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Page 1: Cicerone November

W W W . I TA L I A N C L U B D A L L A S . O R G

Upcoming clUb EvEnts

November 2 - Hunger Busters

2,9,16,23,30 - I ColorI

4, 11,18 - Pasta & WoW7,14,21,28 - I PICColI


13 - oPera on taP

6,13,20 - Cena

18 - Book CluB

22 - gen’l MeMBersHIP Mtg

25 - CloseD evenIng 27 - CloseD


2, 9, 16, 23 - Pasta & WoW4, 11, 18 - Cena

5, 12,19 - I PICColI ColorI

5 - san nICola Party - I PICColI ColorI

6 - seven FIsHes

7, 14 - I ColorI ItalIanI 7 - Hunger Busters

11 - Bake sale

31 - neW year’s eve


1 - neW year’s Day - CloseD2,9,16,23,30 - I PICColI ColorI

4, 27 - Hunger Busters

4,11,18,25 - I ColorI

6,13,20,27 - Pasta & WoW8,15,22,29 - Cena

25 - Book CluB

Keep up to Date aND subscribe to

our weeKly e-mail bulletiN...

please visit our website!

Notiziario Ufficiale del circolo italiaNo di dallas • Novembre 2015 • vol 36 NUm 11

opera oN tap oN Nov 13!Life may hand you lemons...or life may pour you a glass of limoncello! Either way, the important thing is to celebrate the good times regardless of what may come... at least, that will be the theme of our next evening with our amici from Opera on Tap, scheduled for Friday, Nov. 13. Think of arias like Donna non vidi mai, La dolcissima effigie, and even E lucevan le stelle ~ “La Dolce Vita” is about being happy in the moment, regardless of what happens later ~ come share that spirit with us at our next OOT! Normal Cena prices, so bring your family, friends, and neighbors because you can’t find entertainment of this caliber at *any* price in the Metroplex. Contact Mary Ann Webster at [email protected] with any questions. Our opera Cenas fill up quickly, so be sure to make a reservation at 972/931-9167 or at We’ll see you on the 13th!

Feast oF the seveN Fishes DiNNer

Although in Italy, especially in the South, families are used to gathering on Christmas Eve to enjoy a fish feast, the ritual of enjoying seven (at least) fishes is typically of Italian American origin.

But where does this tradition come from? Many are the legends surrounding this curious but ancient ritual. The habit of eating seafood on Christmas Eve comes from the Roman Catholic tradition of abstinence from the consumption of meat or meat products on Wednesdays, Fridays and (in the Latin Church) Saturdays during Lent and Advent, as well as on the eve on any important religious feast. This celebration commemorates the wait, the Vigilia di Natale, of the midnight birth of the baby Jesus.

And there is more than just one hypothesis for what the number “7” means.

Did you know seven was the most repeated number in the Bible? Actually, it appears over 700 times. And

one of the most accredited theories is the number represents completion: in the Genesis 2:2, you can read “By the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” and, in a way, during the feast of the seven fishes, Christians celebrate the completion of God’s promise of the Messiah through Jesus. But seven may represent the seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church or the Seven Hills of Rome that surround the city.

To enjoy a traditional Italian American Feast of Seven Fishes, come to the Italian Club of Dallas on Sunday evening, December 6. Please make your reservations early through EventBrite or by calling the clubhouse.

Pricing is $34 for members and $40 for guests. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner served at 6:15 pm.

Please see menu on page 5 for more information!

Page 2: Cicerone November

letter From the presiDeNt

Ciao a tutti,

Traditionally November is a time to give thanks or, on a more personal note, I look at it as a time to count our blessings. I also stated last month we should focus on one month at a time in the 4th Qtr. With that thought in mind, allow me to count our blessings and thank our Co-Chairs Carole Strippoli and Barbie Gumin of the Fall Gala “Dall’uva al Vino” for all their efforts and time they put in to making our Gala a success.

