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  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    m'"e ga"ga#tua#, P2)4 b$$'#) The"e a"e 24 se#at'"s s' the e#t"e $''t am'u#ts t' P4)- b$$'#

    &e" yea") O" P2-)- b$$'# # s= yea"s)

    I# s'me !ases, the"e a"e sb$#gs am'#g the se#at'"s, s' a s#g$e (am$y'ut '( the 22 m$$'#m$$'# (am$es # the Ph$&esta5es a/ay P)- b$$'# # 12 yea"s) Ths P)- b$$'# s a#

    am'u#t (a" m'"e tha# /hat a$$ '( the m'"e 300,000 sma$$ a#% me%um e#te"&"ses !a# ma5e #the" e#t"e !'"&'"ate $(e)

    The "ate &e" !'#g"essma# s P;0 m$$'# &e" yea" '" P210 m$$'# # th"ee yea"s the '#e te"m '(a !'#g"essma#) *'#g"essme# a"e a$$'/e% th"ee !'#se!ut+e te"ms '" ##e yea"s) 6' mu$t&$y

    P;0 m$$'# by ##e yea"s a#% y'u get P30 m$$'#&e" !'#g"essme#)

    The"e a"e 2-. !'#g"essme# s' the t'ta$ $''t # a yea" s P20)23 b$$'#) A%% the se#at'"s8 $''t '(

    P4)- b$$'# a#% y'u get P2)03 b$$'# ('" the e#t"e *'#g"ess) Pe" yea")

    '" the yea"s 200; t' 200., 'u" *'mmss'# '# Au%t !'#%u!te% a# au%t '# the PA a#% s'@

    !a$$e% Va"'us I#("ast"u!tu"es, #!$u%#g L'!a$ P"'F has be!'me sy#'#ym'us /th hgh/ay "'bbe"y the 5#% &e"&et"ate% by 'u" se#at'"s

    a#% !'#g"essme#) A#% the s'!a$ /e$(a"e '( 6> !'u$% as /e$$ sta#% ('" B&"+ate /e$(a"eD '('u" ;0 e$te &'$t!a$ (am$es)

    As%e ("'m the th"ee !ab#et %e&a"tme#ts, a$s' #+'$+e% # the mass+e $''t#g '( ta=&aye"s8

    m'#ey /e"e ('u" g'+e"#me#t !'"&'"at'#sTe!h#'$'gy a#% L+e$h''% Res'u"!e *e#te"

    TLR*, Nat'#a$ L+e$h''% e+e$'&me#t *'"&) NL*, Nat'#a$ Ag"bus#ess *'"&)NA*'", a#% Zamb'a#ga %e$ N'"te Ag"!u$tu"a$ *'$$ege Rubbe" Estate *'"&) ZRE*)

    P$us (+e &"'+#!a$ g'+e"#me#tsTa"$a!, ataa#, Nue+a E!

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    A# a#'#ym'us &e"s'#, Lus Aba$'s, /h' /as #'t a !'#g"essma# # the 13th a#% 14th *'#g"ess,

    "e!e+e% P20 m$$'#) I guess ths s the e7u+a$e#t '( a gh'st &ay"'$$, the 5#% '( she#a#ga#

    '#$y 'u" *'#g"ess s !a&ab$e '()

    O( the P12 b$$'# PA "e$ease% by 9, '#$y P-)3;4 b$$'# '" . &e"!e#t /as au%te%) O(

    the P101) b$$'# # #("a (u#%s VILPs "e$ease%, '#$y P32) b$$'# 32 &e"!e#t /as au%te%)

    I# 'the" /'"%s, the $ea5age '" Bb"beD s 30 &e"!e#t ('" PA a#% - &e"!e#t ('" #("a (u#%s '(

    se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essme#) Th"ee se#at'"s a#% s= !'#g"essme# he$&e% themse$+es /th P1)3.3b$$'# '( #("a (u#%s)

    Ab'ut P)1 b$$'# /as t"a#s(e""e% by th"ee *ab#et %e&a"tme#tsA, P>F a#% 6>

    t' -2 #'#@g'+e"#me#t '"ga#at'#s N?Os) The P)1 b$$'# !ame ("'m the PAs '( 12

    se#at'"s a#% 1-0 !'#g"essme#)

    Te# N?Os "e!e+e% a t'ta$ '( P2)1; b$$'#) A$$ te# a"e $#5e% t' Ja#et Lm Na&'$es)

    6= 'the" N?Os g't P1-. m$$'#) These s= #!$u%e% th'se '/#e% by the $egs$at'"s '" /th a

    "e$at+e as #!'"&'"at'" '" '((!e") I# 'the" /'"%s, the se#at'" '" the !'#g"essme# ga+e the

    m'#ey t' hmse$() The ga$$ ta$aga)

    151 Responses to Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate

    1) Ceasar Josesays:

    6e&tembe" 11, 2013 at 2:24 &m

    E+e"y b'%y /h' !a# "ea% 9" L'&e a"t!$e /$$ su"e$y say 100K !'""e!t ) A#% e+e"yb'%y

    /h' !a# "ea% a$$ the !'mme#t /$$ ag"ee t'') I ha+e #'t "ea% m'st '( the!'mme#t, but the"e s '#e th#g /e #ee% t' !'#s%e" a#% th#5 ab'ut t)a5t 5aya

    #a5a &ag #a#a5a/ a#g mga MA>ATAN #a t'ah$ &' #asa &uest' s$aa5t

    #asa &uest' s$a) ah$ &' tay' a#g #ag$agay sa 5a#$a %t'A#% tha8s /he"e the

    &"'b$em sta"te%)) BTAYO AN? NA?LA?AY 6A 9?A MA>ATAN NA ITO 6AMANILAN? 9?A PUE6TO) ))9'st '( them a"e "e@e$e!te% TON?@?REA6E 9AN a#%

    6INA TON?) A$am #at#g $ahat, #a sa $''b #g 3 y"s te"m #$a &u"' NAMA>, MA>AT

    a#g g#a/a, PERO uest' &a"# #at# s$a#g mu$ AMIT, AMIT AMIT CCA#% that s the &"'b$em '( s'me '( 'u" 5a&at% #a PINOY)

    2) Mon Babasasays:

    6e&tembe" 10, 2013 at 12:10 am
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    9") L'&e,

    I !a# ag"ee /th y'u /th a$$ the !'""u&t'# that has bee# g'#g '#, but 200;@200. sh'u$%

    #'t be the '#$y gauge t' measu"e h'/ mu!h m'#ey ha% g'#e t' /aste) It sh'u$% #'t bethe s' !a$$e% D &'"5 ba""e$D '" PA as '#e /$$ !a$$ t, but the e#t"e bu%get #!$us+e '(

    the &"es%e#ta$ &'"5 %s!"et'#a"y (u#% sh'u$% be e=am#e%)

    The !u""e#t **T *ONITIONAL *A6F TRAN6ER has a bu%get a$$'!at'# '( 0&$us b$$'# ('" '#e yea", h'/ s ths g'#g t' be a!!'u#te%C >he# *OA tse$( a%mtte%

    that t $a!5s the ma#&'/e" t' !'#%u!t a# au%t ('" &'"5 ba""e$ g+e# t' hu#%"e%s '(

    N?O8s) I# **T, the g'+e"#me#t ta$5s '( 4) s'meth#g m$$'# (am$es, a"e /e 5%%#g'u"se$+esC Ths I th#5 s '#e '( the bggest s!ams yet) >hat ab'ut the hu#%"e% '(

    b$$'#s '( &es's g"a#te% t' 9#%a#a' ('" %e+e$'&me#t, !a# s'meb'%y te$$ /hat has

    ha&&e#e% t' tC

    P#'y s su!h a st'"y te$$e", he !a##'t e+e# a!!'u#t ('" hs (athe"8s "ea$ 5$$e") Fe8s (u$$ '(a" a#% a#e!%'tes, he s ('" se$e!t+e e #ee% t'

    e#!'u"age '#e a#'the" #'t t' su&&'"t th'se /h' a"e buy#g +'tes) I( /e /a#t t' "se, /e#ee% t' ha+e the %es"e t' "se, as 6e#e!a sa%, BThe g"eate" &a"t '( &"'g"ess s the %es"et' &"'g"ess) D) >e #ee% t' !h''se the $ea%e"s /h' a"e #'t $''5#g ('" a &'st'# but /a#ts

    t' sh'/ the "ght %s&'st'#, B?e#u#e $ea%e"sh& s a$$ ab'ut %s&'st'# #'t &'st'#)D

    J'h# *) 9a=/e$$The P'"5 a""e$ sh'u$% g' t' the N?O Lea%e"s /h' a"e "as#g (u#%s th"'ugh #'#@

    &'$t!a$ a!7ust'#) T' the tea!he"s /h'

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    th'se (a"me"s a#% (she"me# /h' batt$e the #atu"e

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    ;) John Machiavellisays:

    6e&tembe" 4, 2013 at :11 am

    Ne=t e$e!t'#, I am "u###g ('" !'#g"essma# ('" the !ty I $+e #) Rght #'/, I am b"'5ea#% #ee% t' &ay my %ebts) I a$s' $5e &$ay#g the "'u$ettes) That8s a s%e ssue but my

    hea"t s "ea$$y he$g &''" &e'&$e 'ut '( &'+e"ty) I am a *h"sta# a#% g' t' !hu"!h e+e"y

    %ay, e", at $east e+e"ey 6u#%ay) 6', /at!h 'ut ('" me J'h# # the #e=t e$e!t'#s a#% I/$$ be y'u" sa+'" ("'m &'+e"ty)

    -) John Machiavellisays:

    6e&tembe" 4, 2013 at : am

    I# ab'ut 2@3 m'#ths, ths #e/s &'"5 ba""e$, !'""u&t &'$t!a#s /$$ be OR?OTTEN)

    >e /$$ m'+e t' the #e=t ssue, say, *ha"!e8s t"a#st'# t' gay '" the"e /$$ be 'ut!"y

    be!ause s'me (am'us !e$eb"ty bash#g 9a#$a as a %"ty !ty) E+e# 9") L'&e /$$!ha#ge gea" a#% ta!5$e a#'the" t'&!)'h, /e$$, $(e g'es '#) I# the mea#tme, the

    &'$t!a#s /$$ !'me 'ut ("'m the b''#%'!5s a#% me""$y !'#t#ue &$u#%e"#g the

    !'u#t"ythe &''" %'#8t !a"e, they a"e t'' %umb t' 5#'/ /hat8s g'#g '#)

    o Andrew Lopezsays:

    6e&tembe" ., 2013 at 10:0; am

    I (u$$y ag"ee U#$ess s'meth#g +e"y,+e"y %"ast! '" %"a!'#a# s %'#e /hat8s

    g'#g '# /$$ !'#t#ue t$$ the m'u#ta#s be!'me &$a#s a#% the !'/s !'meh'me E+e"y'#e but e+e"y'#e s '" /$$ be '# the ta5e,#' t/' /ays ab'ut t

    6tuat'# h'&e$ess,s'$ut'# #$

    .) Marlon S Badillosays:

    6e&tembe" 2, 2013 at 1:4. &m

    6" I /$$ be g$a% ( y'u /$$ %s!uss # y'u" !'$um# ab'ut *a&ta# Jmmy Na&'$es, the

    BM#g '( the Fy&'!"teD, he a$m'st %e # hs (ght aga#st !'""u&t'# # the 9$ta"y that

    s /hy he

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    10) a!nes hardysays:

