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Page 1: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Cluster Analysis

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid

Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer ScienceVrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

March 14, 2016

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 2: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering


K-Means Clustering

Similarity-Based Clustering

Nearest Neighbor Clustering

Ensemble Clustering

Subspace Clustering

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 3: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

What is Clustering?

Clustering is the process of grouping a set of instances (data points orexamples or vectors) into clusters (subsets or groups) so that instanceswithin a cluster have high similarity in comparison to one another, butare very dissimilar to instances in other clusters.Clustering may be found under different names in different contexts, suchas:

I Unsupervised Learning

I Data Segmentation

I Automatic Classification

I Learning by Observation

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 4: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

What is Clustering? (con.)

Figure: Clustering of a set of instances.

Similarities and dissimilarities of instances are based on the predefinedfeatures of the data. The most similar instances are grouped into a singlecluster.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 5: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Area of Applications

Clustering has been widely used in many real world applications, such as:

I Human genetic clustering

I Medical imaging clustering

I Market research

I Field robotics

I Crime analysis

I Pattern recognition

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 6: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Clustering Instances

Let X be the unlabelled data set, that is,

X = {x1, x2, · · · , xN}; (1)

The partition of X into k clusters, C1, · · · ,Ck , so that the followingconditions are met:

Ci 6= ∅, i = 1, · · · , k ; (2)

∪ki=1Ci = X ; (3)

Ci ∩ Cj = ∅, i 6= j , i , j = 1, · · · , k ; (4)

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 7: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Requirements for Clustering

The goal of clustering is to group a set of unlabelled data. There aremany typical requirements of clustering in machine learning and datamining, such as:

I Dealing with large data sets containing different types of attributes.

I Find the clusters with arbitrary shape.

I Ability to deal with noisy data in data streaming environment.

I Handling with high-dimensional data sets.

I Constraint-based clustering.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 8: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Types of Clustering Methods

The basic clustering methods are organised into the four categories:

1. Partitioning methods

2. Hierarchical methods

3. Density-based methods

4. Grid-based methods

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 9: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Partitioning Method

I The partitioning method constructs k clusters of the given set of Ninstances, where k ≤ N. It finds mutually exclusive clusters ofspherical shape using the traditional distance measures (Euclideandistances).

I To find the cluster center, it may use mean or medoid (etc.) andapply iterative relocation technique to improve the clustering bymoving instances from one cluster to another such as k-meansclustering.

I The partitioning algorithms are ineffective for clusteringhigh-dimensional big data.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 10: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Hierarchical Method

The hierarchical methods create a hierarchical decomposition of Ninstances. It can be divided into two categories:

1. top-down (or divisive) approache.

2. bottom-up (or agglomerative) approache

The top-down approach starts with a single cluster having all the Ninstances and then split into smaller clusters in each successive iteration,until eventually each instance is in one cluster, or a termination conditionholds.The bottom-up approach starts with each instance forming a separatecluster and then successively merges the clusters close to one another,until all the clusters are merged into a single cluster, or a terminationcondition holds.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 11: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Density-based method

The density-based methods cluster instances based on the distancebetween instances, which can find arbitrarily shaped clusters. It cancluster instances as dense regions in the data space, separated by sparseregions.

Figure: Clustering of a set of instances using density-based clustering.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 12: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Grid-based method

The grid-based methods use a multi-resolution grid data structure. It’sfast processing time that typically independent of the number ofinstances, yet dependent on the grid size.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 13: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Similarity Measure

A similarity measure (SM), sim(xi , xl), defined between any twoinstances, xi , xl ∈ X ; An integer value k , the clustering problem is todefine a mapping f : X → 1, · · · , k , where each instance, xi is assignedto one cluster Ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ k ;Given a cluster, Ci ,∀xil , xim ∈ Ci , and xj /∈ Ci , sim(xil , xim) > sim(xil , xj);A good clustering is that instances in the same cluster are “close” orrelated to each other, whereas instances of different clusters are “farapart” or very different from one another, which together satisfy thefollowing requirements:

I Each cluster must contain at least one instance.

I Each instance must belong to exactly one cluster.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 14: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Distance Measure

A distance measure (DM), dis(xi , xl), where xi , xl ∈ X , as opposed tosimilarity measure, is often used in clustering. Let’s consider thewell-known Euclidean distance or Euclidean metric (i.e. straight-line)between two instances in Euclidean space in Eq. 5.

dis(xi , xl) =

√√√√ m∑i=1

(xi − xl)2 (5)

Where, xi = (xi1, xi2, · · · , xim) and xl = (xl1, xl2, · · · , xlm) are twoinstances in Euclidean m-space.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 15: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

k-Means or c-Means

It defines the centroid of a cluster, Ci as the mean value of the instances{xi1, xi2, · · · , xiN} ∈ Ci . It proceeds as follows. First, it randomly selectsk instances, {xk1, xk2, · · · , xkN} ∈ X each of which initially represents acluster mean or center. For each of the remaining instances, xi ∈ X , xi isassigned to the cluster to which it is most similar, based on the Euclideandistance between the instance and the cluster mean. It then iterativelyimproves the within-cluster variation. For each cluster, Ci , it computesthe new mean using the instances assigned to the cluster in the previousiteration. All the instances, xi ∈ X are then reassigned into clusters usingthe updated means as the new cluster centers. The iterations continueuntil the assignment is stable, that is the clusters formed in the currentround are the same as those formed in the previous round.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 16: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Cluster Mean

A high degree of similarity among instances in clusters is obtained, whilea high degree of dissimilarity among instances in different clusters isachieved simultaneously. The cluster mean of Ci = {xi1, xi2, · · · , xiN} isdefined in equation 6.

