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Page 1: Clocks - Wellesley Township Heritage & Historical Society

Vol. 7. No. / Wellesley, Thursday, October 25tb, 1900. J. W . GREEN, Prop.

Are You,in the habit of sending money away through tbo mail? *

Do You-Know that according to the Foatmaster-Ucnerul'* report there were over lOOOletter- Bald to oontaiu money or val uablee lost In the Canadian mails In one year?

Can You,afT >rd to take Ihe risk?

W e i»eue Money Orders at lowe* rute* payable at par throughout Canada or t bo United otuUw. N«> risk. Bmall coat.

Wo will recrive your deposit* from $1 up aud Jlov you intcrrtt thereon com ]«>undod every *i* mouth*, Absolut* to ourily U> depositors.

Auihuriaed Capital $1,000,000.00 Paid up Capital MO.UUU.OORricrvo Fund 9UU.000.00Total Asset* o n r 6,MO,O0O.Ol>


Western Bank of CanadaW ELLES LEY BRANCH

W. ft. West, Mto&ier

iu» j urine, wfilCb auout Pt«L.ui1 a n a “in ln V " '- nuniclpwl eo un rlu

f t o m lw arc au tL o r fir J t.»of This »?omp«nj.<,mtm*Bf* i“ th*

ILI.IAM BU-K1M1HAU.Usings* aud Ticattucr.

WM. CLAISTER, M. D„ C- It.,vrm nuT.

/TOLD sad 8Il»*r MsoaUit. la ta HouaaHut.G gman Toronto U«n*r* l Hoa^iUl.

H. HILTS^ a * » D e n t i s t ’

WellesleyU rn c * :—Opposite tho Furniture


E.. V . C L E M E N I T ^ . vnr — ■

rriater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc.

ionar to Loan on Uorlgsg* of R«al

ClocksThorn to nothing that furnish bh

your Table or Mantel hotter than a nice CLOCK of Marble, Mnrboloized Wood. Hilt or Silver. Yon proba­bly did not think of CLOCKS for that Wedding Proeent- yon. want In June. Yon will find our Btook of aneb CLOCKS very artistic and not

| expensive. Call and examine th?m.

J. Welch & SonDirect J mnnah*— -

STRATFORDOptician. Eyes Tea tod Free.


3ffloe up-stairs, opposite the post office, King street, Berlin, Out.

:dltn & Welr<^"ton Htc. ufflfit. upiUvritb. Wnadai'a Block. BafHn.

w. T. WALLACE, M, D.X. B. C. b. E *« .

OFFICE —Ouaan HB-, oppotiTa Opera Houm, BERLIN.

cr*ci*twi: mrm. mah. momm Amo •J tmwoar . o » i.r

Orriox H o urs : 9-12; 2-4;7-9 raorasu.

<d ? e A lbion l7°+elW ELLESLEY.

H KreutzwieserPBOPHIETOB,

Every Modern Accommodation Choicest Liquors

Best Stabling.Barrad Pljmouth Hook Ku> lor »a l«. 91.00

par ss&tlng

e Mart* OcaiONB

. . . . Cop-rnidHTa AcAn»naRH<i<1tn( kakalrk'

SdcriMic Jtttterlcaa.

Britib Mortgage Loan Co., of Ontario.


hoar throe per emt, oai*. tob**l I ) *ilhrtiie HritiEhjIurtfaacto'a

— — Its* tunMI wilbSrttwo FW bV k bcKXeomptms.fsJ half ,eaM;T , T *1* «0 »r » « lT U uvw preparaA to Itsn# iii I ,1>r n"J er OVOT lor «w| *r Kir intrrv. Oil Hlw>re trnoj, r«]iirMjuilJilic I 'im iutcr»bt with (bo primiita! wtirr ■is month*, or paiinir InUreft out t t r r r half J m r.lin ity hib dwU«M| tiLii qlldvlbi bolh-od ri:rM *y?*GS5£ltt**»• or twelve

in,« -

|took «lrponriv of v ju lv irfr nuioubt. J|>, tareat roniix-uinleU lulr-Ts*rlr. Tbre* parS K t - f i f " * * ***** h* w‘ ,h'Il»W!l at a,ir time W^b Intorw*, 0,1 iibm »o >tat« .if «rU)i Jrawnl b J t? ” kfcr,V M n t t a a u.grdajrabunJ..

x * m * * m m % # *v> Tb* Lcaainc Coaimaraial School X£

1 _ Central -Business $ College,

J STRATFORD.X ’ Tbii He haul i» tveocnited Vo b«

- on* ol the beat cotumarcial acboola in AuinHca. Vun can aafclr |»H*« . a ecbool bj tb* applioAtiona It rac- j

Thi* roar w« recrlvad ap. . pllcatioui from flrtna in «ix largo s cltiM an.l from far more •

v>. towns and cilia* In Canada (nclud- i /T 1»« tiaaitatnou. Mask. »n tb* w «it t O# and ChorlotUlown, P. X. I o,. the ,/>’ east. Oar taputatiun m,aoa tunoh \ v> lor uu. ituauatw. .W rit* for our *A cata:o«u*. VV ELLIOTT A X«LaCHLAM,9k i ’rincipah.

