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Dear Brothers,

Allow me to convey my heart-felt greetings to all our brother missionaries assigned in the different mission areas of our province. The Yuletide Season is, indeed, the best time of the year to express our love and good wishes to our brothers in the community. As people around us rush to buy the most beautiful gifts to give, prepare sumptuous meals to share with their families, and send cards to people they most care about, I encourage you to not forget the very essence of this celebration. Remember that Christmas is not so much about these gifts, food, preparations, Christmas carols, and decorations that only appeal to our senses. Christmas is about receiving the most precious gift that this humanity received from our Almighty Father – Jesus, His only-begotten Son.

As I have always been reminded, the word Christmas is composed of two beautiful words: Christ, which is the name of our Savior and the very center of this celebration and “Mas”, which in Spanish means “more”. Combining these words it means “More of Christ.” I believe that this is the true essence of Christmas, to have more of Jesus Christ in our lives. This is the same invitation that I would like to ask from our brothers: to imitate more of Jesus Christ in our lives, like our Father Founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret who never ceased to imitate and follow Christ throughout his life.

I also invite you my brothers, that as we prepare for the upcoming Provincial Chapter of our Province, let this season be a period of reflection for all of us, especially on our past and project to better them in the years before us.

As we welcome another year in our lives, there is no better way to celebrate it but to continue expressing our true love for our congregation, our brothers in the community, and the people in our mission. Jesus who is the reason for the season and the epitome of true love will show us the way.

Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all!

Fr. Rene Manubag, CMFProvincial Superior




Provincial House Address:2 Mayumi Street, U.P. Village,

Diliman, 1101 Quezon CityU.P. P.O. Box 4, Diliman, Quezon City

Tels. (House): (02) 921-6530, 435-1210Fax: (02) 436-0986

2 The Superior General: Fr. Josep M. Abella, CMF – To All Claretian Missionaries

5 Vocation Updates: – Vocation Search-in to be held in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao

Tungawan Updates: – Peace Project: A Burning Claretian Missionary Thrust in Tungawan

7 Ormoc Updates: – The Claretian Itinerant Mission and Noviciate

9 Claretian Publications: – Stewardship

10 Claretian Missionaries in the Philippine Province (as of Dec. 31, 2009)

14 CHF Updates: – Rekindling Hope: Claret Hope Fund Celebrates 1st Anniversary

15 IHMP - Quezon City: – Christ the King celebration 2009 Vicariate of St. Joseph – Renovation of Function Rooms – Christmas Tree Fund Drive – The Parish Manual

16 Claret School - Tumahubong: – Intercultural Youth Camp for Peace

17 Claret School - Quezon City: – The Claretian Peace Weavers Celebrating the Mindanao Week of Peace

18 ACSPI Updates: – “Servants of the Word… building Peace”

19 CSFI Updates: – Bajau Lakbay Aral – Pangasaan Area New Lumah ‘Tam – Bajau Ongka-Ongka 2009 – Best Booth and Exhibitor Award

22 All Claretians in the Philippine Province: Convocation of the XII Provincial Chapter

23 – Annual Provincial Assembly – Provincial Retreat

24 – Tribute to Fr. Felicisimo “Fil” Tarroza, CMF – Celebrations

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finished their service to the Government, I thank you for your generous self-giving, and I also wish to say the same on behalf “of all Claretians.” To the new members of the Government, as I said during the Chapter, I thank you for the availability which you showed in accepting this service. I am sure your contribution to our Congregational life will help us to grow along the lines marked-out by the Chapter. We are now completing the team which, together with the General Government, is going to take care of the animation of Congregational life and of the various services which have to be provided from the General Curia. Some will continue with their responsibilities and others have been assigned to new ministries. I mention, firstly, those who are going to continue with the services which have been worked-out up to this time: Bro. Arnel Alcober in the Secretariat of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC); Fr. Juan Carlos Martos in the Secretariate of Vocation Ministry; Bro. Evencio Cuñado in General Administration; Fr. Josep Sureda as a collaborator with the General Administration; Fr. Julio Garcia as General Archivist; Fr. Vincente Pecharromán as General Postulator, and Fr. Alfredo Paulín as the General Mass Collector. To be integrated into the team of the General Curia will be Fr. Gaspar Masilamani, who will replace Fr. Angel Ochagavía as head of General Mission Procure; Fr. Renjith who will replace Fr. Britto Maley as assistant to the General Secretary; Fr. Antonio Santillán who, while working on his doctoral thesis, will collaborate with the new director of the Department of Communications who will be replacing Fr. Antonio Sanz. To those who are going-on to other assignments we offer our most sincere thanks for the interest and competence shown in the development of their work. To those who will be coming we say “welcome” and offer you our unconditional support. In the following months we will be finalizing the teams of the General Curia and of various other activities which are under the direct responsibility of the General Government. We will inform you of this when it happens. The General Government held its first intensive Council meetings from the 21st of October to the 5th of November. We began with a few days together in Trieste, which helped us to know one another better and to deepen our sense of community with which we desire to mark our life and work during the sexennium. The encounter with the Claretian community in Trieste was an occasion of joy as it also was the opportunity to visit the two Claretians who are in Slovenia,


Rome, 10 November 2009

Dear Brothers:

IT HAS BEEN something more than two months since we concluded the XXIV General Chapter.

It was a moment of intense congregational communion and of profound discernment

regarding what God asks of us in this moment of our history. The document “Men on Fire with Love” which has been sent to you is the fruit of the capitular work. Furthermore, I know that, in the majority of the Provinces and Delegations, those who represented you in the Chapter have visited all the communities to give testimony to that which they lived and to share the context which gave birth to the decisions and directions that the Chapter has left us for these next six years. As has been indicated in the Introduction of the Chapter document, the meaning of this text and the message that it wishes to deliver are only able to be understood by means of the questions which therein are brought forth, and which, actually, in one way or another, guided the congregational reflection around the theme of the Chapter which began with the meeting of the General Government with all the Major Superiors in Brazil in the month of January 2008. How do we feel within each one of us the fire of charity that, as it “enkindles our hearts”, urges us on to desire “to set the whole world ablaze with the fire of the divine love”? What do we need to feed this fire and to pass it on to new generations of Claretians? Without a sincere desire to reanimate in each one of us the fire of the missionary charism which we have inherited from the Father Founder it will be very difficult to take-on the priorities and proposals of the capitular document. At the end of the Chapter, we began with the changes in the General Curia. The members of the previous General Government who had finished their service returned to their Provinces and Delegations to take-on new missionary commitments entrusted to them by their Superiors. Those who had been elected to form the new Government came to the Curia ready to put themselves at the service of their brothers in the new mission they have been entrusted with. To those who

To All Claretian Missionaries

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bringing to them the warmth of congregational communion and carrying from them the testimony of their commitment in proclaiming the Gospel. To the Claretians from Trieste and Slovenia go our thanks. The central topic of our work in the Council has been the elaboration of the Plan of Action for the sexennium. Through the Plan we intend to establish an operational framework for the priorities and proposals which the Chapter has left us in the third part of the document. In this we also indicate those actions of government necessary to promote the missionary life of the Congregation. We kept in mind on one hand, the Constitutions, the Directory, the capitular document, the General Plan of Formation and other congregational documents; and on the other, the concrete reality of the Congregation. These were the two points of fundamental reference in determining the objectives and lines of action which you will find in the Plan of Action. The General Government co-responsibly assumes the Plan of Action, though specified activities will pertain primarily to various prefectures and secretariats. The action of government in order to be effective must be well-articulated on its different levels. This is the reason why we are going to convoke a meeting with all the Major Superiors of the Congregation during the days of the 9th to the 18th of September, 2010 in Colmenar Viejo (Spain). At this time we will examine the diverse parts of the Plan of Action to better coordinate the activities, on the part of both the General Government as well as the Governments of the Provinces and Delegations, to carry-out during the sexennium. I invite you, then, to attentively read the Plan of Action which you are going to receive shortly. We have asked the Provincial Governments to duplicate and distribute it to all the communities. Regarding this, I will emphasize certain points: 1. We are going to continue the process of congregational

reorganization and revision of positions because we understand that this is a requirement of our being missionaries. On these same lines we see that we need to deal with the congregational reorganization in Africa and Europe. In one zone it is necessary in order to respond to the growth which we are experiencing, in the other to see how to maintain the community and missionary vitality in a situation of decreasing numbers and progressive aging. The General Government has programmed a meeting with the Major Superiors of the Provinces and Delegations of Africa, and with the coordinators of the missions that various organisms outside of the Continent have in Africa, next year in the month of May 2010.

