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JOINT SERVICE Warfield Church 2016 Vision Day

We stand at a critical point in our history. The decisions of 2016 will

shape us for centuries to come.

Join us at 10:30am on January 24th 2016 at Newbold

Church Binfield

Where is God taking us in 2016 and beyond……

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Some words from the Vicar:

Let me take you to 0AD. The world is dominated by

Augustus Caesar. The Roman Empire under his command

stretches from Rome to England to India. Rome’s borders

continue to extend through it’s army - a ruthless and highly

efficient killing machine.

Rome maintained control by a network of rulers that they appointed. And in

Israel the role goes to Herod. A brutish tyrant who some say was the richest

man in the world.

Rome extracts taxes from it’s people to pay for it’s war machine. Herod extracts

taxes to pay for his army and for his lavish dwellings. Some people are paying 80

to 90% of their income in taxes. Caesar is getting richer, Herod is getting richer.

If you disagree you die. If you don’t pay your taxes you die. And now you’re

selling your home and your family land to pay the taxes and now you’re paying

rent to live in your own home and Caesar gets richer and Herod gets richer and

you can’t feed your children. And you cry out in despair. Into the darkness. If

there is a God then why?

And to understand the Christmas story is to place yourself into this world of

despair. Not another nativity

scene. To enter the story is to

encounter a whole nation

waiting, hopeless, in despair.

And into the darkness, into the

paralysing fear, into a world

falling apart. Suddenly….

An Angel appears to a young

Jewish girl – a girl 13 or 14 years


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But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary,

you have found favour with God. You will be with

child and give birth to a son, and you are to give

him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be

called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will

give him the throne of his father David, and he will

reign over the house of Jacob for ever; his

kingdom will never end.”

And Mary responds, “May it be as you have said.”

She literally says “Bring it on.”

Not from Herod’s line, not part of Caesar’s house;

an ordinary girl who was ready to be obedient.

“Bring it on.”

And this is the Christmas story. God taking ordinary people and doing

extraordinary things. God taking the seemingly powerless and using them to

transform the world. There is a new Kingdom coming. New rules. Herod’s time

is up. Caesar your power will come to an end. This is a defiant revolutionary

story of a minority oppressed group who have been stepped on for long enough

and among them comes a 14 year old girl. God has been watching the humble,

the stepped on, the hurting, the despairing and God is going to fight on their


The Christmas story is a story of history. It’s the story of those who oppress and

marginalize, of a God who says that will not go on forever. God shows up in

human history and says enough is enough.

And Mary sings, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my


And Thomas Cahill writes,

Mary’s song “is a larger-than-life song of triumph, thanking God for righting all

wrongs by making a definitive choice in favour of the powerless over the

powerful. No one knows it yet, but the poor, the hungry, and the humiliated have

won! And this unknown 14 year old is their unexpected representative.”

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Herod’s Palace is now a pile of rocks, Caesar's Kingdom has long ago

ended, but around our world at this time of year we honour Mary. This 14

year old girl. Just an ordinary girl who will give birth to the Saviour of the


The Christmas story is about the birth of a new Kingdom, a subversive

kingdom. It’s not about accumulation, it’s about generosity. It’s not about

control, it’s about love. It’s not about trying to be your own god, it’s about

submitting to the one true God. It’s not about trying to run from your past

failures, it’s about letting God forgive and cleanse.

And that’s the Christmas story, a historical event that has changed the world


And all because a young girl said, “let it be according to your will.”

Into Christmas and then on to the Vision Day in January, let us echo that

prayer, “let it be Lord, according to your will.”

Revd Dr Mark Griffiths

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Eritrea: Many of our brothers and sisters in Eritrea are enduring

terrible persecution for their faithfulness in following Jesus.