There are many more people to give thanks to as well. We had many members who sponsored the Gala with donations and gifts, some baked and placed their delicious cookies on the beautiful dessert display. We are grateful for the support received from Melissa and the Club staff and chefs for the excellent dinner they prepared, for those who volunteered at the Gala, and of course a special thanks to all members who attended the Dall’uva al Vino. Grazie ancora.

This November we are holding our General Membership meeting on Sunday, Nov. 22. We want to give thanks to all our wonderful members, so we are hosting a GRATUITO PRANZO – Free Pasta with meat sauce/salad with dessert lunch while we have our general meeting (see Gen Meeting article for details). Our membership is truly a blessing and we say thank you for all your support and help this year.

We are also very thankful to our board members who have helped the Club move forward this year and want to especially thank Paul DiCarlo for all his support and help to the Club throughout the year with Jimmy’s wine tasting dinners at the Club, support of the Festa and Gala with donations of food and sponsorships and at other special events. A most welcomed blessing for the Italian Club of Dallas.

In November we look forward to seeing you at our Wednesday lunches/ Pasta ‘n Pizza nights, our Friday lunches/Cena and Opera on Tap night Nov 13, so all of us on the board can say thank you for your support of the Club and count our blessings for having you as members.

Happy Thanksgiving Dio benedica voi e le vostre famiglie

Ken Venuso President ICD

club reNtal

It won’t be long before pictures of sugarplums will be dancing in our heads. The holiday season will be here before we know it, with friends and neighbors gathering to celebrate the season.

The Italian Club facility is available for your holiday events! Melissa and Francesca can help you plan the food, from appetizers to wonderful desserts, decide the decorations, and provide the best pricing.

If you’re not throwing the party, you can also sponsor friends and family to rent the Club. They will receive value for their plans and you also help support the Club. See the brochure at the desk as you enter our Club “A Taste of Italy” for food package and prices.

Spread the word to your friends and business associates that the facilities are available. Melissa Partin Stoa, our banquet manager, can work with everyone to create the right combination of food and pricing. For more information or an appointment, contact Melissa at (972) 931-9167 or by email to [email protected]

culiNary eveNts

Wednesday ~ Pasta & Pizza Night: November 04, 11, 18. Doors open 6 p.m. Every Wednesday evening features our fantastic antipasti bar and one of several pasta or pizza selections for a great price. Add extras if the mood suits you – meat, seafood & veggies. Pasta or Pizza - Members $12 / Non-Members $16; Antipasti Bar only - Members $8 / Non-Members $12.

Call for reservations and large tables (972) 931-9167 or

FriDay ceNa scheDule & priciNg

Member Adult $20 / Non-Member Adult $28 Reservations are kindly requested as seating is often very limited.

November 06 ***Raffle night November 13 November 20 Guest Cena *** Raffle night November 27 (CLOSED)

Come, visit and enjoy the company of friends with a glass of wine while waiting for the delicious meal Chef Gerard and Chef Christian have prepared for our enjoyment. Join us, you know you will enjoy a great meal. DON’T FORGET TO BRING A GIFT TO RAFFLE OFF WITH OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY…… It’s just a lot of fun! What a great way to celebrate any occasion at the Italian Club, come and have a great evening with our special entertainment Opera On Tap Guest Cena, bring your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, it’s a great event to introduce them to our treasured Italian Club of Dallas. *** What a great time to re-gift those extra gifts that you have no use for - bring them to the Club. They might become someone else's treasures and make them very happy. Your donations assist in increasing the Club treasury. *** Each Friday, we make special time to enjoy Cena (dinner) with famiglia e amici (family & friends) Visit the Club for a delicious four-course menu, enjoyed insieme (together). Join us to savor the taste of authentic Italian dishes from fresh ingredients & recipes old and new, prepared by our Chef. Share the joy of good food, good wine and good company ~ Italian-style! Weekly menu available via Club Mail. Reservations recommended at (972) 931-9167 or online at

Page 3: Cicerone November

atteNioNe a tutti i membri gratuIto Pranzo – general MeMBersHIP MeetIng -

noveMBer 22The Board of Directors is holding our 2nd half General Membership Meeting on November 22 at the Italian Club. All members are invited to come to the general meeting.