Mean = Ci =



Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 17: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Algorithm 1 k-Means Clustering

Input: X = {x1, x2, · · · , xN} // A set of unlabelled instances.k // the number of clustersOutput: A set of k clusters.Method:

1: arbitrarily choose k number of instances, {xk1, xk2, · · · , xkN} ∈ X asthe initial k clusters center;

2: repeat3: (re)assign each xi ∈ X → k to which the xi is the most similar based

on the mean value of the xm ∈ k ;4: update the k means, that is, calculate the mean value of the instances

for each cluster;5: until no change

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 18: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Drawbacks of k-Means Clustering

The k-Means clustering is not guaranteed to converge to the globaloptimum and often terminates at a local optimum (as the initial clustermeans are assigned randomly). It may not be used in some applicationsuch as when data with nominal features are involved. The k-Meansmethod is not suitable for discovering clusters with non-convex shapes orclusters of very different size.The time complexity of the k-Means algorithm is O(nkt), where n is thetotal number of instances, k is the number of clusters, and t is thenumber of iterations. Normally, k � n and t � n.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 19: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

K-Means - An Example

Figure: Weather Numeric Data.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 20: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

K-Means using Weka 3

Figure: SimpleKMeans on Weather Nominal Data.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 21: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Run Information


Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 22: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Weka Cluster Visualize

Figure: Clustering Weather Nominal Data.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 23: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

k-Means: Another Example

Table: Height Data

Name Gender Height OutputKristina F 1.6 m ShortJim M 2 m TallMaggie F 1.9 m MediumMartha F 1.88 m MediumStephanie F 1.7 m ShortBob M 1.85 m MediumKathy F 1.6 m ShortDave M 1.7 m ShortWorth M 2.2 m TallSteven M 2.1 m TallDebbie F 1.8 m MediumTodd M 1.95 m MediumKim F 1.9 m MediumAmy F 1.8 m MediumWynette F 1.75 m Medium

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 24: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Similarity-Based Clustering

A similarity-based clustering method (SCM) is an effective and robustclustering approach based on the similarity of instances, which is robustto initialise the cluster numbers and efficient to detect different volumesof clusters. SCM is a method for clustering a data set into most similarinstances in the same cluster and most dissimilar instances in differentclusters. The instances in SCM can self-organise local optimal clusternumber and volumes without using cluster validity functions.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 25: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Similarity between Instances

Let’s consider sim(xi , xl) as the similarity measure between instances xiand the lth cluster center xl . The goal is to find xl to maximise the totalsimilarity measure shown in Eq. 7.

Js(C ) =k∑



f (sim(xi , xl)) (7)

Where, f (sim(xi , xl)) is a reasonable similarity measure andC = {C1, · · · ,Ck}. In general, the similarity-based clustering methoduses feature values to check the similarity between instances. However,any suitable distance measure can be used to check the similaritybetween the instances.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 26: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Algorithm 2 Similarity-based Clustering

Input: X = {x1, x2, · · · , xN} // A set of unlabelled instances.Output: A set of clusters, C = {C1,C2, · · · ,Ck}.Method:1: C = ∅;2: k = 1;3: Ck = {x1};4: C = C ∪ Ck ;5: for i = 2 to N do6: for l = 1 to k do7: find the lth cluster center xl ∈ Cl to maximize the similarity

measure, sim(xi , xl);8: end for9: if sim(xi , xl) ≥ threshold value then

10: Cl = Cl ∪ xi11: else12: k = k + 1;13: Ck = {xi};14: C = C ∪ Ck ;15: end if16: end for

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 27: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

SCM - An Example

Figure: Weather Nominal Data.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 28: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Nearest Neighbor (NN) Clustering

Instances are iteratively merged into the existing clusters that are closest.In NN clustering a threshold, t, is used to determine if instances will beadded to existing clusters or if a new cluster is created. The complexityof the NN clustering algorithm is depends on the number of instances inthe dataset. For each loop, each instance must be compared to eachinstance already in a cluster.Thus, the time complexity of NN clustering algorithm is O(n2). We doneed to calculate the distance between instances often, we assume thatthe space requirement is also O(n2).

