Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Collaborative Collaborative Problem SolvingProblem Solving

Bill Hommes

Page 2: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

What am I going to tell you about?

Creative Process we have used for the past

6 years to develop the concept for our robot Final concept is selected in 3 days Full participation by Students in Concept development

and selection – everyone has equal input Have always stuck with concept selected with full

team support – no second guessing

Page 3: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

“To Thrive in the Age of Instability Requires a Distinctive Corporate Culture….

…a culture that breeds an endless search for ideas that stand or fall on their merits, rather than the rank of their originator, a culture that brings everymind into the game.”

(Jack Welch)

Page 4: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Collaborative Collaborative Problem SolvingProblem Solving



Divergent Thinking

ProblemStatement Robot Concept

Page 5: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Common Goal

Alternatives Information

Risks Criteria



Key Factors in Consensus Decision Making

Page 6: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

What’s your Team’s Common Goal?

• Functional Robot• Competitive Regionally• Regional Champion• Competitive nationally• National Champion

Page 7: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 1 Goal - Develop Understanding of Game

Common Understanding of game

Potential Robot Capabilities Game Strategies

Page 8: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 1 – Common Understanding

• Watch Kick-off event• Goal is to insure everyone has understanding

of the game– Game description– Field Layout – Scoring

• Chart key points • Make Sketch of field layout

Page 9: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 1 – Potential Robot Capabilities

1 hold multiple tetras

2 long reach placement of tetras

3 see vision tetras

4 place a skewed tetra to prevent others from scoring

5 cap with more than one tetras at a time

6 push other robots

7 get tetra off loading station

8 cap high goal even with number of tetras already stacked

29 block other robots from capping

30Precision navigation to allow tetra placement

• • •

• Brainstorm WHAT functional capabilities you might want your robot to have

• Goal is to continue to improve understanding of game and implications on robot• List all suggestions but do NOT discuss HOW to do these things!!!!

Page 10: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 1 – Potential Strategies

• Brainstorm what strategies are possible

Block others from capping Maximize Tetras – score as many tetra’s as possible Maximize rows - focus on completing rows rather than #’s– Maximize value of autonomous Add tetras to game– Prevent opponents from getting tetras

• Select up to four strategies to develop further – CONCEPT STRENGTHENING

Page 11: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Goal of Concept Strengthening• Develop and strengthen the strategies by identifying

and overcoming key limitations• Avoid the common idea-slaughtering that occurs

when groups confront novel or unusual options

1. Break into 4 groups – one for each strategy2. Select leader for group (1 student/1 mentor)3. Spend 20 minutes working on your strategy4. Rotate to next group

• Leaders stay behind to explain to new group• Spend 10 minutes improving• Rotate to next group

Involve Everyone !!!

Page 12: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Concept Strengthening

• Advantages – List the top 2-3 advantages of strategy

• Limitations – why might this strategy not work, where might it fall short

• Unique Qualities – what are the unique elements we need to preserve

What does this strategy have that few or none of the others haveWhy is this strategy different

• Develop detailed game strategies to overcome key limitations – describe 2 minute matches

2 min.

2 min.

3 min.

13 min.

20 minutes

Page 13: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 1 - Wrap-up

• Each group reports back

– Do they recommend continuing to pursue strategy

– If yes, what is best means of implementing. Described a a 2 minute match

• Homework - Think of how you would build a robot to implement whatyou think is the best strategy

Page 14: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Day 2 - CreativityDay 2 - CreativityCriteria


Divergent Thinking

ProblemStatement Robot Concept

Page 15: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

In what ways might we build a robot to

play triple play?

Problem Statement

Page 16: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

The best way to get a good idea is to get lots of ideas.

(Linus Pauling)

Page 17: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Channeled into following patterns

Creativity & Lateral Thinking - DeBono

Page 18: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Breaking Patterns

Better solutions will be obvious AFTER you find them.

Creativity & Lateral Thinking

Page 19: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.




