willing to uae dipolomacy to avoid catastrophe in the Persian Gulf. #

But in the third warning to the United States in as many days by Iranian leaders, the commanders of the Revolutionary Guard threatened to sabotage U.S. bases throu&hout the world if America interferes in the gulf.

Iran's Parliament speaker, Hojatolcslam Hashcmi Rafsaajani, struck a conciliatory tone when he said in a.,, prayer sermon, "We are not cager to see a catastrophe in the Persian Gulf...and we will strongly refrain from it, but not to the point of jeopardizing the honor and spirit ofour revolution."

Arab and Western diplomatic souTCeS in Kuwait and Bahrain aaid the stattment, given in a co~tionaJ prayer at-'l'chran University, waa the first indication that Iran might be more receptive to peace overtures.

"As far as 1t as possible, we will prevent such ~ catastrophe for humanity fro~ occurring by diplomacy and appropriate talks and meetinp," said Rafsanjam, who spoke as a representative of Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

It was tbe fu:'st timc.siocetbc warbqaaia.Sc91cmbcr. ·19gn that i bilfi official in Tehran spoke openly of talks, diplomacy and mcet.ings, said one Arab diplomat, who refused to be identified.

residtna titian crctumi bomt within man um

Four firc(IJbten complained of headaches walkin' throUlb a clOUd of ps. even lbouab they wttt wanna OC"Ot«tive IN'· They were ucated at hospitals ~ tttu~ed lO wort, city fire diJpatCber LiJMSa Cassell wd. · •

The bydrothJoric acid was deaned up be ore it could mix with sodium hydro~ide, fire officiala said

Initially, ftreraptm feared the acidmiabt mu with a nW:bY tank of tOdium hydroUde-alto ~own ucaustic lodi - and form a .cloud of toxic ps over de>Wntown Riverside. . · ·


Ire~d greets ReMan warmly on his arri¥al

...... ;1111

4-day visit a return to ancestral homeland

SHANNON, Ireland (AP) - President Reagan bcon an 8,000.milc fiwopean journey of sentiment, patriotwn and diplomacy Friday with a visit to lrdand, his anc:estraJ homeland..

" I want you to know that for this pat· ~n of Ireland this tS • moment of JOY, ... Reagan said upon his arrival at Shannon airport OD the Atlantic COUL ··1 am returning not only to my own roots. but to America's roots."

During his second forcip journey of this election year, Reagan also will attend an economic summit of the United States' major t.radiQ.& pannen in London, and visit Noimandy for what undoubtedly will be an emotional commemoration of the 40th. anniversary of 0.Day, the Alued invasion of Nazi-held France .

~ threaleniJll a series of demoa­strations durin& Relpn·s visit to lrdud. But the wdcome the president aod bis wife Nancy reCeived &om the country &om wb.icb his sreat-sraDdfathcr, Michad, ani­grated more than a century.., was a warm one.

The president was ~ by , Irish President Patrick J . Hillery and Prime Minister Gana FitzGcrald as he ~led from Air Force One onto a loq red carpet. Before be spoke,..tbe president was sivcn a 21 -gun salute and a rendition of the U.S. National Ant.bem as be sioocl .;th Irish Officials under a piilnly sunny sty .. . lD an &ppll'ent refctence to \be expected protests here of Rcapn•s Central Amcri· can policies. Hillery said Reapn displayed ··an appreciation of the sincere anxieties of many of our people in relation to world affairs. We feel that it's our duty to expias our genuine conocm about such matt.en."

Can .eaweed JJalt ertMloa? Priialdent Rea&an ln8pecta a Gaud of honor of lrtah troope

ahortly after Illa arrl'ftl In the lrlah Republic.

Opponcnu of Rcapn's policies in Central America and toward nuclear arms

But the over4ll tone of the ceremony ~warm as Hillery bid Rcqan "100,000 welcomes to Ireland. ..

CARLSBAD - Nc5 one is quite sure what lbc best method is for bandlina beach erosion alo04 ffiabway 101 but the S~ODS ranae from planting artificial seaweed to do nothing at all Mick Kelly, general m~r of Beach

.. Builders of California, prooosed lbe artificial seaweed project. Kelly said the flexible, man-made seaweed. alona with a float.ttion device, helps capture sand, which then can be washed ashore by normal wave action. He said the syst.em bas worked in Long Beach for the past year.

Sea World to keep coaaf1a6 SAN DIEGO - Sea World officials say they will

continue counting killer whales off Alaska' s coastline but will wait for a definitive rulina (fom lbe federal government before trying to capture any of the huge mJmmaJs. Alaska Gov. Bill Sheffield has rejected a fedcrall, approved plan allowing Sea World to capture some o the whales. Officials of the aquatic theme park said they will wait to sec what U .S., C-Ommcrce Secretary Malcom Baldridge decides before attempting to corral any of the whales.

Shults wltlJ SalJdJal•ta leader

Ball set for: four in preschool molestation case Only 1 defendant still in jail as prosecutor vows to appeal

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A municipal judge set bail Friday for four of the aeven people charged in the Virginia McMartin Preschool child-molestation case, but the district attorney's office vowed to appeal the decision.

Meanwhile, a state appellate court in Los Angeles handed down a ruling for one of lbc defendants - teacher Babette Spitler, 36- that could allow her to be released on her own recoplizance on grounds she was denied a speedy p~liminary bearing.

Two others in the case - school founder Virginia •9

McMartin, 76, and teacher Mary Ann Jackson, 56- have been fn:e on bail since April.

OnJy lbc chief defendant in the case. Raymond Buckey, 2S, was being held without bond.

"The defendants arc entitled to reasonable bail," Municpal Judac Aviva Bobb said late Friday afternoon at the end of a three-day bail hearing.

The seven defendants have been indicted on more than 200 felony abuse counts, including rape and sodomy.

Prosecutors allege that chtldrcn as young as 2 were molested, then silenced by death threats against them and their parents.

In Friday's ruling. Ms. Bobb set bail at SI million for Peggy McMartin Buckey, 57, who is charged with •9 counts; $250,000 for her da~gbter Pegy Ann Buckey. 28.

. . .

who as cba.rgr:d with 1'4 counts; $750,000 fOf" teacher Hetty Ratdor, 64, who is charged wilb 22 counts; and ~.000 for Ms. Spitler, 36, who is cbargcd with 22 counts.

Raymond Buckey, who faces 97 counts, is the aon of the cider Mrs. Buckey and the grandson of Mn. McMartin.

Duarle profnises dialogue tow~d peace

MANAGUA, Nicaraaua-Secretary of State Georae P. Shultz made a surprise stopover in Manaaua Friday afternoon and met with Daniel Ortep, the top leader of

the lcft-wina Sandinista JOvcmmcnL The first report of --------------------------------------------------------­the planned meeting wtlh Otteaa came from Deputy White Hou9C Secretary Bob Sims, t.ravelina in Ireland with President Reapn. He told reporters in Oalwa,Y that the president approved plans for SbulJt to stop in the Nicarquan capital en route from £FSalvador, where Sbu1'3 bad attended the inauauration of Salvadoran President Jose Napoleon Duarte.

Pu~n ea route to CARACAS, VcneiueJa - Nicarquan rebel leader

Eden Pastora, •wounded in a bomb blast at bis frontier command poat that kiJJed four people, i1 beina flown to. Caracas from Costa Rica, the aovemment announoed

~ Friday. Actina Interior Minister Cesareo Espinal said Paston had been placed aboud a plane in San Jate, the Costa Rican capital, and wh.en be arrived in Caracas he would Ix taken immediately to a boapital wbcrc his " penonaJ security will be auarantced."

1CnUaHa eadonett hiitmd,.,. · ' MOSCOW -The Soviet Union ~~oned

........ . a &ix-nation l)C4CC iniuative, but made ~ltiemlin - • st.lnd.s finn 06:\ta Rfusal to TUUme:.nUcieat anru ta1b

• hilcNATOasdeplo~missdesin Wc:stcrnEUropc. The e11doncment wu the 6J1t authoritative Soviet comment on thl joint atatt.menl dlUied May 23 in the capitals of S_.n, lndia. Mexico, Tan.uni&. Greece and Artefttina..

• . lfl•Ue deplo~eat ·de1a,.d

THE HAOUE, Nctbcttandj- HoUud•tC.abinct on Friday approved deplc)yment of U .S: n\ideu millilel on Dutch toil, bot it comprom.ilCd with auaile fOCt by dclayina the installation Md linld~ size of deployment to Soviet behaviOf . ... , the SOviet Uruoa

• depk>y. one more (nuclear milli~~ will deploy all 48 CNilc mi ilea.'' Premier Ruud u told• news conf'ercnoc ifter binet meeti,na. TIM .. Olrmplc Oat8War'

, ' •


OlympJ.c Arts Festival begins unveJ.lbig ·01ymptc Gateway· statue at Coliseum

. .

Shakespeare Company, acrobats from the Performing Arts Company, an exhibition of art from the Louvre, the U.S. debut of the Royal Opera of Co~t Gatden, a Greck~tanauaae performance of "Oedipus Rex" by me National Tbeatn: of , G~ and a Ja~Lu&uaae pro­ducllon of"Tbe Tro,J&n Women."

In all, there will be 400 performances and 2• exb1bitions by artists ftom 18 nations.

Ora.nae County'• .. Art Connections 'M" will pretent a.nvitational and ~uried art by about 150 Oranac County artl in teve:n ch(fercnt pUcrics and mUteU.m.S· June 13.

The 2S-f~-h'lb brona created by 9CUlptor ROt>Jri Graham at a COit of tDOft than $250,000. T~ Amtric:u 'athleta wbo will be compctina in the mer Olympics poaed fOf 1 1even-foot·bi'P f\swU that m.nd poited atop \be two pdlal'I of the ICUlpture.

• 'The wbitt doth 00'\'CnQI tbe llat\lt initii.lly RMecl ~e way dapiw nca by Ma)'Or Tom • Ofympa oftiCiall ~~ fb~ put Otympiaa medallltl who JOtDCd t.D the dlbri. . •

When the bronze piece finalty ana from !ti .coveri111. at ns lftaed by enthu11 c: •P!Ptautc. •

------- ----- - - ______ ....... ______________________ ...._ __ _

Page 4: copter - City of Newport Beach

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A• Orange Co t DAILY PILOT/Saturday. June 2, 18M

U.S. gr-oWlng older; senlors up sharply

WASHINGTON (AP) - The nauon's million. • elderly populatJoo has jumped 65 perttnl Bui Flonda's mass1vc 3l7 pcrttnt in­sancc 1960. ltd by 1 whoppina 337 pcm:nl crease ra1scd 1t to third place wtth 1.8 hike tn Aonda. the Census Bureau reports. m1lhon over 65.

Seven stateS now have a m1lhon or more Other states wtth a m1lhon or more res1dcnts qed 65 and o<'er, the buruu said, elderly are Pennsylvania, 1.6 m1lhon, up 4S up from only three states wtth that many percent; Texas, 1.5 mill1on, up 197 percent, elderly an 1960. Illinois. 1 3 million, up 36 percent, and

A.nd dunng the same pcnod. work.J~- Ohio. 1.25 million, up 39 percent. age Americans have also increased thc1r Also noted was the previously rcportcJ numbers massavdy. the bureau said. upturn in the population under age S si'ncc

lndcro. the stud) of the populauon by 1980, a chanae from recent decades when age group sugaestcd the JWllP in those aged that age group had been declinirta. 18 to 64 may~ the most s11nificant change Every state except West Virai~ia and 1n recent decades. ~icltipn is estimated to have a larger

The 46 percent growth to this age group population under age S today 10 1980, since 1960 1s a result of the matunng of the the report said. The largest growth W>S in post-World War II baby boom generation the Western states, led by a 33 percent ad produced hugenumbersofncwworkcrs, increase 10 Alaska the bureau said. Nauonally. the school·age population

In the 1960s. 1t said 15 malhon people declined b) 2. 7 mallton. ~ntanuing the entered the labor force. The figure rQse to downward trend of the 1970s when it 24 m1llton 1n the 1970s and seven million dropped by e1$ht million. so far an the 1980s "Only the h1lh-growth and h1gh-fcrt11tty

The survey concentrated on state popu- states of the West and Southwest have lat1on change~ between the 1980 census growing school-age populations, notably and Jul:. I . 1983. and looked at national i\lasti and Utah." the report said. trends dating to 1960. "lfbarths continue at the level of the late

The stud} em mated the U S population I 970s.. howc' er, the school-age population as of last Jul~ I at 233,981 .000, up 30.5. should stab1lizr and begin to grow during percent from 1960. the 1980s, the study rcponed.

those under age 18 declined 2 5 percent Other findings of the 1980.1983 age ~ince 1960 to 62.575.000, while the 18 t.P 64 stud) : group totaled 144.022,000, up 46.1 percent - The young adult population has from 1960. stopped growing after a long penod of rapid Tho~e 65 and older climbed 65.4 increase and should decline throu$hout the

percent. to 27.384,000. 1980s as the baby boom generation ages. The bureau Ja1d that onl) California. Only the hish·$fOwth states of the South

Ne"' York and Pennsyhania had more and West have increased their populations 1han I m1ll1on elderly residents in t 960. in the 5-17 and 18-24 age groups_

California still leads that 1ist with 2.6 -People in the 25-44 agevoupcontinue m1H1on elderl}. up 190 perc~nt s.ance 1.960. to be the most rapidly growmg segmeq_t of Ne"' York as second, up 31 . 7 perccnt;o 2.2 the population.


. Got a light? . Buzy. an Auatralian terrier owned by Ste•e Campbell of lndlana.polu, clenc"bea a corncob pipe between hi• teeth while. wearmg-. derby and aunglauea. Campbell .. ,.. the dog routinely clenches the pipe and doean •t mlnd the getup.



Ambushed Israeli troops careless?

For Result · INITAllT CASH llllEDIATE CASH RUFFELL'$ Service Call JERUSALEM (AP) - Carelessness- and lack of

d1sc1phnc may have been responsible for the deaths of Quality old watene.. tcrap GOLD, DIAMONDS UPHO 642-56 78 three lsraela soldiers ambushed Sunday on a Lebanese gold. _......ry, nd LSTERY, INC. d YIN'f AGI nMI • VALUABLES fw ta. tut.,'* UL. ht. 122 road wh~re milital) traffic was forbid en, ao I..sraeh n. UUU .llWUllS newspaper says.

•a-~ 873-o385 1121 UUOI ILWI. The n111itary cbmmand S'aid'th@ soldiers' <WO-jeep wJ:!. 1' OUST o'tini 3118 Ne Blvd. ctm IHI - S41·USI ·.- patrol was ambushed at I :30 a .m. on a back road near the i..::.:=:_ __ ""'!"'.;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~l!:========:::i!_---!:.__--=~-----l village of Kamed el-Louz. on the front line with Syria an

eastern Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. Two other soldiers were wounded. one senously, it said.

Qoloring Contest The newspaper Maariv said the soldiers had violated standing orders forbidding night traffic on that road. ·

A military spokesman said the army was conducting a routine check into the incident and could not confirm the report.

Military censorship forbids publication of most. 1nc1dents, but thcty are commonly known among officers.

Discipline has always been lax in the Israeli Anny, which began as a rag-tag band fighting an Arab onslaught after Israel declared independence in 1948.

What professional soldiers consider the basics of d1sc1plane - sman dress. shined shoes and saluting- arc virtually absent in Israel's aimy. One of its greatest generals. Moshe Dayan, was known for his casualness.

C'h1cf of Staff Raphael Eytan. who reured last year. tned to lighten d1sc1plinc. but he is generally judged to have failed.

Two of evel) three Israeli soldiers are civilaan reservists. called awa)' from homes and Jobs for up to sax weeks at a tame, accordang to the Jaffee CentcrforStrateglc Studies.

Most have hnle interest an military discipline, according to the ~nter.

In the first weeks of the Lebanon war, both reserve and regular officers went on jaunts through the newly occupied zones. to whcrtevcr jeeps they could com­mandeer. , Other reservists hitchhiked through south Lebanon, 1gnonng orders against unauthorized travel.

Israel's most war heroes won reputations by disregarding orders.

Former Defense Minister Ariel Sharon was one of the worst offenders. His crossing of the Suez Canal lO launch a counteroffensive in the 1973 war was against the orders of his immediate superior.

. .

·vuatte·regtme better news fo Salvador?

._ By OLL U MAN ~ ..... ,_ .,,,_

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP} - With Jose ·Napoleon Duane's inauauration as president, there ue lnctellsing 10di~ations that rus civilian 1ovemmen1 and the Iona powerful military may be able to cooper~le.

No one expects the new/ovemmcnt to produce a rapid end to the 4112-year-ol civil war apmst leftist guerrillas that has claimed more than 52,000 lives. But there is talk of ten\,at1ve steps toward" peace and, in tune with Duarte's campa1an promises. conciliation between the warring sides.

Some promising developments have occurred since Duarte defeated far-right candidate Robeno d 'Aubu1sson 10 a May 6 prcsidenual runoff.

The first prisoner exchange of the war took place Ma) • 11. The gucmllas released the former deputy dcfen~

minister, whom the> had held for nearly two years, 1n exchanae for eight jailed left-wing leaders.

The national university's main. campus was turned back to hs adm101strators on May 22. four years after the military took control of the school on grounds it was a hideout for leftist rebels.

Five former national guardsmen charged in the murder of four Amencan churchwomep were found guilt) on May 24. The long 9elays in pursuin~ the case had become symbolic of hutman rights abuses an El Salvador.

Two top mili~ry commanders were sent abroad the same day. The--tr.nsfer was considered both an effon to remove nght-wing clements suspected of tics to death squads and a conciliatory move toward Duane by the armed forces. ·

"l think that these things arc going to have real repercussions. even though it was all set up for public relations," said a politically well<onnected lawyer, who spoke on condition he not be identified for sccunty reasons.

An important impact will be -0n the U.S. Congress. The House passed the Reagan administration's emerg­ency military aid request for El Salvador on May 24 and Ouane's post-clecuon visit to Washington appeared to have created a more favorable view of the Salvadoran JOvernment on the part of what had become an skeptical Copgrcss.

Duarte- Wlll a fivc-.ycar 1'erm. He replaces President A Ivar~ Magana, who has SCILVcd as prcwi&ional chief of state aS' an i'ppointcc of the NationaJ 1(sscmbly.

· Despite the favorable developments, wdl have to find has way through a maze of pro~ from the war itself to increasing public unwillingness to accept economic sacrifices.

The malttary remains a dominant foroc in Salvadoran polit1c1s. a fact likely to be underscored by Gen. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova's oontinuauoo as defense minister. Officers have said an interviews that although Duane's civilian rule will be respected. he will have to tread lightly if he tries to make any substantive changes in armed forces command or policy.

The touchiest problem will be an investigation of the death squads blamed for many of the 43,000 c1vilaan deaths during the war.

Duarte also will have to deal with the ultra­conservatives encouraged by d'Aubu1sson's 46.4 percen1 showing to the runoff. The loser has said he will return to has post as a deputy an the legislative assembly

D'Aubuisson. a member of the Republican Na­uonaJ1st Alltancc, ma10tams he as the real winner and was depnvcd ofv1ctory by fraud encouraged by CIA suppon for Duane's Christian Democrati~j>an}.

The Chnstaan J:\lmocrats' allies 10 the ccntnst labor and organized peasant movements will be expecting a larger role m government than ever before in El Salvador.

Dcmocrat1c Popular Unity. a labor and peasant federation with close taes to the Christian Democrats, will be expecting some role. Their patience may be eroded b)' the rising cost ofliving and the stalled economy.

A wave of stnkcs, largely promoted by left-leaning unions. preceded the election and can be expected to co;>tinue amid the difficult wartime economic conditions.

Fighting has continued, but the guerrillas have been relatively quiet so far this year. Their political leadership reiterated last Friday it ftwilling to talk with Duarte. but only "as equals shanng power" with the government.

Can we scrat~h chicken pox?

ItS A Horse Of A Different Color Orange County fairgrounds • Costa Mesa • July 6-15

WIN~ERS! One winner in each age group will be chosen. Each winner will receive 4 ticket to the Orange County Fair. Winning pictures will be posted in the Fine Arts exhibit at the fairgrounds.

'\AME ---------------------------------~

ADORES ------------------------------~

PHONE ---------------------AGE GROl'P 0 3-5 yra. 0 6-8 yrs. 0 9-11 yn.

R l l •:S & REG LA TIO NS. I All tntrit ruutl be t'Omplf'tf'd b)' • rhald in •1e poup• lltltd. 2 '-ltnd tntrlf"t to Colorina Conteet. P.O. 80• 1560. Co1t4 Me.a. CA 92626 J II f'nlrlf'I f'rlUlt bf' rtceived by Junr lSlh.

- ' '

BOSTON (AP) - The 1ormentmg itch of chicken po~ . stall a me of passage for many >\mencan children. could soon be ehmanated by a new, highly effective "accme developed m Japan. a study released today shows.

In a test involving 956 children who never had chicken pox, doctors at Child.rcn's Hospital m Philadel­phia found that the vaccine was 100 percent effective 1n wardang off the disease dunng the first winter after the shots were administered.

( hicken po>. as the last maJOr childhood infection for which there is now no widely available protection.

"I see this as another measles vaccine, one that all children would receive and be protected against chicken pox," said Dr. Robert E. Weibel, who led the research team that conducted the test .

Although followup studies wall be needed to check long-term cflecuveness and safety, Weibel says he expects the vaccine will be approved for routine use tn about two years.

An estimated 3 million children catch the h1$hly contagtous disease in the United States each year. and most people have had 1t by the time they reach adulthood._

Although 11s v1ct1ms usually suffer no lastmg complicat1ons. chicken pox occas1onally cames danger­ous side effects, including encephalitis. a brain inflamma­tion. and Reyc's syndrome. an often-fltal condition marked by brain swelling and seizures. Chicken pox as fatal an about two of every I 00.000cases. killing about 100 to I SO people a year.

Wc1bel's team tesfe<l the vacc10c on 956 suburban Ph1ladclph1a children rangmg an age from I to 14 years old. They published their findings in today's New England Journal of Medicine.

The vaccme was developed by Dr. Michiaki Takahashi of the Biken Institute in Osa.ka, Japan, and is being produced in the United States by Merck Sharp & Doh me.

Wcabel's experiment was a double-blind, placebo­controlled inal. This means that half the younasters aot the vaccine and half aot dummy shots, but no one knew whkh children got what kind of shot until the study was completed.

After nine months, there were 39 cases of chjckc~x. all amona the children who re<:eived the dummy shot vac:cmated younptcrs aot the dlscm, even tbou&h o them lived in families where Stblinp had chicken Pox durina that time. ,

An editorial in the jOumat, written by.Dr. Kenneth Mcintosh of Children's HoseitaJ in Boston, called the outcome "an excellent re ult.

Another study as checkina the potency orthe vaccine dunna a second w1nter chicken pox season. Before the vaccine is approved, Weibel said. at will be tested oo about 10,000 children. The aoal will be to check the vaccine's lastina protection and the c-0nsistency of.doses produced in ditTertnt batches.

No one knows exactly how Iona the v1ttanc'1 protection will periist, but Weibel said, .. It's m) JU<!amcnt that the 1mmunny witr be hfcJona." ·

Children routinely now ·rtccivc vaccine apinsl diphtheria. tetanus. whoopin1 cough, polio. mca le . mump and rubell

fhe nc"' \·acc1nt' IS 8 la\ C bul ¥.Clktntd \ICRtOn or the

I '

varicclla virus that causes chicken pox. The ·vaccine works by tncklng the body mto producing protecuvc antibodies against the disease.

One remaanang quesuon as whether vacc10ated yo~ngst~rs wall be more or less likely to get shingles - a painful infection in nerve centers that as a fonn of herpes ~ster - when they grow up. Although the varicella virus lacs dormant in the body after a chicken po~ infection passes. It can flare up 10 later !ife and cause shingles.

"It doesn't seem likely from past studies that a weakened virus will cause shingles in any greater frequency than the natural discase,"Weibel said, "and it's my O{>inion that it will be less frequent in the vaccinated individual."

Bunny •homme' Thia ad, pabllabed ID three Preach aewe· pe.P9:ft bJ tlle '--Pe for lllfbbt or Wom•n. attacked adftlttid.iil thi lroap co......,. dem•DlDC to women. Tile a wa. atteatloa to an •PoOlllliaa debate on CU..­crtm.l.natlon lD tbe National Aliembl7.

• \

Page 5: copter - City of Newport Beach

" I


. Principal depa~g · Ralph Frettaa. retirtna prlnclpaJ of Whit­tler School in Co.ta Meaa. ••ta with •tudent• and teachen who threw a retire­ment party for him Tueaday wearing paper

BofAa\\rards to 5

F1\e area high school Tarak Barkawi 6f Hunt· seniors were named Bank 1ngton Beach and Joan of Amenca Achievement Takenaka of Laguna Award winners after the N1auel were $500 founh­final compcuuon. held re· plape winners an Applied centl) at the Westin South an<J Fine Ans. ~Plaza Hotel 1n Cgsta Jeffrey Wheeler ofHunt-

tauli'Pindcrsko.' a Dana '1°" ._.._ .. ·ii>urth··· Hills High School student • e in the Liberal l\rts

· cat ory and Laguna Niguel res1· · dent. won the $2.000 first· ~ he five were among 27

beard.a re.embµn, hta. Frettac. who bu 26 yeara in the Newport-Mesa UD.lfted School Dlatrtct. bu alao been prlnclpal of Dam, Pomona and Newport.Elementary School.

Students honored

Six outstanding area stu· dents• were presented $3,000 wonh of scholar­ships by tbe Amencan Business Women's As· soctation of Irvine to re­cognize women of ach1eve-1Jlent.

Reetp1ents were Patricia -B·ammtt1"ti)-~ ·-·{Ha-fte -Hiebert . Gana Jacob. Christine Kuder,Juhe Lof· ton and· Veronika Tracy.

pl~ce award m Science and finalists honored during an Mathemaucs. Todd l1tfin evening banquet following

-....-...:;-....-.. .... of Laguna Hills. a senior at an · all-da) competition. Laguna Hills High School. Pnzes totalin$ $20,250 was the $2,000 first-place were given in $2,000, winner in the Liberal Ans St .000. $750 and $500 • c~iegory scholarships Capt. Jame. Gueaa

Cardiac support

San Onofre's gas incident still a-mystery

\AN ONOFRE (AP) -.\ Manne 10\ esugauon concluded that tear gas could not have drifted from Camp Pendleton into the

an Onofre nuclear po""cr plant. But an air of m) stel") remains over what sent 21 worke~ there lo the hosp•· tal with burn1~ throats and eyes Feb. I 5.

A m1htary repon re­leased this week said 1t was "vinually impornble" for tear gas from the ba~e to

ha'e wafted O\Cr the plant a mile awa) in do~ large enough to cause problems

Southern California Edison Co. had contended that gas from trainirg e\· forced a tempora~ e .. acuataon of 300 em· ployees.

Ed1sons officials said Wednesday they still be· ltcve the incident was caused by release of a gas from outside the plant.

-CM man's son given medal

First Lt. MarviD N. Swink II, son of Marvin N. Swink of Costa Mesa. has been decorated with the Air Force Ach1e,ement Medal at Randolph Air Force Base. Texas.

wink 1s a 01ghl training instructor with the 560th Flying Trammg Squadron.

••• Pvt. Michael E. Sproul, son ofR. J. Sproul of Lafuna

Niguel. has completed basic training at Forl Dix, N .. • • •

Pvt. Trevers M. Bennett, son of Oene M. Bennett of Newpon Beach, has completed basic training at Fort Knox, Ky.

• • • Airman I st Class Cynthia M. Robertson, daughter of

'Guess' who's a pro?.

Orange Count' henfT Capt. James Guess , w&s­honored rel"enth \\Ith the·· most prestigious award gl\en b} the Cahfom1a Peace Officers Assoc1at1on.

Guess was gl\ en the as­s0Clat1on ·s Professional -\ch1evement Award . which recognizes an 1nd1· \ idual who has made sig· nificant contnbuuons to law enforcement.

.\ 20-year law enforce· ment veteran. Guess has served as the sheriffs com­mander of the record d1vis1on. anvest1gat1on division and presently is commander of the person­nel-training division.

CPR classes held weekly

offered Cardiac patients seeking

support during their re· covery can part1c1pate 1n outpatient group therap) sessions offered by Hoag Memorial Hospital in

Ne"i>Ort Beach. Sponsored b) the

C'ard1ac Rehabili1at1on \enter at the hospital. the program consists of six weekly sessions designed for patients who have either suffered a heart at· tack or nave undergone coronal") bypass su~erv.

t or more mformauon. call 760-5594.

USC tour guide fs local wonian

Huntington Harbour resident Elizabeth Esakoff has been named a Univer­sal}' of Southern Cahfom1a

C I a s s e s 1 n summer tour guide. She 1s cardiopulmonary resusc1· one of 14 members of the tat1on are held e' cry USC General Alumni As­\\ednesday at Saddleback soc1ation's guest relations Community Hospital staff.

Sessions are from 1 to 5 Each year the staff gives p.m. and from 5 to 9 p.m. almost 10,000 tours of the The fee 1s $5 per person. campus to prospective stu· payable at the door. ·dents, community and Preregistration as required. school groups, tounsts and The fee covers tht>·cost of dignitaries. the instruction hook and all Esakoff. a junior biology the necessary equipmoot. major. was chosen over

• APrUU · l and Mark Ca.rpenrcr. Huoti ton Be-a.eb, bOy

AprUU Robin and Lawrence Wilner, Huntiocton Beach. c;itl Lorra!ne s~obOda, CO)ta Me •

Api'D JO Lori Fitch, Huntington Bea h. ajrl

• May 1 Carol)'tt•nd Ronald Simons. Huntington BC ch, sirl Chrissie and Mark heppard, Huntinaton Beech, boy

Mays l Denise and Todd Sharpnack. Huntington Beach. g.irl lon and Rool\eU Siero, Huntington Beach, b6y .

M.11• . . Chri&icen and Thomas Howe, Huntington Beach, g.irl

May I and Robert Mercado, Costa Mesa. girl

MaJI Joanne and James McKinney, HuntingtOn ·Beach. bo)' Kim Del Gaudio, Huntir1&ton Beach: boy Teresa and Bruce Div1nski. Huntington Beach. boy Janis and Ja) Verry, HuntiDgton Beach. bo) •

• May7 Diina and Gino Centofant~ €osta MC$&, bo>

. . . May I Linda and David Collins. Laguna Beach, boy lc-t1cia and Mark Johnson. Huntington Beach. bo) Keli and Raul Nieves, Huntmgtoo Beach, boy • Mary and Thomas Kramer Costa Mesa. boy Cathleen and ~v1d Cassady. Huntmgton Beach. g.irl

Mayt Kathryn and John Barbachano. Founta10 VaUey, bo)

·-····· .. ··-- .. _ ........ .

Stephen-·C. ST J

He makes Law and-Order Work ...



June 5

CITIZENS TO RETAIN JUDGE STEPHEN C STEWART-3151 AIRWAY AVENUE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 - DARYL HEINLY, TREASURER - 840669 John and Jacqueline Rober\!on of San Clemente, has

part1c1pated in Team Spirit '84. a JOlnJ training exercise involving U.S. and Soulh Korean troops. Robertson. an opera11ng room spec1ahst with the 655th Tactical Hospital at Yol..ota Air ~~ Japan. as a 1981 graduate of Saddleback ( ol\cge

Those who pass the class more than I 50 candidates. will receive an American Her campus actjvitics in­Heart Association Heart elude the ski club. the Pi Saver certification card Beta Phi sorority and the For more mformat16n , call Alpha Lambda Delta 837-4500 -~H~o~n~o~r~Soc~i~et~)~· ==-~~~_ll!i!i!i!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!!;!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!i!!!!;;;;i!i!i!i!i!;!;!I r --

• • • .\1rman Michael A. BriDkley, son of Ronald L. Bnnkle~ of Fountain Valley. bas been assigned to

_ heppard Air Force Base. Texas. after completing basic tramine at Lackland Air Force Ba~. 1 exas. Bnnkle>. a I Q82 graduate of Ocean Vie" High School in Hunungton Beach. \\Ill n:ce1vc specialized training m c1v1l engmecr· mg.


••• Pvt .wm1aa1 A. Sharp, son of Ruth A. Sharp of Huntington Beach. has completed one st~ti~n unit trainan$ at the Amly Infantry School an Fort Benning. Ga. Sharp 1s a JQ78 graduate of Manna High School m Huntington Bearh.

• • • 1'FC Gary W. Caponi, 50n of Angelo and Helen Ca~zz1 of Huntington Beach. has completed basic training at Fort Knox. Ky. I le is a 1981 graduate of Golden West Colle1te.

• • • •

T«h. Sgt. Larry W. Beck, son of Lowell E. Bc<:k of Costa Mesa. has participated in Global hicld '84. an ellcrc1sc involvina U.S Air Force. Air Fo~ Reserve. Air National Guard. NaV)' and Manne Corps units and clement of the Canadian forces Beck is a sccunt)

• suptrv1sur w1th the 22nd Air Refueling Wtnaat March ir f:o~ Ba • ~•if • .

• • • Capt. tacy A. Clowe, daujhtcr of William J. GallllJhcr of Huncinaton Beach, has participated in exercise Cope Nonh at Nyut1 ru ir Base in Kyu hu, Japan. Clo""e i an air weapon controller with the 62.lrd Tactical Control Squadron . at Kad na ·r Base in Ok1nawu.

• • •• irman Grc-1oryW. "ell. no(Bradlcy wclland

Chc')'I spcnct. both of San { ~mentc. has a,raduatcd frol1\ the Air forct sccum pohcc ~pcc1ahst coune at Lackland Atr Fo~ Due. Tc a wcllt a 1982 vaduatc of n Clem rue Hiall hool. will "C'\C with the Qltd S«urity l'olicC' Squidron a1 ca,llc ir force Ra • C~hf.