    6e&tembe" 1, 2013 at 12:01 am

    Ph$&es #ee% !ha#ge )Im ("'m *h!ag' a#% e+e"yb'%y 5#'/s ,Ou" ?'+e"#'" a#% a#y'the" bee# se#te#!e% he"e ('" us#g bu%get '# the /"'#g /ay ) They #ee% t' %' t) Just!e

    ('" the &e'&$e '( Ph$&es (a" s (a" )'" me ba##e% a#% ma5e a $a/ t' &"'hbts

    (am$y # a#y ?'+e"#me#t &'st'# '#e s e#'ugh)I( e+e" they /a#t t' he$& !ut '(( the"sa$a"y '" %' as +'$u#ta"y /$$ see ( they st$$ /a#t t' be e$e!te% ( ts ("ee) T'' ma#y

    P'$t!a#s the"es #' m'"e bu%get a#% st$$ a $'t "e!e+#g m'#ey ("'m the g'+t) !ut t

    $ay '(( s'me )I# yea"s ( they %' s' ,!a# sta"t the (u#%s t' he$& the &e'&$e ,%"e!t the(u#%s t' the '"ga#at'# "athe" tha# t' the e$e!te% '((!a$s)

    11) Lolitosays:

    August 2, 2013 at 10:1 &m


    T'#y, y'u %ese"+e t' be # se"+!e '( the ($' &e'&$e ) sa$ute y'u

    ?''% $u!51

    est "ega"%s,


    12) Cesar "ironsays:

    August 2, 2013 at ;:33 &m

    The"e s '#$y '#e s'$ut'#) I u"ge +e"y $' bus#ess e#tty a#% e+e"y $' #'t t'

    &ay the" ta=es) The g'+e"#me#t !a##'t &'ssb$y m&"s'# e+e"y'#e by %'#g s')That/ay the"e /$$ be #' m'"e (u#%s these the+es !a# stea$) E+e"y bus#ess a#% ea!h $'

    sh'u$% #stea% g+e the" ha"% ea"#e% m'#ey t' the" (a+'"te !ha"ty

    o #yrna a lopezsays:

    August 2., 2013 at 3:2. am
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    I ag"ee t' the ab'+e "e!'mme#%at'# e=em&t a$$ !'mm'# $'se=!$u%#g

    g'+e"#me#t em&$'yees ("'m the t'& %'/# ("'m &ay#g the" ta=es ('" a yea"@

    2013@2014) I#stea%, $et the se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essme# g+e ba!5 t' the &a"t!u$a"g'+8t age#!y /hat they st'$e

    ("'m the &e'&$e th"u the PA) *OA sh'u$% m'#t'" ( the m'#ey ea!h '#e st'$e

    has bee# &a% ba!5) Ths /'u$% be the '#$y s'$ut'# t' &u#sh th'se &e'&$ebe!ause t seems m&"'bab$e that the &"es%e#t '( the !'u#t"y /$$ ha+e the guts t'

    m&"s'# them as%e ("'m $ett#g them &ay ba!5 /hat they st'$e)

    13) For#er Filipinosays:

    August 2, 2013 at 2:03 &m

    *'u"age'us !'mme#t 9") L'&e, >hat the $' &e'&$e #ee% s t' ha+e a !'u"age'us

    b"a+e h'#est $ea%e" t' u#te the &e'&$e the masses a#% sta"t a "e+'$ut'# !a&tu"e a$$

    !'""u&t &'$t!a#s a#% the" (am$es, &'$t!a$ %y#astes a#% the" (am$es, a#y'#e /h'stea$ m'#ey ("'m g'+t) !'((e"s a#y'#e /h' e#"!h themse$+es # 7uest'#ab$e /ay,

    a#y'#e /h' "e!e+e% b"be t' e#"!h themse$+es a#% &a"a%e them # Lu#eta a#% e=e!ute

    them '#e by '#e) N' me"!y) *'$$e!t a$$ the" &"'&e"tes a#% m'#es a#% "etu"# t' the&e'&$e) Let the"e be #' "!h #'" &''" e+e"y'#e /$$ ha+e /hat t #ee%s, /h'e+e" /a#t t'

    be!'me "!h /$$ '#$y atta# t # a (a" ha"% /'"5 a#% h'#est /ay, ths s the '#$y /ay t'

    ma5e a !"e%b$e !ha#ge # the s'@!a$$e% Ph$) %em'!"a!y,

    o Andrew Lopezsays:

    August 2;, 2013 at 3:0 &m

    %e$ *ast"' '( *uba %% s'meth#g a$'#g that $#e /he# he t''5 &'/e" # 1..

    A#% *uba s #'/ '#e '( the $east !'""u&t ( !'""u&t at a$$ # the Ame"!as uthe /as#8t # a %em'!"a!y 'es#8t that say s'meth#g ab'ut %em'!"a!esC

    14) $errysays:

    August 2, 2013 at 3:02 am

    #''#g &a#ah'# #a#g mga 9a"!'s /a$a#g ta5't #a h#a"a&h#a"amg a#g mga

    Ta#5e,a$a, at 5u#g a#' a#' &a ba5a &a#ah'# #a#ama# &' &a"a &a5ta a#g PEOPLE6

    PO>ER sa mga u$'5 #a #a#u#u#g5u$a# sa at#g ?'bye"#')mabuhay &' 5ay' T'#yL'&e

    o %onisays:
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    6e&tembe" ., 2013 at .:3 am

    T#g# m' ba may #atu$'#g ya#g Pe'&$e P'/e" #a g#a/a #$a 5ay 9a"!'sC 6a

    tme # 9a"!'s 1us% s t' 2&h& $a#g a#g !u""e#!y !'#+e"s'# At $ahata#ga5' ( #'t a$$)) m'st '( them #ya #aga/a #ya) Maht &a sabh# #g ma"am

    #a g"ee%y '" OA a#g &aggamt #ya #g &'/e", he has ma%e the Ph$&es#umbe" '#e !'u#t"y # Asa) Yu#g mga sumu#'% #a a%m#st"at'#C A#' g#a/aC

    N?AN?A A(te" the tme '( 9a"!'s, su#'% su#'% a#g !'""u&t'#)) at ma$ama#g,u#g mga a#a5 a#a5 &a at ba#g 5amag@a#a5 #g mga #amumu#' ya# s$a #a u#g

    #e=t ge#e"at'# #g mga !'""u&t g'+8t '((!a$s) 9ay !h'!e baC 6$a s$a "#

    #ag&a&ata5b' #g e$e!t'# eh MALERM6 9u!h

    1) Enncravesays:

    August 2, 2013 at 1: am

    Tha#5s T'#y ('" y'u" 'utsta#%#g a"t!$e) I be$e+e tme has !'me t' %sma#t$e #'t '#$ythe s'@!a$$e% B&'"5 ba""e$D but *'#g"ess as /e$$ a t'ta$ '+e"hau$ '( 'u" &'$t!a$

    system) The"e sh'u$% be a &e'&$e8s !'u"t t' t"y the Bs!a$a/ags)D >e ha+e bee# # a

    B&$u#%e" e!'#'myD a#% e+e"yb'%y s /t#esse% t' that) BP$u#%e" the &''" ta=&aye" t'

    augme#t the /ea$th '( the "!h a#% &'/e"(u$)D A &$u#%e" !ase s a #'#@ba$ab$e '((e#!ea#% !a""es a ma=mum &e#a$ty '( $(e m&"s'#me#t)

    o Andrew Lopezsays:

    August 2-, 2013 at -:4 am

    I th'ught B&$u#%e"D /as &u#shab$e by %eath >h' !ha#ge% that $a/C A#% /hat

    ha&&e#e% t' the t/',th"ee '" ('u" B&$u#%e"D !ases # the !'u"ts ('" yea"s #'/C

    N'th#g,abs'$ute$y #'th#gG# (a!t the Bgu$tyD &a"tes a"e #'/, ( #'t m'"e&'/e"(u$, at $east as &'/e"(u$ as be('"e@ '" &a"%'#e% I /sh the &u#shme#t '(

    Bhe$$D /e"e as B"e$ab$eD as 'u" $a/s A#% that8s '#e '( the bggest &"'b$ems #

    the Ph$&es: #'t '#$y a"e the"e t'' ma#y $a/s but #'b'%y a&&$es them

    A#%,/'"st '( a$$,the gu$ty get a/ay /th t

    1) $alvaresays:

    August 2, 2013 at :0 am

    I8m !'#!e"#e% ab'ut T'#y L'&e8s sa(ety) I #!$u%e% hm # my &"aye" $st)*"m#a$s, # the" shame$ess g"ee%#ess /'#t hestate t' %' ha"m '# T'#y)
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    A#y/ays, th'se !"''5s a"e he$$ b'u#%) 9ah"a& magss at magba$5 $''b sa y's a#g

    mga &$u#%e"e") The /$$ be sub

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    1.) Andrew Lopezsays:

    August 23, 2013 at .:20 am

    F'/ !a# y'u e$m#ate g"a(t a#% !'""u&t'# /he# a$$ y'u b$ame s the g'+t) a#% ts%((e"e#t b'%es a#% t'ta$$y g#'"e '#e m&'"ta#t &a"t(a!t: the &e'&$e themse$+es As

    s'me'#e sa% t' me '#!e: Bt s a# m&'ssb$ty t' ha+e a# h'#est se"+#g &'$t!a#

    be!ause # '"%e" t' /# he has t' buy +'tes ("'m the +e"y same &e'&$e /h' /a#t hm t'be h'#est,'the"/se he !a##'t /# A#% u#$ess he !a# &"#t hs '/# m'#ey heshe must

    "e!'u& hs e=&e#ses,'" g' ba#5"u&t O" e#gage # !'""u&t &"a!t!esD

    Let8s (a!e t: !'""u&t'# s &"a!t!a$$y #b"e%,s' e#%em! a#% /%es&"ea% t s, a#% u#$esss'meth#g +e"y,+e"y %"ast! s %'#e th#5 %e$ *ast"' '( *uba,/h!h # a %em'!"a!y

    /'u$% #'t be t'$e"ate% #'" &'ssb$e, t /$$ be a !'#sta#t &a"t '( $(e # the Ph$&es 6'

    get use% t' the say#g: Bthe"e8s #' su!h th#g as a# h'#est &'$t!a#D but a%%: B#'t a$$'( them a"e !"''5s th'ugh,s'me %' t sm&$y t' su"++eD >h!h s /hat e+e"yb'%y s

    t"y#g t' %' # 'u" !'u#t"y

    o ,ikin!$e!ersays:

    August 24, 2013 at 10:4 am

    e/ m'#ths ag' %u"#g the $'!a$ e$e!t'#, the !te#s beha+e% as 6a#ta hmse$(

    !ame t' the" %''"s)) 9'#ey /as g+e# by &'$t!a#s $e(t a#% "ght, s'me $'!a$s

    $ste% them se$( # se+e"a$ "eg'#s))my #eghb'" t"ue@'"@(a$se t'$% me she g't1000 &es's ("'m !a#%%ate # 9#%a#a' a#% 300 &es's ("'m $'!a$ ma

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    o Julie Ludlowsays:

    August 2, 2013 at 2:11 &m

    B6'me %' t t' su"++eD s "athe" a &''" a#% a# #+a$% e=!use t' t'$e"ate themass+e !'""u&t'# # Ph$&e *'#g"ess) "st '( a$$, I se"'us$y %'ubt ( the"e8s

    a#y &''" &'$t!a#s # the Ph$&es) 9a#$y "!h &e'&$e a#% m'+e sta"s !a#a(('"% t' #+est # e$e!t'#s a#% t8s a Bbus#ess #+estme#tD@they /a#t t' be #