Guidelines for Creativity Session

Page 20: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

• Record Idea on Concept


• One idea per Sheet

Sequentially number concepts as presented

Concept Sheet

Page 21: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Idea Generation15 min Brain Dump

10 min Idea Generation Part II - Lateral Thinking

Organization10 min Develop Categories

Sharing 90 min Share Ideas

Agenda for Day 2 – Idea Generation

Page 22: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Forced Relationships:

Randomly grab a concept from a neighbor and combine it with the last concept you created and come up with at least one new idea that combines the two.

Page 23: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Forced Visual RelationshipsForced Visual Relationships

Write down 3-5 attributes of one of the Write down 3-5 attributes of one of the robots I am going to show robots I am going to show

Pick one set of attributes Pick one set of attributes Then think of how to build a robot for Then think of how to build a robot for

triple playtriple play

using that attributeusing that attribute Sketch it on an Concept SheetSketch it on an Concept Sheet

Page 24: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Collect pictures to stimulate your teams creativity

Page 25: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Worst IdeaWorst IdeaEveryone,Pick your worst idea.


Now,Let’s try to make it work…

Page 26: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.


• After sharing we will need to group ideas by category• Goal is about 5-10 ideas per category• Look over your ideas and think of some categories • What categories did you identify – need 20

Page 27: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

# Categories1 tetra catch or gripper2 drive train3 arm mechanism4 tetra storing on robot5 stablizers6 sensors7 blocking mechanisms8 cappers9 general robot principles

10 tetra knockers11 loading/placer mechanisms12 loading station interfacers13 tetra pushers14 vision tetra locators15 autonomous16 tic-tack-toe strategies17 multi tetra managers18 tetra stackers19 integration concepts

Categories for Grouping Ideas

Page 28: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Share ConceptsCategory #

Sequentially number concepts

• Share using – Transparency– Document Camera

• Post on Wall under Category Heading

Page 29: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Post Concepts by Category

#5 Stabilizers #11 Auto Loading/Placers #19 IntegrationConcepts

88 Total Concepts Generated

Page 30: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

• Select final concept that:• Meets team goals• Team supports• Will not second guess in week 2

Day 3 – Concept SelectionDay 3 – Concept SelectionCriteria


Divergent Thinking

ProblemStatement Robot Concept

Page 31: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

• Ability to play game– # of Points– flexibility in strategy

• Feasibility– Can we finish in 6 weeks– Robot Robustness

Selection Criteria

Page 32: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

• Identify the top 4 ideas – keep criteria in mind

• Review Ideas and make note of best ideas

• Trust your first impressions - decide quickly

• Once everyone has decided we will poll the group

Preliminary Preliminary SelectionSelection

Page 33: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Preliminary Selection

• Place dot on selected conceptsOr if available Wireless Polling technology

• Everyone decides before they vote – Avoids “Herd Mentality”

Preliminary Selection - total votes by concept #

Page 34: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

All Concepts Receiving Votes Grouped into Clusters:

Cluster 1 – Helper Bot – feed tetras to partnerCluster 2 – Load Station/GoalPlacementCluster 3 – Telescoping/Rotating ArmCluster 4 – Fork lift Cluster 5 - Articulating ArmCluster 6 – Gripper conceptsCluster 7 – Defensive Bot – block other robots

Cluster Ideas Remaining after Preliminary Selection

Page 35: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Final Ranking of Clusters

Rank Clusters-Ability to play game-Feasibility of completing in six weeks

Everyone votes – (1-10)- Tally votes- Discuss & Select final Concept

Opportunity Matrix








3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Feasibility of Completing In Six Weeks





y G










Defensive bot

Fork LiftTelescoping/Rotating Arm

Articulating Arm

Helper bot

Page 36: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

• Team Selected Fork Lift Concept• Recognized value of rotating fork lift to more easily place tetras

agreed could incorporate if identify simple means to implement

• Agreed defensive & Helper bots did not meet Team Goals

Final Final ResultsResults

Fork Lift Tetra StorageRotating Arm withFork Lift

Page 37: Collaborative Problem Solving Bill Hommes. What am I going to tell you about? b b Creative Process we have used for the past 6 years to develop the concept.

Defensive bots

Fork Lift

Six Weeks Six Weeks LaterLaterMeet Moebius

Telescoping Arm

Rotating Arm

Tetra Storage

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