2. We intend to be attentive to the evangelizing and con-gregational needs of the different parts of the world to support those zones which need some kind of help by

means of personnel as-signments and other actions of the govern-ment.

3. We will initiate, begin-ning the first Sunday of Advent 2010, the project “The Forge in daily life” which, for four years, is going to guide us on an itinerary of renewal of our charis-matic identity. It is go-ing to imply a strong commitment on the part of the individual as well as the community. We are convinced that it will be a very important instrument to maintain alive the fire of the love of God within us, and make sure that it be this which inspires our missionary life and all of our projects and activities. We will be send-ing you more information about this within the next few months. During this sexennium we will center ourselves on this project, and for this reason, the residential pro-gram “The Forge”, which has been carried out over these past years, will be eliminated. We will continue, howev-er, the program “Encounter with Claret”.

4. We will also continue the “School of the Heart of Mary” for formators. The Chapter has insisted on the necessity of a good preparation of formators. We are going to organize three courses during the sexennium.

5. The Prefecture of Formation will continue accompanying the International Centers of formation whose functioning has been positively evaluated by the Chapter.

6. The prefecture of Apostolate, together with the Secre-tariats that support it, will continue prompting the pastoral lines that the Chapter asked of us. The dialogue of life with religions and cultures; the commitment to justice and peace; the shared mission; the vocational character which all apostolates need to have, especially youth ministry; biblical animation in all ministries and specific projects of biblical ministry; the vast world of new communications and their impact on evangelizing and educational work, should be, among others, aspects that are going to require particular attention during these years.

7. We have dialogued over how to put into practice the capitular mandate to be present in some way in

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international forums where issues are debated that have a very important impact on the present and future of the human family. We wish to learn from the experience of other Congregations, but we are now going to make the first steps towards this objective. We are convinced that it is one of the new “Areopagi” in which the Consecrated Life needs to be present.

8. Responding to the analysis of the economic situation of the Congregation made by the Chapter, we see that we need to follow-up by promoting a greater centralization in the economy of the Provinces and Delegations, and a better coordination of the resources of the Congregation at the general level. By all means, we are very conscious that, without total transparency on the part of individuals and communities in economic matters, it is difficult to advance towards those aims that the Congregation needs today. The first step is to carry-out the demands which are detached from our commitment as religious.

I could continue presenting more details, but it seems to me best to invite you to read the Plan of Action and to comment on it in community. There you will find many other stimuli for your own programming if you want to take-on the directions emanated from the General Chapter. We have also dealt with other topics of which I shall inform you briefly: 1. The three community groups of Siberia, which is to say

the house of Karsnoyarsk and the residences of Atchinsk and Bratsk, which until now depended directly on the General Government, have been integrated into the province of Poland.

2. The new Governments of the Delegations of the United Kingdom and East Asia have been named. The Major Superior of the first will be Fr. Christopher Newman and Fr. Marcellí Fonts for East Asia.

3. We have prepared the Chapters of various Provinces and the Assemblies of some Delegations. These are going to be very important moments in promoting the application of the priorities and proposals of the General Chapter in each one of those Organisms. For the General Government, as well, it will be a precious moment of contact with the life of these Provinces and Delegations. From December of 2009 until July of 2010, 13 Provincial Chapters and 7 triennial Assemblies of Independent Delegations will be celebrated

4. We have spoken about how to improve the official Web service of the Congregation, and for this we want to contract the services of an expert. We have also been busy on the topic of publications and translations. We are going to continue making an effort to make available to the greatest number of Claretians possible

those publications which help us to understand and better live the spiritual patrimony of the Congregation.

The vocation ministry has been very present in our reflection and it is going to be in our plans. It cannot be any other way. We foresee an increase in novices for the upcoming year 2010, but we realize that we need to continue working on this subject with great hope and endorsing the vocational proposal with a life full of enthusiasm which will be truly appealing to the youth who are thinking about their vocation. Yet there remain some Claretians who are limiting themselves to leave this topic in the hands of “those in charge”. If we feel the fire within, we will feel called to invite others to a life which we know is full of meaning and carrying life for others. During these months the Synod on Africa was celebrated which has called to the attention of the universal Church and the whole world the situation on that Continent. We feel it most closely because many of our Claretian brothers live there. They are part of our family experience. We renew our commitment with Africa and we tell our brothers in Africa that they can count on our solidarity and support. We will also continue supporting the intercongregational project of service to the Church and people in the South of Sudan. The Claretians of Peru have celebrated their Centennial. The unexpected deaths of Fr. Luis Maguiña and a young teacher at our school in Huancayo at the eve of the celebration gave a profound Pascal dimension to the whole event. May it be a seed of new life. At the conclusion of the General Chapter I announced the decision of the General Government to express our thanks for the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Birth of the Father Founder with a new foundation in Cuba. I asked for volunteers on that occasion. Some, though few to tell the truth, indicated to me their availability to go. Thanks to all. Those who will be in charge are Fathers Juventino Rodríguez and Miguel Fernández Fariñas, both from the Province of Bética. To them and the Province of Bética, I thank you for your great generosity. It is not easy to give up two people when the needs of personnel are urgent. I hope that this gesture is converted into a vocational seed which produces much fruit. Other Provinces and Delegations have also placed at the service of the universal mission some very valuable people. To all of them my deepest gratitude. To Mary, Our Mother, we entrust the journey of the Congregation in this new sexennium. May her memory invite us to live as true Sons of her Heart, following in the steps of our Holy Founder.

A fraternal embrace,

Josep M. Abella, CMFSuperior General

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Vocation Search-in to be held in

Luzon, Visayas and MindanaoBy: Rosevele Lopez


THE RISEN CHRIST Parish in Tungawan, ministered by the Claretian Missionaries under

the care of its dutiful parish priest, Fr. Angel Angeles, CMF, has convened the different organizations and faith groups in the community to organize the Mindanao Week of Peace in Tungawan, which started last November 26 and culminated last December 2, 2009. Some of the highlights of the activity were the daily recitation of the Prayer for Peace every 6:00 P.M. through the church’s public address system and the week of Peace Parade. The parade was organized from the municipal hall

PeACe ProjeCT:

A Burning Claretian Missionary Thrust in TungawanBy: Nov. Jay Coching

AS IT IS DONE every year, Voca-tion Search-In Programs will be conducted on December 27 to

29, 2009. These were be held in Quezon City (Luzon), Ormoc City (Visayas) and Cagayan de Oro City (Mindanao), to be facilitated in by Bros. Efren Decrito, CMF and Bro. James Maung Maung Tar, CMF;

Fr. Ronaldo Banaria, CMF and Fr. Elmer Cantular, CMF respectively. The Vocation Search-In Program is of-fered mainly for those who have already qualified in the Claret Seminary En-trance Examinations. Although it is not a requirement for these seminary candi-dates, they are all invited to participate.

This two-day activity is a time for prayer, reflection, getting in touch with one’s self, understanding one’s vocation and knowing better the Claretian Congrega-tion. This aims to help the participants to discern God’s call so that they can res-pond in freedom and eventually make a decision.

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to the municipal gym and was attended by various groups from the Local Government Unit headed by the Office of the Municipal Mayor to the different educational institutions in the community (namely, the Western Mindanao State University students and faculty members, the members of the drum and bugle corps and the faculty members of the Tungawan National High School and the faculty and staff of Tungawan Central School). The 18th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army and the CAFGU based in Tungawan also sent delegates in show of support to the Week of Peace. Also, various faith groups in the community were well-represented from the Roman Catholics, the Muslims and other Christian denominations. Upon reaching the Municipal gym, a program and forum on peace followed. Representatives from the different sectors in the

community were requested to talk about their respective views on peace. The Claretian Novice, Julius Coching, CMF, presented the Christian view of Peace. On the other hand, Fr. Angel Angeles, CMF, read the Bishops-Ulama Conference’s joint statement on the Mindanao Week of Peace and he later led the community in the prayer for peace, highlighted by the releasing of doves to symbolize the community’s proactive effort and participation in the project for peace. The Claretian Missionaries continue to organize peace activities in response to the clear need of fostering and uniting the people in Zamboanga, making them aware and actively participate in building peace in the community. At present, the celebration which started as a Week of Peace for the City of Zamboanga is now adapted by the entire Mindanao through a Presidential Proclamation.

Fr. Angel Angeles, CMF, leading the community in Prayer. Nov. Julius Coching, CMF, presenting the Claretian View of Peace.