President Ken Venuso said there are 4 reasons for the meeting:

1. To share time with our membership base over lunch and say thanks for all your support this year;

2. To share results to date, share good news about where the Club is at this point, review plans for 2016 and make announcements, if any, to members;

3. To present the board to the membership group and elect up to 3 new board members;

4. To hear from our special guest Joanna Palasota, President of the Federation of Italian Clubs in Houston (after her talk there will be a Q&A)

He continued to say 2016 is a very important year for the ICD; and Joanna Palasota sharing ideas from the Houston Federation successes, such as their Italian Festival and Gala, can be helpful to our success in 2016.

Joanna is a very enthusiastic and positive leader for the Houston Italian community with one goal in mind: To share and promote Italian culture and tradition for the Italians here and the communities we live in.

“We are hoping many of our members will be able to attend and hear how other Clubs have made a real impact in their community,” added President Venuso. He also said if anyone is interested in being a member of the board to please submit their resume to any board member by November 6.

The meeting will begin right after the lunch, which starts at 12:30 on Sunday November 22 at the Club.

All board members are looking forward to saying thank you in person to the members.

(NOTE - This is a members-only meeting and it’s a business meeting as well, so only adult members please – it’s not a family luncheon.)

Festa Di tutti i saNti all saInts’ Day

A sheaf of wheat is the typical symbol for this celebration.

Sunday November 1, 2015

Here’s another great traditional celebration. All Saints Day, also known as The Feast of All Saints, Day of All Saints, is a big national holiday in Italy and many Catholic countries. Schools, banks, post offices and most businesses are closed.

The day remembers all those who have attained Heaven’s rapturous vision of joy. The day celebrates the Catholic belief that there is a bond between those in Heaven and the living. This is considered a Holy Day of Obligation. The day is usually spent going to Mass and lingering over a large family feast. Desserts made of wheat are sometimes served during this celebration.

It is thought that an ancient Greek Christian festival started this gathering on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Some scholars believe that this day started from an ancient Roman festival called Lemuria. This day is a celebration for all saints (Christian) and especially for those saints that had no special day set aside for them. Regardless of how All Saints Day came about, it’s a good day for remembrance of those passed. Pope Gregory IV extended this holiday to cover all saints. The idea being that if you forgot to honor a saint on his/her birthday, you could make up for it on All Saints Day. This holiday is associated with the fall harvest. On the night of October 31 a feast is prepared and new, unfermented wine is drunk. Small presents are hidden around the house for the children to find in the morning. Children are told that if they are good, the souls of the deceased family members will leave them presents. In the morning after the presents are found then it’s off to Mass for everyone. The expectation for this day is that everyone should abstain from unnecessary work. There is usually a leisurely lunch with family and friends.

In France and much of Eastern Europe it’s a day that people bring fall flowers to the cemetery in remembrance of dead relatives. In some areas it is customary to light a candle. This practice leads into All Souls’ Day (Il Giorno dei Morti) on November second. This day (the 2nd) is usually dedicated to prayers for those who have passed. Many believe that relatives that have passed away will visit on All Souls’ Day. For Catholics and Italians alike, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are on the calendar as important celebration dates. All regions of Italy have their own particular variation on how these two important dates are celebrated. Italians usually celebrate the two days together.

If you happen to be in Rome, St Peter’s Basilica is open and holds a service for All Saints’ Day. Sometimes the Pope will address the people gathered in St Peter’s Square.

Save the Date for Mother’s Day

Brunch on May 10!

New Year’s Eve12/31

Page 4: Cicerone November

atteNtioN all club members

We have a tremendous amount of history in our Club and many wonderful members who donate their time and money to help spread our Italian Culture and make this Club a place for all of us to come to enjoy with our extended family…our membership.