Ssitof % * * * 1


Of the Preston and Berlin Electric Railway.

riinetal le No. 8. effective Oct. 6th Leave Berlin for Preston, Hw-

peler and H alt:—A. M.— 8.00, 9.OS, 10.OS, 21.05.P. M.— 12,06, 1.05, 2.05, 3.05, 4 OR,

5.05, 0.05, 7.05. « C8, 9,05. 10.05,11.05, (Preston only).

dxtra express car will leave Berlin for C. P. R. station, Galt, curry­ing passengers uml baggage, at 8.40 a m und and ft r> m.

Leave Preston Junction for Ber­lin, Hespclor and G a lt:—

A. M.— (9 20, Hiwpeloronly), (63.0 Galt only), 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.8511.35.

P. M.— *2,36, 1 35, 3.35, 3.85, 4.366.35.6.35, 7.35,8.35, 9.35, 10.35.

Extra express cars will leave Pres­ton Springs at 9.08 a rn, ami B.S5 i p in for C. P. R. station Galt.

Leave Galt for Berlin, Preston and H e s p e l e r v A. A£ — 7.00. 8.00, 9.C5, 10.05, 11.05. P M.— 18.06, 1.05, 2.05 , 3.05, 4.05,

5.05, 6,05, 7.05, 8.05, 9.05, 10,05, (11.05, Preston only.)

Extra express car will leave C. P. R, station going nertli on arrival of the 10.35 ntuuud 7,14 pm trains

Leave Heepelor for Preston, Galtj and BerlinA. M.— 0.35, 8.10’ 9.10, 10.10, 11.35. P. M.— 13.14. 1.15. 2.15, 3.15, 4.15,

5.15, 0.15, 7.15, 8.15, 0.15, 10.15. (10.50, Preston only).


' Mias Balin' Ahrens and Miss Fannie Ballard .ipeut a few days in Ber in, they vote detogatce of the Spworth League liore, to the con­vention held in Berlin on Thanks­giving Day.

Mi Hoi’s Gran Catron, Minnie Tnl- ton and Annvrtii hhellcy of Berlin spent thanksgiving Day at the tateiL borne.

Mr, Ben Ballard of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving vacation under the parental ro- f.

Miea Alice m u d love to viaiting her anut Mrs. White.

Mr. Clmrlie B^lfonl of Blooming- dnl« spent UrntMluy at Mr. Me Alltoter’s.

Miss M. Donald spent the Thaukri. giving holiday* in Berlin.

Mr. F. Brnbakor and Mr. Ger­man Brubaker of Bridgeport spent Hurnluy at Mr. W . Paterson’s.

Miss Clara Biott of Berlin was the guest uf MH-h Nettie Donald a few days last week,

Annivorsary Bervicos will bo held in tho Methodist church next Sun­day Oat. ‘28th. The Kev. Mr. Do wan of Glen Allen will take charge.


Thanksgiving Day paseod off qnietly in this village.

Mr. J. K. ;Bphinidt spent tlm holiday in Bridgeport.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Forler. of Burlio, spent part of last week In

makes his home Tn**'Br Agnthu j passed through the villagu on route for Crosshill an Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Moyer, of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lanta.

Miss Klornu M. Bohmldt spent Thanksgiving Day in Berlin, the guefltof Mrs. Chas Grater.

Mrs. Rev. T. W . Miller, of Tor­onto to at present the guost of Mrs. J. laiegholiz.

Mr. Emanuel Berg spent Sunday with his parents near Wellesley.

Mr. Willie Hsxtnng, south of Ham­burg. spent Sunday with his mother here.

Mr. John llillgardner and sister, of StraHburg, were the guests of Miss Millie Dooring.

Mr, James Chambers, of Bridge port mode a business trip through Pliilipshurg and vloinity on Mon­day.

Mr. W ra. Brandt is laid up with a severe attack of lambago,

Mr. Alox. MoTavish, horse buyer, if Stratford,- was in the vio'.n’.ty buying some good horseflesh


TliankFgiving Day passed very qnietly in town; several of our go-cd i*ooplo going oat in different-1 places to visit tboir friends,

Mitisj Lola Sjahr was visiting her ststor, Mrs. V. R . Berlet, of Berlin lost week.

Mr. Bert Heinbuch of Berlin high school, was home for a piece of the Thanksgiving turkoy.

Sevorol of our citizens wont to Glomdlen on Thanksgiving Day to attend the entertainment in the Methodist church. They all re ported a very good time,

K « r - R, B. Hamilton attended the Epvrorth League convention held in Berlin last weok.

Mr. Martinson, of Hawkesville, called on friends In the village lost Saturday evening.

Mr. Dougherty, of Mt. Forest,

spent lost Thursday with friends in town.

Mr. Walter Williams, of Owen S rnnd was home for hto Thanks­giving dinner,

The dedication services of the now Lutheran lUHUse were held la* t Tuesday. The service in tho after- n> n was in English and tho even­ing In German. W e oongmtnUle tur Lutheran friends on thoir fine

chnmh and manse. Thoy are in­deed a credit to our town.

Tho lower part of R. Y . Pltd\’n new elevator was raised lant Satur­day Mr. M. Goetz is doing the work, and it to needless to Bay it will bo well done.

The masons are at work on the inundation for the new Separate School. On Monday a large qunn tity of atone was hauled.

Miss Ida Goetz of Hawkesville, wne home over Sunday.

Mr. John McKayi a renovating his stable and adding a alone foun­dation and a cement floor.

Mr. White, of tho bank staff has been moved to Exetor. II to friends wish him all success.

Rev. Wm. Sterling was proaohing in Drnytdpffor Kov. Honey last Sunday.