t )


~~~o!A~ facing us to increase prices. but untt June 15. 1984 come In and SOYe on ewrytNng In the sfofe. lncludlna some tloOf samples at up to 30.. olf. Hurry In nowt

04l.DI'~ MHCIB> t..~corr.-~

~"'" vour cNO s ,... '°' sllMQ. il\dv stOfQglt and r:laV Af'9r ICJl9 $.500 NON S..98


ORNGl COUNTY, SoUtt'\ Coast Plaza VloQ9 N / 556-7TIO, Oa1V 1()..9 SOt ~ SUI'\ 12..S SAN DIEGO, (ot ROMC:rant Off ct ...SA t.e) 7l41298-8l03 Mon.scit 10-4 ~ 12-5 lOS AHG81 9372 Wht*• avci (ot Cooon) 2l3t 1\30 Mon.sot n-6. Sun l2

I ' \ •

v NO DOWN O.A.C. ~ Ei.ctric StM1 .,.. Automatic _

Page 6: copter - City of Newport Beach



_. - -· . .

_Bea~tJI care sUbjeC~ -ror L~guna Unitarian~ U.ttariU Ulilvera&llti Fenowsllp, 4'29 Cypress

Ori~, Laguna Beach, Wlll hear Sara Sperber. o utsta.ndina activist in theetfon to .. chicve a National Hca.lth Service, at the 10:30 a.m. mectma unday

Sperber, wbo was recently named Lhe Leisure World Gray Panthers chairman of the Task Foiu for the N1t1onal Health Services Acl, wtll focus on the issues involved in such a national commnment. She bas also Iona been deeply involved in the movement for peace and an end to the nuclear arms race

A social hour follows the program. For more information. call 494-4743.

• • • SL A.Dclnw's Episcopal Cltarcll, 4400 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, waif bid 'farewell to the Rev. James Young.assistant to the Rev. Lome Weaver during the past year, at the 10 a.m . service o n Ascension Sunday.

The public is invited to ttus fa rewell service. For more inform\tion. call 559-4699. • • • •

S~ Ba-Ma 'a lot-Harbor Relonn Temple, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach, wall be the sste of "Tzedakah Faire: A Day Devoted to Helping Others" today, between 9:30 a.m. and I p.m.

A voluntary contnbuuon of money, toys. food. and clothing for the ncedywill serve as the price ohdmi ion.

Dunna Lhc fair, lhert ~.u be a bake sale. Also, South Coa$l Repertory Tbeattt wilJ offer: 1 presentation of " Ftndm& Home.•· •

The public as mv1t~. Call ~7203 for further information. • • •

Ne• pert ka~r LotMruavd, 798 Dover Drive, Newport 'Beach. will present the musical "Godspell" by Stephen Schwarf'L at 7 p.m. on SundaY,.

The production, directed and cbo~phcd by Vacio Blume Rabold with musical direction by Bonnie Smith, features the talented youth of the con&!'Ptioo. ' ­

A freewill offcnna will be accepted. For further information. call 548-3631. • • •

Lapna P""'yterin Claarcll, 41 S Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. will hear the Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley conttnue has series ofsermon~on " Love" at the 10: IS a.m. service Sunday.

The Chancel Choir. under the direction of Mitzi lnterlandi will sjng, accompanied by Ellen Wright at the organ. A coffee fellowship on the patio will f<>Uow the

Presented by the confirmauo n class. the fair will feature representa th es of more than 20 local service organizations who will demonstrate tfie work of their organizations. Videotapes. films and pn nt matenals wall be a vailable fQr viewing. Hebrew High _V_a_c_a-ti_o_n_c_h_u_r_c_h_ to open in fall school schedt:lled

Community Church, Congregataonal. 611 Heliotrope .\ve., Corona del Mar. will cond uct a Vacation Church School J une 25-29, fro m 9 a m to noon.

All ctuldren, from londcrgan en through 5th grade. are invn ed to attend.

During the week, there w~I be singing. learning how to be good role-models, (lancing. working at crafts, and playing gam~.

There is no fee. but M ntn butso ns wall be accepted. .. For.more.i.n.for.maHqn and regtSHl tlteft; aiH the Rev.

Lon So uder. mHiister of tducatao n, at 644-7400.

Registrations are now being accepted for Hebrew High which will open this fall to serve students in grades 8 through 12 m central and south Orange County.

The pro~m will be open to all )'.Oulhs. both temple.. and non-temple members. .

Isa Jacob, teacher, Wlll create an atmosphere where students will learn conversational Hebrew and an introduction to biblical literature.

The once-a-week program is co-sponsored by Temple Bat Yahm. educator Miriam Yan Raaltc; Temple Beth David, educator Helene Hoi\ey; Congregation B'nai Tzcdek, educator Rabbi Stephen Einstein; and Shir 1-Ja­Ma 'alot-H.arbor Reform Temple, educator Nancy Levin.

-· F'of.fttrther tnfurma ti cm andcnrotlment-appltc11iOns:· call any of the spon$0ring temples.

service. Cluld care 1 provided. Chrutill) educaUOO for alJ aats is at 9 Lm. The cnb

room IS open from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Rev. TankcnJey's Bible class for women meetsat 9: I S

lm. on Tucsdiys end for men al 7 a.m. on Wcdneadays. . Youth aroups meet Wllb the Craig Wilhams,

a-.s11tant pastor, at 6 p.m. Wednesdays for dinner, rccrcauon and study.

~nior Hiah "Loaos'' meet in FelJowsbip Hau at 7 a.m . on Fridays for breakfast.

For more information, call 494-75SS. For prayer help, Dial-a.Prayer: 494-PRA Y.

• • • Temple Bat Yaaim of N•wport Beadl/ lrvble, IOI I C..mclback St, Newport Beach, will bold confirmation

Pope honors Capistran9 patron saint

and Shavuot worahip servitts at 7:30 p.m . on Tuetday, June S. •

Accordana to Rabbi Mark S. Miller, this year"• conf.Lmlation class will partiClpate to various pans of-the mid-week service, in both the EnaJisb and Hebrew ponions. .

Students being coo finned are: Amy Bloombera, Oad Freedman, Jill Freedman and Seth Kaplan, all ofNewpon Beach; Staoey Kasten of Lake Forest, Lauri Lappin, Irvine· and Joel Samuels. Costa Mesa.

The theme for this special service lS the" Aleph· Bet of Jewish Values," referring to Lhe ij.rst two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The service will explore 4he ethics and values of Jewish' hfc m current society.

For mort mformat1on, call 720-0941 . .. . . Oraaae Coast Ua ltarlu UDlvenaUat Clil•rell, 12S9

Victoria St., Co~ Mesa, will present Suzanne Spencer, former lawyer now serving as intern minister of the Finl UnitarianChurchofLosAngelcs. at the 10:30a.m . ser\11~ on Sunday. ·

In her sermon "Dreams," Spencer will explore ideas from the book, " Dream Work" by Unitarian UniverSall1t author Jeremy Taylor. _

· Spencer has worked with a shelter for battered and homeless women in Boston and helpe<! to found the Unitarian Universahst legal Ministry an Boston.

Children's rchgjous education programs are con­ducted during Lhe Sunday services. For detatls. call J~ne

His Holiness, Pope John Paul II. has named St. John Nilsen. director, at 963-1766, or Betty Hoaan, commit~ of Capistran as Patron Saint of Military Chaplains. chairman, at 897-8191. Mickey Jackson of lrvane wlll according to Tom Fuentes. director of communications conduct the service. for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. For further information, call 646-4652.

The Franciscan ~int .• born in .1386, was canonized in Soatla CoastCommaDl~y·cbarcb., 5120 Bonita Canyon 1690. He was a preacher m Bavana, ~ony ~nd ~ol.and, Rd., Irvine, will present a "festival of Choirs" a1 7:30 p.m. and often represented Lhe chu~b .on daplomallc nuss1ons. on Saturda~. June 9. ln 1466, h.e le~ pan ofth~Ch~n a.any at.the ~tile of Oon-Footana, minister of music at St. Andrew'~ ~!grade, helping to deter the Turks from invading the Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, and Dave city. . . , Williamson, minister of music at Calvary Community

. ".'t the time of the foundmg of Orange Co~nty s Church of Thousand Oaks. will"dircct a mass choir of M1ss10.n San !uan Capa~t~no on Nov. I, 11J6, Ytceroy morethan300voicesinafreepublicconccrt.,accord.inato Antonio M~a Bucareh dar~ Father Jurupero Serra, Tim Timmons, pastor. They will be accompanied by Fat~cr P.rcsa~ente of the Missions, to mrme St. John of organ. brass ensemble and rhythm section. Capistran as its pa~ron saa~t. . . Other featured directors will be Steve Nichols,

Better known an t~e D1~ of Orange by bas Spanish director of music at the hosting church, and 0 .0 . Hall, Jr., . name, .~n ~uan Cap~st~~~ as a J_>~tron _o~ the diocese, comPQser and director of music at Magnplia Avenue ~~~~~he t>tirfilry )jafron -ortbe~se. our Lady-of' --· - · --- ·· ·-· ·· · (Pleue eeeU~OU87M-



CHRISTllll CHURCH 110 W. llffl St.

Costa ••sa (T 1acllli11 s. .... , et m14).

,. 11l11ifest Yoar Heart's Desires"

Bible Study Class 9 : 15 Sunday Morning Message, Healing

& Junior Church 10.30 llal·l·Mttn1t Hl-1414

S. \l~T ,J.\ ..\IES

WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY WO RSHIP SERVICES 7 30 AM · Holy Eucharist Ri te I 9 00 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II

10 45 AM - Holy Euchansl Rite It Church School and Adult Education

900 & 1045AM <Music sermon and child care at 3 serv1ces1

" PRAYER AND PRAISE" 7 00 PM - First Sunday ol each month

MID-WEEK WORSHIP Monday - Friday - 8 30 AM Morning Prayer

Tuesday-1000AM Eucharist & Healing Service Wednesday 6 30 AM Holy Eucharist

Rector. Fr. John Astley • Assoc .. Fr. Brian Cox Assisting

The Rev Todd Sorensen • Mr Samuel Shaler The Rev Thomas Henry • Mr Ronald Doiron

-...H\ I l\\ l l '°'11 '1'°'< 111'\ I < 111 l<C II 3209 Via Lido • Newport Beach • 71 4~75--0210 •





S111t111, J11e lrtl, 111• "GOD THE ONLY

CAUSE AND CREATOR" Coete MeH - Flr•t Church of Chrlet, Sclentlet ~--Yercl9Dr., C..ta ...... ~ a hlMleJ lcMel - 10:GO' A..M. R•dllt "-'· ....... Y.W Dr. • A..11.-4:11 , .... ...... ttN'u .. .. .... 1·1* , .... - .. l:IO , ... .

lrvlne - F1'8t Church of Chrtat, lclentlat ................ '"*"'' ..... lcMol •1111ct11l11R (...., Y•) CIMlrclll a lundew lcMol - 10:00 A.Ill. R11111,. RoeM, aao a.rrwa Pkwy., autt• 145

. lteMcteell fttau 10 A.M. - 4 ,..,, Men. thru lat. 10 A.M. - 1 ...... Thuredar Chilo C.-e - $un4ey & W.onM<ley

Huntington .. ech - Flret Church of Chrl1t, Sclentltt

Ith I Oltwe, Huftttfttlten 9-ctl c~ a..,,..,.._. - 10:00 A..M. .................. - - Mein ••.

Newport .. ech - Flret Church of Chrlet, Sclentlet

U'3 Yla lltlo. Newport h ach Church a 8Uftdar lchoot - t:OO a 10:30 A..M. RMdfnt Aeom, 3315 Yla Lido Mon. thrv .. I. - I A.M.-5 P.M. Tuee. - 7-t It.Ill .

CMO Cere PrcmOecl T-• ys - t 30. '1 )() AM '°' Study r.,,,.

Newport .. ech - Second Church of Chrtat, Sclenttat

11'0 hcltlc View Dr .. c.rone .. ..., c~ a ........, kMet - 10:00 A..M. R11•,. ....... - - 1 " I . C...t tfwJ,. cdQ


.All are cordially Invitee! to tr.. Church s«Vicft and en1oy the prlVtleges of 1119 ,_.adlng Rooms Child Care Pro1nded A 1' ALL SERVICES

CMld C.. Pt .. 1'all AT AU llAVICl8

CtUCH OF RR IGIOUS SCDCE Member of the United Church of A9Clolous Science

2205 MAIN STREET. surre 23 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926-48

Adults & Jr. Church For Information

I • IDPOIT H~ LUTIDAN CtutCH-~~ ,_ Dewer Dr. NIWPORT RACH ~ ..... 1

....... J . .... .....

9:00 & 11:00 Rev Peggy Bassett 969-1331

CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 w . ....... Coeta ..... "'6-1111

We're A Going - Glowtng - Growing Church IUMDAY lallvteal

__ _,

8'9l.I 8TUO'f t AM. WWHIP .. -.CM. I t lt.M.

10 :00 ll. - "YOU'IE GOD'S CHOICE" &aou.1e ._.·


hul T'holMe, ......_ - 0eut Cele, Youth .. ._._


1:00 AM Wdtlrlst f :l5 AM luthlrlst, Cluth Sdtotll I Mn.,

421 Part AYt., La Btach 494-3542

WORSHIP SERVICE ............ SAM & 10:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL. .......... ........... ...... 9 : 15AM Signing for Hearing Impaired... SAM Service

• I f CAMAH&.taU


SOUTH COA T COMMUNITY CHURCH 5120 Bonita Canyon Dr., Irvine

Sod Loris YOI. 833-llOO Tim ·r1mmon1, Pastor

SERVICES 8:00 A.M .• 9:30 A.M.

11:00 A.M. ANO 7:00 P..M. . 1

Att11d A Ctl1d

Of Y111r CHkl

COIMlm CtUCH CONGREGATfONAL '11 Hellotrope Awe. ecw ...... ...,

144-7400 Donald W. Kub., Mlftlater

10 A.It. - lunder Wonhlp ci-cti SdlOOI end Nilf9SY Cere


(Oledplee of Ctwtlt) 2401 lrYIM at Senta leeMI

M&-1711 Mcwninc

Y Worship 10 AM

Smday Schoof 9 AM

Gene lweneon, ....... hurch of t. Matthew by the ea

(Tredttional Eplacopal)


(Book of Common Praytlf" - 19281

MERTZ HA LL of Community Congregational Church

6 1 1 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rn . James HoHfetd - Sl2·2Z01- TM Rt•. S.... Sdlel*r


· Costa Meu •o: 960·2715 i.dla SERVICES t:oo A.M.

Rev. £nie J11e 3rd Topic: Nyt,nder "lflUlf YGUI ID Tl IUCCEll"

A Cordlat Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH



19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Churctt lchool •.ao

Worehlp 10M Charlee D. Cfark, M lnlst91'

Costa Mesa .. MEIA VERDE


Worehlp a Church School 1:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Dr. William E. Steel N~ort Beach


UNITED METHODIST 1400 W. Balboa Blvd

l73-3I05 Dr. Robert B. Shepard, Jr. Worehtp a Church khool

l'.30A.M. ... ., Pt•khool

Md bar c.,. 7:IO A.Ill ...... , ....


8662 Helt Ave. 842_..l 1 WonNp lentce l:tO. 10:GO

l:.30 l uncMf ..... 10:IO

lntMpreter for the Hearing Impaired

(el 10-00 A M I

Fountain Vattey FIRST UNITeD

METHODllT CHURCH 18225 Buthard St. •·am

Jame• A. Hadley, Pastor WC!hhlp a c'""" lcMet ........

You WIH .. Weloomed -And M1lp1dl

FIRIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH llWR9t~ttun•*"• ......

IUNDAY: Momtng Wcnn1p 9AM 8'ble School 10:.tSAM £ventng WOf9hlp 8PM

AottM v ..... .,.._....., .......

This Sunday Worship In

ST, ANDREW' S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 800 St. Andrews Roed . Newoof1 Beach. 631-2880

Df . ...... A.......-:·~ ,_..,

WORSHIP, SERVICES 7:30, 8:45, & 10:15 A.M.

"STARTING OVER" Joehula 3: 1-17 ... ....... , ..... ,,.......

Programs - 7:30 A.M. - Child Cate 8:45 A.M. - Infants thru High School 10: 15 A.M. - Infants thru 6th Grade

Ill ... m, ~~~·-<7"~U...~"""'""'4~:>....:~>

Laguna Presbyterian Church A The "Church of the Chimes"

415 Fo~st Avenue · Phone 494 7555

A fn~ndly C' hurC'h for lht' South Councv St1mu!allnJl M"nnon. ... Bc-aut1ful mu'>•C"

S unday Worship 10 :15am Ch ild care p rollitkd

Church School Classes 9:00am

-- dJy pr11171111S .. dlllchn yUh ... ICIUfls Dr Al1tv J flllllntly s.. Pasts

lltv Cr11t Wolkll!IS n Dr (dw•d Caldwttt· Aa I l'asllr'


PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH Of Ttt: COVENANT .., ........ ~ ..... --.... .,.. A. l(Ul"fte,,....,

Terry McCanne, Director of Youth Ministries Cyndi McCanne, Director of Children's Ministries

~ WonNp - e:ao a 10:00 A.II. Ctaurch ~ - C..,.._ ttwu Mun. 10aOO A.M.

NurwJ M n .. tlble - Wl10:00A..ll. . Y - r•P.11.

All SAINTS AfOIC-11 EPISCOPAL CtUCH Acc .... te .. ltJi f-*.tC_...,_

18M2 Bushard, Fount~ Volley 963-3801 .,V. STWr•e W . ...... ~OI

HOlY CO~UNtON ................................................ i:OO A.M. MOllNIHG PIA YR -CHURCH SCHOOl .. .. .. ..... ......... 9: 1S A.M. MOllNING NAYH & SllMON ........................... f :00 A1M.

....,Cr I ha , ,.,_ I nar.. S.., 11 A.M. ~

~·~_.,t:llA.M. .

SHIR HA-MA. 'AL HAMOR RIFOMI TIMPLa ................ ,....,...... ~,, ... . ,......,..,.. .

' QA SP P ,.,..,....,........... 1lalllt.IL

"""' ... '-"t-lnlle h - 2111 ....... Rabtlt ltrMrd P: l(lng Muetc: Me 8Nk._ Educator:

M WlllDrw ....... -

(eo. ... "9tfw) - ~ a Sunday SChool

a./ Mltavlh TralnW!g Youth Group - Sisterhood

S.W-. Ftl. 8: 15 pm Sat. t : 15 lllTI $Un, t ·ao wn • 111 w..a ttamfftOft, Coeta MHa a1-aa

•-..m.-, ..... ,


Page 7: copter - City of Newport Beach

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1 YourH -- -

. District piCks :valedictorians

The Ncwpon-Mesa School District tw sclecl.ed nine valedictorians to lead 19&4 hi&h aehool lfaduation curd at four campuses in the district.

The &raduation ceremo01es are scti'c<fulcd u follows: •Baek Bay - Graduation lS on the campus. ll 10

a.m. June 14. ~Coronadel Mar-Gradualion is in the school quad

a' 3:4S p.m. June 14. VaJcdictorian of the 40().member Clas• is Russell Klein. A senior receptJon for graduates is scheduled for 4 p.m. June 10 in the commons.

• Cost.a Mesa - Graduation is at the Pacific ~J1)pbitheatre, at S p.m . June 14. Michelle ~rbaum, Gtf rilt ine Benedict, Linda Chang, Katherine SimondS and Arlene Youna have been named valedictorians of the 380-member class.

•Est.ancia-Grad~tion is to be a Davidson Field, 7 p.m. June 14. Valedictorians Kathleen O'Reilly and Lelahton Smith will head the class of3SO. A Bac:calaurcate Service for seniors will be at 7 p.m. June 10 at Orange Coast College.

. •Ncwpon Harbor - Graduation wiJI be held at Davidson Field. at 3~30 p.m. June 14. ,David Fiorentino. valedld\>rian. and Susan Rumsfeld and Kathleen Waaenfellcr. saJutatorians. wdl lead the class. The school's inner quad will be thesiteofa4 p.m. Baccalaureate Service June 10. -

In addition lo the high school graduations. four intermediate schools wit! promote eighlh graders to high school. .

Davis. Lincoln and TcWinkle schools will have promotion ceremonies at· 1:30 p.m. on June 14 on their respective campuses. Ensign Intermediate School has set Its campus promotion for I p.m. June 14.

Lagunan student winner A Laguna Beach resident. Philip Rodak. bas been

named the Radio-Television-Filmstudent of the year by the Department of Communications at CaJ State Fullenon.

The graduating senior received the award at the university's recent communications night banquet at the Disneyland Hotel -

. ~


RELIGIOUS NOTES •.• FromA8 Baptlst Church m Riverside.

In addition 10 the evening concert. choral clinics led by Williamson and Fontana will take place from l to 5 p.m. in the churcb·auditorium. These sessions wilJ be free of charae to music di~toi:s and pastors. ·

Registration fur the afternoon sessions is through the church music department, 833-9800.

• • • Clla.rcll of Re~oa1 Scl~ce. Scacliff VilJa&e, Suite 23, 2205 Main St., Huntington Beach~ announces that Burt Hotchkiss. aut•or of"Have Miracles, Will Travel," will conduct a free seininar from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Satu.rday, June 9, at tbe Los Angeles Convention Center.

According to the Rev. Peggy Bassett, minister, the seminar is based on "A Course m Miracles," which is not a reliaion nor an-0rganization but a course of study, which if applied. will change the readers perception of self, others and the world. Its foremost teachings are forgiveness. love and peace.

''A Course in Miracles" consists of a set of three books: Text. workbook and teachers manual. The workbook contains a l~n for each day of the year.

For more information. contact Barbara Han at 969-1331.

••• Tem.,le bata.b of Newport Buell (Couervative),

2401 lrvme Ave .• Ncwpon Beach, will celebrate the Festival of Shavuot on Tuelday. June 5. at 8: 15 p.m . A prominent guest rabbi will officiate at the services.

SbavuoJ., the Festival of Weeks, falls just seven weeks after Passover. It commemorates .the,.,receiving of the Tablets of the Law (The Ten Commandments) at Mount Sinai. ·

A special social hour (Oneg Shabbat), in honor of the Shavuot festival, will be held folloWing the scrvU:c. All members.. friends of the temple and newcomers to the area are invited. The services are optn to the public.

For mo~ information, call 54~900 or 646-7.S 12. .... New Tboagllt C.rt1tiu Q.,.~ 610 W. 18th St.,

Costa Mesa, will observe Graduation Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. service.

All students of the past year's accredited classes in the Science of Mind I . II and Ill, will be recognized and honored.

The Rev. Dr. Eleanor C. Jackson will present a message entitled "Manifest Your Hean's Desires." A. shon healing service will follow the message.

Richard Krnsey. tenor, and Betty WoUdridae, orpnist, will provide special music. Dr. Don Sharer. associate-minister. will lead a Bible study class at 9: IS a.m.

Cofr'ee and refreshments will follow the service. A brunch will be held in a nearby restaurant to honor the students. All are invited to attend. For reservations. caJI 646-1032.

\ ..

Writing wmnen

Top teen ·speaKers vle · ) .

tudenu from Corona dd Mar Ncwpon Harbor oo1s w1U rq>-ratnt lM NcwpoJt Umficd School DiStrict in u~ spteeb and drama · com petitions. • • FourN~nstudcnt •~compc1m1a1

the Califonua State Sjxcich Cbampionshjp at the University Clara.

Wendy Bario, a seruorJ and Melissa, a 6uhmao, Will com~ in dramatic interpretation~ Donna Baur, a *2\ior, will 'PraeDt ori_s'4W prote ~~ ~Denise Roc:n.1 ~n1or. will parttapete tn I.he &tudent consrcss. Sopbomorr Davis Piltoo is an IJ!~te in t~ or111naJ Pto6t poctty compeUUon.

From Corona dd Mar, four drama stiidents will ~ot "Adapt.atioo" at lbe lntemauonal Tbe:spiao Society Festival io June at BaU State Univer'$1tY in Muncie, Ind .

Ja.lle' Brownlee, 11 (left) and Rebecca Tou.rtno, 8, both of Weatmlnater, were flnt place whmen lD the cread•e wrttiq JudClDC at the recent Yoath Ezpo '84 at the <>ranee Coanty F~IJ'OUllda In Coeta Ilea.

The week-long festival' features work­shops and competitions. with more than 2.SOQ. high scbool actOtl from all OVCT the

Y seeks kids for day camp .

Safety poster winners named The South Coast YMCA in Laguna

Niauel is now rqistering children for day camp this summer.

Eight Orange Coast studentS have .Habit.­earned special recognition in the 40th annual Natio11al Iraffic Safety.. P~r _sap~ Kim of .Edi.son .H4gh School 1n competition. Huntin'1on Beach was awarded a com-

Thc program, sponsor~ by the Ameri- meodauon. can Automobile Association. awarded Merit Citation wtoners included Thuc savings bondS, and various commenCia- An Nguyen and Luan Ton M TeWinkle tions to students from k.ioderprtcn to 12th ~ddle School, Costa Mesa~ Yong Pak, of grad~ for their rendcrinas of poster themes Agnes Smith School. H untin,gton Beach. " Help Your Safety Patrol," "Be Extra Alert a'nd Kaelyn Jenkins, Chris Nii,' Nancy to Weather," "School's Open - Drive Powel"$ and Healey .Stemen, all of Edison Carefully" or "Develor thf' <;nf~ty Belt High School.

Eleven weeks of day camp for children entering grades ltlndetprten lhrougb seventh &rade are tebeduled at the YMCA. 27781 La Paz Road. Special 6eld trips 10 Disneyland, Catalina ls1and. Marineland and other area attractions are planned.

She•aqalet Thia .. Wbiaper, • ,._r..W epayecrUeplu:rd-collle .,...,.., wbo'a acdYe an41ooct wttla ellll­clreo. sbe·• a reeldeat o1 tM lrftne.Anlm•• Shelter bat ,......f prefer yoa.r bome. 1

For more informat.100 and rq,istrauon, caJI 831-9622 or 49S-04.S3. ·

··- -·· .. -·-·--"-· .. -.. ....... .. .. ,._ -·-·- - - ·-. ------;;-.. ·or-·-·----

Officers say military life offers - . . ... - ....

'strain.sand strength' to faith' . /. .

By GEORGE W. CORNELL ..,. ........ .,.., Life in the Armed Forces is charged with religious

paradoxes as seen by some of 1ts leaders, involving a clash between humanity's noblest and worst impulses. But it also can build spiritual mettle.

Those mingled. sometimes colliding aspects of military life, sharpened in degree by nuclear weaponry. were cited by several chaplains and line officers in recent talks and interviews.

But whatever the inherent tensions, " no one in the world wants peace more than the military," says Maj. Gen. Patrick J . Hessian. a Roman Catholic. 20 years in the Army and its Chief ofChaplai.ns.

"No one is more aware of the awfulness of war than people who have been to war."

Y ct the strains of conscience exist between abhomng war and advancing ways to wag~ it. a problem that Gen. · John W. Vessey Jr., chairman oftbe Joint Chiefs of Staff. says may have no clear religious solution. ~

'"There is only a choice among evils'," he quotes a . British philosopher about moral-thcologicaJ aspects of nuclear deterrence. Vessey, a Lutheran, says the problem could well apply to "the military profession in general."

But he and ether devout military career men firmly maintain that their role serves both G~ their fellow citizens and nation, a historic conviction of Americans 1n 1eneraJ. however dreadful the modem means of war.

That also. remains the basic position of churches, recognizing the military purpose to uphold rights of faith . justice and nation. but increasingly emphasizing conscien­tious objection as also a valid cffon to do so.

Moreover, both U.S. Catholic bishops and major Protestant bodies have repudiated nuclear warfare as undermining past "just war" rationales. stirring teligious• questions and sporadic protests about military work.

At the same time. churches arc troubled by some current attitudes that tend to treat military people "like scapegoats," with .. class rcjcctiont" says the Rev. Francis K. Wagscbal. a Lutheran Church m America offiaaJ.

Yet military leaders, particularly in the chaplain's corp, grapple with those same issues of modem means of war in discussions and conferences almost as much as the churches.

", it affects us.just as it affects all U .S. citizens.''

says Capt. Alvin Koeneman, a Lutheran chaplain and aide to the Navy Chief of Chaplains, Rear Adm. Neil N. Stevenson. a Presbyterian.

However. Koeneman and others in military life are convinced it can have a reinforcing religious impact on men and women in uniform.

"It can be a spiritually positive kind of experience,'' Koeneman said in a telephone interview.

A line officer, Army Capt. Daniel P. Mahoney of the field anillery base at Fon Sill Okla.. says he has seen millitary life both .... dnve men closer to their religious roots" and also away from those roots.

"But it helps most people." he said in an interview. ··Many mihtary values such u duty .. honor, dltcipline, loyalty and selflessness - all part of the military trad1t1on - arc values that rel\gion abo promotes.

"The link is there. It can l'tinfarcc those common values."

Maho~y. a C'athohc and West Pointer. said the military' s view of sacrifice. of willingness to lay dov.11 one's life to defend the nation and its people makes the profession "a callin1- almost like tbc pnesthood."

He aJso said rehg.ion seemed to be more respected in the services than in society generally. "It's wclJ supported in the chain of command. Those who arc rcltgjous catch less flak and ridicule than in civilian life."

But wbHc military principles often ~el those in religion, he said the motive differs, which is mainly to produce an effective combat team - and that requires molding aggressive traits discounting the humanity of the other side.

"The warrior's soul 1s a confused soul.'' be said. " It adds up to a dual character. It's hard to be at pea« with itself.''

Vessey also cites that strain. saying thclt arc "genuine contradicJ10ns" between faith in divine righteousness and taking on "responsibili ty in human affairs" that arc disrupted by sin.

"The dilemma stems from the simple truth that ... we live in both the secular and spiritual worlds," be told a recent gathering of chaplains, adding that "compellina world circumstanttS" force moral choices. bowe~r flawed..

"Nevcrthe~ we know that the grace of the Lord extends to us in whatever we do in our daily lives as military officers and servants of the nation.''

There arc about 2 million men and women in lbe Armed Forces, served by 3,408 cbap1ain.s - 2.626 Protestant. 707 Catholic, 48 Jewish and 28 f.asierD Onhodox.

Chri.stian women I to meet June 20 :

All women ofthccommun1ty arcinviled to attend the Ncwpon Beach Christian Women's Oub luncheon Qlt Wednesday, June 20, from 11:30 :un. to 2 p.m. ai the Airporter Inn. 18700 MacArthur Bl\ld., lrvine.

Theme for the lu.ncbeon will be -viston . Lov~Jiness, .. decorated with th~ts of wedinp., nnp and brides.

As the special feature. Barban.'s BndaJ and Fonnal Shoppe of Costa MeY Will present a fashion show ofbndal and formal wear.

Sandra Day, lyric soprano, will sing, and Pat Swift. . former model. will be speaker day.

Cost of the luncheon is $7 and reservations must be "lnadc by June 15 by c.alling 544-2921 for details and directions.

A free nursery will be provided for preschool.,. cb1kt.rc.n. '

Sunday Mass on KYMS radio i

Thomas A. Fuentes. director of com munications for. If

the Roman Cathohc Du>eese of Orange. has issued a remindenhatSL Cecilia U.thohcChurch sponsors a radio • broadcast of1ts Sunda) Mass each week. ·

Catholics in Orange County can hear Mass at 8 a.m. on Sundays on rad1ost.at1on KYMS. 106.3 FM. The radio • Mass bas been spon'°red by St. Cca!J:a Church in TU$lio for the past 12 years. _:

Dr. Jackson will be presenting a six-week class on Abundant Living beginning on Tuesday, June S. at 7 p.m. -

Topics to be covered will include: Ten PitfaJls to ·a M g s Prosperity, Treasure Mapping to Prosperity, Rela- ev s r ammon tionahips: Who ls the Mauer With You?. How to Generate • • and Sustain Optimum Health, Overcoming Negative h d b . c Ment.aJ ahd Physical Addictions., and The Art and to be . onore 'y AJ Practice of Meditation.

Dr. Jackson will also be presenting an on-going mid-week healing at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays. Different topics on hcalinJ will be presented with time allowed for discussion. lnd1,·idual healing requests will be bandied.

• • • tresbyterluiO.urc~ of &M Covenut, 2850 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa, has received best wishes from President ltc~n ~at the current building program be a complete success.

In a telegram to the Rev. Bruce Kurrie. pastor. the Pn:sidcnt said, .. As a fellow Presbyterian. I take great pride In the building campat&n your chutth is k.iclcin& off this tvcnlna. Nincy and I wish you unbounded success in this

· ~rn and I am sure you know that our/raycn. arc with you for this worthy proJect Good luck an may God bless )our cff ons."

The Capital Funds Ca.mpaip was launched to raise the 11~ry fundS to enlara"t and complete the prnent aanctuary and to add a completely new, twCHtory structure to the north of the sanctuary.

Tbe first Ooor will bouse a choir/music hall, and lbe wond story will house four new Christian Education robm1.

The church Wlll welcome the Rev. Dr. William Utwelyn to 1t.s puJpit apm this Sunday at both the 8:30 and 10 a.m. services. · ·

Dr. Llcwctyn serves as the Western RqJonal Rc~ntativc for the Support Agency .of the General Allembly in New York and bas come to take part in tbe butth's C..pilll Funds Ca.mpaian. · . . . ; n. <;Qtlal Caddral, lll4ll Le-Ms t O&rdcn Grove. announces that interyicrM for the lhtdral Choir'and Cathedral Chorale Will be held on

June ,s. 6! 1 and 12. The I l():voiceCiihearalCliolf,Cfircctedl>YrttdaiC

nnn, minister of music. participe io the 9:30 and l l:U am. ltt'lioes and 1 teen rqularly oa the 1n\ttnltionally.tclcVI~ Hour of Power. Rcheatals a.nt held on Thunday c\eR•l\&S­

The Ctth~I Chorale inp for the Sunday cvenina wv andc-rticipete1in pcaal~tbrouahouttht )U(. Rchtarsals are on Tuesday c\'Cnanat at 7:30. lo

(;all the m tC mlnt\lry offi , 971 ... 150, to tebt<IUIC an lnttrvicw ippo1nuncnt

J •

The Rev. Msgr. John Sammon. vicar for Citizens. the Women's Transitional Living Pastor and Community Affairs for .the Center. and the fllauonaJ Council on Diocese of Orange, wilJ be honored by the Alcohotism. Oranac County Chapter of the American Fetured speaker for the evening will be Jewish Committee (AJC) on June 12. Howard J . Friedman. the 19th national

The AJC will present Sammon with it's president of the Amencan Jewish Commll­Micah Award at the chapter's annual tee. The AJC, founded 1n 1906. protects the dinner mcctina at tht Westin South Coast · cavil and reliJious rights of Jews here and Plaza. Theaward is given for contributions abroad and advances the cause of 1m-to intcrrcllgjous understandina. proved human relations for aJI people.

Rev. Msgr. Sammon is active in a wide The public 1s invited lo honor Rev. range of causes, includin& directorships-of Msgr. Sammon . Reservations for the the Holy Childhood Associat'ion and the dinner. which will beg.In at 7 p.m .. are Sodct)' forlhe Propopuonofthe Faith. He available at $22.SO per person f~m the sill on the board of directors of more than AJC at •SOO Campus Dnvc. Suite 420, 10 oraanizations. includina the National Newport lteacb, 92660. Conference of Christians and Jews. Senior For more information, call 5'6--29l4.

Workshop scheduled for personal'growth

.. · The Re'. Or. ChriJ a sesiah. fan ta$ and psy­Schnncr: min.1ster of coun· chodrama. sdioa. 0!9,_ Ce>asl Unit- • . A licensed ma.rriqe. anan Unavcn.ah1' Church, family and child counselor, Cos~ M . will conduct Or. Stbnntt is author of an 1nlcnl1\lc pc l!ft'Ori .. a.nd !"('onn=---sroW\h acnes on seven dent ·vi .. Sunday e~mp. 7:30 to TM WQJbhop 111 in-10, June 3, 10. and '2._ and ~l~workin&W1tbumall. Jul l , 8, l S and ll •.t the hip~f()(UR<I, personal· cburcb 1t I 2S9 'Y;ctona \. lf'O*lh poup. ·

Dr. hriMr·s· oos For information on ma· will r~ on matcnal tr m ttnal lo biC c pl~ in lb~ hi• custtnt book tn pro. wwkshop. a.nd dtttad.s on

• otu \cchn1QutS such fttS and pani1l holar·

ships. t0nl.l('t Dr. at 6.0-8.597.




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Page 8: copter - City of Newport Beach


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t t *'°'·Pon~" (1M2} Craig T ~Jobe Wlllilmt 0 THUNOER8tADS ..


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°""' • 1191 3693

WUllllltlSTlR 993«>46

e:1 * PACIFIC WALK- IN THEATRES * ~ • Bargain Matinees' 'S~at\'i'i'14 J i0 ~

MONDAY fhru SATURDAY FACUllYot CANOlEWOOD All Prrform1no' Brlott ~ 00 PM "N>IANA JOfiS AJiD Tl« -(Ea Sptc E n91911n1nt1 & Hohl T£MPl.E Of DOOM" (PC)

• 10.-.m llolb1 Sir•"

1'1Ml6112:~~ .. ) ( .~'.~~ .. ~~:%) 'I LA MIRAQA AT ROSlCRA~S "STAR TR£I( • Tl« •

" flllANA on AICl Tl« T£MPU Of DOOM" !PC)

'""' .. °""'' ,,,.,. -ic ... _. ... , I UCi 1 ,. i ~ ~ 1· •


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~ 1U 11 t< \ O'> I 5 .0 00

Tl( NATURAL" (PC) 15 \\ ,

··ROOMCIMG Tl« STCM" 1'6l • ')(' ' ~{I

'BR[AKIH' " (PC) ' I t 8 I J \


"Focmoosr· (PC> 11 '>0 4 ~~ '00


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"fltUTMT£R" (R) 5 600 105


4 11' I 'Jo P\U'.: roonOOSE CK> .. ~ 6!& JJ4)

"amCOW ON Tt« IU)S()ff' (It) 105 100


"STR£ITS OF FIRE" <PC) I~ I JO 4 J{J 6 JO 8 15 0 40



4N4Hfl ... DI fVfl'IV !>A l & SVNOAV , '0"' ,.~,. ...

f u• '• C• I llf IJll STU TRU •

nt: SlAllCH FOR SPOCK' ('6) P• ~

Tl« LORD OF Tl( RltGS" ('6)

"l'OllC£ ACADDIY" (I )

"'"" 'mtMS OF DUAltKlfT" ('6)

"Rt*MCllG T~ ST<lfl:" (rG) f'lir





'll>IANA QC All> lll TEWU OF DOOM" (PG)

'IUS "NATI All> MAYO" ('5)

• • • llCllMleCINQ lll STOfF' (PG)

r\tr; "aAll IT Ofl RIO" (II)

• "SOOTS C. f " (P'G) l'llA

"O C CM" (a)

"SllTOJI c#a.cs" (PQ) rua

"FOOROOSl" (~)

TM ml •f~~t~ FC* SPOCl" "Of LCIO <:. fll lllQ" ('P'G)

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"l~ NAtURAL" (PG) l'l.llS

"8£ST FRIJl>S" ('6) 'OJIC[ llON A TK 11 AMERICA" (II

l'\US "sa:JCD WACT" (II)

"f *' ::r ;t •

ji S'MHOIHQ ROOM OHLY • 1) ON TH! WITH AOClER ANO ..VOEA (SlMOYI! H I" ~A(Oy Kl" (1912) S)'MS1tt Stlllont. C*1 W11lhert l MOYIE * t 'it "Slttdutt Mtrnotlte" ( 1880) WOO<tr Alln. Chlt1otte AlmplinQ




AMERICA'S TOP TEN a> AOAM-12 m INTAOOUCING llOlOOY OtJMOVIE * • 'Volcta" ( 19791 Mlch11l OntllNn. Amy ll"ling



11M GAEA TEA SAH DIEGO SPEClAl Ol Y}otPICS m THE VIAOINIAN C MOVIE • • • WarOames t 1983) Matthew Brodenc:t Dabney Coleman Z MOVIE • • * '' ' The Inn Of The Sixth Hap· p11iess ( 19581 Ingrid Bt<gman. Coo Jurgens

O~GOLF 0 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Q GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS G HOW THE WEST WAS WON Q)MO.VIE • • ··warpath ( 195 ti Edmond O'Brien, Polly Bergen • Cl) MOVIE "Master Of Tiie Flying Guillotine'' (No Date) fil) HEW TECH TIMES mJ AMEJVCAH STORY @l NCM TRACK AHO FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS 0 MOVIE • t * Silt Peck ( 1982) KIM) Rog· 811. Diane Lane ~· MOW * * Odysaey Of The PIClhc:" I 1981)

Mickey Rooney -2:30-





•Eat it' Weird Al YankoYlc gueata on "Welcome to the Fun Zone .. to­n ta ht at 11:30 on NBc, Channel 4 .


-3:30- 'It( IJ MOVIE t * Who Killed The Centerlold Model?' ( 1977) Batbara Eden. Joan Haciten U @) P8A BOWLING (!) UTILE HOUSE OH THE PRAIRIE '9 PEASOHAL FINANCE m THIS WEEK IN GOUHTRY MUSIC ~MO~ • • "Cataslfophe' ( 1977) Narrated by Wilham Conrad

- 4:00-D OOl.FUH WITH MIKE DQtJGLAS U BASEBALL G MOVIE "The Big Rascal" I 19781 Q) MOVIE •* lit "E~ To Alherla' (1979) Rog8f Moore. David Niven. (!)MOVIE • • • "The Command" ( 1954) Guy Madison. Joan Weldon


~ffJ!U 1Nl)AHA £S ~O 111{ ![~~£ ~ ~

~A'fLA~Afl A...i!1Sli f\.flHIOSHAN SE'fi · l>iHe SlONl ~HU~?JAN . JOllGt ll.KA} FRAN~ MARSHA1l ~~IH,[IN l\[MifOI

• OiN Wlll.AM, . 1'11Ll AR[ HUVC~ \ JlOl?IA ~A'~ Df/1 ti~) ROBERI WAHS SHVl 'l SPlflB£RC 11:H 'i,'1'1' ~

CIJ ---1' .. . ,.:-~

PG ,....~_,rac• • ..... . · ~ ._ • "'' · . -.


70MM SIX·TRACK (D!~~1·

PRESENTATION alll••U• ~-t -.C!~ ...on.'1"'41 ,,,.. .... ,,,, ~1 • ,.. ,;s. ~~1,.. ...... ..

·wt~fl~ f .... 4'11tAr"'~#'f•C

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•"¥ ...... 1.J••'·-.ll--· --•al4f".._ ... -·----·



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- \lCAOO -cPentn'1

Ptt,ent ,.ucet uub for .. t nd• •f\• Jones •nd lh• Tempi• of C?oom .. 101

01t'O""' o" •R1•d''' o• llt~ LO" A•- •



OuttntJ Cr•nd 0Pf'n1n9

CM.A P'tlt .... »12 ..



You' On .. \11>.., [ ntttl.t nmrrH ( f'r'llf' • 01H'" 0111y IC 1 I PM

ARCADE of GAMES* ~~'!'::r '* _B~~m

l~ci25a ?ci2513:81

AIH Sf\owlnt t4ot Dot

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AT 12 ·05 2 40

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12:10 2,10 4:10,:10

a :1010 11

Wllll AUiftU

All OGGt t "l

,.. ... ,,,, Tiie Or•ll•


Aho ltlowlftl ~OOUOOH





INT'EANATlONAL \H}MOVIE .. ~ "Thi Rtclfll Of Thi Sandt" (1990) Midllll YOl1t, Slnlon MICCor· klndlle (Q)MOVE • * • "the Kid From Brooklyn" ( 1948) Otnny Ktyt, Virginia M1yo. (Sl YOU CAN'T TAKE rt WITH YOU


- •!30-0 LATIN TEMPO (J) AT THE MOVI~ fD PAESEHTE '11) APPUED Sl<£TCHIHG =TCH~OFOAANOE (%) MOVIE t "La Huit Dt V.,..,,_ .. ( 1983} Mat· ctllo MastrOilMi


MOVIE • ''\ "Key West (1972) Stephen Boyd. Woody Strode fll)OHCAMPUS '9 niE MCLAUGHLIN GAOUP t:V M•A•S•H l1:'Ql mHEWS C MOVIE u lmpfope< Channels" (1981) Alan Mon. Ma11ette Hartley





8 Cl) C8S NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK TElETHOH m niREFS COMPANY Cl) MOYIE * * '' "Inside Out" ( 1975) Telly Savllls. Robert Culp '9 MAGIC Of FLOfW. PAJHTING a UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 1r UNSAFOT 16rf"PR1ce-J)J MOVIE • * 'Jt 'Rocky Ill' ( 19821 Sylvester Stallone, C111 Weathers S) ROCK Of THE 'IOS

-8;30-0 D CIJ NEWS 0 808 NEWHART Q) TOO CLOSE FOR COM FOAT m DO IT YOURm.F .sttow m HOLL YWOOO: OHE THOUSAtJIO AND ONE NIGHTS 'CJ MOVIE • * • "Swamp Thing" ( 1982) Adrl· enne Barbeau, Louil Jourdan 1H)MOVIE •* "Blue Skies Again" (1983) Hatry Hamlin, Mimi Ro09rs





ti ) MOW: u •,; "Rocky mw (1oe21 Sytv111• Stallone. C8l1 W..11111'$

MOYIE . * * \t "Nt1lonll ·t.tmpoon·1 Vee. lion" ( 1983) ChlYy Cl\.ue, Beverty O'Angelo. 'PG'

- 7:30-



WEE<END MAGAZJHE -8:00-a ()) WHIZ Kil$

D Qt Dff'AENT ST'ROKU UMOVIE U~ "PJde. Vaquero!" (1953) Rob­ert Ttylor. Ava Gardner D 9 Ol YMPIC TEAM TRIALS

TWILIGHT ZONE m ON STAGE AMERtCA Cl) MOVIE t t "Tti. Arechasefs' I 1970) Chad Everett. Anjanetlt Comer tzl)OOYSSEY '9 COMPUTER CliROHICLES mMOVIE ••'ti "Frontier Gal" ( 1945) Yvonne De Carlo, Rod Came<on C) MOVIE * * "Summer lovers" ( 1982) Daryl Hannah, Pete< Gallagher HJ MOVIE

• t t,; "Nahonal Lampoon's ·veea­tton" ( 1983) Chell'f Chase. Beverly

fbJTv~PG' • • • "PsychO II" (1983) Anthony Perkins. M99 Tilly

- 8:30-D Qt) SILVER SPOONS (!) Uf.ESTYLES Of niE RICH AHO FAMOUS mJ MOVIE * * "Sundown I 1941) Gene Tier·

• ney, Bruce Cabol

-9:00--am g(M£" ·-··

* * "Defill1tle" (1980) J.,,_Mdllll Vincent. Ther1$1 Saldana 0 Q! MAMA'S FAMILY U @l LOVE BOAT G CHILDAEH'S MIRACU NETWORK mETHOH (CONTD) fil) LIFELINE ~MOVIE • • •.; "National Lampoons Vaca­llOO" ~1983) Chevy Chase. Beverly O'Angelo. {) MOVIE ** "The Sttng II". (1983) Jacllle Gleason. Mac Davis


- 10:00-D Qt Hee REPORTS em HEWS Q @)FANTASY ISLAND Cl) SOLID GOlD tzl)MYSTERYI mJ MOVIE • • • On Appfovar I 19«) Bea Ince unie Chve &oolt •

"HI<;HEST RA T'ING. ' '- . ·Rq1er Ebert. Cbica(o Sun· Timn

• OiCiON Pf( r ,RES R-se ~.-..b.~~ ·~n·• \ ...,.~ COSTA llSA 979·4141 Edwards Cinema Center

• FOUllTAUI VAUIY 963-1307 Family 4 CARDEii CIOVE 530-4401 Edwards Westbrook U RAHA (213) 691·0633 AMC Fashion Square

BREA 9911-4011 UA MOVIES 4 ""'"'"' .... , ~ .. , 800CA PARK 821 4070 PAClf IC BUENA PK OR IN ll!ICM! cl ~...,



'""'" -

• U'UIA ~tACH 497 1711 Edwards So Coast Laguna llYlllE 551-0655 Edwards Woodbridge OUllCE 637·0340 AMC Orange Mall SOTA AH 540·7444 Edwards Bristol

- """°'T BEACH 673-8350 EDWARDS UDO ~ .... f!\'illrfl


. I U lut• 523 1611 SftO GAlEWAY 5

0 •• , Ii,., ,,

2 I I s a z

1tO'ClOCIC HIGH l9 1MOVIE •• • • •Doctor DtttOit'' (1083) Den KA.roYd, Donna DUton




. -" 11~­

a o a w o a Ntws DTAXI G CHILDREN'S MIRAClE NETWORK TE.ETHON (CONTD} CD M'A'S'H CD MOVIE .. ~ "Ramc>to•" (19G3) RoOtt1 MltchY!n, Else MattlOtlH ~HOT8EAT (0JMOVtE • "San FttnandO Vallty Gltis~ (1990) Sharon Mttchell, Juliet Ander· eon lt J BEST Of BIZARRE Q (ZIMOV1£ "Myslll'ltl ' (1979) Rutger Hauer. SyMa Ktlstel