Our purpose is to respect, honor and cherish our history and past members who have helped build this Club. In addition, we also want to acknowledge people from our current membership base. We have many members who give their time and efforts to this Club freely and do things for the Club because they want to do it. The Club is like family. If someone needs help, we go over to their house and help out.

The Board selected two individuals for this month. We have an open door policy on nominations so anyone can nominate someone and give their name to the Board.

Keep in mind there is no specific order or rules to go by here; it’s just a simple criteria of saying GRAZIE MILLE to a member who helps make this Club a better place for this month or since they have been a member.

Ken Venuso President ICD

grazie mille - member oF the moNth

This month the Board wants to recognize a person who is ‘loved by all’ at the Club. When he is present at the Club he is sharing his enthusiasm and having fun. Our GRAZIE MILLE honoree this month is


Carlo has and continues to be a strong supporter of the Club. He is a Life Time Member of the Club, a past board member and an annual sponsor of events at our Club. Carlo enjoys a good time and when he is at the Club we all know it. We have been entertained by him at our raffles. Even if your number isn’t called out to win one of the raffle items, you had a wonderful time because he is entertaining.

His enthusiasm and humorous personality was on full display as our “Voice of the Festa” in June. He did all the announcements, introductions and some of the entertaining on stage for all to enjoy. He was a key factor in keeping things going at the Festa.

Although we enjoy his presence at any of the cena or special events, we also have to say thanks to his giving side and his loyalty to the Club. If the Club is in need, Carlo is right there to lend a hand and that is the type of member other members truly appreciate.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to spend some time with Carlo, the next time you are at the Club walk over and share some laughter with Carlo and afterwards say Grazie Mille for all you do for the members and the Club every month.


a looK bacK – grazie mille

As a Club that stands for Italian culture we have an obligation to honor and cherish our past. We have a group of individuals who are known as Founders, lifetime members or long time members.

They helped establish and build the Club. They helped create what we have today: a Club that is a place to enjoy being around friends and family and the Italian culture. It is up to our current and future members to learn from our past and to remember what these individuals created:


Once again we are challenged to select someone who was there at the beginning or an early stage of the Club or a member we all know, but our aim is not to single one person out because their contributions are greater than someone else’s. Our focus is in honoring and cherishing people from our past or current membership base but in no specific order.

It is with pride the Board announces as our Honoree this month of “A LOOK BACK”


The Italian Club was created for people of Italian heritage to share their knowledge of Italian culture and traditions, speak the Italian language with other members, have fun and, above all, be Italian.

Nick has been a member for several years. He has volunteered at all the charity events we support ranging from Hunger Busters to Special Olympics to the Support the Troops at DFW to the CCA Christmas Party at South

Fork and many others. Nick has helped in the kitchen at the Club and even held cooking classes on how to make Italian sausage.

Nick has that common thread that seems to be in all the members we honor in “A Look Back”: a strong loyalty and concern for the well-being of our Club.

You can usually find him at a general membership meeting making suggestions on how we can improve or save on this or that. Or you may see him at a lunch or dinner and he will come over and offer a suggestion on how to help the Club, or an email with a suggestion will appear in your email account.

He has passed this philosophy even down to his son who has been hosting a “wild game dinner” (his son is with a group that cooks their own wild game at no cost to the ICD) at the Club that brings in substantial amount of additional revenue which is always welcomed.

Some of the key words in our mission statement are ‘promote’, ‘preserve’, ‘Italian culture and tradition’, ‘perform charitable works’. You can say the same about Nick Parigi’s ICD legacy. We are blessed to have him as part of our Italian Club family and thankful for his continuous support to our mission statement. Again it is with great pride we say.