Thu anniversary services held iu Methodist churoh here on Sunday, *21st iust., was quite sncce^sful. R«v. G, E. Honey, B. A.. B. D., of Drayton, officiated. In the morn­ing he took “Giving,” as hto sub­ject. The more 'wo keep ho said, tho nioro lose; the more wo

i1!11 it! * £Ufa. ru-a

gantloman ountlnned. Is not in goi ting, in grasping, in multiplying the dollars, but in giving. W e on- rich ourselves tho wont when wo try most of all to enrich others. At tho evening service ha very oieurly and definitely answered several objection* to the goodness of God. Tho churoh woh comfort­able filled in the morning and at the evening services seats had to be placed In the aisles to accommo­date the crowd.

Gentlemon, you just aught to see the pretty new Ties the T. Haggle Co. has just put in stock. They certainly are swolleat in the mark- ct. Perhaps tho finest etock ever seen in linwood.


Our bridge is now finished and will be opened for traffic as soon n» the cement hardens.

Mr. Nicholas Babaoh, t?ebring- vilto (father-in-law of Mr, Goo. Ncib) had hto leg broken one day last weok.

Mias Addio Stuock, of Toronto, is spending u week holidaying with her parents at the jKwt ofUce here.

Miss. Monteith. assistant teacher hero, sjsent the Thanksgiving holi­days with her parents in Stratford,

Mr. Moses, of Lisbon got his horse down while trying lo get through the crook at tho bridge hero the other day. Tit ere wan quito a lot of difficult work in getting the animal out. Mr. Young, tho trav­eler, got stock in that- mime spot and onr local life-saving crow had to go to his assistance.


A shooting match will ho 1 old in Lisbon, on Nov. 1st. Tnikcys, geese and dnoks, besides a live pigeon shoot are on tho pragm a.

Mm". Kunlz and Mrs. Ilai ed, of Baden, visited relatives hero early this week.

A y o ^ f tn named Wolfe, of GudshilV driving dowu ihc|

amor no*, w, x. a u p n o iL

-tb iaM iir, j or »h*— T avistock Mii.i iNc* Co., ox T avis­

tock, G ht.For sale by Fred Bivour, Wellesley.

steep hill here on Monday, when hto horso stumbled and tell, making .in exciting mix-up for a few min­ute*. Neighbors helped him oat of his difficulty and no damage re­united.

Eddie Bohmldt has taken a posi­tion in Pfeffers tailorahop and In­tend* to .earn the busidess.

The brirkyard 1* shortly to olo*e down for winter. There waa a large output of brick and tilo this year.

Mr. ami Mrs. Maurice Paterson, near Bhakftspcaro, spent Thanks­giving with her parents here.

M i. and Mrs. Potor Kroh, and Mr. Poter Wilzel, of Borlin, wore visiting relative* ui this village la* week,

Ed Pfoffer, merchant tailor, has an advertisement in tho Maple Leaf which Hhould Interest yon.

Afflicted with Bore Byes for 33-

r^i-'s u) i t f li lfw AurO year*. TWr- tecn yearo ago 1 boewme to- LiHy blind for six years. My eye* wero badly inflatnmed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Balvo and gave me half a box of It* To my surprise it healed my evoe and my sight came back to me.— P. C. Karto, Cynthianu, Ky. Chamberlain’s Batve is for sale by A . /, Bounders, druggist, Wollosloy.

W asted.—G irl to do house work. Apply at till* office.

Thoy Make Y ju Fool Good,Th j pleasant purgative effect ex-

jwriencod by all who usa Chamber- lain's Btomach and Liver Tabletn, and tho healthy condition of the noby and mind whJoh they create makes one fuel joyful, Prioe, 25 cent*. B/implos free at A. J. Saun­ders, druggist Wollesloy,

Tho Toronto Weekly Globe and Canada Fanner and iho Wolleeley Maple I^caf from now until Jan. 1, 1908 for #2.00, A SN AP. Bub crihe N O W .

^bbon^cuiQllOT ST?0p

la Fully 8tcx-keil withUp-to-dato lines ol

Tweed, Worstedand all kinds of

Men’s & Boy s’ Suitingsfor Fall and Winter.

You ere invited to Inspect our «tock before ordering.

Wo guarantee a Good Fit, and wo turn out ao nobby Buite tu» tho best City Ho twee.

Prices as low as yon can got any­wheres.

Give us a Trial.


Page 2: Clocks - Wellesley Township Heritage & Historical Society


Office. N ext the A lbiom H o tel .

heparn to n ? *k>m o a rc ^al

n T H E S H A M E S TUBDLARBoy a tubular. Haro a erparator with waist low su p p ly can, fingl*

Sowlbnng from single, frictionless hearing and driven l » whollr «n• ■*.• ____ __ _ M — aUJI — r ..- r>nA fh it. \V1

____<^Al»YERTtSlNO RATE* <2>------On. Th»»*Vltl Umthu.Montl.

Oo* Column............ « »H*lf Column........ H 2 5Ucairtr Column.. . *•' * ;n..p ESfltllt tVtumn » * *Ptprmii'Ml CM4 0 !■<! *Itn-iriPM Local* 6r*c«nU per Hn* each ioMififral A-pti<-t« (measured Nonpareil!

i,ti« loi first inwrtloa; 4c. p*r Hn* •“ ‘’a■BbMqnvst inurtloti.Alt rh *h «v or ^ P r for

Mat beta tboolfecosot later than MomUj

* K»uay odr*. fl /or thro* l»Mrtlo«i»,Bnbscripiion 11,00 a year, in ad

vance. Otherwise $1.25IXDEPKRPENT.