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AMIDST the hustle and bustle of so many sacramental, pastoral and cultural activities and schedules

during Christmas season, Claretians as-signed in Ormoc see this time as a season of joy and thanksgiving to look back, ap-preciate and recognize the beauty of the life we lived and the dignity of the work we did. Recalling the journey we have taken the past year, the fire of God’s compas-sionate and deep love blazes strongly for all of us here. And all of us, together with our Lay Partners and Collabora-tors believe and profess that we are The Claretians – the Men and Women on Fire with the Love of God burning deep in our hearts. We are the Claretians con-ceiving dreams, building communities and touching lives in Ormoc – The home

The Claretian Itinerant Mission and Novitiate (The Life and Mission of the Claretians of ormoc)

By: Fr. Ronnie R. Banaria, CMF

of the Claretian Itinerant Mission and our cherished Novitiate. The Claretian - Ormoc Community is composed of 11 young men: 3 Priests – Fr. Ronnie (Superior), Fr. Leo (Vicar, Novice Master and Council Member), Fr. Elmer (CIMT Co-Director and CYM Spiritual Director), and a Brother – Bro. Nicer Natulla (Econome and CIMT Director), together with the 7 Novices (5 Filipinos, 2 Sri Lankans) – Novices Jay, Sunny, Martin, Francis, Aldrin, Taro, and Franklin who share life and mission by the rejuvenating and fraternal presence they offer and give to one another. Each building up on the goodness and strength of the other and filling up and supporting what is lacking in each one. Not actually a perfect community but their striving to step in to fill in what the other lacks and needs

makes them perfect. These men living in two separate houses (the Mission House and the Novitiate) endeavor to keep the value of Community Life burning with warmth and joy and also generously share the mission entrusted to them with fire in their eyes and in their hearts. The value of prayer, both personal and communitarian, and the love of and for the Eucharist stand to be the beacon of Christ’s light blazing brightly for all to see. Quiet with what they say but loudly proclaiming the Good News with what they do, these are the Missionaries who live and do mission like Claret, in the style of the Apostles, that they may evangelize and so, too, be able to proclaim the Lord’s year of favor. The Claretian Lay Partners and Collab-orators are our lay leaders and lay people

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who through the years have received the necessary and practical formation, trust and confidence and so have transformed themselves into gems of engaging value as spiritual and pastoral companions and guides of their respective chapels and animating leaders of the communi-ties. From being recipients of our pro-grams and mission for the past 5 years, they have now blossomed to be givers, teachers, healers and pastoral agents of evangelization in these last 2 years of organizing Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) / Gagmay’ng Simbahanong Ka-tilingban (GSK) forming the now widely known and recognized BEC/GSK Claret in our Ormoc mission. From being passive listeners of God’s Word, they have be-come active missioners and Servants of the Word. Considering that most of our leaders are married or are professionals, we, the Claretian Missionaries, admire the zeal, self-offering and commitment of our partners and collaborators as they voluntarily make our mission their mis-sion as well. These Lay Claretians, as they want to be known and considered, now go by themselves or by teams to the dif-ferent BEC Chapel Communities. The Clar-et Youth Ministry also has striven to keep abreast with their elders in living and do-ing as Claret did, in gathering and orga-nizing the young people of our BEC Com-munities. To-date, the Ormoc Mission has given birth to the Claret Itinerant Mission Team (CIMT) Staff who oversee the man-agement of running the mission accord-ing to our Claretian Charism and Spiri-tuality. The Claret Servant Leaders (CSL) was also formed to guide and care for all the Pastoral leaders of all the BEC Chapel Communities. The CSL’s education and

conscientization arm is cared for by the creation of the Claret Formation Team (CFT) who handles all the basic orienta-tion seminars and formation, education and catechetical aspects of the mission. And the Claret Youth Ministry (CYM), with their vibrancy and happiness, are able to gather the young people and children of the mission areas and offer them the life and mission of the disciples with a touch of Claretian color. All these core leaders coordinate and collaborate to look after the 21 BEC Chapels and Communities under the jurisdiction of 8 barangays en-trusted to the care of the Claretian Mis-sionaries. They also sustain the 115 Fam-ily Groups (FGs), composed of 7 families to 1 FG. This helps bring families closer to God with the Bible sharing and prayer fel-lowship they regularly hold. The FGs also become very active in their Chapel ser-vices, most especially the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, where they become lectors & commentators and offerors in the mass. Sponsoring FGs also have a fel-lowship with the Priest celebrant as they go visit 1 member’s house and share a hearty and festive meal together thus strengthening more the bonding be-tween clergy and lay. If we speak of the Ormoc Mission, we refer to the Claret Itinerant Mission (Mission Ad Gentes) and the Claretian Novitiate (Formation). These are the main reasons of the Claretian Congregation’s presence in the Visayan Region in the Philippines. The Claret Itinerant Mission had done so many things in terms of the development of the people spiritually and also economically. The Missionaries here together with our Lay Partners and Collaborators believe that we are

following the missionary apostolate entrusted to us by the Archdiocese of Palo. These are clearly seen in the programs the Claretians have initiated and sustained in the building up and organizing of Basic Ecclesial Communities in the 8 barangays given to our pastoral care. In fact, at this time, we are already entering and initiating the 2nd stage of the three-fold mission program planned. The Claret Itinerant Mission conceived the three-fold mission program beginning with the 1st stage which touches on Sacramental Life and Mission. The 2nd stage concerns Developmental Life and Mission dealing with the reality of people’s lives and livelihood. And the 3rd stage emphasizes the Liberational Life and Mission of peoples. These Programs help our lay leaders and people achieve the fullness of integrating themselves into the life and mission of the Church as Claretian Lay Evangelizers and also for the Claretian Missionaries to integrate themselves into the very life, dynamics and realities of the lives of the people and communities entrusted to our care. In fact, the Mission through its programs and activities have caught fire blazing with warmth and enthusiasm that so much has been achieved in 3 months time from July to September 2009. Programs and activities like the 2nd batch of Mass Wedding we had that saw 28 couples, living-in, receiving the grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Of the 28, 10 were converts from other religious denominations. They accepted the faith not because of what we say but because they experienced the concern we had for

Continuation on page 21

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Fr. Benedict Dilag, CMF, with participants of the Stewardship & Strengths Seminar.

THE STEWARDSHIP AND STRENGTHS Seminar was facili-tated by Fr. Benedict Dilag, CMF with Claretian Publica-tions staff last October 8-10, 2009 at the Sto. Niño Parish,

Tacloban City. This seminar was participated in by priests, dea-cons, PPC members, catechists, lectors, youth ministry mem-bers, sisters and parish office staff.

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Claretian Missionaries in the Philippine ProvinceAs of December 31, 2009