Please pray for all those in prison in appalling conditions. Some of

them have been held for nearly 12 years without trial and have no

idea how long they will have to remain incarcerated. Ask the God of

hope to fill them with joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they

may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Around the world: Countless Christians around the world are in pris-

on or labour camps because they love the Lord. Alimujiang Yimiti is

serving 15 years in China, Saeed Abedini in Iran is not due for

release until 2020, Aasia Bibi, the Christian mother is on death row in

Pakistan with one last possibility of reprieve. There are many others in

North Korea and Eritrea, Central Asia and many other countries,

unjustly accused and unable to defend themselves whose names

are known to God.

Pray that they will be filled with the assurance that they are never

forgotten by their Lord, that they are engraved on the palms of His

hands and precious in His sight. Ask that He will give them strength to

endure the beatings, hunger, cold, heat, sickness or whatever other

suffering they face.

Prayers from the Barnabus Fund

God of all compassion, visit Your suffering people.

In the time of their troubles, let them not be dismayed.

In their oppression, let them not be destroyed.

In their anxiety, let them not lose hope.

In their alienation and wandering, be their identity and home.

O God, the Father of all mercies, look upon them with Your favour.

Set Your seal upon their foreheads.

Let Your right hand uphold them, Your love encourage them,

Your presence engulf them, Your protection cover them.

In their fragility and brokenness, be their strength and treasure.

Let Your light shine upon them and reveal the glory of Your eternal

Son, In Whose Name we pray. Amen.

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The Stables 24-7 Prayer Room is open again! The first week of Advent -

8am on Sunday 29th November

to 8am on Sunday 6th December

At: The Stables, 2 Buttermere Gardens,

Off Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell RG12 9DQ

During the first week of Advent The Stables 24-7 Prayer Room will be

open again to give you time alone with God as you prepare to

celebrate the birth of Jesus.

If this idea is new to you, look at some of the clips at


The Stables sits behind our home at 2 Buttermere Gardens, RG12 9DQ.

Many of you will be familiar with it from previous 24-7 prayer weeks. It

is self-contained with a lounge and bathroom so you will be safe and

undisturbed. There is a kitchen area where you can make tea and

coffee. Parking is available in front of the house.

The room is bookable in units of an hour. Come for an hour, a couple

of hours or a whole night. Come alone or with others. Pray for

whatever is on your heart (we provide resources to help you structure

your time). It is your space, your time and your opportunity to let God


To book your slot go to or contact

Lynn Molyneux at the Church Office 01344 886900.

Bruce and Nanas Callander

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When I started to give 10 percent of my income to God, my life changed.

Looking back, I can see God’s fingerprints all over the events of the last 18


God had been nudging me for a while to increase my giving. After a very

inspiring talk at St Peter’s last year, I finally got round to increasing my tithe to

the church. On top of this, I also decided to sponsor another Compassion child.

A few months later (out of the blue), I was offered a small training role for 3 days

a month. This was in addition to the other jobs that I had and I was delighted as

the salary for the 3 days matched my existing monthly income – in accepting this

role, God had doubled my salary!

The new company treated me extremely well and I was very happy working for

them. Unfortunately this did not last long as my position was taken over by an

employee who joined the company soon after me. She was salaried and

therefore it made sense to employ her to undertake the staff training. Although I

understood that it made economic sense to replace me with someone who was

salaried, I was confused and disappointed – why bless me to take it away?

However, God has the authority to give and to take away as He pleases. I was

disappointed, but God had a greater plan for my life.

My finances did not look good from January onwards. Occasionally I became

stressed over my monthly income, but looking back, I was always able to pay the

bills. God’s word says not to worry, as He will provide (Matthew 6: 25-27).

Looking back, I should have trusted Him as I didn’t have any cause to worry,

although I did not know that at the time.

Over the summer I used the extra time that I had to complete my teacher

training qualification, learning loads and reflecting on how far I had come in

confidence and ability. I also became a free-lance Health and Social Care trainer

– this brought in some much needed income. In addition, my confidence soared

as the feedback that I received was always very positive.

In June I completed my teaching qualification and at New Wine, God gave me

scripture about establishing my territory (Isaiah 52: 3-4.) I had a real sense that

something amazing was going to happen – I felt God say to me that I would

have ‘influence’.

