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Page 1: Chinmaya Sunday Geeta class notes

These notes or points, whether objective or subjective in nature, are based on the Sunday Geeta Group Class, held at Chinmaya Aashram,Indore. It should be noted these are personal notes. Some hindi words are transliterated in English, like “Sattva”

Class. : Sunday on 25th Jan of 2015

The class was seated on floor, in a semi circle or an arc like arrangement.

The sound of Aum reverberated and the group went on to sing some hymns in praise of Guru.

As the discussion started, it followed a natural path on the topic of what is Maya. what Constitute Maya. Is it good or bad? All sorts related to Maya.

The three qualities rule this world. The quality of “Sattva”, “Raja” and “Tama”.

These three qualities forms a “Person Ecosystem”. And none of us are neither entirely made up of one nor devoid of. The mix varies. Some are more Sattva, some more Tama. The whole endeavour remains to achieve a right balance.

The most interesting theme was the casual blaming of Maya for our general and specific sufferings.

Chinmaya Notes

(Sunday Geeta Class)

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Now let us understand the most important thing about Maya.

Maya is a program. A program is just a program. That’s it. It do not love or hate anybody. This program, when plugged into a person ecosystem, creates a series of events good or bad. So Maya is not the culprit here. The person ecosystem into which she is plugged in, is the culprit. Every Spiritual Endeavour, Every sort of Dharma henceforth is crafted, made in order to improve this person ecosystem, to fail the Maya. To remain unaffected of Maya and to finally see through her, that Krishn is there every where.

So pls. leave alone Maya. She is just a program. A Person Ecosystem, his balancing of three Qualities, leads him though a gutter or a flower garden.

The group went on to discuss. Some of the points came out like these,

Maya is not a function of time. well it has an unique relation with time but she is not a function of time.

Maya presents herself as the Curtain which obstructs the line of sight to see Krishn. That Krishn is everywhere but we cannot see him. Such is our state, pity. This is not the effect of Maya. But our constitution, that we cannot see through her.

Maya in itself is not a hurdle. Our interaction with Maya is. When a Sadhu interact with Maya, he can still see through but we cannot. Maya do not love the Sadhu, but Sadhu’s ecosystem is good enough.

To kill an illusion, an illusion is needed.

Be thankful to Maya. Do not blame her. In one of her illusions, she will let you see through her.

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Illusion should not be handled in a child like way, that if I am typing these notes, is it real or not.that If it is not real then howcome I do not know it. Illusion has nothing to do with reality. It is just a mean. It is limited. Anything which is limited in scope has ingredients of falsehood to it. One which is true and absolute is limitless and hence not an illusion. Something which is true only to a certain extent and is relative, is illusion. that’s it. So if someone is a girl, then she is a girl, True. but is this is it only!!. Is this an absolute identity. NO. So it is an illusion.

“Aavesh” is going to be there in your lives. Manage it properly.

Try to see “As it is”. Not “As you want to”. See “As it is”. and then you are step closer to Krishn.

Strive to acquire right balance of three qualities. This can be achieved by careful study of your “Aahaar”. Anything in any form you take inside you is your “Aahaar”.


The Concept of Illusion should not be handled in a child like way.

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1. Drishya/Roop, 2. Dhwani/Shabd,3. Sparsh, 4. Gandh,5. Dravya/Bhojan/Rasa.

constitutes “Aahaar”.

Analyse your “Aahaar”. Have “sattva” in them and you’ll do just fine.

The imbalances in three qualities are cured in this way,

Tamas is cured by Rajas

Rajas is cured by Sattva

and then some day, leave Sattva, to attain the absolute truth.

And never forget,

For every action, there is an equal reaction. (and this is no illusion!)

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