NAMe Birthday Place of Birth religious Profession residencePriesthood

1 BLANCO Bernardo T. Nov. 20, 1927 Ceadea de Aliste Zamora P Jul. 16, 1946 May 03, 1953 Philippines2 GONZALEZ Santiago G. Jul. 25, 1932 Cistierna Leon P Jul. 16, 1950 Jun. 12, 1957 Philippines3 RODRIGUEZ Maximino M. Dec. 31, 1935 Palanquinos Leon P Jul. 16, 1954 Jul. 02, 1961 Philippines4 FERNANDEZ Luis Andres R. Sep. 14, 1936 El Val-Naron La Coruña P Sep. 29, 1957 Jul. 11, 1965 Darwin, Australia5 MARTIN Desiderio G. Mar. 25, 1938 Urueñas Segovia P Aug. 15, 1957 Jul. 25, 1964 Philippines6 MARQUEZ Jose Maria R. Dec. 15, 1941 Villamanrique Sevilla P Jul. 16, 1958 Apr. 11, 1967 Philippines7 CALVO Angel C. Dec. 29, 1944 Becilla de Valderaduey Villadolid P Jul. 16, 1962 Apr. 05, 1970 Philippines8 DE RIVAS Carlos L. Nov. 30, 1945 Herrera del Duque Badajoz P Jul. 16, 1962 May 20, 1971 Philippines9 SOLIS Antonio Cornelio S. Jun. 01, 1953 Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur P May 16, 1976 Apr. 24, 1982 Melbourne, Australia10 SUÑAZ Juan Manuel L. Sep. 07, 1954 Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur P May 16, 1976 Mar. 26, 1983 Melbourne, Australia11 MANUBAG Renato B. Dec. 02, 1959 Salvador Lanao del Norte P Jun. 07, 1981 Mar. 26, 1986 Philippines12 LIBOT Felimon P. Mar. 21, 1960 Loay Bohol P May 01, 1985 Mar. 26, 1989 Melbourne, Australia13 SADAYA Victor F. Feb. 21, 1961 Manila Metro Manila P May 07, 1983 Mar. 19, 1988 Philippines14 BANARIA Ronaldo Epifanio R. Sep. 23, 1962 Manila Metro Manila P May 03, 1992 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines15 CANILANG Samuel H. Oct. 19, 1963 San Carlos City Pangasinan P May 01, 1985 Mar. 29, 1992 Philippines16 LUZA Rowan M. Oct. 08, 1964 Jimenez Misamis Occidental P May 03, 1987 May 31, 1991 Darwin, Australia17 SALOMON Ricardo T. Aug. 29, 1964 Antequera Bohol P May 03, 1987 Sep. 05, 1991 Philippines18 MANILA Paulino Jr. B. Apr. 03, 1965 Carmen Bohol P May 03, 1987 Mar. 29, 1992 Philippines19 KRAKOWCZYK Piotr May 22, 1966 Wodzislaw, Slaski Poland P Sep. 08, 1991 May 17, 1997 Philippines20 CLEOFE Pedro E. Feb. 23, 1967 Panglao Bohol P May 05, 1996 May 11, 2002 Philippines21 RICABORDA Eduardo P. Dec. 03, 1967 Ozamis City Misamis Occidental P May 04, 1997 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines22 AYUBAN Elias Jr. L. Jan. 01, 1968 Parang North Cotabato P May 05, 1991 Mar. 09, 1996 Philippines23 CASTRO Christian James D. Sep. 14, 1968 Naga City Camarines Sur P May 05, 1991 May 31, 1997 Philippines 24 ABELARDO Jose Arnold M. Sep. 15, 1968 Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija P Aug. 08, 1997 Feb. 22, 2003 Philippines 25 DALMAO Leo M. Dec. 01, 1969 Tagbilaran City Bohol P May 03, 1992 May 31, 1997 Philippines 26 AGUALADA Salvador G. Sep. 09, 1969 Cabusao Camarines Sur P May 03, 1992 Apr. 25, 1998 Rome 27 MIRANDA Larry V. Oct. 02, 1969 Daraga Albay P May 02, 1993 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines28 ZAMUDIO Edgar L. Oct. 07, 1969 Daraga Albay P May 02, 1993 May 06, 2000 Argentina 29 APUNGAN Eduardo C. Jan. 26, 1970 Pigcawayan North Cotabato P May 02, 1993 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines 30 TAMAYO Dennis G. Mar. 07, 1970 Pigcawayan North Cotabato P May 04, 1997 Jul. 16, 2004 Philippines 31 BITOY Jonathan A. Mar. 03, 1971 Barotac Nuevo Iloilo P May 08, 1994 May 06, 2000 Philippines 32 BORJA Joselito D. Mar. 19, 1972 Maluso Basilan Province P May 08, 1994 Oct. 23, 1999 Philippines33 DADUYA Noel A. Dec. 25, 1972 Dagupan City Pangasinan P May 07, 1995 May 06, 2000 USA34 CANTULAR Elmer T. Nov. 21, 1972 Palimbang Sultan Kudarat P May 02, 2004 Mar. 19, 2009 Philippines35 LIGASON Christopher B. Dec. 24, 1973 Tagbilaran City Bohol P May 05, 1996 May 11, 2002 Philippines 36 ANCLA Angelito S. Nov. 16, 1973 Davao City Davao del Sur P May 05, 1996 Jun. 07, 2003 Vietnam37 DILAG Benedict S. Jul. 07, 1973 Iloilo City Iloilo P May 05, 1996 Oct. 24, 2004 Philippines38 ANGELES Angel II A. Apr. 09, 1973 Gapan Nueva Ecija P May 05, 1996 May 07, 2005 Philippines39 AUDAL Restituto A. Sep. 05, 1973 Cavite City Cavite P May 04, 1997 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines40 CARREON Anthony Q. Oct. 25, 1976 Sariaya Quezon Province P May 02, 1999 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines

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Claretian Missionaries in the Philippine ProvinceAs of December 31, 2009

NAMe Birthday Place of Birth religious Profession residencePriesthood

1 BLANCO Bernardo T. Nov. 20, 1927 Ceadea de Aliste Zamora P Jul. 16, 1946 May 03, 1953 Philippines2 GONZALEZ Santiago G. Jul. 25, 1932 Cistierna Leon P Jul. 16, 1950 Jun. 12, 1957 Philippines3 RODRIGUEZ Maximino M. Dec. 31, 1935 Palanquinos Leon P Jul. 16, 1954 Jul. 02, 1961 Philippines4 FERNANDEZ Luis Andres R. Sep. 14, 1936 El Val-Naron La Coruña P Sep. 29, 1957 Jul. 11, 1965 Darwin, Australia5 MARTIN Desiderio G. Mar. 25, 1938 Urueñas Segovia P Aug. 15, 1957 Jul. 25, 1964 Philippines6 MARQUEZ Jose Maria R. Dec. 15, 1941 Villamanrique Sevilla P Jul. 16, 1958 Apr. 11, 1967 Philippines7 CALVO Angel C. Dec. 29, 1944 Becilla de Valderaduey Villadolid P Jul. 16, 1962 Apr. 05, 1970 Philippines8 DE RIVAS Carlos L. Nov. 30, 1945 Herrera del Duque Badajoz P Jul. 16, 1962 May 20, 1971 Philippines9 SOLIS Antonio Cornelio S. Jun. 01, 1953 Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur P May 16, 1976 Apr. 24, 1982 Melbourne, Australia10 SUÑAZ Juan Manuel L. Sep. 07, 1954 Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur P May 16, 1976 Mar. 26, 1983 Melbourne, Australia11 MANUBAG Renato B. Dec. 02, 1959 Salvador Lanao del Norte P Jun. 07, 1981 Mar. 26, 1986 Philippines12 LIBOT Felimon P. Mar. 21, 1960 Loay Bohol P May 01, 1985 Mar. 26, 1989 Melbourne, Australia13 SADAYA Victor F. Feb. 21, 1961 Manila Metro Manila P May 07, 1983 Mar. 19, 1988 Philippines14 BANARIA Ronaldo Epifanio R. Sep. 23, 1962 Manila Metro Manila P May 03, 1992 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines15 CANILANG Samuel H. Oct. 19, 1963 San Carlos City Pangasinan P May 01, 1985 Mar. 29, 1992 Philippines16 LUZA Rowan M. Oct. 08, 1964 Jimenez Misamis Occidental P May 03, 1987 May 31, 1991 Darwin, Australia17 SALOMON Ricardo T. Aug. 29, 1964 Antequera Bohol P May 03, 1987 Sep. 05, 1991 Philippines18 MANILA Paulino Jr. B. Apr. 03, 1965 Carmen Bohol P May 03, 1987 Mar. 29, 1992 Philippines19 KRAKOWCZYK Piotr May 22, 1966 Wodzislaw, Slaski Poland P Sep. 08, 1991 May 17, 1997 Philippines20 CLEOFE Pedro E. Feb. 23, 1967 Panglao Bohol P May 05, 1996 May 11, 2002 Philippines21 RICABORDA Eduardo P. Dec. 03, 1967 Ozamis City Misamis Occidental P May 04, 1997 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines22 AYUBAN Elias Jr. L. Jan. 01, 1968 Parang North Cotabato P May 05, 1991 Mar. 09, 1996 Philippines23 CASTRO Christian James D. Sep. 14, 1968 Naga City Camarines Sur P May 05, 1991 May 31, 1997 Philippines 24 ABELARDO Jose Arnold M. Sep. 15, 1968 Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija P Aug. 08, 1997 Feb. 22, 2003 Philippines 25 DALMAO Leo M. Dec. 01, 1969 Tagbilaran City Bohol P May 03, 1992 May 31, 1997 Philippines 26 AGUALADA Salvador G. Sep. 09, 1969 Cabusao Camarines Sur P May 03, 1992 Apr. 25, 1998 Rome 27 MIRANDA Larry V. Oct. 02, 1969 Daraga Albay P May 02, 1993 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines28 ZAMUDIO Edgar L. Oct. 07, 1969 Daraga Albay P May 02, 1993 May 06, 2000 Argentina 29 APUNGAN Eduardo C. Jan. 26, 1970 Pigcawayan North Cotabato P May 02, 1993 Apr. 25, 1998 Philippines 30 TAMAYO Dennis G. Mar. 07, 1970 Pigcawayan North Cotabato P May 04, 1997 Jul. 16, 2004 Philippines 31 BITOY Jonathan A. Mar. 03, 1971 Barotac Nuevo Iloilo P May 08, 1994 May 06, 2000 Philippines 32 BORJA Joselito D. Mar. 19, 1972 Maluso Basilan Province P May 08, 1994 Oct. 23, 1999 Philippines33 DADUYA Noel A. Dec. 25, 1972 Dagupan City Pangasinan P May 07, 1995 May 06, 2000 USA34 CANTULAR Elmer T. Nov. 21, 1972 Palimbang Sultan Kudarat P May 02, 2004 Mar. 19, 2009 Philippines35 LIGASON Christopher B. Dec. 24, 1973 Tagbilaran City Bohol P May 05, 1996 May 11, 2002 Philippines 36 ANCLA Angelito S. Nov. 16, 1973 Davao City Davao del Sur P May 05, 1996 Jun. 07, 2003 Vietnam37 DILAG Benedict S. Jul. 07, 1973 Iloilo City Iloilo P May 05, 1996 Oct. 24, 2004 Philippines38 ANGELES Angel II A. Apr. 09, 1973 Gapan Nueva Ecija P May 05, 1996 May 07, 2005 Philippines39 AUDAL Restituto A. Sep. 05, 1973 Cavite City Cavite P May 04, 1997 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines40 CARREON Anthony Q. Oct. 25, 1976 Sariaya Quezon Province P May 02, 1999 Dec. 02, 2005 Philippines