Boy a tubular.

•losetl self-oiling gears— a sojuirator a ohtld can cam for— one that wll last a life time. I ‘ll take a Tabular a.11 apart and show you how simple strong and efficient it is.

------ rOR SALE BY-------

j^ammonh & fre ebo rn ,Agents for all kinds of Agricultural Implement!

Vehicles, Etc.WELLESLEY.

Saturday, Oct. 27th is the day set for the sale of

R E V E R S IB L E COM FORTERSReversible Comfortors, assorted colorings

3f art cambric, white wadding filling.BiZe 60x72, Regular value fl.40.

For Saturday only $110.Size <5flx72, Wine quality as above. Regular vfllno $1 &0.

For Bnturday only $1.25,

Reversible comforteis of printed art cam­bric, assorted designs and colorings, good quality wht. filling, fancy stitched patterns.

Size 66x73, Regular v a lu e $2 25For Saturday only $1.78.

Size 72x7$. Regular value $2 40. •>For Saturday only $1.98.

Ladies’ Coats at Reduced PricesFor Saturday.

These are mostly of last season, but when you consider the great reduction in prices that we are making, it ought to be a great induce-


Six years age to day—On Tlmrf- day, October 20th, l#0b—The firri jjwno of the Wellesley Maple Leaf was scattered to the four w ird l oi ih -5 Well< slay section. Estab Lhing a village newspaper is not always the short ent to becoming a mil lioniaro, bnt the Leaf has kept itv head “abovn water.” It's jub print ing has a fairly established a reput atton for dear print, reliability and

it’s gen urn? circulation

•«hip moans two mates without a captain j marriage sometimes bo- comes two captains without «. mate— From the October D eu x- c a t o r .

A B igCLO TH ING S A L E ^ —

A Certain Cure for Croup—Used forA G R E A T BIG O PP O R TU NITYTon years without a Failure.

Mr. \V. C, Bolt. R 8 tar City, Ind.. hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in hi? prtiiso of Chamberlain’s Lough Remedy. His children have ill been anbjoct to croup and he has wed this remody for the past ten /ears, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always :ult safe upon retiring when u bot­tle of Cbamljerlttln’s Cough Remedy was in the bouse. Hia oldest child was subject to acrero attackH of

accuracy. w a little over 660 copies weekly it's advertising space is used stead- ily by the very best business finm in the North ridings of Waterloi and Perth, while it ’s reading mut­ter ii joopiously copied Into the best daily and weekly newspapers of tin- Proyinoe. These wo hopefully tak< as indications that It is faithfully filling it’s niche in the work of im ­proving the social and business proaperity of this section, and tin t it may look forward to Increased support.

Men's Buds,Boys' Units,Children s Suits, Higb-Clits- Clothing Hate and Underwear,

A ll being ruslied at sacrifice price) at the great bacntfcti Sale.

Every man who lakes tho Maph Leaf is Invited to come in and aav* his dollar iu these snaps while tin sale lasts.

making, it ought to be a great induce­ment to you to take advantage of a rare bargain.

A lot of brown mixed and grey mixed tweeds in 3-4 length, loose and semi fitting at the backsalso a few tight fitting backs.

Regular value $7 to $13.50,J. K E L L Y ’STheSTRATFORDClothingHouse.

Galt is most certainly nota "w ide open Sandny” town. Their fnm- on# football clnb was invited to play a week's tonr in Chicago, Bt. Louis and other western cities. The dub declined bacanse Galt docs not play football on Sunday, and

Saturday prices each only $5.00.

Ladies Hand Bags.6 dozen ladies hand bags, in shades of brown,

black and green, convenient sizes, and good

Regular value $1.25For Saturday only 78c.

For a good fitting suit— and •hoop— go to VVoiwade.

Farm for Sale.2 0 0 ArRES-“^ 10'C" ° ‘ ‘ rlc* ot

f " Tn??oa*#Ukluo.('•Harm: tar *U of | ..liou>» tail . gtuti tur- oic. 4*. I* A kitchen U kii, a wood hods* wiSui Ph* WJtcli.n hM both bar! and .oft » » U r It it. An ice h<>n*« Ifxlr,' flttn ttxVG. f'-meot watlaand *11 r.innht r«.istul itfcli •'1 uff <o U . up W hwnl oT r-mtlo u d T b «r w . ilnl.’ e-l off f la t r l t . i . [>riv« u«na« balltla ji Wtsmw AizM with IS fool p oit.,a l,4 iiipruoJ sorn crlli lb »t bold*«'kitu.h»l». K «n bum, Irilii. n ni-v.t f.iliim wt.ll nt the burr. pani[>»

m 11 v. ftam . .milton. S.inly loam. Two ■tor*, b rie! b ««H , oo>t M yn, n a i,t , i i*>

I;ooil furn.c- U u k twin; a lio anothu arit. Imre. 1 (1^ 1 , hos-pou. food d ri»* hoai.