IHDEPEHOENT NEWS Q) MOVIE * • •,; "Escape To Athena f 19791 Roget Moore. David Niven. (J) HA.RRYO (!Dl KGB ROCKS 10 tt l MOVlE • • * •,; "Pol1e<gels1" ( 1982) Craig T Nelson. Jobeth Williams. tl)MOVIE ** '~ "Circle Of P<>Wef" (1980) Yvette M1mleux.


U MOVIE - l 1r­u •,; "Girl Happy' (1965) Elvis Presley, Shelley Fab1tes


• U ~ "Tiii AtlY I ' ( 1971) MOftl ~.9'*"~ .MOY!! • * ~ Nior'U*n Pl#"d • 1194: EITol • Jult 8ilhoP

N!WS MO * ·~ ·~•~,. .. (1882) MIWI

O'Keete • MOY1S • rp) .. ~ SdlOOI F1111•" (197• Aerll Bood. Rick LUUt

-2:00-0 AOCK-N-AMERICA •

=~~: VIOEOe CDMOVI! U~ "For Ptt1'1 Slit" (1974) Bii bra Streisand. Mlehali Strttzln.

- 2:05-(C) MOvtE • • "lnllmat• Momeni•' (108 Alexandra S1uar1. Bernatd Freuon

-2:15-ri=,MOVIE **'~ "NauonaJ t.ampoon'a VICf 11on" I 1983T Chevy Chait. Bf* O'Angelo


HEWS -3:00-

D NEWS UMOVIE • t 111 "Tiie lnYlSlble Ray" ( 1931 Sorts Katloft, Sela Lugotl G CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK TELETHON (CONT'D) ~JMOVIE >.··~"LUI Tango In Paril" (197: Marlon B<ando. Marla Scilnelder Ct ) MOVIE * • "Summer Loven" ( 1982) Dar Hannah, Peter Gallagh«

- 3:25-(H) MOVIE * • "Tin Man" (1981) Timothy Bo toms. Deana Jurgens ..

-3:30-U'fOVIE * 111 "Stunts Unlmlttd" (1979) Gier C«betl. Susana Dellon. DNEWS (C) MOVIE ***""-The Hustlllr" (1981) ~ Newman. Jackie Gleuon


- 1t:OS'- -- .-w-r-r1ttvoM1>f ~-wonc CJ~ (1981)WliamHolden,NlflCYKWln *** "WarGames" (1983) Matthew (S) YOUCAN'T TAJ<EITWITH YOt. B<odeta. Dabney ColemMl • - U0-

CII MOV!e - 12.'30- U MO~ '

t * * "Tiie Man Who Reclalmtd ~ Head" ( 19~) Claude Raina. Jot Bennett.

**'" "Two Aags West" (1950) Un­da Darnell, Joseph Cotten. Cl) niE UNTOUCHABLES ~ AOCK.J+.AMERICA

• tJD MOVlE • "Afternoon De11Qht1" (1980) Eric Edwards. Merle Mlcileels.

- 1«)­o ROCK PALACE 8 LOST IN SPACE G CHILDREH'S MIRACLE NETWORK TELETHON (COHrO) Cl) INDEPENDEHT NEWS a MOVIE * • 1,; "Thi Wild Party' (1974) Jemes Coco. Raquel Welch '1) GENESCOTT Z MOVIE * * 1't NetlOllll Lampoon's Veca­

tlOf'I ( 1983) Chevy Chae. 8eYerly D Angelo 'PG'


0 ~IE - l:30-

Le( lllSlftf Ad Yt6fXX'4 ilJ Ltaef ~ Daily Pilat



1'Q}t~ 'ti ~GAJI

I = s

[PG)o. .. A PARAp,(XJNT l'CTURE ~·•""-t••·• ... _. ........ ~ • .


&oollllur-.t l UOt f imoly four UA Cly Cllltf!\i sr-·~·"'. 172~ 963 1307 ~3911

AMHUlll COITAMUA fUl.LlRTON OMNGE PIC"llC s Matte m fC• -trOS 8' SIDI Fo• ~OrJnveMl ()l'Yf In S40 ,, ... 525 47'7 637-03-tO 87i 9850

CYrRESI CYPfess 828-1660

The tOOsic Is on his side.

COSTA lltll A fellnlllS ConetTla Ct<1ltl 979 4141 COST A lllllA fa.• ints I Ollln Cer.!t.! m41M


R~l .. f!J.~ ... NOW PLAYING-.~= ~


Page 9: copter - City of Newport Beach



.. .

s n



roduCer '8.dapts·' Broadway for TV Nominees. audience -----·warmed up' before Ton"y awards sho_w __ _ ByMICRAELKUCHWARA u-~ .....

NEW YORK '- h's pan ·exhorutit>n. pan pray~r mcctjna. part politjcal conven­tion and pan family ptherina.

tt•a a portion of the annual Tony awards show - when Broadway honors the best of the cWTCnl New Yorlc theater season -that is never seen by the national television audience.

About one hour before the broadcast bcains. Alexander Cohen, executive producer of the show, saunters on stage to talk to a black-tic audience that's already been seated for 30 minutes. He's been do1na it for 18 years, and now n 's become a tradition. Why did he start his little on-s~e chats? . . •

' Al>prehcns1on... says the veteran Broadway showman whose wife. Hildy Parks, wntcs and produces the annual awards show. It will be broadcast tomght at 9 live from the Gershwin Theater.

"I think it evolved from the first televised show. in 1967," he says. because there were fears the nominees wouldn't be familiar with the intricacies or hve tele-vision. .

"There arc several thousand thinf.S that can go wron$ with a live telecast, • says Cohen, who ltves an fear of missed cues or '46hen a camera pans to the audience to pick up the face ofa smiling nominee he or she will be in the wrong row. ' . · "If there are 72 nominees, then 1here are

72 chances that there couJd be a mistake in where that nominee 1s seated.

"And if there arc 180 song cues. and on this sbow, believe ii or not. we come close to that this year, there are 180 chances of missing a cue, .. be adds. _ _

- Sunday the J?roducers will have to worry about the seating arrangements for every­one from Jeremy Irons of "The Real Thing" to Linda Hunt, a co-star of" End of the World." Irons has been nommated for ?est actor an a play. His competition mcludes Rex Hamson (" Heanbreak Hous~" ); Ian McKellen ("Acting Shakespeare"), and newcomer Calvin Levels ("Open Admissions").

Seats also will have to be fo1,1nd for Hunt's rivals for the best actress in a play award -Glenn Close ("The Real Thing"); Kate Nelligan (" A Moon for the Misbegot­ten"). and Rosemary Harris ("Heartbreak House").

But there arc other reasons why Cohen delivers his spiel.

"I think one of the great purposes of doing a wannup 1s to loosen an audience

Irvine Co. chief on TV Thomae Niehen, preeident of the Irvine Company, will be inteniewed Sun­day at 10:30 p.m. on KDOC, Channel 56, on euch topic• a• Propoaltion A. hi• company'• image and hi• career.

up, to get tht'"" '" 1r .. l\.,.,,.,I"., l'\tllt-r. to be comtortable . in the theau~r and to .ct around rules." he y

He warns the nomintcs not to chew aum - "You don't want to get caught on camera cbewina gum" - or even worse, smoke. And Cohen delivers a set or specific instructions intended for winners o( the 19 awards. ·

"Once you're up and on stage, it's a question of how long one takes to speak and what is appropriate," say• Cohen.

IJI years past, a round red was huna from the balcony to warn of slow s~hes. Aft(r 30 seconds of thank yous, 1t betan flashing. But Cohen is uncertain whetlier he'll use the electronic hoolc 1p1n this year.

"l don't know how ~uccessflil it u ," he says. " l thanlc people in the theater are so disciplined that you have to trust theu taste and their wit. But occas1onatly someone is going to be carried away." ·

He also acts as traffic cop for those nominees lucky enough .JO make It up on stage. "Then what do you do when yu'.re left standing 1here with your Tonyr he asks. " Where do you exit?" ~

Cohen has never been seen on th.e televised portion of the show and even though " Carmen," a show he produced on Broadway this year. will recc1\lt a special award, he won't accept 1t on the air.

. During the program he prowls. backstage and out front.

You dirty rat! Actraa Lid BI011Dt. who co­etarred in ••An Officer and a Gentleman.:• codea up to at•­foot-hiai}l meoJuuitcal rat with whom ihe appean in the moYl.e


.. Radloacti• e nre,m.." The rat, bWed u the moet adft.Dced pneumatically controlled robot e~er built for Hollywood, ea ta Blonnt in the picture. ·


'S.carecrow' skipping the country ''I'm very methodical but nervous during the h ve broadcast." he says. "So Hildy. along with Clark Jones. our director. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Spies gotta June 18 1n ~lzburg. Au.stna. Then they JO who are sitting in a !ruck next to the theater, travel. too, so CBS' "Scarecrow and Mrs. on to Munich. Germany. and the ptc· call the shots." Kmg" are heading for Europe this summer. turesque town ofTegemsce in the Bavarian

His informal conversations have grad- Thecomedy-adventurc, likeanumberof Alps. The show then move's from the ually expanded o ver the years. and along other shows. is gett~g out of town dunng continent to England, where they will film with the jokes and 1ntroduct1on of local the Summer Olyf!lptcs. shows leav- 1n and around the histonc 10.~acrc politicians, theater owners and sponsors, !ng towu .. to ~void Ol~p1cs ~~n.~est19n Hatfield House on the outsk.ins of London. there is included a moment of silence for inclu~e Simon & Simon. K:nots Vanous sites around London will also be people in the theatjical communjty who .~ndi~g." " Paper., Doi~~·" "' Benson,:: used. have died dunng the year. Remington Steele, a!'d Knight Rider. _ Still, he-Reps- up his 1:hatter ontrl t~oiJ.hU..S~n Spel_hng sh(}W&.-WJll~ut -Jn...aU.- ":"&afeerow;'' which st.m"S""lC.a[e very last moment before a1n1me, daning do.~ product!.on ~unng the games. Jackson ant1 Bruce Boxlettner. will film -0ffstage seconds before the broadcast ~arecrow ~ stan production on five episodes abroad. ~OS. ,-------------_.:._-!I;=:===;::::::::::==..~

" You must finall y bring together all the ruffled feathers, all !he nervous nellies, all the theater professionals and all the civilians into one unit which at 9 o'clock is in a state of aft'ticipation and excitement because the first couple of.moments of the show must be electrifying or the eveni ng doesn' t work." Cohen says.

"When you go to a Broadway musical like 'Sunday in the Park with George' or ' La Cage aux Folles' suddenly there is an overture, the house lights go down. tbe curtain rises and there is that moment of electrifying theatricality.

" You have to create that for television because there is no overture and what you're going into 1s a commercial."


-Gene 511191. AT THE MOVES

'' Redtord has never been better!'



"'('TUlfS ---l.t.19-SJAI

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edwards TOWN Cf NHR . - .... .. ',',': ~751-41 84

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~dwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY llOOU4Ul\l 839 1500

Al t01M4'tlCI

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edwards CINEMA VIEJO '"" ~·~ .. ~ :~·.·-. . 830-6990 .. \ • ''-...... ""- ·~~

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10 40 At Cinema w

edwards CINEMA WEST . ........ ,... 891 3935

. . ... ,"' C't111•t \" -


Teen Sliow a tim~ly topics


NEW YORK - .. Thal Teco ow," in 1yndicaUOll on 1S commcmaJ-TV saat1oos KrOA :tbe~<OUaqy. is a ~telly scrie1 of half--hour procrams dealtQI ih topiQ or tm~ce to yo~~ aa.. lalippiJy lives IDOtt anent1on to bs\Uce set~· • Suiannc Pt1eri and J.T. Sn'i1th, aeen..,m tDem· selves, talk with·celcbfities and auat expens oa a variety of provocative topics-cult for~. orlOapcJOn or drlnk.ina an~ driv1na. or datina.'Views me tePmied by i'o<:k•'\'idco sqments ChOllCD to fit tbe Iheme Of the panicular Pf'Oll'lm.

There is a relaxed, unrcbcaned air to ""That T Show.. that suaesu spontaneity ratha pec~na: ··views on teea-aat ~ · a?" , . Greek Snyder wonden, «eminaJy ca blJ.&oCc wh~n asked for his opinion on an u &bow on the subJttt.

And n ' s a mild surprisc, 100, when Sitydcr: an anaJ)'lt on CBS Sports• weekly pre11me show, .. Jbe NFI.. Toda)." dcclatts: ~rm apinst all pmblina.··

Suzanne and J.T. etieit exporitnces from the cclebnttes ("Makin& pt<>plc !Auch, .. says comedian RObm Klan, t~e SU~t OD I program on stress, .. is a wonderful m1ss1on m life ).and talk with thce:xperUforinfonn.ation:

"There seems to be mucb more ucss tha.ri there ever was," says Dr Alan Elkin. director of the Streu Manqement aod Counsdina in New York C1ty " laraely beca\',!_C thifJfS arc changinaat sudl a rapid rate.':

~ TIE BfEAK ()f _Ycx.R UFE!


=~ =QrM.{n se 1.saeo S3IMmO GM.l. THE.CnE5 FOR StONTM:s


to"" cuma -.oouir "' u ,.,._sue ua.121 1110 .. - 1l "'W1UJI ~- "' 7SI 41M ffl I 40 Sll 91'

fOtii ct.liru °?'GlD'. acw- .., u1 .. ...,. • us .. s " - sue ,. "11DT•nr Cl> 1SI • IM HI ZOI U e It: ..

TOWN CDITO ocuv Sl(l(O u ,., ... Sl JI "SJll[ft ..... ,._ 11 IHSl~t~

~t •IM J• 6 4\ U O 10 50 ( I I

SADDC.EIACIC st • ., .. 111 • • 111 ~l ·SUO

SOUTH COAST .._. .. 1 • - SUI ._.. tal SADIJUIAtt( - 11 5'96 l7ll HI I JI. U UIO t tS :,~:.. ......

SOOTH COAST .,..._ ~l·SllO

....... .....II) 1.» I IS 1• t.S

sue • ttt

'*"'* CN> :tst 1 21 "'NOTllYll'" Cll

1•'1• 10~

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SOUTH COAST ~' lllO DOI.If r• ' • • II HO •oo , . ea ltlO - .._ mJ' 1llft.( Sil Sia R• • J:llJlo. '--- ·-- (115'1 ..... ----- ----546 1711 lll,S• I.JI I ..

• I "

Page 10: copter - City of Newport Beach

.. All er._ COMt DAILY PU.OT~ • .kn 2. 1914

I -....


"Doddy, do you have any touch-up point for the car?" •

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

• "Heavens! I didn't realize I bought

cat food!"





NoW, ~,Ayo .. You WON'T






$ C¢:; ;; ;g


I t f I


by Jim Davis l WA& J091' FOLLOWING'


by Virgil Partch (VIP)

(. · ,__ i; " Doesn't your neck ever get sunburned, Zeke?"


by Ferd & Tom Johnson

/TIS COMPARED -ro Wl{Ai l W/l.SCSOING 10 'SAY ...

by Charles M. Schulz



Q.1-Ntlther vullllnblt, u · South JOU hold: •Alt7 c:>U 01'1• •&ltt5 TM bl~diftf baa procetded: '-*' w.. Nri Eut t • P .. I+ Pue • It P .. I• Pue

' What action do you take? ~- · " .

Q.1- Both vulnerable, 11 South you bold: +Qte 'Vltt8$ Olotel •At The blddJns .ha1 proc:eedtd: Nwdi Eut ._.Weft I• Pw Z • P111 , ... ow. 1

. What action do you take?

CU-A• South, vulnerable. you hold:



~I '40\)'yf eu.N ~1 ~R ?tM(£. -W (:,Of

~FROM~~ff. v.)11'"


2 I

+I <:I> AJl87 O AIQI •1102 Tht blddlnr baa proceeded: ~ WHt NriFM I " 1 • P1.11 I• t

Q.,-Botb vulnerable, u South you bold:

+llOtl OAIMS •AQ71 The blddln1 hu proceeded: Eut S..U W ett Nert.II I 0 Pua P ... J ~ p.,. J NT PUI I VI , ... 7 What act.Ion do you take?

Q.5 ..... As South, vulnerable, you hold:


AND I Feaso l3tJIL.1Y!


(6.) &<.>IAA>5



I . ..



+&Ill OA81 OAlOIU •t Tbt blddlnr hu proceeded: WMt Nri Eu& &.-. PUI Pue I• OW. IWWi t • r .. t What actJon do you takt?

Q.8-Eut·West vulnerable, 11 South you bold: · •A18'1s c::ias one& +aa The biddinr ha• proceeded~ Nert.II ,Eut 8"*' West 1 + P111 I• p.,. I+ P ... P ... I o P .. Pua 1. What action do you tdl~?

Look f0r aotwtra on Moo4ai .

•... ., .,.,, .... . . .............. ...,. &M ............ ....., Ot &M, bin ......... ,. 4H'C1 Chrl11 OtrH' "P•wr·Dtal lrl4••" trll ~,.. ........ ~ .. t.ctlet ............ .... ecdea,... t•• can ftt 111••••1 ......,.., , ... ~ ... I

Ktrtpacl. H84 tl. 75 &. ~ .. , .. o.a. .. de ... .. ..,.,..., P.O. la tit N.,,, ... , N.J. 07M8. 11Mi dl.cka ,.,.w. &e N11r1 ............ by Jeff MacNeUy

lME DNL.'< JC.~ IS~ oN I~ 1U£ MINPS ~'TUE SPfGT~.

. f l l I


by Kev'tn Fijjan­

~1 1'M OU&le~ w~~~1~~ NAME. ANO NJf, AMO~ 101'~~ ~ QAOIO ...

by Lynn Johnston

I YEu.eo AT He1'. ye!Sf~Dffy' !

by Tom Batluk

by George Lemont



Page 11: copter - City of Newport Beach

·. \


• .. I

• I I I . t


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____ ,,,,.



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9EYEJlAGllS 6-t-14

To WN>m It ~ Conc«8 . ~ NGUYEN. Ke X ta IC>P¥nQ to Ola ~of~~ Contro4 for ··41· ON SALE 8EEA & WINE f PUB EAT PL.) to ..... coholtc be'<• eo- at 2300 Herbef Blvd . • 30. eo.tJI Meea, CA 12e2& Pubtl9hed Orange Coat Delly Piiot

June 2. 11MM s.t


ROBERT L.WNARD HULL born September 21, 1922, pas3ed away June 1, 1984. Survived by wife, Ll.z Hutt sons. Christ.opher J .of Vista. Cahlomia and Barney P . of Oxnard, Califomia. brother, Donald J . of Yucca Valley; sister. Prixilla McCu.rdy of Capt.Strano Beech and two grandchildren. JllCOb Allen and Laura Mane of VlSta Servtces will be at Pacific View Mortuary Cha,pel 11 AM Monday. May 4. J.984. Pnvate Uitennent Paofic View Mortuary Dtrecton. 644-2700

LAYFIELD HAZEL N . LAYFIELD passed way May 30, 1984 in South Laguna A resident of Laguna Niguel she 1s

I su rvived by husband , Elwood Laytaeld of ~ Niguel, daughter. P~la D SpeU"S and a son. James R layf 1eld. both of England Also survived by five gTand­c h1ldren Memonal !le~ Monday. June 4, 1984 at I 30 PM in The Laguna &-a<. h United Method 1st Chul'C'h ln lieu of flowers fam1l:- requests that oon

I tnbul1ons be made to ~ Cancer Societ v Mt'Cornuck Mortuary Lacuna BHch. Directors

HAAIOR LAWlll-MT OUYI MOf1uary • C.tn41tery

Creme tort 1625 G1Sler Ave

Cost• !)A(l.5554



MO..TUAlllY , 10 Broach••~ Costa Mna

6•2 ·9150


WESTCUFf CHAPEL • 2· E ! tt. St

Co\1a ~•·u ~·6 q37 t


Cf'mel.,y • Mortuaiv Cha"9t • Cr.,matofv

JSOO 'Pactt c v. Ori., "' .,.004, t .... 'J 00


Page 12: copter - City of Newport Beach


• . . . ..

.°'9ngie COUt OAlLY PILOT/Saturday, June 2,.198A .. ,. . .. . . . .... . ,.


The fOllo'wlng penon 11 domg DWinea"

MCCORMICK LEASING. 2952 Jive Ro.d. COlll M.... Calif ~2e29

Mttur J . MoConnlck, 29~2 Java ~.Cotta M ... Cant 926211

Thia ~tlMN le conducted by an •ndl.Ytdual

Mhur J . MCCormldt Thia Ntemet\t 'Na llled with the

County Clerk of Orange County on .....,3. 1964

fM5CM5 ~ Oranoe Coul D11ty

Pllo( Mey 12. 19. 2e. June 2. 1984 2507-84


The tollowlng '*'°"' are doing ~ ...

SKIM SHAPES COMPANY. 1370 Logan AV9. Unit-I<. Cotti M .... ~12627

Timothy Wllllam Elll1. <4155 C.brlllo. Cotta MMI. Call! 92e27

Scott MOMI, 1749 Miramar, Newport BMcn, Celli 926e0

Thll butlneH 11 conducted by a gtlnlfal p111nerlttlp

Timothy Elll1 Thll ltate!Mnl Wll rlled with Ille

County Clefk of Orange County on Mey 8. 198<4

f14MU PublllNd Orange Cout Dally

PllOI May HI, 26, June 2. 9. 111&4 ' 2680--8<4


N.-ITAr.lllENT Tiie following Pl'IOll 11 doing


SOCIATES 2902 Redhill, A Co.ta Mesa Calif 92626

Toni C Mendel. 3015 Croyden Costa Mesa Cahl 92626

Th11 bU$1ness '"conducted by an ind•~

Toni Mendez Thl9 statement WU Med With the

County Clerk of Orange County on May 8 1984

F14M41 Pubhshed Orange Coast Dally

Pilot May 19 26. June 2. 9. 19~ · 2662-84


NAME STAHMENT The followtng PlflOll II dOlng bu~U.

SOUTH SIERRA CONSTRUC­TION. 2408 t Novla. Mlulon Viejo, Calif 92681

Edwllfd Gregurlch. 24081 Novla, Mlttfon Viejo. Calif 92691

Thia bullneea 11 conducted by an Individual

Ed'Nllfd Gregunch Tllil statement WU llled wtth the

County Clertt ot Ofange County on May7, 198-4

F2i452IO Put>111NO Orange Coast Delly

Piiot May 19. 26. June 2. 9. 198" 2661-84


NAME IT A T!MENT The folloWlng pe<M>n II doing


OF AMERICA 15011 Parkway Loop. Unit C. Tuatln. Calif .

Thomas Hunton Saffel. 333 Santa Isabel. Newport Beach. Callf. 926&0

This bu11ness 11 conducted by· an l11dl\/\du11

Thomas H Seifer This statement wu flteo With the

County Clerk of Orange County on May 10 1984

f2'&5a0 Put>h9hed Orange Coast Deity

Piiot Mey 19 26 June 2 9 1984 2twl6-84


NAME ITA Tl•NT The fOllowlno persona are d0ong

bull,_. IS JMC PROPERTIES 717 Lido

Patti Dr1Y9 NewPol't Beach Ca 92ee3

JOHN WEST REAL TY CO a C1h­f01"n41 COJP 717 Lido Ptrk Drlv. "9wPOf1 S..Ch.Ca 92663

Thia l>ul4nffl IS Gonducted by a COfPO'll lOn.

John w .. t Realty Co John M Coombe. PrM1<141nl Thia ... ~, Wat filed Wllh the

County Clefll or Ofang• County on May 21, 198-4 ,,,..,,0 ~blllhed Orange Cout Dally

Piiot M~ 26. June 2, 9, 16, 1984 2803·84


0 P-.-0 TO ADMIN· HELEN BOYD u4 HELEN OHO 0' TAVSl DATED J.uouer ~ ... .,...... 1141&&1 21, 1NO UHL'88 YOU TAKI Ac; - --


To all hei.ri. benefld.a.nes. TEI\ TATENO. A-UHtt ~~~~1o~'J~:~~~ c:ro::~nt~:a": c:N!d1ton and To all h ·trs, bt-Mf ciari TH PAOCl!EOINO AO.AINST YOU • • ..., .. YOU91 PA~ .. IT ettdiion of Joan J>.ttenon crMilOn a.nd conunat'n• YOU s .. OULD CONTACT A LAW· ~ •=· ~ !:.; and ~110 who may be credltOl'I or HELEN s. YER ....... ,....... .. .... the ........... l• ..... ,.w ot.Mrwat in~ ln &hl' BOdYDH, ELalua .. NHEIS.ETNEWBOAYROT ..,...., o.M ef TNlt _. tft .... ...-.. ~ ,.,_ will and/or iate: an i.. "..._ 17144 1ttt 911 °',.. ,_. -. ,.,...,...

A pc\luon has t>ttn filed 80YDand~l'50f\Swhomay he~!..tC&-cw'~.~:u~!~~: ~': NOT1Ci:"~4:.:'1het8EA- ~.._,:-.:_:,: by Amy Riley lO the Su- bi- Olhl'rwl.le inte~ted tn ounty of Orange. ol c~ AANO RlCONVtYANCf COM· ltMt ... thl9 MdC9 ............ ~nor Court of Oranse •lw' will and/or eetaw· omla. kl'W>Wn u : :t&t1 Couttlidle PANY, • Ce11forn1a eo~t!On .. ,...,... . County requesUl\g that A petition has bttn fill'd lr~~.:f:.',=· C.lilotnle tNtt•, or IUOC*IOr trutt ... °' TNt llJMW!t II tU.WM ....

J ......... - A . W•anncr '-- ..... bv ROBERT N BOYD l.n lhe PARC•L t · , _, """ _, Tr-t No aul>Slltuted t!Ult .. l)Ur"*1t to the ... , t. teM. end•• IMrMee "" ... .... "",. -o-· """ r $~ Co { Or "' """ - .., - Of Ttual e11~\ed by JOtiN ~ WOllfll beoenlft ..,,..t.

pointl'd as admimatrator '° uperior ur\ 0 ange o. In the City of Huntington RAMPELLO. Jr • A MARRIED MAN, 'fCIU mar not ......... ..., Ille ....... Ddrmnister the eetate of Joan County requHting that BMcll. County of Ofange, State or ROBERT sc~,_,,0T & BERTHA 1#\IMild ,_.ton Of row ....,.,,

d ROB!.RT N BOYl) bl- ap- Cellforl\la. per m-.> recorded In SCHMIOT. HUS8AN0 a WIFE Md •.-n t~ Ml peftMftt ... ..._

Patten.on (undt'r th' ln e- -·~ . I b~ 350. Peoet 27 to 37 lnciullve Aeoorded SEPTEM&eR 4, 1HO tn IMMed, liut you ,..., '8r ..._ pendent Admmistration of point"' a:; pe~na N'p of M1tce1lane<M1t M~. In the omce Book t3733 Page 1287 ln•ttument ...,..,., •taied ~. An. ttwM Estates Act). The pet.ii.ion 1S resent.auve to adnu~ter the ~.!."-, County ~d., of Mid No l~I Of Oftfcllll Rtcotd• In tile monttl.t "°"' ttie .-°',...... ~t for hearing in Dept. No. 3 estate of HELEN S BOVD """'£X''YEPT ........... ,,_,,...._.m ottw:. or the Councy Aecof'def of tton fllf lftte docVMMt (...,_ ...

( under the Inderwndent Ad Cl - ""'· •- ,.... ...,_, ORANGE C<IW\ty. CelHornla and °' re.cotdaaon llllt*W8 hef'Mft). al 700 CIV\c Center Dr.. ,-- · and other hydtOC*'bOn twbatanc. purtWtn\ to the Notte. of 0et1e1h uNMI IM 01111 .. ...,. _.,. ....... West. Sant.a Ana. CA 92701 rrumstn1uon of F.atates Act) and ell other mlnetllt 8' ~kind and Election 10 ..., therwundef ,._ ctoeec1 upoft ll*"'ttt • ......_, on Junt' l3 l984 at 9·30 AM The pel1tton Ii set for hear- and cl\ar1e1.,. (eK~ w.ter IAd COfded JANVAAV st. t~ 111 Booll perlod. rou -.. 8Ny tM .....

IF You• OBJ~ ~ ink in Dept No 3 at 700 rights to llPP'•llte Of divert NIA Paot NI A lnttr\llNf\l No "9f'tt lo _.., tM flondoew9 br

J:A. • lO C C 0 w #ater. wMUW aucn rtght1 be v.- &4~561 of Mid Otflctal Recor"-. peyfng the entire .,,.."' de-gTan Ung of lhe petltJon, rou IVIC enter r ' esl, led or COn11ngenl) In. under or r• wtH SELL on JUNE 15 1914 at 9 15 ~ br rlVf """°'' T• .._. should either appear at the Santa Ana. CA 9270l on eovenble ltom Nk»land Ml"°"'· AM al THE FRONT ENTRANCE TO out the~·,_.,. ... ,,..,, et hearing and stale you ob_.- June 27 1984 at 9 30 A M ~rt~ oren,!,f!O'lbtu~ot'.,a"'!.!"1,_t~ THE OLD OAANGE COUNTY lo enenee rot,.,_, lo ..... IM

r- IF YOU ~F)CT lO the - - - "- _.., .,.., COURTHOUSE. LOC.ATED ON kNect-. °'If row llf°'*'16a uons or fale written objec- above 500 feet below the pr...,, SANTA ANA BLVD BETWEEN In forecio.ure tot •nr -othet t1ons with the court before granting of the ptoUUOn. you 111tural level of the surt- of Mid SYCAMORE 8T & BROADWAY - · eontect Town a COllfltry the heanng Your appear- should P1ther appear at the and. ur~lnvar10U1o.d1 SANTAANA CALIFORNIA at pub- 1ant1.12Allo-'IMdtlML...,.

be b heanng and statt• you objt"('- to Jaum. Inc .. a OOl'PC>'lhon. t• tic auction 10 the highelt bidder fOf e..ctt, CA 907.0, Attn: LMrJ R.

an<."e may m person or Y b :;orded October 11 . 1911() 1n ~ cattt (peyable 11 ,,,. """' 01 Mil 1n Clarll (2t S) .... ,m your attom" y taons or hie written ° JK'· S456 PllQe 4 to and tottow1ng or Of- 11wtutt mon.y of the Unl1ed St•t•l. " yov flaw. °"' ,_-ttene. you

IF YOU ARE A CREDI - uons wtth the t'OUrl before helal Aecofds \II rioh• . title. and 1r1t.,..t, con- thoVld contact a 1ewyw °' the

roR t t redttor thl' hearing Your appear· Al.SO EXCEPT au oo gu Oil veyed 10 and now held by 11 under govetnmeflt ..,.ncy •'*"' m., or a con mgen c be b shale. eoat phosphate sodium said deed In the property situated 1n hlft lnaured '°"' ~

o f the deceased. you must am~ may ln person or Y ~. sliver ano all oth., mlnetal aald county and Stat• and <M- .......,.,.. YOU MAY LOH fate your claim with the your attorney tS~IS contained 1n a portion ol scribed 11 tottowa. LEOAI. RIGMTI W YOU DO NOT court or present at to the per- lF YOU ARE A CREDI- Mid tano. together wHh lhe rlQhl 10 Thal portion ot Loll 23 and 24 of TAKE PROMPT ACTION.

I . TOR or a mnungent creditor :lrill for and e1mact suoll d-s><>Slts of Fairview Farms. 1n the City of Cotta NOTICE Ofl O«f'~Ul T

~ona representative ap- :>•I end OU or OBS and to pr0SP9Ct •• c I I ,.._ St t f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pointed by th ... court w1th1n of the dt"(·edSe'd. Y0.u must !Of, mlnA an' d r~o'.- such d-""-"lt1 ... esa, oun Y 0 vranoe. 1 • 0 · "' v _.. ... v.--- Cattfornia 11 per map recorded In fHAT C1tw1de Trust Deed SeNloea. four months from the date of f1lt' your da1m Wtlh the :>f other minerals from said 11nd1, book 8. pate 7 l , Mlteellaneous. lf'.IC 11 duty appoln1ed Trustee under

f l , ,,.! f lette..., as c-qurt or prt"Sent It lO the per- but wlll'l lhe right to occupy and uee Mept, In tile otflOe of 1ne eounty a Deed of Trust dated Oeoeml>lf 28.

1rs 1ssuan .. " o •.. 1 ~ly a ..,.,.,on of other land for said d Id .. _A_. .. _,, 1983 executed by LARRY KRUM provided in Se<-uon 700 o f sona l"{'presentauve a~ - p.Jrpo~" as contained In the :e°~;!.°' 91 county, ..,_,......., 1ndJUDYKRUM, llu1t>andandW1te the Probate Code of CaJ1- pointed by the court Wllhm agreement dated December 22. Commencing 11 the South'#llt as 1otnt tenants u TrustOf. to ... forrua The time for filing four months Crom the date of 1960, between the state of Call- corner or .. Id Lot 23: ,~ North cure cettaln obllo•tlonS ln favor of 1 ill . farsl lSSuanct' of letters as torn11 and Hurillnglon Hatbour Cot- o• 32' West •tono ,,,. WOlt.llne of TOWN & COUHT~Y BANK. A CAl.1-

~ ~ :Ont~'r~~~~/J~~ provided m Section 700 ~f =~::; Janu~·t:i~ 1:'f':1~ :i~h L~~· 2:e. :,~. 7~~~ar!~ ~~~ ~~::'~:-~~. :! o f the hearing noticed above. the Probate Code of Cali~ 5611, PllQe 470 of Official Aecofd•. the South uneof Mid.Lot 23, 191.79 instrument no 83-593251, of Of.

YOU MA y EXAMINE forma The time for hlmg u amended by the agreement fMt to the true po1n1 of beginning of tlcfat RecorCll tn the Offlc:e of the l 11 dated November 22. 1961 ~ 11Q descrlp11on. thence from Mid Reco<det of Orange County, Call-

the file kept by the court If c aims wi not exp1re pnor satd panlea. recorded Maren 7. true point of the beginning of thll rornta. including ot'll note fOt the you are int.ttested 10 the es- to four months from the date 19e3 1n boo't 6457, page 119 ot de9c:rlptlon, NortllO" 32• w .. t par• pr1nc1pa1 eum of 1226.600 oo that a I.ate you may serve upon the of the heanng nouced above Official Record• and 11 reaetWd In 1111 to the w111 line of ukl Lota 23 llfeeCh of. and defaull In. lhe oOll-

• . YOU MA y EXAMINE Ille Deed from the State ol Call- and 24, 49 3e fMt to 1 point. thencll gallons tor which ~ o.d of executor or adminlStrator. or tornla to Huntl"'"on Harbour Cor- .., 8""" 2~ '""' raa -• trust 11 eecurlty has acuned In IMt upon the attorney for the ex- lhe We kept by the court. If oor111on. r~~ · F.t>ruary 15. ~,:'&u,i, ~ ot""~ L~ ~n~ ~ p~1 Ila not~ mede of' The ecutor or admmistrator. and you are interested m the es- 1965 in ~ 7413, page 333 or r..1 to 1 point In the center tine of installment or princ:lpel and lntereat. Cue with the coun with tate. you may servtt Upon the ~ A&wlds. Vanzaiilta Sfreet ~ cro feet wrdeJ Nl'lldl ~ ~ JMoat)' 2'.

to dma tr to ALSO EXCEPT the tub9urtace lormetty Anaheim Avenue. u a.. 198.4 plus late cnargo. Md all proof of service, a wntten execu r o r a rus a r , o r Nat• right\. but wttlloul the right ol 1erlbed 1n deed ree«ded AuguSt 8. sut>Mquent 1n11a11metit1 of ptlnCt­request staung that you de- upon the attorney for the ex- tntry-to tne IUl1ae:e1tlereof or to the 1929 in book 294, poge 380, Oftbal pal and tnter•I and tat• cnargoe. sire special notice of the m~ «utor or admuustrator. and wbsortaoe above the c1ep1n~ 500 Record•, thenel South o• 31· 30" that by reason thereof, the Pf9Mnl

f . d file with the court with leet. as dedieated to The City of East along lllCf o.nt., hne. 49 3e t>eneficllf)' under l4ICh DeoCI of

mg o an mvenlOry an ap- f f Huntington Beach on the map of r..t to a point 1~ south 99• 26' Trust hu dePOSlted with Mid duly praisement of e5taw assets or proo 0 service, a wntt.en salCI Treet. 50" West parallel 10 the South tine appointed Tru1tea. ~ o.d of of the peuuons or accounts request st.attng that yau de- PARCEL 2 A non-exctuslve MM- 01 said Loi 23. 221 75 rMI to the Trust an4 an dOCumenll evldenQlng menuoned in Secuon 1200 si re special nouce of the fil. -nent and right-of-way appurtenant true po.nt 01 beginning obtlgallons MCured 1hefeby. and

· f d to and for the benehl of Mid Parcel Prop_erty addra• Is purportedly the unOerslgned does hefet>y 0. and 1200.S of the C&liforrua mg 0 an inventory an ap- tin; over. acr099. upon arid through known · 81 1991 ANAHEIM AV- clare all sums eecured thereby Im-Probate Code. praa$t!J'Tlt'nt of estate assets or the Lots designated G, H Ind J on ENUE. COST A MESA: CALIFORNl,4, medlalety due and payable and

Robert R. Hurwitl of the petiuons or accounts said Tract No. 8040. fOf reeraallonat 92627 does he<eby etec;t to cauae the trust H it R & mentioned m Section 1200 ourposes. in. ov111. acrou upon and The total amount of the unpld bet- property to t>e sold 10 .. usty the

01~fn:eni!' em e r and 1200.5 o f the California ~';:~~~":.i~°i~.:'~~~~i:, ~Pf~~~;>:~•=;:',:',!~ gt!~~·~;~':: thereby 660 Newport Center Dr. Probate Code. •ecreattonot and Yehicutar parking abi.estlmated coet•, bpenees and Cltwlde Trust Deed S«vlcea. tne. Saile 1S5S K eitb C. Welputt :>urpoMS. and In. over. oetOM. advances 11 lhe lime ol the Initial u trustee Newport Beacb, Ca. tiHO 1976% MacArthur Blvd., ~= ~"!, ~~:fr~:':ioL%.o~ r,~~~~901 the Notice ot Sale 11 ~ DlaneCa<t90r\. TMteeSaOf-

nt-0781 Suite too Ille purposes ol lngreu lo and Only currently dated CUl'lief's Publlltted Ofa~ Cout Dally Piiot Published Orange Coast P. 0 . Box 79SS egress lrom 1ald Parcel 1 and othlf Check• Of c«lifled Check• are ac- May 26. June 2. 9. 16. t9M

Daily Pilot May 26. 27. June Newport Beach, CA. 9%660 ~~=,~~~NI ~~Yo that ~ ~11.=1!~':~~ 2n2~4 2, 1984 7 S %-7 31 1 :>ortlon thereof dftc:r11>ed u begin- Said sale wlll be made, but

2219-84 Pubhshed Orange Coast 'ling et Ille most Souti-ty comet of wlt"°"I convonant Of Wllfr111ly _,__ Daily Pilot June 2, 3, 9. 1984 Lot Ras shown on said Trecl map. prest Of 1mptleCI regarding Otte. P\EUC NOTICE


NAME ST'ATUIENT The IC>llowtng petM>n II dOtng


VELOPMENT (SSD). 302 Victoria. Costa Mesa. CA. 92627

Jack Gerchlk. 302 V>etorla. Costa Mesa, CA 92627

This business is condueted t>y. 1n individual

Jack Gerch1k This statement was filed wtlh the

County Cl!'rl<. of Orange County on May 21. 1984

F24a71 Put>llshed Orange Coat Dally

Piiot May 26. June 2. 9. 16. 1984 2810-84


NAME STATEMENT The IOltowlng per~ are doing

bus1neu es AAR CONSTRUCTION. 2263

Rnehey. Santa Ana. CA 92705 Add-A-Room ConsL Corp Caut ..

2263 Ritchey Santa Ana, CA 92705 This business Is conducted by a

G()fpofatlon. M E Kofford. Jr . Pres This statement was filed wtth the

County Clertl or Ofange County May 25. 1984

SaSu6 tl'lel'lee Southeasterly aJono the potMSSion or eneumbfaneet. to 1------------ooundary lme of lot Hof said TrlC1 tattsly the 1ndebtedne11 MCured by ...., South 47• 10 15 East 65 00 feet said Deed 1nclud1ng the IM and RECOflDEO 5-11..,.

PUBllC NOTICE ll'lenee te"Vlng said boundary line of Hl*\M of the trust• and of the IHSTRUMENT ___ ......;..;;.;....;;..;.;.;...;.;.;..;.,_ ___ , said Lot H ~ 42•49·45· East trusts er .. ted t>y said deed. ad- ~204IA

NOTI CE OF DEATH OF 30 00 feet t North 47• 10 15 v1nees thereunder with m111es1 as TUIO-On1

ADELINE R RECESSO Nest 65 00 feet 10 the most Easterly prov>Cled 111er.,n and the unpaid lllPOflTANT NOTIC& • • lOlnl of Lot R ol said Tract. thence pronapal ol tl'le note MCUred by sakl IF YOUR "'ONAT'Y .. • ~<>M-

aka NATALINA REC~ llong the t>oundery line of SliCI Loi deed With lnter•ll thereon .. ClO•UM MCAU.. 'tOU AM AND OF PETl'MON TO AD- R South <42' 49•45 .. East 30 00 teal provided 1n 111d Nole SEHIHD 1H 'tOUR PAYllDfTS. ff MIN ISTER ESTATE NO. 10 the potnt of begmn1ng Dated MAY 8 1984 MAV IE SOU> wmtOUT AlfY XXXXX Also excepting from saod Lot G SERRANO RECONVEYANCE CO.,._T ACTION. end yo. ffteJ

that portion ll'lereol described aa COMPANY • have fhe a.o.i fttht IO b41ng row To all heirs. beneficiaries. oegonnmo at the most Euterty eo<- 3731 W•llhtro Boulevard .ecount In 9ood a~ bJ P8J·

creditors and contingent "let ot Lot O of said Tract. tlleoce Los Anoeles. California 90010 Ing alt of,_, paet due peJ'Mfttl creditors o f ADELINE R Southeasterly along the boundary (213) 345-3321 plu. p«mftted coe11 and ea-

1ne of Lot H ol said Tract South u such Trustee ~-within thrM monthll from RECESSO and persons who 47• 10· 15" cast 65.00 reet . thence By ROD HILL the date tltl1 nottc. of defavlt •• m ay be otherwise interested eevlng said t>oundary line of said VICE PAEtDENT roc:0tdod an the will and/or estate : Lot H South 42°49'45" West 30.00 PubUshed orange c 0111 Dally Thie amount le f12.1'1M • °'

leet. thence North 47" to· t5" West Pilot. May 26 June 2. 9. 1984 MaJ t , ttM, Md W11t lftctMM untM A peuuon has been hied 65 oo feet to the most Southerly 277~-84 rCM1r eccount bocomoe CWNnt.

by JUNE M . LINHART in POlntolMldLotO; theneeatongttle Y•mayflOthnetopeytheentn the Superior Court of Or- boundary line of said Lot 0 North utipeld portion of JOUf eocowtt, ange County requesting that 42•49·45·· East 30.00 feat to the PlB.JC NOTICE lftft thoutlfl Ml peytMnt ... -..

point of beginning • lftMdod. but yov ntuet '8r IN JUNE M . LlN tfART be ap- and will be IOld at P')bllc auc11on on flCTmOU• ltUl*ell lmOUllt awtod aboft. After ttwM pomt.ed as personal rep;- lhe front steps 11 the Cotta M... NAME STATEMENT montba ..._.,the.._-' reoofde.. resentauve to admlllister the City Hall. 77 F1ir Drive, Coeta Mee&. The IOllowlng poraons are doing lion of~ docurMftt (wMcfl dete

California. on June '"'9. 198-4. at bustnne as of rK«dMtofl_ appeotw '*'-">· estate of ADELINE R. RE- 10 oo a.m . to Ille highest blOd., tor LIDO PLUMBING. 3211 N New- un•• the ~ '*"I ...._ CESSO, aka NATALINA :ash tnlawfulcurrencyolttleUnlted port81vd, Newport8ch. Ca 92663 ctoeed Upoft pannlb a-... RECESSO (under the Inde- States John Fallon, 640 SI Jamee Rd .. perlod. rou MYe °""' .......... pe

ndent Adrrurustrauon of The sale Wiii be meoe withOUt Newport 8ch, ca 92663 tteht to 1top tM '°'9ctaaun t., :ovenant. or warranty regarding Thia buelnees 11 conducted by an ~ the .....,. MMIUftt de-

Estates Act) The peution IS ntte. pouession, °' encumbrancea. lndlVldual inMded br yow uedltot. T• .._. set for heanng an Dept No 3 lo utllfy the obligation secured by Jotln Felton out the ecnrnoum ~°" mwt pey, • at 700 C i vic Center Dr . •nd under Ille Power of Sale con- Thos 1111emen1 was flied With the lo «ronge tcw pey!Mftt to •lop the

lened In tile Deed of Trust eaeuled County Cleflt of Orange County on 1-'oeure. ~ N ,our ~ .. West, Santa Ana. CA 92701 by CECIL L. BERUE and THELMA May 21 19&4 In lorocloaute for •"r ott1et on June 27, 1984 at 9:30 A .M J BERLIE. husband and wlfe .. f241317 r- . eo11*t Tow" a Cowitry

IF YOU OBJECT to the Joint Tenants. as Trustor. 10 Amerl- Published Ofanoe Cout Dally a.nk, 125SS IMt INch llwd., ...,

granung of tht> peution. you ::an Home Mortgage Trust DeoCI Pilot May 26. June 2. 9 16. 19~ leech. CA 90740, Attn: LMry Ill. Servlee Corporanon, a California 2806- 84 CIOf'tl (213) 5M-t'7a

Sat should either appear at the Corporallon. as Trustea. tor the H JOU haY9 .,., .-•tona. JOU hearing and state you obj(.'C- t>enelll end seeunty of American lhoukl a ...,_ or ttle

f241M2 Published Orange Coast Dally

Pilot June 2 9. 16, 23 1984


NAME STATEMENT The following persons ere Clolng


SOC~ATES . 1151 Dove Street. Suite 130. N B Ca 92660

llnCla Perre. 10120 Llndelmllh. Whither Ca 90604

Th11 t>u11ness IS conducted by an lnC11v1du11

Linda Perre Tnts st11~1 was llled With the

County CleOt of Orange County on M1,-e1 t984

F2.413a Publ•shed Ofanoe Coast Daily

P1IOI Mey 26 June 2. 9. 16. t98L 2807-e4


NAME ITATE•NT t11e IOltowtng pt!fson 11 CIOtng


BA LL ASSOCIATION . 2651 Redlands Or Costa Mesa. C•lll 112627

uons or file written objec- Home Mortgage Corporation, e PUBLIC NOTIC£ pemment ll99ftCJ wMcfl mar tJons with the court before Caillorn1a· Corporation . u "8we lneured your loel'I.

the hearing Your appear- :~:i=a~:,8t~~~c~t .2i9~~1~ ' 1~!~:,.~=· LE~ay:' Y=~ "~~ ance may be m person or by Bool< 13978, Page 849. IS ln11ru- The loltowlng penon II doing TAKE PROMPT ACTION.

ment Numbef' 15678 of Offlclel Re- bulllness as NOTICE Ofl DffAULT yoluFr aYttOoUrneAyRE A CREDI - cords of the County of Orange. KATHY'S COMPUTER BOOK- NOTICE IS HERESY ...GIVEN:

State ol Cahf0<nl1 KEEPING & TYPING SERVICES. THAT Catwlde Trull o.d ServlcM, TOR or a conungent creditor Notice ol Default and Etectlon to 940 Victoria SI . Costa Mesa, CA inc ta duty appointed Tru•f• ulld« of the deceased. you must Sell the described real proplfty 92627 1 Deed of Trusl dated December 28.

under lhe Deed of Trust WU ,.. Kalhe<lne L. Kroeech. 940 Vie- 1983 elCeclUted by LARRY KRUM file your claim with the corded u Instrument Number torla St . Costa Mee•. CA 92627 Ind JUDY KRUM. hu1ban<11nd wife court or present 1t to the per- 82-325375, on ~tembef 15. t99J. This but1neas 19 conducted by an u jotnt ten111t1 as Tru11or. to ... sonal representative ap- 01 Ott1c111 Records of the County of 1ndivld~ :;\ACJI certai" oblloatlon1 In tovor of c. . _..a b h h Orange State of California Katheflne L KrOIKh TOWN & COUNTRY BANK, A CALl-t'V1n "-"'l y t (." court Wtl in The sate Wiii be conducted by This 111temenl WIS lited With the FORNIA CORPORATION. .. four months from tt)e date of AMERICAN HOME MORTG~GE County Clerk of Ofange County on t>enefictary rec;orded 12-30-83, .. first lSSUan<:e of ~ters as TRUST DEED SEAVICE CORPOR• May 21 1984 •nstrumer\I no 83-S93251, Of Ol-provtded m Section 700 of ATION. A CALIFORNIA CORPOR- fMU10 llCoat Records in Ille Ortice of the the Probate Code of Cata- ~TION whOM address " 666 Pubhlhed Orange Coast Delly Recor~ ol Orange Courity. Call·

Baker Stree1. Sult• 263 Costa Pilot May 26 June 2. 9 t6. 198A tornil. 1ncl\ld1ng one note tor IM .mn.1a The hme fo; (1hng Mesa CA 92626. Phone Number 2809-84 )rlnc1pal sum of S226.500 00 theta

clain\S will not expire pnor 714-546-1602 ATTENTl<ltl. ANE breach of. and default In the obll-to four months from the dat.t> CAHILL :1allons lor whic:h IUCl'I o.d of

Princrpel and Interest due DllDtlC W\flC£ trust 11 MC\.lrity has acurred In tl\11 of the heanng noticed above S680.837 50 ... -. nu payment his not been m.O. ot· n,.

YOU MAY EXAMINE Costs ExpenHS arid AdvanQ81 K· t1t11 1n11111men1ofprincipalandlntereet, the file kept by the court If due (appro111m1taty) S72. 176 42 flCTTTIOUl llU .... •I #fllCt'I bec:lrne Clue Jenullfy 28,

You.are interested m the es- TOTAL 1753•01312 NAMalTATl•NT 1914 plus late cl'llf9e, and 8i DATED May t6. 1984 tul>Mquent inllaflmwtll of prind. tale. you may Sl'rve upon the AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE bu~':.:'~ng pel'IOfll .,. doing pel ltlCl lnler•t and .. ,. Clllt~. exl'C\Jtor or administrator, or TRUST DEED SERVICE BARClAYS-LAW 17702 Cowan that by reason tf\eteof. the pr..-nt upon the attorney for the ex- CORPORATION. • Cahlornta Cor· s1~1 lrvl .... CA 9'2714 benerlclatY under IUCI\ Deed Of

pq:r~llon ·- • '""• Trutt hat ~led with tald dUfy l'CUtor or admtntstralOr. and By Den111S B Schmucker Re- BARCLAYS STANFORD INVEST- pointed TruttM. IUCf'I Deed Of ftle With the court Wilt\ oroanltallon T~.... . MENT CORPORATION. CallfOfnll. Trvtt at\d all document• evt<lenClnQ

( f 1 Publl•l'led Orange Coatl Detty rnot tH02 Cowan Stt .. I . Irvine. CA Obllgattons ~ thefeby. and proo o serv ''" a writu-n May tll, 28. J~ 2_ l&M 92714 1,,. undtnlgned d09t rw.oy "°

... MCOMllO 1-t1"M

lld1'WUmN'f' --­T--..n' ~ANTNO'TIC9

• •YOUR l'tM)f'Un ie .. f'OM· CLOIUM' MCAUM YOU AM ........, .. YOUR 'A~a, ff lllAY M IOLD wmeouT ltlllY COURT ACTIOll. IM JW "'9J ._... ..................... ,..., ~ .................. ... "" .... ,...,,... ...... .... ,._.. _. ................... . ............................. ............................ f'MOfded

Tii• .......... tu. M?M • .. ... ,.,, ................ ...... four wt 11 ....... OWNftl . ., .. ,.._, ........ ,., ......... Uftpe6d ,....._ .. '"' ....... .......... Ml,., .......... ......,., IMf ~ .. ...a..., "'9 ................... ...., ..... Menltlt ...... tM ...... .......... tton ....... dllot&IMM ( ...... _.. .. , ......... ::::::: ...... ,. _....Ille,,._~

;::::;::-~;_. ..... fitl't le atop tlllO loan otu11re bf iMYtnt .... .....,.. ......... IMftdect "7 ,.w CftCMef. To fllt4 .,, tt1e ~• rou ...-. ,.,, ., •• .,,.,.. .., ..,, .... toredoeure, oi tf row ..,..,...., te 111 forecllo•ure IM e.u· oth•r ,._., CIOf'ltaot Tew" a Coufltry a.M, ,.,. .... 9Metl .......... INctl, C:A 90740, AHn: .......,.,., R. Clan (21') .....,

" ,., .... ..., quetlloM. ,.. IMvld _ ... ~ Of ....

go¥enll'Mftt aeeMY wtltcfl may .._.,. IMWM ,_, tMn. ~. YOU MAY LOii