    '((!e NOT t' se"+e the" (e$$'/me# but t' em&'/e" themse$+es a#% t'

    a!!umu$ate as mu!h /ea$th as &'ssb$e)The "eas'# /hy these &e'&$e "a# ('"

    '((!e s ma#$y t' &a% the" ba#5 ba$a#!es) ALL Ph$&e &'$t!a#s a"e !"''5s@'#$y # +a"y#g %eg"ees A#% $'s themse$+es a"e t' b$ame ('" e$e!t#g these

    s!ums) J'se Ra$ '#!e sa%, BThe"e a"e #' ty"a#ts /he"e the"e a"e #' s$a+es)D Fe

    /as "ght

    o %+%- FE(*A*says:

    August 2, 2013 at :3 &m

    I ag"ee /th m'st '( the !'mme#ts) The Ph$&es8 !'""u&t'# &"'b$ems by the&'$t!a#s %'/# t' the '"%#a"y ('$5s /'"5#g ('" the ?'+e"#me#t as the

    &'$!eme#, IR, *ust'ms, et!) ha+e bee# g'#g '# ('" %e!a%es) They a"e

    #g"a#e% a$"ea%y # the !u$tu"e a#% a$m'st m&'ssb$e t' e"a%!ate) ((e"e#t

    &'$t!a$ $ea%e"s !'me a#% g' a#% st$$ the !'""u&t'# !'#t#ues) '#8t y'u th#5the &"'b$em !'u$% be the +e"y system '( g'+e"##g the !'u#t"y: the %em'!"at!

    system '( e$e!t#g '((!a$s) The Ph$&es !'&e% ths system ("'m the U)6)

    F'/e+e", y'u !a##'t !'m&a"e the 7ua$ty '( the e$e!t'"ate '( these 2 #at'#s) TheU)6) %em'!"at! system /'"5s be!ause they ha+e a# e%u!ate% a#% st"'#g m%%$e@

    !$ass a#% a +e"y #('"me% e$e!t'"ate) A $a"ge ma'u$% y'u a$s' say that the &e'&$ea"e %s!&$#e% a#% +e"y "es&e!t(u$ '( the !'u#t"y8s $a/sC That8s a#'the" &"'b$em

    a"ea) As they say, the (sh sme$$s ("'m the hea%) ut # y'u" !ase, the (sh sme$$s

    ("'m a$$ '+e") est '( $u!5)

    o Andrew Lopezsays:

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    August 30, 2013 at 10:0 am

    Ju$e a#% E$me": Y'u msse% my &'#t e#t"e$y y B%'#g /hat they %' t'

    su"++eD I mea#t sm&$y that they /a#t t' Bsu"++eD,)e),D!'#t#ueD, s' they !a#!'#t#ue,a% #(tum,%'#g /hat they8"e %'#g as the"e8s &$e#ty '( m'#ey #

    t,&$e#ty,&$e#ty,&$e#ty It8s #'t Bsu"++#gD $5e a &"'sttute has t' %' /h!h,bythe /ay,s'u#%s $5e B$a/ye" ta$5 '" be!ause they8"e &''" '" $a!5 m'#ey

    E+e"y'#e,a#% hshe" %'g,5#'/ the"e8s #' su!h &e"s'# as a B&''" &'$t!a#D

    20) %erry 'ilbur!says:

    August 23, 2013 at 1:2; am

    I ha+e see#, hea"%, a#% !'mmu#!ate% /th ma#y $a's a#% ..).K '( the Ph$&e!te#s a"e st"'#g, "es$e#t, ha"%@/'"5#g a#% sma"t /he# they a"e #'t ('"!e@(e% by

    !'""u&t $ea%e"s) The !te#s '( the Ph$s !"eate a st"'#g ('u#%at'# s' a +b"a#t, (utu"ee!'#'my s /th# g"as&) 6#!e ths a"t!$e ('u#% t8s /ay t' the &"ess, t s # the &ub$!eye a#% e+e"y'#e #ee%s t' !'me t'gethe" a#% ta5e mass+e a!t'#!'&y ths a"t!$e #

    !ase t s ta5e# %'/#, get t # y'u" $'!a$ me%a, t"a#s$ate t ( #ee%e% a#% sta#% ta$$ ('"

    y'u" "ghts t' a $(esty$e /'"th $+#g a#% (ght u#t$ the &e#%u$em s/#gs@?'% ha%

    g"a#te% y'u ths $(e!ha#g#g '&&'"tu#ty s' ba#% t'gethe" a#% st" the &'t

    21) A#elia Sebastian )ysays:

    August 22, 2013 at .:0 &m

    9abut #ama# at #gay'# #a&ag@uusa&a# #a ya#) A#g taga$ %# #a#ahm5 tu#g5'$ sa mgasyu #g !'""u&t'# #a gamt a#g &'"5 ba""e$) 6a$amat sa mga #ag@#gay sa 5'#g"es' at sa

    mga #ag$a5as #g $''b #a s/a$at a#g mga #agsasama#ta$a sa 5aba# #g baya#)

    22) BLAS %EMPL-*)E,-says:

    August 22, 2013 at 4:4 &m





  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online





    23) billysays:

    August 22, 2013 at 3:2 &m

    The '#$y bus#ess # the Ph$&es that /e !a# +sb$y /t#ess, &"'g"ess#g a"e

    &'$t!a#s) 9a#s'#s he"e a#% ab"'a%, $u=u"y !a"s , &"+ate a"mes, bus#esses a#% s' '#)

    F'/ mu!h a"e the $ega$ sa$a"y '( ths '((!a$s that they !a# a(('"% th'se e=t"a+aga#tCTh'se a"e ("'m PAP '" &'"5 ba""e$ (u#% a#% 'the" g'+e"#me#t (u#%) Ab'$she% PAP

    a#% a$$'!ate that m'#ey ('" I#("a, s'!a$ se"+!es a#% "esea"!h a#% %e+e$'&me#t a#%

    te!h#'$'gy a#% sa$a"y ('" !+$ se"+a#ts th"'ugh e((!e#t, '"ga#e% a#% t"a#s&a"e#t

    &ub$! a%m#st"at'" '( g'+e"#me#t age#!es) The" must be se&a"at'# bet/ee# &'$t!sa#% a%m#st"at'#) P'$t!s a"e ma#%ate% t' !"eate $a/s a#% '+e"see" '( Pub$!

    O"ga#at'# t' a!he+e g'a$s)

    24) $un diezsays:

    August 22, 2013 at 3:2. &m

    m'st &'$t!a# "u###g ('" &ub$! '((!a$ be!ause '( m'#ey) #''#g bata a5' ta#%a 5'

    &ag my e$e!t'# sa mu#!&a$ty #am# h#% ma !'m&$ete a#g - &e"s'#s $#e@u& sa

    !'u#!$'") 5as /a$a#g &a#g sa$a"y #''# a#g !'u#!e$ &a"a#g h'#'"a"um $a#g) #'/ #amay sa$a"y #a a#g mga !'u#!$'" sa $t #a#g mu#!&a$ty #am# ha$'s aab't sa 40 a#g

    tuma5b') be('"e a#g mga tuma5b' my 7ua$(!at'# ta$aga) as%e '( be#g b"a#y my

    t"u!5 "e!'"% ta$aga ('" &ub$! se"+!e 5u#g h#% $a/ye" ga$#g N?O) but #'/ 'mg bastamay &e"a &a#g b$ #a#g +'te ta5b') #s& 5u$a#g h#% #ama# s$a "!h &e"' bu#$ #a#g

    +'te) &aa#' #$a ma "etu"# y'#g &e"a #$a #a b#$ #a#g +'teC 5aya %a&at a$s# #a y'#g

    mga &'"5 ba""e$ m su"e /a$a #a#g &ataya# e+e"y e$e!t'#) at m +e"y su"e /a$a #a#gtata5b' sa !'#g"ess at se#a%'") 5aya $a#g #ama# s$a tuma5b' sa ga#ya# be!ause '(

    &'/e" a#g m'#ey) !'mme#t 5u$a#g t') /a$a#g &e"s'#a$a#)

    2) Jero#esays:

    August 22, 2013 at 3:10 &m

    >hate+e" /e say '" %' t /$$ #'t !ha#ge the (a!t that 'u" !'u#t"y s '#e '( the &''"est #

    the /'"$%) >e a"e a$$ !'m&$a##g ab'ut 'u" !'""u&t g'+e"#me#t '((!a$s but /e 5ee& '#

    +'t#g '# them ea!h e$e!t'#) '#8t y'u guy8s get t) They a"e a$$ !'""u&t ( #'t maybe
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    .K '( them a"e !'""u&t) It8s #'t ab'ut the !'#g"ess '" the se#ate '" /hate+e" b"a#!hes

    '( g'+e"#me#t /e ha+e) Ab'$sh#g them s #'t the a#s/e") Rea%#g, $'gg#g '" &'st#g

    t s'me/he"e /$$ #'t s'$+e 'u" !'u#t"y8s &"'b$em) >e #ee% t' ta5e a!t'#s '# t) I#stea%'( "ea%#g a#% $ea+#g a !'mme#t $et8s ta5e a ste& ('"/a"% by mea#s '( a!t'#) I a$/ays

    see !'mme#ts te$$#g that P'$t!a$ am$es a"e &'/e"(u$ that /e !a#8t %' a#yth#g t'

    ha+e them &"'se!ute%) Yes as &e" 'u" Ph$&e $a/ they a"e "ght be!ause they '/# 'u"$a/) ut # the $a/ '( the &e'&$e /e !a# ha+e them mme%ate$y &"'se!ute%) >e %'#8t

    #ee% a#y #+estgat'#s) I( /e !a# a$$ a!t t'gethe" t' st'& ths) >e !a# %' 'u" '/# 5u%eta)

    N't a m$ta"u 5hu) ut a ($'s 5hu ('" a bette" (utu"e) Let8s st'& g#'"#g 'u"!'u#t"y8s &"'b$em) I8m !a$$#g ('" ea!h a#% e+e"y'#e '( ($'s t' a!t) Ths s ('" 'u"

    5%s (utu"e) TA9A NA AN? >ALAN? PAMIALA9) TA9A NA AN? LILIPA6 IN

    YAN) TA9A NA AN? >ALA NA TAYON? 9A?A?A>A) Let8s a!t guy8s #'t ('"

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    2-) (eynaldo E *ocilosays:

    August 22, 2013 at 11:2- am

    Fa$'s mamatay #a a5' sa &ag'% sa ma"a#ga$ at &"'%u5tb'#g &agt"at"abah' %ah$ sa&agtataguy'% #g 5ag#ha/aa# #g a5#g &am$ya, #gu#t /a$a &a "# a5'#g ase#s' at a#g

    h"a& &a "# #g buhay 5') It'#g mga P'$t5'#g t' sa !'#g"es' ay &au&'@u&' $ama#g at

    #ag5u5ub$ $a#g sa &agga/a #g batas #a 5u#/a" 5a#$a#g ag5a5a aba$aha#, &e"' #a5a!'#!e#t"ate #ama# s$a 5u#g &aa#' ma&a&a sa5a#$a a#g &a"te #$a sa PORM ARREL)

    #a 5a$a#ga# a#g *'#g"es' %ah$ ma"am #a tay'#g batas at magg#g 5a#$u#ga# $a#g

    t' #g !'""u&t'# #a sa#a ma&u&u#ta sa mga #aghh"a& #a ta'#g baya#) 6a t't'' $a#g5a"amha# #ama# #g mga batas #a 5a#$a#g a#u#u5a$a ay h#% #ama# #asusu#'% at