Ur lmnl in *c-4 baaKnc rendition ,a ll kind- of fruit. Sch > >lao4 a ll otbar nsn-rviiionr, within half null, O u i l th « b o i farms L Lbs t-oant,. i n hs htnutln for injooft-Wjd cash and aUna« *t I psr esnL uwntlm«>< pa, for it.1 A A Ai'RRs. -Tiwashlp of S*n*ca. Tti- 1V JV rlissi‘, .t fnrm *v .r offersd in thr township. A 'iiricsin. A Flist eU *. hrir' hwu.e.oo^ ►.* •>1, osarlT nsw. ilni.hnl to>s h r .I. lUnkhtm. Otoa watsr.cooil atiton nUntr of Irn|« f, r own n»« \V*ll (snoo t I mlWt from CHlodenla: sthowl t m ile. !*ra-.•.t iiiw h lari .(..i, . i ___ __.4

The Grand Valley electric rail, way, operating from Galt to Brant­ford, runs Sunday cars. On week days ite cars run into the center of Galt, but on Sunday they stop at the town’s corporation limits. When the line was opened, over tt year ago, tho official asked Galt to let them in on Sunday, but tbi town thundered “ N o ! " so emphnt ically that not a word has been aaid about it since.

The Store for the People.

W e do what w e say.Some men seem to consider the'r r

marriage certificate as a sort til paid-up policy of hnppinosa. Thor act ns if the courtship days were c those of paying proniHm* of com pliment, cheerfulness, courtesy, consideration and obi.' lry, and that marriage cuts off all iheso pre mi urns of love-like attention Many first-class matrimonial pol- icleu lapse just because of these sus pended payments. There is a ton dancy to assume that this love 1 known and recognized, bo why apeak of It? Tills is a dangerom taking for granted of what sliuuid be made real, pulsing and vital in thought, word and deed. Then* are more people on this great, big. rolling earth hungering for Bweet- nees, tenderness, aud words of ap­preciation, genial confidence and generous affection than axe etarv ing for bread. W ith husband and wife those delicate messengers <-f affection cost bo little—sometime* only a thought bnt it is the thought that is all. Continue courtship after marriage preserves the lov.*r in the husband and the sweetheart in the wife. It is not the wife alone who needs tho gracious sweet ness of concentrated comradeship, fa r husbands who are bullf on the right lines have the same hunger for loving kindness nqd kindly

Courtship la a vessel o ‘

% F * H 0T0S that Pleases,i, ’ y^ t Are the kind yon nlways get »X**X* when you leave your order with A

G R E E N & O O . , t-*V Opposite Walpor House, B E R LIN . vV*X* Every modern uppllanoe for m aking the best *X*

^ y

Wellesley Machine Shopa u d O ld e r M i l l

Cider making every day except Sat.

Engines and Threshing MachineryRepair*! and put iq Srit^!^ condition.

Lawn Mowers Sharpened

axes, etc., sharpened *How Docs this •• C IO * " Strike Y w l

The Maple Loaf and Tho W eekly Globofrom now to Jan, 1st, 1908 .:.......$8 .0 0

Tho Maple Leaf and Weekly Mall and Em. piro from now to Jan, 1st, 1908.........$3.ft0

and repaired.

loving,promise that is often wrecked the shoals of matrimony. Cot

Page 3: Clocks - Wellesley Township Heritage & Historical Society


Mr. Albert Bersclit, of K ilter born’* afore Apent Sunday in Berlin

No atom ahead of oura in tbi* fall rush cf cheap calcs. John fipnhr.

Mr. Ed. Reiner, i.« on a business trip to Hamilton and other places

When in Berlin be sure and call to eeo Weselnh'a new shew* and Clothing—he sells cheep.

TJjn Literary meeting In the onion church this evening, protn ises to l»e good,

Mr. and Mr*. Jas Hamel uiui and Mrs Goo. Hahn. New Hum burg, spent Sunday al the home of Mr. .John Kaufman,

SHsh Clara Baeelilf-r. ef St. Agatha, and Mr. Jno. Bnchhtnt. ol New PruHric, were married in Kt Agatha on Tuesday ot this week

Mr. and Mr*. Roht. Htretton re­turned to Toronto after spending n short time with their daughter. Mrs. Baanders.

If yon are in need of Pars, Over- Ooat-a. BuotH and Shoes ami wish to save money, call at J. Spuhr's

A shooting mntoh for tnrkoys g e e a n d ducks is to be held at Lisbon on Thursduy. Nov. 1st A live pigeon match will take place.

Mr, Herb. Kaufman hns1 gvii n up his potion on the Milverton Bun and 1ms taken a place on a Berlin paper.

Messrs Goo. and-Elnier Small, of Arthur drove 1o Wellesley earP this week. Tlie latter has tuken a position on the Maple Leaf staff.

Rev. Mr. BJdington prouchod a missionery sermon in the Union chnroh here on Thanksgiving even­ing. There was a go td attendance

Thanksgiving dav was qnietlv ohservetl her*. Business places were closed and family rcunionsuud shooting parties were the order of the duv.

Miss Marion Smyth, formerly of Welleslev, who is teaching .In the Central School, Galt, spent the week end the guest of Mr* Tr nosier.

M r A. H. Rogers, manager of the Western Bank at SI, dementi*, lmd charge of the Bank here over the holiday*, Mr. Klein going to St. dement*.

Go right to A. Wcrotoh * Co's , Berlin, to buy vow shoes and cloth­ing cheap and savo money.

Mr. Ftoucher's new cemontbrSck building on the west side of the pond, is about finished. It is a handsome structure and adds much to the appearance of that rapidly growing struct.