THAT Cetwlde Trut1 Deed Servteee. Inc 11 duly appointed TrustM under a DMCI ofTrutt dated Dec41mber 28, t983 uecuted by LARRY KAUM and JUDY KRUM. hueband and Wife u Joint ten~• u Trus • to ... cure cerlain f avct of TOWN & COUNT Y BANK, A CALl­FO R NIA CORPOAATION, H t>enellc:lwy recorded 12-3043. u lnslrumtnt no 83o-5t3251, ot Of • fld9I RecofCll In the Ortlol Of the ~der of Orange County, C..11-fOfnla. lnctudlno one not• tor the Pflocipll aum of $229,500.00 11'111 • ~eectl of. and defaull In, the ObtJ.. oat1on1 fOf whlllh 8UCfl Deed of T NII 11 MCUrity l\al acurred In ll'lal payment l'IU no1 been mede Of: The lnttallmenl of prlnelpel and In.._,, wflter\ ~ J ' t984 ptu1 late ctlefge, and II .ubaequent Installments ot P'tnd­pal end 1n1., .. 1 and 111e cnargea. that by reuon thereof. the preeent t>eneflclary ulld« such DeoCI of Trust hll dac>otlted with Mid duty appointed Trull ... IUCl'.I OMd of Trust and all document• evidencing obllgatlon1 aecured ,thereby. and Ille uneleftlgned does hereby <M­ctare all sum• MCUred t'*-by Im­mediately due and payable and doea llereby elecl to cauM the lrutt ptopelly to be told to Mlllfy IM obtlgatlona aecured thereby Daled May 9. 1984 ~ T rut1t Deed Senllcies, lnCI. as tru1tea BY. Diane Carlson, Truet• Sile Of­ficer Publtslled Orange Coast Delly P1tol May 28. June 2. I . 16. 19M


NOTICl Of' flU&.IC Hl!ARtMG IUOM T.- flU....a COM­Mtllt\>N °' THI cm °' ,~

TA*VALL.EY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday. June 13. 1994. II '7:30 p m In IM City Counctl Chambers. 10200 Sleter Avenue, Fountain Val­ley. 11'11 Planning Commission will hold a public tiunng on the foflow-1ng llemt CONDmOHAL UH PHMIT NO. TIM (ConMu.d from ..., t , ttM) Petthori tubmllled by Huntington Beach Union High Schoof Olatrld to uae the Nleblu School llte tor pub­ltc tchOol purpotM In the following curriculum areas Parent EdUcaUon, Bualnese Education , GEO Certificate Preparation, and Engllah u a Second Langu • . lXTINltON Of' TIMI - CON­DITION.AL USI NMlllT HO. 410 (CClftltltued frem Mey a, 1tM) Petition tubmltled by the Balboa ConstlH'cllon Company tor on ex­teotlon ol time for the aetl~ period lor cperatlon or the min~ anct •t~ facility on • portion of the property owned by the Orange County Sanitation District at the nc>fthMl1 corner of Garlleld Awnue anC1 Wllfd Street CONOITIOMAL UN KMlllT MO. Tiii (Contw.. ffOfll illley a, itM) Petition tubmltted by Oranoe ~ ty Auto Expr... L.-ng for auto leulng and auto ..... 11 18021 Euelld Street COHDmONAL UN NMllT MO. 711 Petition aobmllted by 8redley Wile« to allow fOf the off ale of beer f'ld wine •n contunctlOn 1111th a •t market II 17205 Brookhuflt Street. CONOmONAl Ull NRMIT NO. 712 Petition IUbmllted by t<lng of Oloty Luthetan Church lor addition of fef­lowlhlp hell and •labltahmerlt ol day care facility located It 10280 Slater Avenue Rl!VlllON Ofl HCTION 21.11.0IO Ofl THI 'OUNTAIN VALLIY MU­NtCM'A.L COH Propoaed amendment ot Va~ Zoning Ordtl\al'Qe Tille 21 tn­lllated by 1118 Fountain Valley Ptan­l)lng Commlallon to 9dd See11on 8 to Chapter 21 78 080 with r.-enoe to the understonding and ~ lance ot QOrldltlons lmpOMd In con· function wl1h condttlonat uea permit approval '

THESE MATIERS er. being pro­caaed punuant to the PlanNnO Laws of Ille State of ~fomle. Gov­ernment Code. 8,000 et aeq . and IM Fountain vaney MunlCIPll (;oda, Title 2t

THOSE DESIRING TO teatlfy tn lavC>f OI In Of)POtltlOn to the pr~ Wit! be ~ on op. portunlty to dO to at the pu* llMmlng " turthet lntormetion la deelred. ~ may contact the Plan· nlng Dtparlment at M3-1321 and ~,., to the abOV9 ham• DON COHTRAMAN Actlng s.ctllaiy Plannlng COrnmlNlon ~bllahed Ofange Cout OflllY Piiot,

Juna 2, 1944 SA2 Scott Ou1nn Winters. 2851 Redlands Dr , Coste Mesa. Calif

This bu11nau ta conducted by· •n lndlviduat

Scott 0 Wtn1er1 Tiiis llllement WIS flied with the

County Clerk of Ot1t1Q8 County on

request Stating that ·you de· 21175-94 BARCLA'(S ROYALTY INVEST- ••••Haum•secured l stre special notke of the fil • ~~~ g1=-~~1~;27\~702, mediately due and ·=:...::;.,.-.,....."""' ang of an inventory and ap 8ARCL.AV8 ALL8TATt INVEST· donhef•bYeieetlOC.UMi1'11Arwll

May 1 111&4 P'Mll11

Publlll'led Or.nge Coalt Delly PllOI May f2. 11.. 26, J\1111 2. tM4

y 25t5-84

t { te C,... ,._, to be a.old to Mt praJ.Semen o esta a,s.,ets or MENT .,..,POAATION . ...... 1rom1a. •uone MaKed ''*' of the peuuons or accounu 17702 Cowan Street. ltvloe. CA. ted Mey I tNA menuoned ln SectJon 1200 Pta.JC *>TIC( 112~Y8 AOYALTV OAOUP. INC.. Tru. 0..0 hrvteea. lnO. and 1200 5 of the C.a!Jforrua '1CnTtOUl IU ... IS 11702 Cowen Stre.t. INlne. CA y~= can ' Tn.ttt 8aM or Probate Code NAllll ITAfDlbrf 12714 • .on. .. •

TIMOTHY J . BLIEO • The foaowtng pertons .,. dolfl9 9AACLAYI AMEA~AN CAPI- b111Mc1 Ofano-~ ~ Not

GALa LlEIVDAN, SCHM~ING ~N. Je 15 s...hor• Or . ~:}02 ~"~=: =~~· •Y 21. June 2 ••• te, 1* 6 L ~ IUCll. CMI 12183 t2714 2n2 ....

'1CmlOUl IUIMH t787 8rt1tol, Salle lot Margaret JMnne Wynne. MH LAW AUOCIAJD, . Louillanl ~ ITA~ Cott.I Mesi CA IHH s.ew>rtDr Naw90rtleadt.c.t Corc»orl1IOI\ l'O. Boll 845, '*-

The followoing l*"9Cl'I It • - i2e63 nongs, LoulallM 70$4t bu"'*9 .. 8i0·Ht0 Jam.a M1tt1n Wynne. 3e 16 S.. Thia bullf*t II condueted by a

CAW'OANIA IMPAINT 833 Publtshtd Orange eoa..t tllota Dr . ~ 9eacfl. Calif ~., ~~

.,~~!~· s:_~a,,"".;o:.;' ~~7,~52 DaJly P1lo1 Junl" 2, 3. 9. 1~84 12"3 101 ~.n111,=::"!~'::'~ ShOfenn. lJI SaSu5 SoT~~'l':. ~Calif ,Cpuncy Cteni of 0r.,. Collrl~ on

1, HUnhngton leach. Callf 02'47 911ot Aprll 2,, 1N4 Jl\ia ~ I eonducted by an ln•-•.-n-•efye• tlU ~ii conducted 11)', I.., <'".".:':~

ndi¥tdUll •" ,....... l)efl«al ~ PU Oiange '-'-t ~ I\ w Voe&er ·11n Ill apen 11111 not hiQ.11 Maroaret ~Wynne Piiot M1y ~ Juf!e 2. I , 11. tW Th~ ttatetnent wu flied wtlh the 1n pm:• . reuol'labtf , Thie tatament w: filed lll!lffl the 2W 84

County Cieri! of Orange Collntv on eta&&;fi.d lllJ -.. County Cletk of Orange County on M•~ 1. 1... edll9ft•lln9 rm91 ~•Y 1, t91A

ne&117 'Mlln P\lblltlled 0rencie Coatt o.i1y Classified Adver111ing Put>1111'1ed Orlll!Qe Coat• ~

P•IOC M•y It, Ill . 21, June 2, 1084 8:42-5878 PllOI May 12, 18. 2e. JI.Ina .a. 11S.. 1!116-14 2S1t.t•


C~ll 10- 5671. Put a few word, lo work lot ou.


100 Ctvtc C_.., Dr._.... lante Ma. CA. tz701 ~SA.V·


an lndlvidual; H\JJD'1NOTON HAR­BOUR CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, W M 8 . ENTERPRISES. INC.. a Callfomtt corpor•11on: SEA BRIDGE HOME~ OWNERS ASSOCIATION; ADINA ROSS. an tndillldual; THE ST"ATE OF CALIFORNIA; and DOES i ttwouoti 10, lnclull~.

Cue No 418305 WOM8

NOTICEI Yo. M¥e bMll ...._ The court ...., ........... ,_ wttttout JOUf .._ ~ _.... JOU ..,...._ wlttllft • cleJe. ._..., tti. ""°""*'°" below.

If you wisti to Mele the edYlce of an attorney In thll metter, you shOuld do ao promptly ao that your written response, It 111y, may be filed on time.

AVISOIUated Ila lkSo detl!M­dado. El lrlbun\a, IMe ~ eoRa traUd.IMM dlt~• ........ ... Ud. ,......... ..... ... lM le lftformaeWI ... ......

",.., ....... Mell Ille ....... .. .,. -~ In tMa MltMf, ,.., ahould do M SM Ofllptly M lMt yew .mt'9ft rMlllRM." loflJ, ..., ... flied Oft UlM.

llUet.ddeeM ......... 0.­..................... _. !:l..J::.:::: flecerle 111 • . .............. . r...,.... ............. .., ....... ,.._,.....,.. . ......., 1·TO THE bEffl*)ANT: A cMI

eomp&altlt hea beeft MM br , -petntttl ....,... ,.. .. ,.. wftlt .. 6tMftd Uife ........ ,.., ...... •lttllfl • days alter tNs aummon1 11 tef1l9d on you, tile with this court a wrlttflf) r~11 to the COIN)laln1. Unless you do. your default ' wlH be ent.,ed on appjlcatlon of the plaln­tlff, and this cour1 mey entat a fudgemenl agaln1l you fOf lhe r.itef de!Nloded In the oompllilnt. wNeh could reeult In garnlatunent l>I Wiget. taklnQ OI mon.y Of property Of other retlef requested In the com­platnt.

Oeted: DK. 14, 1983 LEE A. BRANCH, Cler1( ey· GAIL CARPENTER. Deputy ~L-... E-.. MdlenN c..-. CUMO ,,, Ari• ltwd.. ate. tto Co.ta ...... CA. tmt 7St ..... . Publbhed Orange Cout Dally Pilot May 26. J\.IM 2. 9. 16. 19&4



The foflowlng P1rtona are OOinO bualneaau:

SATELLITE TV SPECIALIST, 708 N. Valley. Sult• G, Anaheim. Cal. 12801

lnletCOf'lttnatal Products Corpor­ation. a Utan corp .. 8884 So Co1· tonwood St., • 1. Midvale. Utah 64047

This bl.laineea la conducted by. a ()O(p()fallon.

lnte«:ontlnental .Prodt.let Qoo). Cati Reynolds, Director Thia statement wu flied with lhe

County Clerk of Orange eouncy on May 21. 1984 ,,...

Pub44tfled Orange Coal Daly Piiot Mey 2a. June a. 9. te. 11114



Page 13: copter - City of Newport Beach


. . . .,. I

Pitching fails in 14-9 loss to Laney. but Pirates win second game, 11 -3

score five times i.!' the ninth innina of Che f111t pme Fnday.

The Pirates held a .-.1 lead but pve up four unearned runs in the seventh jnnina. The Ea&)es. who won the .

FRESNO - Dcfendina state champion Colleae of the Canyons IS aone, and so 1s Saddle back, Coach Mike Mayne's Ora~e Coast College baseball team remains Jlive in the state community college baseball tournament here - barely.

OCC .dropped a 14-9 dcetsion to Laney College of Oakland Friday morning but battled back to rout San Bernardino VoJley 11-3 Friday niibt to keep its hopes of a st.ate cham­pionship alive.

OCC will meet Sacramento City ColJege today at 2 p.m. at Oovis High

Golden Gate Conferenoe, then came School and try to capture the title the up with five in tbe ninth iocludina a hard way -1 by workin& its way up solo homer by Robby Will10o and a throuib the loscn bracket of the nine- two-run double by La!!)' Allen - all team tournament. ' off reliever and loser Eric Reinholtz.

Should the Pirates win this after· The Laney comeback sp<>iled a 4-noon, they would 'play the loser of a for-S effort by OCCs Jcf Garcia (be aame between Laney and LA Harbor. has seven hill an three tourney

Even though the Pirates have lost a pmes). · gall)e. the)' are among the final four The comeback also made th_ings teams which arc still alive - joining that much more miserable for OCC Laney. Harbor and ~cramento CC. which played in 97 dearee

Saet;amen~o ehmanated Canyons, temperatures in a that lasted 8-0 Fnday mght. _ three hours and 41 minutes.

OCC came dangerously close to .. I'm very displeased with the elimination by allowing Laney to performance of our pitchina stair,"

Admitted Mayne between pmcs. "We JUSt COUidn' t teem CO iJ:iroW strikes. We. put too many men on base ... (OCC Wa1Ud 12 Laney bat·. ten).

The Pi~tes jumped on a bus immediately after the . pme and beaded for Fresno State Univenity's Bciden Field for anolh~ pme WJth San Bernardino Valley.

Coast went to the Ions ball 1n the second pmc u Joe Kwolek. Dev~ Rolland and Damon Berryhilf. clouted home runs and· Mike Senne added a triple as the Pirates opened a 6.2 lead after two inn1n15.

Steve Mendon pve tbe Coast pitcbin& staff a rest by hurli~ a complete pme, all6wiDJ the Indians just five hits while strikina out nine.

Meanwhile, OCCs sophomore

dclipated biner K.cvUa a...-• a IChoOI rccotd IOi 1iD11i ..._ RBI whea be Uocted ia ·hil 4ID nan al" the ICUOD in the fine pmc. Ma~ is ex~ 10 IWt

f'n!Mman Jeff Goellld9 iD todaY"• ~with oc. GOenJCb. piqued by bKk problems lhl• ICllOR. bu pitcbed jutt 11 ~, inoiap r

this year. · SboUJd . occ deftat s.ctamento

arid lbeft.p> on to beat eitber Laney er Hamor~ the Pima wwld fitid ~ aclvcs in the cbampiombip ~but still Deed two victories OVCI' tbe the other finalist to claim &tat crown an Sunday. '

Saddleback. mean~ f&W iu season come to aclOle utbe Ga~ were defeated by San Bernardino 1 CJ.I in an early pine •

Rivalry takes· a backseat -Barons win, 12-Q ___ ,.... bUt was anyone keepJng score?

BJ CUllT SBEDEN ............... Do we · waat tbe btl1I aiiW'! - •

f.diJon Hilfl cbeer'lalder. No! - anonymous "&1iJon Hilh

fans. - . Indeed. the riValry between EdilOll

and F4UDtaiD Valley hp ~so have mellowed in \his, the leCODd year- of the tcboob' annual alum.Di football .ma.

Friday niabt at OraQIC Cout CoUeet. Fountain Valley made it two .tl\UOUU in a row with• l 2.0 viictory bdort 3,SOO fam who tepned to be more into nostallia thaJi cut throat football. . "Do you know there was even talk of bavtOC a combined after-pine oartv?" .noted &fuon Coecll Bill Wortman after the pme. .. We couJdn 't do that a few yean llO· .. tbe opportunity to ert totether with ~ friends - and ex­enemies- teeS to supaocde the loat­time rivalry wbiob bas developt:id

, over tbeyan ~een the two Suote:t

~ .csw:-oyed what took placle .._ ._ ,...__, ...... ...., Friday nilbt, as did tbe playen, wbo

l'oantaln Valley'• D99e Deeper (left) dh•eta lnto pile of Edleon defendera, while Cfaarfer Mark CbUJCbwanl It cat down by 8uon defender Frtday mpt. (Pleue ... ~1'8/BI)

Corbett provides needed.relief TODAY

He comes out of the bullpen to bail out Witt in 5-2 Angels' victory over Indians

allowina six hits. walking eiaht and striking out seven before beina re­lieved with one out in the ninth by Ernie Camacho.

CLEVELAND (AP) - Doua Cor­bett feels happy that bis baseball careeris back on the upswina, but he's even more thankful that he has his life priorities in order.

" I have ~ too much imp<>n­.ancc on ball and tryina to 1uoceed. My pcnpective was all out kilter. Now baseball is still fun but the Lord and my family come before that," Corbett said after tossina 2'n inninp on one-bit relief pitcbina to save the Anaels' S·2 victory over the Oevelaod Indians Niday night.

" When mywife delivered twins last November and we almost lost one on Christmas Eve, it 101 my priorities straiaht." Corbett said.

Corbett explained that on Christmu Eve, one of his twin sons, Jason, .. had turned blue and stopped breathina.

"The Lord touch me and said 'Remember the CPR you learned I 0 years qo. • I used the CPR the bes~ I could and my son came out of It. There's more to it afterward. but thankfully, he's now all right," the 31-

Ethiopia latest to boycott Games

PARIS (AP) - The Los An­teles Olympics is a victim of the cold war. and the threat of boycotts and similar problems mu1t be 90nsidered in dctermin· ina future Games sites, the presi· dent of the International Olympic Committee said Friday.

Meanwhile, the Soviet news aaency Tass reponed - that Ethiopia's national Olympic committe said it would not send a acem to Loi Anteles. Moscow's attonaest African aUy thus be· came the llth country tojo1n the Kremlin· lcd bOycou.

Juan Antonio S&maranch told a ~nfetence the in'cvcrsible Soviet . bloc boycott of the Los Anacles Game, is linked . with .. \he political iension in the world between the Uflited States and \he 9oYiet Union, and we att1)1lyina for thi1 tension:· '

He •treated that the toe dc­cwon to hold the 1988 Summer Games an Seoul, South Korea, W11 deftnitive, but' declined to COllHllCfl on lhi I 992 saw:.

year-old naht-hander said ot Jason's recovery.

Corbett bad been o ne the American League'stoprelieversin 1980-81 with the Minnesota Twins, but struuJed with the Angels in 1982 and S:t>ent most of last season in the mtnor lca,cues

His performance against Oeveland lowered his earned run average to 2.86 and bis second save perserved Mike Witt's fifth victory.

Mike Brown and Bob Boone each drove in two Angel runs.

Witt, S-S, yielded both Indian runs on 10 hits over the first 61/J inninas.

. strikina out eight, before Corbett came on to pitch hitless ball and p in his second save. It was Cleveland's 23rd loss in its last 30 prncs.

Rick Su1clifTe. 3-S. took the loss.

Rod Carew slapped a single leading off the fourth inning, and after two outs Reggie Jack.son walked. Brown sin&led home Carew, Rob Wilfona's inneld sinaJe loaded the bases and Boone lined a two-run sinJ)e for a 3..Q Angels lead.

Brown hit into a-force play to drive in another run in the fifth after the Angels bad loaded the bases on walks to Carew and Jackson, sandwiched around shorutopJulio Franco'serror on DcCinces' ground ball. Q~veland, scored a run in the fifth

on a walk to Brett Butler and sin&les by Tony Bernazard and Mike lfar­grove. Their other run came in the sevcmth OD Andre Thornton's seventh homer.

The Angels' final run came in the ninth when Fred Lynn singled in Dick Schofield.

BASEBALL DM9WI n. Hews• 0-.. StMIYm. 7 -.rn.

HORSE RACING OU.rtiwMrwl L• ~ 7!45 -.rn.

·North ekes oµt volleyball win South girls breeze to victory in county All-Star match up

By HUGH SILER .,..... .... .,.., ..... .. . The seventh annual Orange County All Star volleyball

tournament was held Fridax, ni&bt at El Toro H-ati. with the boys North County All.Stars aJona with the airls South team posting impressive match wins.

In the boys division, the first four pmcs v.ue s9lit between the two teams with the North coming up ~th \\'U\s I S-3 and IS· 10 in the first and third pmcs.

Jn 1he ~ecisi'f'e fifth- pme; -the--- Notth--came--out JSrepared as at opened up a comfortable 7·1 lead and coasted the rest of the way, plnina an easy I S-3 win.

" With Jon Wallace doina our settina. it made thlnas quate easy. Wath the talent we bad. their wuo ' ta '*hole lot

we COUid teacn toe IUYS ID lhe UU'CC pr&CltOCS Ulal we had, .. North Coach Tom Peltolesi stated.

Behind the efTecuve slams of Scott McKcou&)t, the ' sets of Wallace, and the serves and kills of Mike Crowley, the North cruised uncontested in the decidana fifth pme.

Up 2-1, the North j umped out in front and never looked back as Crowley rattled off five consecuitive p<>ints, aided by the kills of McK~Uah-

Steve LepatMr and Scott Fortune played well in a losmg cause for the South.

ln the &iris division. the South dominated eKh pme. IS-S, IS-7, and IS.Suiteasily wentontowinthematchan less than an hour. ·

•we bad a lot of talent that tttmed to mesh totether very well for us. Most of the prt have been trained by Cbarlie Brande in the Oranae County Volleyball Cub ·~~£'°it mademy.job~ery-.)'/' •happy South Coach Mike Neece said. .

Setters Julie Cook Trad Mil&cfs played exceptional. constantly preparina Julie E~ Heather and Darcy Pukard with balls to be disposed of. . . . .

Lakers hoping to recover Sunday . ·80 TON (AP) - It was a finish

filled with .hcart-l)()undi!ll thrills wonhy oh champ1onSh1p acn But at was )n champic>Mhi~ caliber basketblll.

Helped bY four LOI An&ln laker m11t&kes, Botton surv1vta 1ts own erron lO craw dc6ati jn the last 20 seconds of the founh quancr and oven1me and make fnd.ay's fliaht to



I Los Anaeles ••a little easier," said Celtic hero Scott Wedmao.

BOllon' 124-121 VlCtory.-bere Thursday n t evened the btst-of·

en final round.t 1-1, With aam three and four in 1n&)cwo0d unday iod WtdndCSay o&jhL

The rn~or mitNet ~n whb 20 second left in rc:auluion ttme and the lcadina 11 '-1 l I. t that J)C)int.

cHak miaKd two ftee

Honeycutt'& woes are behind him · Hurler now 7 .. -2 after easy win over Astros, 6-2

LOS ANGELES (AP) - As far as Rick Honeycutt and the Los Anleles Dod&en are concerned. his pitch.ins problems of 1983 are only a distant me(llory now.

After brin& acquired from Texas last Auaust, Honeycutt staned slowly as a I>od.&erwith a 2-3 record. But he's 7·2 and ranks second in the National Lequc in earned run averate this year after pitchini Los Anaelcs to a 6.2 victory over the Houston Astros Friday night.

" Every pitcher wants to get off fS"a start hke this." satd Hon~t, whose ERA is now 1.87 after his ,u.. hitter. " But I'm even happier about pitching well. t wanted to show I'm a better pitcher than I showed last year."

" Rick's showina why we traded for him." said Los Angeles Manqer Tommy Lasorda. " He pitched an outstand•na pmc for us toniaht. just the way he's done all year."

Honeycutt struck out three and walked only two u the Dodaers woo their tbnd straiabt and held on to fint place Ln me NL West Division.

" He's a pretty touab pitcher and he's very difficult to hit," said Houston Maoqer Bob Lillis. .. Honeyaatt did the job apinst us tooiahl After the fust inni'!- we <:<>~dn't do m~-~ him ...

The Dodaers took advantage of two · Houston errors in a ~run sixth innina and beat the Astrol 6-2 for their third victory in a row. •

The win allowed them to bokl onto fint place in the National Leaaue West.

Houston aot both its runs in the fint off Honeycutt.

Kevin Bass beat out an infield sin&le. went to third on a liDale by Enos Cabell and IOORld Oii JOIC Crui' sacrifice fly. Cabell stole tee0nd and scored on JerTy Mumpbrey's sinale.

With two out m tbe ~ ftm. Pedro Guerrero and Franklin Stubbs singled off Houston Staner Nolap Ryan. Mike Scioscia' s single scored both GuerTero and Stubbs, wbo WU running on the l-2 pitch.

Ryan pve way after four illlliop to reliever Vern Ruhle wben be de­velo~ a blister on the middle fiqer of h11 pitchina band. The ~ broke the tie in the sixth with three unearned runsoffofRuhlc, 0-3.

With one ou~t Sciascia reached flnt on shortst9p · Reynolds' error and went to lh on Terry Wllit-fieJd'ssingJe to oenter. Sao1ciucored on Bob BaiJor's suicide squet:ze and Whitfield came home when Ruhle. ficl~ the bunt, threw the ball into riabt field. .. . .

Bailor, who went to third OD the play, came home on Dave Andei'lon•a &incJe.

Candy Maldonado's homer of J~ Sambito in tbe eiahth tcorcd tbe Dodaets' finll nm.

OCC oarsmen bJ fb:Jal•

Page 14: copter - City of Newport Beach

' •

Orange OAJL V PILOT l&aturday. J une a. 198A

' ..

Conquerors hold on to win. CIE cr£1:wn ~errell •napa Moran'••tr•

Ktlly Moran of Huntinat Beach aaw hit three-week w ni.QJ streak btokeo in the ICtlt ma.&n cvent' friday, u Whittie Dubb Fmtll raCtd to victc durina the weekly rnototcy1 racioa prosram at the OrU C"°wuy Fairp'ouods.

e~rt Christian builds btg early ead. then warts Crossroads comeback, 8-7·

~ina and w10n1na rons on ,econd And third when me p me ended. ,

The Conquerors fi nished the cam · p&J&n Wlth a ?S-S recoTd while droppu11 the. Lop.s.eedcd Road­runners to 2S.3.

LOS ANG ELES-Ncwpon Olris­tiao Htab claimed the CIF Small Schools baseball champ1o nstup an its fint trip to the finals Friday ruabt. boldina off Crouroads. 8-7 a t Jaclue Robinson F ield on the UCLA cam­pus.

the Roadrunners mounted a­beck and pulled to within one in the top o f the aeventh 1nruna.

But, Wlth runners at second and thinl and two o uts in the seventh, Chns Howard came to the rescue of wmnina pitcher David Cilia)', strik­ing out the last baner on a 2-2 pitch. Crossroads stranded the p<>tent1aJ

Newpon Christian opened the scorina wt th a nin in the bon o m of the firft as Randy Stuart sinaled took second on a sacrifice and 1()0~ on Howard's triple.

The Conquerors built an 8-J ad­van~ in the fowth tnntn1 before


Howe·grievance · settleQ, he'll sit. out rest of year From AP dlspatclaea

NEW \ORK - .\ pending gne' a nee Iii heann& 1n,ol,tng Ste'e Ho"'e has been settled and the Los Angeles Dodgers· relief patcher will sit out the n:mamder of the the 1984 season wha le undergoing drug rehab1htat1on. Comm1ss1oner Bowie Kuhn announred Fnday.

Howe was suspended by Kuhn for one year on Dec. 15. 1983 for repeated cocaine m'olvement. and a gnevance heanng challengrng Kuhn's ruling had been scheduled for Tue~a) 1n Los Angeles.

.. Wuh all panics agrttmg that he should concen­trate for the present on rehabilitation and recover) rather than baseball" all 1ssue-s related to the gnevance have be.en settled. Kuhn's statement said.

Howe's suspension was not lifted. Kuhn said the acuon was taken after-discussions

. which included Howe and has attorney. Ja m Hawkins. the DodJers and the MaJor League Baseball Players Assoc1auon. .

.. Steve cont inues in treatment.~ said Kuhn, ... and there as unani mity of feeh ng among us. incl uding Steve' s medlcal ad"1sers. that a return to· baseball this season wo uld not be appropn ate. The most important thing for this young man 1s has long-range recovery."

As part of the grievance resolution. the Dodt,.ers ha,·e agreed to extend financial arrangements covenng Howe's treatment and ha s famil y's necessary hvmg eApenses. Kuhn said

The comm~oner also said .. probationary terms also wall conunue. 1ncludmg semi-weekly testing and other req uirements to assure conunuance of Howe's rehab1htat1on program and absti nence from druss."

In a prepared ~tatement issued through the Dodgers. Howe sa1d. ·1 must face up to the reality that if I trul} put m} recover) first then I should not re turn to baseball this ) ear.

.. M) doctor. m ) therapist and fellow members of m} recovery program have urged me to take more time before subJecttng m yself to the high emotio ns and stress of a pennant race: · he said.

" I am follo" 1ng their ad' ace and putting m) long­term reco' en- ahead of m' natural desire lo be on the pla}1ng fi eld ·"uh m) teammates. I therefore Wi ii nol return 10 baseball th as ~ ear but look forward lo the 1985 champ1onsh1p season ..

Quote of tbe day l>Gn"Sm&th. Atlanta Falcons~ tnd, on

the expected return of fetlow de~ end Jeff Yee1W tor. 13th NFL eeuon: "The thing that'• kept Jeff around ls his longevity."

Memphis kicks its way to win Alu Duca.a kicked field goaJs of 4 5 s

and 52 yards 10 the final two minutes of 411 t play Fnday night to &J "e the Memphis Showboats a bean-stopping 20- 17 victory over the New Orleans Breaker.; in a U nJted States Football League game. Duncan's 52-yarder cleared the goalposts with two seconds left on the clock ... In another USFL game Friday, Michigan' s Oliver' Davh intercepted a pass by San Antonio quarterback Rick Neabel1el and ran 27 yards for a touchdown 22 seconds into overtime to gi ve the Panther.; a 23-17 victory over the G unslingers.

The Conqueron made it 4-0 in the

Pirates hand Montreal victory Reliever Rod Scany wild pitched 111·

home the first run and muffed a throw fro m catcherToay Pua to let the seco nd score as Montreal scored two ninth-innina runs to a scoreless tic and 1J ve the Expos and C'laarlle Lea a 2-0 "'in over PiitsburJh in National leque action Fnday night Lea, 9.2, scattered fi ve hits over eight innings. He was repla~ in ninth by Reardon, who worked a perfect mnana for bis Clghth save ... Elsewhere. Ryne Sandbers had two ho me runs and a

sinaJe and Rick ReHcbel won his third straight game as Chicago routed Philadelphia, 12-3. Sand­bcrg's fint homer, his fourth of the year. broke a 2-2 tie in the fifth . Hts fifth, an inning later, m ade it 6-2 and helped break the game open ... Ti~ Ludram'• one-out, pinch-hit single broke a l -Hic and·ADcly Vu Slfke added a two-run single to highliJbt a four-run ninth as St\. Louis de­

Lea feated New York, 5-1 . Joaqu.IJI Anda.jar, 9-4, allQwed six hits and struck out seven through eight innings to join Lea, who woo earlier in the evenmg, as a nine-game winner . . . Alu Trevlao't basc~loaded double high.lighted a five-run annmg that powered Atlanta lo a come-from-behind 7-3 victory over Cintinnati and a doubleheader sweep of the Reds. C'ratfMcMllrlry sea~ lliree ruts over 81/J innings to help the Braves take the first c.ame, 4-2 . .. Brad Wellmu and ClatU Davit had three h1ts apiece and the Giants bcnefitt.ed from a sloppy San Diego defense to post a 11-7 vjctocy over the.~

Baltimore pounded by Detroit Alu Trammell, Lemon and Iii

Luce Parrt19a hit home runs- to back the combined seven-bit pitching of Du Pe~ and Doa1 Bair as Octroil bombed Ball1-morc, I 4-2, Friday night in the fint game of their weekend showdowe_. TrammelJ' s seventh homer of the year keyed a six-run second inning, Lemon's I 0th of the season drove in lbrcc runs in the third and Parrish's ninth highlighted a three-run fourth . Petry, 8-2. scattered three hits in six innings, waJking one and

striking out one, before Bair took over . . . In other American League gameS:: Cliff JolulaoD and Willie Upsbaw slugged two-run homers lo lead Toronto's 15-hit attack and Doyle AJeUDder scat­tered five New York hits in eight innings as the Blue Jays routed the Yankees, 10-2. The Blue Jays jumped on Ray FoD&, 1-5, for four runs in the first innins. then put the game away with their fi ve­

Petry run founh highbghted by John­son' s fifth homer o f lhe year and Upshaw's mnth ... Mike Easler'• two-run tnple sparked a three-run fourth inning and Brace Hant pitched a fi ve-hitter to lead Boston to a 3-1 victory over Milwaukee ... Willie WlltoD hit his 13th career inside-the-park home run and C'laarlie Lelbraadt scattered six hits over eight innings in his first American League game as Kansas City downed Minnesota, 7- 1 . .. Baroid BaJnes, Vantt Law and Gree Walker hit two-run homers, Walker's breaking a sixth-inning ue, to p<>wer Chica&o to a 6-4 victory over Oakland. Joe Morsu hit a solo homer for the A's in the first inniDJ and Brace Bocbte hit a two­run shot for Oakland an the second, both off Tom Seaver. JUD A1osto, 1-0, was the winner with 31/J inni~ of hitless relief . . . Kea Pb.el~ hil bis sixth homer Of the season in the top of the eighth inning, a tie­breaking shot that helped boost Seanle to a 5-3 victory over Texas.

I .. l~1lllN SmTrl-h, Glaser 'l'f) J ,_ •. SJ\II.. remain perfect

Huntington Beach pair take third win at Tornado trials



Complete Course A.S A. Certificat ion. New Boats up to 30' Class Starts June 7

SICtC». ~ ..,,, , ,,, .. , ~Ill"'

714/ 646-8955

By ALMON LOCKABEV Deir,... ....... ,..

LONG BEAC H - After three races in the Olympic trials for the Tornado Class. Randy Smyth and Jay Glaser arc Liking Olympians came July J I.

The Huntington Beach pair have won alJ three races. The fourth race will be sailed today. a day that was scheduled as the firsl of three days off, but because Thursdaf a race was aborted for lack e f wind, the Tornado sailors wtll have only three days rest.

1141~ mo • 1W750 1201 • 113.92111638 ALONGSIDE SANTA ANA FWY

In a best 8-of- IOraces it is conceivable that Smyth and G laser could win the Ol ympic berth by throwina out two

,_, ________ ...ii! first places. It is more likely that they will not bother to sail - --------- '-----------~ the final two races and stall wind up with a perfect score.

SOC off .,iu1t ticket w ith a d ORANGE COUNTY


GUN SHOW ••••&~THAM ... S•t., June 2nd a Sun., June 3rd


Featuring Guns Antique & Modern Ammo War Ael~s & Surplus

lndtan Art ifac ts - Ruga & Jewelry Coma

Children Under 14 • $1.50


NIW 'IODUCTS 'AVILION, ILDG. 10 lftter O•t• S-A Af'0"9t•n Dr., c .. t• Moe1e

,., lu•r4-tf tnfe1 (714) t ... 76~7

Goina into today's fourth race, Smyth and G laser are leading the second-place tcAm. Michael Zuteck and Dou&Las C ummings by 21. 7 points. The Dallas team finislied second in Friday't liaht air race, bul a seventh­pl~ce finish in the fint race sadd1°"'1bem with 13 penalty points.

The Tornad o Ciu s as stall beina scored Wlthout a throwout because they have onJy sailed three ra<:e$. The A ying Dutchman Class, which completed its founh race as beifll scored with one throwout.

Ho bie Alter Jr. o f Cap11trano Beach fin11hed 14th Fnday but still hanas onto third place in the standinas with 28. 7 e_enalty ~ints. After today's race. he and his crew, Alan EJUsa wtll be able to llflOre the 14th-place finish (2 1 penalty p<>mts).

second as John Lee received a one-out wall(, CbrisCapot ~ached on an error aod Peter Dean walke(l lo load the ba~

tnpJed m a pair of runs. Thc-n Mark FN'<ff'n<'k..On <11i naled

in what proved to be the. eventual run. altbouah at the time it appeared to be icina on the cake as it made the score 8-3. " .

Stuart then doubled in t"'o and Howard followed with a base bu to score Dean. ·

NewPort Chnsu an raked three Crossroads pitchers for fo ur runs in the fo11rth. Cap<>t walked, Dean doubled off the center-field fe nce to bnog an Cap<>t, and Jeff Motske

But, Crossroads battled back wt th 1 lone run m the fifth and three more in the seventh.

femU edaed Moran to win J fl~ scratch main event of 1 1e1son, while Huoti..Qton Belcl Alan Christian wu diJ.rd.

Cillay1 w~o bailed out Howard an the semafinaJ win ov'cr Rio Hondo Prep, this time required Howard's help. And Howard came tbrouaJ'I.

A crowd of 6, 721 wu on hat to witneu the Pf'OIJ'lm.

Norman takes four-shot lead Australian Grea Normu used bis n

awesome length off the tee to advantage an compiling another 4-under-par 68 and mov1ng oul to a four-stroke lead Friday an ' the second round of the Kemper Open Golf To ur­nament in Bethesda. Md. Norman. 29, reached the tournament halfway point with a 136 total, eight shots under par. Only rookie Brad Faxon could keep hjm in sight. Paxon reeled off a string of three consecutive birdies - interrupted by a one hour, 25 minute afternoon storm d~ay - on the way to a 68 and a 140 total .. ': Betsy Klllg, b1dd1ng to become the first thrcc­tame winner in women's professional golf this year. parlayed her best putting round of 1984 into a 5-under­par 67 and the midway lead in th e LPGA Cham­pionsh1p at Mason. Ohio. King, 28. needed just 22 putts on the Nicklaus Golf Center's G rizzly areens, leading her to a 36-holc total of 139, fi ve strokes better lban par 10 this major tournament ... In a seniors event in Sparks, Nev., club pro Bob Stone posted a no-bogey 4-under-par 68 to take a one-shot lead over Du Sikes after the first ro und of play.

Flustered McEnroe advances PARIS - John McEnroe.' angered by ~

the court. the crowd and the cameramen. was warned and penalized Friday before overcomin~ fellow Amen can Mel Purcell an lhe th a rd round .. of th~ French Q pcn .tcn.o~ championsn 'iji:. .

McEnroe wo n, 6-4, 6-4. 6-1 in just under two hours. and often played dazzli ng tennis. But his fine djsplay of shotmaking was offset by repeated complaints about condiuons o.n-court No. I at Roland Garros.

Bramble wins lightweight title BU FFALO. N . .V. - Livingstone m

Bramble unleashed a savage bartage of punches and stopped Ray ''Boom Boom" Mancini in the 14th ro und Friday ru~t to win tbe World Boxing Association lightweight cham­pionship.

Tele.tmon. radio TELaVlllON

11 a.m. - 8AIE8AU.: BaJ1tmore et OetrOlt, ·cnannet•.

11 a .m . - SOCCER: MISL champlonthip terles, Baltimore va. St. Loula, Channef 2.

1:30 p.m. - GOLF: Kemper Open. Channel 2 . 2 p .m . - TRACK: NCAA champlonahll'S

(delayed), Channel 7. 2 p.m. - GOLF: LPGA Cham~oothlp, Chan·

net 4. . 2 p .m. - 80CCIR: Olympie vs. Eatudlantee

(played March 23), Channel 34. 3 p.m. - 8PORT8COPE: M~otxon 500

auto race, Channel • . 3:30 p.m. - 80WUNQ: PBA. TUC90n Open,

(delayed~ Channel 1. 4 p.m. - BA8E8ALL: Angela at Cleveland,

Channef 5. •. 5 p.m. - WIDE WORLD OP 8PORTI: Harlem

Globetrotters (tape); World high dlvfng cham­ptonahlp(tape); Golt, U.S. Open preview, Channel 7.

8 p .m. - QYllNAITICS: U.S. Olympk: trtall (~).Channel 7.

.- io p.m. - 80XING: MaftM Garza va. Fefipe Orozco, Albert Devita va. Enrique Sa.noMz (tape), Channel 34. t1

4 - BAU: ~11 at Ctevefand, KMPC(710~

7 f>.m. - 8A8E8AU.: Hou.ton at Dodgers. KA8C(T90}.

Titans squeeze past Michigan

OMAHA. Neb. (AP) - New Orleans Coach R Macstn said be considered a squeeze bunt in•tbe sccc inning with the bases loaded and one out apinst Nu College World Series defendina baseball champion Tex

But while Maestri said he believed it wu too early• elected not to ch.allengc the fourth-ranked Lonaborns. C St.ate Fullerton Coach Augie Garrido elected to take 1 n sk an Friday's night.cap against Michipn.

Af\er losing .. 6-3 an me opening round to Tex Maestri had second thoughts. Garrido's trick worked well he did it again and sparked his third-ranked team le! 8-4 come-from-behind win over No. 8 Michipn.

"The key was the second inning. We let them offt hook," said Maestri, whose team failed to tcore in what called the inning. Gres Swindell bad walked the basest but settled down to blank the Privatcen through IC" inni~ to send New Orleans, 45-25~ apinst 43-Michapn in Sunday's losen' bracket contest.

1 Texas, now 58-12, and Cal State Fullerton, 61-

mect Monday night in a winners• braclcet contest to bq at 7: 10 p.m.

Garrido, whose team failed to tcore in t' toumam~t losses in 1982, failed to miss ma

• opportunities Friday 11ight. -~~ headin.& into the bottom of the sixth i~oi\n Fisl sliced an opwsite-field home run over the · t field fe~

The Titans' Kirk Bates then matched a 'chipn r: in the seventh as be scored on a Blaine Larker squeeze be in the bottOpl ofthe seventh.

Trailing 4-3 in the ei&bth. Cal State Fulleiton led ' with a Jose Mota bunt sin&le. Mota scored wb M ichipn's left fielder misbandfed Fishel'& double.

Fishel then stoic third and scored on a safety squ~ by pinch bitter Mike Halasz. · .. I've got to see the ball on the around1" said Fishel.

saw the first baseman going for it and tooK off. The thn was off and I slid under the tag. I thought I was safe and did the ump.••

Harr is breaks h urdles mark

EUGENE, O re. (AP) - Iowa State's Danny Harr Weber State' s Farley Gerber and Orefon's Jcsaquim Cr ran brilliant races in scoring impresstvc victones Frid night in the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Ouu pionships. ·

The 18-year-old Harris, a freshman from Pen shattered the world junior record in the men's 400-met intenncdiafe b,ur<iles forthe fourth time this year, clocki 48.8 I seconds.

In dipping under thC'49-second mark for the tint tir an hisJoung career ,.,Harris bro~ the junior mark of 49. he ha set last month at Lincoln, Neb .. and completed t unbeaten freshman season.

The little-known Gerber scored a stunning triumph the 3,000-meter steeplechase in 8: 19.27, the fistett in ti world this year and the fastest ever by American collqia

The clocking aJso made tlle 24-year-old Gerber, wl has one year remaining at Weber State, the No . perf onner on the American steeplechase Ii: behind Henry Manh., who bu five faster clockinp.

Gerber made bis move with about a half-nu remaining, zippina past Julius .Korir of Wuhinaton Stat

... was bop~ that with about 600 meten to go, I cou " take off and get h1m (Korir)," said Gerber . .. But as the ra

got aoing, l decided lO 10 earlier than that. lfl bad Ny• back and tried to run with him in the last 200, be wou have blown my doon off."

BARONS WIN, 12 -0 . From Bl • •

Ste•e Steinke

after JUSt four pracllces were asked to come out and play error-free football.

There were errors, of course. such as interceptions, dropped passes, fumbles, bad snaps and costly penal­ties, but they didn't matter.

"We .kind of panicked when we got down close to the goal line, .. conceded Edison quarterback Rtck Bashore', who went on to gain fame at UCLA. "This wun't exactly the old Edison offense."

Bashore was intercepted once, teammate Steve Rakhshani was pick­ed off twice and quanerback Jerry Hinojosa - the oldest player on the field - was intercepted.

But Stting Bashore and Workman flashing embarrassed smiles at one ano lher after a founb-quarter inter­ception somehow told the story of what the game really meant.

Vikes face K~nnedy for CIF softball title

LAKEWOOD - Marina High, whjch has ridden the pilchanf arm of senior hurler .Julie l..arfCn, Wlll try to annex a CIF 4-A softball title ton~t at 7:30 when the Vikanp tansJe W1Lh Kennedy at M~yfair Park.

Larsen has been overpowenna all teasoo, and bas been the wtnnina pitcher an the previous four outin.p, aUowinaonly one unearned run in the ~ She takes a ll~uutina \COre­lcss streak into tonaaht•s pmc. Larsen 11 19.,.. overall.

Seeded fourth an the tournament, Marina has rolled to a 2-1 v1ctol) over Los Atn\IOS; an 18-0 romp of Rolhna Hills: a 1..0 16-inn ina m.ara­tho n o ver Aiabct~ and .a 1.0 vc:rdJa over La Quinta.

Kenned_y• which was Sttdcd third, rchcs on Diane Blan cnshap's pitcb­ina on top hitter Lu Youna. The Fiahti~ri1h, Empire Lcauc cbam· pions, ve eliminated Oahr, n Martos. ater Oti, and on Tuflday


beat t-ountam Valley. 4-1. " Kennedy has been ruttina the

ba11,•· Aid Marina Coach Susie Calderon. " But we don't know what k.and of P1tch1na they've been fa,cina. ..

The two teams have already met earlier this ICUOD, and Lanen thttW a no-hitter in a n1ne-.innlna 1-0 victory o ver the Fiahtina lri&h m the CypmS Tournament. .

That was only one of three IQnn Kennedy has suffered, -bile pilina up 25 victoncs. Manna tak.ea a 26-5 mark mto the contest.

" We' re ver>- excited to be m the finals," said Calderon. ••The kids bad ' &ood practice today-(f riday) and

rally meekini th~ We're hopina it carries over to the pmc."

The Vik1rtp' ofTeosc depends UPon tht" . lno o.f Lori Crouse, Julle Btfd~man and Onsty l..a.txn. Juhc 1 Sliter. .

·•ton has been our clutch biner tbil year... id Calderon.

For Mlke Malcom, tor IJlStanO Friday' s aame offered the opportun ty to see-some of bis old teammate from the 1973 Fountain • Valle squad.

Unfortunately for Malcom, thei were no players from the 1973 aqua playing in the alumni game.

As1de from Edison's Hinojos. Malcom was the oldest player on tt field. A second-team All-lrvil: Lcag-ue tailback in 1973, Malcoa earned the ball three timei for fh yards - a.11 in the fourth q~ -and was bis team·s fourtb-leadiE rusher on the niahL

" I P.layed in New Zealand lut )le' so I ve been in shape, explained Malcom. ··1 s,11 wine ovc there· and they're U')'ina to ~t Ne­l.calanders to play football ift.eT tll ru,c:eason is over. I played qua: te because rm the only one wh knew any kind of strategy.'

