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  • 1. THE POWER OF LIKEUnderstanding the scale and importance of social mediaNovember 2011
  • 2. Social Networking Is A Big Deal Across Europe Reach of Social Networking by Market Across Europe Europe 92.1 8.7 United Kingdom 97.8 14.1 Turkey 96.0 3.1 Portugal 95.7 8.6 Ireland 94.8 3.3 Poland 94.3 5.9 Spain 93.8 9.5 Belgium 93.2 8.5 Netherlands 92.9 8 Italy 92.8 4.2 Denmark 92.6 7 Finland 92.5 6.8 France 92.3 18.3 Sweden 91.9 7.2 Norway 90.5 -1.3 Germany 88.7 18.4 Austria 86.6 18.2 Switzerland 86.2 5.1Russian Federation 86.0 5.6 Point Change from June 2010 comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 2 Source: comScore Media Metrix, June 2011
  • 3. Facebook Overtaking Local Competitors Market By Market Russia: Netherlands: Facebook vs. Local Competitor Facebook vs. Local Competitor 40,000 16% 10,000 30,000 -4% 8,000 20,000 6,000 63% 220% 4,000 10,000 2,000 0 0 Vkontakte FACEBOOK.COM Hyves FACEBOOK.COM Poland: Facebook vs. Local Competitor 16,000 2% 14,000 12,000 10,000 64% 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 NASZA-KLASA.PL FACEBOOK.COM comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 3 Source: comScore Media Metrix, June 2010-2011
  • 4. Facebook 2nd Largest Property On UK Mobile Web Top 10 Mobile Web Properties by Unique Visitors 11,663,497 9,899,979 4,091,448 4,051,338 3,562,765 3,443,350 3,139,697 2,925,281 2,677,549 2,444,354 comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 4 Source: comScore GSMA MMM, June 2011
  • 5. Facebook Dominates Total Time Spent on Mobile Web Top 10 Mobile Properties by Time Spent - Total Minutes (000) 3,605,556 466,878 125,209 123,049 113,011 111,380 100,641 73,952 57,591 45,216 comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 5 Source: comScore GSMA MMM, June 2011
  • 6. Social Networking Access Growth Stronger Via Apps 49.4 Million (21% of all EU5 mobile owners) accessed Social Networking on mobile, 58% (28.9 Million) accessed via the mobile browser and 43% (21 Million) of those accessed via Mobile Apps. Accessed via Accessed via Mobile Browser Mobile App +35% +93% comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 6 Product: MobiLens; Data: 3month average ending Jun 11; Country: EU5, N= 66,737
  • 7. The Power of Like Study Date: Q2 2011 Panel Size: 2m globally Methodology: Passive data capture Focusing on the audience of branded content on social platforms namely, audience reach and frequency can unlock a much better understanding of the true impact (and therefore, value) of those impressions White paper and short video summary available at: d_Influence_Fans_Through_Social_Media_Marketing comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 7
  • 8. The Vast Majority of Brand Exposure Happens in the Newsfeed andon Profile Pages In May, Starbucks received 156 impressions for every 1 page view on their brand page Starbucks, Southwest & Bing: Ratio of Facebook Impressions for Fans & Friends of Fans to Page Views on Brand Fan Pages Source: comScore Social Essentials, U.S., May 2011180160 156140120100 80 60 42 45 40 20 0 Starbucks Southwest Bing comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 8 Source: comScore Power of Like, July 2011
  • 9. Friends of Fans Are a Major, Often Untapped, Source of AdditionalReach and Effectiveness Brands are not getting visibility into a huge proportion of the audience who are exposed to their branded content Starbucks, Southwest & Bing: Total U.S. Internet Bing Facebook Fan Segments Reach of Social Media Brand Impressions among Source: Facebook, Worldwide Data Fans & Friends of Fans 6% 4.9% 5% 4% 2.9% 3% 2% 1.0% 1% 0.6% 0.4% 0.5% 0% Starbucks Southwest Bing Fans Friends comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 9 Source: comScore Power of Like, July 2011
  • 10. Brand Exposure in Social Media Tends To Lead To SignificantlyHigher Usage of Owned Media Additionally, in the US where offline behaviour is also studied, Starbucks Fans & Friends of Fans spent 8 percent more and transacted 11 percent more frequently than the average Internet user who transacted at Starbucks Football club website reach amongst UK Internet Users30.0 26.925.0 23.220.0 18.715.010.0 7.6 6.6 6.8 5.0 1.6 1.4 1.3 0.0 Total Internet FriendExposed Fan Exposed of Fan Total Internet FriendExposed Fan Exposed of Fan Total Internet FriendExposed Fan Exposed of Fan comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 10 Source: comScore Social Essentials, Jul 2011
  • 11. Up.. +335% YoY +61% YoY +261% YoY +56% YoY +173% YoY +44% YoY +155% YoY +29% YoY +124% YoY +27% YoY +116% YoY +25% YoY +12% YoY +86% YoY +2% YoY comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 11 Source: comScore Media Metrix, June 2010-2011
  • 12. ... Down... Jun-10 Jun-11 % Change Windows Live Profile 43,657 34,319 -21 Skyrock 13,140 10,162 -23 StudiVZ Sites 15,756 9,836 -38 NETLOG.COM 7,512 7,229 -4 STAYFRIENDS.DE 7,860 3,903 -50 TAGGED.COM 3,042 2,228 -27 FOTOLOG.COM 3,194 2,093 -34 comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 12 Source: comScore Media Metrix, June 2010-2011
  • 13. ... and Upcoming 54K Uvs +3,480% YoY 197K Uvs 7,819K Uvs +606% YoY +73% YoY 1,320 K Uvs +145% YoY 4,455 Uvs +90% 2,086 K Uvs +46% YoY comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 13 Source: comScore Media Metrix, June 2010-2011
  • 14. Thank you! Mike ShawMarketing Solutions Director [email protected] comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 14

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