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Page 1: Comp 401 - Assignment 4: Commands, Arrays and Graphics · Comp 401 - Assignment 4: Commands, Arrays and Graphics Early Submission Date: Wed Sep 20, 2017 Completion Date: Tue Sep 26,

Comp 401 - Assignment 4: Commands, Arrays and Graphics

Early Submission Date: Wed Sep 20, 2017

Completion Date: Tue Sep 26, 2017

First Late Date: Fri Sep 29, 2017 (-10%)

Second Late Date: Tue Oct 3, 2017 (-25%)

This assignment has two parts having to do with scanning and graphics.

In the scanning part, you will classify some of the words, not into vanilla word tokens,

but instead into command tokens. This means you will implement several new command

token classes. These classes, like the original token classes, will be instantiated by the

scanner bean. In addition, the bean will define an array property that contains an array of

token objects. This part gives you more practice with concepts you have exercised in the

previous assignment and should not take much time, except perhaps mastering arrays.

In the graphics part, you will define a rotating moving line for extra credit, which might

require some time-consuming debugging, though I pretty much give an algorithm for

those who have trouble with the geometric aspects of it.

The main class will now animate (using the refresh and sleep methods explained in the

User Interface material) (a) the scanner by assigning different values to the editable

String property of the scanner while it is being displayed by ObjectEditor, and (b) the line

by making it move and rotate.

As before, you will use the Properties, EditableProperties and Tags annotations for all of

the bean classes. In addition, you will use the Tags annotation for the rotate line method.

See the previous assignment for the tags to use for bean classes you have already

implemented. In addition, you will use appropriate StructurePattern annotations for

graphics and other bean classes – ObjectEditor will scream if you do not put these. You

will also use tags to describe graphics shapes.

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and Graphics

Checks File

lectures.ui Package

Git (UI) Package

Git (Graphics)

Command Classes Create a command token class for each of the following command names: “Move”,

“Say”, “Repeat”, “Approach”, “Pass” and “Fail”. A command token class has the same

properties and constructor(s) as the word token class, and implements the same

interfaces. Thus, you will essentially copy and paste the code of the word token class into

each command class - the only difference between a command class and a word class will

be the name of the class. If you know inheritance, you can make use of it here to avoid

this copying – otherwise this exercise provides the motivation for inheritance.

Tag each of these classes by the name of the associated command. Thus, put the

following text before the class you define for the move command:


public class <Class Name> … {


Angle brackets denote placeholders that should be replaced with actual values.

Optional Command Classes (Extra Credit) If you have been doing extra credit so far and think you will have time for it at the end of

the semester also, create token classes for also the commands: “RotateLeftArm”,

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“RotateRightArm”, “Define”, “Call”, “Thread”, “Wait”, “ProceedAll”, “Sleep”, “Undo”,

and “Redo”. You will receive a little extra credit for these token classes in this

assignment, and additional points later for features that depend on them

Scanner Bean Class

Instantiating Command Classes

Modify the setter method of the scanner to classify words into commands. After you have

found a word (as before), check if its lowercase representation is equal to the lower case

representation of one of the command names, and if so, create an instance of the

associated command token class instead of the word class. Thus, if the scanned string

contains the word “MoVE”, you would create an instance of the token class tagged

“Move” and not an instance of the class tagged “Word”, as in the previous assignment.

You can use the String equals() (or equalsIgnoreCase()) method to test for equality of two

strings. If a word is not one of the predefined commands, then it should be stored in an

instance of the word token class, as in the last assignment.

Additional array property (Tag: Tokens)

The setter method of the scanner bean no longer print the properties of the token objects

it instantiates. Instead it puts the tokens (both the instances of the new command classes

and the old token classes for the previous tokens such as words, numbers, and quoted

strings) in a token array, first in a large array and then in a small compact one, as

mentioned below. This array is returned as a readonly property, called Tokens, of the

scanner bean. (Thus, this property has no setter.) The larger array is not exported as a

property, that is, does not have a getter method. It is used as an intermediate data

structure to create the compact array.

