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classical_power_programs_info.pdfis designed to activate the relaxing, transforming, and healing power
of your subconscious mind…
Campbell M Gold
Introduction Our suite of Subliminally Classical Programs uses a special combination of nature sounds, classical music ambiance, and inaudible subliminal elements to activate the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind - and the results can be startling. Even if you fall asleep during the program the results are the same. The advanced digital recording technique, developed by the author, uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound-segments (nature sounds and classical music) in conjunction with inaudible subliminal elements (voice). However, the programs are completely safe and the listener is fully conscious and in control at all times. Sea, Stream, and Rain The specially prepared nature sounds of sea, stream, and rain play an important part, in relaxation and activating the power of the subconscious mind, as they gently and naturally stimulate alpha wave brain activity.
Sound Response
Rain Creates a gentle yet dramatic empowerment and healing response with
associated cell replacement.
Sea Creates a gentle yet dramatic empowerment and healing response with
associated cell replacement
associated cell replacement
Interleaved Sea and Stream
Creates a more intense empowerment and healing response with associated cell replacement
Brain Wave Patterns
An Alpha brain pattern appears when you are wakeful and where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness. Consequently, this is a good state to be in to maximise creative visualization, auto- suggestion, and hypnosis and subliminal techniques. As the amount of your Alpha waves increase you will feel less stress and anxious; consequently, this improves the strength of your immune system - stress has a very negative impact on your immune system. Additionally, if an individual wants to be "more creative" they should use techniques whereby they increase their levels of Alpha waves Many life coaches teach that if an individual wants to have more "peak performance" in the various areas of their life, they should learn how to increase their levels of their Alpha waves. Consequently, nature sounds with their inherent Alpha Wave stimulating effect can be very therapeutic and this is put to effective use in all of our Programs.
--()-- The Subconscious Mind The key to the effectiveness of personal empowerment, transformation, and healing lies in unlocking the power of your subconscious mind. It's all in your Subconscious Mind - within your subconscious mind is the unlimited power to attract health, abundance, joy, and happiness - in fact, anything that you desire, no questions asked.
Your Subconscious Mind is Completely Impartial - your subconscious mind does not distinguish between right or wrong, good or bad - it simply says "Yes" and manifests accordingly. Your Subconscious Mind cannot be Fooled - beware that you cannot fool your subconscious mind. Consequently your conscious and subconscious minds must be in complete agreement for the power of your subconscious mind to be released and for that which you desire to be manifested. This is the key which unlocks the power of your subconscious mind - your subconscious only accepts what you really feel to be true, and the dominant idea is always accepted by your subconscious mind - thus, the dominant idea to be proffered should be health, not sickness; wealth, not poverty, etc. Affirmations Program your Subconscious Mind and Make it All Happen - affirmations are used to program the subconscious mind. However, the affirmations must also be carefully chosen and presented, because the subconscious mind cannot be fooled. This is where our Classical Power Programs come in - the gentle convergence of sound and the inaudible voice elements are designed to produce the desired results quickly and easily. As you immerse yourself in the sounds and drift off into a relaxed state, your subconscious mind will readily accept the affirmations/dialogue, and will immediately set in motion cause and consequence which will result in the promotion and augmentation of your natural empowering, transforming, and healing processes.
--()-- Subliminal Elements Where is the Subliminal Message in a Recording? In our programs with subliminal elements, positive subliminal affirmations or dialogue is recorded in the 18 KHz Band (see below):
Our suite of Classical Power programs promote the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind, and they can be used independently or in association with other healing, medicinal, or relaxation therapies. Each Classical Power program is available in three variants of nature sounds - just choose the one that you like or the one that vibrates to you and your specific needs:
1) Sea and Classical Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations (a gentle approach)
2) Stream and Classical Ambience with Subliminal Elements under (a more invigorating approach)
3) Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Ambience with Subliminal Element (a more intense approach)
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Induction
This more intensive healing program has a unique approach to healing and does not have an audible voice to guide you through the process. Instead there is a subliminal inaudible voice, under interleaved sea and stream sounds and classical music ambiance, which communicates directly with your subconscious mind.