Malcom left the quan.ett.cki11 duties to Mike DeNuc10, Oil Con pton and Gary Owen Fnday nil) and the thRC combm~d for s.i completions i.n 16 attcmp1

Obviously, it was not 1 " "'h t c Sta ti Stica..

For the rcc:ord. the Barom acoro OD field pis ofll a.nd 3S )'Uda ~CJ Utah State place kicker Steve Steinle and a Sl-yaro run by Delp( who played for Orule Cout Collel &l\er leavina Fou.ntafn Valley. TbeE.duooq~blton 6<

.18 for 'l yards and combined fbr tntcn:cpuons.

" I suns they'rejU'.1 tettm. beck• us for all of the " uaea '° bell them.. noted Baibore. .. Tbe bel thina about thit pmo it a ~ li a some old f1ta." ' Artti'wlid, theft,... to be ~ for both campa.. · . .

When the ·pubf1clddl ..,.,...m- •1! nou.nctr rtmlnded EdilOD ~ o(tJt

· pwty at 1 local pin: parlor. Ont' fan l'llP9Dded! .. After dtI pmc. rm tonna Med I beer."

f • \

Page 15: copter - City of Newport Beach


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MAJOR LaAGUI STAtilOt"°S A""'1cln ..._

Win DMllON •W L ltd. Q t7 u Jlt ,. 2' .. 2 24 27 01 7\11 n ,. .. , 21.'t 23 21 .AS1 )\IJ 21 26 40 )~

20 JO "°° 6 IAfT OtvlMON . ' 1' IS

21 n n " 2t ,.

20 " 17 2t ~SC...

~s.~2 Detroit 14, lialftmon 2 Toronte 10, Hew YO(t( J Ctllee9o 6, 0..lend 4 lollon 3," I $Nitti s. Tnu ~.

'°' ... 5'0

·"' 451 417 .l70

IC•nw• Clly 7, Mlnnetof• I T_.,.a~

A.-1 (JoM 3•31 •I Clt11tl•nd (C-O·~), (n) .

......, York (R•lll')UsMI\ H I et Toronto (L .. I S-0)

B•lllmore (0.vls 5-1) • •Detroit (Morris lt-1)

lloaton CCIWMnt l ·Ol •I Mllw•uk" (florttr 5-1), (n)

OM .. nd Clurrb • · 2) et ClllcaOo COol'°" M), (I\)

S..lltl CYount f-311•1 Ttx•a (O•rwln • · 21, In)

Kt"Ml Cllv (Gur• 6·2) t i Ml""91GI• (Sdwom H I. <n>

~V'• Gwnet ....... 1 CleYNnd a.ttlmort. • I Detroit H.w York ti Toronto K•nMJ City • • MIMtwl• I0$1on • I Mllw• ukM • I Chk:Ho S..1111 •I Ttus, (n)

NlltleMIU...,. WIST OMSaOM

W L f>d. Ga o..n 2t 23 -"' Allwllt 21 23 SW 'h SM Ole90 25 22 .sn 1 \'J Clnclnnlitl 26 25 .510 2 'h Houston 20 2t - Wa 5-n FrMCJsco 17 2t .370 t

IAST DMSION Chk:Ho ~li.4elohl• MonlrHI New York SI. Louis PllllburVtl

21 20 .Sl3 27 20 .514 25 2• .slo

.... 31'1

4 22 22 JOO 2S 27 411 5

I 19 27 .• 13 ,,....,.,SC... DM9lr'S 6, Houalon 2 Al'-nl• 4·7, OndMell 2- 3 MonttMI 2, Plttlbur9h 0 SI. Louis S, ~ York 1 ChlQeo 12, ~ .. 3 SM Frwicltco 11, SM Ole90 7 r...,-. GwN1 Houston (Nltkro 2·71 ti DM9lr'S <Reuu

2· 2), <n> Chk.No IECktnltV CH) ti Ptllladtlllftl•

llCoosm.n •·61 Sen Oltoo (Thurmond 3· 3) ti San

Frtncl~ (Roblnton J · 5) MonlrHI (Roaen 2· 3) ti PlllSburOh

Cc:.ndllw'la 5-4), ( A) Al1enl• (Pwez •·11 • I ClnclnNll

COwehlnko 2- 1), (n) SI. Louis (Cox 2·6) • • ,._ York (Lvnc:h

"'1), In) SUMllY'• 0-.

Houston • • Ded9lr'l Clllc:aeo •I Ptlledt4olli. Montrwl • • Plllstlurgf\ SI. Louil •t New Vert Allelll• •I ClnclnMtl Sen Oi.vo • I Sen FnlnClsco, '2

AMERICAN LEAGUE A"911s s, lndlalm 2

CAUFORNIA CLE Va LANO Mrlllll MHlllli 4 o o o eutt.r cf 3 1 1 o 3 I 1 0 llernzro 211 S o 2 O s o 2 1 H•rerv 111 5 o 2 1 • 100 Thmlndh •lf1 2 I 0 0 HHMV c 5 0 I 0 4 I 1 2 Fr.nco u 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 T~ If J 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 WftlMd 11t1 I 0 0 0 • • O 1 2 Nixon If O O O O 2 1 o o vuavch rt 4 o I o

JKOt>y 311 4 0 0 0 >2 5 6 S T..... • 211 2 Scerelrt ......

c.1r111• • Jlt •1- s

ClfttllM - flt ··- 2 Game Wlnnlne Riii - MCarown Ill. E-Wlll, Fr.nco, Boone.

LO&-e.nfornt. 9, Cltv ... nd 12. 2&-eulltr. HR-Thornton (7). SS-C.rew (2). $--9enjqun • H R•R H SO

c .. -WlttW,5-5 61-3 10 2 1 J I eon.ti s.2 2 M 1 o o o 2 a. ....

Su1dllfe L.3· 5 I 1-3 6 S • I C.rnadlo 2-3 0 0 0 0

WP-Suldlffe. T-3:10. A-15,571

A"911 avera.-s aATTING

Aa R H HR Beniquez M 11 31 3 arown 26 3 t I Wllfollo 9S 9 21 J c.r- 150 " 43 3 LYM 166 2' .. 6 O.Clnces 117 30 51 • ,._rron 41 2 11 I Sconlw1 • 0 I 0 Downlno IU 20 40 I Grldl 90 I• 20 4 lloone IW 12 33 0 ••. ~ in 25 36 ' Pettis ISi 24 33 1 Sdloflt6d 147 15 30 2 Plcdolo 30 6 6 0 Ro. JKkson u 2 7 o T..... 1727 211 42S .,


Ral .. ct. 11 .3S2 6 .346

13 .2tS It 217

" m 2t .2n 2 ,.. 0 250

21 230 11 m 12 214 29 209 12 .209

' 2CM 2 .200 l .155

102 ·* • H H SO W· LIRA

Senchta ' m'I 21 7 11 • · 1 1 • Fond! Wh 1• 3 10 1-1 2.20 leM 60'h ,, ,. 15 5-3 2 2• Jolln 7• 11 21 19 J · 3 2 43 CorMlt 22 1t 10 t 1-0 2M KM!fmen 24'h 24 I I• 0-2 3.70 lllom.nldl 7t IO 24 30 6-4 02 Wiii 71 N lt 60 5-S 4.62 Curtis I 14 l • 0-0 U3 LaCortt 21.'h 27 12 12 1-2 6 2t $191on l1~ 47 14 11 M 7 12 Swtin S I 0 2 0-llOIO Ottltra 11 '' ' 5 0-1 '00 T..... 46~ 4n 164 • !7·2S J."

Sevet: Sen<Mz S, Corbell 2, K• ufrNn I

NATIONAL LIAGU• .,._,. 6, Am.t 2


Donn 2b a O I O rtlllenlcb rt • O I O .... rt • 1 2 0 Ltndrx ct 4 0 0 0 c.11111 111 4 I I t G""9'tr • • I I 0 (NI W J 0 0 1 SIU!lbl Ill • 1 1 0 ~cf 4 I I I SClotdtc 4 1 1 2 Oen1W • J 0 0 0 Wtlltfld If J I 1 0 .. Mnc: 4 000 MldnOOlf I 11 I ClttA6dtat 3110 a.llortb JI 11 senwtto• 0000 ~at 202 I R¥at1 • I 0 0 0 Hontvc:lto J 0 0 0 '"'"*' 0000 ~··"' 1000 ..... T..... •112 , ..... ............. ........ ____ , u.~· - .a lhi:- 6

Ownt W1M1M 11111 - l9IOt lll. ll-<ltrlMI*, ltwNt. Olll-l .. ...,.._

tL.~19115, L•~'-'9 ltlOt Hiii M11fl nNt m. ... (I) i lltl•+Cl,/!t. lty9n, lelOr. Sft-CNt,

• • • M · ·aa MIO ........ . lt¥911 •ut111. L>> .......... • ., 2

I UIMelllllt ~W,1•2 9

T-t:O 4-llfA'lf

~ , , I J I

' , 2 I • • I t

• I , 1 1 l


HIT$ GtrCll TorOlllO, ... T'•""" • D.irolt, 64, • 1,,.un, l•lllmott, 60, E Murr•v. l•hlmot• . '*' M.lllMIY, H4tw YOfk, It Vount, M!llO¥M"" • Tr•m,,_, 0t1ro11, ••. c;: ....., Toron10, 13, Mtlllntlv, Ntw Yor1t, 13. I •rt 1141<1 "'''" 11 TRIPLES Owtn, $ffrtte, 6; Collini , Toronto, s. MoMDy TO'onta, ' · It L.••· tlllcffo, 5 •tot.fll,"a•lllmOtt , 4 UHll••• Toronto, •

HOME ltUNS l<ll*Nn, 0.-t.l>d, 14; O.vtt. $nttle, 11. •••9" ... ltimOt't, 11: Ar!"llM, aos100, 10 Murrtv, atl!~. tO· l(lllle, Cllleaet, ti

STOt..EN 1•ses Cttct•. tor°"'°· n 1 H"*"'°"• 9e1'ltild, 21; Butler. C .. ""-nd, 11, hr1111tilnf. Clt'INlld. 15, ,...__ ....... 1S • PITCHlf'jG (5 cltci•lollal: LA•I, T0tonlo,

S-01 2 SS. Morria, Ottroll, 10•1, 1.79, Stitt>, Torol\10, 7- 1, 109, " ·L J•ClllOll, TO<onto. 6· I, 2,22; C.ucllll, o.kltno, 5· I, J 24; Otvla, 1.it1mor1, s-f. 1 7S. Poder, Mltw•ukN, S-1, 175

STRIKEOUTS Morrl1, Detroit, 66; Sl .. CI, Toronto, '3: Nilllto, New YOt'll, 53. LHI. Toronto, S2; Witt, ANeb. S2

SAVES QulWlfltltrry, ICMMl City, 12, ~ill. Oellt.nd, 10; Flneen. Milw•ukM, t , R0.'111, Mlmtaott , t , ~. TOf'onto, I , St.nltV, aottot1, I

Nattenal ~~ l'TllNUtlll ~¥'• G->

8ATTING (100 •• Mil ) Frtncone, MOl'ltrftl, .J64, Gwvnn, San Dltoo. .345. WHhlnelon, A"9nlt, ~. llr tntv, S.n Fr• nc:lsco, '"'• Cl9rk, S.I\ Fr-"CIKO, .32'

RUNS: Wloolna, Sao Dleuo, 3S; M•t· lllewl, ChlcH O, 34, R•lnM, Montrffl. 34. $amuel, Ptllladtlllflt., 33, Schmklt, Pnltade4· Pl'I'-, 32, WHlll11tlon, Atlanl•, 32

llt9t-- C9rtlr. MonlrH I, 0 , OUf"l\wn, Clllaoo, • 1, S<hmktt , Pnll•~t. . 36. J O.vla, Chlc.1100, 33, Cn Chlcaoo. 32, Clark, S.n Fr•nclKo. 32.

HITS Stmlltl. Ptlil.0..Phi. , 62 Safld· berg, CNc.vo, 62, Fr• ncon., Monlrt•I. 60, GWVM, San Oi.vo, St, Clncinnllll , M , R•lnes. Montr .. 1, 54

DOUBLES Fr•ncON, Monlrql, I• . Ctv, Chicago, ll , C•rter, MontrMl, 13, Salldbero, cna;o, 13, H1Jt»erd, At!Alnt•, 12.

TRIPLES Samllel, Phll•dtllltll• , a. Gwvnn, S.11 0 1"°, s. Sandbtfg, Chic.go, s. McGH, SI. Louis, 4, 7 •rt ti.G wllll 3.

HOME litUNS: Murony, Al .. nl•. 13, Scllmldl , Phlt.dtloni. , 12; OurlUlm, Chi· caoo. 11; Foster. Ntw York, t , C.rter, MontrMJ, f ; Ct.rk, San Fr•nclaco, 9

STOl.EN llASl:S Pht .. dtlclhi., 2'; Wi1191ns, S.11 oi.vo. 26, Rtdua, Clncln· 11911, 21; o.rnltf. Chic- . 11, Miiner, CltlClllNlll . 17

PITCHING (S dKlslom) Soll>, Clncin· 111111, 7· ~I 2 SI, LH . Montrt•I, 1· 2, 2.79; LYnctl, Ntw York, • · I, 332, Orosco, Ntw Vert , • ·I, I." , ~tt, Al .. nl•, • ·I. oll9, -S.nderson. C111c:no. 4·1, 1 n

STRIKEOUTS. Rnn, Houtlon, 11; VllMrlnltM, ~. 71; Gooden, N­York, 73, Soto, Clncl111111tl, 70; C•ndttarl• . Pttt111Ur9", 5t; Otrlton, PM.dMltli•, .St.

~AVES: Sutler, SI. Louis, 12. GO\Wf19, S• n Dleoo. 11, HOllAlnd, f'tll!Aldtll>fll• ; 10; Lt Smith, Chboo, 9, Orosco. "-• York, a.

CaleeeW~~ C•tC>meM, ..._, l'ftdltY"• Sar'ft

Ttns 6, N- Or1Hns l c.r Sl•tt Fulltf'lon I, Mldl!Nn •

Ttd9V'a0-Ml•ml, Ft.. VL Ariz- St Mlllnt Vl . Ok .. llotN SI.

luftdllV'• GMWt N- Orlfffls n . Michigan Ml• ml, Ft..-Arlz- SJ. loser "'· Mll lnt·

Oki.llOl'NI SI. loser MtrldlY'• 0-

Tuas. v,1.. c.LStalt Fullal'ton TundlsV'a Gllfnt

Ml.iTtl, Fi..· Arlz- St w inner v1. M.111,,.·0k .. hom• SI. winner

w ......... Gamft Two loser tlrlldltl .. mes


Winntr' s tlrKktl Hmt NOTlr. P9trlnes of tour rt!TWllnlno

ro bt dtltrmlnacl bv NCAA commllfft.

DM'*1 Ill ( . ,, Otll9 )

L• V.trnt 19, Montctalr SI 11

cs """""' I , MicHlltfl 4 Mlc:hlo•n 001 002 ICI0-4 17 3 C.I Sltlt Futwton 100 001 15x-4 I 0

W•yne 111141 Baff, R.innotta, Oelt.,- t~ Wrlehl (I ) tnd Catf,..y HR-FIShll ICSFY. IS WP-Wrloflt . ... 1 LP-W11Ynt, 1 ·3. A-lo.274.

~~ STATW TOUllM..._NT , .. ~, ~ 1'4. ~C....t

Lant¥ ~· .. _...,. 14 3 OrMOI COMI 10) Wl 2t0- f IS 1

Lawn, EM1v m. Ale1'andtr m Md T-. Nttttn. Stomll (S), Collnot (1) , lltlnhollr IT> Md llerrV,,._ yt-Altx41/1dar. L.-tltlnfloltl, >-2. 28-Jollnaon IL), Men (LI, ICwoltll (OCC), Tulllt !OCC). HR-Jonnson IL), Hovaton (L). Wiilson (L).

~ C•st 11, SM ..,_,.._ V"""' 3 Orange C09ll tl.O 001 OOt-11 14 4 s.n llamardlllO 200 010 ~ 3 s 3 MtndOU •nd lrrYNI!; WoH, WMllMns (2), GIJdoaon (2) Md ~ton W l'.'ltndou, 7-1. L-Wolf, 7·2 2e-e.rrvNI (OCCI. ROO.nd IOCC), CotlC> ISll 2, 0•'11• ·11111. l8-5en11t IOCCI. HR- llerrvhlll IOCC), Kwolek (OCC), Roll9nd (OCCI

<>"-~ S.n hr1111rdino It, s.ddlebaCk I

I~ tllmln11tt<1) Sacr• manlo CC I , co111ge of S.OUOIH s

(Colltot of StcluolH .ilmlnllltd) LA Hwtlor S, Colltot of C• nvona 3 CC I, to111ge of C.nyona O

re~ of C•nVOflS tllmtti.ttdl

Hllfl ldlMI Clf SMAL.L SCHOOU CHAMl"tC*SHll"

(91 UCL.A) .......,, Owtdaft .. er.av.eta 7

CrO\sroacb 001 210 >-7 11 1 NewPOt'I Olrlallan 130 400 lr-4 7 •

Skl9mbtrV, 0 Pitkin (4), Roson 1• 1 • nd J . Pitkin, c m.y, Howve1 m 9lld o..n. HontyCUll (7). w - Cllln . 11·2. L-Sk .. mbtrV 2&-SIU41rl INC), 0.11t1 (NCI. 38-How•rd (NCI. Mollllt INCi , M911tr (Cl

USPL WHTllllN toft"rt•Nc•

... dllc W L T I 6 0 7 7 0 • I 0 5 ' 0 c.......

.. ct . .. , .571 290 500 2S2 .,, )ti

U7 11'

Houlton ' 5 0 • 643 "' Mlc:tllHn I 7' 0 .m w Oklahomll ' I • .m , 17 s.n Antonio s 11 o w m Chlca9o 4 10 ~ "' 2M

IAITH.N COMPHINC. .... a·~ IJ I 0 nt * '"""WMv 11 , 0 ,,.. JO pt111i.tMt111 1 11 o .21• m W.ahlneton i 11 o .to to0 ~

• · lltmlneham 12 t 0 T9f'llPll hY IO 4 0

• Hew Or'tltM I 7 • MarNltlh 1 I t J41ekM!'lvllt 4 IO t •·dlndwd ..... llarlt\.

I S1 114

.SU ~

* ''*" lal"ft ~ 20 . .... OrlMM 11 MkNeiitn D, '8fl Ant.nlo 11 (OO

T .... ,._ • • OINaN Chlceto • • °""'°"" ........ ...... LA._._at Yf..,..._ .......... °"""" ~ ~at lll'mllllfWl'I ... ....,.,'T ...... ., ,, .... ... ~-Pr•11 lllli

K....,0... ,., ......... -., G'"~ lraCI Fo•Otl CINWMn ko•t lll'nPMn Jlm Ther .. O..St•• ,.., .. ~ Mlk••eod Motra Hllt•tlkv Mllfk O'MHr• Jol1fl M91\f1Htv • Jltft $lmOl\1 •OMlt ll&cll lttas Cochren WllltWOOd Midi s.11 ""1t.•Donel0 l.aftCt T.,. lroedl Howwd 'FWlllY SColl Hoen Miii• Ptcll Grt0Powera H•ltlrwln MllfkWltllt Lat Elder 1 111 Kr"-U.,t Cr•IO Sl•dlef J im Colbef'I lrf!IU~ Buddv GtrdntJi, G_.gelur~ \ .aoti ShHrtr Gwy H•lltleto OOMlt H•mmono Tommv V•ltnllN aOllOv Wt•lns Tony Slh S 1-.1 LltOltr Curt Byrum 8ob Glldtr P9UI AJ.lllOtf T im Norri•

• CO-ge Arcl'ltf OenHddonon ~rid COUPlll Mllrk llroolla Leon.rd Tl\oml>tO(I J lmlklo<O\ Ken K-.V 8-(ryJHCJ(tl . G•rv M.r1owt Tom Pul'fltf' GlbCIY Gllb9rt Curtll Slr•fl8t Htl Sutton Mllrk McHultY Mlll•Smllh Tom Jenkins lortn Rotlert• Lvn Loll TllOmaa Gr..,. Ken~ Fuu\l loettlr G4IOl'ee CHll urry Rlflktf' G•vln uventOf'I W.ity Armatrono Bobby Cla,,,_11 8oblovd Nlek Prle• LarrvMlzt W•llM OtFrencesc6 • · MMfvWnt Frri Flhfl< D.nnv Gooclrn911 ,.._,_OMINY Jim G• ttagMr It tcri.r d Zokol ChlP 8tca Forrnl Ftzltr D•vkt Pl99ft• J• dl Ftr.,.t

· Biii 8rltton O.A. W-1brltl9 Mac O'Grlldv Miki McCullouvh O•nForsman DaltC>oulNU Jott-.n Thomu L9'11Nn

• Cllflr1ft Coodv lt•ndY W•tklns Mill• Nk oltllt M.llrk• Victor tltMllldo Jolll\Cooll Roger M.llllble Out Stockton CIWtnct ROM JonCtlllttee Milt Sullvtn Mlk• Cunnlne Jim ic.nt 8 111 Sander Jim Netfwd CNChlR•~ D•ft O'KtllY I(.,. 8rown Toml.wnort P•IMc:GOWM G•rv KrUIOtf' O• vldOetln Otnlt WtltOf'I John H•m9rllt Rick D•IPOl Gr ltf Mood'/ lllll G .. uon Whteltt' St-WI Brue• F ltlshtr P•Vnt Sl-IW't JoMMcN•m.v Jtff MllCllll ltOd NucMlla Fr•nll Conner ., WnntGf.OV Mlkt HOllltnd Tony O.Luc:• LlndV Mllltr J..,.Cudd be ll lnktf G• rvMcCoro J•c:llScincllln Al Morton Jodlt M114G MlktPulMm G• rv Plnns W•Vnt Pla.,.r Gr" Fwrow lobllllbo l• n -..w- Flfldl llr .O Prllchaf'd Bruce LtflnlllW'd EdSllMd IC.C. Lleo Peter Fowler SC:oll Wttlllna

• • · lll•v Molloy Jo.v Slndtl9r llot>E•stwood Devt 9.,,

e-1'1nom •mateur

.. ,,. n---•• 71.,._,., 70 n-IA2 ,..,,_1~­n ·1l-143 11-n-10 7211-10 n 11-10 10-n-10 74-70-14' 7'·11- 14' 7'-1'-144 7M>-144 12-n-14' 7 ..... , .. n.,,_10 ,...,._,.s n -n-14s 7'·H-14J , .. ,._145 n -n-1u 74· 71-1.S 74· 71-14S 72· 73-146 71. 7._1 .. 75-71-146 75·7'-146 7• ·72-146 73· 74-1•7 75-7,_147 n -1<t-w 74-7)-147 74· 73-141 11>-n-1•1 7S-72-1•7 76-71-1•7 75-73-1 .. 72· 76-1 .. n -1s-1• 7S·7l-I• 75·7>-141 76· 72-141 n-1s-1• 75-73-1 .. 73· 7S-1• 7• · 74-141 76· n-141 n-n-1• 75-74-149 7•· 75-1 .. 7'-70-1 .. 73· 76-1 .. 71·7t-I .. 76· 7>-1 .. 75-7 ..... .. 7'76-1 .. 75-74-1 .. n-n-1., 74·75-1 .. 75·74-1 .. 76· 74-ISO

/73-n-150 n -n-1so 74· 71-1'° 1s~1s-1so , .. , ..... so 75-75-150 76- 74-150 7S-7S-1SO 75-75-150 77· 73-150 n -11-150 n -n-150 76-74-ISO 74-1.-150 73· 77-150

7'· 73-151 74· 77-151 n -1<t-1s1 76·7S-1S1 7'-~Ul 77· 74-ISI 7l· 7t-ISI 1s·1.-m 7S-7i-IS I 77· 74-ISI n-7~S1 76-7~1SI 73·7t-ISI 76· 7S-IS1 n-1<t-1s1 73·7t-ISI 7'· 7<t-1S2 76-7.-157 11· 71-157 71·74-152

/" 76· 76-157 ao-n-1s2

I · 76·76-IS2 74· 7t-IS2 75-77-152 n -n-1S3 7S· n-153 79· 7.t-153 7Ht -1S3 I0-7)-113 76-77-153 7 ... 77-IS3 7'-n-153 71-75-153 71· 7S-IS3 7'-n-153 76-17-153 77· 76-ISJ I0-7.t-154 73·11-154 7'-76-154 ,,..75-154 7'· 75-154 79- 75-154 n -n-154 n · 7t-ISS 12· 73-ISS n-1.-1ss 11-n-m 71· 77-ISS 77·7t-1SS I0-75-ISS 76·80-156 I0-76-156 7'· 77-156 77-79-156 71· 79-157 77·I0-1S7 71-79-157 11-76-157 7'· 79-157 M· 7.t-ISI 13·75-151 7'·I0-1SI I0-71-151 I0-7t-ISI 13-n-160 7'-11-160 7'·11-160 I0-12-162 15·,._164 IM'l-161

IO· WO 76-0Q 71-0Q

s.nier's l9UtMment ,., StlMI• . ..... )

eoo Stont Dan S*a Frid HtwklM Cll9rlft Sifford Ptttr Thomson 8ob GoelCIV ROd FunMlh L..tfty Br.,...,n Geotge l:tlnnlno lob ltosburg Geotot Ila~ G•yllr­~P••mtf' Jim FtrrM Miil• Fttcl\ldl

- IC.en T.,...,ns JK.11 Fledt Jim Codwtn OrvMt INloft'I Al Baldlne How~ Johnson Mitter lart>er Pw Herntv

audwelMr -(at~) 1'ht IOCI 3t qwllfitt's Md lhtlf llmft for

tht lludWtlMI' 400 NA.SCAR r.ct ~'I • I Rlverlldt Racewn l'ht too 20 ~llfltrt .,.. Mt, llYt lht dtl\000 In ltll loWi'tr l>rKktl can CllOOM to ~llfv toc:i.v lo Mrn .,.,. STW11l'llJ llOS1f10nj,-

1 Ttf'rv l.atlonlt, Trinity, N C., llS.'21 7 H.rrv Gt111t, hY!Ortvlllt. N.C.,

115 494 3 D• lt Ewnnerctt, Moorts'rlllt, N c ,

llS 263 • Tim Rlc:hmoNS. Moof'ttvlllt, N C .•

11S027 S 1111 El;oll , O•w'°""'lt G• , 11U 12 6 8ollOv Atloson, Huevtown A.ta

11051 7 Rlckv RUdd, ChtMl_.,_e, II•

11• 355 I Darrel WtllrlP. Fr9nklin. Ttnn.,

11• .211 9 Benny P•rM>ftl , Elltrllt, N C , 113 M I

• 10 ltk:Nrd Pellv, It•~. NC , lll ..

11. O•vt /'Mrcla, SkYlancl, N C., 111.137 12 lton 8ouctwd, Fl~, Mat.I,.

113191 13. Joe Rullman, OMllMwo, N C.. 1\1.416 t4 Geoff eodine, ..... Milt Gerdel!, H C..

113 111 . IS. l(yte Peltv , lllandlaman. N.C. lll.Nt 16. Roy Smith, Vlc1or1• , N C. 11U41 11 Jim eawn. Por11af14. Ore • 11u13 11 ROI' £..u, L.akftlde ll2.240 lf. Didi llrooka, Albtmltr1t, N.C ,

112.226 20 Rick Mc<;rn, llloomlngton, 112. 113 21 Scott Mllltr, 0.Clen Grew., 112 , .. 22. Jotvt K.rtbl, Rocklln, 112 131 23 Jim RoOlllSOfl, North Hollvwoocl,

112 07S 24. e 111 SC11mtd1, •tc101no. 110.t1J 21 Sumner McKnlgllt, MCLHll, VL,

110712 2' Ru, lv W•bu, GrtenlDOl'o, N C

110 474 27 Trevor Bon. C.loerv. AIJ!erl•, C• n.

110.667 . 21 DK Ulrich, H•rr•aburo. N c .. 111.m 29 lllJCtch. Arr~. l\MrllMv l/L,

IOUJt 30 Gltn FrenclS, Baktf1.1ltlc:I . 10f 211 Jl. Har1'lll McGrltf, llro&I Vtl, Ore ,

lOf 1l2 :n Jerrv JollV, Denver , 1111 • l3 Derrldlt c-. SNti.wn, Welti.,

IOl.216 l4. G•rv M9Ytd9, ~. IOl..276 lS ROMle Ttiomts, Ctvlsl .. nb\Ko, V• .•

IOl.002 36 H•ITY Go!Mrlt . Mor"Hn Hll, 107.163 37 Kt vln T trTls, M.llllNll•n IMch.

107"' . JI Ctal'tl Owvtr CQlol',00 Sorino,,

Coto 107 446 J9 Ruben G• rci.. Sci 01mu . 106175

Frenctt 0..... l•t hlis)

M9a's TllllrCI R ..... ~ John McEnroe IU S ) dtf M4'I P.,c.11

(US ) 6· 4. 6· • , 6· I •Jimmy Ar1as CU S ) dtf Claud'IO '"-"' (llal\O), 7· 6, 6·3 6- l 8 •.e n Gonfritd <US l dtf ltOI! Gothrll'9 CWfll 0.-rNll'll 7·6, 6·4, • · 4 w.,_,, ""*"' ,._... SIRllea

Mwlll\9 N•vr•ttlova CU S I dtf Morle­Chrllllflt C•lllMI (Fr•nct), 6· J , 6· 1, Heti. M•nd llll.o u IC11choslovtlll• ) def C•tllerlnt T•nvt.f' IFrMC"tl. 6· 3 7•S, ""'r• K~ (Wfll Germanv) Oii E~ EWntnko (U$$R). 6· 1, • - •. Ctrllne llHHll (C~) dtf Pttr• Huber IAuslr lAl l , • · l 2 ... . 6·3. ZIN G9rrllOl'l IU S I Ot1 R•lfMlla R~I (11• 1\t), 7· S 6•4 K• thv Hor,,.lfl (US) de! K•llW Rlntlldl IU ~ I, 6•0 , 6•)

U.S. OtVINlk TrWt t• Mtw Ytnl M9a's~

Ktlv ~ (5-1 Diieo> Oii Jim GrellO > ( Pflotnill ), , ... . • · • ltlctltY ltenttltrt

Q*nlonl Otf JolWI C.rrH (~. Midi ). t· t, 1· S; Etlc Amanct Utoe. H-.1 Clef Joflll Letts (ROllint H } , 6-0. 3·6, 6 -J, OerTICk ltOllNM lPUM Vtt•) def ltldl· • rel Mo~ 11.l ,.._, Junclton, N Y), 6•1, 6•4,

w...-ss.... Anclr .. LtWICI Ciroo411tlldvt.. Md I dtf

Ellnl lilossidfl CW•INflt'°" 0 C I, M 6• 2, ) . S, Mo... ~ (~tllflejld II ) at Ktt•tt11 0rwtr (W 19n, Conn I 6· 1, 6· J , Of~ R\1111 IPIH*"tlll _, Mtl'i.nnt ~ , .... ...-....,, ..... 6 4 (Vf'1""9 ~ C~ v ..... E&t•lftl•ci.f #M"V Nonnod lOk ~ (Uy), • · • , , ... , •·2

~ CoMt OAILY PILOT,..,,., ..... J. ..

" ........ PW1r rrrtlDA Y"S llUVL TS

12"11 .. ., ....................... , ,_ST lllACI. Ont mlW

Mort leflfht (MtH) t .40 4.40 3.20 Welsh Lkltll 100..rn) UO QO DrnMd In lltue (Toro) • . c oo

Abo ~- Nol • Srr•w. Ho Time to T-*. Jaullr• Ont .. tM ..__

Timr lt:l'I SllCOMD rlACL 1 1I14 ml&

Sodlll WtW1 '"-"'"> ue lAI l.• Tnat Me con.a> uo ut PUullllt F l D I dftc ) UI

AllO , teed. Lerd"• LAUll. ~. Ltt' s Get .._,, Juatlrlane, . PW­i.ct~. Lace c.mlto6e

Timt l.A6 2/ S.. il DAILY DOUaUE f 1-t) ~ saM. TMaO RA<a. 6 fur'°"9S

R..-- C1'Wm« (Met•) JCUO 12M 6.AO lkle lllekJt IOlln,..l uo uo F•st T'lllne l Glltrfe) UO

AltO rKlld: tntrleukle ao.d, Pr'lm9r'y Ad, Min Ughlnln, lnleMIYe C-, 8rW LaclV

Time: "12 2/ 1 IS IXACTA IH I Mid S13CUO. r<OUltnt llACa. I I 116 min.

Set C4"WNnd (Hew!ft) 1-40 .... .... Hilfl SPruc:e IMeul t 00 6A LMll' l Gdd Holl (Ttro) U0 r.ced c11e1._, ,.,..,.,., o--. w.... Gold. Windsor's Shuttte, G*S ,,. PM&, VMdallal, Olrtv Girty, L.Mllque.

Tlmt. l:A5. IS EXACTA (ll·l l Mod SISUO. ~lf'TH llAC5. Ont mile

Ktv to Ille Arc (Stln'*r) 2'.60 14.40 6.10 Ftmllv Fox (Oettacllltol 1.00 UO Rtsl ... ( C .. t.,.._) S.00

Also raced: ....,, .. Saot. p,._,,a 11w , St¥ of OewM. COMllNt, '-- L..... tM Kine. E ........... ..... 'n Fly

T1rnt- 1:37 3JS. , IS VtACTA lf-5) N od 171S.OO

SlXTM RACL Ont milt S1v RoClbtrY I Pincav) l 40 '2 60 2 to Roni Ttnaar (Shoen'\Mtrl SAO 00 Tht W_. ol Swer rToro) UO

A11o rllCed ButTlllll Both Enda, AlllNtlrt, ltMdY to Solo . Bealilln, Rad ~. COOi COU981'

T1mt 1:37 ' s. IS IXACTA <•-ti M lel SS2.SO $SVINTH •AC•. l 1116 mAti on turt.

MvmlntlUlll> CPlncu l 4 20 l 00 UO lutna Ft (llta<:k) U0 $00 Jlllnsay (Mini 4.40

AM rltC90 Honn HMlll , KllOW$,

l~SllM. $1•,..r• 1 G • S.

SS ACTA IS· l> N ici "600 l2 SIX • <6-6- 11-t-• · SI Nici

m sot'° tlh w....i wlmi .. llellet• (sla hOtaal S2 Piek Sia ~tillft Pltd M07 40 wllfl 309 • inft•"I lldltll lflvt llOrMI)

tnGMTH rtAC•. 7 tunoNl Tvrosont (H9wtty ) 12 IO S.40 Ctcilt !Pina•> l.20 2.60 PrOUCI Thiel I l ta<:k l UI

A.ISO rK*S E• rllnl , Sunltllnt It~. Lluomt

.Tlmt 1·72 4 S SS llXACTA (1 t) MIO 1361.SO.. NIMTl4 llACll. I 1 16 mlll5

JoM !hi Tough (Olvsl 1200 62' UO Wfl/tqwlJIV IGarclel UO 4.40 l.O,_ loll MiOrt (Mc(ium) Ult

Al•o r • c td Atntea , Lo"e · w•m•-arv. Lvnll Lall', CtlnO, Pr­lted. J'"90 Rine

Tilnt 143 ) S '5 IX ACTA ( 4·)1 ~ lltl a. At~ 1',#4

...... , ...... , Uell'-ofm - L.Mnel!Otle .,.,.,..

(Vltwifl I...,_) KO'd • .,. .. ...,.,. '-"'' ~ CYcuwstowri, Ot\lol a l SJ.._.. of IN II.It\ round lo will tM W9A ~ .......

Jtll'lt« ..... •91111••• - G9lll ~ !Fort w.rfl'I) ICO'CI ,._ ~ (a.m.nt.n, N..J.) .. 2.ll6 of 11111 ,... ,. • In WaA lltlt

t.e ...... ...._, Fivw.tehh - ~ 8erMI (Mexico)

llOOMd A.nlOIN Montero (Fr.-) l'llldln¥ ""'°"°" lllh round of ~ lkouftd bout 10 rtt-*n W8C lhlt.

NaA •yeliltl CH~KRISS

(Belt•lf·-> ~ .. , Gal'M

&o$ton ti L.Mtn C°*'"'I 2 al 12.JO Pm. I l$er'lft heel, 1-1 •

I W.1 •Y's S.. loston ti L.Htn (CNl'IN4 2 •I 6 •.m.) ,,_.,.,o._ lMren e t loSIOtl IC'*"* 2 •I 6 • n\.)

s-.v. -..11 ScntOf' • ' I.Men IH ~)

TllltM!n, .._. J2 LM!tn et aMtOf' CH ~rY)

Page 16: copter - City of Newport Beach


1 * • I

a a ZS EE 1

... t OA.ILV ~llOT/S.turday, June 2, 1884

M•ltiou/lt•~•U•t 8U1id1A;m()J. spec: 1'11. b•th. olc, rm add, petk> oov/dck1, bay wndw Uc. U8485 Steve 5-47-8078


lir••1lir111~n-· . •

a.•11attia1 ,~-stmce ElectrieaJ • Bu•r•aa -· HEALTH L;.IJ Stmm · Palatial -.••..,J!,..r..,l•.._li.i...i--- ''" ltmH Day Cat• In my Mme c M. ma Carpet clUlllng, BAYSHORE ELECTRIC * * • HOME REPAIR -SAFE UVA SUNTAN- Otvorce l 25-i55'. Bank- RtOH RD SlNOR

1S FARTHING IATERfORS sen•. Tr• rm College ptc area.,Mon-Ftf cleaning r~trl. Complete electrleal ser- Elec-Plumb-C1rpenlry FAST-NO BURN OR PEEL ruptey $76 Wlll1 $25 Newport Cu1tom Pllntlng HANGING/STRIPPING Stump removalt, t 2 yrs-up 432-84~2 lnstalle1lon1 & ulee vice Resldent11I, Com- Remodels Kel\h 64~4872 ·EMC MUSCLE TONING- Wendy 963-5540 e>cl 10 16 Y" OI happy cu1tomer1 VISA·~C 67~-1512 ~~~~2!4:" ------- -- 15 yrs Hpet In Ora"" Co merclal & industrial Uc BAKER REMODELING lose Inches-NO Sweat LiaoaslH Uc. 280&44. 1575-0383 Expet1 Wallcoverlng In· 1!11 P1Jia1 Strrict 855-0665 •3877 1 645-934 t ~ntlng cerpentry -Oulek W.tghl Lou Also- 12 YRS EXP I'm amall, 1ta.1tatlon Reu. Consult· Tattrlat Pflf90flal8iH Pa"l"" s;;::; Ctatat Ctacrttt ELECT"1c1•N maintenance 953-8115 Call 752-0224 for •PP1 Seaport Formal limo s;; My prtcet •r• amalll ant Anlgnmt 581-8590 •r~~"'!'9"..,.cPa1"'if,,...,.LMt'"'!"' C

1 .,. oc ., " B Cl -,- Free cnampagne for eny RON 850 6477 ut Lie r ... 831-2345 onf boctget analySil Oflveways palfo1 patht. Lie 233108 Smell/lg• AMERICAN HANDYMAN ••If IHl!J occasion S18hr 6-45-608• - Plaat I -fot Cart H•nd c•p R••dl 't LOW PRICES 36 Yr• 4 yr~ e · Inc 55~9252 etc No JOI> too amen Jobs repairs 54~5203 Carpentr'1 Windows ROBlN1S CLrA°NiNG CdM HouH Palnier • PAMPERED PlantslPet1 Mith, Lang &4 l-tff.


Exp Quahty Guaranteed Caltiatt N1Jda1 Reas Mlekey 536-0553 RESIOtCOMM'l/~ Paint. leoces etc Yes SERVICE a lhoroughty Mtltile Roat Hendyman Pelntlllx. Your home or mine. Oual· T~Lltniet Lie FREE EST 963-555-4 • New cabinets cabinet Driveways Sidewalks 26 yrs Do my own work Jesus •s Lord 847-2367 clean house 540-0857 StrTiCt lt~Jr enythlng 640-8259 1ty care. refs 551-8641 +~?Word Procw

HARPER CONST Add 1 & 18C1rw.J bars & ronmca Pa11os spa pads llc'd. lie 276041 Al 646·8 l26 Repair$ Patnung. Drywall, GENERAL OR SPRING REPAfR-SEAV-filMODEL CHVCK THOMPSON Plasttr/lo~·r Al t>Uslneea. 9Chool & Remod 40 yrs ellper countertops 549.5747 Ron 556--003• Car•taiat etc Free estimates Windows & Apphances Bobby-Mobile Speclaflst PAINTING • aonal proi.c:t1. 1551· l

34622 7 952 9 33 CLil• c - Gary 6-45-5277 PTL Free est eves 852- 1007 .::305170/rets 846-8002 982-7519 ED1S PLA ERfNG. = 1 141

• 4

CABINETS-NEW • IH TREES -- . -- --. Neal Palciles & Texturea. A 'ROBIN TYPG SVC AJ,liHCI REMODEL -REPAIRS Balboa island Summer Topped/ rem-...,. Clean- Haalia1 Houseclean/Maintenance MtYIDI E!~~R:~Ryou·T~PS. ~~!.L!:Vt Int/ext lree est 645-8256 WP' all Correep, Pr11r

~- • Free Es1 645-2003 u""' Beas w/ good rets tree """' - student projct 8-42 3 f!lf Fun Care Act1vt11et & up new lawns 751-3476 DUMP JOBS & est Carlos 548•4422 STOYlll CIWIE Ref's Dele 64~5637 Plaaltiat • * KITCHEN CABINET CO TLC provided b'f chrts- - --- SMALL MOVING JOBS - TYPING SERVICE~

l1rur lrol lJ•llHCI * Free Est 1w1. Fin • 11an mom girls 6- 10 yrs Clean Ups• Tree Trimming MIKE 646- t391 Roast Sittia' STllEm llYlll CO. lnaurance Repair Special- ResumH. BuelnHI Prompt courteous sef · THE BEST 634-3424 675-5121 Yard Maint • Hauling HAUL-.. OVE-"E••ovE Orange Co. Orlginal lzlng tn Painting/Plaster- 2C lu El. ll0-1111 Academl<l. 760-1988

111ce Fac1ory tratnecl - MIKE 650-3263 ..... .., m Palm Springs rlnetpal & Sludenl Movers Insured Ing lie Chrt1 9153- 1843 '111 PLllllll lllllTI technlCtans 549-3077 Car-atry Coatracton Furniture, Trash. Trees teacher spouse will Sii Lie. T 124-436, 641 -8427 • w .. · ... Clt••la1 ,.,.. CommerciallReSidenllal 963 54 5 NOR INT/EXT 20 Year1 Exper - _

a. Lalt Ellper1carpentryServlce Gtaeral LandscapeMa1n1enance • 1 M house Jul'f lhru August NEWWarehouseStorage Average Room S29 + Draln!lclearlromS15 Wfndow Washlng4yr1 nal_ll R R d Addlti o s Coll""e student w/lg truck 1161 913_23•5801 ' - -- Materlals 6 .. 2-0442 Repair faucets. dlsp, etc. Pa"lng Areas . Rel)alrs DC:r!~~.cemo. 548-4i~·o IEllm-1110ECOIST. ~:~~~d 8;'Q'c:;sr~:·.r~: low~ale. prompt. Thank L1acl1c111·a! •&·1MIYlll* .. AnytlmeM&M642-9033 :~c::~:.t;.!!fy'S:C:~

Resurtac1ng-Sea1coat1ng - Remodel/Repair• comml M w L you Court 759-1936 CdM _ _ CLEAN & EXPERT IUIFIELl PllmH Ind • S&S 631 -4199 REMODEL Repair. Resid and resld uc·d . bonded, c ee54ne5 y51 a2n4dscape H ltk Stm Get prof resu ts without It Over 25yearsell,.,.,ience ' ExPefl Service & Repair W1•Ww••1111f c all ha 18 • .--· Int/ext free est. Local rel 31 yr1 exp. 16 yrs In area. -

I L • • , omm P ses yrs ins For est 552-9142 _ ti Ct cos11ng an arm & leg. Let Ltc T- 116.428 ' 730- t353 10yra exp. (714)638-1591 1 Lie " 409035 964 .• 8919 lll-OIH

1.711tta11 tn area Uc /bonded/ lns'd c-u· - - Exp Gardener Clean ops F om only L t our horrlcullural ex- - P'"INTER NEEDS WORKI ~~.~__,.,,,---,---Palombo Const 968-3564 8 1a17 tree trimming & complete or dw tend & · earn ° PMlise transform vour 11••Y1ll STllEITS " p I ~It Ir iiii-=====~ Mother wt1h 2 boys would ---- C h 1 al 1 p 1 541 1096 un ers an overcome 1

"" Int/Ext, ceilings. reli/l cab. " tn f! I love to babysit children 4 Repa1r -Door~Alterat1ons ustom • opplng cook- m n ' _;:__e • your S8llUal concerns landscape lnlo • thriving MO"" OIMPm (26-) yrs ellp • work guar. Proresslon POOi' rm •••tmn 'Yrs-up in my home Able Remodel-Panel- Patios mg service, exclualvely In Gardenlrw.J. Reasonable & llc'd By appt. 84P-84S4 paradise Call PlantwOfks California'' Original Davis Painting 964-3837 Wkly 11en1/repalr1. 10yrs k~• often when lo Pick Up from e" .. 001.1 Wtndow-Fences-Cabmel the beach area 661-9721 accommod•ll"". 8 yrs . ..... ,,R tor a creative •olulion Std l .. .... UM 0 """ .. ,. a... 673-8506 C u en ... uvers. RICHARD HUTCHISON exp low rate. 842-4515 ._ ... lrg lanced yard near 35yrsellpJe<ry546-44 13 Eltctric1l -- Free Ht TIM845-5133 _ Uc. ALT1368981nsured . • l"'llOt Claaali.d Ad• Fedco F r 751 -9624 ----- Chronic Pah AlieVl1ted In ••(714)841-6101 •• P,AINTING 2.5 years IMflal reec:tt the Orenge Cc

Have something you want ~&1111111 EUOTllC LANDSCAPE SERVICE 1 sesion w/hypnotherapy Selllng •nY1hlng with a Cu1tom W6rk We Love •~~-.--""!--- martlet. Have something 10 Mil? to NII? Classified ad• do Oualitywork. free est Tree trim, Lawn Malnt etc. Dorby Sims RH 5-48-8401 Ody Piiot C4...m.d Ad The IHtelt draw In \he Per1ecHoo 963-0911 Quality ootfng: Sr. clttzen ~ 642-~78 Claulfled ad do W91t It well 642 "-"'78 255 3 1 J 5 .. 9 c la • almpfe m1tter WHt . .a Dally Piiot dlac Refs. lie. w3488n.

1 It . -'IQ . 4 1 968-7401 ree est uan •..- 448 New Relaxerclte IUMS ~t c:d M2-5e78. Claaffied Ad. 642_56.78 Ctu.tted Ada 642-se78 K. Funke 645-0193

Ltst I F•u• 3004 a...t I Foull 3004 Lttt I ro... JIM rentaals 3012 = WutH 402& Rtlt WutH 5100 ltlt Wot.. 5100 Btlt WHt.. SlOI ltla WutM -·· H• Belp WaatM SJ FOUND set ol Keys Lost 2 sml white non-de- Lost ma _&ow .. -3 yrs an- '•mny nAds Aggrestlv• salespersOtl * -Southern por tion of Big script dogs Spo1 & Fawn/Wt.( Mase Vorde WE &IE mu IPEI Loan of '10,000. Pay tor CdM audio Video UCllTEOT Babycare Pit for 10 mo old Cashier & Count• Per Corona beach 675-1012 Peppy HB area. Not areaREWARD549-2320 And running 7AM-10:00 becit over 4 yrshMthly 11ore. 640-5093 lndustrlal andcommerclal . boy In m~Costa Mesa IOOllEEJtlll lor Werner Drive Ne message pretty but I love them PM a day 1 days a week payments-t int . go,;recllt -- - NB A/E oltice 675-6110 home. rel• 650-4242 A Theatre, 7361 Ww

FOUND Shelt te lem Nwpt area Trt color w / wh l le muzzle 5-48- 1949

Fooncf White d·og with l.b. Newport Beach Animal Shelte< 644 3656

Ra.ard 846-7 446 SCRAM LETS p • · ef p o B 11982 -- ccounta P•Yabie clerk. Ave Hunt Beech • resent this ad and re- r s. · ox . llSWEllllC SEllYICE Attendant Nice room In Babysitter-2 Chldrn, Mon- Entry level Part time · · Lost blk / whl sht hair ceive a 1wo massages lor Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Tele 01 ellchange ror occasional Fri 3 45-8·45 CM $2 p/hr Duties may Include llUOh milled breed ma 'Sparity' ANSWERS lhe price ol one. Mort 1 ti 1 N«1hone operat~ 1 - assistance tor teacher m Reis 786-0665 Eves tasks as matching re- CUllll-1111 / IS: Red collar 642-0296 CllCIS IF llUSHE TI~ ' 4021 shltl:xro~ ;~· 36a; ~~ wheelchair 6-45-2357 --BALBOA AREA ce1vers with vendor In- 3 yrs minimum exper,

LOST Ftwhtle paodle mix ~~~~~ ~~ 1111. llUllll ' • St ... c. Laguna Beach. AUTO LOT PEISOI HAIRDRESSER voices,. pr.eparlng bank All ahlll1. CM. 850-5731 rlLUITH 675-1457 deposits, checking Items

(Missy) (old) VIC Gold- BLOOM r Dollar Rent a Car ol o c · ' on Invoices & purcnue ' ~;e:~a~11~cR:~~~~ Ktds say the cutest things 110-1112 l.H SI TILER a11wn111 SEllYICE has lmmed. openings tor beauty orders, utlllzlr19 the com- O&Sllll/ illSIWU

sometimes. A little IYl<e Experience or will lraln. all lull & pltlme positions. Hair dresser & manicurist puter & fillng. Thia Is 8 F/T, houri to M arranQ Found '1ng le Shepard mill was late to school. She ESCDllTS/ IODELS l1rt1110 Ct. llO. shifts. 540• 1777 Full co. benefits Contact. with following Rent potlllon where account- Some experience,,... Huge brn ears. 20th & TEI said It was beeause she Outcalt ONL y 935•9199 Speclalfzlng In 1st & 2nd Chris B at 2132 so space or commission. lr19 8XP41f. ts not necess- Apply In perton. Placentia 645-4178 Long -naired trlk cat had to wait lor the · TO's Since 1949 Harbor Blvd. Anabeun. 968-0757 ary, however tile sue- Ke<m Rim• Hardwere I

FOUND young Calleo cat w/ some gray Reward. geraniums to BLOOM Robt. Sattler Mf.1CM &PT. IUIAIEMEIT (714) 7S0-..855. BEAUTY. Manicurist with cessful eandllt•mun-t>e"" ~ H111>or Blvd., Cl

~~2~1g4u:S~g2iag N1gue1 CdM 760

-1855 Per11a1l1 3012

1p~?e:: :?ct. Pr!f!4 ~2~;~~~r Bd54~~;~ ~~1p1~e:~e:a:ag:e~~~~ Allt0Stortolast1llor ~:•:1es~~ ~5-~:fJ !~~e l~~&a,::::'~

Losr Min Silky Temer RELAX with a MASSAGE Toollngllnventorys 1500 RE t.OANS otownershtp 18unnapt Exper gOOd opportunity Syd or Terrance neal appearance . LARGE REWARD Lost pair ol wedd1r19 rings wrapped in tape vie ol Marguerne & E Coast Hwy May 11 1984

640-2856 675-3880

ans 10 Miss Midget. 1; wlthOtJf leaving tiome. R Schilling 714 979.4524 From 9 875 up to 95.,,. LTV complex 1n Huntington tor lhe right person, mus1 ResponS1b1llttes will Ibo yrs old silver /black/ red- Masseur or Masseuse Oennick Assoc 631_9703 Bch Ma1n1 skills pref have own lools 848-5400 Bookkeeper/Recept lull Include at least 1 hour a

760 1246 NHIJ to I.Ha 4024 bul noi reQuired wtll --~ - ltme, varied duttes lor da'1 handling the rec:ep-d•sh Ian on Balboa Is- - - WANTED People need1r19 1ratn Send resume & Get GREEN calh small interior design tlon area and phones at land Please rel urn slle is TOP SSS- LO&IS &llYE 11000 pvt TO SSS S 10.000 up salar'1 requirements 10 tor WHITE eleptwlt1 olft0e Send resume • lunchtime Please con-so loved Reward Femates pref Models and Prime F1nanc1al Services No credit v no penally PO Boic 1313 Hunt- wtth • CtMameo Ad Dec:ora1ors Corner 700 tac I Mrs Park1nso(\

575.3343 640-9060 Escorts (213)666- 1984 557-3512 Denison Assoc 673-7311 1ng1on Bch Caltl 926•7 Call 642-5678 Carnation. CdM 92625 CALL 5-40-4895




48 EST HWY MPG . 2.2 Litre Sport Co.-pe s 12 999~•: $ 14999 * 38 EST .HWY$1'f goo~·

IPR 10.9 APR 0.9 &PR

Deep Night Blue, Vinyl Bucket Seats, P J 55/80 GR 13 Radials, 4 speed. 4 cyl. Front wheel drive.

NEW 1984 JEEP CJl's Special

Stk R'951 (086917) New '84 CJ7, Cinnamon Metallic, Optional rear axle. rear seat. 4 spd, hubs, PIS, Nutmeg soft top included!




Factory air conditioning, 4 cyl, 4 spd, front whl drive Sebring red clear coat. fabric bucket seats. (Stk If 1013) (Ser. #2S7212)




Stk # 736 (073085) "DEMO"

'84 Wagoneer limited, Garnet Metallic, Full power. air. and a

multitude of options! $ 2 0 0 0 DISCOUIT


.j •

'84 FUEGO, 2.2L Performanc~ engine, 5 spd, air, power sunroof. am/ fm stereo 6 speakers. (Stk #810) (Ser. # 10249)

. A TRUE SPORTS CARI Sale Price ~9999 .00. $3058 62 Down (Cuh or Trade) 48 Moe. Def. PayTMnl $12,658. 14


THI ULTIMATl IN 4 WHllL DRIVI LUXURY '84 Grand Wagoneer, Nordic Green Metamc. vs. 4 whl drfve, trailer towing pkg. Loaded! Loaded! Loaded!


11,999* • Plua Tex, Doc. & OMV



Page 17: copter - City of Newport Beach

-Im· Iba.

:rn; ng . I

~ ,.,.. M1

+ I, & 151


-up ina, l59


-IOU lllly to


--00 -IOf'I In ~er

l'IC. L -ge


1 '

Cl'llldcat• my nome J.r u IHI ltl1 . ..... llM 730-ec>mtor 1yroidaJ E~~lRfJAN · &xsw. •IMIM./ 1111....-lt l '"'tlet/... ~rttarj/AUISt Yf old boys, r•ponalble hard ~lect~. Only F/1ime for buty ltmll'y PllitM Fft1ut>ft hour• Re- ANI faattltweltmtnt Co edult WlfYWfl Cit $105 Aon M ., s.. IP~· prac;tlct Typing and tall UDeftenct THAT'S .... "10tlvated indlVIO·

• wk 84 .. 3557 H.& anntng $-OIHI computer k"o•l•O.. SOMfl BODY. T1 h Ion Uil With r.: ... o ..... -pr...,abl9 7'4 887·2533 Island &4<t . ....... ,. .. _

OLlllUL Moo tt1ru Ft1, t tQ &pm •21N• fkllla I xln typing, van.ct

• •

.., Otaf\Q9 Cout DAILY ~LOTl...,,,-""'91. 1'lie

• Applloen .. ""* h e - . EllllW - Jllll~~~===-... r.;P.:du~-~~S4~t-~29~·;88:2::~= .. ~f .. ----+-~~~~~......j!J,.-.:......,.~_.;:: ~ 1 yr omc. ·~· ::!:°w~'!,i~:fty h~~IMtAufsMt LJll'1 11TOIU Sfl;RETAAYI Antt1a11t ~~~E::~==~~::l;~~~~~~.....:31!1f:B.::t.~ Potltlon =~t:'Yv.,..'fy C:i:~ I~~~ Pit me employment aval._ Me tjtt ft

1dewl11 ~~~=z t>,Jck9fnd

Of dutlte. Exe.I t>tntnt fWPOf1 •bit In · • busy family ... tpH tpt Contact: J Gould, tam :; locauon Call Jan. practa. Open Mon thru ' WUTD/ WllllEU 3pm, (714)eeo-.. 124 831·58&3 Fttday. ~orklng d•y• wl t•fw .... tr ' IElllTAIY/ DIO.

.. • IYll llTlllW NITllY lllPllT• .. llexlDle. Cell toe. "'°' Newport\ L.egal &

... FITdayt(7•3:30)S3.rStw. (714)887·2533 • t•tt JUMienfH, WOfd- proOetllng " back·

wm al .ftft... .. f rt. ground prtf1 Light boe*· e.o.e tr n. ~, 0·2 onty. MODEL$ .. FEMALE 17-25 • • kHpl"g . Pay corn:!ll ~6911...._Ctwnieal la~. pretwrict Mak"J> IP- IL&tt 1P ... 11IO,• mentutate w/exper. c.JI

___ ,.., unt • .,;h. 997· 2520 pllcetlon.'e.torelefler 1111."'b. on l / 4184 ONL"Y . ~on. muan~ 50wpm f~ llt"H photos. Salary $15. p1ua F• l lllJI 851-181' ~~~.:,5r7eorp. FITday.(7-3:30)wln t~. 2i1 1oeo1orpr1nta. Lenny. u-.01 Se¢ttary tor "'anufao­

u:so hour + bonut ~75--0823 Tute.· Sat t-t I••" 1•.. ... a .;- tutr• rep. Good t..., IUllOAL/ IEl. IFO ~y btween t.2pm. • dM. - ... ., .... Ph~ vok:.e. aceurat• Mature peraon w/ olc 15811 Ctlemlc11 Lane ••• 11111 • f rl, flM IDYIOI typing eotoy wotklng uper,genl.knowtedotof 11u11t. Bch. 897-2620 ALL SHIFTS ~ For email .. ma.. WlflgtK ... y .oo pr l'lr. ~o. 10 key, type f tH Illes convalttcent hospital 1n 11 U .. l sll , _. i=-7-59_·_11_so__,,......,. __ _

ofc . vi~·n8-'Z~~ ltJUMlfltht =:e8::;~a;:<*lent ... Fri. ::':'?~'!:"9~ hla 545-10ec>, 5-45-4050 24 Houri per week, car 494-$)75 l fFIOI QI/PRiii buay office ' typln,.

necessary - ..... , • ' • · CLERK 7· 11, F/ Ume, 1213)949-0SOOext 213 · Nursing: Certlfl'ed NA, r..,.. Phones & varied dull•.

11pm-7am. M·Frl. $-UO · 7-3:30 a 11·7.-fem.fOf ..... ,. .... ,,L casual atmosphere. N.B. ht. P/tl~~ 11pm -79'll Furniture Store In. Caguna · SNF, •Int WOf'klrig eond. Al --'leMts llMt "- & Costa M ... 65().-1170 Set/Sun $4.40/hr. 875 Hiiis has FIT positions good pay. can Mon-Fri _9!!;1 __ ,,..~ Paulartno. CM. 761...-852 open lor exper'd furn 9-5PM 5'49-3061 - · tttnt-.. SHln &n n u.1T111E

CLERK, PRODUCE. F/T, ~~.c::tci! OFFICE .HELPER l•nts,.a. Seelclng Nit "'otlv•ted in-San Clemente area llvery man with owt1 Wiii train. SA area. .Ell......., Mwa dtvldual with excellent Exper'd only. 496-0232 truck. F'-w hrs. ""wper . 540·5850 10· 12 ..... tf 2*4 tYPi'!9 stulls & pleasant ...,. ~ phone man11er. Good

OLEll nPllT pref'd. but not necessary. Ope11ing new &tudlo.1

Need ,... , communication & or-Laguna Beach MFG Co 581-2l2t mgr. sope<, intervlewera. Ltri'1 litcltt1,10l1 ganlzatlonal •kills re· Needs Cleric Typist, for ~al office telephone 1ollc:ltor1. St larMr lh• quired Heavy phones, Engineering/ Marketing GENERAL BOOKEEPING dance l(lstrucs. Fl t & p/ t. (I :..,__ •--I " correspondence. light Dept. Requires front of~ & ott/ee work, part lime, No exper nee. Apply In 11...- If._, ICt bo<*keeping. Must be ficeappearance, mln. 60 Mon-Frl lnEIToro. Start person only . Hts lr.) laeta perso11abte & pro. wpm. ~nglntertng or $5Hlr. 855· 2707 2pm-8pm 2727 Newport billl-Ol •l fesslona.I. Newport Beach martcetlng exper. helpful, Blvd, Newport Beach area. Call Debbie

:~~~~s~: g::~:'~ Full~~!!~~~~ 10 fllT /TIIE ~;:.~~El 673-2261 M·F 9-3. week. Call for apptm. key, light math. light· Excltl11g environment. Fast Part or F/Ume, wUI train. SECIET&llY TELONIC BERKELEY. typing &kHla p1eferred, growing Costa Mesa In· $3.50 to at•t House- Immediate opportunity fOf

Ask for pttsonnel. but we will train. 238 Fis- terl~ deslfn firm needa wives & students wel· non-smkr. Small trvlne (714) 494-'9401 E.0 .E. chef' Ave, C.M. 556-3110 help running errand• for come . Frltzankotters tax accounting a lnveat-

Constructlon: btwn 10am-2pm. design jobs. Must be non 17"431 BrookhUrst. F.V ment firm need• exper'd smoker, responlllble, r• / 1 1 * Pl• T•t-Off •• IEIEUL lfFIOE liable. have car. 20-30 RETIRED, Ille gerdenlng. secretary recept on at .

PIT FIT must be eltptf'. In Exper. nee, mature, gOOd hours week. flexible. handiwork. Twk:8 p/wk. Computer /word pro. roofing 642-7222 typing ablllty, proficiency $3.35 hour + mlia-.... 675-0558 . . cesslng background

with fig 10 ..._... helpful Please bring r• . CONSTRUCTION ures, key by Call Marie at•641-4888. sales sume & apply In person to

SU.PER/PROJECT MGR ~~· ~1=-~al~~~!; $ HUIGRY $ complete qutttlonaJre

~=,~~ C:::!tt:;t ,.,aff9AM645:5~ . . : ART-TIME.~ .... ""'h~ Wrlltecf -aggressive sales ~:~~~t:u:;~at10:'. jec1 In Laguna Nlguel ENERAL OFFICE PIT, to include early A.~. people . $50 ,000 to Irvine (off JambOl'ee/405) 11ea. Ongoing projec1s to flel\!)rs, 10· 15 hrs per wk. weekenda. Must have de- $100,000 a year telling -------­follow in Oceanview mas- Lt typing, flllng, etc. for pendable vetilele <•mall metals and options. ~c. IECln&IY / UUL ter planned community. small CM roofing co. truck . van , -station Executive 1o1.1rroundlngs. Nonsmoker. minimum 1 yf Must be toP flight. Excel- $5/hr. 631-4006 wagon) to assist newt- IMne area. Contact Mr exper. In buliness and lent compensatton-pflcil. IEIEULIFF pa1!9f _dealer ~" Irvine Knowlton at 553-1400 cMt tltlgatlon. Shorthand tge Send resume to The IOI area. MJ.ISf bi Cfieten- pref.,-. but not requited. o. Hiii Co., 1 Upper New· Typing,' filing , heavy dabl!J. Contact Greg ~~S~~:oN~ne Newport Bc:h. 640-6300 port Pl aza, Newport phones. Some wknd Hyde Monday thru Friday G G ry, f ~rs· •RC11t••y Beach 92660 & c:all War- work. $900-$950 per mo. between 9:30 and 10;30 · pre · - "" ren James for appoint- Int by appt only Mon-Fri. a.m. on . 642-1'321 Sales, RE, prime oppty ~ewport Beach heatlh ment at 752-0700 646-7441 w/fast growing co. East· care firm seetcs a wet!

LLIYIS llHllY -·-- bluff 975-011 t J. Paolson qualified aecretary for It's OllllETll UL.ES r- 1 ....,.,..""" communications division.

International Skin care & Hotel hlidrens-portralts. 35 mm SCTIY / IECEPT. Must have a min of 3 yrs Cosmetic Co. Hu open. CllEF OlllUI required. We win train. lmmed. opening for sales eicp. ElClt written & verbal Inga for Beauty consult- SuperviH Maintenance 645-0809 sctfy. In Newport Beach skllls. Typing speed of 6 ant & Manager Trainees. staff. Hands on cepablllty rep Cook , 10• 2:3o , hotel w/top office stems. wpm. Knowledge of mag Must be well grqomed, to troublesh'oot and re- Tu 911 Fr I. New p 0 rt front office appeatance & card II and/or IBM dls­energetlc, F /T P / T, pair air conditioning and Har~r Art Museum. enthusiastic attltuCSe. play wrltter preferred. Susan. (714) 861·2117 refrlgeratlOn units, e1ec- Margle 759. 1122 Must have excel. typing, Must be well 0tganlzed &