More precisely, the scanner now has an additional property, which is a readonly stored

property of type T[], where T is the interface implemented by all tokens in the previous

assignment (Please do not rename this interface as T!).The getter method of the Tokens

property returns an array of all token objects (instances of your token classes) created

while scanning the String property of the scanner. There should be no empty slots in the

array, that is, the length of the array is the number of tokens in the (editable scanner

property storing) the scanned string. You can assume a limit (e.g. 100) on the number of

tokens in a scanned string. This means that you can create a large array (that

accommodates the maximum number of tokens) whose elements are copied into the

compact array returned by the getter method of the readonly property. The large array

could be created once when the scanner is instantiated and stored as an instance variable.

The compact array would be created by the scanner setter method each time a new string

is scanned; it should not be created in the getter method. (If you do not want to assume an

arbitrary limit on the large array, you can make it the size of the scanned string – the

number of tokens cannot exceed this number- and can create it also in the setter rather

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than the constructor.) However, the compact array should be assigned to a global

variable so that it can be returned by the associated getter.

To further clarify, you want to create a "large" array because you aren't sure how many

tokens are going to be in the compact array, therefore you won't know the size of the

array. Once the scanner has finished adding all the Token objects to the large array, you

will be able to find how many have been added. You then will create a compact array that

has the exact same token objects in the large array - it will just contain less elements

because it won't have any extra room.

Here's an example, assuming a large array of size 5:

Input: say "hello"

Large array: {say token, quote token , null, null, null}

Compact array: {say token, quote token}

The large array is not accessible by anything outside the scanner bean class, which means

there is no public method to return its value. The compact array is the one that is exported

as a (readonly) property.

As the scanner properties are objects, make sure they are not initialized to null. The

scanned string should initially be an empty string ( “”), which means the compact array

should initially be an array with zero elements. This will avoid null pointer exceptions in


Do not use array lists or lists so you get practice with arrays. Imports of arrays and array

lists will be considered illegal.

Scanner Extra Credit

1. Instead of printing the errors on the console, store them in a third dependent

readonly property, called Errors, of the scanner bean. The error property should be

reset every time a new string is scanned. You are free to also print the log of

errors on the console. You are free to choose the type of the error property –

String or array

Rotating Line (Extra Credit) If you have time, do attempt this part. Several future extra credits features (such as move

arm and leg) will be built on this feature.

This part can be elegantly done in one step. I am breaking it into multiple steps in an

attempt to make it easier.

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Rotating Fixed Line

Create a class that implements a line shape that can be rotated around the Java origin (0,

0). The upper left corner of (the bounding box of the line) is always the Java origin. The

lower-right corner of the line is always a fixed distance from the origin and can be rotated

based on its current angle. It should have a constructor that takes no arguments. It can

have other constructors.

The line should be displayable by ObjectEditor. This means it must have the line

properties (X, Y, Height, Width) and annotation

(StructutePatternNames.LINE_PATTERN) expected by ObjectEditor. As the upper left

corner is fixed, the line class does not have setters for the location of this point. It also

need not have setters for the Height and Width properties of a line. It should define two

editable properties, “Radius” and “Angle”. This means it should have additional public

methods for setting the “radius” and “angle” of the line with respect to the x-axis. These

methods take double values determining the absolute radius and angle (in radians). The

getters for these two properties simply return the set values.

In addition, the class must have an instance public method to change the angle of the line

by a certain amount. This method must take an int argument. You are free to determine

the appropriate scale. For example, you might decide that one int unit corresponds to

Math.PI/32. In this case, rotating the line by 16 units adds 90 degrees (Math.PI/2) to its

angle. This method must call the method for setting the angle mentioned above, which

works in radians.

Let us call this method the rotate method. You can tag both methods and

classes/interfaces. Use the tag “rotate” for this method. Thus, its declaration (in both the

class and interface) will be of the form:


public void <Method Name> (int units)

Method tags should be put both in the classes and interfaces that declare them.

Even though a line can take a location to be a Point object, you are required to define X

and Y properties for location, as mentioned above.