Sea and Mozart Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Mozart Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This healing program contains Special stream sounds and Mozart ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates healing affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Mozart.
Interleaved Seaand Stream and Mozart Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Piano Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Piano Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Piano Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle healing program contains special sea sounds and classical pastoral ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates healing affirmations.
Stream and Classical Pastoral Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Pastoral Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive healing program has a unique approach to healing and does not have an audible voice to guide you through the process. Instead there is a subliminal inaudible voice, under interleaved sea and stream sounds and classical pastoral ambiance, which communicates directly with your subconscious mind. The inaudible voice content is the same as the audible voice content used in our Intensive Healing induction Programs 1 and 2. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. For optimum results this program should be listened to in its entirety. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest.
Sea and Classical Pastoral Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Pastoral Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Stream and Classical Pastoral Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive relaxing program has a unique approach to healing and does not have an audible voice to guide you through the process. Instead there is a subliminal inaudible voice, under
Sea and Classical Nocturnal Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Nocturnal Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more vigorous relaxing program contains special sea sounds and classical nocturnal ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates relaxing affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest.
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Nocturnal Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle inner sight program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates affirmations to relax you and to help you to let go and flow with your intuition, sensitivity, and sixth sense. Let your intuition guide you in your visualisations and in your seeking for answers and solutions. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, intuitive transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Barber, Gluck, Zipoli, Mascagni, Copland, Dvorak, Rachmaninov. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle empowering program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates empowering affirmations.
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive empowering program contains interleaved sea and stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates empowering affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Wagner, Tchaikovsky. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive invigorating program contains interleaved sea and stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates invigorating affirmations.
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more vigorous sleep-promoting program contains special stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates sleep-promoting affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Bach, Dvorak, Tarrega, Mozart, Franck, Zipoli, Handel. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more vigorous stress-releasing program contains special stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates stress-releasing affirmations.
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle positive change program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates positive change affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Khatchaturian, Elgar, Mozart, Tarrega, Copland. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle healing program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates healing affirmations.
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive healing program contains interleaved sea and stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates healing affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Bach, Dvorak, Tarrega, Mozart, Franck, Zipoli, Handel. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Interleaved Sea and stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Induction
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more vigorous transformation program contains special stream sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates transforming affirmations.
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle personal awakening program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates awakening affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Grieg, Bizet, Tarrega, Bach, Handel, Mascagni, Dvorak.
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle memory-stimulating program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates awakening affirmations.
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This more intensive memory-stimulating program contains interleaved sea and sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates awakening affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Mozart, Field, Elgar, Myers, Vivaldi. (Running Time approximately 40 minutes)
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
Program 1 Sea and Classical Music Ambience
Program 2 Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations
This more vigorous sensuality-stimulating program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates sensuality-stimulating affirmations.
Program 3 Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience
with subliminal Affirmations
Sea and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
This gentle concentration-stimulating program contains special sea sounds and classical music ambiance under which a subliminal inaudible voice reiterates awakening affirmations. Listen to this program anytime, especially just before going to sleep, and just drift with the converging sounds. The inaudible subliminal voice will communicate directly with your subconscious mind and will focus its relaxing, transforming, and healing power. This program does not need to be listened to in its entirety; so listen to it for as long or as little as you like. Even if you fall asleep during the program the positive results will still manifest. Ambience: Mozart, Field, Elgar, Myers, Vivaldi.
Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Affirmations
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with subliminal Affirmations
The following information overviews the content of the various programs
(Numbers in parenthesis denote the title's product number)
Never listen to these programs while driving or operating a machine - they contain sounds
that enable you to become deeply and completely relaxed
The Classical power healing programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your
subconscious mind
"There are NO incurable diseases!!!"