trlcal and plumbing prob· orginizatlonal st<llls & be able to function under OllTMl IEIYIOE Jems.JOntl.dnge benefit.a.. _ Pr~booLAlde able to -ttand tre11v9 ~ resume I

rwrlfme- posi(Jons avail· Reply Dally Pilot, Ad No. 9:30-2. phones. Non-smoker. salary requirements to: llble at Irvine location. 600. P. o. Bo• 1560• 647-5264 Great opportunity for Dally Piiot, Ad •609, P.O. Applicants must have 1 Costa Mesa: ea. 92626 · ·right person. Atk for Box 1560. Coeta Mesa. to 2 yrs customer Mflce rogrammer for Apple llE. Marianne (714) 476-2001 CA 92626 · exper., p leasant tel•· Hotel Preferred nautical/sailing •H1TD•- Pfllll knowledge. Recent gred phone manner, ability to _, -vs o.k. Full time position In· operate CRT helpful but Full/time. Must have gen- eluding benefits. This Is a not required. Excellent eral knowledge of pll unique opportunity tor a benefit•. Contact: A. phases of maintenenoe & creative individual. Call Eriksson 9am to 3pm 714 repair Call Marla: SURF Cai»strano By The Sea 660-4133 or J. Miiier 9am & SAND HOTEL. Laguna 714/496-5702 Ext t5 to 3 pm 714 660 4126. Beach, 494-8460. EOE l=Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

&YOl l&Tlll&L Housecteaners Wanted. ,. WL En&TI 1&11 • MOdels & New, Homes E.o .e only. f>an time.- own 111.ll I llEITlLS

~LfVERY ·oRNaflaen·1 Tr~.tatiOn, ~ m'JUTl ... I Helper, Male/ Female. ~Ing. 96. p/h<. 642 ApplyW.S. Circuits, 1281 7444 • " · 6 p.m. u....Hl&tllbhlJ Logan, Unit J, Costa ..aDPEI "-"Ital Elfltt Mesa, see Frank or Greg for efderty couple. New- lll-1llO btwn 12-4 p.m.Mon-Frl. porl Beacti area. Must~~~~~~~~

Oenvery, PIT. Apply at drive. 645-n64 i:: Allen Beck Florist. 298 E. P&YUU CLDI *IEllPTllllllT* 17th St, CM. 645-3604 Need det ·'I ml_ ... __. per- lsc. lnd_oor(outdoor

., '"""" work. Garden center . IEIT&L lllllT&IT son for computerized Non-smkr. Wiii traln.· HB. NEWPORT BEACH commlsslont. A/P ex- a..2-8886

IFYOlJ: perlence deslr able. 1---------• Areanexperlenced Beautiful environment. HOEPllllllT FIT

dental assistant Xlnt benefits. N9'1 O.C. or busy Salon. Must be * Are eager to work In a Airport. 553-0940 F ashlon ContcloUs.

fast paced progressive LADIES LOCKER ROOM lctlard Ouellette Salon office. ATTENDANT, part ti,.,,.. 200 Newport Cenler Dr,,

*Have a friendly outgoing Cell Karen. 1)4.4.9550 Newport Beach.. personality 1---------

• Have a mature attitude LAUNDRY PERSON IEOEPTllllST /TYPIST *Have gOOd verbal skllts Hours & wage negotiable mmedlate openings In '*Are anon-amoker 49•-7177 new offices at Newport •Would en}oy a Ananclal Center. Must

ct1a11eng1ng car..... LEUL IEOln&ln have front office appear-Pleue call 644-0595 for Huntington Beach Law ance. type 50wpm. Send

HO&L UOEPTlllllT Exper'd, I/time. Laguna Hills area. 83 7-8200

firm. Must also have ex- resume to: M. M. B .• Box perlence on IBM display 8680. Newport Beach, writer. Call Christa at CA 92658-8680

647~4 1

IUJU llCTINllE/ TYPIST Part time

Shatp peraon needed to mutt speak engllsh. work In fast paced Net#· Hotel San Maarten, port Beach R.E. offloe. 698S. Coast 16WY. Laguna.

Must have excetlent ~ ••lltt1aHt ... Ing & dlcataphone ik ' Cleaning clubhouae, laun-75wpm typing. Word pro- dry/pools.' FIT. Mobile ceasing exper. helpful. hm park In Ftn. Valley. Contact Lydia, 833· 2900 S 100 week + apt & utll.

Must be able to drive 000 SITTER, Ideal for boy stlci< shift. 962-2112

· llECEmOlllT Local laser manufacturer seeks full/ time recep­tionist for busy phones & front office. Excellent typlng skills required. We ere a division of Johnson & Johnson and offer an excellent benefits pack­age. Apply In person at:

Laakmann Eleciro­Optlca. Inc.

33051 CalleAvlador San Juan Capistrano

493~6624 or girt wllrg fenced yard. =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C.M. 2·3 mos. 540-1471 • 11.ia•••EI EOE M/ F/H

Drive In Theatre needs -helptts. Cashier, Snack THE DAILY PILOT Is now RECEPTIONIST for pres-Bar Attendent, etc. 7361 accepting appllcations tlQlous Newport Center Warner Ave. H.B. Mgr for District Managers to olilce. T..Yping skills- and

DRIVERS•. X "OUNTRY supervlae newtpaper pltesanf attitude a must.

-.... carriers. Must have van. All employees benefits Calif. lie. req'd. wagon or plci<-up. Good provided. Call Ron Jacit·

MacGREGOR YACHTS salary, mileage allow· son 644-4242 1631 Plaotntla, C.M. ance. comP.ny benefita•--------

and bonus oPPortunlty. Receptionist , busy ORY CLEANERS: Counter Apply in person at Dally phones. Mon-Fri. expertenct or wUt train. Piiot Circulation Office. Newport Beach area.

642-6466 330 West S.y. Cotta 7141955-0650 ORY CLEANERS: Mesa. Monday thru Fri· UOEPTlllllT Mal\n Counter Pttson. day. No Phone calla. PIT could WOf1' -k\to FIT Perm. PIT. Call 839--2555 E.0 .E. position with Christian 16475 Harbor 81. F.V. PHO. 5-46-04~

llClnllllL SEC'Y /UCEPTilllSt Laguna Niguel/ San Juan FOf' CPA office. Salary area, strong bkkp'g & or· open to exper. 833-8064 ganlzationat sttllls re'd for IECln .. Y/ tE•-one person ottlce. Mod· - -r • erate typing, good tel&- Young fast growi11g RE ln-C)hone persot1ality. car a vestment firm seeking necessity. Salary com- FIT secretary/ recpt, 8·5. mensorate w/skills. Inter- Q years min exper. Typing views begin 6/ , /64. sen~ 55wpm. Dictaphone ·resume to: 'Executive· exper. Front otrec:e ap-81ook atock Agency, peafl9nce. Non/ smkr. 2 7 4 o 2 c a m 1 n 0 Near OC Airport. Call ca pis t r ano. :: ~ 1 o . Sharon at 553-9111 Laguna Niguel. SECRET ARY

·-nuY Shorthand,llght book· •~vn keeping . lntereating

Bright opportunity·, mod· small 10 man office. Re­ern. fast paced. regional quires tit secretary 10 sales ottlce In the lrvlne, work 1n 3 girl office. '11gh Airport A(ea. Need a well degree of accuracy. New­organized lndlvtdual '#ho porfBeach can wort< with mt111mum $ r 2 o o . t 4 o o I m o

. supervision. Require 675-3551 positive telephone man- =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ner, 60-70Wpm typing, • dictaphone & some ad· SEllnUY/1111IOO mlnt.tratlve skills. Word Immediate opening for ln­processlng experlenc4:1 Is dlvlduaf who enjoys a a phn. wide & Interesting variety

of secretarial & cleric.I Excellent salary. benefits duties. Position requires and working environ- typing 60 wpm, S/ H 80 to ment. 100 wpm & ability to WOrtl

well with figures.

DUPONT Company otters excellent medical/ dental benefits.

El Dupont De Nemours Co Paid vacation after 6mo's lJC-111-2112 Call (714) 556-0176

(r4) An Equal Oppnty Emp M/F --------

aily Pilat·· :·· ·· · · · ··.· RETAIL SILES

· COORDlllTOR Orange County daily newspaper is seeking fast paced, flexible achiever to ooordtnate display sales activity. Must have exceptional organii.ational skills. Duties include tracking daily sales, answering busy phones for outside sales staff. coordinating theatre advertising. Some typing, fil­ing tequired. Newspaper or agency experience a+. Send resume or letter of qualifications to:

Orange Coast Daily Pilot "Ad # 968

Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Lisa Smith ,


AN I U\I A\ OPl"OA IU NllV (MPlO'l' lA

• ' .·

. Daily Pil8' ·· ·: · · ·· · ·· ······ ·· .. , Newspaper .

. .

• •


• .'Very Circulation Office bat · ao entry level ~ lerieal ~ition

. .. allabJe for the right put.on. Experience detired but will train .

: , • Pot ition tnelude• an1we rin1 : phonet, llling, typiq data · p...ocetliDC· Applkant .hould be

nea~ Uk.e to work whh people a~d lul•e a potirive attitude. 40 hour Work wff~ Moaday - Friday. !hard81 Mlary lt 19"50/ CoOcl eom,.ay benellaa. Apply bi ~· Moeday - Thunday. 2t00 to •tOO· AH Tor Mary or Ell • ·

;I . f



CoU1oton E~•• T-Top, plus all the Corvette features. Looks and runs like new! (EXG003) ... ~ ..


'83 Chev.~ Celebrity.

'83 Ford Ranger XL

4 cyl, 4 speed, P7S, P/B, air, stereo, slider, chrome mags w/ big tires w/ custom

..._ ....... matching sAelJ. (2F47~57)

82 Chev. % T. PU

Sllverado. Auto. air cond, PI S, P/ 8 , Ult. cruise, dual fuel tanks, factory 2 tone paint. A real work horse to pun your boat or trailer. (2E26855)

$9,99.9 ...... _ ...

'82 Chev. % Ton Van

Conversion. V8, auto, air. couch, carpet. Beautiful in­side & out. (2C85126)

s12 ·999 ' '

'81 .. -Corvette

4 speed, only 31,000 mites. A Hard to Find Beauty. (Ser. 424326) ~


~'&~Chev;· ~~1rl Chevette

'81 Datsun PU

4 cyl, 4 spd, AM/FM. custom shen w/ carpet & more. (Ser. 021617)

'82 Chev. -Diesel Truck ~ ton, frallering special Yilth ...,. • ., Silverado package, air, auto, P/S, P/ 8, power windows, power door locks. tilt, crulse, dual tanks, slider & more.

41111- (2A71685)


'81 Chev,. % Ton Yan

Conversion. V8, auto, air, ..__......_ PI S, P/ 8, couch, 4 chairs,, paneling, power w1ndowa, long wheel base, looks newt



Page 18: copter - City of Newport Beach

• '

Ladles. baby clothes, furn. display r~s. misc. Sat 9.5 8~ 1 Larkport Cir Adams. Newland

MUST SELL--A-nt-lq-u-es. lu.rn lt u r e clo th i ng . housewar es. new & almost new cond June 2nd only 1502 Back Bay Circle !Adams/ Beach)

SAT only 19772 West· wmds (Magnoha Adams) Kg bed. houMhold items lots of furn & sml misc

for ·r. AcnON

c:.u A DAIL T rtLOf

Ao.YISOI '42· '671

TelephOoe WOf'k Advertlsi~ Consultant to

W<>rtl part time eves & wknds. nice Tustin office. relaxed atmoanere

10 SALES •11 .. IEOllOln * 111111s;awuu Earn up to

SI/ HOUR Call Ma Kellef 7!)().1002

1984 B-250 DURANGO

Sliver metallic, automatic trans., AM/ FM stereo cass., custom wheels & tires, velour captain 's chairs. convenience package, prospector package, power windows & locks. automatic speed control, tllt wheel. (Stk. # 4414) (Ser. # 238805) ----------

Lic. # 1568LKI

'18 POllT. SRlllD PRIX

Lo aded . loaded . Lie tt933VA8


AT. 1111, cruise. cassette. apllt Mat

YOU SAVE 575·44

' I

"6/ W" "CHEYmE" A.T. PI S, A/C, Rack. Lie. AT . A.IC , Stereo, Lie. #811UKE #682isw



AT, A/C, cassette. LtC. 11 726XWP

,· '11 FORD vail con.

at . PI S, caaa.. pkg. Lie. 11 129570


AT, PS , A. I C , cruise . #41974'4


Loaded w/extra low miles & extra clean, Lie # ICGA.354

Cutlass T-Top Loaded, loa~ed . niee. Lie. # 1HRK626

'81 DITSUll 610 SEDll

A.IC & much more, Lie. 11IE10675

'll DITSUI 210Z

P/S, A.IC. caueite. cruise, P/ wlnd, wheel•. II 159020

... •.

CLNMfll C folfVROlf l

... :- I I " • t'

' I ' , . I

S4b· I 200



10 00 HAlllO I ll 110 COSTA Ml SA l>'11 0010

'69 CORO. ChryWr «O engine. 50K ml xlnt cond. $22,000 firm.

833-8190 Mon-Fri


Avalla~ now. Mink brown, automat ic trans .. power steering, bucket aeats w/console, power deck lid Jealese, tilt wheel, pinstripes, lntermltten wiper, 11..i belted white side wall tires. (Ser. 279179).

$214.51 per month, 48 month close-end lease, resld . $4892.12, cap. cost $10,994.31 total payments $10,296.48. 1st month pymt. & sec. deposit requlr~ upon delivery.

'18 DITSUll . "210"

AT, nice, Lie. lf645UJN

8210 A.I T. AM/ FM caaaette, mllet, Lie • 18UE167

'12 llZDI 128

P/ S, 1111, crulae, P/ wlnd., sun roof. CUI Lie. # 1FOR733



A::r. cruise, caaaette, Lie. #2AHF692


AT. PI S, cassette. Lie #966VNE

'13 DODIE 800 ES

Tiit, cruise, p/wlnd, p/ lcka, s/pwr-Seat, ca ... u.. Lie. # IGGR-442



ve. Ult, crulM, P/wlnd., casaette, Lie. #268ZRJ


Loaded wl leather, v/roof. ~le. fl 1GGV895

'82 DODIE 110 Pro1,1otor

AT, PS, cuette, Utt. Lie. #2EZ6440


AT, PS, Lie. #937WM

'10 FOllD T·llllD

Loaded w/ moon roof , 6128680

'11 llllUllll . HOUSE CAI

LoacMd, IOw ml .... UC. #IDZM173


Page 19: copter - City of Newport Beach


-. ,. •


.. ..

Excellent a..ctJon of New and Cwefully prepe,ed UMd BMW't alw9ya In

Ste><* Al-1111 .

20I w. 11t. 4anta An• CloMd Sund.y

8 cyt, automatic, AM/FM Stereo Cueette Tape, PIS, Tilt Wheel, Crutee Control, Vlnyl Top, Lo Ml

~ (1FWH0.1)

11111 .. IDOi UIOILl/IEIOllY

8800 Beach Blvd Huntington Be; 141-7711

Al , Excellent Shape! Runs Greatl

(31143•~ ••111 11111111Tll llAll 111/,llP/lllllLT

175lle.a.. .......tell 141·1111

if urs." .. tMI ,.,,, ,. 'lMMtl'· ~


YtlklWzr 1173 t 160 OW , wr3:CI r;n:

cW & h<>od. At la 01 part• New eng. 8SO 9030

"LIMITED EDITION", P/S , AM/ FM, Hard Top (010867)

11111 llmllTll IUOI lll/~IEP/IElllLT

11751 I-' l'"1 llltilltH 141·1111

~ii '77 ale radlO. ttereo, T top, nu P• nt gd eond , ... 84&:1417

·n VEGA. ml, run­nlng. S800. 6S0-55S4

mll-....l'I . 71 Cepra, 4 df, full ac-SOUTH OMS, MW brak• & bet· ,

tery. $2000, Ptl 131-2100


IE Inn•• LI" ·79 Monza 12500/080 .. 01y1 759-8114. Eves

VOiume S...._ 54 na 832-0411 And Leaal!'( I

· 18711 BMetl B lvd. Huntington e.t tch

(714) 142-2 000

91 Camero e.runeua . PMt1 blue, Yety lo mi. Comp ptlg, pert eond S7500 MO-e211 aft epm

WE CIR E 91 Maltbu Cl....c 1t1t won. mint. lo ml, btll/tan,

... 1 11...1 • Meroeclel mag wtlfs, call •M I I« details 497-2389

11 BILL YAT VW-PORS "Jr.JuJr\ 1 J~

837-4800 493


.'\.,. I I , , ' • I

I · ' t'-. I \ ,, t '


Har1 1ou s11n th1 lin1-up of cars on this pag1? T 1i1 1 look!!!

5 spd. AM/FM C8ss, Cust Wheets & "" Tires. Tilt (002212)

11111 11m•1111uc1

All/ ~EP/ IEUILT 16751 1.- I~ HntiagtOI W


SELLING ·youR CAR? . Picture your c~r on this

pag~ as show111 in the example below.






1••zx 10th Annfwwurr !dftlOft ______ _

Red an1d Black- all opUon • lnclud­log T· op. .


ONLY •2500

per dav._

if you fumish the picture of your car. $5• additional if Oaity Pilot takes tlii picture . 2 days for $45•

A/C, PIS, P/B, . P/W, P/ t, P/ Locks, AM/FM Cassette. Tiie, Cruise, andlAOREI (023955)

111,222 llllTlllTll IUCI AIC/~EP/lllllLT

15751 .... lml .. til&tN .. 14t-3111 .

1111 llC .a•llY

•wheel dn~ wagon - P/W, P/loct<a. PIS , P/8, Tilt. Cruise, A/C, Stereo Cass. Under 40,000 miles (1T77430)

11111 IUCI UlllLl/ llEIMY

&IOI leaQ ''" liltil&tol Id 141-1711

. I

Page 20: copter - City of Newport Beach

·• " . • .. .• !-

Orange Gout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 2, 19&4 · , •• . '


I r:- .

2600 ·Harbor Boulevard, Cost;:3 Mesa (714') "540-9l00 ' ___ _, mlle-soutb..Qbhe (§' San 1>tego-1".wy.J

NI ao to "'""" Wit, .,,... *tntt a oot "'" f ...,.,._ ~ .

l .. t I I . -, \ • 1 • • I ·-- l I I • . '

' • - --~-- -----

Page 21: copter - City of Newport Beach


l 1

Page 22: copter - City of Newport Beach


2 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising ~pptement to the DAl~Y PILOT/Seturday, June 2, 1984

Las Vegas nite ·pi-oves· a winner at Banning

Everyone was a wlnher during Las Vegas Night hefd recently at Banning Estates, a recreation-oriented adult village In the scenic San Gorgonlo Pass 23 mites west of Palm Springs.

According to marketing director R~ln Hardin, more· than 100 "gam­blers" challenged Lady Luck at roulet­te. craps and blackjack In the "Ban­ning Estates Casino," which was located within the 13,000-square-foot clubhouse and was staffed and equipped-by Fantasy Casino of Full­erton.

" At the end of the evening, the play · money, complements of Pulliam Properties, lnc._was exchanged for great prizes, lncludtng two alt-ex­pense-pald trips to the real Las Vegas won by Mr. and Mrs. Allan of Redlands and Mr. and Mrs. Plef"oe of Yucaipa," noted Hardin.

the enjoyment of homeowners and potential ~yera who have expressed

, Interest In Banning Estates.

"What attracts people to our com­munity Is the aplrlt of camaraderie that exists among the residents and the opportunity to Just ref ax or keep active with a varle~ of sports," she said.

Buyers at Banning Estates can choose among tots starting at $23,900, with 10 percent down and 7% percent Interest financing.

Prtces start as low as $39,900 for a two-bedroom, two-bath manufac­tured home with '1,248 square feet"of Interior. area and a two-car garage with an aut~atlc door opener.

The saJes office and models, undet the director of Hugh Johnson, are openfrom9a.m. untlt6p.m.daily. Fot more Information, call

She added, " Las Vegas Night Is Just one of the six major events sponsored each year by Pulliam Properties for ' 1~-222-27~. toH free.

Location proves l,iggest factor in home selection

Las Vegas, Nev. - As the economy strengthens. the size. styte and appears.rd of a home becomes more Important to home buyers than concerns over financing, according to a leading employee relocation management firm.

Nevertheless, the location of the home con­tinues to be the single biggest factor for persons In making a choice of which home to buy, regardless of the health of the economy, according to a national survey conducted by Coldwell Ban Relocation Management Services, a member of the Sears FinanciaJ Network.

The polls were conducted during p.eriods that saw mortgage rates fall from more than 16 percent to as low as 13 percent. Ervin saJd. The company sent its questionnaire to 1,200 randomly selected buyers of Coldwell Banker AeCocatlon-owned properties.

Joeepb A. LoYallo.


a.UUcla, Wbo WOD aa all­~d trip to Lu V«eu ata~tLuVe&ulftPt.

Lantern Bay's brOker chosen

· Joseph A. Lowllo has been appointed broker for the sale of~ custom homeeltee and 112 luxury vutas at Lantern Bay, a development under constructJon on the ctlffs above Dana .Polnt Harbor and Marina.

GeneraJ partner In lantern Bay Realty, a full­servtoe brokerage firm, LovuHo has been In the real estate business since 1958. •

Fie Is a former president of the South Orange County Board of Realtors and was c;hosen South \ Orange County Realtor of the Year In '979. ~e aJso Is a former director of the CaJlfomla Association of Realtors.

A retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, Lovulto was Instructor director for the Marine Corps schools In the 1960s and Is now an Instructor · In real estate courses for continuing education at Saddleback Community College.

Lovullo holds a bachelor's degree from San Diego State University.

" This survey reinforces the Importance of putting the home In good condition to ensure a taster resale. This lsJK>methlng we impress on our corporate clients.·' said James L. Ervin, president and chief operating officer of Coldwell Bank Relocation Management Services. Coldwell's man­agement services is an operating company of the CotdweU Banker Real Estate Group.

Merrill-..,yn~li introdu~ces training prograni

··Also, the results of this survey clearly support the finds of our prevtous poll, which was taken during a sluggish real estate market. It showed that financing ranked lower than location and price in influencing the decision of which home to buy," Ervin said.

··Even in a depressed real estate market, when there was so much emphasis being placed on creative financing, we were curious whether It would outweigh IQC&tton as the key factor In a home buyer's decision." Ervin said.

·'What we can say now following our second survey - taken during an Improved economy is that financing ooncems have f alten priority fot homebuyers from third to eighth - behind able, style and Interior and exterior appearance. This Indicates to us that currentty homebuyers are more sensitive to tt~r llfestytes "'an their monthly mortgage payments." Ervin sakl. The r~ae

te to the surv was 51 cent. · •

National curriculum employs role-play. panels. demonstration

Merrill Lynch Realty has Introduced a -new national training program, designed to support the ongoing education and personaJ development of • the company's professional sales associates throughout the country, 8CCOf'dlng to Melvin R. Schantz, president of the multi-office Southern California subsidiary of M~ll Lynch Realty Associates, Inc.

The basts for the new program is an extensive course curriculum and a Marketing Reference Manual designed as a continuing resouroa for experienced sales associates as well as a practical teaming tool for those reoentty affiliated wtth the company. .

" Merrill Lynch Realty's focus In 1984 Is on the excellence of our sales force." noted Schantz. "We continue to buHd a 'breed apart' sales force through profeellonal t~."

The Mattcet Reference Manual la a practical fl8ld manual 8 cuntc:ulum t WU

developed by Merrill Lynch Realty's own educa­tional team and management around the country. The manual conatsts of lndfvldualty bound modules covering communication and sales psychology, developing your market, listing, selllng and support services.

"Rather than refytng on the passive lecture style, the program incorporates role play, work­shops, caae studies, panel dlecusstons and demon­strations," explained Davtd Knox, national training director. "BehaYlorlJ objectives areeatablished at the beginning of each module, so that 11udents know exactly what they wtll gain wtth the program.'· MerrUt Lynch Realty trainers attend regular "train the trainer" seminars to share Ideas, keep abreast of state-of-the-art teaching techniques, and to ensure that a consistent, uniform training program Is maintained natlonWtde. Merritt Lynch Realty branch managers take an active rote In supporting both the method• and de'tvery of traJnlng, as well as provtdlng ongoing reinforcement of the Information

. for saJea asaociatee.

• The program wat lntrOdUCid In January, and the~ ha Ilk' Into a McorKI nt •

Page 23: copter - City of Newport Beach

. .

. -L

IPYIUIS • UllDT Lii Or cloee to it. comes with thls magnificent VIP residence with 4 ~


UK ., • -11171111 "Ill . · bdrms. 3 baths, gated pool & spa for ~·· afety. ~ul frant t Submit all etten! Plan 3 with FORMAL DINING ROOM and wet~ . - courtyard entry with eecwi~ ga~. Ternjic .VJEWLJust .med ---~ w4pa-off-masiersutte. Better CheCk UiiS one out FAST! :- ~an appotl'itiheil TOl'trui me. 759-1501 ..

759-1501 . /.1 ' I I TIE aWFs • •1 11a ,1• - IRVINE 3 bdnns, 2~ baths in one of our most eooght a.her' areas! Beautiful greenbelts, bike trails & oomm\mity activities. 10 minutes to the beach! Just listed. Better see this one)'4S'I't759-1501

11-PllllllS . With ~ of ~thly lease going toward the down payment when you leue-option ~ 3 bdan, 2 ~ bath residence with mini ocean view! Only a few blocks to the beach! 759-1501

1211- - lllT IUP . Comes with this exceptional property. Completely renovated. 3 bd.nm, 2~ baths. 759-1501

1211,111 - MUI YIEW From this 3 bdrm plus den executive home in one of our most exclusive areas. Extra lge lot with room for pooUtennis. Private beach access included in low assoc dues. You OWN the land! 759-1501

IUll llPl.EI, PLll llEST RIT . Ideal locatioJl - larger corner lot - builders & investor's delight! Only $269,500. 759- 1501

TIUIHI Nt. LIU . Best value in fiarbor Ridge. ·~wnable $165,000 loans. Almost 2,1)()() Ill ft of com.fort & luxury in this ideal location. One year Rome. Warranty provided. 759-1501

PAI.EDI •11n 1111• lllW ~utifully maintained with imp~ve brick paved driveway leading to magnificent front patio. Beautiful interior w /ClL!tom w/w carpeting and Van Luit wallpaper. A magnificent executive residence for only $329,000. with $244,000 assumable 1st TD. 759-1501

11,111PEI11111 When you lease option this immaculate Harbor Ridge beauty, hardly lived in! 759-1501

1211,IOO PllYITE IOU Access comes with this custom built hillside home in Corona Del Mar that provides a "cbuntryside" feeling with views of bills & "Open space". Owner will help with low interest financing. 759-1501

122•••• From this excellently located duplex SOUTH OF THE IDGHWA Y! Enjoy OOned glass windows. frplc & spacious room sizes. S hort walk to the beach! 759-1501

IPYIWS • 1411,111 Newly redecorated featuring ocean view, beautiful pool and large lot. Lots o( used brick gives warm family feeling ideal for entertaining.

• 759- 1501

\ MID 1111111 With terrific view o1 bay and Newport C.enter night light& 4 spacious bdrms, 3 baths, French doors, sJcYlights. Newly decorated and entirely new kitchen! Large sparkling POOL. Excellent buy at "$600.000. 759-1501

·-··••lllli · In this extra special valu~ in University Park green.belt area. Short walk to pools & tennis. $10,000 under nearest comparable! 759-1501 . ,

. lftll.IKlllLFM•ll . Original owner & pride of ownership. Outstanding decorating, beautiful entry, shake roof elegance. Vtewof parXgi 1ake as well as golf course. ONLY -$159,900! This me is a steal! 759-1501

1121,111 Step into the world of elegance. beautifully decorated & complete­ly upgraded home gives a new meaning to condo living. At this low price, better take a look! 759-1501

-$11,111 Price reduction on this beautiful Woodbridee Towne Home with two plus den plus 2 baths plus 2 car garage plus fireplace. Very private end unit. Shake roof, Italian tile in atrium with fountain. Decorator wallooverings. ' one is EXCEPnONAL. 759-1501

··---2~ 11Tll In beautiful University Park with bike trails, parks & swimming pools! Big double car garage, dishwasher, fireplace - even has air conditioning~ Just put on market. Only $260,000 fOI' super location! 759-1501

•EllllB IDl1Y Channing & roomy 4 bdrm, 2 ~ bath executive home just introduced to the market. Beautiful private pool & spa. Cloee to achools. Better see this one! 759-1501


Wll • Wll 1f1111 s~ 3 bdrm, 2 ~ bath SL George Model in beautiful Bnttany Woods. Big double car garage, huge master suite. Ideal Back Bay location. 759-1501

•Y11U,IM For this super Towne Home in exceptionally maintamed development. 2 spacious bdnm & 2 baths plus attached 2 car garage! Large private deck for sun bathing! 759- 1501

WTl9E111m With hard to find hardwood floors.. Cloee to shopping & transponallon. Large 140 ft. deep lot with fruit trees & room to expand ONLY $137,500. 759-1501


2'70 San Mlguel Drtvt Newpon leac"· CA 12880'.!~l . d\ AMERICAN HOME SHIELD

"We Protect & Service Things That Service You~·


Newport le~. CA 12180 ( l.:• 11 (714) ~la J a ~


Page 24: copter - City of Newport Beach

• ~ - Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Adver1Jslng suppHment to the DAJLY PILOT/Saturday. June 2. 1984

PrevieW sales begin af Chartei- Glen ---- -

Buyers of San Dimas homes can choose among four floor plans

San Dimas - Terra West has announced the start of preview sates for a collection of 31 single­famlly homes at the Charter Glen residential community In San Dimas.

Prices for the homes range from $99,990 to $119. 990 and the selection includes four floor-plans tile roofs, two-car garages and private areas.

The one- and two-story designs offer from 1,07 4 to 1 ,631 square feet of living area and feature two bedrooms wflh two baths or three bedrooms with 2'h baths. ~hllghts Include formal dining rooms or large dfning areas, bay-wiffilowed- or wind-walled breakfast nooks and a private master suite. ·

Builders Sales Corp .. exctusive sales agent. lists amenities such as air conditioning, vaulted ceilings, ceramic tiled entries, wood-burning fire­places with gas loglighters, forced air gas heating. carpeting and decorator-selected lighting fixtures.

Kitchens offer ceramic tile counter tops.

custom-designed wood cabinets, Juminous cen­lngs, ice maker plumbing and an array of appliances Including· microwave eye-leYet oven, range with contlnous-cleanlng oven. automatic dishwasher and waste disposer In double sinks.

Master bedrooms feature vault~ ceilings, oversized wardrobes, skytlghted balhs~ and a double-door -entry,. dressing ~ea and . waJk- ln closet In one plan. Cuhured marble pullmans enhance master and secondary baths. .

Other custom-styled features Include a cof­fered celling In the formal dining room of one home. a dining galleria overlooking the sunken living room of another plan, and open-staircases in foyers of . two-story designs. .

Additional .amenities- lncJude a '60&ar-assl~ed continuously circulating ho1 water heating system, smoke detectors, pre-wiring for telephone and TV outtets and energy saving features such as pilotless ignition gas ranges, thermostats w1th night set­backs, exterior door weatherstripping and full waJI and celling Insulation. . •

RecreatlonaJ f acilltles at Charter Glen Include a recreat1on center and swimming pool surrounded by landscaped Qrounds that set off the homes.

Guest part<lng Is 8.lso provided and maintenance of the facmttes and common ateas Is cared for through the homeowners association.

The Terra West community ls an established restdentlaJ .-ea .close to the Puddlngstone Reser­vof r and Bonet If Region at Park recreational area, offering flSh ng, boating. horseback riding end other outdor ac1Mtles.

The development is also within commuting distance of downtown L'os-Angeles and Otange County metropolftan and employment centers .and within minutes ·of the Otaremont, Pomona and Diamond Bar areas.

Model homes are expected to be completed by early August at Charter Glen and a temporary sales ait_. frem-11 a..m.-to.6i>.m .

Tuesday through Friday (closed Wednesday and Thursday).

To reach Charter Glen, take the Orange Freeway north, then tum right (east) to the Foothlll Freeway (210). and take the San Dfmas exit south. The community Is located on the corner of San Dimas and Allen.

For further lnformatlo~ calf 592-~97 or 592-6498.

TheCharterGlencommunJtylDSanDimu - built by Terra We8t - featurett four Ooorplanathatstutat$99,990. •

. Toca yo features garden h'ornes liear ocean T ocayo Canyofl In

San Clemente offers what Stearns develop­ment Co. is calling " ex­ceptional value.'' The major obstacle in the paths of shoppers at the single-family, detached. garden home communi­ty is the number of buyers ahead of them, said Philip A. Stearns, president of the de­velopment firm.

" Recent develop­ments have forced interest rates up In most places," Stearns noted. "Tocayo Canyon, be­cause of guaranteed 30-year fixed rate loans with Interest rate ceil­ings set at 13.5 peroent, and low 5 percent down ~ents. has emerged as the leading new home value In coastal

Orange County. ·' If financing alone

weren 't enough to q\Jal­ify the community as such," he added, "con­sider the location -less than a mile from the Pacific and roughly the same distance to the San Diego Freeway. And we've put extra effort into the crafting of these homes to ensure both quality and style. All at prices the first­time buyer can easity afford."

Seventy-two homes at T ocayo Canyon were sotd In the past 30 days. at prices ranging from $99,995 to $115.995.

Located within mas­ter-planned Forester Ranch , · the San Clemente locale provides ample op-.

portunltles for leisure and recreation. Miles of sandy beach, a variety of dining establish­ments and shopping centers are all nearby. A number of golf courses

and parks are also in the vicinity.

Plans for Forster Ranch call for three more communities to be developed: Wtfen com­plete, the projects will

encompass 450 acres of coastal land.

To visit the communi­ty, take the Santa Ana Freeway to Camino de Estrella, exit and turn

left , Continue on Camino de Estrella, which becomes Camino de Las Mares. on to Forstei Ranch. For ln­f or mat ion , call 498-5170.

Regis apart111ent s under construction Regis Homes Corp is building several rental

apartment communtles to meet what the devefoper describes as an "acute" need for affordable rental housing tn Orange County.

The first new apartment community Is Rldge­crest, located at 21486 Lake Forest Drive In El Toro. Regis is presently acc;eptfng applications for two­bedroom apartments.

Ridgecrest has a swimming pool, two spas, tennis court• and recreation faclllties. The phone number la 855--0077

The eecond of these rental oommuntttes la Laa Cotlnaa Apartments, located at 25631 Indian Hill

Including 2• one-bedroom and 116 two­bedroom/two-bath homes. Alt of the homes feature wood-burning fireplaces, garden wtndowed kitchens and tndtvldual private storage rooms. In addition, thwe wtll be a poot and spa. plus a recreational facHlty.

Occupancy Is scheduled to begin In mtd-.June 1984. Early reeefVatlona are urged for the one- and two-bedroom apartments. priced from $800 to $785. Theee apartments are being Offered to quaUfled residents on a ftrat-oome balle.

Lane In Laguna HIHa. The tanporary rental Qfftce '8 tocated on site Lu CaMRas wtll featur• 1AO epertment hiofnel, , , tf"l4 '' cpN> frOCJ\ 10 a.m. to a p.m. dalty, 76&-n57.



Page 25: copter - City of Newport Beach

Specializing in properf'J on

BA YFRONT - EXTRA SPECIAL Oftertftt • .....- locatlon wtth "wide YEW" on main beJfront loC8tion, Ihle ~ hM a piw/dp tor • 50'

( fecM. .... of both wQftdt - • brick,.... end prden end rec::r.tlonef wetemont IVlng. Frwtt dooft, w.t w , scar o-.... new roof end m...-, other utr• lncludM In Ihle 4 ~home on two•• Spectoua Uwtng reom, WV­form.I dining room end kttchen with breelrf•t .,.., &eJ lo .... t1,G50,000. FEE. 131-1400.

BAYFRONT - PIER/SUP - VIEW Spec:bleWr mount.In end w•ter •lew from thle well­"'*'tehwd 11A YFRONT DUPlEX. 8MdJ bMch + piw for 2 1arve Jedm. Greet femlly •• In • qutet location. Cell for ....-.. on this tentftc ptoperty. OWNER W1U CARRY TitE NOTE ANO FIRST T.D. ON THIS FEE LAND ptopertJ. .. .000. 131-1400.

NEWPORT OCEANFRONT - SPECTACULAR Splendtdty contempcwwy rMtdence In• corner toc.tlon wtth .. Un1ed~ windows to enloJ the bNch end ocean . . . • yet offering the ptt.ecy within. Two--story, grendloM properfJ with• conblnetton of Ught wood noon & carpet­ing, gourmet kitchen with quetlty c:.blnetrr, ......­femlly room end 4 bedrooms ln the main hciuM. Aleo• ..,.,_ .. entrance for • 1 bedroom ltHfw ~ ... or for the .._..., •.• or can be • rental unlV. .• or NSlfJ pert of the house. 3-cer garage. ~tel ' 1 g .... end unusual ct.t.Wng throughouL 1849,000. FE • el 131-1400.

LITTLE ISLAND BA YFRON - ,000 lneplec...,,. lodaJ on this 9lD tot on A YFRONT. Greet "water views" from thla 2-storr prope;ty with two untta. Specious 4 end 3 bedroom units end owner wUI help ftnMce. f71.el00.

BANK REPOSSESSION - LAGUNA A"" ~with wood end g .... end bMutltul pool .,.., Bring anr on... of tract., 10% cah down. Banmk 1a oflertng 121' lntereet for nnenctng. EMJ to .... RecklC*t 10 1715.0UO. 131-1400.

BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT OutatancAng comer toc.tlon on So. Beyfront ••. quiet end of We. UN088TRUCTED MAIN BAY VIEW - wtth no boels moorec11n tront. =~t but oww 1e .-1ng 1715,000 Md la . Y ANXIOUS to .... Cel for .._... on this .. tandnwt.. toc.tloft. On FEE lend. 131-1400.

. Orange Counfy AM Estate/~ Achert~ ~to the DAILY PILOTIS8tur~. June 2, 19&4 - 5

waler ~ .. waler . . : ~nJ wilk View of waler <---

BALBOA ISLAND ~ 2 ......._ ~·••ne c .. Cod home wtda s .......... f.wt Dlhlad kltcMft, ....... and lwidwood ...... ~3 ,_old ...w unit"- 2 bedroolna. 2 ...... 4 car ...,..__ $175,G00.131-1400.

JASMINE CREEK CONDO - VIEW .... •tine• Thia ~ 3 .,...... condo ... apeclll """ I _....,. good wtew, plUe fttn Wge petlo landec..,.cl by Aoget9 - ..., ~ OuelttJ. condition. heet with ..._,,, titer .,....,. end completely MCUNd ...... comn1uNty pool and ..... courts. 0.Mn rnotlw.-1 SSCZ.500 131-1400. .

WESTCLIFF - LARGE FAMILY HOME Thia "'llelot" bull home la OM °' the few 5 bedroom homee tor .... ....., ...... apece • prfncJ. An ...,. WV- Jot, .......... end....., and ....., ~ structlon. lecuilftJ .,._..., ,... copper phlntbling. 2 water ........ 2 ....,.. .. and.~ .. kitchen.&., lo show. f7S.4IOO. 1325,000. •


LAGUNA BEACH CONTEMPORARY Oceal\ VIEW.with loede of wood and gl.- oo • huge '"91 lot wtu, room tor pool In front or beclt. On1J 4 ,..,.. old In • chok:e locMloft. Exciting 4 bedroom home end oww la Ngef to cooper• In ...... ..... Lwe .... low down. a1-1400. ·

WEST NEWPORT DUPLEX SEASONED MONEY MAKER only 2 ~ from undl 4 bedroOlfta In ...., • 2 bedrooflle In lower .nt. oww -eerrr • ........... 2n11. Priced at Cal 131-1400.

NEWPORT CONDO - BOAT SLIP One of the low...a pltced condoe wtth JOW own boet alp lnctudld. OIMnbliit.pdo ...u.1....., ........... ~ .,...D_, f'h belhe. IEeeJ atepe lo the beed\. OfttJ 1235.a FU.. U1-1400. .,

BAYSHORES CAPE COD COTT AGE Aflpnl•g •.*'1:'r ui.rt. wtth tredllof'81 fMlnu · · · .... potentW •••'°°911111 ... 2 bedroom home ""

==~~~~Urge patio •••

IRVINE - SAN JOAQUIN TOWNHOUSE • ...... 8ollno .... 211., condo In • c:ountrJ ... moepMre. o.w .. ,_..., ........ piopetty to .... ...... ..,.. Condoll11llh 2 IMdfoom. + deft. ... end ,_ .. to... IL s--.: 131-MOO. . .

EASTSIOE HOME + POpl ~ .._.Md apea111 a bedrool'ft home with cuetom ~ ........ ,... ............. Md peNc1 for .... .....,. C D!ep I MIM OWW .. eel..., JMr ofter on INe chal'M­lng home. -..... ~room for S151~ 131.1400.

woo~ - BORDEAUX MODEL • -A ..,..,.. .. ....,._,s blghlJupgreded wm.W1htw dac«, "*1'ond ... and ............ Oww ............... wernnty plm" wMin JOU buJ tNe 2 bedloom + d9n condo. ttst,I00.131-'400. .. redUced. lndudee .. condlaonlng and 8lt8dled gange.. -

GAEA T ST ARTER HOME - $131,000 Oertlog remoclet with new ldtchen a ..... Oft LAAGE LOT. Only 10% CASH down/ ..... option or EXCHANGE. Cal for detella. 131-MOO.

SUPER EASTSIDE BUYI L.OW9IJ Newport Riviera condo has fuat been reduced t o tltl,000. Thie- S bedroona. 21h beth ree6detic. h8I em. _ ........... petlo, double...,..... .... c:omta Md pool. c.t 131-1400. -

LIDO ISLE - MINT CONDrTION OWnen have tataly coordlnllttld .... carpet and •

.cower"•...-Jble brtgM. cheerful a IPll I ••ne ....._ Lwge • bed + l8lft81 room With a.., eowmet llftc:Mn a 8exl:J6e ......... 131.1400. Mn,000.

NIGUEL SHORES - OCEAN VIEW F...-llc vEw of oc:emt from Ihle brtght & elry S bedroom, 2¥1 ._. end un1t. nwo ~ .... 1mct­....._ ~ pool, tennis a ..,._ Security pt9.. 131-1400. 1225,000 •

NEWPORT CORNER - POOL Owner le "" motlnted to ..a end wtn conelder u ­~ few home In Long --. A ree11J ~ lOfllr c ••..e.d 2 .._..a a• a den + ......, ,__ ........ !IC& --··;:. ...... Md ... pool and dedt .... Eaay to.... ,500 ~ lhe lend. 131-1400.

WATERFRONT HOMES, INC~ a~. Rentdlco. ProJX>r tv Mi'lnagement

• 3 15 Ma rine Av<>.

8alhod l~land (> 7:J-(l'>OO


Page 26: copter - City of Newport Beach


' I


Bonds 1nake buying easier at GC coi:idos,


New homeowners can move in with a~ little as $4,800 down

Buyers can move into the VIiias at Meadow Brook Village, a Garden Grove condominium community, for as low as $4,800 with 30-year, 101h percent fixed rate bond financing. .

.Conventronat toans-are ava1ta1Jte-at 1:JOth l'tffr Villas and the Town homes, lncludjng. a conven­tional 30-year, 1 H'• percent fixed-rate loan.

But financing Isn't the onty att~ctlon at Meadow Brook, said sales manager Carolyn · Agnew. " The buyers are ~ting Meadow Brook

· Village as the highest quality development regard­less of price or financing, " she said.

The Villas, one- and two-bedroom con­- - dominium homes. are prloed from_ $_79..900 to

. $93,900. Two- and three-bedroom, two-story Townhomes ~re also available, priced from $109,900 to $135,900.

" We back Meadow Brook Vltlage homes ytith a written, two-year warranty, which cover!.)Omost everything in the home," Agnew said. " We, too, see that Meadow Brook Village offers true quality."

Recreational amenities at the 23-acre develop­ment include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a clubhouse with a fireplace, game tables, pool table, sauna and restroom and kitchen facilities.

Two special " Home of Quality" demonstration • plans accompany the seven model homes. The

./ Kltellene at Meadow Brook VW.,e In Garden GroTe featare ballt-ln appll•acea and nataral oak cabinet.. Two 0 Bome of .. ~ •

The Toman Co.·· Meadow Brook VUJ.a&e often oae- and two-bedroom Vlllu from . Home of Quality models display cut-away walls and ceilings, ptumbfng and heating systems, and exhibits of the materials and craftsmanship used to create the homes. In addition, many of the price­lnctuded amenities are displayed.

Meadow Brook VIiiage 'homes Include fire­places, built-In appllanoes, decorative kitchen and bathroom fixtures, recirculating hot water system,


deck or patto, watt-to-wall caq>etlng, front door deadbolt locks, natural wood kitchen cabfnets and cultured marble bathroom counters.

To see Meadow Brook VIiiage, take the Garden Grove Freeway to the Magnolia off-ramp. Tum west on Trask and right on Yockey to MMdow Brook VIiiage. For more Information, call The VIiias sales office 539-9736 or The Townhomel 539..0734.

................................ Historic ranch no.w country club

WARNER SPRINGS - Phase one escrows are now being closed at historic Warner Springs Ranch, according to A. Cal Rossi, Jr., owner and developer of the property, being marketed as a country club ranch for2,000 owners.

Phase one consists of 837 proprietary un­div1ded Interests, made avaJlable wfth ttNt Issuance of the final Department of Real Estate permit on ~mber 30,~198~.

' 'This new concept In ownership has generated an In precedented amount of enthusiasm," said Rossi. " Each buyer receives a grand. deed representJhg a 1 /2000th Interest In the 2,522-acre Warner Springs Ranch, Including Its 250 guest bungalows, 18 hole PGA rated golf course; two swimming pools, 17 llghted tennis courts, a 32-acre youth actMtles area, equestrian center and lodge with year-round food and beverage service." •

