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Page 1: Christian Community News March 2012

Meet Sandi Harding! Associate of the Month





CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY NEWS March 2012 Free/Priceless


Page 2: Christian Community News March 2012


CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY NEWS Published by Papa’s Pantry (501c3) 6551 Commerce Pkwy, Suite 200 Woodstock, GA 30189 Phone: 770-591-4730 Fax: 770-591-4707

2 convenient locations to choose from for emergency food assistance!

Grocery Assistance is by appointment, please call to schedule: - Main Woodstock Office: 770-591-4730; 6551 Commerce Pkwy, Ste 200, 30189 / Food Appointments: Tues, Wed, Thurs, & Friday Business Hours: Monday: 9:30-2:30 Tues, Wed, Thurs: 9:30-4:30 Friday, 9:30-2:30

- Canton Satellite Facility: 770-479-0729, 500 Crisler St, 30114

Appointments Tues 4-7, Friday 3-5

770-591-4730 /


Lynne’s Letter ………………...………………....…2 Sandi, March Associate of the Month …..…...…..3 In a Word, “Purpose!” by Tim Grady ……..…..….4 Yummy Recipes by Nutrition Expert ..….…….….5 Cool Stuff Our Christian Community is Doing..6-10 Church Directory Listings ……………...…8, 14, 15 Gotta Love That Email …………………………...10 Coupon Tutor’s March Money Saving Tips …....11 The Master’s Training Center Workshops ….….13

Christian Community News (CCN) is published once a month by “Papa’s Pantry”, Inc, a non-profit organization, organized in 1998, that works with families who have experienced a set-back, providing food assistance when food is at risk in the household.

February contributors: Susan Call, Tim Grady, Maureen Penniman, Robin Porter, and Mary Tucker.

Recognizing that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God,” (Dt 8:3) The Master’s Training Center, the Pantry’s education division, offers mentoring, classes and coaching for all families in the areas of employment strategies, money management, goal setting, time management, com-puter skills, nutrition, organic gardening, & bible studies.

Please consider Papa’s Pantry in your monthly giving. We depend on local financial support to continue to offer stability training and groceries to those in our community. Donations are tax-deductible.

Funds generated by advertising help ongoing programs. The advertisements/classifieds in CCN are meant to promote busi-nesses, services, anything that someone wants to buy, sell, or exchange. Papa’s Pantry in no way represents the quality or trustworthiness of these printed solicitations, so due care is needed when responding to any information presented. CCN reserves the right to decline advertising material that is deemed inappropriate.

Christian Church Directory Listings are free, space available. Christian churches are defined as those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was of virgin birth. He was cruci-fied, died, resurrected, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father as our Savior, redeemer, and intercessor. Salvation is found through Him.

Hello everyone, wow, I love spring! Every-thing is beginning to bud and come back to life! It is that way in life too… there are seasons when we retreat into our own corners and simply “maintain.” Life can be pretty demanding at times. While there is nothing wrong with that from time to time, it is wise to realize there is a balance. There

should come a time to reactivate with society and life itself. A season of renewal and growth. I think spring is a natural time to rejuvenate as the temperatures warm up and invites each of us to soak up much needed sunlight and vitamin D. I was talking with one of Papa’s mentors and Wednesday commu-nity bible study leader, Becky, this morning over coffee. She shared a great illustration of life with me that one of the partici-pants offered. Most people look at life through the rear-view mirror, looking back rather than forward through the windshield! Cool, huh? Years ago, Becky shared another conversation she had with a client… Faith is like sitting in the back seat while allowing God to be in control as he drives. Do you remember being a child sitting in the back seat, totally trusting your parent to get you where you needed to go safely? Child-like faith cannot be explained. It can be hard to “let go and let God” at times, especially when life gets really tough and fearful. It is the release of our own personal control over situations and trials and the placement of them in God’s very capable hands where miracles can take place. As you witness God’s splendor of color bursting forth out of dry and wintered limbs, know that your faith can become renewed in the same way! Take a walk, or a road trip. Pause and reflect on the good things in your life now and in the future, through the windshield. Love and Blessings, Lynne

The mission of Papa's Pantry is to help individuals and families re-establish stability and self-reliance by

offering a variety of programs including immediate food assistance, employment strategies, and life skills through

hands-on support and ongoing training.

Lynne Saunders Editor and Founder of Papa’s Pantry,

The Master’s Training Center, and Christian Community News

Page 3: Christian Community News March 2012


PAPA’S PANTRY’S Co-Mission Opportunity

2 0 1 2 : W i l l y o u c o n s i d e r becoming a “co-missionary” with Papa’s Pantry as we seek to serve families in our own communities? We need your help in serving the needs of those in our community. Winter is right around the corner which is a very expensive time for families and for Papa’s Pantry. Please send what ever amount you are able. Your gifts will go directly to help-ing local families and children in need.

NAME _________________________

ADDRESS ______________________






Please accept my gift of $_______ Credit Card # ____________________

Exp Date: _________ CVV Code _____ I would like to financially partner

with Papa’s Pantry: $______ Monthly/$______ Quarterly

I would like to volunteer to help be the physical hands and feet of Christ. My interest is in the area of: _____________________________

I will commit to prayer for the families and their needs along with the needs of Papa’s Pantry.

Please send this form to Papa’s Pantry 6551 Commerce Pkwy, Suite 200 Woodstock, GA 30189


Papas Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

You can donate online at

Papa’s Pantry Update

Sandi Harding, Resource Manager for Papa’s Pantry, is our Associate of the Month! This is

not her only recent honor! Sandi received word that an

HIV/AIDs group in Rwanda, East Africa has named their newborn calf, ‘Sandi,’ after her! Of course, there is a story...