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NAMe Birthday Place of Birth religious Profession residencePriesthood

41 ULEP Mauricio T. Jan. 14, 1977 San Nicolas Ilocos Norte P May 02, 1999 May 31, 2006 Philippines42 EUCAPOR Antonino G. Jun. 30, 1977 Mangaldan Pangasinan P May 07, 2000 Oct. 24, 2006 Philippines43 QUEÑANO Gilbert D. Sep. 29, 1977 Malasiqui Pangasinan P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines44 LIMPO Efren L. Sep. 14, 1978 Cagayan de Oro City Misamis Oriental P May 07, 2001 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines45 MERCADEJAS Ralden P. Jul. 05, 1979 Sariaya Quezon Province P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines46 TUMBAGA Amador C. Mar. 30, 1980 Tiaong Quezon Province P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines47 BOADO Julius I. Jul. 11, 1980 Baguio City Benguet P May 02, 2004 Mar. 19, 2009 Philippines48 ALCOBER Arnel G. Nov. 21, 1970 Tacloban City Leyte B May 07, 1995 Rome49 CORDOVA John Ryan C. Jan. 24, 1981 Quezon City Metro Manila D May 02, 2004 Philippines50 PHAN VAN DAT Peter Sep. 10, 1972 Ha Tinh Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines51 VO VAN TUNG Anthony Apr. 20, 1975 Khanh Hoa Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines52 LE VAN LUYEN Paul Apr. 27, 1978 Nghe An Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines53 MAUNG MAUNG TAR James Aug. 15, 1978 Labutta Myanmar S May 06, 2007 Philippines54 TRAN VAN KIEM Thomas Jan. 03, 1979 Thai Binh Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines55 HOANG THAI SON Gabriel Jun. 14, 1979 Ninh Thuan Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines56 GUADES John Luis May 01, 1980 Oas Albay S May 06, 2007 Spain57 BELLEN Arvin Jun. 07, 1981 Bacacay Albay S May 06, 2007 Philippines58 VILLAVICENCIO Victor A. Mar. 23, 1982 Alicia Isabela S May 01, 2005 Spain59 MORTELA Charles Jocris M. Jun. 01, 1982 Bangar La Union S May 01, 2005 Philippines60 NATULLA Nicer O. Nov. 29, 1982 Palo Leyte S May 01, 2005 Philippines61 BALABBO Heherson O. Jan. 07, 1983 Manila Manila S May 01, 2005 USA (West)62 DECRITO Efren Jan. 03, 1983 Zarraga Iloilo S May 06, 2007 Philippines63 VILLARIN Joseph Feb. 25, 1984 Dipolog City Zamboanga Norte S May 06, 2007 Philippines 64 TRAN ANH VU Peter Dec. 15, 1980 Dong Nai Province Vietnam S May 03, 2009 Philippines65 CAPISTRANO Michael A. May 09, 1986 Sta. Clara, Buhi Camarines Sur S May 03, 2009 Philippines66 COCHING Julius Jose A. Jul. 22, 1972 Davao City Davao del Sur N Philippines67 VARQUEZ Sunny D. Sep. 23, 1977 Kinangay Sur, Clarin Misamis Occidental N Philippines68 ELE Martin Ernest A. May 11, 1986 Quezon City Metro Manila N Philippines69 CASTILLONES Aldrin M. Oct. 22, 1987 Bangar La Union N Philippines70 VIRTUDAZO Francis Gerzuet B. Aug. 26, 1987 Quezon City Metro Manila N Philippines

Assigned from Other Province:1 BALAVENDRA Gerald K. Sep. 08, 1975 Fathimapura Karnataka, India P May 31, 1997 Jan. 05, 2005 Vietnam2 DODOK Kristian Dec. 20, 1974 Hamba Karipit NTT, Indonesia P Aug. 15, 1997 Sep. 29, 2004 Melbourne, Australia3 VARGAS Alfredo Augusto V. Jan. 15, 1965 Huancayo Peru P Jan. 24, 1988 Mar. 19 1994 Philippines

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NAMe Birthday Place of Birth religious Profession residencePriesthood

41 ULEP Mauricio T. Jan. 14, 1977 San Nicolas Ilocos Norte P May 02, 1999 May 31, 2006 Philippines42 EUCAPOR Antonino G. Jun. 30, 1977 Mangaldan Pangasinan P May 07, 2000 Oct. 24, 2006 Philippines43 QUEÑANO Gilbert D. Sep. 29, 1977 Malasiqui Pangasinan P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines44 LIMPO Efren L. Sep. 14, 1978 Cagayan de Oro City Misamis Oriental P May 07, 2001 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines45 MERCADEJAS Ralden P. Jul. 05, 1979 Sariaya Quezon Province P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines46 TUMBAGA Amador C. Mar. 30, 1980 Tiaong Quezon Province P May 05, 2002 Dec. 08, 2007 Philippines47 BOADO Julius I. Jul. 11, 1980 Baguio City Benguet P May 02, 2004 Mar. 19, 2009 Philippines48 ALCOBER Arnel G. Nov. 21, 1970 Tacloban City Leyte B May 07, 1995 Rome49 CORDOVA John Ryan C. Jan. 24, 1981 Quezon City Metro Manila D May 02, 2004 Philippines50 PHAN VAN DAT Peter Sep. 10, 1972 Ha Tinh Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines51 VO VAN TUNG Anthony Apr. 20, 1975 Khanh Hoa Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines52 LE VAN LUYEN Paul Apr. 27, 1978 Nghe An Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines53 MAUNG MAUNG TAR James Aug. 15, 1978 Labutta Myanmar S May 06, 2007 Philippines54 TRAN VAN KIEM Thomas Jan. 03, 1979 Thai Binh Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines55 HOANG THAI SON Gabriel Jun. 14, 1979 Ninh Thuan Vietnam S May 06, 2007 Philippines56 GUADES John Luis May 01, 1980 Oas Albay S May 06, 2007 Spain57 BELLEN Arvin Jun. 07, 1981 Bacacay Albay S May 06, 2007 Philippines58 VILLAVICENCIO Victor A. Mar. 23, 1982 Alicia Isabela S May 01, 2005 Spain59 MORTELA Charles Jocris M. Jun. 01, 1982 Bangar La Union S May 01, 2005 Philippines60 NATULLA Nicer O. Nov. 29, 1982 Palo Leyte S May 01, 2005 Philippines61 BALABBO Heherson O. Jan. 07, 1983 Manila Manila S May 01, 2005 USA (West)62 DECRITO Efren Jan. 03, 1983 Zarraga Iloilo S May 06, 2007 Philippines63 VILLARIN Joseph Feb. 25, 1984 Dipolog City Zamboanga Norte S May 06, 2007 Philippines 64 TRAN ANH VU Peter Dec. 15, 1980 Dong Nai Province Vietnam S May 03, 2009 Philippines65 CAPISTRANO Michael A. May 09, 1986 Sta. Clara, Buhi Camarines Sur S May 03, 2009 Philippines66 COCHING Julius Jose A. Jul. 22, 1972 Davao City Davao del Sur N Philippines67 VARQUEZ Sunny D. Sep. 23, 1977 Kinangay Sur, Clarin Misamis Occidental N Philippines68 ELE Martin Ernest A. May 11, 1986 Quezon City Metro Manila N Philippines69 CASTILLONES Aldrin M. Oct. 22, 1987 Bangar La Union N Philippines70 VIRTUDAZO Francis Gerzuet B. Aug. 26, 1987 Quezon City Metro Manila N Philippines

Assigned from Other Province:1 BALAVENDRA Gerald K. Sep. 08, 1975 Fathimapura Karnataka, India P May 31, 1997 Jan. 05, 2005 Vietnam2 DODOK Kristian Dec. 20, 1974 Hamba Karipit NTT, Indonesia P Aug. 15, 1997 Sep. 29, 2004 Melbourne, Australia3 VARGAS Alfredo Augusto V. Jan. 15, 1965 Huancayo Peru P Jan. 24, 1988 Mar. 19 1994 Philippines

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Rekindling Hope:

Claret H pe Fund Celebrates

Fr. Bong Dilag, CMF, Rico Santos and nuns.