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I was not planning to go back to permanent employment but I found myself

having conversations with a recruitment agency about a role in a company who

required a trainer with my experience and qualifications. The more I looked into

this role, the more I really wanted it – it sounded like my dream job.

During the 3rd

and final stage of the interview, I was informed that if I got this

role, I would have a great deal of influence over the staff (confirming what God

had told me 2 months previously.) A couple of hours later, I was their new trainer.

What I would like to say is that God has massively blessed me and my family. I

strongly believe that is because I now give 10 percent of my income to Him. His

word says “put me to the test, (and see) if I will not open the windows of heaven

for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need: Malachi


This job is going to make the world of difference financially to us, coupled with

the fact that my days are going to be spent encouraging and empowering staff

to give the best care and service to those who deserve respect and dignity.

The last year has not always run smoothly, but I can now see how God

deliberately guided my footsteps. He put me in many situations which I can now

see were strategic in placing me in the position of being super-confident in

applying for this huge training role, and subsequently getting it.

Tithing to me is not about how much money you give, it is about how seriously

you take Him. As a consequence, the blessings received are a demonstration of

how seriously He takes the giver.

Heart to Heart at Warfield

Saturday 6th February

at St Michael’s

Coffee and Crafts A morning to be inspired and learn from one another as we share the

creative talents God has given us. More information coming soon.

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Warfield Worship Collective is our initiative to help equip the musical

worship life of the Warfield Church. At the heart of The Collective is

coming together to worship and learn. We spend a good amount of

time in sung worship and learn about worship

from the bible and from the history of Christian

experience. The worship collective is a must

for those already in our worship teams and

anyone wanting to explore and develop their

talents and gifts in the area of musical and

sung worship. The collective takes place every

other month on Saturday mornings.

The next Collective is Saturday 27th February,

at 9:45am until midday. It will be another

opportunity to bring your instruments and

practice playing together, with a focus on

working together as bands of various

sizes. Musicians of all abilities are welcome,

but you will ideally need to bring your own



An opportunity to come together in the evening to encounter

more of God in worship, word and ministry. If you have had a

busy morning in our congregations its a great time to gather and

r e c e i v e . F o r m o r e

information contact

[email protected]


[email protected]

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Sunday 13th December

Service from 4pm to 5pm

followed by High Tea

at St. Michael’s Church Join us for Christmas Carols in Church at 4pm

followed by High Tea in the Parish Rooms

(High Tea Ticket £2.00) / Tel: 01344 886900

E-mail: [email protected]

Tickets: £2.00 for High Tea

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Relentless is Warfield Church’s

youth group. It meets every

Friday at 7:45pm - slightly

earlier for socials - in the Parish Rooms (behind St Michaels). It is

aimed at all secondary school age young people.

To keep up to date with what our young people are doing we have

an Instagram account @warfieldyouth

Final Autumn Social:

11th December: Relentless Christmas Ball: This is the last evening of

this term.

Dates for your Diary—Spring Socials:

8th Jan: Night Walk followed by Bonfire and Marshmallows

5th Feb: Swimming at Windsor Leisure Centre

4th Mar: Gravity Force

As usual, if I can help in any way, please give a


Matt Davies

(Youth Pastor)

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It’s good to gather as a large crowd, listen to great talks, hang

out, play games, enjoy amazing socials and Relentless will

continue to offer all those things. But we also see a place for

smaller groups (Life Groups) where you can get to know each

other, ask questions and talk about things that you need prayer

for. We would love to see all our young people in a Life Group,

so if you’re not in one yet, have a chat to me soon and I’ll sort

something out.

Life Group Day Time Frequency

Pulse Mondays 4pm to 5.30pm weekly

Rooted Tuesdays

4.15pm to 5.45pm weekly


Tuesdays 4pm to 5.30pm weekly

Encounter Wednesday 8pm to 9.30pm monthly

Deeper Thursdays 6.30pm to 9.15pm weekly

[email protected]

As Relentless grows and more young people attend, a need

has come up for more help. We need:

people to come at the end and clear up

People to stop with the young people and help through

the night including set up

It is a great opportunity to see God work in our young people’s

lives. If you are able to help please get in touch.