Several years before coming to Papa’s (2004-2006), Sandi lived in the Rwan-dan capitol of Kagali. With a nursing and counseling background, she worked as the Assistant Director of Health and HIV/AIDS in the office of the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. During this time she built relationships with those in the rural community where there were more than 100 people living with HIV/AIDS. An association was created to educate about the disease, as well as farming techniques to grow their own produce. Sandi identified a need for a cow for fertilizer which would also provide milk for the local children. Sandi raised funds to purchase that first cow back in 2005. Since then, it has had eight off-spring, mostly bulls. However , l as t month a female calf was born and the African association voted to name her after the woman who had bought their first cow… Sandi!! Female cows are more valuable because of the milk they provide. Sandi first came to Papa’s Pantry when delivering food drive items organized by her women’s group from Resurrec-tion Anglican Church in Woodstock.

“Our church had been supporting Papa’s Pantry through food drives and a quarterly “Fifth Sunday” collection, but I really knew nothing about the ministry. When I walked through that door, I sensed there was something special happening in that place.” During the week between the 2010 Christmas and 2011 New Year’s holidays, Sandi sent an email to Lynne Saunders, Papa’s Executive Director, expressing an interest in volunteering as she was currently unemployed. Lynne invited her to attend the next Employment Strate-gies workshop to help her find employment which was thought to be the primary need. Sandi worked on job search techniques, but when it came time to actually look for positions in her field, she couldn’t find one that “clicked.” In prayer, she ‘felt strongly’ that God wanted her to be at Papa’s. She shared that feeling with Lynne one day after the class series was over and asked, “Is there something open for me here?” The answer was a resounding, “Yes,” with a caution-ary, “…But, I cannot pay you.” Sandi laughs as she remembers, “It was the Holy Spirit that answered “That’s ok.” and I thought ‘where did that come from?’ because I had no income for 6 months!”

Arr iv ing for volunteer duty 3 days a week, then 4, and now usually each day, Sandi’s role has evolved into the position of Re-source Manager which involves seeking financial support, grant-writing, sharing

the many success stories of Papa’s and The Master’s Training Center, working with volunteers, and furthering relationships within the larger Cherokee County community. But, she says her favorite role is mentor to those who come to receive groceries for the first time. This is where she uses her skills and

Sandi and her grandchildren

Continued page 11

Page 4: Christian Community News March 2012

In a Word… “Purpose” by Tim Grady

I once took a college philoso-phy course entitled, “What is the meaning of life?” Who wouldn’t want that answer? On the first day, there were over 500 students in one class.

Over the course of the semester, the number ebbed, but on the last day there were over 750 people in that lecture hall. The professor, who had been mostly absent during the course and allowed teaching assistants to present the coursework, walked to the podium, stared at his notes, looked out over the anxious assembled audience, and said, “I don’t know what the meaning of life is.” Everyone was deflated. Perhaps the only intent of the course was to make us wonder. What separates the “have’s” from the “have-nots”? Ever wondered? Why is the Top 1% in the top one percent? Do they have some super skill? Yes, a few do, but most of them learned it along the way. Do they have superior intel-lect? Some do, but far from all. So what is it? What one word might sum up why great sports stars are great, why great leaders are great, and how the wealthy became wealthy? Why do great sculptors or painters or musicians produce such amazing works? When you read the word ‘purpose,’ note your instant mental reaction to it. Did you scoff at it? Did you immediately accept it as the lynchpin that makes the difference or did you discount it? It is quite likely that you have heard it be-fore; it requires all other attributes of success, some of which I will touch on here, and others I will write about later. The word is “purpose.” You exist to fulfill a purpose. You may yield to God’s purpose or you may pursue your own. The meaning of your life will unfold when you discover and deliberately pursue it. My father once said, “Find what you love to do and a way to make a living at it, and you will never work a day in your life.” I think he heard that some-where; I have learned that it is true. My father was telling me to find my own purpose for my life. People persevere for a purpose; they are intent upon some-thing. So what are they intent upon? Dr. Robert Schuler wrote a book entitled, “The Peak to Peek Principle” which I highly I suggest. The principle can be summed up as this – your vision is limited to your height – not your physical height, but your mental height – what you are able to see with your mind’s eye. This brings to mind another book by Napolean Hill in which he wrote, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." One year in college I took Lit 609, a graduate-level English

literature course. I was a junior, but I had already taken all the junior and senior courses. I walked down to the book-store excited to get all my texts. I found the aisle for the course, walked toward the tag that read Lit 609 and stood before it, frozen. It read: “14 books required for this course.” Fourteen?!? I had 4 other classes! I left the bookstore with two bags filled with over 20 books for one semester. I bombed that semester. When I graduated from college, I didn’t read another “elective” book for over 20 years, which was a mistake. But, I was burned out. I later realized that reading is the absorption of the knowl-

edge of another without living it. Other people present

other sources of knowledge, and the most successful

among us are often the most willing to share experiences.

