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Page 1: China's New Advertising Law and Impact on Digital Marketing

Sep 2015.

CMRS Digital Solutions Limited reserves all rights on all the information contained in this document

New Advertising Law

Page 2: China's New Advertising Law and Impact on Digital Marketing


01 What’s New about New Advertising Law

03 13 Rules to obey

02 Restrictions on digital advertising

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01The New Advertising Law is enforced on 1st Sep, 2015

What’s new about New Advertising Law

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New Advertising Law

Drugs/ Medical/ Healthcare

- Spokesman are not allowed for Drugs, Nutrients, and Medical products

- Adverse reaction should be displayed clearly on advertisement

- Kids under 10 are not allowed to be spokesman for any advertising.

- Celebrity should use / experience the product before endorsement

- Anyone who endorse false advertising will not be allowed to participate in any commercial ads in 3 years

Spokesman False advertising

- The penalty fines have been increased by 3-5 times of advertising budget

- The fine could reach to RMB 2 million for breaking the laws 3 times in 2 years.

- False advertising may lead to license revocation, credit constraints, as well as limitation in industry entrance.

• 禁止 10岁以下童星代言• 广告代言人不得为未使用过的商品或者未接受过的服务做代言• 代言虚假广告三年内禁止代言广告

• 医疗、药品、医疗器械、保健食品不允许明星代言• 药品广告须显著标明禁忌不良反应

• 罚款额度调整为广告费用的 3-5倍;• 两年内 3次以上违法最高可罚款

200万;• 发布虚假广告还将面临吊销执照、信用约束、行业进入

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02The New Advertising Law is enforced on 1st Sep, 2015

Restrictions on digital advertising

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Restrictions on digital advertising

• Based on New Advertising Law, a new principle about Internet advertising management will soon be applied.

• The New advertising Law applies to all kind of digital advertising.

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Three NOs to digital advertising




To ensure user’s experience, all pop-up ads have to be

equipped with close button clearly.

Junk electronic mails and messages are forbidden without prior permission;

advertising messages must be displayed with the information of the

senders, including names and contact in order to allow the recipients for

rejecting the messages.

Telecom operators and internet service providers shall be liable to illegal advertising messages and will be

heavily penalized by ceasing operation on the corresponding businesses by the State Administration for Industry

and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

• Extreme description and wording are not allowed to appear on the headlines, posters, detail pages.

• The penalty could reach between ¥ 200,000 to 1,000,000• Under extreme situation, the operation of the advertisers will be ceased.

• 极限用语不得出现在商品列表页、商品的标题、副标题、主图、详情页,以及商品包装等位置。• 使用极限词语的违规商家,将被扣分,并遭到二十万元以上、一百万元以下罚款,情节严重者将被直接封店。• 顾客投诉极限用语并维权成功后,赔付金额将由商家全部承担。

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

Related to “一”一第一、中国第一、全网第一、销量第一、排名第一、唯一、第一品牌、 NO.1、 TOP.1、独一无二、全国第一、一流、一天、最后一波仅此一次(一款)、全国 X大品牌之一

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

国家级、国家级产品、全球级、宇宙级、世界级顶级(顶尖 /尖端)、顶级工艺、顶级享受、高级、极品、极佳(绝佳 /绝对)、终极、极致Related to “”级 /极

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

首个、首选、独家、独家配方、首发、全网首发全国首发、首家、全网首家、全国首家、xx网独家、 xx网首发、首次、首款、全国销量冠军、国家级产品、国家(国家免检)国家领导人、填补国内空白、中国驰名(驰名商标)、国际品质

Related to “”首 /家 /国

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

大牌、金牌、名牌、王牌、领袖品牌、世界领先、(遥遥)领先、领导者、缔造者、创领品牌、领先上市、巨星著名、掌门人、至尊、巅峰、奢侈、优秀、资深、领袖、之王、王者、冠军Related to “”品牌

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、 100%、高档、正品、真皮、超赚、精确 Related to “”虚假

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

老字号、中国驰名商标、特供、专供、专家推荐、质量免检、无需国家质量监测、免抽检、国家 xx领导人推荐、国家 xx 机关推荐使用人民币图样(央行批准除外)Related to “”权威

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

涉嫌欺诈消费者:点击领奖、恭喜获奖、全名免单、点击有惊喜、点击获取、点击转身、点击试穿、点击翻转、领取奖品涉嫌诱导消费者:秒杀、抢爆、再不抢就没了、不会再便宜了、没有他就 XX,错过就没机会了、万人疯抢、全民疯抢 / 抢购、卖 / 抢疯了

Related to “”欺诈

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Extreme Description and Wordings are forbidden.

限时活动必须有具体时间今日、今天、几天几夜、倒计时、趁现在、就仅限、周末、周年庆、特惠趴、购物大趴、闪购、品牌团、精品团、单品团 (出现该字样必须要有活动时间)严禁使用随时结束、随时涨价、马上降价

Related to “”时间

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03The New Advertising Law is enforced on 1st Sep, 2015

13 Rules

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13 rules you cannot break( 1)广告中禁止含有使用军旗、军歌、军徽,危害人身、财产安全,泄露个人隐私,色情、赌博等内容;( 2)禁止在大众传播媒介发布母乳代用品广告;( 3)禁止在大众传播媒介或者公共场所、公共交通工具、户外发布烟草广告;( 4)禁止利用不满十周岁的未成年人作为广告代言人;( 5)禁止在中小学校、幼儿园内开展广告活动,在中小学生和幼儿的教材、教辅材料、练习册、文具、教具、校服、校车等发布或者变相发布广告,公益广告除外;( 6)任何单位或者个人未经当事人同意或者请求,禁止向其住宅、交通工具等发送广告,禁止以电子信息方式向其发送广告;( 7)禁止医疗、药品、医疗器械、保健食品广告利用广告代言人作推荐、证明;( 8)除医疗、药品、医疗器械广告外,禁止其他任何广告涉及疾病治疗功能,并不得使用医疗用语或者易使推销的商品与药品、医疗器械相混淆的用语。

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13 rules you cannot break

( 9)禁止教育、培训广告对升学、通过考试等作出明示或者暗示的保证性承诺,明示或者暗示有相关考试机构或者其工作人员、考试命题人员参与教育、培训,利用科研单位、学术机构、教育机构、行业协会、专业人士、受益者、的名义或者形象作推荐、证明;( 10)禁止招商等有投资回报预期的商品或者服务广告含有对未来效果、收益或者与其相关的情况作出保证性承诺,明示或者暗示保本、无风险或者保收益等;( 11)禁止在针对未成年人的大众传播媒介上发布医疗、药品、保健食品、医疗器械、化妆品、酒类、美容广告,以及不利于未成年人身心健康的网络游戏广告;( 12)在针对不满十四周岁的未成年人的商品或者服务的广告中禁止含有劝诱其要求家长购买广告商品或者服务或可能引发其模仿不安全行为的内容;( 13)公共场所的管理者或者电信业务经营者、互联网信息服务提供者对其明知或者应知的利用其场所或者信息传输、发布平台发送、发布违法广告的,应当予以制止。

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