Berlin News-Record:— "Dr, Hur­ry Huchnergard has left on an ex­tended trip to Germany, where he will take a course Incite hospital at Berlin. On his way back he will visit the hospitals at London, "Eng ,for a few weeks.”— Dr. Hnelmer- gnrd is n brother of Mrs .T. W Fleisclihauer and has visited in Wellesley.

Po ter* are out announcing the Young Ladies’ Basket bn I! Clnh concert which is to ho hold on the evening of Thursday Nov. I5«h The program is s very a I tractive one. The plan of hall* is being opened at the drng store to-day.

Finoo the arrival in town of Mr. Clarkson, the new shoemaker nt McDonald « Johnston’s, checker playinc i » , ,Mr. C. la an expert and our local cracks are all, so far. being taken into camp b.v him The organic

The Maple Leaf and Grcmm'a livery wore launched into Welles­ley’s business life in the same mentli six years ago anti some of the "knowing ones” predicted that both would be in the sheriff’s bauds in six months. Well, the Leaf has much more than doubled it’s plans of type «nd machinery since thin, while Mr. G re ram has increased his business from u three- horse outfit in 1MM fo two line lp-gry businesses with twenty-six horses, and that sheriff is, wo hope, ■<1111 six months ahead ot us bulb.

PROOF OF MERIT.A sure proof of the mirifc of a

school is the confidence placed in It by responsible business men,. Almost every day. business men -ipplv to the principal of the Berlin Business College for oillce holp The College can not always supply the demand. That’s the bind ot

Irani it pnya to attend. The at­tendance increase* every week. If yon are interested in profitable edneation, write tho Principal, W. D. Enlcr, for catalogue.

How to Care a Cold.The question of how to cure a

cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a ooSd la Button rid of the less tho danger of pneumonia and other scrii(uh disejisos, Mr. B. W- C. Halt, Wavorly. Yu., has used CUamiwrlaln's Cough Rouiedy for years and says: - I firmly bellow Charuborloft)'* Cough Remedy to ho absolutely tho boat preparation on the market tor colds. I iuivoroeom- .mended it to my friend* and they 1 IStC’Cn ul'agree with me,"' For sale by A -J Founders, druggist, Wellesley.

A heavy downpour t,f Tl|jn RC. cotupanied by thunder and lightn­ing loomed over this section yester­day.

Lot For SaleIn WelleBley.

A part o f tha Mtith h»ir«f M No lfi in th« 2nd conn-,.don. , uvtioti. nftli* luwwblpof Welletlta. tiijiiiiing.iline

i o f Uml , more or If.*, with &-. •uiM ntr kitchen m i ........I.iiiti, juhI

good bam. Well wattn-J For partWaliir*. apply m, tU pnmUra,

gar Uio OrpHstn' Horn,;. to i|„- j.r«.prifl«ar.Da xixl S< riMiin,

tVdlolry ji o.

Dog LostA Poi-ltoantl >-i! -w. fclaskai

whit* l.*lU r“ M' » r»ni.|H r.n li«iJo, •lion car*. Ftn-l.-r »i)i !„ tc-mai

Court of Bevisionri•*j i.„ p*i»* uai»i to ujp 1 - I

tiT 111* Hmior Hi, Jdulo* ef Hi, ifour! wlll+i*

I.ini An " • 'tuny C<wbi __ , ____ihii w&gsta**-•AT ,>,!AVau'

Oft Friday, November 9ih J u'clpck, p. m.. «u hoar u||.J .|ul,.ri.iitip till

. r«t complaint* ill flrun mill «mi»*lb|i»»!*» fr 1.1 tliril 'I Ip atl»Dil l

PETER K fiClU il.MER.Clerk.

Dog Found,fauna onto tl»a -.f <Ur MitmcriNir,at.out I till tilth in*t., a hoc-1 - I Jri-uitc ,|i-k.

wh t.' will* a f*w dark A pi niruil) mwall Tim pwnu U tu pruvrproiwrir. par n is in a ».u-i -nkr it nwn|i.

PR1LU Iirmiu x llor«lH-l Wollr.lrj

BORNIn Wilmot township, on Oct. 20th,

to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Ger- her,« Hon.

In Crossbill on Oct. 21s»,to Mr. and MrsCtiHpar Hoerlie, u Bon.

In Wellealey, On Oct. 21at, to Mr. nnd Mth. Hy. Brantluu. a son.

p o u rBaden Ogiivie JAlt at the Lowest Prices,

Our F dCarpet DisplayWe havo platsod Into slock a complete range of Carpet* ant! Squares

made by tho best Englbh maken, and at auch prices that you cannot afford to pass without comparing oar priccw with other*. Ah thorn haa been another hoavy advance in c&riwta, wo consider our valuoa unstir- paaiol.

An oarly call will bo of special intorost to you.

------- BRUSSELS 0ARPBT8 -----Beat English Brnstwla C«r|iet-at 'JOo, 91, II. 15 to I i .35.Btwt English Wilton Carpet at *1.40 to 1.50.Biwt English Velvet Corpse at|1.10, $1.15 to 81.25.Best English Tapestry Carpet at 35c, 45o, BOc, COo, to 75o.

r — TAPESTRY CARPETS ,-----Tapestry Squares, size 3x3 yards. |5, 17, to |9.Tapmstry Squares, sire 3x3^ yards, |«l. |7, 18.50, $11,50.Tnyawtry Sqnares, sine 3x4 yards, $8.50, $10, $13.Tinwatry Bqdurro, size 3^ x 4 yards, $11', $11.50, $15.Tape*try Sfinaros, size3^ x 1 yanls, f j " 61 $10.Tapnstry ftqnare,-, ftizo 4x4 yards, $10,50.Tapestry Squares, sixo 4x4% yards, $>. 4

Estray Boarf *AMU oototh* piemUovor th* «ul..ctlbcr.

luv fc, con s, WUmo'i nl-»at th* UtOrto- H«r, * IVJlitg Hem r nhout dim /mr old. Th* iivrimr U rrijtr,titl lo proT« intijii-rtf. p»/ H- IMItMi* andtitkelt » « tT ,

JOHN t. MAVF.n,St. Aai*'lin 1\O.