Through knowledge and experiences, we can find our

purpose. Your purpose, mission, vision, or idea comes out

of your knowledge and experiences in life, and sometimes

Divine intervention. What you see, hear, taste, touch and

smell swirl around between your ears and ideas pop into

your head. What do you do with them? Do you write

them down? You should if they wake you in the middle of

the night. Do you take these ideas any further? Remem-

ber last month’s word, “courage!” The “have’s” developed skills and applied them to achieve a purpose because they had a purpose in mind – and make special note of the words “in mind.” The have’s had an idea. Then they took the next pivotal step through which all purpose is accomplished, which I will present next month. As I conclude this article, I will leave you with a home-work assignment: write down what you think your purpose is in life. It may have nothing to do with what you are presently doing, or it may have everything to do with what you are presently doing. You may write down more than one thing; in fact, you should write down everything that pops into your head in the weeks ahead that you think could be your purpose in life. Next month, I’ll explain how to land on your purpose, and the pivotal step you will need to take to pursue it. Tim Grady is a Towne Lake resident, senior strategist, business advisor and public speaker for NetMark International. He also serves as Executive Director for The Wildlife Sanctuary in Ellijay, GA., is Chairman of the Board at Furtah Preparatory School, and sits on the Advisory Council at Papa’s Pantry. For more information, you can reach him at 888-605-6400 or email him at [email protected].


Page 5: Christian Community News March 2012


NEW!! MTC Presents NUTRITION Classes!

A promise to be yummy, fun, and healthy!

Maureen Penniman

Your advertising dollar can have a heavenly impact!



March is the pathway between winter's bleakness and the promise of spring! Days become longer and brighter. You will find flowers and trees in bloom. This is the perfect time to start planning, planting, or enriching a gar-den, even if it's a small pot or con-tainer. Every kitchen will benefit from fresh seasonal herbs and vegetables! It is also a great time to get menu planning under control. Remember these words:

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb… Take charge of your family food purchasing and meal plans!” OK, maybe the poem is a bit “hokey,” but I hope the message is clear. Your family’s health is in your hands, and time is needed to focus on its importance. Where to go for guidance and help?? You can attend one or all of The Master’s Train-ing Center’s Food and Nutrition series beginning this month on Mondays. Learn about food trends, eating right when money is tight, and time-saving short cuts in the kitchen. Papa's Pepperoni Chicken (serves 6 ) 1 pack (approximately 1.5 lb.) boneless skinless chicken breasts (generally 3 breasts) 2 T. olive oil, divided 1 T chopped fresh garlic (or from jar) ½ c. chopped pepperoni (turkey pepperoni is lower fat) 1 jar or can of prepared spaghetti sauce 1 c. shredded pizza blend cheese or favorite cheese Directions: Spray oil to prepare a 9 x 11 glass baking pan or casserole dish. Cut chicken breasts in half horizontally (like cutting a deck of cards in half). Pour 1 t. olive oil into a non stick skillet, on medium heat. Heat oil in pan for a few sec-onds. Place two or three chicken breasts into pan, searing to a light color and flip to other side, repeating the sear. Add olive oil as needed. Remove lightly browned breasts and place in prepared glass pan. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. When all breasts (6 halves) are in baking pan, add chopped garlic and pepperoni to pan and stir over medium/low heat for 3 minutes. Pour spaghetti sauce into pan and stir. Then pour sauce with pepperoni and garlic over chicken breasts, spreading to cover. Sprinkle with cheese. Place uncovered in oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until chicken is 160 degrees inside (or done). Remove from oven and serve over noodles, rice or potatoes. A tossed salad makes this a perfect and easy meal! Maureen Penniman brings a unique blend of corporate and entrepreneurial experience with her to Papa’s Pantry. She has been a corporate manager, recruiter and trainer, along with owning her own catering and retail café business for 12 years. Maureen also is a writer, speaker, and “coach” in entertaining, nutrition, food safety, and family meal management. Canton, Georgia is home to Maureen and her family. Café in Woodstock that features crafts, arts, and gifts by local artists!

Page 6: Christian Community News March 2012


All information is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. It is best to contact each church directly regarding their programs.

Abortion (Post) Counseling / Education: Healing Hearts Ministry, Tina 770-712-7322, Cathy 678-485-6147

AA Meetings: Fridays 8 pm-WS Christian Church 770-926-8238

Alcoholics Anonymous:-Sat. 9:30 am, room 125 Canton First United Methodist 770-479-2502

Celebrate Recovery: Monday nights 6:30 pm at Sixes UMC 770-345-7644 & Friday nights 6:00 pm at Towne Lake

Community Church 678-445-8766

Crossroads Career Network: Mt. Paran Central, 2nd Tuesday of each month. Registration needed.

Gamblers Anonymous: each Saturday, 9:30 Church of the Annunciation activities building. 770-928-7916 HIV Support: Mt. Paran Central, 404-923-8700


National Sunday School Conference:

Sunday School in HD

First Baptist Woodstock

Thursday & Friday, March 15 & 16

A Sunday School class is a living organism of the Body of Christ where members mutually participate in fellowship, Bible study, ministry, accountability, and mission by a shared contribution of gifts, resources, and sacrifice.

Sunday School is so important we can no longer afford to ignore her or her leaders. Bring your leaders and see your Sunday School soar to new heights! This fourth annual, two-day National Sunday School Conference will help the Sunday School leaders of your church be better informed, equipped, and motivated for the great work of Sunday School.

Keynote Speakers: Johnny Hunt, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Woodstock

Allan Taylor, Minister of Education at First Baptist Church Woodstock Dennis Pethers, Baptist evangelist from the United Kingdom

David Francis, Director of Sunday School at LifeWay Christian Resources

For more information, including cost, full schedule, and registration, visit

Secret Church Revelation Revealed

by Dr. Mark Walker

Friday, March 2

6:00 pm until midnight


Right now, around the world,

millions of Christians are meeting

in secret places to worship God. If

exposed, they face prison, torture,

even death. Yet their devotion to

God and His Word are unwaver-

ing, even heroic.

