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Climate Action Strathaven RESULTS - Community Survey January & February 2020

• The survey was carried out online in the 3-week period ending 9 February 2020

• The respondents were self-selecting, so it is unknown how closely the views and percentages recorded here represent the views of the

full community.

• 103 people completed the survey

• All responses to individual poll questions are included in the results below.

• The views expressed in the comments do not necessarily represent the views of CAS

• CAS is focused on promoting action based on the scientific consensus ( )

• For more information go to

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Comments received from Respondents: - these do not necessarily reflect the views of CAS

Further Comments or ideas about climate change, issues that concern respondents, and what Climate Action Strathaven should do.

Waste & Recycling

• Local waste free produce (where we can use our own bottles/ tubs)

• Rubbish to be put in bins

• Too much plastic everywhere

• Poor recycling facilities.

• Ability to recycle more.

• Litter

• Mass production of plastics everywhere.

• Recycling tetra-pac as SLC are one of few councils not offering kerbside collection-

• Make sure when we recycle that the rubbish doesn’t all go to landfill anyway. Shops should be forced not to use non recyclable plastic. Educate

that there is plastic in baby wipes and nappies. Both of these are catastrophic to the environment.

• Clear up rubbish and mess

• Recycling projects Campaign for supermarkets to change plastic packaging... not directly related but I feel this is the most pressing issue over

climate change

• It would help if the people of Strathaven cared enough to take care of their community, like litter, reusing plastic bags,

• Push for more action on recycling facilities.

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Public transport within Strathaven & surrounding area

• Free Parking

• Also public transport. I just cannot use public transport as literally none available. My commute to work would involve 2 buses and a 20 minute

walk. I can do the journey in 12 minutes in the car. No brainer

• Sustainable public transport - either public or private should be encouraged. Electrification of private and public transport vehicles, for example.

• Other transport such a bike lanes and better pavement provision.

• Engines of vehicles not switched off whilst parked and waiting

• Electric car charging points

• Safety of roads - to encourage safer cycling;

• Ban artic lorry’s from using the a71 as a shortcut to Ayrshire from the m74

• Promote public transport and walking especially for parents who insist on driving their children to and from school each day, sometimes only living

yards away from the school gate!!

• electric vehicles,.

• I doubt replacing the car would be faster by public transport but people will have to get used to longer commutes. I am frustrated that public

transport has not been improved out with the cities. I use park n rides also frustrating that there are not more car parking spaces at EK. The

government will need to make the first move to attract people onto public transport.

• I think improving public transport for Strathaven should be top priority - our links to Hamilton and East Kilbride are poor and discourage commuter


• Make parents/guardians stop giving their children daily runs to school by implementing a “NO DRIVE ZONE” UNLESS YOUR A RESIDENT IN AN AREA

of a 1 mile perimeter of local schools (perhaps for P1 a walking buddy system would work ) , congestion will decrease children will be fitter and

carbon emissions will also decrease

• Public transport in strathaven is awful. How many people drive to Glasgow as there is no effective link. We need an hourly service at peak times

straight into the city centre.

• Targeted campaign getting people out of their car for that 1km trip to the shop/kids to school etc. Closed streets for community events / kids to

play etc - let people see how much of a blight the car is to their community (locally and more widely).

• reinstate railway line ?

• Better public transport at weekends.

• start using public transport or car share, stop taking kids to school in cars..

• for example safer walking routes to school

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• Campaign for better rural public transport provision. Support cycle networks and cycle schemes to get more people out of using cars where

possible. Work with local councils to provide bike hire schemes and better bike parking such as lockers at schools shops and town centres. Push for

greater electric car charging points and car share schemes.

• A pedestrian and/or cycle path for Strathaven to East Kilbride would encourage more people to walk or cycle. Personally.... as there is only an

hourly bus I tend to walk to the next bus stop but there is only so far I can safely do so as there is no pavement

• Improve roads to reduce congestion.

• Encourage more public transport in the area!

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Housing & Home Energy

• Change over from gas central heating systems to electric systems

• Would like all new buildings held to highest eco standards

• Green space being used for housing

• The need to insulate existing homes and drastically reduce energy use

• Poor energy efficiency in housing

• Building standards and poor insulation, particularly in homes occupied by those least able to afford retrofit.

• Council should fit new boilers in every house

• Assistance with getting home more insulated and carbon neutral - windows, insulation etc.