Farm for SaleI.oU I and 2, Con. V. Ellice Titwndilp,

102 jn-m Dalrjt farm. 175 acre*

|U>n of «foheok«r olnh is qn'nt like

^Farmers: If you want to sell hborne or other animal, or nny otlu'i article, use a t *0 cr three lino ail. vertisment in the Mitp’a Deaf, D only coats E cents per lino. \on 1 be unrurhod at the resulis ynn IInet Mr. E. E. Rnl* fold two ieauis a few days ago the dirort re«nlt of a Leaf ndv. that cost hint only SOe.

Wc draw attention tn thn adver- tlwnentot Mr. Edw Pfeffers, IM - el,ant tailor, at Lisbon. Tln- vmmg man lias mustered the most modern methods of catting, etc . and is rapidly building up a lagre trtw’o-

Rev Dr- Paulsen, head of the Bcminary at Kropp, Germany, de­livered a sermon at the M Im chnrcb. North Enstbope, lust Mon- rtnwVvonlng. quite « numln’r from W ell^C F being amongst *ho large cougrt^ton In attendance.

The marriage of Mr Edwin TlrSlol »on of Mr. Win, Heipel and Mi-I^Lanx, danghter nf Mr. Henry Laiiz PhUipshurg, ocotirrrd yes- terduy »n fbo prcfirnce of a largo number of invited guest* some of -whom were irom the village,

all kinds of warm shoes rubbers, overshoes * I [ in hlB8 tiryA . Weueloh. & Co a.t Berlin-

Also all kinds of

Faruily-c=^" ^ .Groceries

Canned Goods,Spices, Etc.

Produce taken in Exchange.


Auction Sale

In the Vlllago of Bamberg,ENimracncina it on* o'clock, r, m. ihnrp, <rh

Tuesday, Nov. 6, igo6Th« foJJtiwln# :

JinnsFS-l purrgl ra«r* 4 j'nir» uM: 1 lorrtl nrw.-4r«jti«oM : , Uynwri- < .nr* old: unt l.»r hoi** ,11 not n.til.j CATTl.E-Tli-** cow* in e »lf : 1 llm|ou«li

hr,-l r witli iigdicre* t fmr* ni l luc*l tl> Mnrch: t rlirlnif rulvt »; J At tinir. r

OTIlblC STtK’K—On* hi* wtlli liKgr t limuiii **l*: 1 » « with p!«: 4 shocp; S [*mh»

hrtu. ------------. “[.KUK-NW Mmlrr rouJ M naw.U fco**tii I; ■.**-, 1 *(ir[pc-taalh c-nlfii lurnlp »RUfll*r. »*, iron

p!o», lotliur plow, n**rlj i ».w tnnd rr-l- urni|i o itt*r, log ***or lit iirlj n,.w liua

Cr, cutler •uIVt.iuw bolt *|eieb.tK-lluw* k»-t- lU-HfiivrU BHllnii. meat tut, ion, !,,.r,rl. -iuni'll wt h*inrut*incl* hum, vi. 1m, kiUlr

churn, krvural ,U>D« OOH**, clutli-. drjrr, n qunntity ol hmt,.w bu*b*t» o*«*. r uanntity «f ]it-a*. 10 Luc* ,•«(*'on«.2») liu*h. *1* IIIUliEvil'll- IV-J'I h*«. lork*,c!iMi.» hikI otlirt ■ rlinli* loo norauou* to uu-tilitia.TBBMH—4’*r h«lr«r.h*r- «rnln povJtrr.ia' litfoc*. iiimhuM, nri'l all nun of n<> nu'l nit ilrr. chhIi ; uvm thn nracaal M montbocradii

on nppruvnl Joint not**., Four p*r emit, off for cjt* h on «r*>lit n w ount».

PH I Ml* IUTTKK, Prop. JOS, iUCKUR. Anctlonwr.

«rd *bug drill m

Fred Bivour's.

SMYTH BROS.South side King Street.

B E R X i I l N rCash and one Price Cheap Cash Store


I Qusine»C/oiIege S, <

Write for Catalog of tho School that jdncea more Stu­dents In lKisitions than any similar School in Ontario.

All graduate* get positions.. Enter nny time.

i W. D. EDLER, Principal.

OURShoe Repair Han* IS HEBE*

Wo have engaged one of the Best Known Shoo Makers In this pari of the country. MR. FREU CLARKSON.

Your Repairing wilt bo Noatlv and Promptly Done.High Prices will Not bo charged^

Bee our new line of

Blucher Cut, Patent Tipped, Laced Boots, - 0 worth reg. pric e $3, - - for

McDonald & JohnstonW e l l e s e s ”

Ud reservedAuction Sale

Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effect*, on

Lot 11. Con. 4, Wellesley, west sec.On Thursday, Nov. 8th

Commencing at 12 30 o'clock sharp.