    #a&a&atu&a%) Pa"a #ga $a#g sa mga #te"es #g mga 5a&ta$sta, P'$t5' at mayayama#

    #ga $a#g a#g mga batas #a g#aga/a #$a) Na5a5a$u#g5't %ah$ ha"a& ha"a&a# #a #ga$a#g a#g 5a#$a#g &ag#a#a5a/ ay s$a &a a#g mababa#gs #a tumutu$gsa sa mga ma$$t

    #a mamamaya#g #ag5a5asa$a sa batas) Pe"' 5u#g susu"# #at# ay s$a &a &a$a a#g FARIN? *ORRUPTION AT 6INIMATO #a #ag5u5ub$ sa &'ssy'#g ag5a$''b %# #g

    ta'#g baya#) 9amamaya#g P$' ?' 'ut a#% see5 the AOLITION O*ON?RE66 9OVE9ENT) Tama #a, 6'b"a #a, A$s# #a s$a) 9ga &ah"a& sa baya#

    2.) svensonsays:

    August 22, 2013 at .:42 am

    e+e"y'#e s !'""u&t e+e# the ba"a#gay ta#'%, they as5#g m'#ey /he# they a"e "'u#%#g

    u& %u"#g the" %uty t' assu"e the" se!u"ty) t"a((! e#('"!e" as5#g g"a!e m'#ey t' &ass

    th"'ugh sma$$ +'$at'#, #'th#g t' t"ust at a$$) ( the m'#ey g'es t' g'+e"#me#t age#!ya$$ '( the '((!e" a#% /'"5e"s a"e a$s' !'""u&t) the" !'#ta!t !'#t"a!t'" s a$s' !'""u&t)

    30) L-.says:

    August 22, 2013 at .:1 am

    A!!'"%#g t' ths a"t!$e '( 9" L'&e, the *OA "e&'"t '( *'#g"essme# a#% 6e#at'"s the"

    PA (u#%s /e"e be#g %e&'st t' se+e"a$ N?O8s) '" e=am&$e, 6e#) Jua# P'#!e E#"$ega+e 4.)3. m$$'#, 6e# J#gg'y E#t"a%a ga+e 30;)1. m$$'#, 6e# '#g Re+$$a a$s'

    ga+e 4;1)3. m$$'# a#% t' #ame a (e/) O#$y 6e# 9"am 6a#tag' ga+e 300M t' a!ath'$! "e$g'us '"ga#at'# /h!h s &"'hbte% by the $a/ Bthat #' &ub$! (u#%s be

    use% t' a#y "e$g'us se!tD) 9'"e tha# 0K '( the" PA /as %e&'ste% t' these N?Os)

    '" /hat &u"&'seC I( y'u a#a$ye% these sum '( m'#ey that they ha+e %e&'st t' theseN?Os, t s !$ea" that t /as ('" 5eeg the" (u#%s B&ub$! m'#eyD ('" the" '/#

    &u"&'se) I /a#t t' st"esse% the /'"% EPO6ITE be!ause these N?Os /e"e

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    sa(e5ee&e"s '( the" PA a#% as s''# as they #ee% t they /$$

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    The s'u"!e '( !'""u&t'# must be e$m#ate% '" ab'$she%) The m'#ey sh'u$% be ha#%e%

    t' &"+ate '" "e$g'us #sttut'#s ('" the t"a#s&a"e#t, '&e# use ('" the &ub$! /e$(a"e) *ut

    %'/# the #umbe" '( e$e!te% membe"s '( !'""u&t !'#g"ess@ they , a#% the" (am$es ,a"ee=&e#s+e t' su&&'"t) The e a$s' #ee% a# u#base% me%a) ette" st$$, /e #ee% a ?esta&'@$5e

    su&e"+s'"y eyes a#% ea"s # a$$ b"a#!hes '( the g'+e"#me#t

    40) LouiePCsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:- &m

    $ame sh'u$% a$s' be '# the ms@e%u!ate% $' +'te"s ('" !'#s!'us$y S

    &e"sste#t$y +'t#g th'se B&'"5yD &'$t!a$ %y#astes

    41) Pedro Elle#asays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:20 &m

    Tama ya# s" L'&e, sa#g u#t'u!hab$e #a sy#%!ate a#g !'#g"ess at se#ate, sa $a#g a#g

    mag&a&aba$5 #g t/a$a sa mga &$' sa $ahat #g #asa g'bye"#', t' 5u#g a#g mga t'ay masusu#'%)

    1, tg$ a#g &'"5 ba""e$

    2) 5asuha# a#g mga #a5#aba#g at 5u$'#g

    3) 5u## sa 5a#$a a#g $ahat #g ##a5a/ #$a4) at 5a$a#ga# ma$ama# #g $ahat #g &$' #a t' ay #a#gya"

    t' !gu"a%' haha#gaa# 5a #g b'ss m' 'y, &ag %e m' t' maga/a ma#a#at$ #a a#g

    mga &$' ay /a$a#g t/a$a sa mga #asa g'bye"#', at a$am #y' ma$ab' t' ma#gya"5! #ga mga UNTOU*FALE t' %ah$ #ga sa#g ma$a5#g sy#%5at' a#g se#ate at

    !'#g"ess #g &$as sa bu'#g mu#%', ta$' &a #$a a#g 9AIA sa Ita$y)

    42) #anny zaidsays:

    August 21, 2013 at .:1. &m

    I ag"ee /th 9") L'&e a"t!$e , &u#sh a$$ ths se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essma# be!ause

    be$e+e they a"e a$$ !'""u&t ) ha#g them "ght #'/ s'

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    43) Patsays:

    August 21, 2013 at .:01 &m

    a"a#gays # ue'# *tyC O#e ba"a#gay !a&ta# the"e se#%s hs s'# t' Ate#e', %"+es5#%a e=&e#s+e !a"s &$us a$$ the $uh') Fe mght be a $a/ye" but /he# y'u8"e a &ub$!

    '((!a$, a"e#8t y'u su&&'se% t' ta5e a $ea+ehatus ("'m y'u" &"+ate &"a!t!eC O" !'u$%

    he be us#g hs '((!e # the ba"a#gay ha$$ ('" &e"s'#a$ useC Ths ba"a#gay !a&ta# /asa$"ea%y "e&'"te% $ast e$e!t'# by A6*N I th#5 "e +'te buy#g a#% #'/ I th#5 a#'the"

    (am$y membe" /$$ "u#)9aybe /e sh'u$% a$s' $''5 at the ba"a#gay $e+e$s a#% L?Us)

    44) Jessiesays:

    August 21, 2013 at -:; &m

    Ths s the g"'u& '( se$(@"ghte'us &e'&$e /h' !'#+!te% Re#at' *'"'#a) N'/ the

    hat a shame They must be 'uste% ("'m the" '((!est'') The b$e s a$/ays t"ue a#% !'""e!t@ B>hat y'u s'/, y'u "ea&)D The &"es%e#t must

    be ashame% '( hs team *'""u&t t' the b'#es

    4) kikosays:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:; &m

    6t"5e the "'# /h$e t s h't) >h$e ths ssue '# &"'5 ba""e$ s h't, /e sh'u$% be +g$a#t

    a#% %' e+e"yth#g /th# 'u" &'/e" t' ab'$sh t) The &e'&$e sh'u$%

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    4) Man!kukula#says:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:24 &m

    Pa"a#g #a55ta a#g &ag 5a %smaya #g mga ba#g &'$t!a#, &aa#' #gayu# yu#g g#ast's#$a #t'#g 5a5ata&'s #a e$e!t'#C

    It8s tme #a ta$aga ta#ga$# a#g ugat #g 5asamaa#, #' /'#%e" h#% mata&'s ta&'s a#g

    y#asty at #a55 &ag &ataya# #a &ag %at#g sa e$e!t'# :

    4;) #honsays:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:21 &m

    Maya mga &'$t5' sa at# #ag&a&ataya# tu/#g ma$a&t #a a#g e$e5sy'# 5as &ag a#g

    %am &a$a#g &e"a sa &h$&es &'$t!s))t#g#a# m' yu#g a#a5 # ?9A #a #ag#g!'#g"essma# ("st %e!$a"e #g 5a#ya#g 6ALN mag5a#' $a#g))#a5au&' #g $a#g ta'#

    bg$a#g $umub' #a5ab$ &a #g &"'&e"ty sa Ame"!a))

    4-) hellsays:

    August 21, 2013 at :0 &m

    &'"5 ba""e$ sh'u$% be ab'$sh u& t' ba"a#gay $e+e$ t s /e"e !'""u&t'# sta"ts)

    4.) Ed!ar Casalssays:

    August 21, 2013 at 3:4; &m

    Tha#5 y'u T'#y ('" ths +e"y e#$ghte##g a"t!$e) I h'&e s'meb'%y # P#'y8s!am& "/a%

    ths a#% ta5e se"'us$y the #('"mat'# a#% $ess'#s t !'#ta#s) I a$s' h'&e they /'u$% #'t

    ta5e t aga#st the auth'" a#% th'se /h' ag"ee% /th hs ''#s)

    0) Leonardo Mercadosays:

    August 21, 2013 at 3:2 &m

    Fa$ata#g may5u"a&sy'#, a#g &e"a #g baya# ay #abgay &a"a sa mga &"'ye5t' at&"'g"ama #g mga se#a%'" at !'#g"ess G 5as' sa a!tua$ ay % #ama# ma5ta, at 5u#g
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    ma5ta ma# ay /a$a sa tama#g ha$aga,,,) 5aya ta#gga$# #a $a#g a#g &'"5 ba""e$ #$a &a"a

    % s$a matu5s' sa &e"a) 5aya sa mu#s&y' #a $a#g &ag5a$''b a#g bu%get at sya a#g

    baha$a sa 5a#ya#g baya#,,, at ma%a$ $a#g au%t,,, s may'" $a#g

    1) +1# no an!elsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 2:22 &m

    I th#5 t8s #'t '#$y ab'ut /h' a"e the !u""e#t &e'&$e # &'/e" but t seems that /h'e+e"be!'mes the su!!ess'" /a#ts a$$ the Bbe#e(tsD '( hs &"e%e!ess'") "'m the $'/est

    ba"a#ggay '((!a$s t' the hgh "a#5#g '((!a$s '( the g'+e"#me#t a#% ts b"a#!hes)

    ?"ee% a#% ts '((s&"#g@ !'""u&t'# s the %em'# that !a# #e+e" be e='"!e% ("'m thetme '( 'u" ('"e(athe"s, u#t$ #'/)

    2) Michelle Mabawadsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 2:0. &m

    Tha#5 y'u s' mu!h ('" ths #(') Faba#g b#abasa 5' &' t' %5' #a&g$a# tumu$' a#g$uha 5') ) 9ahya #ama# 5ay' mga se#a%'" at !'#g"essma#) Pa"a sa mga ta' ya# h#%

    &a"a a #y') La$'#g $a$' #a &' %''# sa mga &'$t5' #a #a5ata #gga& #g A% &a"a sa

    b5tma #g &ab$' sa aga#ga, a+a' O"e#ta$) a5t #y' b#u$sa, g#amt a#g &a"a samga b5tma) Pe"' a#'#g g#a/a #y' g#amt #y' sa 5am&a#ya &a"a may &u#%' 5ay')

    Atte#t'# !'#g"essma# Ne$s'# aya#gh"a#g bgsy m' sa mga ta' a#g &a"a sa 5a#$a

    /ag m'#g bu$sa

    3) ayrocinde#i l #edranosays:

    August 21, 2013 at 2:0. &m

    A$m'st a$$ %e+e$'&e% !'u#t"es e=&e"e#!e% !+$ /a") It s %est"u!t+e a#% &a#(u$) ut ('"

    a !'u#t"y t' ha+e a ge#u#e "e('"ms, the"e sh'u$% be b$''%she%) L(e a#% b$''% a"esa!"e%) The sa#!tty '( b$''% ma5e t a# e((e!t+e !$e#s#g age#t ('" a# e+$@"%%e#

    g'+e"#me#t) It s hat 'u" &'$t!a#s a"e %'#g s

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    It s a$/ays easy t' ma5e ge#e"a$ a!!usat'#s a#% s/eeg "e!'mme#%at'#s) I #ee%

    m'"e s&e!(! !ases #+'$+#g s&e!(e% $a/ma5e"s) T' %es!"be the /h'$e *'#g"ess as

    the bggest !"m#a$ sy#%!ate %'es #'t ta5e #t' a!!'u#t the (a!t that the"e a"e h'#est a#%'utsta#%#g me# a#% /'me# # the 6e#ate a#% the F'use '( Re&"ese#tat+es) The *OA

    au%t "e&'"t /as %e(!e#t # the se#se that t %% #'t %s!'+e" the B!$e"!a$D e""'" '( the

    9 '# the a$$ege% &'"5 ba""e$ a$$'!at'# am'u#t t' a ('"me" !'#g"essma# 5#'/# asB>ay Mu"atD) The *OA !ha"/'ma#, /h' a&&ea"e% t' ha+e a%%e% (ue$ t' the ssue by

    he" se#sat'#a$ !'mme#ts, must be he$% a!!'u#tab$e ('" the '+e"sght)

    ) Ellie Javiersays:

    August 21, 2013 at 1:10 &m

    I %'#8t get t /hy Naga # *ama"#es 6u"C s #!$u%e% /h' sa"e #+'$+e%C I %'#8t

    th#5 s'/e8+e bee# %e&"+e% he"e '( bas! se"+!es a#% 'the" se"+!es ('" a $'#g tme

    '( g'+e"#me#t8s su&&'"t a#% Naga su"++e%) Ths *ty has bee# #%e&e#%e#t ("'m the"est # *ama"#e 6u" be!ause /e ha+e st"'#g &'$t!a$ /$$ %ue t' R'b"e%'8s $ea%e"sh&)

    O5, I get t, t8s the V$$a(ue"tes %'#g be!ause he /as a *'#g"essma# ('" the 2#% st"!t

    #'/ 3"% st"!t /he"e Naga s #!$u%e%) ?''% th#g that /e (#a$$y get "% the t/' '(them the (athe" a#% the s'#)

    ) (uthsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:3 am

    6' the# /e 5#e/))s' /hat #'/CCCC >e

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online



    I $+e% ab'ut . yea"s # the Ph$&es 1..4@2003 a#% 'bse"+e% that as /e$$) I

    !a# te$$ y'u that /e ha+e t he"e # ge"ma#y as /e$$) It s hy #'t !ha"ge a$$ '( them /th &$u#%e") >e ha+e the e+%e#!e #'/) It8s a!a&ta$ '((e#se) I guess ths s the "ght tme t' ma5e a# e=am&$e) I( the OJ '"


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    &'$t!a$ %y#astes B6'meth#g s bette" tha# #'th#gD,as ?e#)Pa#!h' V$$a '(

    9e=!' '#!e sa%

    ;) 0untersays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:2; am

    The &"'b$em s #'t PA, t /as !'#!e&tua$e% t' ma5e (u#%s a!!essb$e t' th'se /h'

    a"e # #ee%) 9a#y ha+e bee# he$&e% by PA: h's&ta$s, s!h''$s, (a"me"s, (she"me# a#%the #ee%y) It s 'b+'us that the &e'&$e # !'#t"'$ '( these (u#%s a"e the !u$&"ts he"e)

    6e#at'"s a#% !'#g"essme# a"e the t"ue !"m#a$s) 6' t8s stu&% t' b$ame the &e"s'# /h'

    th'ught '( ths %ea /h!h /as #te#%e% # the ("st &$a!e t' %' g''% ('" 'u" &e'&$e) >e!a##'t b$ame PNOY ('" #'t hast$y s!"a&g ths) 9a#y a"e st$$ be#e(t#g ("'m these

    (u#%s $egtmate$y, s' h'/ !a# ab'$sh#g these (u#%s hast$y, he$& these &e'&$eC

    A#a$y#g the system by %e#t(y#g $''&h'$es s the sma"t th#g t' %') O#e +e"y bg

    $''&h'$e a"e the !'#g"essme# a#% se#at'"s themse$+es, s' the"e('"e they sh'u$% be ("st#+estgate%) *ha#ges # the system must be &"'&'se% a#% must be s!"ut#e% be('"e

    m&$eme#tat'#) F'/e+e", ( ths system !a##'t be &"'+e# t' be 100K !'""u&t'# &"''(,

    the# that may be a g''% tme t' sa(e$y ab'$sh ths) It /$$ be mu!h ease" #'/ ('" the&e'&$e !'#!e"#e% t' a!!e&t ths)

    o Eusta4uioJovensays:

    August 21, 2013 at 3:42 &m

    The &"'b$em s PA) F's&ta$s, s!h''$s, (a"me"s, (she"me# !a# be &"'+%e% ('"

    # the "egu$a" bu%get)

    o ( (iverasays:

    August 22, 2013 at 10:42 am

    The#, P"es) A7u#' sh'u$% sh'/ &"''( that &e'&$e be#e(te% ("'m PA)

    Remembe" that hs &'"5 ba""e$ s a$s' huge A#%, #'b'%y !a# 7uest'# t)

    -) Jet Bsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:22 am

    Fats '(( t' y'u 9") L'&e I /a#t the &'"5 ab'$she%) I am a# em&$'yee a#% 32K '( my

    sa$a"y s be#g ta=e%)
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    .) Fe Mercadosays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:00 am

    Tha#5 y'u 9") L'&e ('" y'u" b"a+e a"t!$e) I h'&e 'u" P"es%e#t "ea%s y'u" a"t!$e) 9")P"es%e#t, #'/ s y'u" !ha#!e t' "ea$$y m&$eme#t y'u" %aa#g matu/%) Ab'$sh the &'"5

    ba""e$) Legs$at'"s $5e !'#g"essme# a#% se#at'"s %'es #'t #ee% (u#%s t' e#a!t $a/s) It

    "e7u"es '#$y the" #te$$ge#!e) >hy #'t ($e a b$$ #!"eas#g the sa$a"y '( 'u" $egs$at'"ssay P 19$$'# a m'#th but they ha+e t' sh'u$%e" the sa$a"es '( the" sta(() I#!"ease a$s'

    the sa$a"es '( 'u" P"es%e#t %'/# the $#e !'mme#su"ate t' the sa$a"y '( e=e!ut+es # a

    &"+ate !'"&'"at'#) A$$'!ate the &'"5 ba""e$ t' g'+e"#me#t age#!es $5e P>F,e&a"tme#t '( E%u!at'#, e&a"tme#t '( Fea$th, E#e"gy se!t'" a#% ut$tes su!h as

    /ate") >hat /e #ee% a"e "'a%s, s!h''$s, h's&ta$s, e$e!t"!ty a#% /ate") I( the

    g'+e"#me#t !a# &"'+%e these bas! #ee%s '" se"+!es, the# the &"+ate se!t'" '" bus#essg"'u&s !a# s&u" e!'#'m! g"'/th that !a# "ea$$y !'#t"bute t' the m&"'+eme#t '( 'u"


    0) Andres &erasays:

    August 21, 2013 at .:2. am

    >h' !a# be that $' P"es%e#t /h' /'u$% s#!e"e$y (ght !'""u&t'# a#% #'t ('"

    &'$t!a$ gmm!5 t' /# a# e$e!t'#C N'y#'y as a &e"s'# maybe a s#!e"e a#t@

    !'""u&t'# &ub$! se"+a#t, but has #' "ea$ guts t' (ght the !u$tu"e '( !'""u&t'# /he# t shs ("e#%s, 5aba"$a# a#% 5asama a"e #+'$+e%) Ths s a s!e#a"', a "e/#% %u"#g the

    tme '( hs m'the") >e !a# !'#s%e" the (a$u"e '( 'u" h'&e %u"#g the tme '( hs m'the"

    t' e"a%!ate !'""u&t'# as t /as "ea$$y a ga"ga#tua#

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    August 21, 2013 at 10:03 am

    >as t bette" %u"#g 9a"!'s8, Ram's8, E"a&8s '" ?$'"a8s tmeC

    o Moisays:

    August 21, 2013 at 10:0 am

    Y'u a"e "ght /he# y'u me#t'#e% Ame"!a) >he# /e ha+e the '"g#a$

    !'#sttut'# /h!h /as (u$$y base% '# the U6 !'#sttut'#, Ph$&es /as bette"

    '(( at that tme) Yet /he# the !'#sttut'# /as !ha#ge by the se$( se"+#g&'$t!a# e+e"yth#g be!'mes /'"st) I( Ame"!a# !a# g' a/ay /th P'"5 a""e$

    a#% yet s' /e$$ %e+e$'&e% /hy !a#8t /e %' t the"e # PFC P#'y must ab'$sh ths

    P'"5 a""e$ a#% /e /$$ see that ths *'u#t"y '( 'u"s /$$ be g"eat aga#)

    1) 3l2redo Loriezosays:

    August 21, 2013 at .:1- am

    A!!'"%#g t' 'u" !'#sttut'# the (u#!t'# '( the th"ee b"a#!hes '( 'u" g'+e"#me#t s as('$$'/s: Legs$at+e, t' ma5e $a/sG E=e!ut+e, t' e=e!ute 'u" $a/sG a#% the he"e %'es t say that these se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essma# has the

    auth'"ty t' %sbu"se, use a#% s&e#% 'u" ha"% ea"#e% m'#eyC These '$ga"!hs, a!t'"s,

    a!t"esses a#% e#t"e#!he% &'$t!a$ (am$es sh'u$% be ba##e% ("'m &'/e") N'/ /e a"egett#g the g'+8t ue'# /as ta$5#g ab'ut, Ba g'+8t "a# $5e he$$ by $'s)D *'#g"ess

    sh'u$% be ab'$she%) >e #ee% a Bg''%D %!tat'" t' !$ea# u& these mess)

    2) $on!says:

    August 21, 2013 at .:1 am

    >$$ t ta5e these %e(#t'#s t' get "% '( the !"m#a$s a#% the+es that as&"e t' these


    Ph$&e &'$t!a#s !"m#a$s a#% the+esPh$&e !'#g"ess !"m#a$s a#% the+es

    Ph$&e &'$t!a$ %y#astes !"m#a$s a#% the+es

    Ph$&e !ab#et membe"s !"m#a$s a#% the+esPh$&e $a/ e#('"!e"s e#ab$e"s '( !"m#a$s a#% the+es


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    ("'m the ta=&aye"s) They s&e#% m$$'#s t' buy +'tes a#% e+e# %' e+$ %ee%s

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    YI, h#% $a#g t'#g"essme# at se#at'#gs a#g mga mag#a#a5a/ sa baya#) 6a #a55ta at

    5a"a#asa# 5', ha$'s $ahat #g %e&a"tame#t' #g g'bye"#' ay may 5a#ya@5a#ya#g &a"aa# #g

    &ag#a#a5a/) Maht #a sa mga !+$a# e#ttes, tu$a% #g mga &"'&e"ty %e+e$'&e"s)

    Nasa %ug' at $5as #a sa 5a"amha# sa &$' a#g &agg#g ma#%u"ugas) I&ag%asa$ #a

    $a#g #at# s$a

    -) #anny #inasays:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:3 am

    yeah /h' #ee%s !'#g"essC UT >FO FA6 TFE ?ALL AN FEART TO

    ETIN?UI6F IT they 5ee& '# say#g that t' &ut !he!5 a#% ba$a#!e, the th"ee b"a#!hes