That's what Christian D Larson believes, and that is what he presents in his 1912 book,
"How To Stay Well".
Larson contends that that all disease comes from the violation of one or more of the "laws of life", and consequently all diseases can be cured by bringing mind and body back again into harmony with those laws that have been violated - and with this in mind we have developed our selection of Classical Power Healing Programs.
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Elgar, Tarrega; Massenet; Handel; Mascagni; Rachmaninov
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Just Healing Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Induction
No No Yes Yes Interleaved
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special music ambience by Mozart, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Mozart
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Dr Mozart Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Dr Mozart Program 3
with Subliminal Induction
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical piano ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Debussy, Field, Satie
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
No No No Yes Stream
Twilight Healing Program 3
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Piano Ambience with Subliminal Induction)
No No Yes Yes Interleaved
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical pastoral ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Delius, Bach, Bizet, Copland, Mendelssohn, Schubert
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Pastoral Healing Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Pastoral Healing Program 3
with Subliminal Induction
sea and stream
The following programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you to focus specific relaxing, transforming, and healing aspects of your subconscious mind
These programs use nature sounds, special classical pastoral ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Handel, Schubert, Delius, Gluck, Bizet, Grainger, Copland
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
No No No Yes Sea
Pastoral Relaxing Program 2
with Subliminal Affirmations
Pastoral Relaxing Program 3
with Subliminal Induction
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical nocturnal ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Mendelssohn, Grieg, Beethoven, Bach
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
with Subliminal Affirmations
Nocturnal Relaxing Program 2
with Subliminal Affirmations
Nocturnal Relaxing Program 3
with Subliminal Induction
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, intuitive, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Barber, Gluck, Zipoli, Mascagni, Copland, Dvorak, Rachmaninov
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Inner Sight Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Inner Sight Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Wagner, Tchaikovsky
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Empowering Program 2
with Subliminal Affirmations
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Mendelssohn, Grieg, Beethoven, Bach
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Invigorating Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Invigorating Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Bach, Dvorak, Tarrega, Mozart, Franck, Zipoli, Handel
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
No No No Yes Sea
No No No Yes Stream
Sleeping Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Elgar, Pachelbel, Delius, Bach, Zipoli, Copland
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Stress Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Stress Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Khatchaturian, Elgar, Mozart, Tarrega, Copland.
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Positive Change Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Positive Change Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Bach, Dvorak, Tarrega, Mozart, Franck, Zipoli, Handel
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
CMG Healing Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
CMG Healing Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
Interleaved Sea and Stream and Classical Music Ambience with Subliminal Induction
No No Yes Yes Interleaved
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Elgar, Pachelbel, Delius, Bach, Zipoli, Copland
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Transformation Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Transformation Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you awaken and focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Ambience: Grieg, Bizet, Tarrega, Bach, Handel, Mascagni, Dvorak
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Awakening Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you stimulate and improve your memory through the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your
subconscious mind
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Memory Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Memory Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
Belief is the catalyst to creating personal transformation through the power of your subconscious mind
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you to stimulate your belief in the power of your subconscious mind and to receive the relaxing, insight,
transforming, and healing power thereof
Ambience: Dvorak, Bizet, Copland, Krumpholtz, Bach, Pachelbel, Handel, Elgar
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
Audible Affirmations
No No No Yes Sea
Belief Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Belief Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you focus the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your subconscious mind
Program Audible
Induction Dialogue
No No No Yes Sea
Sensuality (Women Only) Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Sensuality (Women Only) Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
These programs use nature sounds, special classical music ambience, and subliminal elements to help you stimulate and improve your memory through the relaxing, transforming, and healing power of your
subconscious mind
(Running Time Approx 40 Mins)
Program Audible
No No No Yes Sea
Concentration Program 2
No No No Yes Stream
Concentration Program 3
with Subliminal Affirmations
sea and stream
Never listen to these programs while driving or operating a machine - they contain sounds that enable you to become deeply and completely relaxed.

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