Fr. Vic Sadaya, CMF, Fr. Bong Dilag, CMF, Lumen, Meann, Mia and Ruby.

Fr. Vic Sadaya, CMF, Bro. Sid and Agnes.

Members of the Kapatirang Claretiano Inc. (KCI).

Dilaab Music Ministry.


Lena, Beulah and Marica.

1st AnniversaryON OCTOBER 25, 2009, Claret

Hope Fund (CHF), the assistance and development organization

of the Claretian Missionaries in the Phil-ippines , celebrated its 1st Anniversary with an afternoon of sharing and music at the Claretian Hope Center. Guests in-cluded benefactors, donors, beneficia-ries and friends of CHF. Fr. Benedict S. Dilag, CMF, CHF Exe-cutive Director, gave an update on the activities and happenings of CHF for the past year. Dorothy Esquivel (donor), Lena

Vergara (volunteer) and Edelyn Fanti-lanan (beneficiary) shared their thoughts on how CHF has affected their lives. The Dilaab Music Ministry, with choir master Chris Reyes, provided the songs for re-flection after each sharing. The theme was “Rekindling Hope” – a fitting reminder to keep the flame of hope alive by supporting the different programs and campaigns of CHF. Indeed, hope is alive in each one of us. Through CHF, we are called to be bearers of hope to others.

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Christmas Tree Fund drive

TO HELP FINANCE the renovation of the function rooms: Jerusalem, Gali-lee, Nazareth and Jordan, as well as help in the implementation of the plans of the various ministries, the Parish Finance Committee launched

the bi-annual Christmas Tree Fund Drive. While the response to the drive was slightly sluggish at the beginning, especially in the aftermath of the destruction of typhoon Ondoy, the drive has picked up in recent weeks, with the Christmas boxes and various-sized balls turning out to be favorites! The Christmas tree has glowed these past Sundays and now glows during the Simbanggabi Masses, both in the evenings and the early mornings. Despite the unexpected calamities and the hard times wrought by a still ongoing glo-bal economic depress ion, parishioners continue to share joyfully what they have and place time, talent and treasure at the service of the commu-nity.


Christ the King celebration 2009Vicariate of St. joseph

renovation of Function rooms

AFTER MANY YEARS of constant, steady use, the various function rooms of the church finally un-

derwent much needed renovation. The biggest, and original function room, the Jerusalem room, and the Galilee room, favorite rehearsal room of our church choirs first underwent renovation begin-ning October, while the two other func-tion rooms, Nazareth which is the origi-nal rehearsal room of church choirs and where the CWL holds its free vocational courses, and Jordan which is converted into a medical clinic on Sundays and is the base of our Catechetical Ministry are still undergoing change. Based on the changes already seen in the first two rooms – a new stage and new room color in Jerusalem, and a lon-ger room length and also new colors in Galilee, the groups who use these areas will surely, as they already do, appreciate the changes.

EVERY two years the Vicariate of St. Joseph marks the end of the liturgical year with a grand procession participated in by groups from the eight parishes and one quasi-parish of the vicariate. As part of the St. Joseph Vicariate, it

was the turn of the IHMP this year to sponsor the liturgical celebration in the parish church. Wending their way out they stopped at the first station in Krus Na Ligas, then entered the U.P. campus through the new gate on CP Garcia road, going onwards past the University avenue, stopping at three more stations before proceeding to the Church of the Holy Sacrifice of the U.P. parish. While in procession, the faithful and clergy prayed the rosary. Upon arrival at the U.P. parish church, the final prayer of the Eucharistic celebration which had begun at the IHMP was said. Thus ended yet another liturgical year.

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AFTER A SERIES of planning sessions guided by the five-point priority agenda (5PPA) of the Diocese, beginning in February until late September, 2009, parish leaders

headed by the current Lay Coordinator, Regie Caballero, pre-sented a facsimile of the soon-to-be released Parish Manual of the IHMP to Fr. Desiderio G. Martin, CMF, parish priest. Included in the manual aside from the 5PPA are the message


Intercultural Youth Camp for PeaceFr. Gilbert D. Queñano, CMF

IN ORDER TO FOSTER dialogue and deeper understanding among the various cultural tribes living in Sumisip, Basilan province, the San Vicente Ferrer Parish of Tumahubong held

an Intercultural Youth Peace Camp at the Claret School of Tuma-hubong grounds on December 3-5, 2009 with the theme “Ka-bataang Nagkakaisa: Tulay ng Kapayapaan, Binhi ng Pag-Asa”. The 125 participants, who are students of Mangal National High School, Tumahubong National High School, and Claret School of Tumahubong, and out of school youth in Tumahubong come from different tribes namely: the Yakan, Tausog, Samal, Bisaya, Chabacano, and Subanon. After very hectic preparations, the three-day event began with a well ordered registration and a parade of participants holding banners and flaglets of different colors signifying richness and diversity. Through the assistance of 10 facilitators from the three different schools and parish youth ministry, the talks and workshops given by members of Nagdilaab Foundation, headed by Miss Miriam Suacito, suc-cessfully led the participants to the appreciation of peace and a deeper understanding of conflict with special attention to its

elements, forms, levels, causes and implications. And together they forged a dream – that of a Peaceful Basilan. Several mean-ingful presentations were seen by people of Tumahubong par-ticularly the families of the participants during the Solidarity Night. The ending was rather more dramatic and emotional. Tears of separation ran through the faces of some who found friendship amidst cultural diversity. The youth peace camp is a living example that peace in Basilan is workable, if only the young of different cultural backgrounds would be given an opportunity to sit, talk, play, eat, study together and listen to one another. The seeds have been planted and we shall reap its fruits.

of Fr. Martin; the different major ministry plans, a calendar of parish activities until 2010, a color-coded map of the different areas/barangays that compose the parish, and a list of the cur-rent heads of ministries who collected and finalized the plans. This manual will serve as a guide for ministry implementa-tion of plans as well as provide the basis for evaluation and fu-ture planning.

The Parish Manual

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LAST NOVEMBER 25, sixteen (16) Claretian students from CSQC and an alumnus left for Zamboanga to

join in the celebration of the Mindanao Week of Peace. This year’s theme was “Think Mindanao, Feel Mindanao, Bring Peace to Mindanao.” The Peace Advocates for Zamboanga (PAZ) under the director-ship of Fr. Angel Calvo, CMF, took care of us. The Peace Advocacy Coordinator for Children and Youth, Aldrin Abdurahim and Rosie Montojo facilitated most of our activities. We went to Zamboanga to have a deeper understanding of peace. In last year’s peace camp we learned that peace is the absence of violence but

The Claretian Peace Weavers Celebrating theMindanao Week of Peace

By: Xyrelle Danac, President, Claretian Peace Weavers

this year’s experience enhanced our understanding of peace, and that is, to appreciate and promote the cul-ture of peace. It was a great honor and privilege to be in Zamboanga for all of us because what we learned there was never taught in the four walls of our classrooms. Witnessing their efforts to pursue peace in Mindanao was truly heartbreaking. In one of our meetings in Zamboanga I told my fellow peace weavers “na sasamahan natin ang Min-danao na abutin ang pangarap nila na makamtan ang kapayapaan, na isang umaga sila ay magising hindi dahil sa mga putok ng baril kundi sa mga huni ng ibon.” Peace is a chain reaction of

love. If you love your neighbor you can do no violence against him/her. It is as simple as, “why make war if you can live in peace”. In this world there is always darkness, but we could be the light to spread love to the hopeless and make this a generation of peace and happi-ness.