Children’s Christmas Party San Nicola - 12/5

Feast of the Seven Fishes 12/6

Page 5: Cicerone November


Ingredients:• 12/3cupslentils(11ounces),rinsed

well• 5cupswater• 31/2cupsreduced-sodiumchicken

broth• 1/2bayleaf• 4garliccloves,finelychopped,divided• 2tablespoonsextra-virginoliveoil• 1poundsweetItaliansausagelinks,

cut into 1-inch pieces• 1mediumonion,finelychopped• 2mediumcarrots,finelychopped• 2celeryribs,finelychopped• 2tablespoonstomatopaste• 1/2poundescarole,chopped(4cups

packed)• 1to2tablespoonsred-winevinegar• Accompaniment:croutons

Directions:1. Simmer lentils, water, broth, bay leaf, and half of garlic in a 4-quart

pot, uncovered, 12 minutes.2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a wide, heavy 5- to 6-quart pot over medium-

high heat until it shimmers. Brown sausage about 7 minutes. Transfer sausage with a slotted spoon to a bowl.

3. Reduce heat to medium and cook onion, carrots, celery, remaining garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Add sausage and lentils with cooking liquid and simmer, uncovered, until lentils are tender, 3 to 5 minutes.

4. Stir in escarole and cook until tender, about 3 minutes. Stir in vinegar to taste and season with salt and pepper. Discard bay leaf.

meNu For Feast oF the seveN Fishes DiNNer

Hor d’oUrvEs Ceviche

Crab Wonton with cream cheese Arancini di Riso with shell fish

AntipAsto Crab cake

Smoked Salmon on rye bread topped with tomatoes & smoked cheese

primo Matriciana pasta with Ragu di Tonno & red onions

sEcondo Grilled stuffed zucchini with shrimp & scallops skewers

tErzo Salmon over asparagus & roasted potatoes

bAccAlA fritto

insAlAtA Pan-seared squid in lemony aioli salad

dolcE Semifreddo al Torrone

Page 6: Cicerone November

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chilDreN’s craNioFacial associatioN iNvites you to assist at their chilDreN’s christmas party

On Saturday, December 12 at Southfork Ranch from 10:00a.m. to noon, Children’s Craniofacial Association (CCA) will be celebrating its annual Children’s Christmas Party. As they have in the past, CCA has enlisted the help of Italian Club of Dallas volunteers for the event. About 12 volunteers are needed to greet and welcome the children and their families to the party; sign them in; fill out name tags; give out door prize tickets; and work with the children at the CCA craft tables. CCA asks that volunteers arrive at Southfork at about 9:15a.m. to help set up and prepare for the party.

It’s understandable that a few hours of a Saturday two weekends before Christmas is precious time indeed. Nonetheless I ask that you find it in your hearts to devote those two hours or so to help brighten the lives of the CCA children. What better way can there be to get into the Christmas spirit than by volunteering for this worthwhile event?

Southfork Ranch is located at 3700 Hogge Road in Parker, Texas, 75002. The phone number there is 972.442.7800. For a map and directions go to

Volunteers will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Call me at 972.699.0243, or contact me by email.

Ben Parlapiano – Charitable Outreach Committee My cell phone is (214) 478.6103 Email: [email protected]

News oF members

The Jackson’s (Lena and Joe) continue to do well. We hope to see them at the Club soon.

We send our condolences to Rose Ann Skinner, whose Aunt Mary passed away at the age of 102 on September 24.

Please let me know of any family event you would like to share with the membership.


toys For the chilDreN oF our military heroes

During this holy and joyous season the DFW USO is in need of a variety of toys suitable for all ages to help occupy the time of the children in their charge, and to give as a gift to the children to take home. We are asking that you please find it in your hearts to donate an unwrapped toy to this very worthy cause.

On Wednesday, November 11 there will be a box placed at the Clubhouse to accept your donations. The deadline for donations is Friday, December 11.