Secret Church is an intense

time of Bible study and prayer for

our persecuted brothers and sis-

ters and for the MPN missionaries

serving around the world. If you

desire to know God more deeply

and want to feel personally con-

nected to His Church, then don't

miss this event!

Mt. Paran (North)

1700 Allgood Road, Marietta

Page 7: Christian Community News March 2012


Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten. Whether you’re urban, suburban, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! Being moms is what brings us together and allows us to build a community. The early years of being a mom are just as foundational to you as they are to your baby, and those years are filled with unique needs that other moms instinctively understand.

Local MOPS groups currently meet at these locations:

City on a Hill UMC: 2nd Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm Hickory Flat UMC: 2nd &4th Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am

Hillside UMC: 2nd &4th Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am

For more information and for additional locations, visit the MOPS website,


Consignment Sales First Baptist of Canton

March 2 & 3

Friday, 9:00 am-7:00 pm

Saturday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm

Spring Children’s Consignment Sale

First Baptist Woodstock

March 2 & 3

Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am-noon

Kid’s Consignment Sale: Children’s clothing,

toys, bikes, children’s videos

and books, nursery items.

Many items half price on Saturday.

Canton First UMC

March 9 & 10

Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am-noon

Children’s Spring Consignment

Sale: children’s clothes, maternity

clothing, toys, games and more.

Hillside UMC

March 9 & 10

Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Spring Children’s Consignment Sale

Ladies’ Night Out: “Secrets from Behind the Chair”

Cherie Jobe, guest speaker Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 pm Mount Paran North, Marietta

Is your hair stylist your therapist? Do you sit down and unload the joys, frustrations, and fears of life? Cherie Jobe has been a hairdresser for over 30 years and has learned some valuable lessons after hearing and sharing secrets from behind the chair. Using her own mistakes and failures as examples, Cheri’s message offers hope in Christ. Her southern, humorous style will encourage your heart and help you break free from the secrets you carry.

$15.00. Dinner is included. Childcare available by reservation only. Please contact [email protected] or

call 678-285-3252 for more information.

Page 8: Christian Community News March 2012


AME Allen Temple 770-926-6348 232 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock 30188 Sunday Services 8 & 11am Sunday School and Bible Study 9:45am Sr. Pastor: Carl A. Moore EVENT March 18: Blood pressure screening 9:45 am & 1:00 pm

St. Paul AME 770-479-9691 390 Crisler St, Canton 30114 Sunday Service: 11am Sunday Church School: 9:30 Sr. Pastor: Lemora Dobbs

ANGLICAN Church of Jesus Our Shepherd 678-225-0174 Currently meets: Hilton Hilton Atlanta NE 5993 Peachtree Ind. Blvd. Norcross, GA 30092 Sunday Service 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am Sr. Pastor: Reverend Tom Belt

Resurrection Anglican (RAC) 770-591-0040 231 Arnold Mill Rd. Suite 400 Woodstock, 30188 Sunday Service at 10:00 am Sunday School 9:00am Sr. Pastor: Reverend Greg Goebel

BAPTIST Crossroads Community Church 770-592-7007 2317 Bascomb Carmel Rd. Woodstock 30189 Sunday Services 11:00am & 6pm Sunday School 9:30am Pastor: Bob Goodner

First Baptist of Canton 770-479-5538 One Mission Point, Canton 30114 Sunday Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 am Sr. Pastor: Dr. George Anderson EVENT March 2 & 3: Spring Children’s Consignment Sale. See page 7.

(Continued on page 14)


Celebrate Recovery!

Freedom from your hurts,

hang-ups and habits.

Sixes UMC

Monday nights Towne Lake Comm. Ch.

Friday nights

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone dealing with

any kind of hurt, hang-up, or habit, including (but not limited to) those dealing with

any kind of addiction, codependents, people with eating disorders, those in need of

financial recovery and many more groups. In short, anyone dealing with any kind of

hurt, hang-up or habit.

Church DirectoryChurch Directory

& Events by & Events by



School Registration

Bascomb United Methodist Preschool will begin registering for the 2012-2013 school year on March 14 at 9:00 a.m. Registration will take place in the preschool, which is located at 2295 Bascomb Carmel Road in Woodstock.

For more information: or


Life Line Screening is the leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings in the United States and offers preventive health screening for stroke risk, vascular disease, and bone density. Its mission is to make people aware of unrecognized health problems and encourage them to seek follow-up care with their personal physician.

Saturday, March 17 Hopewell Baptist Church 75 Ridge Road, Canton

Call 1-888-653-6441, or visit, for more information,

costs, other locations, and to pre-register.

Cherokee Chorale

Spring Concert Sunday, March 18 at 3:00

Canton First United Methodist

930 Lower Scott Mill Road

The Chorale, conducted by Dr. Donald Stafford, will sing A German Requiem by

Johannes Brahms, a work for chorus, two soloists and orchestra, and will be

accompanied by members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Special guest

performers for this concert will be the Sequoyah Singers from Sequoyah High

School, directed by Josh Markham.

Tickets for the concert are available at the door before the concert.

Page 9: Christian Community News March 2012


For teens ages 13 to 17 Friday nights at 6:00 p.m.

Towne Lake Community Church

By working through the Christ-centered principles, based on the 8 Beatitudes in Matthew 5 along with a community of peers and caring adults, students will learn tools to help them give their addictions over to Jesus and find true healing and victory. The lessons deliver hope-filled truths and real-life strategies for giving young people the tools for making wise choices and developing healthy patterns for living.