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In addition to the amazing children’s

groups we run on Sunday mornings, we

also run a whole range of children’s

activities through the week:


Our toddler group, Little Starz, now meets three times every


Mondays 10.00am - 11.30am

Mondays 1.15pm - 2.45pm

Tuesdays 10.00am - 11.30am

All sessions will be held at St Michael’s Church.

And for the even younger, Baby Starz

Mondays 11:45am - 12:45pm

Baby Starz is a session for babies up to 12 months only. It will be a fantastic

opportunity for babies and their carers to come and spend time in a calm

and quiet environment. It will consist of singing from 11.45-12.15 followed

by coffee and chat. unfortunately older siblings will not be able to


If anyone would like further

information, or would like to come

along and help then please contact:

Jackie Faerber on

[email protected]

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All Starz Kids Club is a Friday Night weekly

Kids Club for all primary aged children from

Year 1 to Year 6 inclusive. It is a fun

packed night of games, stories,

competitions, arts & crafts, tuck shop and

bouncy castles in an atmosphere where

Jesus is communicated and children can encounter God.

Admission is £2 for the first child and £1 for siblings.

All Starz meets at St Michael’s Church from

5.30pm to 7:15pm

For more information contact [email protected]

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PRAYER “Could you not pray with me one hour?” That was Jesus’ question to his

disciples. And it is the challenge that I want to lay before us as a church.

We now have several opportunities to pray each month. My challenge

to every member of Warfield Church is that we attend at least one of the

prayer meetings below each month (just one a month—not a big

challenge) and pray for one hour. We will also encourage that further as

Paul Collins visits each congregation in the autumn to talk on the need of

any growing church to pray.


As a church, we meet together to pray before our Sunday morning services.

Please ask one of the Congregational Leadership Team for information on

times and locations for your congregation.

EPRAYER - the email Prayer Chain for Warfield Church:

To sign up to receive prayer requests please drop a note to

[email protected] asking simply to sign you up. To make a prayer

request please send the request to [email protected] - if you want to be

anonymous simply let us know in the email. No email addresses are shared

(recipients are blind copied). The chain is administered by Andy Green from St



Do join the daily prayer meeting that meets at 7 Brownlow Drive each

weekday at 6:30am to 7:00am.


This is an open invitation to join Sam Mortimer & Mark Barron for a weekly

prayer cycle ride around the new housing development area on Saturdays

mornings, praying that God will prepare the ground for His kingdom (1 Cor

3:11). Meet at Whitegrove library at 8am. The cycle ride is a mixture of roads

and paths and runs till 9am, but if you can’t manage the full hour just come for

as long as you can. Contact Sam on 07505 426763.


Parents, carers, Grandparents, everyone connected to Warfield CE Primary

School are warmly invited to join us for prayer on a Wednesday morning after

drop-off in the Home Economics room.

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IGNITE: Our Ignite prayer meetings take place on the third Thursday of

the month from 8pm. The next Ignite date is on 21 January 2016 at St

Michael’s Church.

HUNGRY: It takes place from 10pm to 11:30pm at St Andrews on the

last Friday of the month. The next meeting will be on 29 January 2016.

Continuous prayer with worship, seeking the heart of God and crying

out for Kingdom breakthroughs in the parish.

CALLING ALL PROPHETS!! We as a Church want to hear the voice of God and

recognise that some have a particular gift in

Prophecy. We are asking those who believe they

have a prophetic gift to gather together and listen to

the voice of God.

