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CMPUT 114 – Welcome!

Department of Computing Science

University of Alberta

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Objectives of this lecture

Welcome you to the course

Introduce you to your instructor & other course staff

Outline the course prerequisites

Overview the course structure, policies, content & grading scheme

Give you a realistic view of what this course involves (in terms of student time and effort)

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Instructor Information

Name:Robert Holte

Office: Athabasca Hall, Room 349

Office hours:

Tuesday, 2-3 p.m.

& other times by appointment – please email me in advance

Phone: 492-3105

Email: [email protected]

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Course Staff

Course coordinator (manages the entire course)Walter Bischof, ATH 419, [email protected]

Lab coordinator (lab admin. issues, TA coordination etc.) Roman Fedoriw, ATH 220, [email protected]

Lab instructor (lab content & teaching issues) Helen Wan, ATH 202, [email protected]

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Prerequisites: Pure Math 30 and CS 30 or equivalent.

A basic knowledge of computer programming:– variables– assignment– arithmetic expressions– if statements and loops.

CS30With programming


CMPUT 114 CMPUT 1152nd year

Computing Science

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Am I ready for CMPUT 114?

Students who do not have a basic knowledge of computer programming should enrol in CMPUT 101

Are you ready for CMPUT 114? See the

following link:

Try the programs at bottom of the page

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Course Structure & Description

3 lecture hours + 3 lab hours per week

An introduction to solving Computing Science problems by writing computer programs in a high-level programming language called Java.

Students are introduced to objects and values, messages and methods, control structures, and simple containers.

Discussion of elementary algorithms and software engineering techniques for constructing elegant and robust solutions to problems.

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Course Web Site

Course homepage:

Everything you need for the course is on web site:Lab & lecture schedules (including exam dates)Past exam papers and solutionsLecture notesFrequently Asked QuestionsLab exercises & assignmentsAnd much, much more!

Please spend time getting familiar with its contents as soon as you can

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Computing Final GradesLaboratory exercises 10%

Assignment #1 5%

Assignment #2 5%

Lab Examination 10%

Term examination #1 15%

Term examination #2 20%

Final examination 35%

Your final grade will depend on the entire profile of the grades in your lecture section and a particular composite score does not

guarantee a particular final grade. (i.e. 70% doesn’t necessarily mean a stanine 7, 80% doesn’t necessarily mean an 8 etc.)

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Lectures & Overheads

Overheads are available from:– CMPUT 114 web site– Quality Colour Printing, basement of Cameron Library

(approx $15)

Students only have a free printing quota of 30 pages – don’t waste these, you’ll need them for code listings etc.!

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Recommended Text Books

 We’re trying a new approach this year!

No single required text – choose one that suits your learning style and individual needs

Winston: more of a reference than text book. Other 2 have more examples, more case studies

Copy of each on reserve in Cameron library

See link on web site for more details

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The Options

Deitel & Deitel "Java, How to Program" 3rd EditionPublisher: Prentice Hall

Kamin, Mickunas, Reingold "An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java" 2nd EditionPublisher: McGraw Hill

Winston, Narasimhan "On to Java" 3rd EditionPublisher: Addison Wesley Higher Education

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Scheduled labs start week beginning Monday 13th January 2003 – please attend the lab section in which you are officially registered

You’ll get a CMPUT 114 computer ID during 1st lab

Attendance in labs is compulsory

You will be required to demo each program

See bottom of lab schedule for grading details

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Using CodeWarrior Version 6:Version 8 available from bookstore if you wish to buy itSome texts also come bundled with “free” CW learning editionUofA staff do not provide support for home computers If you work at home, you must make sure it’ll also work in our

labs (TA won’t fix your code to make it work!)CW info can be found in FAQ section of CMPUT 114 web site

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Missed ExamsAll missed work will automatically be given a zero unless an EA is granted

If you feel you deserve an EA:– Midterms: contact your instructor within 2 working days– Lab exam: no EAs given– Final exam: apply to your own Faculty for deferred exam

EAs will not be granted for minor medical issues, vacations, work commitments or any other reason which does not prevent you from completing a piece of work or examDeferred Final Exam:– Must apply to the Dean’s office within 2 days of the missed final– Will be held Monday, May 5th, 2003, 9 a.m., Athabasca Hall room 328

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Missed Practical Work

Missed lab exercise:– 1st missed lab: talk to your TA. TA will give 1 “free” EA– 2nd and subsequent EAs: must attend interview with Dr. C. Jones

(Ath. Hall 3-30, [email protected] ); must send email within 1 week of missed lab deadline

Missed assignment:– must send email to [email protected] within 2 days of

assignment deadline – will be required to attend interview

See web site for more details

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ExamsPhoto ID required prior to entering any 114 exam;

If you’re not on the class list, you don’t get in

Midterm dates are listed on the lecture schedule

No supplementals, or alternative times/dates

Weight of missed lab exams will not be transferred – no one will avoid the lab exam

Exams: no references or aids (books, calculators etc.)

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Check your marks each week

Check the marks entered for you on the couse web page each week.Any problems related to marks must be reported within one week of the work being returned to you.This deadline holds for midterms, lab exams, exercises, assignments, etc.

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Collaboration is not allowed in labs or assignments.In the past, plagiarism has been a major problem in courses like CMPUT 114 and 115.

We will use software tools to check all assignment submissions for plagiarism:– Not fooled by changing variable names etc. – compares underlying

structure of code– Compares across lab sections

Instructors then investigate all suspicious cases reported by the software tools

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CMPUT 114: Fall 2002

Assignment 1





79988 18 8 4 2








0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100





Suspicious cases

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Some Facts:

Detection of plagiarism is easy and fast.Everybody’s assignment is compared to everybody else’s, even over different terms, if necessary.All cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean’s office.You are equally guilty whether you took someone else’s work or you gave your work to someone else.13 cases of plagiarisms in CMPUT114 in Fall 2002 are currently being dealt with. Expected penalties are severe (Grade 1F, suspensions, etc.)

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Plagiarism – final word

Honest students need not be concerned:All suspicious cases are carefully analyzed.

Dishonest students should be concerned:

Detection is easy and penalties are severe.

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Final notes & advice (#1)

Dept. of Computer Science does not allow students to audit any of its courses – please ask for permission to “sit in”

CMPUT 114 is all programming (no spreadsheets, word processing, web page design or anything else!)

Lectures may discuss some points not included in printed overheads – may be included in exams. Don’t miss class!

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Final notes & advice (#2)

Practical component of CMPUT 114 can be time-consuming and challenging – be prepared!

Use a variety of learning resources to prepare for your labs, not just lecture material; sometimes the lab will cover material not (yet) covered in class; this is not unusual in Science courses!

For your own sake, if you have to miss a lab make sure that you complete it before starting the next lab (material builds in an incremental manner)

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And finally…

CMPUT 114 is a great course – can be time consuming and hard work for many students, but you will learn a lot and we hope that you will enjoy it and fun.

Have a great term!

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