Students of the Claret School of Quezon City.

The Mindanao Week of Peace parade. November 26, 2009.

Youth Peace Assembly.

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WE, THE 23 DELEGATES of Claret Schools to the 7th Association of Claret Schools of the Philip-

pines, Inc. (ACSPI) General Assembly held at Gallardo Hall, Claret School of Quezon City, November 12-14, 2009, by virtue of consensus resolve:

• that the ACSPI leadership shouldformulate programs to make the Fr. Roel Gallardo, CMF, Scholarship Foundation, Inc. operational;

• thattheapprovedClaretSchoolAca-demic Program be implemented;

• thattheapprovedClaretSchoolPas-toral Program be implemented;

• that each member school shalldraw its 3/5 year development pro-gram based on the approved pas-toral and academic programs to be implemented beginning SY 2010-2011;

• that ACSPI would come up with a3-year development plan to include financial resource management;

• that the 3rd Personnel Immersion


THEME:“Servants of the Word…

Building Peace”

Program (PIP) be held in Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay on April 19-24, 2010;

• that the 2nd ACSPI Youth PeaceCamp (YPC) be held in Bunguiao Eco

Farm, Zamboanga City on January 25-29, 2010;

• that the 8th ACSPI General Assem-bly be held in Claret School of Zam-boanga City, on November 2010.

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PART OF THE LIVELIHOOD assis-tance given to the Bajaus is the preservation of their mat weaving

industry and the enhancement of their mats into handicrafts or other products like bags, wall decors and fruit baskets. Last October 14-22, 2009, the 20 selected adult Bajaus together with the four staff of Claret Samal Foundation, Inc. (CSFI) went to Manila for an educational trip which was called LAKBAY ARAL: Isang hakbang sa pagpapakilala ng HInA­ngAn BAjAu Products sa lipunan. This activity was in partnership with Claret School of Quezon City (CSFI) and the Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF). The Bajaus and the CSFI Staff were brought to Kultura Pilipino Store of SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City and in ECHOs-tore, Serendra Piazza in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. They were exposed to

BajauLakbay Aral

more Bajaus to enhance their products and they became more creative in devel-oping new products that are sellable in the market. They were made ready also to join trade fairs to be able to sell their products and earn to meet their basic ne-cessities as well as to sustain the needs of their children who are going to school.

Pangasaan Area New Lumah ‘Tam

THE NEW ALTERNATIVE learning center (Lumah ‘Tam) of Panga-saan area was completed

first week of December 2009. It was blessed last December 7, 2009 by their “Imam” together with the Pangasaan Area’s Core Group of Leaders and members. The blessing was witnessed by the CSFI staff and Project-In-Charge together with Fr. Nick Eucapor, CMF.

handicrafts and other native products that are of export quality to inspire them to improve their crafts out of mats. Then they were given training on accessories making and sewing for women and car-pentry and electrical skills for men. The men have improved their wall decor and coconut lampshade, while the women have created new products like necklace, ring, slim bracelets, clutch bag, fruit bas-ket, pouch, and many more. With their new created products, they were also trained on how to have good packaging as well as in designing a booth to show-case their products. The last two days of their stay was spent in marketing their products. A launching program was held to formally introduce the Hinangan Ba-jau products to CSQC students and staff. The tour ended with a trip to Ayala Mu-seum in Makati City. This trip has inspired

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Best Booth and exhibitor Award

THE HINANGAN BAJAU Products were invited to be showcased in the Social Development Week Trade Fair at Trinoma in Quezon City last December 14-16, 2009. CSFI facilitated this activity in partnership with the PEF, CSQC and

the Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. (CCFI) Community. The Hinangan Bajau Booth was given the Best Booth and Exhibitor Award with the prize of PHP 25,000.00 worth of technical training assistance. This shows the potentials of the Bajau mats and the Hinangan Bajau products in mainstream society. With this ex-posure of the Bajau products, we are able to identify the best-selling products of the Bajaus and we are helped on how to market them.


BAJAU ONGKA-ONGKA 2009 or the so-called Bajau Festival in Maluso, Basilan was held last November

20-22, 2009. This year’s theme is: Aku ambal a’iyah, Samal-Bajau Aku (I am not ashamed of being a Samal- Bajau). This is a yearly activity being initiated by the Bajau Core Group of leaders and the CSFI to make known to others the richness of the Bajau culture and their unique identity as a tribe. Amidst the reality of violence and “unpeace” here in Basilan, we are able to conduct this program. This is so far the most organized Bajau Ongka-Ongka that the Bajaus have celebrated. Although some of the visitors were not able to attend because of the unstable peace and order condition, the activities and programs were successfully done from the parade and opening program to the Bajau development forum, games and closing cultural variety show. Once again, the Bajaus were made one in this gathering and were appreciated

Bajau ongka-ongka2009

by other tribes here in Maluso. During this occasion, the Bajau Formation and Wellness Sanctuary (BFWS) was formally blessed by the Bajau Core Group of

leaders headed by their local religious leader. The duwa’ah was held before the Bajau development forum during the second day of the Festival.

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them and their family and also because things they saw us do. After which we prepared and gathered our leaders and people for an evaluation and planning activity in the 5th General Assembly that guided the life and mission of the Clare-tians in Ormoc. From this Assembly came the much awaited Claret BEC/GSK Festi-val, where the 500 participants came in colorful fiesta-like fashion with their col-or-coded t-shirts to pray together, listen to a talk concerning Mary and the BEC, play games and joyfully share the food each community chapel had prepared, show off their talents in singing and dancing. We also witnessed the creativity of our people through the tent making contest from indigenous materials and the Bico (sticky rice) cooking contest. We also initiated the Organic Farm-ing Seminar as part of the Livelihood Program. We invited a resource person from the Archdiocese of Palo as a way of connecting with the life and mission of the Local Church we belong to. This seminar opened up an opportunity for people to raise the value of their work, most of whom are Mag-uuma (Farmers) with the Organic Farming Technology. To-date, these people are now using the technology they learned and have seen very encouraging results. Our vision is

to make the whole Mission area an Or-ganic Farming Mission Post where Or-ganic Products can be marketed. And to support this vision, we sent our beloved brother, Bro. Nicer Natulla, CMF - Direc-tor of the Claret Itinerant Mission Team, to Cagayan de Oro to attend a 1 month course with Searsolin. He enrolled in the course on Entrepreneurship and Micro Finance. He was also able to discuss and discover that the micro finance Muham-mad Yunus, who founded the Grameen Bank, can be very feasible in our Mission Post in Ormoc City. Not to be outdone by their elders, the young people through the Claret Youth Ministry shared presence and an encoun-ter with the Youth of Ipil Parish, the only Parish we know of that has an active BEC/GSK Program, at the Claretian Novitiate

House. They came together to learn ani-mation songs and actions that is a very in-viting tool used to gather young people to express themselves. In fact this activity is most beneficial because Ipil Parish with their Diocesan Parish Priest and the Clar-etians share the same ideals and vision on Basic Ecclesial Communities. And lastly, every month, continuing and still going strong is the Giya Making Activity. This brings together our leaders for a Spiritual Formation and Theological and Catechetical Skills Development ac-tivity that is focused on the Word of God or the Bible. Monthly they come to listen to the scriptural inputs given by the Clar-etian Priest and Brother on the Gospels of the succeeding month and to which they group themselves to come up with the Bible sharing guide used by all the Family Groups in their Bible Sharing ses-sions. And which they also use when they do the Kasaulogan (Liturgy of the Word with Communion is celebrated with the Kaabag or Lay Minister) if they have no Celebration of the Eucharist with a Priest. Another development is the attendance of the Lay Ministers. The Claretians of Ormoc live and do mission a day at a time. But we have our sights many years ahead of us. We are hopeful and we pray that the Good Lord will continue to sustain and maintain the spreading of the Good News through the Vision-Mission-Goals we have made. We are the Claretians conceiving dreams, building communities, and touching lives! This is our life and mission! Pax Christi Urget Nos!


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Convocation of the XII Provincial Chapter

January 8, 2009

After completing the election of delegates, I wish to officially announce to the Province the Convocation of the Twelfth Provincial Chapter on Feb. 10-14, 2010 at the Claret Retreat House in Sanville Subdivision, Culiat, Quezon City.

