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Page 1: CoolPad India launch

a  crea&ve  presenta&on  by  

Coolpad  Dazen  1  &  Dazen  X7  Launch  28th  May,  2015  New  Delhi  

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a  crea&ve  presenta&on  by  

About Us

We  are  an  experien&al  marke&ng  agency  specializing  in  crea&ng  experiences  that  enable  brands  to  make  meaningful,  emo&onal  connec&ons  with  their  target  consumers.  Established  in  2009,  we  have  built  our  business  by  merging  the  strategic  disciplines  of  brand  planning  and  experien&al  design.  Located  in  the  leading  financial  and  industrial  city  of  India,  Gurgaon,  We  MediaWorks  has  amassed  a  na&onal  and  

interna&onal  clientele  through  its  groundbreaking  Experien&al  Designs.      

But  in  reality  and  at  our  essence,  we  are  experien&al  designers.  We  MediaWorks’s  event  and  experien&al  campaigns  communicate  a  brand’s  truth,  and  develop  an  emo&onal  connec&on  between  the  brand  and  

consumer.  To  accomplish  this,  we  work  to  obtain  an  in&mate  understanding  of  a  brand  and  the  individuals  who  are  most  likely  to  choose  that  brand.  

Experien&al  Marke&ng  |  Mobile  Marke&ng  |  Sponsorship  Ac&va&on    Event  Marke&ng  |  Interac&ve  Marke&ng  |  Crea&ve  Services  |  Social  Media  |    Digital  Media  


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Event  Details  

Event  name  :  Coolpad  Dazen  1  &  Dazen  X7    launch    Date  :  28th  May,  2015    Venue  :  Hotel  Shangri-­‐la,  New  Delhi    AZendance  :  150  Pax    

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The  Brief  

•  Create  excitement  around  Coolpad’s  entry  in  India    

•  Launch  Brand  Coolpad  and  its  proposi&on  in  India  

•  Drive  interest  and  engagement  around  Coolpad  portfolio  in  the  media  

•  Showcasing  technology  as  a  basic  thought  process  behind  the  event.  

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So  How  Do  We  Achieve  It?  •  Focus  on  Visibility  and  Hands  on  Experience  to  the  customer  :  The  key  to  ge]ng  

people  to  start  trus&ng  the  build  quality  and  usability  of  the  device  is  to  enable  them  to  get  a  real  &me  hands  on  experience  and  see  it  for  themselves  and  not  just  go  by  marke&ng  claims.  

•  Emo9onal  Connect  with  the  masses  is  key  :  An  emo&onal  route  for  a  marke&ng  campaign  serves  well  as  Indians  have  a  great  recall  value  of  emo&on  driven  content  and  are  most  likely  to  share  among  their  peers  and  on  their  social  groups  

•  Focus  on  making  the  campaign  viral  on  social  media  :Virality  of  a  campaign  is  key,  we  may  use  the  best  methods  to  create  content  and  it  can  be  relevant  to  the  last  t  but  unless  made  viral,  the  results  will  be  hard  to  tell.  In  today’s  day  of  social  media  boom,  it  is  suggested  that  equal  importance  is  given  to  the  digital  campaign  as  to  the  on  ground  ac&vi&es  

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So  we  Focus  On  

•  Making   consumers   experience   the   amazing   CAMERA   QUALITY   of  Coolpad  phones  that  allows  consumers  to  click  great  pictures  along  with  wonderful   stability   of   the   pictures/   video   showcasing   the   OIS   of   the  product.  

•  Take  compe&&on  head  on  by  highligh&ng  the  great  speed  of  the  phone  

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Showcase  Camera  Quality  &  OIS  


Influencer  engagement:  #PureClicks    

Three  ci&es,  three  amazing  adventures  to  showcase  the  

amazing  camera  quality  and  OIS  of  Coolpad    


Influencer  engagement:  Drone  ac9vity  

15  Coolpad  fans  from  China  and  5  influencers  from  India  go  

to  one  des&na&on  for  adventure    


Mass  consumer  engagement:  #mademyday  

An  emo&onal  campaign  which  will  be  made  viral  through  social  media  

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The  Venue  

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Ballroom,  Shangri  La  Hotel,  New  Delhi  

•  We  have  mapped  out  the  consumer  journey  and  crea&ves  in  a  hotel  ballroom.    

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Event  Flow  

•  When  guests  enter  the  hall,  they  see  a  large  central  screen  which  will  be  used  for  presenta&ons  &  videos  

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•  The  demo  area  will  be  created  in  the  main  hall  and  covered  with  curtains  before  launch  

•  These   curtains   will   unveiled   during   launch   sequence   revealing   the  experience   area   where   people   can   get   a   hands   on   experience   of   the  devices    

Event  Flow  

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 Video  Wall  

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Fog  Screen  at  Entrance  

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Main  Stage  Area  

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Demo  Zone  

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Isometric  View    Ballroom  Layout  

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o  Wall  

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Fog  Screen


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Main  Stage  

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Demo  Zone


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Display  Tables  

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A  presenta&on  by  :  

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