If, instead, you would like us to shop for you during this busy time, please mail a check (designated for USO Toys) to: The Italian Club of Dallas, PO Box 801202, Dallas, Texas 75380, or drop your monetary contribution (or toy donation) off at the Clubhouse on Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch, or Wednesday evenings for Pasta and Pizza, or Friday evenings for Cena. (Please note: the Club will be closed on Nov 25 evening and November 27.)

The mission statement of the USO (United Services Organization) is: “To lift the spirits of America’s troops and their families.”

It is in furtherance of this mission that the DFW USO unit provides numerous amenities to our military heroes and their families connecting through DFW International Airport to their final destinations. Included in those amenities is a supervised children’s play area. Taking the burden of caring for their children for a few hours from travel weary parents is one small way of saying to our troops “Thank you for helping to secure our freedom. Your service is greatly appreciated.”

Ben Parlapiano – Charitable Outreach Committee

Page 7: Cicerone November

oNe thousaND oNe huNDreD aND tweNty DiviDeD by 9 = 124.44/DiviDeD by 140 = 8

No matter how you figure it, on Monday, October 5 at the Dallas Hunger Buster facility on Sylvan Ave nine Italian Club volunteers set a Hunger Busters record assembling and packaging 1,120 meals in a little over two hours of work. This averages to more than 124 meals per volunteer, or 8 meals per minute for the crew.

Here’s how: The volunteers in their washed and then rubber gloved hands are a delight to watch at their labors as they open packages of fragrant loaves of bread (donated by Phil Romano’s Eatzi’s), layering the slices two high on sanitized stainless steel tables, applying meat and cheese, then covering and cutting the sandwiches in half and stacking them on large trays. The trays are carried to a machine manned by two volunteers who insert the sandwiches in an automated line of plastic bags which the machine seals and separates. Large boxes at the end of the line catch the bags and once filled the boxes of packaged sandwiches are taken to two assembly lines set up on the stainless steel tables that each may include a piece of fruit or a fruit cup; a pudding cup; cheese, crackers or cookies, and a spoon. At one end of the line a volunteer flips open brown paper bags passing them down the line to be filled by other volunteers with a sandwich and the day’s selection of items. The filled bags are twist sealed and put into insulated containers to be taken by Hunger Buster personnel for the children in 12 schools in the Dallas Independent School District served by Hunger Busters.

Our nine volunteers included first time Hunger Buster volunteers Cass and Judy Choppy and Tina Facchini, all three of whom took to their duties as if they were born to the task. The remaining complement of volunteers, hard workers all, included Fred and Elfriede Napurano, Carol Castellano, Nicola Tamburrino and ICD board vice-president Carole Strippoli.

Cass, Judy, Tina, Fred, Elfriede, Carol, Nicola and Carole your efforts are appreciated more than words can express. Thank you so very much. Our love to you all.

Ben Parlapiano – ICD Cultural Outreach

P.S.- After reading the “Here’s how” paragraph above, and seeing how simple and uncomplicated Hunger Busters volunteering is, I would hope that it would have enticed some of you non-volunteering members to consider signing-up to be a Hunger Busters volunteer. If so, please e-mail me. We need your help. It’s difficult to always having to depend on the same individuals to carry the ball.

November booK club News

The Italian-American lady lawyers of the Rosato and Associates Law Firm are back in action in Lisa Scottoline’s latest blockbuster, Betrayed. This time, associate Judy Carrier takes the lead in investigating the mysterious death of her Aunt Barb’s best friend. Judy suspects foul play. As Judy stubbornly pursues her personal investigation, she puts on hold her work on a critical case of asbestos litigation which her firm has undertaken. This dereliction of her law firm duties puts her on a collision course with Bernie Rosato, the lead partner of the

firm. Fortunately, Judy can count on her best friend Mary DiNunzio, the firm’s junior partner, to have her back. As Judy follows clues to resolve the mysterious death, she finds herself in harm’s way as her poking into secrets triggers a series of violent confrontations. This fast-paced page-turner hums with activity, as Judy confronts threats to her safety and her career, painful family squabbles, a long buried secret revealed, and increasing dissatisfaction with her longtime boyfriend. Join the Book Club on Wednesday, November 18 at 7 p.m. for pizza and pasta at the Club, and an interesting discussion of this lively mystery novel. For more information on the Book Club, call the Coordinator, Norma Iacovo at 214-724-4832.