We will be gathering at St Andrews Church on Sundays from 5.15 – 6pm. If you are

interested in joining us then please turn up or for more information contact

[email protected]


Prayer changes things of that I am sure. We

value our e-prayer but recognise that not all

who receive these are our intercessors. For

those who are intercessors we would like to be

able to task you with prayer needs from the

Church Leadership. If you would be happy

to cry out to God for the Church then please


[email protected]

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at St Andrews Church, Priestwood

All are welcome. Please note that while children are

more than welcome to attend, there will not be any

crèche facilities available.


A monthly afternoon Communion Service, held on the third Friday in

the month, at 2pm at St Michael’s Church followed by tea in the Parish

Rooms. The next God in Quiet Services will be on Friday

18th December 2015 and Friday 15th January 2016.

ASH WEDNESDAY service 2016

at St Michael the

Archangel on

February 10th at 8pm.

Be great to

see you there.

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The final Men's pub evening will be held on Tuesday

1st December at 8pm at the Admiral Duncan Pub. All

welcome to enjoy a festive pint and chat.

In the new year we will be focusing on more

congregation led men's ministry. More details to

follow in the New Year.

WANT TO GET IN SHAPE? A weekly exercise class is run at St Andrew’s

Church, Priestwood, on Wednesdays from 3:45-

14:45. Several of our church members already

attend, but it’s open to anyone, and it’s good fun.

There is a weight loss programme too, for those

who want it. The class is run by Ali Cannon, a

trained instructor and weight loss coach.

Newcomers would be very welcome. Just turn up on the day. Bring a

towel or exercise mat, some water and trainers. For further details,

contact Jenny Bentley (jenny.bentley1@gmail, com)



(Primarily for 18-30s)

Meets fortnightly for discussion,

support and snacks. For further

information please email

Lynn Molyneux:

[email protected]

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10am & 1pm Little Starz Toddler Group* St Michaels Warfield

10.00am Coffee Morning St Andrews Priestwood

11.45am Baby Starz Group* St Michaels Warfield


10:00am Communi-tea (Coffee Morning) Bullbrook Community Centre

10.00am Little Starz Toddler Group* St Michaels Warfield

11:00am Drop in Centre St Andrews Priestwood


11.00am Communion Service St Andrews Priestwood


11:00am Drop in Centre St Andrews Priestwood


9.30am CBSi (Midweek Bible Study) St Michaels

2.00pm God in Quiet (third Friday) St Michaels

5.30pm All Starz Kids Club* St Michaels

7:45pm Relentless* St Michaels

* Meets during term time only

There is a range of Life Groups that run midweek. If you would like to join one,

please drop an e-mail to the Church Office and they will ensure you receive a

list of groups.

Sunday Services

Warfield Church Services

All our Sunday morning services have children and youth provision with the

exception of 9am.

Church Office: 01344 886900 [email protected]


9.15am & 11am

St Michael's Church


Whitegrove School


Warfield School



Holly Spring Junior School


10am & 6:00pm

St Andrew's Church

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At Warfield we are privileged to serve both our congregations and our local community. Alongside our regular worship we have many week day activities, including several kids clubs, a breakfast club, a thriving youth group, Autumn Club for the slightly older, midweek bible studies, men’s keep fit to name just a few. We are very active in serving our local community through school’s work and drop in centres and reaching out to those who need help or encouragement. As I am sure you recognise, the costs of this ministry are considerable - currently £45,000 each month. It costs us money to pay the bills that keep our church open and to support the work that we do. All of this money is raised locally with no contribution from central Church of England funds. That is why our Planned Giving scheme is so important. It allows us to plan our ministries carefully based on the financial commitments of our committed members. And the Planned Giving scheme also allows us to express our worship to God through regular and committed giving.

Making payments to the Warfield Church:

You can set up your regular giving directly from your Bank account

via internet banking, phone banking, visiting your branch OR pick

up a standing order mandate from your local congregation or re-

quest for a copy via emil. Banks details for these payments are:-

Warfield PCC * Sort Code 40.13.10 * A/C 90839361

We are able to claim Gift Aid at 25p in every £1 given, so please

pick up a form from Church or request a copy from us at

[email protected]

Giving to

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