    '( g'+e"#me#t sha$$ !'@e=st maybe # the a#!e#t tm#es, but t'%ay8s &"ese#t!"!umsta#!e, says that /e #' $'#ge" #ee% !'#g"ess, they a"e #'t

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    ;1) rolandsays:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:3. am

    A +e"y b"a+e !'mme#ta"y) I /sh t /$$ a$s' be /"tte# # a $a#guage that m'st ($'su#%e"sta#% ( y'u /a#t ths t' "ea!h the bg !hu#5 '( 'u" &'&u$at'#)

    ;2) Leonardo dela Cruzsays:

    August 21, 2013 at :32 am

    6a$amat &' ?#''#g L'&e sa e=&'se8 ##y') 9abuhay &' 5ay' at sa#a %umam &a a#g

    mga ta'#g may $a5as #g $''b #a $abas a#g bu$'5 #a est$' #g mga &'$t5' at mga

    5a5utsaba #$a) MEEP UP TFE ?OO >ORM 6IR

    ;3) (alphsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 4:43 am

    I( ths PA /as the"e ('" s' ma#y yea"s a#% the $+es '( 'u" mahy ab'$sh ths s' !a$$e% &'"5 ba""e$, maybe s'meth#g g''%/$$ ha&&e#) N' /'#%e" ma#y !te# '( the Ph$&es ha% #' t"ust a#% "es&e!t ('" the

    th"ee b"a#!hes '( g'+e"#me#t a#% the" system) the 7uest'# s /h'se t' b$ame the

    g'+e"#me#t '" the !te# /h' +'te ('" themC

    o tonysays:

    August 21, 2013 at ;:0. am

    "st '( a$$, ta$5#g ab'ut the t"ust a#% "es&e!t ('" the th"ee b"a#!hes '(g'+e"#me#t s abs'$ute) N't/thsta#%#g, they e=st a#y/ay I$$te"ate Jua# %e$a

    *"u '#$y ab%es ma

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    Res&e!tC I +'te them t' se"+e%) Ab'$sh the &'"5 ba""e$ system #'/

    ;4) Cee &eesays:

    August 21, 2013 at 4:42 am

    I use% t' B/e$gaD %u"#g the 9a"!'s tme e"aW be!ause the #!'m&ete#!e '( these B&ub$!

    se"+a#tsD that a"e su&&'se% t' a$$e+ate the $+e$h''% '( the &e'&$e) I /as #'t ashame% t'

    be !a$$e% a $e(tst be!ause the t"uth /as # ("'#t a#% #' '#e b'the"e% t' !'m&$a# e=!e&t('" (e/ &e'&$e /h' 5#e/ the "ea$ B(a!esD '( these &'$t!a#s) I #'/ $+e # U6 a#% a$$ the

    tme "ea%#g the #e/s ab'ut these se#at'"s, !'#g"essme# a#% the" !'h'"ts a"e st$$

    $a+sh#g the "!hes '( the !'u#t"y) >he# a"e they g'#g t' st'&C They a"e #'t) 6a% t' say/e !a# '#$y /"te a#% s!"eam # ("'#t '( 'u" !'m&ute"s be!ause these &'$t!a#s %'#8t

    ha+e B!'#s!e#!eD) I $e+e$e% myse$( t' ma5e 'u" !'u#t"y # *'mmu#sm be!ause the

    &u#shme#t ('" these the+es a"e %eath ( they e+e" get !aughtW) The sa%%est &a"t s that

    m'"e tha# ha$( '( 'u" !'u#t"yme# %'#8t !a"e they ethe" %'#8t b'the" be!ause t8s #'tthe" !'#!e"# '" &e'&$e /$$

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    ;) Bobby Aban Srsays:

    August 21, 2013 at 2:24 am

    It s s' mu!h t' /'""y) I am a# O> s#!e 1.-0 u& t' the &"ese#t, mea##g I am '#e '(the 10 m$$'# O> /h' 5ee& '# "emtt#g 'u" ea"##g t' these e+$ t"uste% se#at'"8s a#%

    !'#g"essme# a#% /'me#) E+e"y yea" that I8m '# my +a!at'# I !'u$%#8t be$e+e that the

    &''"e" be!ame &''"e" # s&te '( /hat 'u" &'$t!a#s a"e te$$#g us that the e!'#'my sgett#g bette" a#% bette"))I ag"ee /th y'u 9") T'#y L'&es, that they a"e se#ate a#%

    !'#g"ess the bggest !"m#a$ sy#%!ate # 'u" !'u#t"y) ?'% ('"b% a$$ '( them ('" su"e

    /$$ g' t' he$$ /th the" (am$es('" 'u" P"es%e#t, y'u #ee% t' sh'/ y'u" "ea$ (a!e t'us a#% ('$$'/ the guts '( 9") T'#y L'&es ('" $ett#g us 5#'/ the "ea$ty '( 'u"

    g'+e"#me#t a#% #'t y'u" g'+e"#me#t) >th'ut us as a +'te" #' '#e !a# ta5e a#y seat #

    a#y g'+e"#me#t &'st'#

    ;;) rdl56says:

    August 21, 2013 at 1:31 am

    6", tha#5 u ('" $ghte# us )) #'t a$$ ($'es $5e me 5#'/ ab'ut ths (gu"es

    Fuge))/h'a#' /'#%e" /hy they8"e 5$$#g ea!h 'the" ('" a seat))

    ;-) 3ilson Fi!ueroasays:

    August 21, 2013 at 12:0 am

    9aha$ #a ?#''#g T'#y L'&e,

    9ataga$@taga$ #a "# a5'#g h#% #a55ba$ta tu#g5'$ sa P$as magbuhat #''# #aa5'y $umsa# - ta'# #a a#g #a5a5a"aa#) Isa sa a5amabgat #a %ah$a# #g a5#g

    &ag$sa# ay a#g t$a /a$a #a#g $u#as sa #a5a5aa/a#g 5a$agaya# #g P$as) Isa a5'#g

    '"%#a"y'#g mamaya# #a #amuhay sa P$as sa $''b #g 0 ta'# 6a $''b #g &ah'#gy'# ay mabb$a#g m' sa %a$" #g sa#g 5amay a#g magaga#%a#g #a#gya" sa

    P$as) Isa ay a#% E%sa I, #a #agbgay sa a5# #g &ag@asa #a magbabag' #a a#g ta5b'

    #g P$as,a5'8s #ag5ama$ #g a5a$a) A#g &a#ga$a/a ay a#g E%sa 2, #a a5a$a 5'8ymag%u%u$'t #g bag'#g &agasa) A5'8y mu$#g #abg') A#g &"'b$ema #g P$as sa

    5at/a$a# ay &au$t u$t $a#g, ba@ba $a#g a#g #asasa#g5't) 9ay 5at't'ha# sa

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    &agu&' ay 5u#g &a&aa#' ma&u&u#' a#g sa"$#g bu$sa, baha$a #a a#g 5#bu5asa# #g

    ba#sa) Pa"a sa #y'#g 5aa$ama# ?#''#g L'&e, sa 5a sa a5#g &ab'"t'#g ma#u#u$at at

    sa$u%' a5' sa y'#g /a$a#g habas #a &agbat5's sa 5at/a$a#) 3 ta'# bag' a5' uma$s saP$as %umat#g a5' sa &u#t'#g tumg$ #a 5' sa &agbabasa at &a55#g #g ba$ta #a

    &u"' #a5a5a%smaya) A#g &a5"am%am 5'8y &a"a#g #ahhya #a a5'#g mag#g P$')

    9#a"a&at 5'#g ma#gba#g ba#sa #''#g 200 at ma$gaya#g #a##"aha# #gay'# sa sasa mayama#g ba#sa sa 5ab$a#g %a5' #g mu#%') A#g a5#g ta#'#g sa sa"$ ay 5u#g ba5t

    #agyaya" t' ah$ ba sa a#g 5a"amha# sa P$' ay utu@ut'C Na 5aya#g ma#&u$ah#

    #g mayayama#g &u$t5'C Ma$a# &a 5aya maggs#g a#g at#g mga 5ababaya#C A5'8ymataga$ #a#g gs#g suba$t 5a5au#t $a#g a#g 5a&/a 5' mu$at) Paa#' m' tata$u## a#g

    mga utu@ut', eh mas #a5a5a"am s$aC Yu#g mga $ &a "# #$a a#g ma#a#ag sa $ahat

    #g e$e5sy'# A5'y #a/a/a$a# #a #g &ag@asa

    o iisan!lahi7outlookco#says:

    August 21, 2013 at 1:0. &m

    6#!e ma"am sa mga P#'y a#g ut'@ut' at &a$ag#g sh'/b at te$ese"ye a#g #asa

    5'5'te, mas bagay %t' sa at# a#g Pa"$ame#ta"y ('"m '( g'+e"#me#t /he"e the+'te" gets t' e$e!t '#$y hshe" "e&"ese#tat+es, #'t the hea% '( state) The $ess

    e$e!te% g'+e"#me#t '((!a$s, the bette" /th a !te#"y $5e 'u"s) Ths /ay,

    sh'/b &e'&$e /$$ m'st $5e$y stay # sh'/ bus#ess a#% %y#astes /$$ %e a#atu"a$ %eath)

    The '#$y &"'b$em s the !ha#ge t' a#'the" system '( g'+e"#me#t /$$ g' th"'ugh

    the &"'+e"ba$ eye '( the #ee%$e %ah$ sa %am #g mga bu/aya magtutu$'#g tu$'#g

    u&a#g ma#at$ a#g 5a#$a#g Matasa#g Pamba#sa)

    ;.) (olandsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 11:; &m

    Tha#5 y'u b"a+e s'u$ Ths e=&'su"e /$$ sh'/ t' the &ub$! a#% t' the /'"$% that the

    ?'%(athe"s '( the 9a(a !"m#a$ sy#%!ate a"e 'u" se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essme#) They a"ethe m'st %a#ge"'us 5#% '( !"m#a$s ('" they use %e!e&t'# t' a!!'m&$sh the" !"m#a$

    a!t '( $''t#g the g'+e"#me#t !'((e"s a#% "'bb#g the &e'&$e8s ta=es) They a"e +e"y

    %a#ge"'us ('" they !'me as /'$+es # a shee&8s !$'th#g , %e!e+#g the $' &e'&$e/h' t"uste% them, the" /'"%s # e+e"y e$e!t'#) O#e "eas'# that they e#!'u"age e+e"y

    (am$y membe" t' "u# # &ub$! '((!e) I( y'u a"e a se#at'" a#% y'u" /(e s a

    !'#g"ess/'ma#, '" a#y membe" '( the (am$y s a may'" '" g'+e"#'", the am'u#t that the(am$y !a# $''t ("'m the the #at'#a$ t"easu"y s m'"e tha# e#'ugh t' ma5e them

    mu$tm$$'#a"es) 6' easy, $ess s/eat,

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    %ea$#g !$'se$y a#% t"ust#g b$#%$y the &e"!e+e% e#emes, th"'ugh %e!e&t'#) These

    &'$t!a#s a"e the "ea$ e#emes '( the state, '( the $' &e'&$e) They a"e !a$$'us a#%

    $a!5 the m'"a$ $ea%e"sh& t' $ea% ths !'u#t"y) They a"e m'"e tha# t"at'"s a#% /'"st tha#te""'"sts)

    -0) kapitanvic6says:

    August 20, 2013 at 11:3 &m

    Y'u" hea%$#e B*'#g"ess s the Ph$&es8 bggest !"m#a$ sy#%!ateD s /"'#g) It s the

    >ORL8s bggest !"m#a$ sy#%!ate) Re&ub$! A!t 42 '" the '"eg# *u""e#!y

    %e&'st a!t ga+e these s!'u#%"e$s the !'u"age t' "ub the t"easu"y /th "e!5$ess abu#%a#!ebe!ause they th'ught they !a# h%e beh#% the she$% they themse$+es !"eate%)

    -1) $ickiesays:

    August 20, 2013 at :3. &m

    Tha#5s ('" ths a"t!$e s"))at $east t /'u$% he$& me u#%e"sta#% the e((e!ts ths PA/'u$% ha+e ha% ('" the e#t"e Nat'# ( use% &"'&e"$y) I( /e a$"ea%y ha+e &$e#ty '( $a/s, I

    suggest the &"ese#t *'#g"ess #tate ($#g a (#a$ b$$ see5#g ts ab'$t'# /h!h /$$

    ta5e e((e!t the m%@#ght '( e!embe" 24, 2013 s' a$$ P#'ys /$$ ha+e a t"ue 9e""y*h"stmas)

    -2) "re! Santossays:

    August 20, 2013 at :1 &m

    #a$$y s'me'#e has the guts t' e=&'se these the+#g g'+e"#me#ta$ !"m#a$s)It has bee# g'#g '# ('" ma#y yea"s) >hy has #'@'#e e+e" 7uest'#e% the "eas'# that

    these &'$t!a#s a"e &"e&a"e% t' s&e#% m$$'#s '( &es's t' get e$e!te% ( #'t as a#

    #+estme#t ('" the b$$'#s they /$$ get '#!e # '((!e) Remembe" 9"am 6atag'8s(am'us s&ee!h %u"#g the *'"'#a m&ea!hme#t /he"e she state% D /hy %'es the "est '(

    the /'"$% a!!use the Ph$&e ?'+e"#me#t '( be#g %sh'#est D '" t' th'se /'"%s)

    U#('"tu#ate$y, a(te" a (e/ ha+e bee# !aught 'ut, the"e s NO RE*OR '( them ('"(et#g'" "etu"##g the msa&&"'&"ate% (u#%s) 9a"!'s8s, A""'y', *'"'#a, Est"a%a)

    -3) renensays:

    August 20, 2013 at :0; &m
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    6hame '# us !' /e 5ee& +'t#g t' ths &e'&$e a#% the" (am$y # the g'+t

    -4) revalcasays:

    August 20, 2013 at :4 &m

    M$a$a #ama# # 's#g P#'y mga ya# at 5asa 5asama #ya #''#g #asa se#a%' &a sya s'

    me $a"% %# &a$a 5amay # b's#gC 6' %a&at tugus# #a #ya mga ya#C ?a/# m' a#g

    %a&at #a matu/% #a $ag m'#g s#asab)9atata&'s #a te"m#' m'C>a$a &a#g #atutu/%sa mga s#asab m')Pu"' 5a &"ess "ea$ease6a$amat 9") L'&e sa a"t5u$'#g t')

    o ")+LLE(M+*A BA)%+S%A8P-*%EJ-Ssays:

    August 22, 2013 at .:4 am

    /a$a &' ata sa

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    &'+e"ty) Y'u guys &$u#%e"e% a#% %e#e% them '( the" #he"e#t "ght t' "e&"ese#te% by the

    &e"s'# they e$e!te% a#% #stea% st'$e the a% that s "ght(u$$y be$'#gs t' them) 6FA9E

    ON TFE PEOPLE /h' he$&e% &"ate the g'+e"#me#t '((e"s)

    -;) Ed "atchaliansays:

    August 20, 2013 at :04 &m

    ea" T'#y@ tha#5 y'u ('" ths a"t!$e a#% ('" the ma#y +e/s y'u ha+e &"ese#te% # y'u"!a"ee" as a

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    I t'ta$$y ag"ee # y'u" !'mme#t

    the"e8s #' g"eate" tme tha# #'/ t' ha+e t"a#s&a"e#!y S a!!'u#tab$ty '# ea!h

    &ub$! se"+a#t)/e ha+e the #("ast"u!tu"e a#% the s5$$s t' ma5e ths ha&&e#)

    -.) (enato (o#anosays:

    August 20, 2013 at 4:44 &m

    >hy !a#8t /e e the &e'&$e a!tua$$y ma%e ths me#ta$ty) 6' /hy

    a"e /e b$am#g them /he# /e 'u"se$+es a"e at (au$tC >he# /e se$$ 'u" +'tes, /he# /e%e&e#% '# TV a%s a#% Ne/s&a&e" A%s '" 6u"+eys t' !h''se 'u" !a#%%ates I !a##'t (au$t

    them !'#g"essme# a#% se#at'"s I# t"eat#g the &e'&$es m'#ey as the" m'#ey) It s

    be!ause /e $et them, '" "athe" /e &e"&et"ate% the Bm'#eyD me#ta$ty that the m'"e '#es&e#%s the m'"e &'st+e "esu$t that they a"e g'#g t' be e$e!te%) I( /e "em'+e the PA,

    h'/ !a# they the# "e!'u& su!h (#a#!a$ e=&e#%tu"es)

    I8m '#$y /'#%e"#g /hy the !'#g"essme# %' #'t ma5e t a $a/ BThe PAD a#% ma5e t

    a# e=em&t'# a#% !"m#a$ t' 7uest'# h'/ t s e=&e#%e%, $5e ma5e t a #te$$ge#!e

    e=&e#%tu"e that !a##'t be 7uest'#e%)

    .0) sallycdunnsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 4:34 &m

    a# e$te !"me at su!h a mag#tu%e that /e a$$'/ t t' ha&&e# a#% %'m#ate 'u" &''"

    e=ste#!e as ($'sCCCCC

    /hat a"e /e g'#g t' %', /he"e a"e 'u" b"$$a#t $a/ma5e"s, !'#!e"#e% !te#s C t' "ea%ths /$$ b$'/ a#y'#es m#% /th'ut ha+#g t' get th"'ugh the a#a$'gy '( the

    &'$t!s)'" e#'ugh t' get y'u" st'ma!h s!5)

    "ema# ba(($e%, !'#(use% a#% m'"e ("ust"ate% a#% %sa&&'#te% /th 'u" $ega$ , &'$t!a$

    system that these !'#!e"#e% /e$$ 5e&t &'$t!a#s #' $'#ge" (ee$ the #ee% t' +a$%ate the&"+$eges, ts be#g ma%e , g+e# a#% !'#%'#e% a#% maybe e#!'u"age%)
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    .1) n!itn!itn!pinoysays:

    August 20, 2013 at 4:1; &m

    a/at a"a/ #a %uma%aa# $a$'#g #agg#g 5a&a#g@&a#g$ab't a#g $ahat #g "ebe$asy'# #a$uma$abas sa &ahayaga#) I5#ahhya 5' a#g &agg#g P$' at saga% sa but'#g

    5a/a$a#ghyaa# #g ba/at se#a%'" a#% 5'#g"essta #a may"''#g 5#a$ama# sa

    a#'ma$ya#g t') Na"a"a&at #a su&'"taha# #g ba/at mamaya#g P$' a#g &"'testa #gmasa sa %a"at#g #a Ag'st' 2) Pata$s5# a#g sa$'t #a mga se#a%'" at 5'#g"essta sa

    &/est' a&at sa mga ya# s$aba# #g buhay sa P$aa 9"a#%a

    .2) Sooner96says:

    August 20, 2013 at 4:10 &m

    9a(a !"m#a$ sy#%!ate # the Ph$&es)

    .3) ed66:6says:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:; &m

    &h$&es s a h'&e$ess !ase /th #e&t a#% !'""u&t g'+e"#me#t '((!a$s a&&'#te% '"

    e$e!te% '# the he$m '( g'+e"#a#!e) the" s'u$s a"e a$"ea%y bu"##g # FELL

    .4) (eu Sa#acosays:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:3; &m

    F'/ !a# e%u!ate 'u" +'te"s t' !h''se ('" the "ght !a#%%ateC

    .) (udysays:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:34 &m

    9") L'&e, I !'mme#% y'u ('" y'u" b"a+e !'mme#ta"y '# /hat /e $'s a$"ea%y

    5#'/ # 'u" guts as the !'""u&te% state '( g'+e"#a#!e # a# m&'+e"she% #at'# /e

    %ea"$y $'+e) I h'&e the L'"% 5ee&s y'u sa(e, as the e+$@%'e"s %' #'t a&&"e!ate sh##g$ght '# the" !"mes) Mee& u& the #('"mat+e a$bet %a#ge"'us /'"5 '( e#$ghte##g the

    $' that mght $ea% t' a ('"mat'# '( a m'+eme#t, h'&eu$$y &ea!e(u$ a#% #'#@+'$e#t
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    # '"%e" t' a((e!t &'st+e !ha#ge) As a hu%%st@$ea##g #'#@%e+'ut !ath'$!, my

    a%he"e#!e t' &'$t!a$ #eut"a$ty /$$ be %((!u$t #%ee%, t' ('$$'/, sh'u$% su!h a

    m'+eme#t m"a!u$'us$y s&"'ut # 'u" h'me$a#%)

    .) "race %o#illoso Apostol Arabesays:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:12 &m

    >e a"e !"eate% by ?'% t' be "es&'#sb$e t' Fs !"eat'#s 9a5'#se#sya #ama# sa#a5ay'h/ag e""'#e'us !'#s!e#!e, haC

    .;) arturo alindadasays:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:0 &m

    I a&&$au% y'u ('" ths a"t!$e) P$ease 5ee& them !'m#g e=&'se a$$ the %"t)

    >'#%e"#g /he"e /e !a# see the $st#g '( these N?Os, g'+8t e#ttes, #+'$+e% a#% the

    !'#g"essme#se#at'"s that %ea$t /th them, #!$u%#g /hat am'u#ts) It /'u$% be g''% t'

    5#'/ /h' /e"e the *OA au%t'"s ha#%$#g ea!h t"a#sa!t'#)

    .-) E2rain Felipesays:

    August 20, 2013 at 2:33 &m

    BLet th'se /th'ut s#, !ast the ("st st'#eD Is the /hy #' '#e s #7u"#g these

    m'#st"'us s!am # the hst'"y '( Ph$&e &'$t!s) 'th F'uses '( 6e#at'#gs a#%T'#g"essme# a"e 5eeg the $% tght but the st#5 s /%es&"ea%) I( BshameD s a +"us,

    /e !'u$% get "% '( these s!amme"s 7u!5$y but u#('"tu#ate$y they g't

    the Bshame$essD mmu#ty +a!!#e)

    ..) Sheila , Portalsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 1:4 &m

    P"es%e#t N'y, /hat a"e y'u /at#g ('"C Ta5e a!t'# mme%ate$y) Ths s ("'m '#e '(

    y'u" 'sses) >a$5 y'u" ta$5)

    100) Pro2essor ,ee &A,+&says:

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    August 20, 2013 at 12:3 &m

    INVITE the" (a$$ guy 9s) JANET LI9 NAPOLE6 t' at $east se#% a +%e' message '#

    2 August AY O NATIONAL OUTRA?E, '" !'me #!'g#t') *'mm'# se#se te$$s usshe !'u$%#8t ha+e e$u%e% s&e!a$ e$te teams '( NI a#% PNP /th'ut the '+e"t !u%%$#g

