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Page 1: Child Life Internship Program

E A S T T E N N E S S E E C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L

2018 Clinch Ave., Knoxville, TN • 865-541-8000

InternshipChild Life

Thank you for your interest in the Child Life internship program at East TennesseeChildren’s Hospital.

We are always looking for qualified, motivated students who will take advantage of all thebenefits of the internship program. To apply, review the following information andcomplete the attached application in its entirety.

If you have any questions about the program, call Mary Pegler, M.S., C.C.L.S., Directorof Child Life at 865-541-8909.

Page 2: Child Life Internship Program

Internship?Child LifeWhat is the

Children’s Hospital offers a 14-week internship program directed by Child Life Specialists. The intensive nature of the program will allow students to gain practical, concentrated experience on an undergraduate or graduate level. Our goal is to develop competent Child Life professionals as stated by the Child Life Council guidelines.

Length of the program: 560 hours over 14 weeks

Prerequisites • Undergraduateorgraduatestudent • Completedpracticumexperienceswithchildren • CompletedcorecurriculumwithapprovalbytheChildLifeCouncil • Gradepointaverageof3.0inmajorand2.5overall

Objectives of the program • TodemonstrateunderstandingoftheroleofaChildLifeSpecialist • Tobeginthetransitionfromstudenttoprofessional • Todevelopleadershipskills • TogainexposuretobasicknowledgeoftheorganizationandadministrationofaChildLifeprogram • Todevelopaprofessionalattitude,growth,maturityandjudgment

Student rotation areas • Medicalandsurgicalunits • Outpatientclinics • Pediatricandneonatal intensive care units • EmergencyDepartment • RadiologyDepartment • CommunityOutreach programs • Pre-admissiontours

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Page 3: Child Life Internship Program

The intern experienceChildren’s Hospital Child Life interns will: • AssistintheassessmentofpatientneedsintermsofChildLife. • Establishandmaintainpositiverelationshipswithpatientsandfamilies. • Assiststaffinhelpingchildrenandtheirfamiliesadjusttothehospitalsettingandinpreparationfor procedures and surgery. • Planandimplementplayactivitiesforpatientsintheplayroomandatthebedside. • AcceptrequestsforservicesfromstaffanddiscusstheserequestswiththeChildLifeSpecialist. • Assistwithspecialevents. • Attendmeetings,in-servicesandworkshops. • Observeanddocumentthebehaviorofpatients. • Keepdailycensusformsandstatisticalinformation. • Viewvideosandreadjournalarticlesrelatedtochildrenandhealthcare. • Assistinsupervisingvolunteers. • Assistinorganizingandmaintainingplayroomstoensurethatequipmentissafeandclean. • PrepareandpresentaprojecttoChildLifestaff. • Participateincommunityeducationevents. • Beevaluatedthroughouttheinternshipperiod. • Completeotherdutiesasassigned.

E A S T T E N N E S S E E C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L

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