The Landing: Celebrate


for Youth


Break Away for a Day WOMEN’S CONFERENCE

Saturday, March 3, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Singer, songwriter, worship leader, author and member of Girlfriends in God, Gwen Smith

( will be bringing her talents and love for Jesus to Hillside.

Doors open at 8:00 a.m. Tickets are $35 and include a box lunch. See Hillside website for tickets or more


Hillside United Methodist Church 4474 Towne Lake Pkwy, Woodstock


Live Like No One Else!

Financial Peace University (FPU) is Dave Ramsey’s life-changing program that teaches you to achieve your financial goals by eliminating debt, saving for the future, and giving like never before. More than 1 million families have attended FPU with amazing results. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever! The first lesson is free. If you want to continue, the cost is around $100 including materials.

City on a Hill UMC 7745 Main Street

Woodstock Thursdays at 6:30 pm

Beginning March 1

Canton First UMC 930 Lower Scott Mill Road

Canton Thursdays at 6:30 pm

Beginning March 1

On Thursday, March 29th at 7:30 p.m. Bascomb UMC will present a live dramatic portrayal of the hours following the crucifixion of Christ. It is a fictional account based on all four of the Gospels. The drama shows the women followers of Jesus as they prepare for the Passover Feast in the wake of the torturous and emotional day of His death on the cross. The presentation is accented with live music and presents an insightful introduction to the Easter season. Admission is free. Please call 770-926-9755 for more information.

Page 10: Christian Community News March 2012


March 31 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Adams Park, 2753 Watts Drive

Join in the fun of this eggs-traordinary Kennesaw tradition! The scramble will feature more than 75,000 goody-filled eggs and colorful candy treats, and a few “rare” eggs that can be redeemed for larger prizes. Children will be divided into ages on three softball fields: 0-3yrs, 4-5yrs and 6 & up. A fourth field will be designated for children with special needs, or those who require assistance. Bring a basket and your camera (we’re expecting a visit from the Easter Bunny. The event will also feature children’s activities, food/beverage vending, and sponsor exhibits. Admission is free. In the event of inclement weather, the Easter Egg Scramble will be rescheduled for Saturday, April 7.

Sponsored by Victory North Church

Junior Fish Club

Tuesdays 7:00 am

Chapman Intermediate

School Gym

Come fellowship with other Christian

students and learn what good character

means in the life of a Christian. Enjoy praise

and worship and fellowship Local youth

pastors and Chapman staff share the

character education words as they relate to

the Bible.


FCA is a club for all students, whether they are athletes or not.

Meetings usually include some food and fellowship and some

great teaching from various speakers. We also sponsor an

impoverished student in the Philippines through Compassion

international and raise money for various causes during the year.

Our hope for FCA is that those students who attend will be

eternally changed by what they hear and that they will go out

and be a positive influence on EHS and the world.

Etowah High School

in Old Gymnasium

Mondays at 7:00 am

Kennesaw Citywide Easter Egg Scramble

Twelve-Hour Scrapbooking Crop

Bascomb United Methodist Church

March 3 begins at 9 AM and closes at 9 PM, with space available until midnight

A scrapbooking crop is a get-together for those who like to create scrapbooks while enjoying the company of others who share their interests. This fun fundraiser for Bascomb UMC will take place in the Fellowship Hall.

The cost is $35, which includes lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinks. Participants will have a minimum of a 3-foot workspace, along with access to

a computer and printer. Many vendors will be on hand to add to the enjoyment. The day will also include games, door prizes and all sorts of fun!

Page 11: Christian Community News March 2012


No coupon needed. FREE tax help for those who make $57,000 or less in 2011

FREE tax help in English and Espanol with your 1040EZ, 1040A, 1040NR & 1040’s forms which can be found at The website will lead you to Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) at locations such as libraries, churches, and even mobile units to help you with your taxes. This service is available for those who make $49,000 or less. Check to see what documents you need to bring.

The AARP Tax-Aide program is the nation’s largest free tax preparation and assistance service. Information about the AARP Tax-Aide program can be found on This program is for low or moderate income tax payers. Assistance is free & confidential. Special attention is given to those 60 years of age and older, but is offered for all who qualify on a first-come, first-served basis. This program begins February 1 and ends April 15, 2012.

In Cherokee County, and are available for those in need. Cobb County, GA locations listed below. This information is subject to change without notice.


Georgia State Law School Low-Income Tax Clinic offers assistance with tax balances owed for prior years. For FREE legal help with your dispute with the IRS, call 404-413-9230 or

For more FREE, Local tips check out The Coupon Tutor blog at A 2 hour grocery store couponing class will be held at Papa’s Pantry on Wednesday, March 14th from 10 – noon. The cost is $10 per person plus 10 non perishable items for the pantry. Pre-registration is required by calling Papa’s Pantry at (770) 591-4730.

Susan Call The Coupon


prayer to look beyond the obvious need for groceries to seek how the whole person and family can be helped. When asked what brings her back each day, Sandi states, “God’s at work here. His presence is in this place. It is exciting to be a part of something that’s moving and fluid and to know we are making a difference in people’s lives financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.”

Sandi quickly made herself an invaluable asset within the Papa’s organization. Occasionally the ministry is able to give her a stipend for the endless hours she puts in. It is our hope to be able to increase monthly donations to be able to financially make Sandi an official employee. Her service is such a blessing to so many within the community.

Prior to going to Rwanda, Sandi worked for 5 years as the Director of Health Ministries at Roswell United Methodist Church through a joint program with St. Joseph’s Hospi-

tal. Between her work in Rwanda and her coming to Papa’s Pantry, she was a consultant for the Anglican Mission in America, partnering over 50 churches in North America with Rwandan communi-ties through a Sister-to-Sister partnership program.