• Encourage a change in planning permission rules to prevent trees being cut down and habitat loss

• All new houses must have solar panels and ground source heat

• Help people reduce the energy efficiency of their homes (retrofit using low carbon materials) Work with the council on determining a green local

development plan for the area, including enhancing green corridors.

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• Vegan diets (eg food miles for avocados)

• Lack of allotments in the area so more people can grow their own food.

• Lack of vegan food options when eating out

• support our local economy of farming rather than jump on the media bandwagon of plant based fads

• encourage people to 'grow their own' and buy local

• Could farms be encouraged to rent out a field divided into allotment type plots where only organic gardening products can be used

• i think you should support our local farmers and encourage members to buy local and seasonality food which are more sustainable and cause less

harm to our planet

• Campaign for all shops to offer items that are locally produced and don't require air freight to transport and cut down on unnecessary packaging.

• I've been trying to find shops where I can refill and reduce plastic, nearest seems to be Glasgow. Something more local would be great.

• Encourage more plant based options in local food outlets.


• Reluctance to give planning consent for renewable energy developments

• Assistance to get photovoltaic panels on the roof.

• Build local solar farms with community funds

• Promote renewable energies,

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Raising awareness

• Providing information to those less aware

• lack of options to help local people reduce carbon footprint

• greater emphasis and education on why shopping local is so important, highlighting how damaging constant home deliveries (from companies like

amazon) are. Visit schools? I don’t think schools are doing enough to teach kids about the importance of climate change and reducing waste.

Perhaps outside agencies visiting schools and young people would be ideal.

• Although we can make many changes locally (and this is important), I feel that the global awareness is lacking, especially in industry. Huge freight

ships, diesel freight trains, massive deforestation. Large corporations are not being held responsible for their actions. They seem to be beyond

reproach with many politicians being complicit. I feel that more investigation is needed to find the real climate change contibutors and that this

evidence needs to be publicised so that there can be no denying the issues. Local groups can help by supporting wider groups and raising local

awareness. Showing films about climate change, talking to people, putting up posters etc can all help.

• Make clear what the three key immediate personal actions are for the fine people of Strathaven

• Hold local and governments to account for lack of action against curbing use of fossil fuels

• I'm interested in the ideas in the book "the economics of arrival" (Katherine Trebeck and Jeremy Williams). I would like us to encourage our

MP/MSPs to support a wellbeing economy - as opposed to one based solely on GDP - which I understand is being considered currently by the

Scottish Government (along with the governments of New Zealand and Iceland I believe!). This is obviously not just about Strathaven or even just

about climate change but it is an exciting initiative we can lend our support to, and more specific than just urging the government to 'do

something'. Locally I would love to see a Locavore type store here in Strathaven where we could obtain local produce, especially now that Mr

McGuire has had to retire and close his green grocer shop. Or perhaps a sort of 'green guide' could be compiled with information about how/where

to recycle, buy climate-friendly goods and provisions, get stuff mended, etc.

• More events to raise awareness would be great!

• Speak with schools and provide information to children who may not be aware of the impacts and how they can help..

• Start educating people on the need for full recycling. A lot of ignorance causes major problems. Involve schools. Educate the young and have them

educate the adults at home. Show people (classes) around recycling plants. Talk about the problems caused with contaminating waste. Why are we

not recycling glass separately? Should not be included with plastic and cans! Protests do not do anything.

• Local action is very useful, but we must lobby politicians to take wider action

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• Light pollution, fertiliser runoff in waterways. Loss of wildlife habitat..

• Wildlife safe zones and information on discouraging harmful wildlife eg rodents without the use of toxic chemicals

• Cutting down existing trees and destruction of habitat. Few remaining habitat, seen as 'wasteland'. Farming practices Inc, fertilising, huge open

fields, grazing every inch of land, removing or just over cutting hedges. Farming subsidies encouraging the former.

• Wind turbine money to go to rewilding and tree planting projects

• or grown Encourage hedgerow/wildlife barriers instead of fencing and walls in gardens


• Global populations must be reduced.

• Human Population.

• Australia!!!!!

We have not reproduced comments which indicate a rejection of the IPCC scientific consensus on climate change. The focus of CAS is on action to

mitigate the effects of climate change. The acceptance of IPCC is a prerequisite.

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