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Page 1: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Class slides for2/16 & 2/17

Distinguishing what “I Say”from what “They Say”;

Embedding Information

Page 2: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.
Page 3: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Andrew Wakefield, Father of the Anti-Vaccine Movement, Responds to the Current Measles Outbreak for the First Time


Andrew Wakefield is both revered and reviled. To a small group of parents, he’s a hero who won’t back down from his assertion that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine can cause autism.

To most, however, he’s the man who authored a fraudulent study that has been refuted many times and was retracted by the journal that published it, a man whose views carry dangerous consequences for all of us. They will tell you that the former doctor—stripped of his license in 2010 by the U.K.’s General Medical Council for ethical violations and failure to disclose potentially competing financial interests—has derailed public confidence in vaccination programs that were safely eradicating serious and highly contagious diseases.

In the wake of the most recent measles outbreak in the U.S.—which began at the Disneyland theme park in Southern California in late December 2014 and has since spread to 17 states and infected more than 100 people—Wakefield defends his views about the measles vaccine. “The responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of those that have been involved in vaccine policymaking, which is totally inadequate and bordering on dangerous,” he says. “The government has only themselves to blame for this problem.”

Page 4: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Plans for Milan ‘Prostitution Zone’ Gain Cross-Party SupportBY FELICITY CAPON 2/10/15 AT 1:38 PM

A number of Milan politicians have come out in favour of creating a red light district in the city this week. Politicians from across the political spectrum, including the ruling Democratic Party (PD), Forza Italia, right-wing Northern League and the Left Ecology Freedom party, have voiced their approval of the plans in Italy’s financial heart.

Prostitution is currently legal in Italy, but unregulated. However it is illegal to own a brothel, pimp, or live on the earnings of a woman in prostitution.

Carlo Monguzzi from the ruling Democratic Party (PD), wrote on his Facebook page that a red light district is the “only solution” to tackle the violence and exploitation which sex workers currently face due to the lack of regulation. “Having a red light district in Milan is a good idea… We must help the women reduced to slavery and forced into prostitution, who are beaten to death if they don’t do it.”

This cross-party support follows a decision made in Rome last week to introduce a red light district zone in the Eur business area south of the city, from April. Police will be ordered to impose fines of up to €500 on prostitutes caught working outside this area, and it will also be supervised by health and social workers to help in the battle against pimps and traffickers.

According to a parliamentary survey there are over 70,000 prostitutes in Italy, who have an estimated nine million clients, creating an annual total turnover of €5 billion.

Page 5: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Fallon Is the King on YouTube but Not on the Night's Talk ShowsBY JOHN WALTERS 2/10/15 AT 6:46 AM

Last week Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon assembled a quartet of actors, none of whom had to walk off the set of the new David Fincher film to be there, to appear in a skit. The following morning my Twitter feed reacted like that cabin in the Pierce Brosnan commercial, which is to say that it exploded.

Granted, the Saved by the Bell reunion was a cute idea while also inspiring the epiphany that whatever fountain Rob Lowe is drinking out of, Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Mario Lopez are slurping from the same aquifer. Still, I didn’t understand the hysteria. Is it my age? Would I have reacted similarly to a Square Pegs reunion (“That’s a totally different head”)? Is there a difference between an attention-grabbing stunt and entertainment?

Page 6: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

In groups of 2 or 3, make a list of the phrases you marked in your articles – phrases that identified information as coming from the author of the article or from someone else.

Page 7: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Embedding information:including information within a sentence, so you don’t have to write a whole separate sentence to provide that information.

They will tell you that the former doctor—stripped of his license in 2010 by the U.K.’s General Medical Council for ethical violations and failure to disclose potentially competing financial interests—has derailed public confidence in vaccination programs that were safely eradicating serious and highly contagious diseases.

Andrew Wakefield used to be a doctor, but he was stripped of his license in 2010 by the U.K.’s General Medical Council for ethical violations and failure to disclose potentially competing financial interests. Many people say he has derailed public confidence in vaccination programs that were safely eradicating serious and highly contagious diseases. Two sentences, 53 words

One sentence, 47 words

Page 8: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

Carlo Monguzzi from the ruling Democratic Party (PD), wrote on his Facebook page that a red light district is the “only solution” to tackle the violence and exploitation which sex workers currently face due to the lack of regulation.

The ruling party is Italy is the Democratic Party (PD). Carlo Monguzzi is a member of that party. He wrote a post on his Facebook page. It said that sex workers face violence and exploitation due to the lack of regulation, so having a red light district is the “only solution” to the problem. four sentences, 54 words

one sentence, 39 words

Using the article you brought to class, find examples of sentences that contain embedded information. Separate the information out into individual sentences, each with one key item of information. Be prepared to read your sentences aloud, followed by the single sentence from your article.

Page 9: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.


Summarize accurately.

Let your reader know the source of each idea. (Who said what?)

Give every pronoun a clear antecedent. (Avoid “this” as a pronoun.)

Make every word count. (Don’t waste words. Embed.)

Do what the prompt says to do. (Follow instructions.)

Page 10: Class slides for 2/16 & 2/17 Distinguishing what “I Say” from what “They Say”; Embedding Information.

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