Boo poster* for D«rtical»rB.

JOHN F. SCHMIDT,Proprietor.

You Have Confidence

Fortunate is the business man who Bn* won tho reputation for dependability, nnd for giv- ing the liestand most satisfyingbargains.

Fortunate is the public that de>a in such a store.

V R BERLETMerchant Tailor,

LINWOODHu* built his business up along this

line, n-ud it ’a still growing.

This yo*r biH stock of Suitings, is slmplv EIngant. Th« pricos are as low and the workmanship isae good as tho best.

linwood 3f'arness Shop

Enlarged and Re-Fitted

And Fully Supplied with

Harness Robes, Blankets, Etc,All kinds of Harness Makers' Supplies.

Also a Full Stock of Plow Points*.

P, K R E U T ZW IESE R , linwood.

Page 4: Clocks - Wellesley Township Heritage & Historical Society

Iw HKTEO—Girlto do house work.

Apply at this office.

They Make Y.»u Feel Good.Tha plonsant purgativo effect ex

porlcnoed by all who aw Chamlter- lain'B Stomach and Liver Tabletts. anil tbe healthy condition of tlin boby anil mind •which they create

, __ i . s ^ f .» l U einn 95k;makes

To Prepare for Cold Weather.Whether in the way of purchasing a winter Suit, over-coat, underwear or furs, or a fine cooking range or heater,

-----------We Have Them ! wmAt Moderate Prices and in Reliable Goods.

T T fim .T .F !"W G O O D S Wo (being MnnnfaotnrorH) will Save You Money! Bed Blanket*, Flatinols, Sheotings, H {»iery,N (JU ijijlljT M L tK jy J U O Sweate«. Eiders, Children’s Coat*, etc. See onr Special Henry Double-width Dress Goods

at lflc. and 25c.

•W—■- -J - T T y r y n On.- Millinery Department Is now vory basy. Como with the Crowd and select yonrJ — i —» 1 ^ ■ Kali Hut. New . Stylish. Up-to-dato. No “ buok munbors" on fcnlo.

20,000 lbs Dried Apples wanted. 100 Dozen Wool Mits wanted.

cents. Sample* free at A J. Sann- dors, druggist tVcilIoslcy.

The Toronto Weekly Globe nml Cannda Farmer and the Wollesley Maple Leaf from now until Jan. 1, IMS for $2.00. A SNAP. Sub cribs NOW .

Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cored.

••In November, 11*01,1 caught cold and bad the quinsy. My. threat was *woolen so I could hardly breathe 1 applied Chamberlain s

gist Wellesley i

* The LARGEST and BEST *

# ASSORTMENT *School Books. School Supplies Etc.

Keep your hens laying by using

Hess’ PanaceaAn egg producer as well as a prevent­

ative and cure of disease in all fowl.

—^H ESS’ STOCK F O O D ^ - For cattle, horses, hogs etc.

Young’s Absorbine;Kendall’s Spavin Cure

Fleming’s Lump Jaw Cure Oorabault’8 Caustic Balsam

--------- FOB BALE AT----------

THE D R U G STORE.Wellesley.


Manufacturers of Ce­ment Brick

and Tile.Tito furnished from an 8-tneb di-

nmetar. 1% inch thick, np to 40 in diutn., 5 in. thick Price.* from 2Ce per foot np to |3,20.

The durability of our brick and tile, anil the rr’iKonable prices, are worth investigating.

C O N T R A C T O R S— for—


FLOORS, SILOS, and A LL kinds of Cement work.

Z J . B. LICHTY & SONS, Wellesley,

Wellesley,------ ALL KINDS O r-------



X Full Lines of STATIONERY as usual. ^ Stationery, Bibles, Pioture Postcards Etc.

Tmmense Stock of Fall GoodsOur Stock of Fall Goods is now

greater, both in quality and quan­tity, than ever before.

Every line is completely filled and marked at such a price as to astound the most critical buyer.

Do you want the 100- piece Dinner Set that

is given away next

Saturday for $7.98Reg. price of this Is $10,00

10-piece, Gilt Edged,

Toilet Set, to be given

away on Saturday for

$ 2 .8 9Reg. Price of this ifl $4.25.


The Centre of AttractionIs onr Grand Display of

China and CrockeryOnr Immense showing is drawing crowds in numbers to

see tho most beautiful spot in the neighborhood. Follow the crowd to your evoe* delight.

Splendid Stocks are Now Ready in

FldmielettesCottonadeaShirtingsUnderwearHosiery Gloves Fura, ot<j.

Tile Ruse MillineryIn «1! it* freshness with btylea that are worth ooming

miloa to admire. Novolty has mado our .selection tho peer to any in this neighborhood. Not only to tho now eat hero but the best; and not only all that, bnt the pricoa a re ho reasonable as to canse wonder. Ask to sea our special showing of the late New York sailors which remain to tho minute's tty la.

un.£joc> u w u D - u jruu uavo nut ivwiuu uvor our urew uouaft yet an nar h,Ln , . . . . . . ,r.UB« Of oolor. and effect, ur. m o K r.n,.rbtbla, but «ro wuutcul to 1 W lo thl> ° * F ^ h leu .

R EADY MADE t ^ .h o w g .J r t r t irtth . -nit for 13.85.I 1 1 **ew bh°es for fall. Get one of the many pairs that wo are offering next Saturday for $L1#.

General Merchant,

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