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 29: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Algorithm 3 Nearest Neighbor Clustering

Input: D = {x1, x2, · · · , xn} // A set of instances.A // Adjacency matrix showing distance between instancesOutput: A set of C clusters.Method:1: C1 = {x1};2: C = {C1};3: k = 1;4: for i = 2 to n do5: find xm in some cluster Cm in C so that dis(xi , xm) is the smallest;6: if dis(xi , xm) ≤t, threshold value then7: Cm = Cm ∪ xi8: else9: k = k + 1;

10: Ck = {xi};11: C = C ∪ Ck ;12: end if13: end for

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 30: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Euclidean Vs. Manhattan distance

The distance between the two points in the plane with coordinate (x,y)and (a,b) is given by:

EuclideanDistance, (x , y)(a, b) =

√(x − a)2 + (y − b)2 (8)

ManhattanDistance, (x , y)(a, b) = |x − a|+ |y − b| (9)

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 31: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Ensemble Clustering

Ensemble clustering is a process of integrating multiple clusteringalgorithms to form a single strong clustering approach that usuallyprovides better clustering results. It generates a set of clusters from agiven unlabelled data set and then combines the clusters into finalclusters to improve the quality of individual clustering.

I No single cluster analysis method is optimal.

I Different clustering methods may produce different clusters, becausethey impose different structure on the data set.

I Ensemble clustering performs more effectively in high dimensionalcomplex data.

I It’s a good alternative when facing cluster analysis problems.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 32: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Ensemble clustering (con.)

Generally three strategies are applied in ensemble clustering:

1. Using different clustering algorithms on the same data set to createheterogeneous clusters.

2. Using different samples/ subsets of the data with different clusteringalgorithms to cluster them to produce component clusters.

3. Running the same clustering algorithm many times on same data setwith different parameters or initialisations to create homogeneousclusters.

The main goal of the ensemble clustering is to integrate componentclustering into one final clustering with a higher accuracy.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 33: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Subspace Clustering

The subspace clustering finds subspace clusters in high-dimensional data.It can be classified into three groups:

1. Subspace search methods.

2. Correlation-based clustering methods

3. Biclustering methods.

A subspace search method searches various subspaces for clusters (setof instances that are similar to each other in a subspace) in the fullspace. It uses two kinds of strategies:

I Bottom-up approach - start from low-dimensional subspace andsearch higher-dimensional subspaces.

I Top-down approach - start with full space and search smallersubspaces recursively.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 34: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Subspace Clustering (con.)

A correlation-based approach uses space transformation methods toderive a set of new, uncorrelated dimensions, and then mine clusters inthe new space or its subspaces. It uses PCA-based approach (principalcomponents analysis), the Hough transform, and fractal dimensions.Biclustering methods cluster both instances and featuressimultaneously, where cluster analysis involves searching data matrices forsub-matrices that show unique patterns as clusters.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 35: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java

Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is a collection ofmachine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms caneither be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code.Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression,clustering, association rules, and visualization.Mark Hall, Eibe Frank, Geoffrey Holmes, Bernhard Pfahringer, PeterReutemann, Ian H. Witten (2009); The WEKA Data Mining Software:An Update; SIGKDD Explorations, Volume 11, Issue 1.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 36: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Clustering Algorithms in Weka 31. SimpleKMeans - Cluster using the k-Means method.

2. XMeans - Extension of k-Means.

3. DBScan - Nearest-neighbor-based clustering that automaticallydetermines the number of clusters.

4. OPTICS - Extension of DBScan to hierarchical clustering.

5. HierarchicalClusterer - Agglomerative hierarchical clustering.

6. MakeDensityBasedCluster - Wrap a clusterer to make it returndistribution and density.

7. EM - Cluster using expectation maximization.

8. CLOPE - Fast clustering of transactional data.

9. Cobweb - Implements the Cobweb and Classit clustering algorithms.

10. FarthestFirst - Cluster using the farthest first traversal algorithm.

11. FilteredClusterer - Runs a clusterer on filtered data.

12. sIB - Cluster using the sequential information bottleneck algorithm.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 37: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Weka GUI Chooser

Figure: Weka GUI Chooser.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 38: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Weka Explorer

Figure: Weka Explorer.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 39: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Clustering using Weka

Figure: Cluster - Weka Explorer.

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

Page 40: Cluster Analysis - VUBThe density-based methods cluster instances based on the distance between instances, which can nd arbitrarily shaped clusters. It can cluster instances as dense

Outline Introduction K-Means Clustering Similarity-Based Clustering Nearest Neighbor Clustering Ensemble Clustering Subspace Clustering

Reference Books

1. Data Mining Concepts and Technique, by Jiawei Han, MichelineKamber, and Jian Pei (Third Edition)

2. Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, byIan H. Witten, Eibe Frank, and Mark A. Hall (Third Edition)

3. Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications, Edited byAdem Karahoca

4. Mining Complex Data, by Djamel A. Zighed, Shusaku Tsumoto,Zbigniew W. Ras, and Hakim Hacid

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid: Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Cluster Analysis

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