Sandi is a Registered Nurse, graduated from The Genesee Hospital School of Nursing, Rochester NY. She also has a BS in Counseling. from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA, and a MA Leadership from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, and is a national speaker for Fresh Start Ministries on Divorce and Single-Parenting.

Sandi has three grown children, 2 sons and a daughter, and 8 grandchildren! Her mother, who is 92 years of age, lives in the Roswell area. They all enjoy opportunities when the 4 generations gather together. Thank you Sandi for your heart that loves to serve!

Sandi Harding, Associate of the Month Continued from page 3

Page 12: Christian Community News March 2012


A young and successful executive was traveling down a

neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new

Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from

between parked cars and slowed down when he

thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the car back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid, and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, “What was that all about, and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?” The young boy was apologetic. “Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,” He pleaded. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop.” With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “It's

my brother,” he said.” He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.” Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheel-chair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.” Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat... He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. “Thank you and God bless you,” the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: “Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!” God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen .


Thought for the Day: If God had a refrigerator,

your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet,

your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring.

He sends you a sunrise every morning. Face it, He is crazy

about you!

Psalm 91:4,

He will cover you with

his feathers. He will

shelter you with his

wings. His faithful

promises are your

armor and protection.

Thank you City on a Hill!

This year’s “Souper-Bowl”

food drive brought in 1,500

pounds of food plus $607.00!


Page 13: Christian Community News March 2012


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Employment Strategies Core Concepts: This 3 morning workshop takes participants from fearful and desperate to confident candidates who become excited about the opportunities! Learn how to think like an employer as you prepare a resume that will get noticed! Find out WHEN an interview really begins and gain the techniques to manage your image in advance! If you are looking for a job, you cannot afford to miss this class! Parts 1, 2 & 3, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. each day.

Mar 6, 7, & 8 March 20, 21, 22 Workshop Fee: $89.00 for each three-day session and follow-up resume coaching. Advanced Coaching: Each session we take a new topic. Cover Letters, Professionalism, Networking, Job Fairs, are just a few. Interview questions and answers are reviewed and polished each class. (Core Concepts is a required pre-requisite)

March 13, 27; $25 per session Life Balance/Time Management/Goal Setting: Not your everyday time management class! This is an opportunity to evaluate and analyze the many facets of your life. What’s working? What’s not? Set goals that really matter, and learn how to track progress in your very own Life Balance Organizer! “Make each day matter!”

10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: March 15 Spring gift: No training fee!

Couponing: Save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bill each month! The cost of food and personal items are going up! Don’t get caught having to settle for less. Learn how to maximize each and every dollar! See Susan’s money sav-ing article on page 11.

10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, March 14 Workshop Fee: $10.00 donation + 10 non-perishable food items for Papa’s Pantry

Computer Tutoring: Need to brush up or are you beginning from scratch? Computer tutors are available to help with Microsoft Word and email on Thursdays at 2:00. Pre-registering a must. No training fee, however, donations always accepted.

Bible Study: Join us as we study the Women of the Bible. Each week, discover the private lives of women found in scripture and compare to today’s many challenges we face. (Men’s participation welcome!) Easy to join at any time. Wednesdays: 1:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Free

Organic Gardening: Get ready for spring planting! Learn what grows in cool weather vs. warm. Tips to achieving good soil and pest control! Spring planting, TBA.

Nutrition Made Fun and Easy! Did I say “nutrition?” You bet! Learn how to make snacks and meals that your kids will actually enjoy… and enjoy helping to make! Please see Maureen’s article and recipes on page 5. CLASSES BEGIN ON MONDAYS IN MARCH!

The Master’s Training Center Upcoming Schedule The Master’s Training Center is Papa’s Training Division. All classes and workshops are open to everyone in the community. Some seminars have a training fee, scholarships are available-please ask when preregistering.


Page 14: Christian Community News March 2012


First Baptist of Woodstock 770-926-4428 11905 Hwy 92, Woodstock 30188 Sunday Svcs 9:30 & 11:00am; 6:00pm Spanish Service 11:00am Sunday School 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am Sr. Pastor: Dr. Johnny Hunt EVENTS March 2 & 3: Kid’s Consignment Sale. See p. 7. March 15-16: Sunday School in HD, National Sunday School Conference. See page 6.

Heritage Baptist Fellowship 770-479-9415 3615 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton 30114 Sunday Service 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Pastor: Jake Hall

Hillcrest Baptist Church 770-917-9100 6069 Woodstock Road, Acworth 30102 Sunday Services 9 & 11am; 6:00pm Sunday School 10am Wednesday Worship Service 7:00pm Sr. Pastor: Paul W. Vance EVENT March 23-24: Ladies Retreat

Hopewell Baptist 770-345-5723 75 Ridge Road, Canton 30114 Sunday Services 9:30am, 11:00am, 6:00pm Sunday School 9:30am & 11:00am Sr. Pastor: Norman Hunt EVENT March 17: Life Line Screening. See p.8.