KeepiNg italiaN FolK arts alive I Colori Italiani artistic co-director Maria Chobany and I Colori Italiani dancer Larissa Chobany attended the Italian Folk Art Federation of America (IFAFA) conference in Philadelphia. This year’s conference was hosted by Italian folk dance group Vivaci!, whose roots go back to 1972 and Cav. Elba Farabegoli Gurzau, who dedicated her life to researching Italian dances, songs, and traditions and who first brought together groups and individuals from all over the U.S. to form IFAFA, a national consortium of Italian performing groups and individuals to advance education and study in the history, customs, and folk traditions of Italian culture and Italian heritage. IFAFA is a member of the Federazione Italiana di Tradizioni di Popolari in Rome, Italy, another resource for Italian dances for groups.

Maria has been a member of IFAFA since 1985, has attended all but three conferences since then and serves on the Board of Directors. Larissa has also attended several and is a newly elected Board member. Much to their surprise, they met another Italian Club of Dallas member attending the conference–Dominick Cirincione.

The Italian Club of Dallas and various dancers of I Colori Italiani have been IFAFA members through the years. Past conference attendees include Carrie Harris, Marguerite Buccino, Rae Gene Mungioli, and Andrew Chobany, Bill Lombardi, and Frank DeSimone. Maria and Larissa have also instructed I Colori Italiani in dances that Maria taught at other conferences including children’s dances Tintine Tintone and Stajere and teen/adult’s dances Tarantella Napoletana and La Furlana Burgamasca.

The 2015 conference opened Friday evening. Members enjoyed reviewing dances taught at previous conferences and those in Cav. Gurzau’s book Folk Dances, Costumes and Customs of Italy. Mark DeSanctis of Tradizione Vivente from Milwaukee taught Codiglione and Henry Speno of Cuor d’Italia from Hartford, Connecticut presented a Renaissance dance. Maryann Bucci from Philadelphia led everyone in singing a round of Italian folk songs. Saturday was jam packed with sessions. Maria and Larissa concentrated on dance sessions to bring back to I Colori Italiani. First was the dance Tarantella di Girgente from Agrigento, Sicily, taught by Bea Ricotta of Amici Italiani from Rockford, Illinois.

Next was Tarantella Bim Bom Ba from Campagna, introduced to the U.S. by Roberto Bagnoli in 2008 The music to this lively tarantella is “Oi mamma ca mo vene” by Roberto de Simone. The name of the dance references the drum beats in the music. Henry Speno of Cuor d’Italia, Hartford, taught this lively and flirtatious dance between the man and woman.

By the third class we were warmed up for the most vigorous of the morning, taught by brother and sister duo Mark DeSanctis and Susie Christiansen, namely Tarantella di Fantasia, a very lively and engaging tarantella from Agrigento, Sicily, where it is performed by Gruppo Folcloristico Akragas, in existence since 1952.

Other interesting sessions included learning songs for the “IFAFA Choir;” making “Traditional Bomboniera Abbruzzese”, using confetti from the city of Sulmona; “Malocchio, Healing and Italian Superstituions: Stories from Family and Friends;” “Italian Village Life through Folk Songs;” and “Italian National Anthem–History and Development”

The evening’s Festa Folcloristica reception and dinner included group performances by host Vivaci!, Milwaukee’s Tradizione Vivente, and Il Trattenimento Italiano from Des Moines, Iowa.

Maria and Larissa will be teaching the dances from this year’s conference in I Colori Italiani classes. We encourage all Italian Club of Dallas members to learn with us and enjoy this wonderful expression of our Italian culture. If you can count to eight, we can teach you to dance!