Try to implement this class on your own before you read the remainder of this paragraph.

ObjectEditor does not understand radius and angle of a line, so you must rotate a line by

changing its width and height, using trigonometry.

One way to implement a rotatable line is given below. In addition to width and height,

this line will have a radius (distance between endpoints) and angle (wrt to X axis). The

constructor of the line takes these two values. The width and height will be derived from

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these values. Declare an internal instance variable that stores the current lower-right

corner (the end point) in an instance of the class APolarPoint we saw in lectures. This

point always has the radius and angle of the line. It is the lower right corner only for this

part – in the next part it is not. As we see below it is actually the storer of the width and

height. This variable is not exported as a property to ensure ObjectEditor does not display

it. The getter for the height and width property of the line return the x and y coordinates

of this point, and the setters for the radius and angle of the line assign a new immutable

instance of APolarPoint to the internal variable, which, as mentioned above, has the

radius and angle of the line. There is no need to define setters for its height and width -

all ObjectEditor needs for displaying it are the getters. There are other more elegant ways

to implement a rotating line – so please use them if you can think of them. This approach

requires you to do no calculations, and simply use the ones in APolarPoint.

Moving Rotating Line

Modify the class you defined above to allow the upper left corner of the line to be

changed. This means you must now define setters for the line location. The line will now

rotate around this corner rather than the Java origin. This means that if you have followed my

implementation technique, the position of the internal polar point does not change when you change the

upper left corner, as the length or width of the line do not change when the line moves. You can do some

trigonometry to figure out why this is right,

Do not submit the code you wrote for the fixed line – instead submit code for this line.

The previous part was created to break your task into smaller steps.

Tagging the Line Class

Use the tag: “RotatingLine”. As mentioned above, also specify the pattern it


Animating Demoing Main Class You can implement the main class in two stages.

Animating Scanner

To demonstrate the scanner part of your assignment, as before the main method creates

an instance of the scanner bean class and assigns different values to the editable String

property of the scanner. However, it no longer reads input from the console, neither does

it print on the console. Instead it displays the scanner bean object using ObjectEditor and

then assigns a series of test strings (which replace the input lines) to the editable property

of the scanner. After each assignment, the method should refresh the ObjectEditor

window and sleep so that the TAs can see the result of each assignment. We have seen

this animation approach to demoing in class, and the following code illustrates it:

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You do not have to use the select() call (which selects the property on which you want us

to focus) in this code but it may help us.

Thus, your main method will make calls of the form:

oeFrame = ObjectEditor.edit(scannerBean);

scannerBean.setScannedString(“MoVe 050 { saY \“hi!\” } “)



scannerBean.setScannedString(“RotateLeftArm 5 rotateLeftArm “)


ThreadSupport.sleep(3000); // 3 second delay should be enough

Instead of reading input lines from the console, it will make several calls for different test

strings. As we see above, a double quote within a string must be escaped with a \. You

can use some of the same test strings as the ones you input in the previous assignment

when you created screen shots. A test string can contain multiple commands. Make sure

every command is included in some test string. If you do not demonstrate some feature,

we will assume it has it has not been implemented. You do not have to test exactly two

strings (as the example code does), you can test 1 or more, just as you could test an

arbitrary number of strings when you created screenshots. For each string set in the

scanner bean, ObjectEditor should show both properties of the ScannerBean (and

properties of these properties). In particular, it should show the compact token array. The

display of each token will not be the text printed by println() – instead it will include a

display of all of its properties. In other words, the display will not show the toString()

representations of the tokens – only their properties. The grader will call your

getTokens() method to determine the classes of the tokens - it does not have to rely on the

display. If you do not see either of the two properties, check the console for ObjectEditor

messages and make sure you have getters for the properties you have declared in the


Make sure your scanner bean getters never return the null value – this means the

corresponding variables must be initialized to the empty string and empty array, either

when they are declared or in the constructors.

The main method does not have to directly animate the scanner. Define a separate

method, tagged animateScanner(), that is called by main() and performs the animation.