New Victoria Baptist 770-926-8448 6659 Bells Ferry Rd, Woodstock 30189 Sunday Service 10:50am Sunday School 9:40am

Victory Baptist Church 770-337-0952 5717 Priest Road, Acworth 30102 Sunday services: 11am & 6pm Sunday School 10am Pastor: Donald E. Lewis

CATHOLIC St. Michael the Archangel 770-516-0009 490 Arnold Mill Rd., Woodstock 30188 Saturday Mass 9am, Sat. Evening Vigil 5:30pm Sunday Mass: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:45pm, 2:30pm (Spanish), 5:30pm (Teen Life) Priest: Father Larry Niese

CHURCH GOD Gateway International 770-422-0360 1455 Ben King Road NW, Kennesaw 30152 Sunday Service 11am African Fellowship 12:30pm; Hispanic Service 3:00pm; Sunday School 9:30am Interim Pastor: Michael Marcano

Mt. Paran (Central) 404-923-8700 2055 Mount Paran Road, Atlanta 30327 Sunday Services 9 & 11:15am Wednesday Worship 7:00pm Sr. Pastor: Dr. David Cooper

Mt. Paran (North) 770-578-9081 1700 Allgood Road, Marietta 30062 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30am Sunday School 9am Sunday services also held at 10:30 am in Canton at Sequoyah High School Sr. Pastor: Dr. Mark Walker EVENTS March 2: Secret Church, 6:00 pm- midnight. See page 6. March 27: Ladies’ Night Out “Secrets from Be-hind the Chair” 7:00 pm. See page 7.

EPISCOPAL Church of the Annunciation 770-928-7916 1673 Jamerson Rd, Marietta 30066 Sunday Services 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday School 9:15am The Rev. Paul McCabe, Rector

St. Clement’s Episcopal 770-345-6722 2795 Ridge Road, Canton 30114 Sunday Service 8am, 9am, & 11am Sunday School 10:15am Wednesday Services 9am, 6:30pm Reverend James B. Stutler

LUTHERAN Celebration of Grace 770-503-5050 411 Scott Mill Road, Canton 30114 Sunday Service: 10:30am Sr. Pastor: Ginny Krekling

Good Shepherd Lutheran 770-924-7286 1208 Rose Creek Dr, Woodstock 30189 Sunday Services: 8am & 11 (traditional); 9:30am (praise service) Sunday School: 9:30 & 11:00am Pastors: Paul Baumgartner & Justin Ask EVENTS Wednesdays in Lent: Lenten Services at noon and 7:30 pm; Soup & Salad Supper at 6:00 pm; through March 28

METHODIST Bascomb UMC 770-926-9755 2295 Bascomb Carmel Rd, Woodstock, 30189 Sunday Svcs 9am (contemp); 11am (trad)

Children’s church 9 & 11 am Sunday School 10am Sr. Pastor: Reverend Millie Kim EVENTS March 3: 12-hour scrapbooking event, 9am-9pm. See page 10. March 14: Preschool registration begins. See page 8. March 29: Live portrayal of the hours following Christ’s crucifixion. 7:30 pm. See page 9.

Canton First UMC 770-479-2502 930 Lower Scott Mill Rd Canton, 30115 Sunday Services 8:30 & 11am (traditional); 9:30am (contemporary) Sunday School 9:45am Pastor: James McRae EVENTS March 1: Financial Peace University classes begin. See page 9. March 9 & 10: Children’s Spring Consignment Sale. See page 7. March 18: Cherokee Chorale Spring Concert. See page 8.

City On A Hill UMC 678-445-3480 At Old Woodstock Library 7745 Main Street, Woodstock 30188 Saturday Service: 6:30pm Sunday Services 9:35am & 11:15am Pastor: Chris Bryant EVENTS March 1: Financial Peace University classes begin. See page 9 2nd Wednesdays: Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), 6:00-8:00 pm. See page 7.

Fields Chapel UMC 770-479-6030 1331 Fields Chapel Rd. Canton, GA 30114 Sunday Worship 11am Sunday School 10am Pastor: Anne Rex Hickory Flat UMC 770-345-5969 4056 E. Cherokee Dr. Canton, GA 30115 Sunday Services 9:20 (contemp) & 11:00 (trad) Pastor: Robert Brown EVENTS March 2-4: Men's Retreat at Strong Rock March 2-4: Spiritual Life Retreat for grades 6-12; $130 March 10-11: Faith Warriors Spring Retreat for grades 4 & 5; $25 2nd & 4th Mondays: Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) 9:30-11:30 am. See page 7.

Hillside UMC 770-924-4777 4474 Towne Lake Pkwy Woodstock, 30189 Sunday Services: Traditional 8:25 & 11am; Contemporary 9:25 & 11am Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00am Sr. Pastor Dr. Doug Thrasher EVENTS March 3: Women’s Conference. See page 9. March 9 & 10: Spring Children’s Consignment Sale. See page 7.

(Continued from page 8)

(Continued on page 15)

Church Directory and Church Directory and Events by DenominationEvents by Denomination

(continued) (continued)


Page 15: Christian Community News March 2012


2nd & 4th Mondays: Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) 9:30-11:30 am. See page 7. Going on now: Registration for Men of Hillside’s 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to be held Monday, May 14, at Towne Lake Hills Golf Club Holly Springs UMC 770-345-2883 2464 Holly Sprgs Pkway, Holly Springs 30115 Sunday Service 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Pastor: Ken Godfrey

Liberty Hill UMC 678-493-8920 141 Railroad Street, Canton 30114 Sunday Services 9:30 & 11:00am Pastor: Jamey Prickett

Mt. Gilead UMC 770-591-0837 , 889 Arnold Mill Rd Woodstock, GA 30188-3020 Sunday Service 11:00am Sunday School 10:00am Pastor: Rev. Ken McGehee

Mountain View UMC 770-928-0050 2300 Jamerson Rd. Marietta, 30066 Sunday Svcs: 9:30 (contemp); 11:00 (trad) Pastor: Bill Burch Sixes UMC 770-345-7644 8385 Bells Ferry Rd. Canton, 30114 Sunday services 9 & 11 Rev. Jim Buckman EVENTS Monday nights: Celebrate Recovery; fellowship at 6:30 pm; worship at 7 pm; share groups at 8 pm; Solid Rock Café at 9 pm. See page 8. Tuesdays & Thursdays: Mother’s Morning Out from 8:30 am-12:30 pm, for children ages 2 through 4. $25 a day per child or $20 a day if paid by the month.