We practice with the children’s group on Saturday mornings and the teen/adult group on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. or Saturday mornings at the Italian Club. Please contact Carrie or Maria if you would like more information.

Carrie Pollinzi Harris 972-242-8283 Business co-director Mary Miletta Chobany 972-235-4920 Artistic co-director

Page 8: Cicerone November

What a night!!! Our Dall’Uva Al Vino was absolutely spectacular! Our Club looked beautiful, the food was delicious, the baskets were tempting, and the wall hangings, napkins, table toppers and favors were wonderful. Everything was over the top. If you weren’t there, you missed a fantastic evening!

We couldn’t have had such a successful event without our sponsors, do-nors, volunteers and those who attended. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing in our success. It was truly an evening to remember and we would like once again to express our gratitude and appreciation to the following for their support of the Italian Club of Dallas.


BRUNELLO - $3000 Carole & Carlo Strippoli Annette & Paul Di Carlo Norma & Domenick Iacovo

Chianti - $1000 Bart & Semira Pacifico Fred Hansen Kay & Jay Laurenzi Angelo Vaccaro

Pinot Grigio - $250/case **two or more cases Carole & Carlo Strippoli ** Domenick & Norma Iacovo** Karen Mungioli** Scott Prinie** Kay & Jay Laurenzi** Carol & Charlie Castellano** Angelo Vaccaro Kathy Delsanter Dottie & Ben Parlapiano Livia & Nicola Tamburino Rae Gene & Luigi Mungioli Joan & Cedric Seley Barbie Gumin

Donations & Volunteers Prosecco served during cocktail hour provided by Paul Di Carlo - Jimmy’s Food Store

Wine served during dinner provided by White Wine --Paul DiCarlo—Jimmy’s Food Store Red Wine – Tom Beckman --Stemmari

Food Donation Beef, Sausage, Ricotta by Paul Di Carlo-- Jimmy’s Food Variety of food—Southcoast Produce

Baked Desserts from our Members Livia Tamburino, Karen Mungioli, Francesca Barone, Semira Pacifico, Rae Gene Mungioli, Enza Ciniglio, Carole Strippoli, Gina Lecca, Carrie Harris, Fred Napurano, Barbie Gumin, Joan Seley

Table Favors provided by Barbie Gumin

Decorations provided by Carole Strippoli

Liqueur provided by Barbie Gumin

Silent Auction items donated by Annette Di Carlo, Barbie Gumin, Carole Strippoli Sandy Ciarochi, Bob & Lee Casazza, Semira Pacifico, Karen Mungioli, Rae Gene & Luigi Mungioli, Liz Zornes Tommaso Lestingi, Kathy Delsanter, Enza Ciniglio, Kay Laurenzi

Volunteers Enza Ciniglio, Kathy Delsanter, Rae Gene Mungioli, Tina Neal, Semira & Bart Pacifico, Carole & Carlo Strippoli, Kay & Jay Laurenzi, Joan Seley, Barbie Gumin, Francesca Barone, Angelo Vaccaro, Tina Facchini, Karen Mungioli, Lynn Barnard

Dall’uva al viNo From grapes to wiNe

Page 9: Cicerone November


W W W . I T A L I A N C L U B D A L L A S . O R G

The Mission Statement of the Italian Club of DallasTo explore, preserve, and promote Italian culture, language, history, and traditions; perform charitable works; and foster

social interaction within the community.

La Missione del Circolo Italiano di DallasConoscere, conservare e diffondere la cultura Italiana, la lingua, la storia e le tradizioni; fare opere benefiche; promuovere i

rapporti sociali all'interno della comunità.

Clubhouse 14865 Inwood Rd.


Mailing Address: �ost �ffice �ox ������ � �allas, Texas �����








Ken Venuso - PresidentCarole Strippoli - Vice President

Barbie Gumin - SecretaryJoan Seley - Treasurer

Paul DiCarloAl DeMarzo

Francesca Barone

General Membership Meeting - Nov 22