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Animating Line (Extra Credit)

After animating the scanner, your main method should instantiate the rotating line, and

display it using ObjectEditor. Next, it should animate the movement (using the line

setters for X and Y) and rotation (using the line rotate() method) . As before, make sure

to call refresh and sleep so that the TAs can see the rotations and movements.

Define a separate method, tagged animateLine(), that is called by main() and performs

the line animation.

ObjectEditor Issues

If ObjectEditor does not refresh properly, simply print appropriate properties of the

scanner bean and line after each sleep to show that your program works correctly. Do not

worry about the nature of the ObjectEditor display as long as it shows all of the

properties. Do not worry about the error messages of the following kind regarding

complete refresh:

W***Refreshing complete object: ….

Do make sure there are no other kinds of errors or warnings from ObjectEditor.

Constraints 1. If you know inheritance, feel free to make use of it in this assignment.

2. In this and all other assignments, your getters and setters should not create

objects. This means that you should not move, resize, color or change other

aspects of a shape by replacing it with a new one. Also, the setter in the scanner

can create both the arrays.

3. You can use the String toLowerCase() method, as before. In addition you can use

the Striing equalsIgnoreCase() method and the String equals() method.

4. As also mentioned in earlier assignments, in every assignment, every public

method of an instantiated class must be in some interface implemented by that

class. Do not use classes as types of variable or array elements – use interfaces

instead. Follow these two constraints in all future assignments also, even if they

are not explicitly stated.

5. Use the PropertyNames and EditablePropertyNames annotations (discussed in the

User Interface lectures) for all non-graphics Bean classes in this and future

assignments. Please note that ObjectEditor puts spaces in the middle of property

names to “beutify” the names. Please use the property names that in the code – the

getters and setters – which do not have spaces in them. If you get them wrong,

they will not be displayed by ObjectEditor.

6. Be sure to put all required tags.

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7. Use the appropriate StructurePattern annotations for the graphics and other Bean

classes in this and future assignments. You know you have used them correctly

when you do not get any warnings from ObjectEditor telling you of missing

structure pattern annotations. These tags make sure you define signatures are

written by you for getters and setters. If you define the right tags but wrong

signatures, you will lose most of your grading points.

8. Encapsulate all of your classes, as we discussed in lectures, in this and future

assignments. This means you should not make any non-final variable public.

9. Do not use any libraries I have not covered in class or authorized for this

assignment that make your task easier, such as ArrayList or Vector. The only

legal imports in your programs are those that begin with (a) mp or grail (these are

considered internal imports) and (b) bus.uigen, util, shapes, java.util.Scanner,

java.util.List, java.util.Iterator, java.util.NoSuchElementException. Not all of

these are needed, of course, for this assignment.

10. You can use any Math function in this and other assignments.

11. Make sure every command is included in some test string.

12. As mentioned above, make sure there are not warnings or errors from

ObjectEditor except for the one about the one about refreshing.

13. In this and future assignments, please do not use System.exit(), even when you

have errors, as that will halt the grader. Also when you use System.exit() after the

animation, we sometimes do not get enough time to observe your screen.

Submission Instructions These are the same is in the previous assignment except your document need not

contain videos or screenshots. The TAs will run the main method to see the test

cases animate.

Be sure to follow the conventions for the name and package of the main class so

that its full name is: main.Assignment4.

Good luck!

Controlling the width of TextFields created by ObjectEditor (For

fun, not for credit) You may find that the default width of the text fields created by ObjectEditor is not

sufficient to display the values of the properties you define in this assignment. You can

associate the getter of a property with a ComponentWidth annotation, which takes the

desired width (in pixels) of the text-field used to display the property, as shown below:

@ComponentWidth (800)

public String getHeight() {

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return height;


The annotation above ensures that the “height” property is displayed in a text field whose

width is 800 pixels.

You will need to import ComponentWidth as

import util.annotations.ComponentWidth

depending on the version you use. The best approach is to let Eclipse tell you what the

import should be. All annotations are in the util.annotation package.

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