Woodstock UMC 770-926-6440 109 Towne Lake Parkway, Woodstock 30188 Sunday Svc: 11:00 (Traditional) Sunday School: 10:00am Spanish Svc: Sunday 5:30pm Rev. Claude T. Herbert EVENT 2nd & 3rd weeks of month (Thur-Sat): thrift shop in the lower level of Latimer Hall, 10am-3pm

NON-DENOMINATIONAL BridgePointe 770-517-2977 Meets at Woodstock High School, 30189 2000 Towne Lake Hills South Drive Sunday Services 9:00am & 11:00am Lead Pastor: Mat Garcia

Church of the Messiah 770-479-5280 415 Charles Cox Drive, Canton 30115 Sunday Service 10:00am Friday morning Holy Communion 6:30 am Pastor: Fred Goodwin

Cornerstone Community Church 678-439-5108 503 Hickory Ridge Trail, Suite 160 Woodstock, GA 30188 Sunday Service 11:00am Pastor: David Kight

Dayspring Church 770-516-5733 6835 Victory Drive, Acworth 30102 Sunday Service 10:30am Sr. Pastor: Tony Crawford

Freedom Church 770-529-6006 meets at Barber Middle School 4222 Cantrell Road NW Acworth, GA 30101 Sunday Services 9:45 & 11:30 am

His Hands 770-405-2500 550 Molly Lane, Woodstock 30189 Sunday Service 10:00am

Jubilee Church 678-471-1930 Meets at Kell High School Auditorium 4770 Lee Waters Road Marietta 30066 Sunday Service 10:00am Sr. Pastor: Carl Herrington

Liberty Church(es) 770-423-7316 1285 North Cobb Pkwy, Marietta 30062 Friday Service 7:00pm Saturday Services 5:00pm & 7:00pm Sunday Services 8 & 10 am, noon, 6:00pm Pastor: John Fichtner

Prayer and Praise Christian 770-928-2795 6409 Bells Ferry Rd, Woodstock, 30189 Service 10:30 am Sunday School 9:30am Sr. Pastor: Larry Baker

Towne Lake Community Church 678-445-8766 132 N. Medical Pkwy, Woodstock 30189 Sunday Services 10:30am Saturday Messianic Fellowship 10:00am Saturday Singles Worship 6:00pm Pastor: Bill Ratliff EVENTS March 2-3: Marriage Retreat, Chattanooga, TN March 11: Souled Out 4 Christ Youth Worship Event, 6 pm Friday nights: Celebrate Recovery, 6-9 pm. More information on page 8. Friday nights: The Landing, Celebrate Recovery for teens ages 13-17, 6 pm. See page 9.

Victory North Church 770-794-7366 Palmer Middle School 690 North Booth Rd, Kennesaw 30144 Sunday Services 10:00am Jeff Hidden, Pastor EVENT March 31: Kennesaw Citywide Easter Egg Scramble at Adams Park. 11:00 am-1:00 pm. See page 10.

Watermarke Church 678-880-9092 2126 Sixes Road Canton, GA 30114 Sunday Services at 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Lead Pastor: Gavin Adams

Woodstock Christian 770-926-8238 7700 Hwy 92 Woodstock, 30189 Sunday Service 10:30 Sunday School 9:00am Wednesday Service 6:30pm (contemporary) Senior Minister: Lynn T. Eynon

Woodstock Community 770-926-8990 237 Rope Mill Road, Woodstock 30188 Sunday Services 10:30am Wednesday night worship 7:00 pm Pastor: Greg Michael EVENT First Saturday of the month: Woodstock Blue-grass Jamboree. Doors open at 6pm. $7 at the door.

PRESBYTERIAN Cherokee Presbyterian Church, PCA 770-704-9594 1498 Johnson Brady Rd, Canton 30115 Sunday Service 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Pastor: Alan Lutz EVENT March 2: Dessert Auction for Hope Center, 7 pm Faith Presbyterian Church 770-479-6193 3655 Reinhardt College Pkwy, Canton Sunday Service 10:30 am Pastor: Brahm Luckhoff

Grace Church, PCA 678-493-9869 1160 Butterworth Rd, Canton, GA 30114 Sunday Service: 11:00 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Pastor: Robie Hembree

Sixes Presbyterian 770-485-1975 2335 Sixes Rd, Canton 30114 Sunday Services 10:30 am Sunday School 9:30 am Reverend Dr. Lucas Pina

Woodstock Presbyterian 770-926-0074 345 Arnold Mill Rd Woodstock, 30188 Sunday Services 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Pastor: Julie Ferguson

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Church Directory and Church Directory and Events by DenominationEvents by Denomination

(continued) (continued) MM--PP

Page 16: Christian Community News March 2012

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY NEWS Papa’s Pantry The Masters Training Center 6551 Commerce Pkwy, Suite 200 Woodstock, GA 30189 /

March 2012

Please deliver by March 1st! Thank You!




KENNESAW, GA or 770-591-4730/ 770-591-9588 Training classes may reschedule without prior written notice.

The Master’s Training Center

3753 Marietta Hwy. Ste. 145 Canton, GA 30114

678-880-9065 Fax: 678-880-9071

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