The following are the official delegates to the Chapter:

I. President: Fr. Josep Maria B. Abella, CMF

II. Ex-Officio Delegates: 1. Fr. Renato B. Manubag, CMF 2. Fr. Victor F. Sadaya, CMF 3. Fr. Eduardo C. Apungan, Jr., CMF 4. Fr. Leo M. Dalmao, CMF 5. Fr. Santiago G. Gonzalez, CMF 6. Fr. Benedict S. Dilag, CMF 7. Fr. Bernardo T. Blanco, CMF 8. Fr. Maximino M. Rodriguez, CMF 9. Fr. Desiderio G. Martin, CMF 10. Fr. Carlos L. de Rivas, CMF 11. Fr. Juan Manuel L. Suñaz, CMF 12. Fr. Ronaldo Epifacio R. Banaria, CMF 13. Fr. Samuel H. Canilang, CMF 14. Fr. Elias L. Ayuban, Jr., CMF 15. Fr. Dennis G. Tamayo, CMF 16. Fr. Restituto A. Audal, CMF

III. Elected Delegates: 1. Fr. Angel C. Calvo, CMF 2. Fr. Angel A. Angeles II, CMF 3. Fr. Efren L. Limpo, CMF 4. Fr. Paulino B. Manila, Jr., CMF

5. Fr. Mauricio T. Ulep, CMF 6. Fr. Gilbert D. Queñano, CMF 7. Fr. Anthony Q. Carreon, CMF 8. Fr. Christian James D. Castro, CMF 9. Fr. Jonathan A. Bitoy, CMF 10. Fr. Pedro E. Cleofe, CMF

IV. Delegates Appointed by the Provincial Council on January 7, 2010: 1. Fr. Jose Maria R. Marquez, CMF 2. Fr. Christopher B. Ligason, CMF 3. Fr. Angelito S. Ancla, CMF 4. Fr. Amador C. Tumbaga, CMF

As a very important part of our preparation for the chapter, let us not forget to pray constantly to the Lord for the success of the Chapter. Enclosed is the Prayer for the Chapter taken from the Spiritual Directory No. 186 that we can incorporate in our daily community prayer.

May the Lord and our Mother Mary guide our efforts as we search together for the will of the Father. May the examples of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, the Martyrs of Barbastro and Blessed Andres Sola inspire us to face and resolve the challenges that confront our Province today.

Fraternally yours,

FR. RENATO B. MANUBAG, CMFProvincial Superior

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THE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL ASSEM-BLY was held on November 9 -10, 2009 at the Claret Retreat House,

Sanville Subdivision, Culiat, Quezon City. This Provincial Assembly also served as the Pre-Capitular Assembly. Mr. Ramon Capili of Task Force De-tainees Philippines-Association of Ma-jor Religious Superiors of the Philip-pines (TFDP- AMRSP) presented the

Philippine Province holds Pre-Capitular AssemblyNational Situation to put into proper perspective all discussions during the assembly. Members of the Pre-Capitular Commission appointed by the Provin-cial Superior were on hand to present the reports and results of the question-naire earlier sent out to the communi-ties. Fr. Benedict Dilag, CMF presented a Synthesis of the Community Reports submitted by the twelve (12) commu-

nities of the Province. The Provincial Evaluation was presented by Fr. Samuel Canilang, CMF while Fr. Elias Ayuban, Jr., CMF, who was also the moderator during the assembly, presented the Summary of Proposals for the 12th Pro-vincial Chapter. The XII Provincial Chapter is scheduled on February 10 to 14, 2010 at the same venue.


Starting Afresh with Claret

THE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL RETREAT was held on November 2 to 7, 2009 at the Mornese Center of Spirituality in Laguna with the theme “Starting Afresh

With Claret”. Participants were invited to go back and relive the core values of the Claretian Spirituality. They were reminded that every encounter with Claret rekindles the

fire within them, sets others ablaze and passes on the fire to future generations. They were encouraged to deepen their knowledge of the Founder in order to embody the ideals formulated by Claret. This gathering was a perfect time for reflection and fellowship. Retreat Master was Fr. John Ledesma, SDB.

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T R I B U T E toRev. Fr. Felicisimo Tarroza, CMF

By: Fr. Orlando Cantillion

Born on 6th of August, 1950 in Basilan, Philippines. First Religious Profession on 14th of May, 1979. Perpetual Religious Profession on 24th of April, 1983. Priestly Ordination on 11th of January, 1985. Died on the 19th of December, 2009 in Pateros, Metro Manila, Philippines. As a Claretian Missionary he served in our mission areas in Australia, Basilan, Bungiao, Zamboanga City and Quezon City. He was Assistant Parish Priest in Holy Family Parish in Darwin, Australia, Parish Priest of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Maluso, Basilan and of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Bungiao, Zamboanga City. He was School Director of Claret School of Zamboanga City and Assistant Parish Priest of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Diliman, Quezon City. Fr. Fil would later be guest priest in the Diocese of Pasig.


Congratulations on your celebration! BIrthdayS ProfeSSIon ordInatIon

JANUARY 1 Elias Ayuban, Jr. Thomas Tran Van Kiem 3 Efren Decrito 5 Gerald Balavendra 14 Mauricio Ulep 15 Alfredo Augusto Vargas 24 John Ryan Cordova Alfredo Augusto Vargas 26 Eduardo Apungan, Jr.

FEBRUARY 21 Victor Sadaya 22 Jose Arnold Abelardo 23 Pedro Cleofe 25 Joseph Villarin

MARCH 3 Jonathan Bitoy 7 Dennis Tamayo 9 Elias Ayuban 19 Joselito Borja Victor Sadaya Elmer Cantular Julius Boado Alfredo Augusto Vargas 21 Felimon Libot 23 Victor Villavicencio 25 Desiderio Martin 26 Manuel Suñaz Renato Manubag Felimon Libot 29 Paulino Manila Samuel Canilang 30 Amador Tumbaga

Provincial Bulletin4th Quarter 2009

Fr. Benedict Dilag, CMFEditor-in-Chief

Robert LaurioEditorial Coordinator

Ma. Myreen GayosCreative Artist

Provincial website:

PhiliPPine Provincial Bulletin is a quarterly publication of the Claretian Missionaries in the Philippines. Published by Claretian Publications, a division of Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc., U.P. P.O. Box 4, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.Tel.: (02) 921-3984 • Fax: (02) 921-6205Email: [email protected] • Website:

LAST AUGUST 1, 2009, Rev. Fr. Fil Tarroza arrived at the parish of San Roque, Pateros after receiving his appointment from His Excellency, Bishop Francisco C. San Diego, DD, as guest

priest. He immediately started working in the parish cooperating in the on going formation of the different ministries and religious organizations assigned to him. He also was assigned as chaplain of Pateros Catholic School where he made an impact on the Center of Integral Evangelization Program. Father Fil is well remembered as a singing priest. He used to sing the important parts of the mass with a solemn and stirring voice that so many people appreciated his misa cantada. Fr. Fil was also assigned as a Diocesan priest in charge of Inter-faith and Ecumenical Dialogue Ministry. Upon receiving his appointment, he immediately presented to the Bishop a pastoral program for the formation of lay leaders to prepare them for the inter-faith and ecumenical dialogue. He also was very much appreciated by the lay leaders, impressed by his commitment and knowledge of the principles of dialogue and ecumenism. Last Dec. 18, after driving his niece to the airport, he felt a stabbing stomach pain, and he asked to be brought to the hospital. The following day at 4:30 am, he died of aneurism of the abdominal aorta at the age of 59. The day before, he was even talking about his plan for the coming silver anniversary of his ordination on January 11, 2010. God has other plans for him.

To me, Fr. Fil is KSP. K stands for kapatid (brother). He is a brother to me and to many priests in the Diocese of Pasig. He remembered the important dates (birthdays, ordination anniversaries) in the life of his brother priests and sent them messages of congratulations, prayers and words of inspiration. He was ready to help other priests who might need his services whether for the masses, confessions, talks or seminars. S stands for being simple. Fr. Fil was a very simple priest with simple aspirations. He just wanted to be of service to the people entrusted to his care. The little money he earned was used to help other people who are in need. When he died, he only had a few thousand pesos in his savings. His room was very bare and no sign of luxuries. P stands for passion. He was a passionate man with strong convictions. He had strong convictions on assisting priests who are in crisis rather than passing judgment. During meals, we used to talk a lot and he will never be silent, always had something to share to the group. He gave his very best self to God and to God’s people through his priestly ministry. Fr. Fil, we will surely miss you.

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