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Page 1: Co-Operative Sytems WhereITsAt event introduction

Where it’s @!

Philip Anthony/Co-Operative Systems

Page 2: Co-Operative Sytems WhereITsAt event introduction

“When I were a lad...”

-30 years behind a keyboard-Looking Back to look Forward

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Messy Agenda

Trying to make some sense of it all…

Security – A virus

a day

What was it like?

What’s to come?

Effect of Yoof & IT

on tomorro


Making do

My experiences day to


IT & the 3rd


DP is mastered

DD is coming

Home/Work and the 24/7


Gimme some truth

– gimmicks and myths

The IT market place; what’s


What would

Del do?

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• 20 years experience

• Based in Vauxhall, London

• Specialist in IT for Third Sector

• Able and Accredited

• Work with up to 200 organisations in a year

• Daily responsible for some 200 servers and 4000+ IT users

• Partner with very able 3rd parties to give total IT service – Dell, Microsoft, Information works,SV


Co-Operative Systems

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The Story So Far – “Life with an Android”

• Phone in there somewhere - powerful, clever, but unreliable• Where’s the user manual?

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• Space invaders to MineCraft in 30 years

• Attributes of youth – change orientated, less

discipline, IT accelerates and magnifies this

• Attributes of age – experience, discipline, + control of resources

Yoof and IT –coming soon to your office

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Data Processing to “Doing” Processing

• Data Processing• Databases – Things, attributes,


• Same concepts 1930-2010

• We’ve become “transaction adept” – e.g. arrange an event like this

• Leaving a data-trail has mixed consequences!

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“Doing” Processing – Intelligent DP, & “Virtual” Becomes “Reality”

• Active Systems - e.g. Leisure Activity auto linked to Healthcare auto linked to Tax breaks

• We had first generation that had never not known IT in 2000, • In 2020 a generation that always ‘played’ and now ‘works’ in a virtual world

• An estimated 10,000 far eastern workers now create virtual objects for ‘time’ poor westerners (+ 4bn needing IT)

• Depaul’s “Help a Hobo” app raises funds for the Homeless• Virtual war (COD) to active war with drones

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Charities to Social Enterprises

• 9-5 becomes 24/7• Dusty pamphlets to websites• Non competitive to highly competitive• Big expansion of last 10 years leads to big

‘restructuring’ now • Trending now :

• - Sharing resources – Office and IT• - Outsourcing


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Me and My Homies

• The ‘martini’ effect keeps on growing• eg We’ve become a 7 day a week business

6am-10pm – The ‘Tesco’ effect

• We need our people to have email, internet, phone any time any place

• Not prescriptive, not always on, not always evidenced – “dispensation”


• Use of handhelds for data storage –’seriously, you got data on there?’• Solution = clean, protect & store data @ source• These effect trends are driving the take up of :

• Cloud services• Citrix• .Net apps & similar• Hybrid devices

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Can you do both?

Where do you want to work?

Where do you have

to be?

Where do you want

to be?

Poundshop = Google apps – Gmail etc- cheap cheerful, distracting

Pret = Citrix, Sans, .Net – powerful, reliable, costly

Pound shop or Pret? - Entry level IT is free, having an IT edge costs


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Lies, Damn Lies and 99.999% Reliability

• The internet is the slowest and weakest link• KPIs are not the same as the user experience• Is your data safe in the cloud? – if history has taught us anything...Sinclair,

Amstrad, WorldCom, BSB, Enron, Easynet• .NET is clunky vs Terminal solutions• Badged data centres – everyone selling the same centres as ‘theirs’

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Security, Viruses and Malware

• An ongoing headache – 15% of our calls, on some days 50% related to this

• Generally HQ & Core area looked after• Home users - very vulnerable

• Prognosis• – Will be messy for some time


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• Trying to move into the handheld space / mass volume servers for data centres

What’s Happening With the Big Boys?


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What’s Happening With the Big Boys?

• Google/Microsoft – On premise vs Off premise

• “Google is the best thing that could happen to Microsoft and thus the IT industry”

• Moving into each others space – e.g. Apple becomes biggest application vendor

• Disposability – HP devices tossed in the bin, at the lower end no updates/fixes/promises


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Is it a bird? Is it a plane?’s the IT team

• IT to the rescue• What was it like 3 years ago

• – how did you work?

• IT is taken for granted• IT has power to deliver massive improvements• Don’t stay still !

VirtualisationHostingCloudBladesHybrid Device.NETOffice360Google-AppsOver-the-wire backupSDSLMPLSSharepointCMSFailoverRackingVOIPManaged ServicesAndroid

???– Ask!Wor

ds th

at s


d ha

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10 into 8 will go

• You have 80% of what you need, do you :• Pray/Look the other way?

• Work harder and make others work harder

• Innovate – eg Look at the TCO spread cost over 5 years

“ I love recessions”

• Never been a better time to buy a new car or a new server





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• It’s a ‘messy’ world no clear road maps

• Major forces in play - Demographics, Economics, Technological

• There is a need to innovate whilst limiting risk level

• There are tremendous opportunities• and IT is the #1 way to move forward

• “Worse things happen at sea”

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Would the Trotters have a website?

• The Trotters as beacons of South London Business and battling through

• What can Delboy and Rodney teach us?• - Innovate, seize the day, be positive

• What can we also learn?• – remember to think about tomorrow, and

tomorrows’ tomorrow

• Steve Jobs – His “phreaking” days • – dodgier than Del, but boy done good

• Yes! the Trotters would have email, ebay, mobile and a website

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Where it’s @! 2011-Thank You-

Philip Anthony/Co-Operative Systems

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