Whtie the $32 mllllon renova~nd building program Is In progress, Rosal and his Int-venture partner, Border Lights, Inc., a oHy-owned subsidiary of AKO General, Inc., ar offering the proprietary undivided Interests at a "Charter Owner'.' price.

"Thia type of marketing Is stJH relatively new," Rossi said, "but It's captured the lmaglnatJon of those who are looking for en exceptk>n81 rec­reational site. At Warner Sprtnga Rllnch, an owner · hu unHmlted daytime use of the faclltlel 385 days a year. Country club "*"berlhlp lncludel a major Initiation fM that la ~ not>le. A vacation home that oner. aa mmy dtvendfled fdttiel Would cost many th'Mi"the ~ of equity owner8hlp at w..,..- llnd a reeort hotel bill for a



Page 27: copter - City of Newport Beach


SOMETIMES. just living in Newport Beach ia not enough! Unquestion~ly view of the gorgeom goU course and tb.!_ex~~IS-~~R-GeDb:i-.:1~bfie Presidents and Princes, oil barons and giants of fiaao-ce. commerce and - ~~e-olfer oil!- e mc>it" mapific~nt custom estates i industry, indeed, the most sociably distinguished are magically drawn to this ~ouoty. Behind its own electronic gates and cobblestone motor c yard. great area to live. and to enjoy, the best the world hat to olfer. Far and wide. extensive use of m~nry with massive colum11s anti wrough iron fe ce, one the sophisticated ambience of Big Canyon, it accept_e4 u one ~r the most finds beautiful landscaping and utmost seclusion. The home was uperbly cherished and desireable enclaves in the country. Its magnilicense i.s a planned, with some 6,500 square feet of exacting quality. It tures 4 treasure found. and the fable that is Ne"'.~rt Beach ia epitomiud in Big bedrooms, including a master suite. 5~ bat~ 4 t"' places. an

' Canyob. Nestled in the huhneu of Big Canyon with a sweeping panoramic elevator, and much, much more. Priced at Sl.'795,000. RIC CA~ON ... AND THI UPERB ESTATE ••. THE UL Tl)IATE DlSTINCTION ... AND Yot1a EXPRESSION Of' CRANDTAST£


This charming and delightful country home is a masterpiece of perfection in its authenticity of an era in history known foT gracious living. Panoramic views from rows of French windows are portraits of real life murals of distant 1oow·capped moUDtains, a billioJL city lighUA hilltops and treetops ... a daily spectacle for someone fortunate enough to own this incom· parable home and setting. Over 5.000 square teet of living space, on a magnificent full acre, with full grown pines. eucalyptus and an orchard with dozens of fruit trees. rose gardens and enhanced by a sparkl· inl pool and spa with never endi11g views.

OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12-6 12711 Reservoir· N. Tustin

(Near Skyline & Foothill)


~E< 1.l DEi> E~T \TE lll<rll I\ TllF Tl ~Tl\ HILL~

Thia superbly designed and constructed estate. built by renowr;ie4 beach area contractor T . Duncan Stewart, offers over 6,000 square feet of custom-crafted quality. It it a graciou home , with an elegant uruqueness blended with con· t.e!llpOra.ry-ucitemeot, • quality ~en-.oagbt but seJdon found. he warm and rich appoint· men!S are greatly eohaoced by the abUAdant use of richly finished, exotic wood5. A mam· moth poolside family room with full kitchen and movie p_rojectioo ro9m promises man.y memorable family get· togethers. A long 300' private driveway provides- for future electric gates for additional seclusion. Great financing available.


1710 La Loma· N. Tustin (Near Redhill & Foothill)

Thia ia a superbly planned 6 bedroom home with 4 full baths on a deosley wooded hillside with a .magnificent view! The home wu buiJt by its present owners on the carefully selected site and bis i the fiDJ tinltil,.h.uheea.olluecl for sale. Views from almost every room a.s well as the gorgeous pool and spa are tbe super features along with an exquiaitely manicured ~ acre yard. Other features include air con· ditioning. 2 finplaca, and ..-pal kitchen.


OPEN SAT & SUN 12 to 6 11211 Cherryhill · N. Tustin

(Near Foothill & Skyline Dr.)


Page 28: copter - City of Newport Beach

8 - Or~nge County Real Estate/An Advertising ~pp~t to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. June 2, 1984

" ,

.. -- .... -

- ~

Are 'lou looking for a Jleaf near I~ feac~? . . -

. :Jfiere are 4 Leauli/ull'I Luift lownhom~J in ofJ

Corona def mar. lack. 3 Ledroom, 2 112 La1lij wuli

viewing decLJ, JpaJ, dining areaJ, /;.replaceJ an~

qua/ii'! delail from Jo/id br~JJ /;.xlureJ lo crown

mouldin.gJ. 5/ie'I are allraclive f :J/ie'J are. '!afue f

:J/ie developer ;uJI dropped priceJ $100,000 lo

$219,000· each. See lhe Cape Cr~wn 5ownhom~J- al ,

403 Popp'J Ave, Cdm. Open tkiJ Salurda'J and

Sunda'J. mrJ. maril'ln l<o~Jelol will meel IJOU.



• U~l()U~ tif)M~§,, l?ULTf)l?§,, tJlli·tJ()()() .


Page 29: copter - City of Newport Beach


-~ ........ ~ Harbor Island Or., nr Beacon Bay yet S thousands less. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, spacious pool home, vacant, spotless' $525,000 . . ' .


"911 UTllMY •1 l( ....... 3 .. 3,2111111,..,..., . . ........ $334,900 ............ , .. \ ............ 518 Matguerite, ofd COM

::-- ............. 3 .... 3--IOt,llry,

$525,ooO •..•...................... 134 Harbor Island Or. N.B.,1..._2._ • .,.-. ..... $174,000- ..... 2031 N. Capetla Ct. Mesa Verde, C:M.

lfEl-UTln&Y Ill 111111 11crt•11 .._ • "OWi" .... llllC. .... l ......... ..... ~-$925,000 ............................... 3335 Ocean Bfvd. COM

... l ....... 1~ ......... 111,111 $219,000.. ................. 403-409 Poppy Ave, Olde COM Clll* ~ IJICllll,..., lltai ............. $425,000 ........................ 501 Cliff Dr., Nwpt. Heights. .., arnlt, 3 .................. dlltttn. $395,000fee .......... 2001 Altura, Irvine Terrace, COM ' .......... lWra,2Mlllllltllllldlll._..._ $289,000 ...................... 2212 Arbutus, Eastbluff, N.B.

IPU SllllY •LY c..try UCld. .. [autt .... c.,.. ..... ·3 Wra, ...... $435,000 ........ 528 Seaward, Corona Highland, COM ..... let ........... . $285,000 (LH) ......... 2601 Blackthorn, Eastbluff, N.B. ._. .. ,, l1•11,3Wrm,JM,.,.,Jecb....,.__ $219,000 .................. 463-409 Poppy Ave, Olde COM

s Tlwlllll ltsl ... ltiC*n. l .... l ... ,..., .... '*'· ... $ .......................... 134 Harbor Island Or. N.B. .,. .... ,..., .... l .... 3 .. ., ... ..,. $360,000 .• 4501 Wayne Rd, Cameo Highlands, COM -. Tt at • s. l Wrw. 2 mri1s, tiOt MC1ritJ systm. w . $475,000 ....... 2 Rue FountaJnbleau, Big Canyon N.B.

2 ........ licC.,..~ . ... - ...... 5,000. ................ ...... ............ 3 Aue FountaJnbleau

....,, ............ 3 ....... 2 - ...... Min, llJ-ICllb, tee 01UJ,.... $179,000 ...... 2613 Redlands, Back Bay, Costa Mesa

111111001e s2n1~ I •.,.rt..,._ ~111 ,900. 3 bdrm, 21~ bath, all amenities of swim, spa A ' 'sleeper"' of a bOy at $111,900 •.,.rt, .... , .. ~ $114,000. 3 big bedrooms, 21A baths, end unit in quiet area near nature part<, pool and spa.

-...,.,. ..... - $130,0001 Lovely location, townhouse In Westcllff, 2 bdrm, 2 baths, de­lightful patio~ $130,000

1rtttMJ ..... - Attractive Costa Mesa area, 3 ,bdrm, 2 bth wfth used brick frplce, pawn, wood 1floors and pine paneling. Ah-dor-ablel $147,500 ........ l••Mlllte - Perky Cape Cod with French doors and wfndows, wood floors and formal dining, 2 bdrm tovmhome In Newport onty $153,900

....... .., .., ••••••• - · 2 bd, 2 ba, lmmac. View deck. Walk to everything. lncJ. Comm pool/spa. $169,000

IEW LISTllli -ust &Id" - Central COM. near ehope, footbridoe .pattc, 2 bdrm and 1 bdrm units, new carpe1 and paint. Only $249,500

"I VOTE FOR EVERYONE VOTING" That' s what Marilyn Roussetot urged the entire staff to do this coming Tuesday, June 5. "A presidenttal primary, and crucial races for the 70th Assembly District and Proposition A headline the ballot. Bev White & Joan Bracy agree.

• 1111tts - 3 bdrm, 3 baths, 1850 sq ft!, end unit, patio, nice decor onty $189,900 Terrifie lewd:••• - Brand new! 3 bdrm, 3 ba, trplce In master suite and llv. rm., trench doors, patio and sundeck. $209,000 I Ital lllit - Classic Old COM duplex, Batten Board, brick fireptaoes, tons of trees + Invest­ment potential. Onty $209,000 C.,. .,._ , ........ - Outstanding values, near COM Beaches, 3 Bdrm, 3 baths, brand new, decks, spas, frptcs. $219,000 ...._. ... ._ """1 - RentaJ units, 2 bdrm, 1 ba, frplc in ~ unit. Beamed ceilings, wood floors. $239,000 ..,_. ,_. TM .... - Just steps to Balboa beaches, 3 bdrm, 2 story, solid custom home with stone frplce and ocean views. Only $270,000 EM...., •l•*-•• - Large pool, nice view, one owner home, purchase tee or at $285,000 leasehold P11111i111 _.,,.,. - 3 bdrm, 3 ba. panorama of Big Canyon Golf Course. 3 bdrm, 3 ba. very upgraded, real class, only $299,000.

1 1110~ 1411= I flew, ... Wii - Wtth 3 rm, 2 baths, large stone fireplace and beam ceiling. Ananc­lng Is great at $310,000 fee. Iii...,_ - 2 bdrm, den, 2 bath condominium. behind guarded gate, spablous, light and a bargain at $335,000

1ianf Ut1 - Sport court. covered patio and pride of ownership, 4 Bdrm, H.V. Hills, nr park, $399,000

IW ... llanlt - Cheerful, charm personified, metlculousty maintained, 2 bdrms, den, 2 baths, 45' lot and just a skip to the beach.

lniH T.,... C.e1mJ1nry - Great look! Very current, wood floors. shutters. oontemporary tones of grey, spa tool $395,000

0..- ..... •1'M - Canyon views. yet spacious 3 bdrm, fam rm and viewing deck. A speciaJ home. Owner/agent. $435,000

11111.t • - Special offerings of a special project. Quality construction, ooean views, se­curity, tennis and a gorgeous pool. Priced from $«0,000 IMIMe .. "9 ... ,, - Port Royal plan in Seaview, 4 bdrms, $30,000 in extras, tasteful excitement. 1$449,000

'"' ..... - Big canyon, 3 bdrm, on comer k>t, light atmosphere, strong security system. Mon8QO at $475,000

..... ,..._ 1~W:r-"11 ..... _ ...... ,...,....," ..... ~-ona....--1-~ ....... J Mar c11ns overlooking entire Newport Harbor. 3 units, with 1dedts and magnificent views. $795,000 ..., - But well preseMKI 3 bdrm, hugs the cliffs over beach, surf, jetty, C•taJina & sunsts. Anance: Owner. Price: $925,000

· U~l()l)~ ti()M~§. l?IALT()l?§. PA FIC


Page 30: copter - City of Newport Beach


.._ -... ~-... - ------=--

10 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 2, 1~

Pre-rerltals und~r way _at Villa So ana

Marking the debut of the first apartment community to be presented\ by Meister Develop­ment. reservations are now being accepted fo.r 160 of the 272 apartment homes to be constructed at Villa Solana In Laguna Hills.

" Strong demand for affordable housing In South Orange County prompted Meister's di­versification Into apartments and has also been respoosibfe for the-initiation of thiS" priHental program," explained Carole Jamieson Dann, vice president of marketing for the Newport Beach­based company.

The eompany has recently expanded oper­ations Into the ScottsdaJe/Phoe~ix residential market and hss continued its diversification with the acquisition of several automotive dealerships throughout Southern Caltfoml~ _

" Based upon the high response to our signs and inter~t lists. we are gojng ahead and providing Key to the city apartment seekers with the opportunity to pre-rent one of the first phase apartment homes at VIiia Dem Zellner, prealdent of Zellner Com- clttsen hoa••ni project. Tbe projecta la Solana," continued Dann. "These early-bird maDltlea, Inc., recd•ea a key to the clty of beiDC heralded u a pl'OtotJ'Pe eomma.nlty renterswlllenjoythe~dvantageof a one-year rental hllerton from Mayor. Linda LeQalre for becaue ZeUaer la ballcllnC it wttboat

~~-==--=ra~egu81'!IU!l'.J~Ul]~1dkl:ln~dt.~~~=-~~~~-=-·~~­be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.''


Renting from approximatefy $585 to $760 per month, the apartment homes at VIiia Solana will range In size from 709 to 1,029 square feet of interior living space. Four floor plans will provide a selection of one-bedroom or one-bedroom-plus­den plans, each with a single bath, or two-bedroom designs with 1 'I• or two full baths. To accommodate 'the needs of roommates or other dual households, the largest model sequesters two master suites, each with a full bath.

Buck chosen for marketing post

During this pre-rental program, a rental center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. To vtstt the stte of Meister Development's new apartment community of Villa Solana, take the San Diego Freeway to the ~lcla Parkway exit and proceed south approx­imately two miles. For further information caJI 643-1101. •

Bob Buck has been· named director of marketing for Laguna Surf. a luxury beachfront timeshare reS<1rt under construction In Laguna Beach.

Before joining the Laguna Surf Partnership, which is developing the resort, Buck served as director of marketing for Ron Williams Realty, with offices in Laguna Beach and Laguna Nigue. In that capacity he handled all advertising and promotion for the firm.

" When It came time to find someone capable of developing the sort of sophisticated marketing

Co1nputer aids in search for home High speed system helps buyers determine affordable payments

Renters on the Orange Coast are discovering that homeownership is possible with the aid of a high-speed computer system from Lee Mortgage Corp. of Huntington Beach.

The system works equally well for homeowners facing a balloon payment or the need to refinance their present mortgage.

Lee Mortgage's Financing Analysis System Technology (FAST) Is helping real estate agents quickly match clients with homes they can afford. The computer analyzes a- buyer's ablllty 10 borrow and within minutes helps determine affordable monthly payments.

"Often renters are surprised to find that although they thought they couldn't afford to buy, the FAST computer found a loan program that makes It possible," said Bob Foutz of Lee Mortgage.

"We found that many renters are really interMted In purchasing a home or condominium, but do not think they have the ability to qualify for a loan," Foutz noted. " In many cases, we have

proven this to be wrong. People can purchase wtth as llttte ~ 5 percent down and many times parenta will co-mortgage with a son or daughter."

The FAST computer hefps all prospective buyers qulctdy determine the price range and best loan program available for them before they go out to look for a home. By etlmlnatlng guesswork, buyers save time In the search for their dream home.

A loan officer can bring a small portable FAST printer rtght to a buyer's home. After typing In some basic financial Inf ormatlon and sending It to the FAST computer, the printer will type out as many as eight loan programs avallabte to the prospective buyer, based on his Income and assets.

~ST has loan schedules for loans ranging from·s~to$1.5 million, as well as comparing fixed and adjustable rate mortgages.

The FAST system Is currently avallabte to private Individuals and real estate agents In Irvine, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Newport Beach, Balboa, Costa Mesa, Mission Viejo and parts of Gar~en Grove.

Further Information ls avaJlabte by contacting Bob Foutz at Lee Mortgage In Huntington Beach, 848-7..00 or Barbara Kale In Sherman Oaks at (818) 990-3500.

strategy needed for Laguna Surf, Bob was the only person we seriously considered," said Ron Wii­iiams, whd Is one' of three general partners developlnP. Laguna Surf. ·

"Bob s knowledge of Laguna Beach and South Orange County. combined with his marketing know-how made him a natural," sald Wiiiiams.

As director of marketing for Laguna Surf, Buck Is responsible for establishing an orlOlnal market­ing plan and Implementing a sales program.

The waterfront three-story, 25-unlt resort ts rising on a bluff ovet1ooklng the town's curving coastline, dtrectly above Main Beach.

Cost of the development, excluding land costs, Is expected to top $3.5 mlMlon. Sales are now under way.

"Working on ~na Surf la such a wonderful opportunity for me becauae thefe are so few vacation ownership resorts being built on the California Coast that this may welt be a one-of-a­kind ~ment," uld Buck. .

-c 1 ••

Page 31: copter - City of Newport Beach

- --· -. <>r..., CoUnty AMII Estate/An Advert'8lng IUpplement to the DAILY PlLOT/Saturday, JUne 2. 1984 - 11

.. Over Sixty Years of Turning Drsl!ms Into Reality

CORONA DEL MAR GEii Deliahtful 3 bedroom heme m c:hoice c.nx location S>Uth of PllCiflc C08ll Hwy. Sunny, 9ecluded adjoins living room. kildkn and one bedroom. Specioua Uv'lns~ wlbrli!r lire­place and dining area. Ericlmed two-ar praaie All for $280,000!! Call BINNIE-DIXON

~ .eASTSIDI! CHARmR · Lace Cw1aina. neW carpets 81¥l- lewrora ~ thia large 3 bdrm, 3 family home charmina· Over 9 ,000 .. ft R-2 lot with lpU1tliqg pool and ~ aDCe1S. One year heme warranty included.

NORTHWOOD CONDO 1 bdrm + )oft, plan "'Ir' near a bebblf"IC brook. Owner may trade for R-1 loL $110,000. Call MARIA BERCOVIT'L for finanCtng

MONARCH BAY Spldous boaie wll.arle moms .a view of the blue pacific. Everytbin£ to make ~omia life style easy. 2 master suites plus 3 more bdnns. lra tam rm. formal din rm, pool spa & built-in BBQ. Low maintenance grounds · w/extensive brick work and decking. $450,000 L .H. Call TRUDY STUBBLEFIELD .

LOW PRICE - BAYIHORES 2 Bd.nn & family ' room which couJd aJnvert to 3rd bdnn. Poteneial to expand. Charming guard­gated Newport community with private l>Mcb. $329,000 FEF.. Call MARIL Y TWITCHELL or MARIA BEROOVITZ.

LOCATION Charming 3 bdnn home on quiet Newpi>rt Beach Street. H.aidwood fioon, large Kcluded back yard. Convenient to &'.boob, shopping and beach. Excel.Jent location. Priced at $1&4,900. Ask for DONNA cw BILL.


'6ingle 1eWl 3 bdrm ••J" plan with extra large deck the canyon and back bay. Excellent condition. Owner wants wt sale. Sub­mit!! Call SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOL't

FArta NEAR Farfrom the noise of the dty, close to freeways. Beautifully decOrat.ed executive home in Anaheim Hills. Very quiet. very pnvate. View of aty Ugbts from most rooms.and ovel"SlD!d spa. A wife's dream for large or small scale entertaining or comf0t1ablc family liVlllg. Nearly 4000 sq ft. 4 bdrms. 4 baths, ~ acre of lush landscaping. $449.000. Call DOROTHY MITCHELL.

. . GREAT INVESTMENT HOME _+._co.-_ ma1'- NOllE 0. 11 IF n •SJD--+--.---

COIE 2 or 3 bdrm heme with W. ~patio and Duplex am. street from expemive t.yfnmt pool. Grea& pooWdf> m1ftt.aininC are. with fire.. bomea. Walk to bey or~ 3 bdrm I 2 bd:nQ + piL Re 11 Mwhly jricied. Call DC>ft01'HY HARJ>... guest & t.tb, 3 car aar-ge. &me & apl 1epatated CASTI..E for ftnendna de1aha. by lrg mckwed patio. $415.000. Call MARILYN ~Lor MARIA BEROOVITZ ..

4eOO+ SQ FT NEWPORT BEACH HOIE llT bay frontagew/privatedock foe 70' 00.t .:_, 4 bdnnl + oonvertible study, 4 ~ betha. fon:nal dining room and step-down livin& room -~ ate rmiltel' wing w /litting room, ~ & twin walk-in cloeeta - Offend with land fcw $1,700,~ t.tnandn,g. ea:o TODDY SMITH or DON DeTHOMAS.


Beautdul rmin channel view fl'QID the 63' t.yfront deck. !'My 8'xell 10 freeway. walk 10 Balboe Bay Club. .. Bdnm. eecb with beth. family room. Rp chnini roam. ~tio Private beKhee. Call MARILYN

CHERRY LAKE Immaculate remodeled 3 bdrm home. Fireplace, bar. large patio with spa overlooking lake. Seller wants it SOLD NOW. A musi Qall MARK DRENNER.


Unequaled private road location near the Harbor entrance offers quick ocean access. $1.350,000 includes the land and 2 boat speces. Qill SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOLT.


Two prestigiouS ocean view' condos m security bu.ildina· Both urulS include 2 bdrms. 2 baths, fireplace, view patios and community pool and spa. Minuces to beach, F.lshion Island and Hoag M~ Center. Asking $185,000 and $230.000. Call DIAN E CARFORA or LINDA TAGLIANETTI.

PERFECT FAMILY HOME BJG CANYON NEWPORT BEACH Spaaous five bdrm home with large family room. eating area off kitchen and formal dining room Fenced­in pool & yard All on large Hag lot w1th ample perking Call DOROTHY HAROCASTLE


LARGE A88UllABLE LOAM 12" fixed in~ 30 year loen. 1bree bdrm hOme with lpwioYs bmlly room md teparale livinC room in qWet location.. ~alk ~ ahoppinc & F~l36,000. Call SALLY SHIP-LEY • •


2 Bdrm. 2 bath CIQ CIOl"Dl!I' R-2 liM. Owner will -- beck. t&&5.000. Goqreoul aimea and -aJmost private> quiet beach. Call ALICE McCALLUM '


Harbor View Homa UR your own \allents md cnaavtty to campJete the ~us rocxn of tl:ila

. "1vely. dean "Partofino" plan. 3 bdnm. faqt rm. form dining. Reduced to $249,500 L.H. Call CAROL PANGBURN.

UDO ISLAND·BAVFRONT . 3,500 SQ rr. fiw- hmm home-with pier & .Up -large yachL Features elevatm, cm1ral vacuum, electric awninp. gourmet kitchen. 1Mded &lam entry door. SUe IUbject to court approval Call MARIA BERCOvrrz.

OREGON RANCH BROOKINGS. OR.rooN. 2 ~ on 3.2 acres on banks of Q)etco River. 4 bdrm & 1 bdrm.. 3 corrals.. botR tradt. chicken coop. barn. fnlit orchard, ..omahle lo9n.. Owner may carry 2nd or exdlanae for Southern California property. Only $189,000. Call MARY JANK.


'Attractive .. Delores" plan with exquisite bay & bluff view. Spacious patir> tmn which to watch the migrann, birds. Wilh--appm 2°" .down, owner may carry a new 1st T .D. Call JOYCE DA.BOLT or SALLY SHIPLEY

2 FOR $108,900 Duplex • ea. 2 bdnn. 1 ~ beth plus endoeed 2<ar garage. Excellent rental area. Good financing -V .A. assumable. Call DONNA WEBSTER.


OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1:00 TO 5:00 NEWPORT BEACH - Don' t mm this cnel! Well maintained 2 story 4 bdnn "Palermo" ori spaoous lot with mature fn.ut trees & gardens. ~ low for fast sale. $299.000 including land Call TODDY SM{TH

183.900 3 Bdrm. 1 i.. bath home on qwet street. Lrge added Crumly room and wann bn<:'k hreplace make th&s a l~ly fanu.Jy home Close to schools and Ask for DONNA WEBSTER

GEORGE ELK NS COMPANY (714) 759-9100

CORPCR,A TE PL A=~ 0 S~·ITE l ~O =3 f\ Jt\·VPORT CENTER ,.


Page 32: copter - City of Newport Beach


- .


_ ,.._TA,...INtNG AREAS. {;LOSE-fe MESA VERDE COUNTRY CLUB. $250,000. '91•1E llaEIAI





WATERFRONT ESTATE * TUDES WELCOME * "" Trade your equity In your home, commercial property fQr this five bedroom, four bath, b6nus room; on the water with your own pier /float. For details call llln lllmEI 631-1266

NEWPORT ENGLISH TUDOR light and airy doesn't begin to describe this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home located in Newport Heights.

. Professionally decorated with your own private spa. Original owner • offers this home at $180,000. Just listed and won't last! Call 11sn 111m11 631-1266


RUSTY &UllTHER R&'MMC 831-1288

3 Bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, formal dining and private location. Seller is offering terms. This townhome is priced to sell at $155,000. For details caU 11m lllmEI 631-1266 .

BUILDERS, INVESTORS, DEVELOPERS Don't miss this 3.2 acres In Laguna Canyon with beautiful sycamore trees. Build your estate or ... ??? For details

r-eall 11m llllTIEI 631- 1266

UDO BAIFRONT Excellent location on the water ... two bedrooms, den, three baths, boat slip available. Security bldg~ Easy living on the water. For a private showing .. . call inn llllTID 631-1266-

'• _ .,_

BAYFROIT $850,000 ASSUME $&00K AT 9~

Immaculate Lido Isle triplex .­possiblltty to convert to private resl· dence with separate Income unit. -Excellent opportunity. Just listed. Ill-DI.



. Excellent opportunity to assume $193,6000 1st TO. Spacious re­modeled family home. new kitchen and baths. French doors, toads of upgrades, stunning re«r yard and garden. Just listed at $260,000. Ill 11111n 631-1266.


IACKIAY-~ ACRE W/POOL This superlative 4 bedroom home .. combines elegance and casual life-

• style. Spacious newer home with· family room & family kitchen. Superb grounds and pool area, 3 car garage. Asking $370,000. UE 111101631-1266.

WMtlC· . 111-1211

NEWPORT HEIGHTS W/GUEST UllT Completely remodeled & expanded In 1982. Delightful traditional 2 bedroom, den home. Two story with ocean view from sun decks. Complete assumable financing. Great opportunity! $283.000. Ill 1111111 631-1266.

BRAID IEW CUSTOM PRIME Newport Heights VICTORIAN Design. 3,400 sq.ft. of living area. Master craftsmanship ·3 bedroom. family room, formal dining, Antique Doors & Flreplaoe. Too many upgrades to mention. It's stuQnlngl JUST LISTED EX­CLUSIVELY. $439,000. Call for appt. UE 1111111 631-1266 .

- ·fi.~

I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I

t I I I I

····· ' t . •;,

Page 33: copter - City of Newport Beach

& WE llEED YiuR LIS11111iS D

Bola I Dovie loop Bola loo,, Jr. I


10• s_1~LE_s_•_10 __ 1_uc~ER::.___._Fo ___ 1_ca_u_F_. 1_1_13_:;:·======......:...-=D-.::




. WITH TElllS SITE Must see this custom built & decorator home. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, game room, family room, formal dining, oak & peg floors, custom carpet, brass flxtures~J~lcyJJgbts, basement'"4 The custom bt£k bo om free form pool & spa with wa erfalls rs one of the most beautiful ever built. Putting green and your own tennis site. Asking only $925,000. Will trade for H.H. custom or bayfront with boat dock. • M .. u. . -

Ll)(J ISLE PRIEST LOCATION Complete turning basin views from this 4 Br, 4 Bath remodeled home with new kitchen, baths. Beau. tile work. plus dock tor 50 ft. yacht. $1 ,950,000. • • 11111 1•

-,. IOTIYAm UIDA ISLE SEWI • 5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths, Fam. Rm. Din. Rm. Beautiful Master Suite with lrge sitting rm., maids qtrs. Room for 2 large boats up to 60 ft. Lowest price on Linda. Very motivated seller at $1, 100,000••llYIE1•

VlllkllllOA "UI£•• Very special 3 Bedroom, family room, formal dining room, 2 baths, highly upgraded. MUST SELL. Only $265,000. Great terms, submit. • • MYIE IMP


4 Bdrm, 3 Ba. Oak Bar, marble In baths, oak floors, beautiful city, ocean, mountain vl'9WS, room addition upstairs, will lease or option, $520,000 In .. assumable financing. Steal at $695,000. • • 11Y1E IMP.


S BR, 21~ BA, Fam. Rm. Huge master suite w/ jacuzzi rm., 5 yr. old home w/all new decor, 2. lrg decks, 30 ft. boat dock. Asking $535,000 w/ $270,000 1st T.D. assumable at 12.5%. - .....

The most fabulous Ocean & Beach view in S6uthern CA. I One of U)e largest ocean front lots anywhere. Private I stairway to beach with exclusive man made swimming : pool in high tide water line. All in the private three Arch Bay community. $-1;900,000. • • llVIE 1• 631-1266.

- - UAVIEW'S BEST 101- · - · --- I 4 Br. & 2.5 Bath, family room, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, 'nice D yard, view of city & ocean. Security guard gate + pool & ·

• tennis:-$395,000. _.. • 111111• -----.______ KllCS IOAD; CUFF. fl\ & OCEAll VIEW

Best bay & ocean view tr t~ .lt Beautiful ho~. Move in cond. 3 b~. 3 ba. ~ol~ .. 1, wet bar, large sundf;'Ck, room for pooll L .. 1otlvated. Make any offer. $595,000. Best b";, . ~lngs Rd. • er .. U.

COIOU IEI 'l 0 JS 2 Bdrm, 1 Ba. $700 mo., • o~ ~ oa. $550 mo., Bachelor $350 mo. $217,000 In ~ .,,19 financing. Priced below market at $250,000. "7 . illllll I•.

-..- -



COIOIA DEL Ill DUPLEI . I )' This countr:y home is completely upgraded. Antique win-dows, rails, turn post from all over the country In this 2 -1 . b1frm, 2 bath home wtth · 1 bdrm.. 1 bath in rear. steal at $260,000. IN. 111111• I

5 UllTS COSTA MESA Four 2 Bdr. 1.5 Bath one 1Bdr. 1 Bath, Approx 8 years old.

· 2 Separate bldgs. Total Income $30,060. Submit any offer . ......... HORSE PROPERn W/POTEITIAL

COllEICIAL SITE 66X300 S.A Heights, income $1,000 per month. Very motivated. Asking ·S265,000. Must sell. Submit any offer. IHMNYIEINP

· STEAL-Will TUD£ EQUln-STEAL .,. n 3 BR, 2 BA. Beau. remodeled & redecorated. Hot tub &

jacuzzi, oak floors, ceramic tile floors, $248.000 as­sumable, asking . $309,000.- Trade for boat, car, small condo. • M llYIE 1•




1· I


I 234 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA • 631-1266

• ,

Page 34: copter - City of Newport Beach


... ,


Check ~our ad .daily and report errors immediately. The DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the first incorrect insertion only.

CLAS~IFIED 64.2-56 78

Your boat Is at your back door. New custom waterfront home w/ dock, 3 Bdr, 2'h Ba. lrg master suite, formal dintng room, 2 frplcs, 2 car garage. large sunny patio. Near Lido Village. Open Sat/Sun · 1-5. 33 11 Finley.· 673-3777. $449,000.


Lol.o; 111 priv.i. v ft•r !{UP.SI.!> in lhls IJllU.'<ual 1.11

it-vel h1•m1 uq 10<.v1 L1ttlt l1>rona o c ;.cn 1 lO St 1 l 01. I• w rnrr 1.1ndscap1n~ • .!

rpaster "Jll' "' .,bnv,. ,'\t bd ow )n1v ;3."JO,OOI• "h11wn 1 '1dus1ve1v hv

( ( U JI U d,/, lft(I ,f)ufu dt~'J

i ,.~~~untlS .. ·r r I' t r I ! ·~~~~unm I I I I I 11 .... UTI .... .,. le W11dla11M U11

.... TlllLL The best panoramic ocean vtew condo In Dana Pt-spectacular night and coastline vtew1 3 Bdrm, family rm, formal dining, 2300 sq ft, + wet bar. ExceU. financing avail. $219,000. Ownr. 661-0660

i•ri.,.att• olf1re h<-rlrrom & bath. bijt brtt'k 11.atm f!JT rarniJv BBQ'~' t 5 lot rust .1bovt• IM·;)("h & Inspiration i'uml .I lx>c.troom. lorm;al dmmi( mom horrw too • F1nt lime n!Ccn-d , '*'ill'r hnan<'tng po6S1ble $435,000.

'(~1/(1}1(/ ml. lln1 .1u11,·1fi4.>

Hunt & Associate REAl ESTATE


llAlmllllT ••••• 11¥111111 • ll•IW Designed to pleaae the most_ dis-

LlllO &.nm .. m .. criminaie, this 5 Bc;I, 7 Ba, luxurious ·- ---+. custOm: hOme lS located

Five new condos on Balboa Pen- f Harbor ft.iA.-- VIEW - top o ...... insuJa with 2 & 3 car gange&. 180_ degree ocean. bay, city & Spectacular ocean/ sunset & "Su.mets Over Catalina" VIEW. bay/night view atop garden Fmm·warm library to tam. rm. w / deck. Owners will exchange. one of 4 f-plcs to gounnet kitchen to

, Priced from S290-$405,000. 40• pool & spa - it reOecta the Maggi MacBain 551-8700 ultimale ln quality. Master suite

UTILlll 1•11011 , (over 1000 aq. h .) w/ sauna & f -plc & breathtaking VIEW. 24 hr,

Enpy ocean anlt°dty-llle vtews ~gate. Offered $1,l>~.000. from this great 3 Bdnn 2 ~ pool Call Jeri Hunt. home. Super location in Newport I ,,..._ .,_ I~ 11·1 Beach Eastbluff. Corporate I'-IU LPlll•• . owner ls motivated! Move rlgh\ -- -in! $270,000. Beverly Nellon. Outstanding Penthouse - VIEW -551-8700 poolside locale. TLC needed on this

m.•liu Owner motivated beautiful San oaqu'in model on . 2

Br, den, upgraded nite lite views. Owner will trade for a large condo in Palm Desert or an.Uler inve$Dent property. May help finance. Jackie Wiley 551-8700. $175,000

IEl1' Wl1EIFlllT llYJ Lovely Baytront 2 Bedroom Condo wtth "sit down" water view - dock your yacht In full view ~· owner may trade for Palm Springs property. ~PEN SA TlJRDAY 1-4:30

133 u• ,.,. ...,. 1421,111. MYIEWILm

IE/IW 131-1211

let U1 Hel• Y 11

Sell Yoar Propertr!

The Daiy Piot off tts you tin euct size ad on u "Picture Pare ' weekends for just $25 per day, or 2 days for $45.

2 Bd, 2 Ba & den. Vee Stimon. 11 ........ lnlllt ...... 1 ..

Pim llUW llMIT Fee $249,900! Turtlerock Pr-esident home - cul~sac locale. Great 3 Bd, fonn din. fam rm, 2 Ba. Hup yard/ room for pool. to siee. Vee Stiman.

8404MI 2125 Sen .ao.quln Hll8 Rd.

Newport Center

ft.II E mllE -.utml # 1 ...... oe.t,u..

First~ U> tell OUL JleauUfl.ll end uni\, 4 Bed. + 4 \I\ ea.. study. plus family room. 3 ~ all1 French doors & windows. 3 car:~. lowlv ~ping. comm. pool & IJl9. ~.000. Xlnt -.unable finan. Guard gate at Ford & MKA.rthur. Call 720- 1 7~

lllAIMUllATlll C•l2'-1lllTelH

11111111 a picu1. or we'I photOtJaph it for ,. ........ m., •.

e. Clu1i11H .


Page 35: copter - City of Newport Beach

TB.£!..LOADED GREENBELT VIEW - 3Br, 2~Be upgraded 2 sty twnhme­end unit on C'\.IJ*'-c It. nr tennla club & abop. Reduced pnce $210,000 LH. OPEN SUN. 1-5.... 412 Vista Ttucha. NB


Pmllllf .. 11111 •• ~tional _ Corona d ia..-..u.uu:_,

LOWEST PRICED "TRINA" WJ BAY PR 0 p ·e VlEW. 3Br, 2~Be split leYel. deck. d ty

-1-J&llAU~W,, ~ poui & llRijii t\iil'by.

CHARM ·o THE .ENGLISH ome! Double lot IOUth of PCH w/total privacy, ~ -W!w;­quallty constqaction, like new condition! Trrrific kitchen, stained glas.s and much more.


w1...,_ • ..., ....... nt COUNTRYSIDE WITH .. . SJat}eJI 'rlealt,

$S49,900 ' Susie Weiss 752-1414


NEWPORT AT.YOUR FEET A country squire's Tudor mansion on two tun lots in_ p estlgious Harbor Ridge. ~ush rotlln · lawns over. 7000 sq ft, every luxury amenity, Interior details by top southern California designer. Exceptional seller financing possible cash down.

$2,850,000 #



BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR j : "" y ' I• U f ,. • "'-.. k f ' , f , l b


A SUISDARY OF THE RVN: au:wN ....... ... .... Beautiful Delores end unit with outatanding pan­oramic back bay and nite light views. 3 Br 21,-i Baths. Decorated in neutral colon. Lush green­belt. Cloee to community pool, IChools and shop­ping. lncludee land. Donna Godshall P1na11 man Wll · .,..,. Beautiful custom home behind electric gates. 3 bedrooms, gourmet kitchen. formal dining room, den. family room. 2 spu, and beautiful back bay view. Partially fumislied or unfurnished. Donna Godshall --- . 11.-,111 With a blend of traditional and contemporary this 6 Bdrm 7 Ba home is tn.aly the ideal family borne. Features a fabulous golf COW'lle and lake view. Includes the finest of quality construction thruout. Owner is very motivated and will con­sider trades. Danny Bibb • lllllN .... , UI. - • ., ..... This 3 Br 21ti Ba customir.ed home has all the quality you would expect from this prestigiou.. location. Featuree an incn!dible kitchen. Awaiting your gourmet thought.I. DIMy Bibb

.. UITll llMllll • .... ,.. Very desirable 3 bedroom 3 bath sinpe level townhome. Large private entertainment area with pool and epa. Danny Bibb

...,.... 11,111,111 This 4 Bdrm 3 Ba home is situated on a large lot which blends into the 14th fairway of the ex­clusive Big Canyon Country Club. Golfers will love the location! Danny Bibb .. UlllN•Wlf HU.­This elegant 3 Br 3 Ba single level townhome features the ultilpate in quality, detail & conve­nience. Includes pool, spa and air conditioning. Danny Bibb mnuu m.L mra p,1111 .. New 3200 eq. ft. condo with exciting 180 deg. view of harbor, ocean and city lites-elegant and spacious 3 Br 3 ~ Ba, 3 car garage & 2 balconies. Available June 1st for one lease - no smokers. no pets - 1st & last & security. Tom = llUll FlllT 11,ll .. View forever - Beautifully maintained older i...guna home - used brick terrace - lush courtyard entrance with secluded swimming pool - 3 BR - formal dining rm - den - maids quarters - Barbara Aune/George Grupe

TlllYlm- 111.,­Beautifully maintained Corona del Mar duplex with 2 great owners units - priced sensibly. Front hou.le is 3 BR, 2 BA. Rear apartment is a lg 2-story .lea~ 2 BR plus library. Coby Ward

•••••--nnr . Mll,tll This home off en luxury and oomfort. 3 Br 21,-i Ba formal dining rm & a pancramic view of all Newport & the Blue Pacific. Low interest rate .financing. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grodv _, H•ll lli&I• · .._ This 2-sty 2 Br 2 Ba McLain townhouse bu an unobltruded view of Big Canyon goUcoune. Fabulous Matr suite, complete with skylights. The ultimate in IOphisticaled living. Dann Bibb/Stephanie Grody iY

.-WB. W 111 WIST 11,111,111 There are few comparisons. 1.1 acres offering total panocam.ic views of Newport Barbot islands & entry to lea. 5 Bl', 6 Ba & Slaff f.acilities. ~ premier view of all of Newpcx:t & ultL"T\ate in pri~te security. Tom Allirwon 1111• Uf 9'7•1 11,111.19 Sandy beach. 3 BR. 4 ~ BA., dining rm. wet bar, lg gourmet kitchen. plus attractive 2 BR apt. Could be all one house. Private community tennis - slip available. Reduced $1,075,000 ~ Lou Marion MUTFaaf- . U.... A feeling of sunshine and happiness in thia appealing Lusk B Plan near schools and n!C­

reation. This PERKY 4 bedroom family room home is in move-in condition & ready for a quick sale. Coby Ward


Page 36: copter - City of Newport Beach

f · I

l I


This weekend!

h._ ttn......, dlrKtory wittl JOll IWt w .... efld et,_ .. Ml.M ~ Al"* loceffeat lith4 Mtew _..·~iii~ •tllil t.y .......... tfMwt.n i. "94ey't DAll Y 'tt.QJ.'W.AHT A.H.,-.., ........ .,... ......._ ._ .- - ,..... - ~ .. lid .... .,., .. ...,_ -. ,.., c..._ ._ .. s.._.~ -ds-..y. ·


2BEDROOM * * 3712 Channel Pl (Npt Isl) NptBch

759-9100 $395,000 Sat 1-5

7846 Beachcomber, Hunt Bch 644-7020 $165.~

2308 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach

Sun Z-5

646-717 1 $395,000 Sunday 1-5

13 Palos, San Joaq. Hills. Irvine 759- 1501 $159,900 Saturday 1-5

2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN * • 2706 Hilltop(Twnhse)Hrbr Vu Knoil, NB

644-9078 $229,000 Sat/ Sunday 12--4 ..

* * 6410 W. Oceanfront, Npt Bch 759-9100 $645,000 Sun 1-5

18 Atoll, Corona del Mar 640-4868 $322.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

546 El Modena, Newport Heights 644·-9060 $162.500 Sunday 1-5

2770 Hillview, Harbor View Knolls. NB 631- 1400 $259,000 Sat 12-4

11 Madrona(penthOuse) RS.Joaquin, Irvine 640_.868 Saturday/Sunday 1-5

7 Ocean Vista (Sea Isl) Npt Bch 760-8333 $475.000 Sun 1-5

609 Poppy, Corona del Mar 63 1-2051 $219,000 Sun 1-5

2 Rue Fountalnebleau, Big Canyon, N.B. 675-6000 $475.000 Sun 1-5

3 Rue Fountalnebleau, Btg Canyon. N.B. 675-6000 $475,000 Sun 1-5

3BEDAOOM * * 3311 Flnley, Newport Beach

673-3n7 $449.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 3 Rue St. Cloud (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 644~200 $525,000 Sun 1-5

* 4521 Gorham (C. Shrs) CdM 645-0303 $679,000 Sun 2-5

2001 Altura, Irvine Terrace, CdM 675-6000 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1063 Concord ""ed North) Costa Mesa 979-2390 $131,500 Saturday 1-5

8 Crest Circle, CdM 644~00 $249.500

24 Eden. lrvlne 751-3191 $162,500

*134 Harbor Island Or .• N.8 .

Sun 1-5

Sun 1-4

S525;ooo 675-6000 Sun 1-5

2708 Hiiitop (Harbor Vu Hmes) Nwpt Beh 546-2313 $264,500 Saturday 1-4

1747 lrvlne Ave, Newport Beach 646-1112 $169,500 Sun 1-4

1851 Kentucky Pl (Mesa Verde) C.M. 557-5659 $129.950 Sun 1-5

215 Morning Canyon. Corona def Mar 644-8018 $525 .. 000 Sun 12-5

3335 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1977 Port Cardiff. Harbor View 644-6926 $210.000 Sat/Sun 1-4

• 2112 Raleigh Avenue, Costa Mesa 645-3013 $117,500 Sat/Sun 12-5

2613 Redlands. Back Bay. Costa Mesa 642-7961 $179,000 Sun 1-5

1419 Santanella Terr. Npt Bch 644-7020 $299,950fee

22~1 S. Forest. Santa Ana 645-0303 $119,900

Sun 1-5

~un 1~

* * 124 Via Udo Nord, lido Isle, N.B. 851 -9987 $980,000 Sat/Sun/ Mon 1-5

2027 Vista Caudal, The Bluffs. N.B. 644-6200 $205,000 Sat 1-5

98 Windjammer, Irvine 559-9400 $152,500

3 BR plua FAM AM or DEN * • 1119 Grove Lane, Westcllff. Npt Bch

673-6670 $365.000 Sat/Sun 11-4

* 314 Rochester. Costa Mesa 759-9100 $189,000

2212 Arbutus. Eastbluff. N.B. 675-6000 $289,000 Sat /Sun 1-5

501 Cllff, Newport Heights. N.B. 675-6000 $425,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

2018 Deborah. Npt Bch 631-2051 $183,900 Sun 1-5

1520 E. Ocean, Newport Bch 760-8333 $364,500 Sat/Sun 1-5·

* 401 Begoni.a. C"M Sun 1_. 760-8333 $565,000 07

200 Hanover (College Parli) CM 646-7171 $129,500 Sunday 1-5

1112 Highland, Npt Bch 64-4-7020 $318,000 Sun 1-5

1322 K• Or. Harbor View Hiiis, N.B. s.«-62QO $349,000 Sat 1:30-5

1851 Kentucky Pl (Mesa Verde) C.M. 557-5659 $129,950 Sat/Sun 1-5

••305 Kings Place, Cllffhaven, NB 631· 1400 $390,000 Saturday 1-4

1528 Orange Ave,(Corn. Palmer)Costa Mesa 673-1600 $215,000 Sunday 11-4

322 Poinsettia, CdM ~ 644-6200 $395,000 Sat 1-4

19772 Quiet Bay Ln, Hunt Bch 559-9400 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5

11 Rue Verte, Bfg Canyon, Newport Beach 64-4-6200 $695.000 Sat 1-5

528 Seaward, Corona Highlands, CdM 760--0807 $435,000 Sun 1-5

2840 Serang Pl. Mesa Verde,C.M. . 549-1582 $168.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 -

214 Via Ithaca (lido lste) Nwpt 8ch 675-6161 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

4501 WAyne Rd, Cameo Highlands, CdM 675-6000 $360,000 Sun 1-5

4 BEDROOM *2601 Blackthorn, El\stbtutf, N.B.

64+-0468 $285,000LH Sun 1-5

~ ~~~ega Bay, CdM ~020 $595,000 S~n 1-5

1833 Galatea Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 675-6161 $775.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

3045 Grant~• Mesa $46-2313 ' $1f4,900 Sat/Sun 1-4

1821 Kings Rd (Clfhvn) Npt Bch 759-9100 $639,000 Sun 1-5

26 Royal St. George, Big Canyon, N.B. 644-6200 $1,095,000 Sat 1-5

847 St. Clalr, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $139.900

400 Vista Flora (Bluffs)..Npt Bch 759-9100 $205,000

Sat 1-5

Sat 1-5

41SR Pfua FAM f'.'M or DEN * * 132 So. Bayfront. Balboa Island 644-9060 $1 , 110,000 Sunday 1-5

518 13th St, Huntington Bch 536-932~ $270,000 " Sat/Sun 10- S

• 15 Covent,Y, Harbor Ridge 759- 1501 $349,000 Sunday 1-5

* '700 Galaxy, Dover Shore, N.B. 7~-1501 $600,000 Sunday 1-5

