Please tick the box to continue:

  • 1. Case presentation

2. 59 CC: 5 PI:1PTA URI symptom 5PTA . 3PTA . . 3. Past Hx :2PT . 10PTA - 4. Physical examination BT 38 cPR 100/min BP 120/80 mmHg RR 24/min Conscious, not pale, no malar rash, no oral ulcerLN -ve skin :hyperpigmented scar with hemorrhagic crust both forearms and legs lung :clear, equal BS heart:regular, normal s1s2,no murmur abd:soft, not tender, no mass,no hepatosplenomegaly neuro: pupil 3 mm RTL BE, decrease motor tone all extremities 5. Motor: Rt. Lt.DTRRt.Lt. deltoidIV IV bicepsIII+IV01+ tricepsIII+II 01+ wrist EX/FLEXIV/II0/000hip E/FIV/IIIV/IV knee E/FV/IIIV/III02+ ankle E/FV/IIV/I01+ Sensory: impaired both hand and feet above ankle BBK: plantar flexion Propioception: impaired 6. Problem list

  • Acute Symmetrical weakness
  • Hx of asthma
  • Hx recurrent pruritus

7. Laboratory CBC:wbc 21,950Hct 35plt 277,000 N 42.5, L 12.3, Mo 3.4, Eo41.7 normochromic normocytic Rbc 1.015, prot/sugar ve, Wbc 0-1,Rbc 0-1 FBS147,BUN 5,Cr 0.39 E lyteNa126,K 3.4,Cl 82,CO2 25,Ca 2 +9.1 LFTAlb 4.0,Glob4.0, AST 55,ALT 59,Alk 185 CPK356 ESR77 8. LaboratoryANA HT,chorea,seizures, testicular pain

  • Few pathology report
  • Steroid is standard Rx

62. LTRAvsCSS 63.

  • Since 1999-2009
  • Conflict data
  • Difficult to research design
  • What is hypothesis for LTRA induce CSS ?

64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. LTRA ICS SABA LABA 72. 73. 74. 75. Quiz

  • Which of the following is not criteria for Dx CSS in ACR criteria?
  • 1. asthma
  • 2. eosinophillia > 10%
  • 3. systemic vasculitis
  • 4. paranasal sinus abnormality
  • 5. neuropathy


  • Which HLA may be associated with CSS ?
  • 1. HLA-B27
  • 2. HLA-DRB4
  • 3. HLA-C
  • 4. HLA-DR2
  • 5. HLA-DR3


  • All the following are poor prognostic factor for CSS except_______
  • 1. nephrotic range proteinuria
  • 2. renal failure
  • 3. GI involvement
  • 4. mononeuritis multiplex
  • 5. cardiomyopathy


  • Subgroup of CSS is differentiate by ANCA status, which one is not clinical of ANCA +ve patient ?
  • 1. cardiomyopathy
  • 2. small vss. Vasculitis
  • 3. glomerulonephritis
  • 4. pulmonary hemorrhage
  • 5. purpura


  • Which one of the following is true in childhood CSS ?
  • 1. incidence of CSS is similar between
  • children and adult
  • 2. ANCA +ve 50% of case
  • 3. usually require 2 ndline Rx
  • 4. HT is common problem in childhood CSS
  • 5. pathogenesis of CSS in chlidren differ
  • from adult


  • female 52 yrs Hx asthma 20 yrs on ICS , monteleukast,present with progressive dyspnea on intermittent short course oral steroid
  • PE wheezing and crackle both lung no clubbing
  • CBC wbc 10200 Eo 23 % skin test alternaria , aspergillus +ve
  • ESR 70IgE 500CXR bilateral parenchymal infiltrationCTchest peripheral airspace subpleural consolidationWhat is diagnosis ?
  • 1. CSS
  • 2. chronic eosinophillic pneumonia
  • 3. usual interstitial pneumonia
  • 4. ABPA
  • 5. Idiopathic eosinophillic syndrome

81. Take home messege

  • Clinical manifestration of CSS
  • Pathogenesis is unknown
  • CSS in children
  • LTRA and CSS association
  • Further research direction

82. THANK YOUFORYOUR ATTENTION 83. 84. Differential diagnosis 1.29 85. 1.13

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