    '( a m'"e &'/e"(u$ se!u"ty ('"!e, 'ut t' &"e+e#t he" ("'m s&$$#g the bea#s '# se#at'"sa#% !'#g"essme#) '" '#e Ja#et NAPOLE6a!t#g a$'#et' ha+e !'#t#u'us$y (''$e%

    se#at'"s a#% !'#g"essme# 'ut '( P10 b$$'# '+e" a s&a!e '( 3@4 yea"s, s !'#t"a"y t'mathemat!a$ &"'bab$tes, u#$ess the"e /as !'#s!'us !'$$ab'"at'# #+'$+#g the

    sg#atu"e ('"ge"e" a#% the ('"gee) >$$ be %+#g # the A&' Is$a#%s 22@24 August 2013

    sm&$y be!ause the"e8s m'"e se#se a#% %e!e#!y am'#g the t'"t'ses, /ha$e sha"5s, st#g"ays a#% !'"a$s # the ee&)

    101) henry sa#ontesays:

    August 20, 2013 at 12:13 &m

    I ha+e me#t'#e% ths be('"e, 'u" g'+e"#me#t s a bg /e$$ '"ga#e% *"m#a$ 6y#%!ate

    !'m&'se '( $'@*h#ese) The"e (#a#!a$ "es'u"!es s ba!5 u& by *h#ese *hambe"

    '( *'mme"!e a#% *h#ese bus#esses)

    o #rhuan!says:

    August 21, 2013 at .:2 am

    9")6am'#te %'#8t b$ame ths t' ($' @!h#ese he"e # the &h$&es myse$(

    s a ($'@!h#ese a#% as (a" as 5#'/ a $'t '( !h#ese $5e me #'/ a"ee#!'u#te"#g a $'t '( ha"%sh&'#$y s'me a"e a"e t"ue t' /hat y'u a"e say#g

    $'+e my !'u#t"y b!' he"e s /he"e /as b'"# /'"5 a$$ my $(e ab"'a%, %'#t

    y'u th#5 t %'es#8t hu"t me see#g a $'t '( ($'s /h' a"e su((e"#g a $'t "ght#'/ %ue t' the u#st'&&ab$e a!ts '( the+e"y # the se#ate a#% !'#g"ess)/e

    sh'u$%#8t b$ame the (u$$ a!!'u#t t' the g'+e"#me#t but b$ame t t' 'u"se$+es b!'

    '( +'t#g these FOOLI?AN6 # the g'+e"#me#ta $'t '( &e'&$e ha+e a#

    e&e%em! !a$$e% BA9NE6IA B))+'te"s ('"get the &ast /"'#g%'#g '( these&e'&$e # a# #sta#tbut st$$ +'te ('" themP$ease 9"))PRE6IENTb"#g

    ba!5 the EATF PENALTY ('" these !'""u&t '((!a$sut /$$ be sa% ( y'u

    "ea$$y %' t)b!' #'b'%y /$$ be $e(t # the se#ate a#% !'#g"esstha#5s +e"ymu!h 9")LOPEZ ('" %+u$g#g these !"m#a$ a!t+tes '( the &e'&$e /e t"ust t'

    he$& us)I hate *FINA but $'+e h'/ they "u# the" g'+e"#me#t a#% h'/ they

    &u#sh the" !'""u&t '((!a$sF'&e 'u" !'u#t"y st$$ ha+e h'&e t' /a5e u& a#%%' the "ght th#g))?O LE66 'u" *OUNTRY)
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    102) -lliesays:

    August 20, 2013 at 12:0- &m

    A#% a$s' the bggest ma#u(a!tu"e"(a!t'"y '( BMAPAL 9UM6D

    103) ,ic Alcuazsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 11:2- am

    ULL6EYE 9") L'&e

    104) belen asuelosays:

    August 20, 2013 at 11:22 am

    g""")g"""")g"""su&e" %u&e" $a/ma5e"s))t s hgh tme t' ab'$sh &'"5 ba""e$))

    10) Cicerosays:

    August 20, 2013 at 10:. am

    E=!e$$e#t a"t!$e

    A !'mm'# se#se !'m&utat'# '( PA a#% /he"e t a$$ g'es s e#'ugh ('" the+'te"sta=&aye"s t' th#5 a th'usa#% tmes be('"e e$e!t#g a &ub$! '((!a$) I $5e the te"m

    Xsy#%!ate)8 It !a&tu"es the "ea$ty '( the e=ste#!e '( 'u" *'#g"ess) It /'u$% a$s' be (a"

    t' assume that #'t a$$ PA s "e$ease% a#% /e#t t' the &'!5ets '( a$$ $egs$at'"s) The"e

    a"e th'se /h' %' #'t '" !h''se #'t t' "e!e+e the" &'"5 ba""e$) A#% /th a$$ the math, a!'#g"essma# '" se#at'" &'!5ets at $east 30K '( hs '" he" &'"5 a$th'ugh s'me /'u$% get

    as mu!h as -0K)

    N'/ s tme t' "e('"m a#% set m&$eme#t#g "u$es '( the PA) P'"5 ba""e$ s #e!essa"y

    be!ause +'te"s %ema#% the" e$e!te% $egs$at'"s t' ha+e +sb$e &"'

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    10) 0er#inio "eroni#osays:

    August 20, 2013 at 10:22 am

    >hat a# eye '&e#e" >h' /$$ &"'te!t the $'s ("'m themC F'/ !a# /e es!a&e ("'mthsC ?e"

    o -rlandosays:

    August 21, 2013 at .:0- am

    >e, the $' &e'&$e !a# &"'te!t 'u"se$+es) >e !a# %' a B"e#!h "e+'$ut'#D

    a#% gathe" these Ba"st'!"ats a#% "'ya$tyD a#% !ut '(( the" hea%s as the "e#!h

    B!'mm'#D &e'&$e %% t' the" "'ya$ty a#% a"st'!"ats)

    o inkysays:

    August 21, 2013 at 11:31 am

    I( the $' &e'&$e /e"e t' a$$'/ ths !"t!a$ ssue t' be s/e&t u#%e" the "ug bythe +e"y same &e"&et"at'"s /h' &"ete#% t' be the" $ea%e"s, the# $'s /$$

    su((e" a (ate '( the" '/# !h''s#g) They sh'u$% #'t e=&e!t a#y'#e t' sta#% u& ('"

    them 'the" tha# the" '/# se$+es) e!ause '( the e=t"eme se+e"ty '( the !"me,

    the +ast #umbe" '( th'se #+'$+e%, a#% the statu"e '( the &e"&et"at'"s &e"ha&s the%ea '( b"#g#g ba!5 the gu$$'t#e s #'t t'' (a" (et!he%) Ab'$t'# '( the &'"5

    ba""e$ s #'t e#'ugh) The !'u#t"y #ee%s a g''% &'$t!a$ !$ea#s#g)

    o vir!ilio $ belci;asays:

    August 21, 2013 at 4:3. &m

    >e the &e'&$e !a# &"'te!t 'u"se$+es, 6e#at'"s a"e '#$y 24 a#% *'#g"essme# a"e

    '#$y 2-0 aga#st us, /e a"e .0 9$$'# $'s) >e !a# !ut the" hea% '(( eas$y)

    They a"e the s'u"!e '( a$$ the btte"#ess a#% mse"es '( 'u" $(eFa#g ths&e'&$e /h' e#"!he% the" se$( th"u 'u" ta=es ("'m 'u" ha"% ea"# m'#ey)

    10;) Andy ( Sa#sonsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 10:0 am
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    T'#y L'&e has (#a$$y /"tte# a &e!e I !'u$% "ea% t' a&&"e!ateG (#a$$y $+#g t' /"te

    a#% #'t /"t#g t' $+e I !a# #'/ &ut t' the ba!5 bu"#e"s my mem'"es '( th'se %a"5

    %ays %u"#g the Reg# '( ?"ee%) T'#y #e+e" I me /h$e I /'"5e% beh#% the s!e#es ('"Muya *esa" as my the# %e&uty "e&"ese#te% s'me'#e bgge" tha# $(e) 9abuhay T'#y

    L'&e a#% may y'u !'#t#ue t' /"te # y'u" # y'u" #mtab$e /ay '( Bst"aght # y'u"

    (a!e)D 6ammy83)

    10-) 'azuo &aitatsusays:

    August 20, 2013 at -:1. am

    The Ph$&es !'u#t"y s a 5$e&t'!"a!y, a #at'# g'+e"#e% by the+es)

    10.) Saturnino ( Mendinueto< Jrsays:

    August 20, 2013 at ;:3. am

    9") L'&e, t s the Ph$&e ?'+e"#me#t ("'m the P"es%e#t, *'#g"ess, Ju%!a"y %'/#

    t' a"a#gay that s the bggest *RI9INAL 6YNI*ATE6 # the /'"$%) >e sh'u$%!ha#ge 'u" g'+e"#me#t a#% ('$$'/ the a%+se% '( ('"me" A 6e!"eta"y Rau$ 9a#g$a&us

    t' P"es) *'"y t' ba# ('"me" &'$t!a#s ("'m 9a"!'s e"a t' "u# a&&'#te% ('" a#y &'st'#

    # the g'+e"#me#t ('" 0 yea"s) N'/ I suggest, ba# a$$ &"ese#t g'+e"#me#t '((!a$s a#%(am$es, e$e!te% '" a&&'#te%, ("'m h'$%#g a#y '((!e ('" 100 yea"s) Ths s the '#$y /ay

    /e !a# ha+e *FAN?E)

    110) ,ir!il Maravillassays:

    August 20, 2013 at ;:10 am


    P$ease be !a"e(u$, y'u mght be !"eat#g a $'t '( e#emes but /e #ee% a#'the" J'se Ra$)

    I( y'u /$$ #'t $ea%, sha$$ /e /at ('" a#'the" 300 yea"s t' !'""e!t the ?"a(t a#%

    *'""u&t'# # the Ph$&esC

    I /$$ su&&'"t y'u '# y'u" %"+e) Mee& u& the g''% /'"5) P$ease se#% a message '# h'/ I

    !'u$% be best t' su&&'"t y'u) I am he"e # the L A *A U6A) a#% +e"y A!t+e /th The

    "ee a#% A!!e&te% 9as'#, /e a"e a%+'!at#g t' !ha#ge the ?"a(t a#% *'""u&t'# # thePh$&es)

    111) brvillara#asays:
  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    August 20, 2013 at 4:21 am

    Tha#5 y'u ('" !'u"age'us$y /"t#g t)

    112) +nocentsays:

    August 20, 2013 at 3:01 am

    *'me t' th#5 '( t, 9") L'&e) u"#g the mu!h !u"se% a#% %em'#e% ?$'"a A""'y'

    a%m#st"at'#, t s ma%e (a!t that the"e /e"e ma#y, ma#y &"'

  • 8/12/2019 Congress is the Philippines biggest criminal syndicate _ The Manila Times Online


    August 21, 2013 at 2:2 &m

    !'mme#% y'u '# ths m") $'&e a#% se#at'" $a!s'# ('" ths &at"'t! m'+e y'u8+e %'#e

    ('" 'u" !'u#t"y ( ths s'u"!e '( !'""u&t'# be ab'$she% t'ta$$y)

    *'mme#ts a"e !$'se%)

    Contact Info

    A%%"ess: 2 6t' ?"a#%e u$%#g 40. A) 6'"a#' A+e#ue, I#t"amu"'s 9a#$a 1020 Ph$&esTe$) : 3 02 24 4 u& t' ;

    a=: 3 02 2-@1;2.Ema$: #e/s%es5ma#$atmes)#et ''#ma#$atmes)#et

    *'&y"ght [ 2010@2013 The 9a#$a Tmes @ A$$ Rghts Rese"+e%)



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