v 1909 Yacht Puritan, Seavlew, N.B &44-9060 $429,000 Sunday 1-5

•• 19372 Baywater, Huntington Beach 759-1501 $279,000 Sunday 2-6

* 19'48 Port Albans, H.V.H, Newport 8Mch 644-9060 $307 ,500 Sunday 1-5

v 2111 Yacht Wander81, Seavtew. Npt Bch 5524'62 $369,000 Sunday 1-5

~ 2121 Yacht Yonker, Seavlew, N.B. 644-9060 $379,000 Sa1urday 1-5

* * 239 Via Udo Soud (Lido) Npt 8ch 759-9100 Sf.tlSun 1-5

1964 Port Laurent (H.V.Hms) Np~~ 759-9100 $299,000fee ~ Son 1-5

•• 3384 Summer1et Cir, C.M. 645-0303· $264,900 Sat 1-5

* • 3-4 Morro Bay Or, Spyglasa1 CdM 759-1501 • Saturday 1:30-5:30

Page 37: copter - City of Newport Beach

- 1 Orange County RMI Eatate/ An Adverttslng tuJ>Ptement to the DAILY P1LOT /Saturday, June 2, 1SMM - 17

•• ... ..

* * 415 Bayside Or, Npt Bch 6«-7020 $600,000 &USuA..1-5-

• 41 Bennington, Northwood, Irvine 759-1501 $209,900 Saturday 2-6

2324 Arbutus, Eatbluff, Npt Beech )'0-1214 $305,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

980 Azalea Costa Mesa 546-2313' $157,000 Saturday 1-4

•2919 Baker, Costa Mesa ~2313 $171, saturday 1-4

s ewe.way. 1rv1ne 857-4699 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

• 1806 Ga&axy Dr'Vlew' (Dewer Shr.s) NB -&e6-7171 $700,000 ~ Sunday 1-5

946 Goldenrod, Greenbr~Costa Mesa 546-5880 $182.000 !'-satl§un 1-5

5112 Harcum Lane, Turtterock, Irvine 875--422~ $184,900 Sat/Sun 1,-5

3343 Nevada (Mesa Verde Nortti) CM 979-2390 $189,500 Saturday 1-5

1865 Port Abbey(H.V. Hms) Npt 8ch 673-7761 $359,000 Sun 1-5

1935 Port Camey (H.V.Hms) Npt 8ch 759-9100 $3.49,SOOfee Sat 1-5

1820 Port Chartes (H.V.Hms) Npt Ben 644-6200 $269,000 Sun 1-4

21 Rue Fountalnebleeu, Big Canyon, N.B. - 720-9400 $498,000 SaVSun 1-5

1230 Sand Key, HV Hills, CdM 675-6000 $399,000 Sun 1-5

* • 18412 Santa Alberta, Fountain Valley 974-0079 $229,000 Saturday 10-2

105 Via Ravenna, Udo lste, N.B. 675- 1771 $364,000 ) Sunday 12-5

2502 Vista. Bay Shores, Newport Beacfi 644-9040 $420,000Fee Sunday 1-5

3363 Wisteria, Costa Mesa ' 645-0303 $167,500 Sat/Sun 1-5

5 BA plue FAM ,RM or DEN · * 1358 Ham~:~re ctr. Npt Bch

644-6200 7,5QO _- Sun 1-5

* 14 Geoeve (HrbrAdg) Npt Bch . 160-8333 $2,000~ - SiUSUn 1-5

* * • 222 Via Lido Nord, Lido, N.B 6«-9060 $1 ,950,opo Sunday 1-5

• 32 Morro Bay, CdM 631-1266 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

*" 6 TrafaJger, Harbor Ridge · 640-4868 $1 , Sau~ 1-5

2601 Island View, HV HlllS, CdM 6«-9060 $375,000 Saturday 1-5

2715 Lighthouse Lane, Corona del Mar 6«-9060 $364,000 Sunday 12-5

19 Narbonne Harbor Ridge CdM 675-3311 ' $2,850,000 Sat/Sun 1~

2244 Port Aberdeen (H.V. Hms) Npt Bch 673-7761 $419,000 Sun 1-5

2232 Port Lerwtck, H V Homes. N.B. 644-6200 $359,000 Sat 1:30-5

I BEDROOM **333 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isle, N.B.

644-6200 s1 ;33,000 Sat 1-5

I BA plue FAM AM ot DEN * * * .101 Via Udo Soud (Udo) Npt Bch

675-6 \61 $4,850,000 Sat/Sun t -5

* * 103 Via Udo Soud (lido) Npt Bch 759-9100 $3,750,000 L Daily 1-4

* * 306 Via lido Nord (Udo) Npt Sch 644-6200 $1 ,295,000 Sun 1-5

* * * 107 Milford (C. Shrs) CdM 644-6200 $1 ,975,000 SaUSun 1-4


2 BEDROOM 12 Summerwlnd Crt (Npt Crst) Npt Bch

552-2000 $195,000 Sat 1-5 ~

813 W. 15th, Unit 6-C. 'View' NB 646-7171 $174,500 Sunday 1-4

-2 BR plua FA111 RM« DEN .

31 Southampton (Beb't HI) Npt 8ch 675-a70 $488,750 SW\ 12-5

* 2 Lemon Tree (Univ Pk) Irvine 759-9100 $149,500

• 5 Robon (Npt C,..t)"°A.8 . 646-2603 $199,900 - . 41 Seabird, Newport Beech 963-8377 $121,000 Sal/Sun 1-5

3 BR plue FAM RM ot DEN 2620 Elden (Eastslde) Costa Mesa

631-7054, 673-3968 Sat/Sun 11-5



28R '2164 Kristen Lane, Costa Mesa

675-1771 S137.500 Saturday 1-5

38EOROOM -403-409 Poppy AWi, oCde CdM

673-6589 From $219,000 SW\ 1 ~5

2438 Santa Ana. Costa Mesa &45-0303 $'149,900 Sun f2~

*412 Vista Trucha (Bluffs) N.B. 640-6259 $210,000 Sun 1·5



2 BR plue 1 BR. 316 Amethyst, Bal Island ~7~20$375,000

2 er p1ua 3ar 200 Diamond, Balboa Isl

644-7020 $395,000

3 BR plua 3 BR plue DEN ~ Begonia. Corona del Mar

Sun 1-4


675-2500 $385,000 s.i. 1-5

513 Narcissus. CdM 644-7211 $389,000 .


3 BR HOUSES • 10 Arboles, Irvine

559-9400 S 1450/lse

• Spe *Pool * * Waterlront

Sun 1-5

Sat/Sun 1-5

• • * Waterfront & Pool "' Give 8ddress 11 guard

gate -Home Sv1eet HoriHr-lnvestment ...,._

With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS®.

Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real estate , and publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® ar~ experienced in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow.

It could also take a heap o' lo~kin'. Before you start, call a REAL TOR® first.

(B . REAllOR '

A public service o f the


- I • -

Page 38: copter - City of Newport Beach


18 - Orange·Counfy 1'eal Estate/An Advertillng ~t to the DAJLV PILOT/Saturday, June 2, 19~

...... w. ...... .... ... .. __ .. , ...................................... .... ltMral lnaal 1111 al ltMial 1112 llwal 1112 ...... lilAM 1111 Cereea W 11u o: ltf! ._ Int

IPllTJlaMWI- &llM.UT11T 1111MllllT oDPLEX:detux•3t>town- &1111.ftllTUl .,,.... ~ 01ft DllCOVel''Uie charm on this 'f ... 11111 WU Slmlf 1..t er unit + 3 bt rental. G~ 2 Br 2 e. Condo Located IUt O(I the blUn 3 Bdfm family home. Poot Outstanding ~ lewl 4 Unequalled tor charm' Cons. trad419. $385,000. near S C P1aa. pool, with no ~ruction• to w/re<twood ded(lng m Bdrm, tamlly rm, fonnel cloM to viii & ,,..,. No Open Sat. 1·5. 430 Beg· 1pa. and Clt'pOrt. As­bloek the alght• .... ll• entertainment area. Tiie dining. with 1paclou1 Bay1ront 2T, 2 Ba home onta 1175-2500 owner tu1ne 10.~ 11nanc1ng IUT\Mtl end l9land vtewa: & wallpapering tttruout. U'd In prime .,... of + 1 Bf ~I 1375,000 ' -- Only '70.000. Try S8000

Stap1 away from <>!''Y $135,$00. Ask for ... V•de. Thia home ·-·····- · OMPIUTllWftl dwn P~ta of S800 beaches. floor to ceUlng ~ 261-1.653 lhows th&- beat-of uie H• ---· - - - Company transfef IOf<* total. Wcw'l'l · l•t Call ~from fNel'J room of • Md quality FUii prloa le Two unli. on Ultte Bal Ill Ula of this apeolou• s er P•lrk* Tenen 7eo.8702 thtl 4 er. 3 Ba Old World C:: SElECT . only S !99.500. 751-3191 2 Br 1Ba front hooM + 2 3 a. home Best M ...

... llT,• .. m/~



8 charmer. 11.200,000 . ..... PROPERTIES !pSElECT · :;,~.=.,~= Verct. location on quiet

.-.- "" Ask t0t Nancy Shott. -- • • 1trMt Mcwe In cond. 109 27th St. 2 Unit• 2 Lovely 38r, ftmlty nn, USTll.lffl/ FU RTJES 111 llU Vacent -& offered at hOuaea from ~nffont cioM 10 Mar1nar'• adloe>I, ..... I IUIS LUSK " B": 4BR/FR ranch I Island college,,.., ¥lffaoe $208,000 CaA 546-5890 - lllT-'--•-'-n""" ..... -=_"-·-..;;;;_ w/ vlaw 10 yra o1d. $183.900. ... . style hOm& Quiet 111... . & No Baytronl. Good Heritage lnve1tment1 •-11 $350,000. Front unit 48R 809 POPPY, COM .--Jiii mfny upgrade• Lr; 1oi: LtW... rental recorda. Winter & Alie fOf Larry °' Pam ~o nr SC Plaza: 2 ~ 2ba. rear unit 2BR 1ba. Sml houta on R-2 lot. lllllll, I Ill close to achls lhops &. 3 Br 2 8a Cond 8 C I011'WMrO<YMfly.38'2 1 •ba. NC. carport Let a

2061 E.. Bl $219:000. u...y Staut- la the prettiest~ '305,000 FEE. io.d In the .,..__.,..._ llfl fll"I Ow 1pactecular view ownr 556-1821775-J580 Xlnt axhlstl~f\WIClno room fOt llddttional unit&. racreatlonal 'tacllltlH. Pim ..;. ... ~ ~ llr·· 0350·000· 0111 .. ..... ..... .. - .,, ...... ,

Reedy for ·~· Cor- fer• Sea t.lon ,.eally of all, Thia 4 Bdrm 2 Ba OPEN SAT /SUN 1 5 pr _,_.., If 0caen Blvd °"'*x. 2 llU ftm .. ner "M" SI w1ooaen-. 113-~ ~=::'a~~ 2324Arbotus. NB =~ PoOl9

4 IC*- Rlttlr Large 3 bedroom unit&. el\TC.M LOCATION . ~~~. :, ;=! _______ of a cul-da--aae 11 lm- i Owner/ Agt7eG-1214 _ IMATYll.m '7J.-4M2 ~~°'er!.~e:- Or~ owners must ..a

$385,000 IB -11 meculate. The M1tr IUltal •u nm 4 Br 2 Ba.. EliCM to.ta - change my 100" Jl 257" th IOV9ty 3 Bdrm. 2 ba· IRVINE ~ San Jo9- ,.. • haa !ta own bath. fw• Meu home w/hOt tub. aam ~ (2-R· l Lota) on the bay' and fam rm Meu Verde quln. 46 Art>oles. 111 ... IJI pl.a. and private atalr- Piil _, l1ntaatlc loc. new on the OWNER, MUST SEl.LI with a charming ~ .i hma. Located on • CllMt.

Golfers. we have the per- way to the pool and apa Al only $141,900, 4 BOcm market, priced to--..., et 75 ooo.- 813' l>drm home unlfy tt• lfned. eat-de•sac-lect 1600 sit con • - ------ area.Don' t(l'llathbone. ell on 1-sty Beeutltul $134,950 ' beach . an'd p i er street P.ttlillayardwith domlntum wl vfew ot gaff Traditional It could be tuat what you ere.lined atreel. Owner - .... .. Cereal ••I llar IOU tor your avocadO tr•. Perl cond courte. PenthoUM unit R ) .,.. k>otl)ng for Full prloe ~ says aubmlt Alk f0t e>uwnt older home dOM to 3 Br 3 Ba 2- BDC &om amaller home or units In & modestly oft•ad tor 2eRtden. 2 ca1 det. gar ea ty 1 $160.000 751 -3191 Valerie 261-7653 wasrctift, Newport 9Mctl Beach. Es.:lYrE SALE. t~is area. ~~:~~~ •• S-132.500

s199·nl41m 631-7370


C:.SEl ECT C::.SElECT neat aAf-de-uc toe. 2 Br. S525.000. Cell 833-3622 <~~11110 d"f, /lot BARKER REAL ESTATE

--liiiiiiiiiil~i;;i::.iii::.ii::.i.:.:.:~- ....,PROPERTIES _...- PROPERTIES ~~1~n!' i= or t>«-8018 ...,&..,fA,,;.",/t~·J 850-9_m __ _ at s 136,950 ~ "1' O UT LlllTIH

l LIDO BAYFRONT L~=~· Drive°':1!e~!den _,. ,._~J.~~·:: B~t>~:'1~*1r.r.3 ::,


With boatslip, June, July, August. $12,000 total.

arion Buie. 644-6200.

Grubb & Ellis Residential Bro­kerage m Newport Center is pleased to announce the associa­tion of Mane Denny to its sales staff

Mane has been selling properties In the Newport Beach/Corona del Mar area for the past seven years. She ~ been in sa.Jes and marketing for the past sixteen years. Dedicated to meeting the needs of her clients ... last year wasresponsible for $1.7 million in sales. She has served on many committees. including EH Ad­visory Committee of Orange Coast College. Marie is very enthusiastic as well a_, knowl­edgeable in real estate and is looking forward to continuing serving her many clients and friends in the aree. She can be niached at 644-7020

5 Bedroom. 5 1h bath, 45 foot . Sold 1981 for $1.750.00Q Taken back- on foreclosure and available now at $1.250,000 for quidt cash sale.


corner lot. RV ..M:Oea. Dr•matlc courtyard _., ... .. -,. •• ,,,_ cioM to achOol• and overslted garage, UP- Pool, lanai, harbor vu, Fulloceanvu Jasm1netn< part! 2712 San Cetlos gract.d cond JusVli'1ed. pvt_'-'~· 3b1 4'M>a. 2 b.r & den Own/agt wtll L~-Mfllng-$'1~.000 -PrfCed 10 telll $153,000 $79.i.OOO w/ land. flnanc. (6 19)728-5151 Call Mt4llO .,.l hneln l •I CALL 760- 1412 -

4 Br 2 Ba. low malnten- CIM llPlO 1 ... +IH1t+l•ct•• BY OWNR-TwnhM. 3Br ance yard with a1c, com-

60 * IOIOO S•l.000* 2•..,ba. dbl oar. poo1. ap•

pletely upgraded with 2 Natctssu. Two 2 BR Spotlesa 3630 sf duplex A low S 116,800 540-.083 2000 sq ft of Calif llvlng. units. S265,000 OWC 111; 12%-long term Cute Cape Cod. 2 Br hsa •

Goldenrod. Cotta Mesa. A n./ ..:z::;, 509Aceda-walk to beaCtl $179K.. 0wnr 645-9628 I $182.000 SloP by 9~ llO Hll 3br/3ba•5brl 3ba-1 vac "2 unit• EDlstde, ell

Greenbrool( Develop· -'"' YMtJ; ~·-- 399K 20-ledn-Appralaed 'lii• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. "*lt IUl 440K own/bkr 645-7048 1•

3411 Yi1 Litle, II 111-4112 IHarttage lnvestmanta, ESTATE '44·'39J - llMllTmllUllJ • ______________ _. Chuck Everett Agent ._



Ill ..... 1

!Loe 2 mataraulta, 2 story

I 559-6221. 54t.-5880 .... " ·- - I townhOfM. OwwsiD ywd JUST LISTED I a11 UlllU R-2, n~ 2bt, 1ba hOUM, w/bttln sprtnki.... Prof rear yard. 2 car garage I decof'atad to the Nit One

CAMEO HIGHLANDS I -·- UIU..all $198,500 Xlnt 1erm1 you muat ... to. llP-

.EW Fl.EST "lllln .__ ·~ OJ'amatJc courtywd. Pool, Ownrl egt 121-1101 ptaciate. Priced under • llAl1llPllll lanai. harbor vu, pvt. s 140,000 with 9U'k,U- _

Totally rebuilt 3 Bdrm plus 2 Ba • huf1e Bdrma and a ion. b~haa 3br 4'hba 9Um8b6e financing .lll • -Sweeping celllnga $795,000w/land / --.. •-11

plus approx. 3000 sq. ft . ooean w/skylltes. Beautllullyl •• AIM..,. lfll UT .. 1·1 2 ....... 1 ... w..J....a....W:1 :._ view, and ocean access. I land~ and loYlngty ........ __ •IUllll u.......-

ma1nta1ned. C... Valeria .._ ........... Call Pat Scott at the --- I IOf ~real financing de- Drive by 802 Narclaaua. PllfHT LlllTlll REAL ESTATE STORE

J UST LISTED tails! 2e1-7e53 Two 2Br units S2M.OOO. • ..... ~ te Mll- 111-1111

SEIWllD/ SllERSO C:SElKT La-</""""~ -5

=· !u~~~h~~l~iifiifiiiij~ ftEW - llllU INWU .... PAOPEATIES IUl ESTATE °i4f.i3t7 ~!' ~~ 1:1~P :;:17 ,- um. •Hll

5 Bdrm, 3 car, spa, totally new ltaaal 1 ..... __ 1.a. cara. Only • door• trom Greet. potantlal tor rano-kltchen. $419,000 Incl. . land. -.-..... -.. _ _ _ ;;.; .. ;,;;;.a. l~al ... the entrance 10 Main vator1 here. 2 houMs on

Ct h I 8Ncf'I NOW on the mar- large lot In ao.-1n Eut·

osetos oppng. ~~ slde1oca11on. 0oaabdrm



Steps to playground & pool. finest loUocat~on In H.V. Homes

1111 Peri a..., . .,.. la 1-1 1111,800 • / .lf-4

WITH Liii 1221,100 Lowest priced fee property ln H.V. Homes by $20,000. Great starter home In Newport, as­sume trg 1st T.D., flxed rate, low interest loan.

JEm VIEW-OLD CHARI Olde CdM produce market on Femteaf now available. One house from China Cove. $575,000. Highly upgraded single family unit with a trg ren­tal uhlt.

... _TWO - .. ONGS TDftAllll comm

1 ... lm ITl-ftll

MEWPORT BUCH Hlnuu.. 04ll & one 2 bdrm Only " 144-1211 ~185.0001759-1501

man sm LIT 1100 se. n. IYIWIEI

Private Gated Community. Among Million DOUar Homes. Some view, in-

1 eludes plans.



PllOlllllOO to S325K. R-2 OCMnStda ._ _ _. of Hwy. Asaume 11t TO of •--It-.,.."'"--.... --L-1-S280K. 314 GOl<*wod ~ ---788-9773 egnt 643-2464 fmlLlllll

24 lelllOlt (lldor Hill) IUU Trade your car, not• Of ?

In wm '°' thla 4 Bdrm, famlty rm lll• 1004 111•111 \ PERFECT FOR ENTER· home. Spic •n apan clMll ,_. ~ _______ _. TAINING 4BR, lam rm. VA. $97,500 at ._ W¥W~ game rm. Prof decor- 11 .50%. Call Diana

•led & landecapad, pool "'" 1 12-

llllM>OflW.. l'lAt lSTATf IUMCU •••• YllW •11• · Fabulous quality cus1om1zed 4 BR

home with lSO° view! Harbor, ocean, no roof tops! This home is designed for family living as well as entertaining. A first time offering. Nothing else compares! .

1839,000. Call &44-5833 .... • ..... OPENS~T/SUN 1·5 7 Twin lak• Clrcle

C..ta 111 Int 12~.... Exec hOfM rrr SC Plaza.

4Br, Jonna! dJn rm, tam f'll- rm w,_. bit. $249.900.

38dr 1'-'S.. new root, new AQent 545-0311 cars>atl[lg. PLUS 12% ..._ 11 __.. fhcad lnter.-fl rate ""!"~-. -•1" amortized 25 yra. Dua In 3 Br. 2 Ba.. condo. 25 )'rl w/l 15,000 dwn. anc:t9d 2 cw oar' "4000 Aaklng &105,000 Rite down lo aeaumabla 11t Wada831· 12M TO & all ctoe&ng eotll

" .... Charming 3 Bdrm, 2 beth,

-~~ •ICIOMd ~ wtth 880, hot tub. Mw cupat . 1111, aoo .

&45--3013 OPEH SAT/SUN 12~ 2 112 AALEGH AVf

MOVaa you In. Agent Bob &45-1111, 641-3111

UllD.n ... .... u

Cape Cod Gharm w/2 Mslr eulla1 and motivated --. 8-t boy In EM1· •Id a. Diana Capp el 931-129$

Page 39: copter - City of Newport Beach




Attn Ae.iioral Lovely Ba""'ont + Dock Wdbrdg Creek1lde JU Svc-mor•Win coopenite 2 ltg bdrrna + den 2~ w/aglut 3%comm. 4 Br. betha .ipa, prof iano­tutefully upgr9ded In ~ ywd. 3 C., gar. earthtone9 Xtr1 ltg lot, $525 ooo. S«-4195

bec:Jla op to ptQ, ,,.., I•-•' - ·----• tenn~ & awtmdub. No1~~~~~~~~ lt.tlng9 ptMM . • tts.500. 552-91•1

OPENHSESAT/SUN 1-S 'lll1Ulm. 4.

5112 Harcum Lane. Under MMl9l Mot

1114,toOIFH ALSO 28A/dln t 144.900 F•





t (',

j . i J .


Page 40: copter - City of Newport Beach


~~------.--,---~~------..... ~~ .......................... ...,a~~ ... a .. •a .. ~• 20 - Orange Coonty Real Estate/An AdvertlSlng supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. ~une 2, 1984

, LB firm opens affiliate for~ small projects

.. Woodward Dike, Inc., a Laguna Beach land­

scape architecture and site planning firm. is moving toward big projec.t involvement. .

Currently on the drawing board are redesign of the Fashion Island Mall: a phase two expansion of Caspers Reg«><=.:-...:..;.'; I mndscape development plans for University Town Center, already under construction; and a scenic highway plan for Pacific Coast Highway between Corona del Mar and . Laguna' Beach. •

To stay active in the small scaJe market of single-building complexes, Woodward Dike, Inc., Is. forming an affiliate company, MWD Landscape Architecture. The new company will handle the part of the work portfolio that Includes single-family residences. model home complexes, individual commercial buildings. and parks under three acres.

The principal contact person and project manager for the new firm will be Harold E. Mestyanek Jr .. the " M" of MWO. Tom Weir and Woodward Dike, principals o1''1e parent firm and the " W" and the " D" of the new affiliate, will be involved in project concept and design.

The two firms will operate out of the same quarters at 479 Ocean Ave., but MWD landscape Architecture will be managed and run as a separate unit and will have its own employees.

" We'll be able to offer the high design quality and service of a large firm while still giving close personal attention to the client. It 's a unique approach and I think there should be a good market for it ," Mestyanek said. ·

Mestyanek prefers the small scale of work and close involvement with clie:its he has had as project manager for such developments as the Cotton Point Estates. at the site of President Nixon's former Casa Pacifica; the Evergreen Model Homes complex in Mission Vie10: and the Heritage Square commercial center in Irvine.

Mestyanek. 28, has been with Woodward Dike for five ye~rs . ..,

Harold E.~ Meatyanek Jr. with Tom Weir and Woodward Dike

of newly formed MWD Land­Kape Architecture.

Woodbridge Seaport honies iri ·r iiiillPhilSe Sixty homes in the

limited edition of 72 Woodbridge Seaport homes by Irvine Pacific have been sold, with the last homes in the final phase now available, said George Gebhard. Woodbridge Seaport sales manager.

''Woodbridge Sea­port homes feature beautiful earthtone ex­teriors with horizontal siding, crisp white trim. gray tile roofs and white p i cket f ences, " Gebhard said. " Every home has a private rear or srde yard and an attached two-car gar­age."

Interiors feature vaulted ceilings with skylights and kitchens

. with oak cabinets and ceramic tile counters.

Woodbridge Seaport homeowners become members of the Wood­bridge Village Associa­tion and may use all Woodbridge park s. swimming pools and recreational f acilitles, including the South lake Beach Club. which offers a variety of out­door activities: a swim­ming lagoon with water-

slides. a sand beach. marina with sail and people-powered boats and an outdoor sports area with $and and vol­leyball courts.

Woodbridge Seaport homeowners also auto­matically become mem­bers pf 1he Woodbridge Seaport Maintenance Association .

Woodbridge Seaport • homes are located mid­

way between the Santa

Ana and San Diego free­ways. To reach the sales office from either free­way, exit at Culver drive and enter Woodbridge at Alton ParKway, turn right on West Yale loop and left on Blue Lake North.

Addltlona1 Infor­mation may be obtained by contacting the Woodbridge Seaport sales off i ce at. 786-3807.

" Woodbridge Sea­port has been one of Irvine Pacific's most successful reside11tlal projects ." s a i d Gebhard, ''because of

its quality of design, -------------------------------------~~pe[~°: '~~~~~ri~~x~ Hales-Langston to design senior projects South Lake Beach Club and attractive price." H a I e s - l a n g s t o n ,

" Woodbridge Sea- A.I.A., of Orange, was port homes have been selected to deslgn two extremely attractive to residential develop­young married CO\Jl)les, ments In Huntington single professionals and Beach exclusively for mat ure families ,·· senior citizens. Gebhard noted. The first, Windward

" Selected one- and Cove, by lhe William two-story models of the Lyon Co. of Newport Cape Cod-style homes · Beach, is a 9~unlt, &&-

$~~~~;;!.~~ curlty-gated on- .

the corner of Taylor Dr ive and Beach Boulevard.

With prices expected to be in the $60,000 to $70,000 range, the homes will offer both one- and two-bedroom units of 600 to 764 square feet, respective­ly.

The second t. a 164-

being developed by the both projects will have city and Redevelop- to be at least 60 years ment Agency of Hunt- old. lngton Beach. Located Construction on both In the southwest quact- projects has aJready rant created by the In- begun. tersectlonofTalbert Av- Hales-Langston . enue and Beach which opened Its doors Boulevard, this project In Orange County 16 Is expected to offer years ago, has deelgned rents at lower than mar- more than one-half ket rates. blltlon dollars worth of

:.nd~Qt Lh~ng._

Vista· hon1es offer 10 choices ..

The best thing about the li festyle at ShadowrldQe Country Club Is that there isn' t just one.

JnsteadJhe[e...aca-1.ct Ten dlffere"t ways to nve within this master­planned community; which Daon Corp. and other home builders are building just east of Vista on gently rolling hillsrde land along High: way 78.

Shadowridge Coun­try Club, which takes tts name from the cham­pionship 18-hole gof f course and clubhouse complex which center the community, is a showcase of new homes this year. Whether your interest is a prestigious executive home, a cozy cottage or a carefree condominium, you ' ll find it represented at Shadowrldge.

Now in its third year; of deve l op ment , Sh ad o wridge r e p ­resents a diversified community with distinct neighborhoods appeal­ing to dlff erent tastes. The tw o newe s t emphasize this d i­versity.

Shadowrldge Club View, by Weillngton Equities, ltd., offers the least expensive homes for saJe In the communi­ty, condominiums rang­ing from 715 to 1, 160 square feet and priced from $56 , 750 to $85,000. They Wiii be single-level designs in two-story buildings with a CaJlf ornla contem­porary archltecturat ~tyle .

Homebuyers with dif. ferent dreams can tatte advantage of Shadowrldge Pointe, also recently opened for sales. Some of these homes, which are priced from $133,000, wlll be located on the goU course. Three Mediter­ranean style plans, aJI with red tile roofs, In­clude haldwood entry doors, ceramic tile In kitchen and baths and wet bars. The developer Is UDC Development Co.

Page 41: copter - City of Newport Beach

--~------.,~-----........... ~~--lll!l--~mllllllll!lll ... 111!1"11!11 ................ 1111!11 ............... ..



Orange County Reel Estate/An Ad'Y9rtfsi~ ~t to tt)e DAILY PILOT/s.tur~. Jone 2~ 19&4 - 2f

llW II II .......... Frplc. ~ed <*ing db' P8Qe. pool & spa

2 &2!4Sa t Den..$8.50 666 w 18th 64§...2739

Kenneyhunkport? Isn't that the boat

that won fhe America's Cup in '75?


Anaheem HlnS ·--····----···· ··-· 1004 a.tbOa laland •............•........ ···- 1~ 881b0a ~ .......•...•. -··• IQl97

_ c.c>tstrano Beach .... ··-·····-· t01a C<wOM del Mar .. .... .. ... . •.. . 1022 \ Costa Mesa ................ ·-····· 102• Dena Point ..••.... ····· ..•.. - ···· f02S El T OfO .. • ••• .. •. •• • . •• • • • 1032

• Fountain Vastey ............... ·- 1034 Garden Grove ........... . ..•• 1036 HYntlngton Beedl , . HMO Huntington ~arbour . ··~ ... ···- 1-442 lrvtne .. . 10<M ~BNch . . 1048 Leguna Hiits ... :. . . .... . 1050 UIQuna N~uel . . .. .. . ... . . .• . . 1052 L.Me ...... ......... ····- 1055 Mmlon ViejO ..........•........ , 1067 Newpor1 ~ . ....... .... .. • . . 1069 San Clemente . 1076 Sen Juan Capts1rano 1071S Santa Ana •..... . 1080 s.81 Beech . . . . . . . .... . 1064 • • South Laguna •. 1086 Westminster 1088 Tustin . ...... . . . ... .. . 1090 Mobile Home Sales . 1100

REAL ESTATE Aaeage . Apartments Property Business Property c.metery Lots Comml Property Condomtn1ums Ouptues/Units . HOUMS to be MOYed Income ProPertV

. lndustnal Pr"C>pef1y Lots for Sale Mob le Home Pans Moutttaln. 0esett Orange Co .. Out of County . . . ... Out of State Ranctles/Farms Resort Property Time Sharing ... RE Exchange RE. Wanted .. ..... .


1'25 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250 1275 1300 1325 1350 1375 1•00 1'25 1•so 1500 1525 1S50 1575 1580 1580 1600 1625

Houses Fum.shet1 .. . 2 100 HOUMS Unfumiltk>d 2200 ~ Fum of Unr 2300 Condos Fum 2400 Condos Unf. 24 10 T~. Furn. .. ~520 Townhou8es, Unf 2525 Duptn-. Furn. 2S30 Ouptu-.. Uni. 2535 AClertments, Nim. 2600 Ap9rtn .. its. Uni ...... . ... .. 2700 Apta. Fum/Unf. .. ... .• . . .... 2800 ROOITW • .,....... .•••..... . . . 2900 Room & Bowd . .•...... . . . . 2902 Ho4*. Mottlls ... ·······- "· . . ~ a....t Hofnes . • • . ... . . . . ... • 2905 Sunvner Rent* ....... . . .. ... . 2906 Vecatton ~ -··· ... . .• . . .. 2907 • Rentata to Share ............. ..... .. 2908 • Aeot• WMted ........... ·····-· ·-·· 2909 Gar-oea for Rent .................. 2912 Offioe Aentms . . ... ·-······ . 29 , .. 8usinesa ,_,.... ·····-·· ······ . . 291& Commi. Rent• .................. ~-· . 29t8 lndult. Aantall .. .. .. . . ........... . .. . . 2920 .....•.•.............. ,................ 2922 ~18C. Aentllla .. .. . . .. .. . .... ..... ....... 2925

• .,,. PWd Ada

Page 42: copter - City of Newport Beach

~~------~~· ..... ~--s~ ..... -...2.-....... a-.z .... _.. ...... ' .

22 - Orange County Reaf Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. June 2, 19&4

. ,

I• •'

There la no reeaon to keep thing• you don't need or enjoy enymore. Juat becauH they're not valuable to you, there ere cuatomera wllllng to pay good money for thing• you're tired of. Contact the " Recycler of Unwenta," the cleaalfled department of the Delly Piiot. You wlll be pleaaed with the f•t, apeedy rHulta. A• fut •• • phone cell, reaulta heppenl . .

....____ __ -- - " __ .__. .


Dail Pilat· I





. ..

Page 43: copter - City of Newport Beach

conference room. Xeroit.f recept, canf ""· malt _.. lott' S-et.... Call 160-0500 fem a r a

•----i...., ... ,. -. nt -CdM flouae-:--e,reer -. COSTA MESA• SeMQe on lite. From 700 ... n ..,.... NHN ~-12 Ooberfllan. not full occ 'F~ a~e oriented. Aeeo. an, wt U75. and UQ. vejluia•• CM ~'Ni. Cll torage "°""· Vic.. Adams & 1235,,:0r=~=ooeen =~..,..v1-~-'-~-5·,...t.~_,_s....,;5M3_1_2,...u..,,~...,." · IFFl'laa 1ca111o:=::utl~l~; ... ;;•;U.~~~· ~lt;l.:l;.._iiJaiilif1eiiii21ii1~A-d290-3iliAc•1;..,11112_91 =~owerkx* IF~~::.. geJ~ S250/mo. can F~~u:':.~t:"'J.::: FROM 19762 MacArthur Blvd .• llllll,.Bh ti' •• nnn••ll Mn ~.w~':f~~

$300/mo. &45-1188 50C (bco~r•ne•>[rYlon'e Jac"!i" ll11n11•tir_..., §PiMUXC MEXWWWS ( 1«-11C7 In J)(IVate home -------- It/<&...... • ' ...... ,,,H.. a Advtc:a'" Al ...... & ~--==,,,,....,.·-"""-....--

SC ptaza, t1am111e fH.8 .,1tVnq,ZBr21e11Pt1 Sq. A. ......__ ~ 11,5 So. a 1~~l;fy cat. grr#~. 540-4791 aft &PM I Clo A quiet. 8300 + S200 oc Airport ., .. , off apaceJ I ..... ,.., ...... o• Pit Camino Reill. 8-1 Oem. • wttt mafk.a. Yorktown & . lhr b•tt,,"#Otl'WI 35 _de0_ ._14_ 1,.._ 023_ ___ •• IADll I Ulll 1 533-1163 eq f, tot• of n INM... •J . UC'd. 492-7296 BulMrd 162-2721 5123

up. Newport ea.ct!. Health oriented non 39Ult•lotalapprox I pr1tng,Janltorlal&.ilutb · WlllT Al).- *~ .....,_ & M- Found: Lcng"* s 845-2690 trnOtter to* kMlfv 2 8' 11M .,. ft Ind. from 11 per tq rt. ..., .... l M Yllor. Advice In .. ... (tam.le). Vic: 911y & Or-

.,... home. NfWfY dac:otatad, . ..... I Mo-to-Mo. 557-7010 . .. .. .. ~·2.U'!1 matWs; IQ'we, tNrriligla. .... CM c.. ... ..... .... 3 min from bHCh . CellMrHall Offloa & ReceptJon aYall -·-··- "' ~I ~HB.131·1397 546;S1n ·

I ••11111~•• ~1/26mo2. Cell Mitch at 1450 sq ft appro11 . 11 ..... Oanl '-" .... -Sii-- ........ 114/141-1111..,. $400/mo. 1005 BriOIO, .a..-1

Mfll • U'*8tad yng ""9. 38' J14/1Jl..1444.9" O.M. 65()..6533

kly rantan. $125 & up. Laa Hllll w/util S275/mol~=======~=======iii\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ TV, f,.. eoftw. 83()..41M aft tpm. lad poof & steps to Matur. reep rmcnt $325mo

. Kltch's..avMI. ~ ut.. 19' & !Mt 985 N Coast ~· Laguna~ 631-1325 una 8aech, 4M- 2tM MJF20-30ynilhr2br2be SEii AU... £Jakie C.M Twnhs $275

kly ,.,,.,.. now ~. mo 850-4180 Iv nwg

our'" f amous DIMES-A-LINE

119/wtt & up. Color TV, M/F rmmte, duplex on '----------------Im'!" _______ _,, 74 ~Blvd CM 4SthJ.Balboa St. NB. 1970 vw Bug body [K large oak, 1111 draw-I BICYCLES boys end glttS

''"":!':'~ •• t • · • $400/mo. DeYid an SPM, wtthOUt pan $50 Doors ert. ptate glass t09, ISO. 20 tri&i wt*lb S10 ......-.- 548-3253 $30. Glau $20. Fenders, 642·2084 ~· Training _.... S2 50.

gas tent<, hood $15 Nch. Louvered ooort. sofid M/F 30 OY9" lhr 28' 2S. More, C311962-8165. DIES gaff dubl. WOOd $10 each. Tram-I

2111 NB condo dOM to Hoag - - with Wheels. M5. C poltne $25. Fishing rods ~ac.iiih-.i00u;..m·me-r .... enioiiojiita"' Ho.p $300. 648-7332 BOYS BMX Mongoote 12" TV. needs wortl, S2' $345 Reels S3. Book Penn Pt home, 2br ru1y M/non-lmkr ll'W Pr~ S35. lllrls Sc:hwtnn U Antique end table . . match oolectOfS items. furn • others from $350. IOty Point Vil&. $450/mo CNe $15 Sm.a office,. Counter hood aboYe 1792 WMtminster. Coata

.... (714) 67" ........ •L .... e~1eo1 frlgerator $50. Pair bladl st~ light ten. utte MW. Mesa. 548-0865

.-r ~ + 'n ut.... vinyl club ch1ir1 $35 $10. Double bed "'-6- - -side C.M. ttudiO. av.II. N 8 . ltept to be9ch. M- each. Wheel chair $45. board frame $15 Suede ~ LIKE ,,.. bar 11ools.

6115. NI beach & lhopa. non amkr, resp & neat. Honda Klct< N Go S10. toiler skat.s. women's 7, soJld walnut swivel. PYL,yard, pr1tg. S700/mo. $280 no utlla. 813-0390 ShOp Yee s 10. P1ay pan men's 9, S 18 aach Reel cuMld bed(, rutt laather I incl urns 642-2045 Poot/lac 4 br home SC S10. Toys S1-S5. Ladiee tape recorder $25 uphotstery seat $35 each.

S ' · cunmere sweeter• S5- BeY9lted mirror S20 Sat- 631-2783 XCHANGE· BAHAMA • Pti.a, M 21-35. n/ lmkr SlO Polel 52 T tM urday only 8-12 383 C•ble Bch. Nusau, on s21s 494-2742 979--8716 iamP. ,,~~rs :.St Sant• Isabel , cost• . --~;::; ~Of 0:;,,,~., 8~~ Pfof/M 40 & 4 yr old Jungle Gym & Swing tel Mesa. . 30 l~H wood framed OY,/11 Newport area. U• of car daughter wl9hes to lhr $50. B&W remote TV Lltge wood roduw 5. antique beveled ITWf'Of aYall up to 6 mo·a. yOUf home or lind Mme $35. Two dr8Wef chest captain chair s5 New $24 12 mc:h Royal 759- 1422 by 8/ lO. 540-7208 S 10. E>ectric milter S.. draftlnQ board hght $10. Holland pewter pttohef'

Grit! $5 Blue Y91¥at chair I 642-s t7 1 $1 S Antique bird cage abulou• oceanfront 3 Br Rasp rmmt~OM ~~f $50 Child bil<e ... t s 10. · __ stand. ornate cast Iron 1 2.8&. Jrptc •. petiect sum.- ~hseln · """n Luggage $5-$10. Head- 1MARCV body bar ~ baM $18. 20 lnc:tl solid me< Ya<;ttlon. 759-8133 ~ Br w/ pvt bath S500 boards $10. T v 1tand $50 Bench and utra bar brass~ por-cetain. ~ I

+ ~ utill. 84(M26Z $5 75· rubber hose S8 $50 Elttta wa6ghts S20 bueket or umbra stand ldo l11~u & Penjn:ula Resp roommate lhr 2bd Clothes $1-$10 Book~ ! Two digital alarm dodls $15 10 Inch weighted ~. 811~ ~ Ri:f· 1ba nr 17th & Senta 50c Saturday 9-3. 16231 new $10 each. Eloellent solid brass lf)ftoon $15. 675-s 161 "' r. I Ana 1285. 648-6806 Antlqua Way (Westcflff grad gifts. 786-7911 Old olaaslc womans

OOYer Shores> DES $50 Olym- beech crulS«. new tires enin oceanfront hme, Rmmte wanted, mature · .SEC K · .~! and basttet M5. 3 shelf J / Jul A .mod older woman to ll'W loYety elac1nc lypewrlt• ..,.,. glass dOOf' what no1 n ug. r cos- Mau Verde hm S32S/mo CAR radl S10 10 Speed Motorola pager $45. binet S29 'c.usk: Hen.

tom 3 Br $5000/mo. I .... Cell 241 9822 and crulset bikes M5 SwlmmlnQ pOOI ceramic ca . ay P 720-9888 ncl ut1... - each. Portat»e typewriter tile S.5. flox Toyota rOll dryx blrdcage$9. Variety ------- .. __ t MIF 2 t+ S250 ·~ $50 ...,.... St t A · $3 of tables, c:fmlng and liv·

ummer Rentals. 2 & 3 "''"" • · """"' 8 e YeOUe. bar $50. KC ligh11 5. Ing room s 10-$45 Bdrm•. S300 to S 1000 utlta + dep. CM Delmar & Cotta Mesa . . foltow Oak spakflng Elite golf clubl Classic ee.c'trlc: fan S 1e: wee.tdy On & on u. Orange 846-1934 Street Home 1f1er 12 $50. Votkswegen Bus 19 inch mirror Por1 hOle beach Prime WMkt atll ROOMMATE lge 2 BR apt. NOON br'OWll ... t MS. Ashing S8. Antique toot stool. I aYail Call loday fOf beet Acroel St. to Bch. $400. COFFEE labte, chrome polaa 13-$~~ TQ06e.. 2 turned mahogany legs selection mo + utll. Balboa Pan. surfboards.~5eech. 506 $18 Large seleetlon of

NB. Realty 675-'1642 Christle 648-5545 base, glass 109 125· 2 PolnMttla. Corone de! Chalrs and rocilars '5-• turquolte upholstered M•' 760-81""" • ..

lew OYertootllng baactl, ROOMMATE, M/F, Ml1 chairt S25 each Roi- - ..,, .,..... M5 9 pound shot put $5. newly redac, sleeps e. Br/Ba. lnltne. 1350 'II away bed S 15. Cabbllge K chelt of drawers Many antlqua trunka and good __., stDI avWt. Utll 786-1386 eY9S patch dOll S75 875-5069. S46 Wrought Iron bar cn.11 S 10-MS Twentys 212 Marguente 675-3130 ,. .. r furn. 28r ant, Bal •toots $20. Washing me- ~.~e:== ~i

~· .... ,,... blk ..-- chine, Kenmore. works .......-acad• IU.6/1-9/15. Nloa. quiet • .,,., • · eit.._....t con- good $50 Game tatM fife engine $25. Wooden lataJI nt7 cabte TV. Judy. hme dlllon. $50. 644-5735. and c:hllr• $50. s.wtng protesllONI antst ..-

875-1289, wr1( 951-9001 table S 10. Typewriter S 15. 3-43 W. 15th St (otf IU IEIT ELECTRIC lawn mow. tabla$10 Wooclfilacabt- Placentl•> 549-013'5. all Wk"' .,,_.._ __ Spaciou• 8'uHa condo, MS Vinyl rediner Chair net SSO. Stool $15 Pool Saturday and Sunday

Y now. ·~ · .... ...,. prof to 1hr w/uma. $40 20" = blCycta s15 B .. 9 -~-Newport Alty 675..a170 • A.a ..... furn, all ementlea. • .. 5·. 1•" SS. Din-- Yaocoum . a .. ars ......,. ...

~· ~ 0 rack $10. Vaccuum $15. Must ... to ~· Ing llgnt fixture · 125. ,. .. _,,__ ...__ .,,_ ""•M>Jo.t

atallna Apt l'9epl 4, 780-1750 IY msg $trotter '5. 556-1~ Vol- ._..._ ..... ,....,,.. kltch equipped. AYall kennel, large $20. Bam-wtdy & wtlnds. 673-1627 Christ.Ian fa 35+ E'alda HOME Safe Sentry name. boo pedestal ctlatrs $10.

cteen qutet hm. 28' 1be Exoeltant ~. uc:ri-- Tabla, round S25 . lg yrd, ooneldtr rmfbrd floe S35. 846-5935 499-2208 for ofder tP 650-7155 King O'Lawn front throw

tab ..... mower. Needs TLC $50. 54&-2M7 ..

FT lofl $35. Good con­dition 642'""397

NCHOR $7.50 Scoot« $7 50. Char $15. TV aenal $5. Radio S2. Toys 1Ck to 11 Vegat..,.,,. $1 Blk• $5. The $5 boll Lamp S7 Toots 2SC to $2. Bar tool $5. Jldet $6. Jeep can SS. Jaatat $6. Sltates S5 Drawer puna 2SC Hub C11P9 S5 ... 1410 So. Bay Front, Balboa taiand, M


ACROSS eon's noye1 t Prevaricator 57. Racecourse: 5 Matures suff 9 Weapon \ , 58 Ob4ivM>n

14 If ever t 59 Freeway 15 Fuet 61 Greek god 16 Imaginary 62 Sowed -17 Chops - of 18 Otherwtse discontent 19 Gem 63 Not speaking ~~--20 Mountain &4 Against

ndge 65 Stupid 22 Boat planks 66 ObseNed 24 T~ to jatl 67 On the ball 26 Go beyond 27 Asian fete 28 River dirt 29 Letter 32 Encom-

passed 35 Leg reaction 37 BaketY unit 38 Fruit 39 Rose's loye 40 Garments 43 Columnist 45 Nut-brown

drink 46 Golf scores 47 l.amprey 48 Prong 49 Dirk user 53 McCut~-

1 2 3






DOWN 1 Not broad 2 Harden 3Simutated 4Saymgagam 5 Outstllndtng 6GeewhiZ1

7 Poise 8 " -Beauty ' 9 Fencing

28 "Btue - ' 29 Obfigahon 30 - Canal 31 One just

getting by 32 Gaucho's

moye weapon 10 Impressions 33 ln1unous 11 T1m1dny· 34 He<-editary 12 fact0< 13 House parts 36 Escape 21 Pitcher 38 Guns 23 Large t>undle 41 Happening 25 Lawyer. abbr •2 Oeclafm

43 - blanket 44 Studied 48 Radio parts 49 Glide on Ice 50 Tran$p()f'ted 51 Act hammy 52 Elemi or

cop al 53 Pleased 54 Slope

upward 55 May 1t be so 56 Round• 60 Small room

10 11 12 13



Page 44: copter - City of Newport Beach

OIAl9lll EMUSI .,.. - Well located In a prestige area. µrge living room with crackling fireplace. Large format dining. Upgraded ~l!S;hen with separate breakfast room. Four bedrooms p us-den:-CompTetefy arr conditioned and ciean throughout. An outstanding value at $189,500. Call today for an appointment. 546-2313

"IME UIUll" 1111.- - Custom tract; Large living area; Formal Dinlng;Separate Family; Brick Fireplace; All bullt-ln country kitchen; 3 huge bedrooms, 1¥• baths. Separate garage with breeze way. All this at $117,000. A must see. Call 546-2313 .IM Tl TIE IUll - Only $112,500. SHARP + CLEAN + VACANTI Ready to move Into this two story model condition garden homel Enjoy brick patio with BBQ! Sparkling pool + tennlsl 963-6767 <(I

......... , IUIU 1111 - 4 bdrm, 2 bath Costa Mesa home In move-In condition. Large corner lot for possible RV access. Includes wet bar & covered patio. See this " More For Your Money" home at $115,9501 646-7171

CISTl •W TIWllllll Slll,IM - Outstanding 2 bedroom, 2 bath, end unit with atrtum ~d open beam celling. Finished two car attached garage. Separate front yard and patio area. Community pool & spa. 546-2313

1WI ... ES H l LIT - Now you can be an Investor tool Great Income producing units nesteled between two condominium complexes. Good loctlon. Front home Includes fireplace. Priced to sell at only $138,0001 646-7171·

1W1 IEMIM IOm, su,100 - Assume $56,000 first at 11.25•1 •. Payments $644.00 per month. Very clean seven year old condo - The perfect starter home! Call now. 546-2313 · STllY + NIL, Pl• - Beautiful garden home! New carpeting + fresh paint! Perfect start•. prime location. Hurry, just listed and won't lastf 963~767

Llftlf Ill.Liii •• - - Beautifully re­modeled country kitchen. Htghfy upgraded with tnNleh bay wtndowa & french doors. Thia 3 bdrm '*- den home Is jult glowing wtth warmth and comton. Better - thle today. Jutn listed at $129,500. 64&-7171



llU Mlll1 hlJ •• - Unbelleveablel 3 BR -home, ~rdwood-ftooRt


, ~ect for the most discriminating lndhlldualst Completety re­furbished! Large comer lot-great curb appeatl Hurry-C~I 963-6767

ITEPS 11 llUl-S1H,1111 - In Newport Beach. You'll fall In love with this 3 bdrm, 2 bath home which Includes 2 stone fireplaces, skylight, high beamed ceilings & spa! Only steps to pool, tennis & park! A value packed comfortable home you should see today. 646-7171

111111lT1111,MI -Tm IS .... IT 1111- -It's a Greenbrook Ca~ot {nodel. Vaulted ceU­lng living room. Family room with Skylights, Format Dining, • hu~ bedrooms, large master leads to covered patio~ A steel at this price. Call now. 546-2313 ...._ Fii TIE IUT - A pride of ownership home In a pride of ownership neighborhood. Spacious & beautiful 3 bdrm with famlty room & formal dining In prime Costa Mesa area. This home Is a best vatue on todays market at only $169,900. 646-7171

SMI STUTD, 141,111 - $4,750 down payment - financing available. Beautiful double wide, 2• bedroom, 2 bath mobile home. Outstanding complex wtth swimming pool, spa Jnd clubhouse. This wlll not last. Call 546-2313 nowt

MUI m UY '1EW - Panoramic view extends past Catalina Island frc>m this very attractive 2 bdrm home. Ready to be moved Into wtth fantastic potential for added Improvement. Make the first step to better living. Priced at a low $395.000. S..6-7171 MIT& .U 19LO S11',lll - Suitable for owner occupancy. Immaculate through out. Extra large front unit with 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 baths, family room lnd 2 fireplaces. Rear unit, one bedroom, one bath and fireplaoe. Call 5•6-2313

1700 Newport Blvd., CM. 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M.

1030 Brookhurst, H.B.


... Ill •EST UllUT WL- A19oth9 lowet pr 4bdrm In the tract. Two story 2'h bath wtth wet bar. Enjoy the executive lifestyle at a very low price of only $179,900. Call for lnfor· mation today. 646-!171 .

NIL -Ulllflllt - Immaculate 3 BR - brand new carpeting! Cozy Fireplace! Enjoy sparkling pool and spat Absolutely gorgeous throughout! Only $135,000. 963-6767 n WWII YM - Dramatic tri-level condo with approx. 1500 sq.ft . Nestelecl In a complex surrounded wtth magnificent land­scaping. An executive townhouse with high cathedral~llngs & skylights. Assume $91,000 loan. Full price only $1•1,900. ~6-7171

111,111 Y.&. - &UPI• I Liii - at 8'~% Interest. Assume this loan - get a new 2nd T .Q . wtth small down - have tow payments.~ bedrooms, all upgraded. A buy at $10•,950. Call nowt 546-2313

1111,- 11111• - 3 bdrm, 1% baths. Double gacage. New paJnt & carpets. ~2313

~,_an - With existing auto body shop. Great traffic exposure on b\.llY Placentia Avenue. Wide range of Industrial ufes. Lota of potential with extra large 83x270 lot & alley access. Invest In your business future. Only $295,000. 646-7171 .

E&l1s. .. ,.. - Lease option. 2 bdrm =o wfth 2 car garage. Includes poot & ape. A pert starter ' for the young couple. Th ls attractl home Is available to purchue or leaae option to fit buyers needs. Call for detans. S..6-7171.

(IOI Tl 1111 t1H,lll .- Beach home on " Balboa Peninsula" only one block to ocean -cute, clean, and airy 2 bedroom • 2 car attached garage. CaJI now. 5416-2313

•If llT .... ....,. ~ $289,000. Gorgeous 3 BR hornet FM'llty1 room - flreplace + bay windows! Wood plank ftoora, sunshine garden bath + sunken tubl Country like nelghbortiOodl Call 963--8767.

2 a.Y + ,.. - $99,900. Separate In-law quarters! Wet barl Excellent condition! &mtihlne ~I 913-8787

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